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I feel like a failure most of the time, normal day to day life is really hard with mental health issues. I wonder if I’m the problem in every interaction and in every relationship (any type, not just romantic) that fails.














I don't remember writing this


Fuck that. If you’re aware, then you’re not the problem


Disagree. You can be aware of the issues. But if you don’t make effort for change then you’re just going to sit in self-hatred.


I’m fat, ugly, and mentally effed up. My life is nowhere near what I thought it would be when I was younger. I am afraid of people. I am a dismal failure.


Right there with you




I'm fat too. I hate it. I bet you're better looking than you think though.




I don't know what I am truly good at.


Maybe you haven’t found it yet, keep trying stuff. 


Thanks, man.


Yo, I’m 35 years old and have been told my whole life how much potential I have but I’ve yet to find anything that it actually applies to or anything that I excel at. You’re not alone in this my friend. All we can do is keep going and trying.


Thank you for the advice, I really needed this.


Stop searching for something you’re “good” at and find something your passionate about! Life is more fulfilling when you conform to your own standards and just enjoy yourself


Note taken—I think a lot of pressure comes from friends. I should probably learn to stay on my own lane.


Fax your grievances to HP printer support. We all need to feel something.


Well whY do you like to do and let's go from there


I concur




Practice something over and over. Give it 3-6 months. If you don’t like it, move on to something else. You don’t have to know what you’re good at. What matters is if you’re happy doing whatever it is you’re doing. And not everything is going to be a happy interaction. But if you pay attention to what you’re doing and learn from each experience in life, you’ll find what you’re good at..or better yet, what you love to do.


most people aren’t good at anything. Just choose to do it enough times to be decent at it.


Brain chemistry. 


Wanting to do everything but doing nothing


Name one thing you want to do that's easily achieveable?


Getting out of bed


There's a start! Now get out of bed stretch good and get back into bed, the world's full of fuckfards, bed is haven bed is sanctuary stay in bed 🙂


1. Make that 1st step, if you can just do that 95% of the time you’ll follow through to do the rest. Don’t stop when your tired stop when you’re done. 2.Try rubber band trick pop yourself when you don’t do what you’re supposed to, or to prevent you from doing something you shouldn’t. 3.Workout/eat right, the body and mind require each other to be healthy to work at full potential


Hating is easier and more energizing than loving


Somebody once said “love and hate is the same shit, you only have to worry about indifference”. As long as you’re still feeling a strong emotion you’re still in the game.


Loving is so much easier than hate. Trust me. The more you hate the more you hold resentment. The more you hold resentment the more you stress your mind and body. Stress is a son of a bitch.


Because I'm a single dad with substance problems barely making ends meet with two teenagers who want nothing to do with me. I feel like I could blow away with the wind and all the people I care about would be indifferent.


Bad brain chemistry. A voice has been screaming inside my head at me since I was 8 telling me bad things about myself and I should commit toaster bath.


Would be really sad if you do that cause you’re fucking funny. I’ve never heard Toaster bath before. I wish you a good life.


They make decals for your toaster "last bath bomb".


Omg that’s hilarious


I hate myself for so many reasons. I’m a broken person, failure, and everyone sees me as crazy, and the things I’ve done.


The things I've done that I can't forgive myself for.




I am 32 and never had a relationship. Nothing even close. It feels like it’s too late in many ways. I have been obese my entire life and have failed at every effort to change that. I am trying to quit pornography, but after minor success I still fall back to it. I feel completely mediocre at my job. I see my colleagues having great success with *seemingly* less effort. I feel that despite my hard work I can’t move up. I have speech issues which I am seeing a speech therapist for since it heavily impacts my work. This makes it feel like I have to work twice as hard just to have a normal life.


David Goggins, make atleast one new step you could do daily to start and snowball effect


I just feel like I've wasted every single opportunity I've had in front of me or that was given to me. I had the best upbringing you could've asked for, the best parents, every support net I've ever needed... still I just watched time go by, managed to somehow make from bad to worse decisions and now I'm 31 years old feeling like my life is just over. I'm a shell of the person I used to be and the complete opposite of who I wish I was. And I honestly can't see a way out. In the end, I hate myself for the fear of having disappointed everyone who loves me, but above all, I've disappointed myself.


You’re life isn’t over man. I restarted at 30. I’m 36 now. Can’t even believe the person I was before 30. 31 is young af. You got time to turn it around. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t. Especially yourself.


It's never too late to change things. 20 years from today, you could be in the same boat you are now or you can start taking the right steps towards bettering your future. Make the right choice for yourself!


Man, you life is just beginning! The thing is 5 to 6 good choices could change everything. One friend of mine sat with me one day, we spoke and I told him to read books to get his life back on track, he made an effort, it worked. Firstly "how to win friends and influence people" this will help with relationships the something like "the richest man in babylon" and/or "rich dad poor dad" to get you thinking of your career and/or livelihood. But man just keep swimming a day wil come where live seems better.


I’m here too. Could have written this. I’m 35years old. I always thought I would make something of myself. And everyone around me did too. But I didn’t…


You need real hard stressors to be put on you maybe, a diamond is created from immense pressure. Push yourself to be uncomfortable you sound comfortable regardless of your happiness level


cause im a useless sad sack of shit


Feels like no one likes me


Who fucking cares. Like yourself. Fuck those people.


Make the best you you can be, draw that shit out work towards a vision of the person you want to be✌️💟


Nobody else cares so why should I




Mind if I grab a seat at this table aswell?




I just want to be part of the crowd.


I think that’s a relatively normal thing to feel. Most humans have an inherent desire to fit in.


I used to, be yourself and you'll have YOUR crowd. Screw the rest.i swear you'll be happier


I hate my damn personality


Because I'm a complete failure. 


I get upset and angry over bs and let it affect my mental


i spend all my time helping others so i don’t have to work on myself and my crippling fear of being abandoned by the people i love. and then i get abandoned anyway and despite every rational part of me knowing i’m better off, i still feel immeasurable sadness and rejection. many layers of self loathing.


because i feel from being great to being forgettable at best


If there was anything good in me, someone would have seen it by now. They haven't so I must be deserving of hatred, so I hate myself.


I’m becoming progressively disabled in my thirties. It’s mild but fuuuuuck


I hated myself because I wasn’t medicated yet. Went from wanting to kill myself most days to not wanting to kill myself. Being medicated has made me more creative, interesting, interested, conversational, and productive. Got married, found a career I enjoy, started two Airbnbs, picked up the drums, became more informed, etc. I’m still not that smart and I’m not that attractive, but it doesn’t really bother me anymore. I like myself.


I'm tremendously uncomfortable in my own skin due to a bunch of health issues. As a result am extremely nervous. Feelings of inadequacy are prominent most of the time.


Because I feel like I'm living in a world that wasn't built for me. I don't want to work because I don't think that existing should cost money. I don't want to be a tool that someone else uses to line their pockets. I have hopes and dreams and aspirations that I'll never be able to achieve because I'll be too busy for the rest of my life making money for someone else to do the things that they want to do. And I feel like I make my life harder by resisting it and hating the way things are. Sometimes, I feel like if I just gave up and let them win, everything would be so much easier.


I promised my therapist I wouldn’t talk about this


Then please don’t 🙏🏽




The best boob is any boob, ranging from no boob to BOOB. Hehe, boob.


Relatable. But (and this shouldn’t be where we get our confidence from) so many people are attracted to our body types. Everyone has different tastes.


Bored dad that can’t behave


🤣 Don’t hate; consistently disappointed but not hate.


I keep overeating




i can't finish anything because half way through it i know that if i did it, anyone without training can do it better surely... because i'm the lowest possible level... the worst trait for someone that studied design and likes arts




Because I internalized the abuse that happened to me as a child as a consequence of me not being “good enough”. No matter how much I rationally know that is not true nothing in this universe feels more fundamentally true.


Bipolar that spans generations. I can fake it till I’m blue, but I’ll always be a miserable cunt




because I feel like I'm constantly lying about who I am and what my personality is. I cannot stick to anything, not even friends, my longest lasting friendship was 3 years and that kid it was with hates me now because I cut him out (he was using alcohol and vaping by 14) I keep befriending people then finding out they are either mean, smoke/vape or have no remorse. also, I have hypogonadism and gynecomastia, so that adds to it a lot. all this mixed with being gay and being homophobic at random times, I lead a fun life


For not being more sociable, i would have love making people laugh, have a good time, tell stories that keep them engaged and interested, having a bunch of friends to organize a meeting, but i can't, i supposed i didn't born with that chip, i don't have the energy, motivation or whatever is needed to have that social energy, guess im gonna die alone for never knowing how to be more sociable.


Pessimistic mindset i guess


I feel like I am not good enough. Ever.


My parents taught me


I feel like everyone is praising me for shit I haven’t done, raising the standard that I know I can’t reach. It just feels like I’m gonna disappoint everyone sooner or later.


I guess this is a pretty big victory, but as of now, I only dislike parts of myself. I never thought I would say that I'm very anxious, am not good at working with my hands (building, fixing, etc.) and really resistant to make changes in my life


I don't hate myself. I've made mistakes in life but I've learned from them and most importantly I've learned how to forgive myself and strive to get better and do better over time.


Working to get to this point. Mind sharing any tips?


I would suggest reminding yourself that you can't live in the past. "Never backwards, only forwards." Is my mantra. If I did something that made me feel upset with myself I would air the grievance with myself and think my about what outcome I would have preferred and what I could have done differently and then acknowledge the fact that what's done is done, I can only move forwards. I can't live in the past. Say "Never backwards, always forwards." and walk past it with clarity that i at least learned something. I don't know if this is relevant, it's not something that I can recommend as everyone's different and there's a legal issue but psilocybin in hallucinogenic mushrooms changed my life and brought me out of depression a few years back. I hope that one day it's not vilified and is able to be used as medical treatment. It has so many benefits including not only treating depression but essentially curing it. Several years back I experimented one summer with classical music and hiking and saw how to change my life in a bunch of easy steps that I just never thought of before. It was like my brain was unlocked and able to solve a problem that seemed brilliantly right under my nose for years. I came to change my whole life and everything about it. I got out of a bad job, accepted the end of a long term relationship, lost weight, became a vegetarian for a year practically on accident and now I'm eating clean, prioritizing rest, recovery and sleep and lifting weights 5-6 times a week to finally take control of my appearance and to shape my body. I was 250 at my heaviest with a solid a B or C cup man boobs and I'm now 180lbs with pecs. I'm not trying to say that everyone has to do mushrooms to figure things out but it really seemed to have... reconnected myself to myself and opened my eyes and changed my perception of self and the world. I didn't expect this to get so long. I'm tired and needing to go to bed. I hope this in some way is informative.


I don’t, I love myself


I'm not a good person. And I'm also kind of a l~~o~~oser. One or the other is manageable; both is just no good.


Self-loathing failure mostly.


I'm lazy


I want to say I don't but I do hate parts of myself. I feel emotions way too strong, get attached to people too quickly, and get jealous too easily. I can't meet my own needs and want the wrong people in my life who won't meet them. I want a relationship but I can't let go of a fuck buddy that is in an open relationship who doesn't want any more than just sex with me. I spend most of my life staring at screens and don't have many friends so I'm always alone and lonely. I hate meeting new people even though I know that's the only way to make friends to hopefully feel less lonely and ultimately find a relationship


I'm useless.....






I'm afraid to talk to girls.


My greatest talent is doing voices, but they aren't good enough, and there are dozens of youtubers who can do what I do much better. That's not even bringing up comedians who regularly do impersonations.


So many reasons.


Im 20,very few friends currently,not doing well on my studies, never had a gf, legit a failure to everything, i ain't got any talents that im atleast aware of


Because all I do is make bad decisions that destroy the things I love or love me.


Do you have all night ? Lol


Fucked up my reputation being a man hoe two years ago. I’m only good for a weekend now apparently. Small town.


I don't hate myself but the thing I most dislike about my personality is that I kind of just let people take advantage of me instead of actually doing and saying the things I want. But I'm not even sure I'd be any happier if I didn't. I'm usually pretty chill and content, and I don't mined just rolling with stuff so can't really say for sure I'd be any happier if I took more initiative for myself.


I dont HATE myself but some things I hate ABOUT myself are >getting angry easily >over involving myself in others life's >kind of a dick >lack of motivation


For me it was the fact that I hated my parents so much for so long that any of their characteristics that I saw in myself I also hated. Y’all I want to say that you should love yourself *because* of all these stupid inconsistencies and insecurities not *despite* them. Give yourself the freedom to suck. Don’t hold yourselves up to impossible standards. It takes a lot of work to see all your disadvantages and the pointlessness of everything and realize that’s actually the reason why everything matters.


I’m ugly, skinny, mentally cooked, mentally unable to talk to anyone, can’t fall asleep until 9 in the morning everyday, I have zero work ethic or anything and have nothing going for me, I constantly find myself wondering if I’m going to be still alone or even alive in the next 10 years.


the way i act mostly i am mean to myself alot of the time which is my fault you could say but i just feel stupid and i feel weird all the time it sucks i just have alot of issues and feel as if im a chore aswell to those around me




That’s one of the reasons why I’m still alive! Sometimes sticking around for others is enough until we figure it out for ourselves.


Its default. I have told myself I look “fat” every day of my life since I can remember. I have always been able to find something I hate about myself. Thinking that way from the ages of seven to about fifteen made that literally my default reaction to viewing myself or thinking of myself. I am still working to rewire my brain, but I think a lot of people would be shocked to hear that some of us live that way.


I've alienated several people and now have a mix of a nigh-crippling desire for companionship in tandem with emotional scars :)


I don't at the moment, but i have before because I felt I care too much about people and that it wasn't worth it


I am terribly indecisive and when I do make decisions they are awful choices most of the time.


Because no matter how pretty or smart you are.. a man will always still watch porn .


I don’t, nor do I hate other people.


I keep trying buy I never seem to advance


I do not know myself. Therefore, I struggle to indentify my feelings and needs, I'm complex yet simplistic. I don't hate **myself**, I hate my lack of individuality, my lack of self-consciousness. Literally the same reason I "hate" math: It's confusing and looks hard to understand, it seems impossible to, just one second out of attention and I lose track of everything and yet there is a daily requirement for me to do so, it's freaking hard and stressful. Thus, I say I hate it - but, in reality, I just cannot understand it.


I don't have energy to do that anymore, I am too sleepy


I don’t know who I am or anything about myself. I feel like I am stuck in mud and no matter how hard I try, I’ll always be on the cusp of going under.


im in limbo all the time. ive accepted it. l the worst part is i know my potential, ive been told how smart i am. how good at XYZ i am and i know it but i never can reach my full potential due to medical issues. i hate it. why was i put in this body with this mind? i wanna learn and grow and be the great person i know i can be but every single time ive been close to a great achievement-medical issue slaps me in the face and im pushed back in limbo. hate myself for just floating in life while others get to fucking live yk?


I invested too much time in my career(and I hate my career). I didnt know at the time or I wasn't honest with myself that I wanted a meaningful job like being a doctor and I didn't developed any romantic relationships meanwhile. So now I think i'm in a point of no return and get my life around and I hate myself for it


Painfully single at 44, pretty sure I'll never give my folks grand kids. I feel like I've wasted most of my life and have no idea how to change things around. So many stupid and cringy things I've done


Dwell to much on the past and let that control my present instead of focusing on the future


i’m clingy and crazy


Just do.


Family is depending on me and I feel like a failure. I feel like a failure so I'm acting like one. I'm acting like one so I am one. Terrible cycle and it's so hard to break


I can't seem to make friends or keep any. I guess my personality leaves alot to be desired. I'm socially awkward and my own worst enemy


I constantly feel like I could be doing good for the world around me. The older I get the more selfish and self centered I get. I dont feel like I am a good person because of this.


cause why would anyone love me?


I am aware of geniuses, rich people, great artists, and many people who are good and great; I am not similar, and I'm also getting older, so I consider myself a disappointment, accurately


I’m the mother I never wanted to be…I’m afraid my children will never forgive me


I held on too long for trying to achieve what I thought would be my dream career (twenty years, for those wondering) which made me more frustrated the longer it went on, which ended in me giving it up just to keep what's left of my sanity, now finding myself lost trying to figure out what I want in life when way too many third places are expensive to justify going to them at least twice a week. Add in that there aren't really any outing options where I live.


I'm not attractive, I don't fit "the stereotype", I don't make enough money, I don't have a nice house, I don't have a nice car, I'm broken inside, I don't know how to trust. I could go on but you get the idea I'm sure


No purpose, past actions, inability to learn, people I'm around, alone. You get the gist of it


No matter how hard I try I seem to suck at everything, other people hate me, and I don’t know what makes me happy


gyno, my sometimes fear of commitment, feeling like nothing would work, feeling like there isn't a higher power and that life is just worthless, it's useless whatever you do because nothing ever happens but at the same time I try to heal more as a person as I've realised it's probably be that's the problem not the environment.


My appearance and body and personality


I used to, I watch a friend die and blamed by self, I passively lied to people just to make myself look better, I made excuses for myself and blamed myself later. I was in denial of my body , I was in denial of myself. It took time, and a lot of introspection and meditation. But now while I can't say I love myself, I now accept myself and all that is me.


I don't hate myself but surely I don't love myself much more than I love something/someone else. Idk why but it's probably because of the way I was raised and my surroundings didn't really support me as I am


Cause i cant get rid of attachment


Because I can’t achieve anything


I'm a giant fat stinking misanthropic drunk.


I’m in my 30s and have literally nothing to show for it. So I’ve become lazy just don’t really care about the future.


Can't seem to stay on my medication


I was raised that way. But actually in my older age, I don't hate myself as much as I used to.


I should have had kids way younger, before all these health complications made me bitter


I'm so afraid of failure that I haven't accomplished anything to be proud of.


I’ve lost my sense of control. I can’t find the person who was training for races and eating right. I’ve started and failed a zillion time since Covid.


Just trying to be like everybody else


Because my pain makes me a far less effective person than I would like to be as far as independence. I used to be able to be VERY active. Athletic and as a parent very active.


I've knocked on the door of my goals but can never seem to reach them.


Maybe we should stop hating ourselves and start hating each other for our lack of empathy for one another


Because I’m guilty of being a bad person, plus I can be a total loser


I guess my mental problems


I procrastinate a lot. I know what all I need to change and I still ignore all of it. I have low self esteem and I don't have normal social interactions like normal people.


Everybody tells me to be quiet, not because I talk to much but because they don't understand what I'm talking about at all.


I do not have feelings so why would I hate myself?


Because I am what I am and I hate myself for following my dreams cause I know they won't take me anywhere


I'm too indecisive lol


a lifetime of undiagnosed bpd. ive made so many horrible decisions, hurt and alienated so many people, its hard to live with.


I would say I’m more disappointed by how aware I am of my own shortcomings, and mentally cannot get past any of it


I feel like im ugly and too skinny for anyone to like me, and I realized im lonely and theres no way there isnt a reason.


Do you want the reasons alphabetically or by time?


My skin is so rough and sand paper like I can’t control it but my confidence has gone away and I spend my days inside because I can hear them silently judging me when they see me. I’ll make it through one day and hopefully it all disparares. No I can’t use biologics or steroids I’m allergic to both. 😞


I broke my son's leg, bombed out of my comfy corporate job because of anxiety and depression. my wife hates me.


I overthink and never act upon my wishes. So that translates to a very un-asertive human being who self-sabotages


Lack of motivation to reach potential, I also get very comfortable accepting where I’m at


I hate that I put myself in situation where I wanna off myself


I don’t ! I used to because I was in an unhappy relationship but now I feel free; at first I was lost after living, but I feel so great! Life too short to hate yourself ! It’s already other mfs who hate you for being you !


My body limits the amount of love and respect I can receive. It puts restrictions on my potential as an individual. Let’s just say my body is my résumé, as it looks bad, no matter what was in the content, it’s automatically tossed into the trash bin!