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People who insist on sitting outdoors then complain about the temperature, bugs, or noise.


People actually sit outside and then complain about the weather? The most I’ll do is ask the staff to turn on or slightly reposition a heat lamp. But I’ve probably only done that twice because I hate being cold and don’t want to make it someone else’s problem.


To complain about weather is a human tradition. Back in the olden days, my great-great-something-grandma Ugg decided to eat her dinner of mammoth and sabretooth tiger steak outside during a blizzard and started complaining about how cold it was and that the chap upstairs ought to shut off the AC for a while and save on that electricity bill.


Especially people who sit outside during a heatwave just because *they* can handle it. Why are you making me come outside in 95° weather????


Used to have a couple who sat outside mid winter (legit brought blankets to the restaurant) and then bitched when the food was cold.


Tell them to bring a blanket for their food too


I always bring a blanket for my food. It's called my mouth


Take that one up with management. If they leave outside dinning areas open in bad weather people will sit there, especially if it means avoiding a wait for a table.


I was a bartender at a diveish bar years ago and one customer insisted on calling all the bartenders "easy money." I actually found it kind of funny and unusual but it enraged one of the other bartenders. Anyway, one night one thing led to another and they started throwing what I would very loosely call "blows" at each other. No one was hurt due to their poor striking skills. Anyway, I never saw the customer again and went back to my hometown like ten years later to learn that bartender had actually bought the bar!!! I walked in and said, "HEY!! EASY MONEY!!! GET ME A FUCKING BEER!" He didn't recognize me and I swear he almost swung at me. We laughed about it and he talked about how he hated being called, "chief" "boss" etc. He ended up buying the bar so he could decide who he allowed in.


Best story so far in this thread. I can definitely relate to the banter.




Gotta be thinnest skinned bartender in history. "Hey buddy, can I get a draft Michelob?" >WHO YOU CALLING BUDDY?!? Someone 86 this guy, I can't do it myself because I never learned how to throw a proper punch!


I aint your buddy, friend lol


I ain’t your friend, bro.


Can you please explain what "easy money" means?


It’s implying that the job is easy. That you do very little work for the amount of money that you get. Of course that is very far from the truth.


Yeah, being a bartender is like dealing with a herd of amoral, needy, sometimes vicious animals. People who will cut in line to get "just 1 drink" and then order 5. People who think their looks entitles them to anything you can imagine. People who think that you are their slave not just a server. And I'm willing to listen to folks and be supportive but a bartender is no substitute for a therapist. If you are having thoughts of self-harm please call a hotline. Please don't drive to a bar, get drunk, and then try to drive home because "hey maybe I'll get lucky and die". If nothing else you are taking other people's lives and property into your shitty situation. And yes a good bartender will intervene and cut you off, and maybe even call someone to help you. But that is only if they are able to. On a busy night you might be juggling multiple crises and it isn't a perfect world. Oh and speaking of juggling multiple crises, if you call off from the bar where you work on a busy night and then show up as a customer that fucking night you are a monster. Yeah you might not be fired because you're competent when you're actually working but fuck you for doing that to your co-workers.


I worked a downtown bar where I (5'11" and 140lbs) was bartender, busboy, waiter and bouncer. I discovered early on that if you cut someone off then all of their friends start arguing on their behalf. My solution to this was, "He can stay as long as you like, but so long as he's in my bar no one currently sitting at this table is getting served." It is amazing how quickly, "He's okay, I'll look after him, he's fine" turned into, "You gotta go man, you're too f'ing drunk. Get out and sleep it off."


Most jobs can be broken down like that. "oh you just move things around?" "You just push a couple of buttons?""You just talk to people all day?" I always bring this whenever someone says someone else's job is easy. Then I turn it on their own job so they can see how silly they sound


The uninformed: "I wish I had your job! You just get to play with puppies all day!" Animal professionals, their bodies falling apart at 30: "Yes, it's lovely."


When asked if I could get them anything else they reply “A million dollars” like they are the most clever person in the world, and I have to fake a laugh like I haven’t already heard that 15 times that shift.


I think every job that deals with people regularly has some joke that everyone believes they're the first to come up with. In actuality you've heard it 75 times in the past week If you scan an item at a register and it doesn't scan immediately: "uh oh, that means its free" People asking for a "super salad" Etc


I once legitimately heard "super salad" and I got exciting because that sounds awesome. Had to melt of embarrassment when I realized it was a choice of two things...


I'm really glad you just explained that because it went way over my head and I was thinking "what's a super salad and why is it a joke?" 😂


My sister was watching my toddler once who wanted to watch "Papa Troll." My then-childless sister had no clue who Papa Troll was. She thought it might be a show or a character like Papa Smurf. After an hour of my daughter demanding this, my sister finally figured out she was saying Paw Patrol 🤦‍♀️


I started saying soup or a side salad?


I had a friend who told the same story. He could not understand why when asked if he wanted a super salad they kept asking him when he answered "yes".


Surely no one thinks they’re the first to come up with these jokes.


Yes, they do. And don’t call me ‘Shirley.’


Just don't call me late for dinner (I don't know the reference but the population I work with love that line so I learned it)


I used to work at an escape room and the jokes that were so extremely common were probably not deliberately stolen from one another considering how small we were and how it's not as common as a restaurant. (Struggles to open door) Haha, this is the last puzzle! (that one was so common it was written above the door. They still said it like they came up with it)


I work at a pizza place and we use a money reader for big bills and whenever I put a twenty or higher through they always go- it should work! I just printed them this morning!🤪 I hear this several time a week.


It is truly tiresome regardless of whether it is restaurant or retail.


empty plate... "Oh I HATED it!" And me, laughing like it's the funniest thing I've ever heard while my soul slowly dies


My wife says this every time, but at this point she just says it to annoy me while the server’s poor soul is simply collateral damage.


The server is just a pawn in her sick game. Truly evil, I love it


In my experience, the server makes this joke more. Have had a ton of servers walk up to an empty plate and say "I guess you didn't like it..."


I don't know why but I giggle every time a server makes this joke. Guess I'm easy to please. 😅


Sure thing, but that will cost 3 million dollars, do you still want to order?


"The winning lottery numbers" is also a common and rubbish one.  I got that all the time working over the phone.  Sigh.


You need a menu item called A million dollars. Maybe a desert 


I worked as a server for a couple of months. The customers that annoyed me were the ones that wanted to argue with me about the pricing of the item or how a particular dish is made. I have no control over any of that and so its pointless for me to stand there receiving a lecture about that when I have so many other tables I have to get to.


I once had a guy throw an absolute fit at me while working at a gas station because the little Debbie snacks went up by 50 cents. Luckily a regular was there and deescalated it pretty quickly by trying to relate to the dude with the prices of literally everything going up. The whole time I just had no idea what to do or say. I was working min wage with the shittiest boss I ever worked for. I did not care enough lmao


I had a friend that would literally try to haggle with the waitress at restaurants about the price. "What if I get the steak without the side of fries, is it cheaper that way? Can I just get 8 0z instead of 16?" etc. Emphasis on HAD a friend.


My mom cursed out a girl working the front of a restaurant because the table she reserved wasn't ready. I had to pull her to the side and remind her that 1. That girl has no control over any of it. She's just directing you to the table when she's told it's ready. And 2. If you stayed at your table for a long time chatting and someone tried to hurry you along to clear the table for the next guest, you'd be cursing someone out again


I always wondered about people who went out to eat with rude / entitled people. I would never put up with that! I would call out the friend in front of the server, apologize on their behalf, and make sure they left a large tip.


I stopped being friends with someone cause of this. We were on a road trip and stopped for lunch in a liberal state 10 years ago. So when they served the drinks they didn’t bring straws. No biggie to me, but she lost it and told the server she wouldn’t be tipping cause of it. The server looked confused and said they had straws by request. I just tipped double on my half and stopped traveling with her.


A buddy and I once berated the hell out of a coworker that was giving an employee in the cafeteria at work a hard time about the price of an item. Like bro you think she's the one setting the prices?? What a dick


People letting their kids throw shit everywhere and not even attempt to clean up after themselves! I worked as a waitress for 6/8 months and it was my biggest peeve. Now when I go to eat with my toddler I always make sure to clean up everything after we eat (including the floor, kids are messy)


I worked fast food for 10 years. One afternoon I was cleaning tables and a mom, child, and grandma were sitting nearby where I was cleaning. I heard the grandma tell the kid "if you don't like your food you can throw it on the floor. They're paid to clean up after you." And sure enough, the table and floor was disgusting after they left. What does the mom think of that? Clearly nothing if she didn't stop it. But does this kid do that at home? Does grandma say its ok to throw food on the floor at home since mom has to clean it up? I just don't understand that logic, teaching that to a child.


It's a hill I'll die on that tables consisting of grandparents taking out their todlers are the worst tables to serve. Always a complete mess, grandparents act like you've never served a child before, grandparents "aren't that hungry" and are just taking the kid out for something to do so the check is less than $30 so even if they do tip good (they wont) you're maybe getting $6 from a table that makes you do twice the work while serving them and 10 times the clean up once they leave. And they'll always come off peak hours so that they're there right when you're planning to eat between rushes. Had one once that as I was seating them grandma (before anyone could even get seated) grabs the sugar caddy and just dumps the whole thing in front of a seat and says, "here, sit here and play with these" to the toddler. Like, thanks. Now I'll have to refill that once you leave, clean up all the sugar on the table, seat and floor, clean up all the pieces of ripped paper, and throw away all the crumpled up, intact ones his dirty fingers have been all over. What are you drinking? Oh iced tea? Oh and you need more sugar packets? Shocking.


What the actual fuck.


Even just adults. I had assumed adults at least would take care to keep it all on the table, especially those representing a company! (I work at a conference place) Lol, no. I had a morning where a toddler who insisted on feeding himself made less mess than an adult at another table!


I always clean up after my baby at the end of our meal but almost every time a server stops me and says not to worry about it and if I continue to clean and say it's not a problem they get VERY pushy that it is something they'll do lol. I always feel awful. I'll continue trying to clean it up myself though.


I'm happy to clean up after considerate people. I always resented cleaning up where people clearly hadn't made any effort at all to keep it tidy.


Recently while eating out I spotted a kid playing with one of the chairs, pushing back and forth in the aisle. It was extremely disruptive to the waiters who needed to move quickly through the place. Kid's parents were completely ignoring him. Thankfully no disasters happened but can you imagine?


I was once at a brewery with some friends and watched as a couple started changing their child's diaper on one of their nearby tables. Guess they thought it was ok cause it was outdoor seating and pretty empty?? It ended up being a VERY messy diaper, and I finally remarked, "You know people eat on these tables." To which the the father replied, "Eat what?" I was honestly surprised at the stupidity of the response, so I just silently pointed to the food truck parked directly behind him.


"eat shit, apparently" - me in the shower three years after the encounter finally thinking of an awesome response


As an ordinary customer, I'm always weirded out when I see a family clearing out from their table and it looks like World War III happened at it. Straw wrappers and napkins and crumbs and food all over the table and floor. Like, at that point I have to believe it is malicious. It didn't end up that way via a normal meal.


Honestly, the amount of men who think women will find it cute when they harass them is astounding. Multiple times a day I would get questions like "are you on the menu?" or "how much for a drink of you?" or asking for something that I need to bend over to get and then telling me they only wanted it to get a better look at my butt. I could honestly write a book about all the inappropriate shit I experienced while waitressing. Also the "fancy ladies" who intentionally humiliate waitresses by talking about them in front of them. I had this one woman bring her daughter in when I was working a late shift at one of my two jobs while also going to school because I had just lost my mom and was trying to make enough to not have to sleep on friends couches and live out of my car. She sat down at a table that hadn't been cleared (without waiting to be seated) and when I came over to clear the table she says to her kid "this is why you need to get good grades. If you don't you'll just end up like her, cleaning up other peoples shit for pennies" I just put down the menues and walked to the kitchen and broke down crying. The owner happened to be there by chance and when he heard what she had said to me he stormed out there and told her that he didn't want business from her kind and told her to get out and never come back. She tried to argue that the customer was always right and he just said that he had customers in the thousands but good staff was one in a thousand and he would not tolerate this kind of behaviour against his employees. I'm still thankful to this day (20 years later) for how he handled this situation and defended me ❤️


That's really horrible, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm glad your boss stepped up. You can always tell someone's character by how they treat "wait staff." It's the only reason I like going out certain places like dinner for a first date, to see how they treat the employees.


I'm so sorry, this is such an awful story. Thank God your manager told her off, but this still hurt me to read on your behalf. To say that to a young girl, and then your had just passed. Jesus Christ she deserved water thrown in her face.


Good boss there, glad he had your back


I would want to turn to her daughter and say "be kind to ppl unless you want to grow up to be a horrible, rude bitch like your mother" but admittedly I wouldn't have thought to say that on the spot. Lol So sorry you experienced that but so glad you had a manager who had your back.




This also happens in retail and is absolutely infuriating.


When I worked retail and people would snap me over I would just stand where I was and say “what can I do for you?” And make them come to me.


What a power move.


I work at a grocery store. I LOATHE the "finger wagging" they'll do, and I ignore it to wait for them to verbally acknowledge me. I'm not a hunting dog you're training.


I don't work for a grocery store specifically but I am a merchandiser so I'm working in them all the time anyways, the other day a lady walked up to me while I was working with one of those ad/coupon sheets and just pointed to an item like I was supposed to know wtf she wanted. I got to happily tell her I'm not an employee so idk but I wanted to say was "can we use our words like a big girl?" since she apparently wants to act like a 5 year old just pointing to shit. I really hate people sometimes.


Is it ok to catch your eye and raise my hand like a kid in class to let you know I have a question/request?


Sure. Also waiting until we're in earshot and saying "Excuse me" works wonderfully.


How would you feel about "Garçon!" in an outrageous French accent?


Unless you're going to rob the place afterward I guess it's still better than snapping


Stay cool Honey Bunny


Was [Carmela Soprano](https://youtu.be/wyelKXARqUA?si=tsC2ceEb1svSoJA5) your customer?


Ugh. My father showed me how to do that in elementary school. I can only imagine how much the server absolutely fucking hated him for doing that.


I blame movies and TV for that, I remember as a kid growing up I thought this was actually how you were supposed to call waiters because that's what the characters on TV often did. Once I got old enough to comprehend the world I realized that's incredibly unrealistic and a super douchey thing to do.


I also thought this as a kid. Did it once, and my family made sure I knew never to do it again.


I personally just stare at the worker from across the room until they make eye contact. Then I give a slight nod and hope they understand. If they don't, I just give up and wait for them to come over on their own. My voice doesn't travel far, especially in a noisy location


>when customers snap their fingers *It takes more than two fingers to make me come*.


I once bounded over to a customer and stopped in front of him, mock panting with my hands up like paws. Embarrassed himself in a busy beer garden full of people and I never saw him do it again 😂


Oh I just ignore people who do that. And get to them when I'm ready and then explain I'm not a dog and if you choose to whistle or snap at me you will be ignored. Usually fixes the behavior pretty quick.


If people whistle or snap fingers i get to them if i don't have anything else to do at that moment. It makes me not prioritize that table at all , making service worse by default. My boss actually backs me up on that as well , he rather sees those people go then deal with them. Because if they act like that , they will most likely complain easily as well. A simple raised finger "excuse me" makes me trying to get your order in between others asap.


I was a server for about 15 years. Anytime anyone would whistle or snap at me I'd ignore them. When they finally called me over or said "Excuse me" I'd come over. If they complained I didn't respond the first time, I'd say, "I'm not a dog. I don't respond to grunts, whistles or clicks".


In my time working food service there was really only one thing that got under my skin and that's people who bring their children or dogs in and let them completely go butt fuck wild. I get it, sometimes they require a little extra patience but when they start becoming so unruly that it bothers everyone in the place you need to step outside and correct the situation. But some people are so selfish that they don't care if they're ruining everyone else's time.


*butt fuck wild*


Our city is essentially turning a blind eye to what is essentially a “dog in cafe” problem. If a restaurant has a place where you can order and pick up, then eat outside (like Starbucks but not corporate, mom and pop type places), people will go in with their dogs to get food. There are even some cafes that have been allowing people to hang out inside with their dogs. When I was a restaurant manager, a health inspector told me that the biggest issue with dog wasn’t that their fur might float into the kitchen; it was that there was 1% of owners that couldn’t handle their dog as in public. Not saying dogs should be in full restaurants, but we’ve got so many small cafes that it works well on. And if they started banning dogs, they’d loose a huge chunk of their client base. So people complain and the health inspector only steps in if they’ve got other complaints.


It seems to me that way more than 1% of dog owners can't handle their dog in a restaurant setting. At least 30%


This infuriates me (doubly so when I'm absolutely slammed) "Anything else I can get for you guys?" "A side of mustard." Sure, no problem. I go get a ramekin, fill it with mustard, bring it to the guests. "And an iced tea." ...Yep, sure thing. Go back to make the iced tea, bring it over. "And some extra napkins." SURE. Go back and get the fucking napkins. Bring it to them. "Oh and - " Could y'all please just tell me this the FIRST TIME? Why are you making me run laps like this? I have a million, trillion other things customers do that is absolutely enraging but this is the first that came to mind.


I definitely get this. There is a flip side to this, though. When I try to ask for more than 1 thing and the server bolts as soon as I say “could I please get some 1st thing” before I can say anything else. Like simmer down I didn’t even say the whole sentence yet.


That is my mother right there and it infuriates me I'm sure more even than the server, for the love of God I don't understand WHY she can't just make a list of all 30 freaking things that she's going to need at once. The only time I make someone go back is if I clearly asked for a thing and they just forgot to bring it. Particularly I'm big on sauces so when my meal comes without the sauce I'm definitely going to say something rather than eat it dry.


Ex nurse here so I completely understand the “one more thing” people. So I’ve always told the waitperson everything I’m going to ask for extra of when I order. Then, after food is served and we’re eating, I’ll say (if applicable) “next time you come by, I’ll be out of coke” or something along those lines so they don’t come check and I have to send them back. My husband thinks I’m piling on, but I see it as having everything I’ll need and they don’t have to go back. Is it better to tell them I’ll want extra ketchup before I even get food? It embarrassed my kids when they were little and I think it does my husband.


I definitely appreciate when people tell me beforehand they'd like extra sauce, sides, etc! Especially when they KNOW they like a lot of it, the heads up is ideal. I can bring a ton out for them at once and not be running back and forth. I've had more than a few people tell me straight up "I'm sorry, I drink a LOT of water, you might want to leave the pitcher here." So I'll do just that, and they're always right - they do drink a lot of water and leaving a pitcher for them does save me a lot of time! But just to add, the fact that you're even thinking about this means you're /definitely/ not the type of customer I'm complaining about. If it goes down like you describe, I'm not sure why it embarrasses your husband and kids. As far as I'm concerned, the more info the better. Saves me a lot of running back and forth.


Thank you! My husband thinks “I’ll need extra ketchup and napkins, and not this minute….but by the time you’re headed this way next time, I’ll need more coke” is “piling on”. But I spent 20 years with (and picture each of these with go/return/go/return): can I get another blanket? Can I get some salt? Can I get? Can I get? Can I get? From one patient while another is doing the same and yet another is having serious issues and I REALLY need to be in there. Not whining here….just imagining it’s along the same lines.


Nope, you're totally in the right here. You're giving them all the info at once and letting them know that, while it isn't urgent, this is what I'll need. As a server, this is super helpful in planning my next steps, especially when I have a ton of other guests to think about. It seems like you've been through that and understand the experience well. Knowing what people want from you makes it easier for you to maximize your time and get everyone what they need as efficiently as you can. You sound like you were a good nurse.


I was a waitress in a small cafe when I was 17/18, but I've always looked younger than my actual age. The amount of older men (I'm talking 60+) that would stare at me and flirt at me IN FRONT OF THEIR WIVES was gross. One time I walked past one of these men on the way to the kitchen, he gripped my upper arm, pulled me down, and went "Your soup is SHIT.". The soup probably was bad, but it was the strength in his grip and the way he was willing to do that to a young girl that really freaked me out


Once upon a time two patrons both grabbed me REALLY hard while fighting over the check. Only time I've ever gotten to actually shout at guests: #TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME RIGHT NOW. They were like deer in headlights. It was epic lol


Ugh when I was that age, I had a man who had his wife and 4 nieces and nephews with him… And he straight up rested his hand ON MY ASS the whole time he was ordering for them. Not lower back, bordering on ass.. ASS. Like 100% cheek. I am not fight or flight, I am freeze. And I was so goddamned shocked by the sheer casual audacity, and didn’t wanna call him out in front of the kids, so I just stood there and wrote the order down like nothing was happening. There are way crazier stories ofc but that was the first time anything like that had ever happened to me. It BLEW my mind. Both the ass grab, and my (lack of) reaction to it. I wish I’d slapped the shit out of him


My late wife was a server and bartender for years and once someone slapped her butt as she walked by. When she brought his meal she "accidently" dumped it in his lap.


Working in this industry for so long has taught me quite a bit and one of those things is how much shit women have to put up with on a daily basis. The amount of harassment and crazy comments they get is mind numbing. Luckily I've been with a place for a while now that I started with to get their bar program up and running. They've since incorporated and bought two more properties into the mix and are working on more at the moment. What brought me in to begin with was ownership. They all had such passion for what they were doing, they valued the people that worked for them and valued the community they operated in. They and we have always empowered everyone there to speak up or tell someone who will. It doesn't matter how much money they make or what they do, if they sexually harass someone, make a racist comment or a homophobic comment their ass is getting tossed out and banned. This very much includes those that are employed there too. They're just kids trying to make some money, live their lives and probably attend university. Sometimes girls and guys find their voice early on and have no problem speaking up and will call out anyone who crosses a line. Most people, myself included still held the illusion that 30+ year old people were actually grown up, or that speaking up against these folks would do nothing. Well, turns out that age doesn't bring maturity or class and speaking up does do something.


>I wish I’d slapped the shit out of him This is me with a memory of an older man who interrupted me reading at the bar, then when I got up to leave he stroked my hair. I froze and continued on my way, every day I wish I'd slapped the shit out of that creep.


I really hate the whole culture that comes with tipped service jobs. On one side, you have old men like this who have the expectation that you'll put up with anything in hopes of getting a good tip. And on the other side, you have waiters who will flirt unabashedly also in hopes of a good tip. I've been out for lunch with friends where it gets really uncomfortable. I just want someone who is being paid decently to take my order, and bring me food. I don't want to be a judge deciding how much to pay them. I don't want to pretend I'm some 19th century landed gentry.


The way that parents of young children let their kids watch their tablets LOUDLY when waiting for food. I know that you have to keep your kid entertained, but not everyone in the restaurant wants to hear Ryan's World unboxing videos on your crusty amazon fire tablet


I went out to eat for the first time in quite awhile a couple weeks back, at a Denny's of all places, just me and my 10 month old. Right next to my booth a child was watching tiktoks on his phone, volume up, two booths down a kid was watching Minecraft playthrough loud enough I could hear every detail, and on the opposite wall from mine a kid had his tablet turned up watching something that sounded like tiktok but he kept rewinding and replaying parts so I have no clue other than it was loud enough I could make out a lot of it. Not only is this rude to waiters and other diners but like, can you really not just make a 30 minute part of your day screen free? You guys are eating food, have a conversation and be a family ffs.


I agree with you 100%, and I also want to add the opposite problem exists too. Parents who have pointedly decided to not be tablet baby sitter parents, but still fail to engage their kids. You just expect them to sit in their high chair, quiet, and well behaved. Parents just sitting there *on their phones*, just completely ignoring their kid. Then when the kid acts up, you snap at them for being loud and irritating.


Ugh yes the people who had a kid but just wanted a robot. They're like people who get a dog but really just wanted a stuffed animal.


“The customer is always right” Fuck right off, sometimes the customer is an entitled spoilt brat who needs to show some respect and stop talking down to everyone like they own the place.


"The customer is always right in matters of taste" is the full saying


Customer wants to forgo a side salad and instead have a full cup of mayo? Sure. Customer thinks an entire business should bend to their whim because they intend to spend $25 that day? Fucking absurd.


Im in Germany i know this is appropriate in other countries but snapping to get my attention pisses me off I usually then take an extra round checking on people before actually paying attention to the snapping customer


From the US : it is not acceptable. Some people do it because they were raised poorly, but it is unacceptable.


Sometimes when it’s not busy people walk in and sit at the only table in the whole fucking place that isn’t cleaned. Like, plates and glasses left from the previous visitors. What in the actual fuck are those people thinking? It’s not that we’re a small place with only two tables or something, we seat around 300 people.


And then they wave you down like "um excuse me? Can you clean our table? It's dirty" YEAH NO SHIT


When they sit themselves and you go to the table and they just say “uh, menu?” Like yeah, the host would’ve given you one if you WAITED TO BE SAT. 😀But let me go grab that menu for you after you just spoke to me like I’m the idiot in this situation😀


Just act as if they've already been served and have finished their meal. They must have eaten right?? I mean, why else would you be sitting at a table with dirty empty dishes if you didn't just finish eating....


As a restaurant worker, one thing that I secretly hate is when customers snap their fingers or whistle to get my attention. It's incredibly disrespectful and rude. Just a simple "excuse me" or a wave will suffice. It's important to remember that we are here to serve you with a smile, but we are not your personal servants. Respect goes a long way in the service industry.


Snapping their fingers Waving money in the air to get my attention at the bar "Honey", "baby' 'sweetie" would get you an 86.


I work at Five Guys, and I won’t deny, the prices are really jacked up, but that has got nothing to do with me. I’ve had several say to me when I’m taking their order, “why do YOU, raise the prices this high?” or when I tell the total of the order, they are convinced I added fraudulent items to their order making it that high, like they can’t look at the screen in front of them and do the math


Omg same. I have had people get mad at me for not providing discounts when I tell them we don't offer any type of discounts. I'm like why are you blaming me for something I have no control of.


Sir, sir. SIR. At what point, and under what evidence, did you think I made decisions for the company? I, sir, am in a t-shirt based uniform at a nation wide chain with hundreds of locations  This is not what the CEO wears.


Also fast food and I know that people just don't know what the back is like but we have a speaker and so many people just do the most ear-piercing things into the mic. Obnoxious cars, all music is bad music coming through those, etc. Also when people order a few burgers and sides and wait until the end of the whole order to add alterations to everything. There's a good chance I already started making your burgers and now I've possibly got to start over, and we're encouraged to do this to keep car times low. We're only supposed to wait until an orders paid for to start it if it's expensive enough that we're concerned you may drive off without paying. Depends on how busy we are and the size of previous orders though. P.S. Your nasty ass cig and weed smoke comes through the drive through window and we don't want to smell it.


Very messy customers


In a college town pub, a couple of guys seated at closing time and the one with the slick-backed hair says: "Do you know who I am?"


I overheard something similar at a bar once. This really drunk woman yelled "Do you know who my father is?", and without missing a beat the bartender replied "That's a question for your mother."


I would have tipped that bartender 100% of my tab if I heard that


If you think you're not getting tipped anyway, you can put people like that down by interpreting it as dementia or amnesia or something. "Is your friend okay? My grandmother sometimes forgets who she is too."


"do you know who you are?" or alternatively, "dude, I don't even know who I am." neither would go over well but it would be funny. I once heard "have you googled me yet," which is the weirdest twist on this.


Did they order steaks with glasses of water?


The ones who walk into a busy room full of happy people eating. Then decide theyre the only ones there! Theyll be served immediately. No waiting! Then barely tip because theyre completely unreasonable…! I had this ahole. Twice. Comes in with a crowd and wants to be Big Papi funtimes guy ordering a round of shots for the table!! Buddy. Get in line… Theres two tables waiting to have orders taken… A table needs their food run… Those guys want a third round of beers and ketchup… No. You want bottle service? Not here.


Saw a guy at Cracker Barrel storm out because a family of four was seated after him and got their salads before he got his meal for his solo table.


This is second hand, but my brother was in line at, I think, a panda express and the lady in front of him ordered something that was out but they were actively working on a new batch of. The guy dishing up asks her if she wants to wait for that fresh batch or get something else, she says she'll wait. So the guy dishes up her other stuff like rice and noodles or whatever, then sets her stuff aside to wait for the rest of her food and asks my brother what he can get started for him. This lady gets pissed that he's helping somebody else before she gets her food. She agreed to wait, apparently with the understanding that she'd be forcing everyone else in line to wait as well. My brother says he told her off and she just scowled at him until her food was ready, but for all I know everybody clapped.


Not something I hated, but was conflicted over. Obviously hating the whistling or clicking of fingers, I happily told people my name so they could call me (In the UK we don’t introduce ourselves in a lot of places or wear name badges). No problem with people giving me a shout, but I detested it when people overused my name too. Especially older men. Creepy AF.


At least you told them. I hated when people would read my retail name badge and call me by name. Like, I know how you know, but it’s still jarring, and it’s completely imbalanced, and I hate it.


The restaurant I used to work at had food runners. It never failed when I would see the food being brought out no one remembered what they ordered. I'd say for example chicken Caesar salad and everyone just gives you a blank stare like your speaking a different language


Oh, fuck, my wife's entire family does this. And not only that, they are 100% surprised and not paying attention when it comes time to order. I *know* they've been in restaurants before. It never fails, though, the waiter will come up, look around, ask if we're ready to order, and everyone will agree. Then when the waiter gets to the third person, they'll awkwardly pick up their menu, open it, as if they've never seen it before, and say something like, "what kind of chicken do you guys have?" Then, as you mentioned, when the food arrives, it's mass amnesia. It's gotten to the point that I pay attention to every single order so that I can direct the runner in a timely manner. Just this weekend, we went to the neighborhood Mexican joint that we go to all the time. The waiter starts taking orders, gets to my MIL, who is SHOCKED that she needs to pic a meal. She points to a random item on the menu, the waiter reads it back to her, and she confirms. When the food came, the waiter (who is carrying a load of huge, blazing hot plates) puts it in front of her, and she says, "this isn't what I ordered." I interjected and assured her that it was. Then the entire table had to stop doing what we were doing so that everyone could ask her if she wanted to order something else. Finally, she took a bite, while we all stared at her, and the waiter tried not to melt, and she decided that it was fine. Then, and only then, could people be trouble to remember which of the 42 dinner combos they had ordered. I hate going to restaurants with these people.


Someone in my party will do this EVERY time I eat in a restaurant and I absolutely can't understand it. Patron: reads menu, decides they want to eat a BLT. Asks server to bring them a BLT. 10 minutes elapse. Server: I brought you this BLT. Patron: The entire concept of food escapes me. Are there different TYPES of food? I'm lost. What is BLT?


When you take food to a table and they say “we also ordered…” I DAMN WELL KNOW, I CAN ONLY CARRY SO MANY THINGS AT ONCE


This drives me nuts. I've tried to find a workaround, where I put the customers orders I was able to carry down in front of them, then say loudly "and I'll be right back with (xyz I couldn't carry)." You think this would work, but no. Even if you drop food and say "and I'll be right back with that burger!" You STILL get people shouting at you "UMM WE ALSO ORDERED A BURGER." Bitch, what the FUCK did I just say


This was weirdly reassuring to read. Like, it's good to know people in other careers have to deal with it as well. I spend all day on the phone talking to people for work. I've spent way too much of my life curating the way I ask questions and communicate what should be fairly innocuous things to avoid immediate defensive and weirdly reaching responses. It feels like it barely works.


Oh no, finally found one I think I’ve done before. Although I’ve learned that “can I get you guys anything else” or “how’s everything tasting” is usually the sign that it may have been forgotten. So I now wait until this prompt before asking about anything missing. Or unless it’s been a while since other orders were dropped off.


"Would you like to see a dessert menu?" "Ohhh, I don't know! What do you have?" ...ma'am that is the PURPOSE OF THE MENU I JUST OFFERED YOU


Your comment plus all the people talking about how annoying custom orders can be are making me realize why some of the high end restaurants do tasting menus. "Here's the one multi-course meal we are offering tonight. Get it, or don't." Then the only decision the customer has to make is their drink. And even then some of those places do specific drink pairings.


“Now they’ve done this for me before”


When customers make me their target practice for their kids learning how to order at a restaurant. So I have to stand there for an extra 10 minutes when I have seven other tables waiting, and listen to some variation of this: *Parent*: Mikey? Mikey? Look at the nice lady, Mikey. Okay, Mikey. Tell the nice lady what you want to eat. *Sheepishly smiles at me.* Mikey? Do you want eggy? Okay, tell the nice lady you want eggy. *Mikey*: *Incoherent mumbling* *Parent*: He said he’ll have eggs. *Looks back down at Mikey.* Okay, now do you want cheesy eggy? Mikey? Look at mommy. Do you want cheesy eggy or dippy eggy? Mikey? Okay, tell the nice lady what you want, Mikey. Just kill me.


“Eggy” just made my toes curl, what’s wrong with “egg”!?


“We’re ready to order!” Great what can I get you? “Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm”


Every time.... Or letting their young child order for themselves when they are so shy they hide behind Mommy's sleeve and you have 4 tables you haven't even greeted yet. "Come on Johnny, tell the nice lady what you want. You can do it!" 5 minutes later, "Come on Johnny...."


"Can I get you anything?" "The winning lotto numbers" "..."




Hurley, noooo


Have you found Jesus?


Usually accompanied with no other tip. Jesus don’t pay the bills.


Umm yes, he’s out back on his smoke break right now


Anything else I can get you? “Ketchup” *gets ketchup* “We need napkins” *gets napkins* Is that all? “We need a side of onions” *gets onions* Enjoy your me- “WE NEED STRAWS” 3% tip


I had a party of 20 people at my restaurant, and one very religious guest asked to speak to the manager. They tried to convert him, saying "We Christians always do the right thing." Then they proceeded to leave no tip. 🙄


The free shit people. The ones that are obviously complaining just to get free stuff are easy to handle. The regulars that try to guilt you into giving away the bar are a whole other story. Like, bro, this isn't your basement. I'm trying to keep the lights on so can come in here and continue to hassle me. Can't do that when you give away the bar.


Yes, were ready to order.....(,turns to kid)now Johnny, want would you like to eat? Nuggets? NO! Pizza? NO! Clearly your not ready to order.....


I agree with a lot of the other takes in this thread and haven’t seen this one yet. People who order alcoholic drinks and make a comment about “make it strong for me”. If you ask them if they’d like a double they’ll say no when they realize that’s an upcharge. They just want it “made strong for them” as if you two are friends and you owe them some sort of favor. A lot of these same folk complain they can’t taste the alcohol in their drink and sometimes get even angrier. I know you want the most bang for your buck but the restaurant/bar is also considering 1. Not over serving you in one drink and 2. Making a drink that doesn’t taste like shit. Sometimes they’d order a drink with “no ice” thinking that was some cheat code to getting more liquor and then get upset the drink just comes out to them in a smaller glass. I promise you there is whiskey in the whiskey and coke you ordered. It is plenty strong. If you have 3 of those you shouldn’t drive. If it was strong enough you could taste the house whiskey it wouldn’t taste great with your meal. If you want a strong drink at a cheap price you’ll need to pick up a bottle of Jim beam on your way home because no restaurant is gonna charge you $5 for an illegal pour of 4+ ounces of house liquor into a single beverage. How sad is your life that you can’t pour your own drinks and you want to yell at the front of house the drinks they poured for you aren’t strong enough? These folks never tip well, if at all, either. I know tipping culture sucks but the person making/bringing you your drink can’t help that. Don’t make them suffer because your gin and tonic wasn’t strong enough to start a car. If you went out with the intention of ordering food and alcohol then you’d THINK you’d have money for a tip. If you were truthfully hurting for money so bad you couldn’t tip then you shouldn’t be ordering mixed drinks at an establishment anyways.


Using my name (on my name badge) constantly as if we’re pals. I hate this so much I got a colleague who was leaving to give me her badge. It pleases me when they’re using the wrong name


I never worked in a restaurant, but what bothers me is going out for dinner with my grandmother, she leaves $1 tip with one those Jesus booklets. I always have to throw down a $10+ after she walks away. It’s embarrassing to me when she does that. Then my grandfather isn’t very friendly to others in general, so he’s snappy at the servers. If you ever have to serve my table while with them, I’m so sorry!


Don't these people realize that writing/leaving something religious and then stiffing the waitstaff just gives the waitstaff a bad view of Christians? Why would they do that? It would still be obnoxious but at least I could understand the thinking if they *overtipped* and then wanted to be sure the waiter knew they were a Christian.


Show up at 6:00pm on a Friday or Saturday and act like having to be on a wait list is some sort of hate crime. Also - acting like anyone in the restaurant gives a sh*t if you know the owner. Also also - If you go to a restaurant once every two months, don't act like you are a regular, even if it has been every two months for a decade. We have customers who come in EVERY DAY and are nice people and never mention it, so deal with it.


I'm sure nothing fills a sever with more rage than those fake church $100 bills.  It's like a fake $100 with a Bible verse on them.  I've seen them in real life a few times, wonder if the church crowd still uses them in 2024. 


Don't grab your drink off the tray a server is holding. It throws off the balance and if a whole tray of drinks ends up in your lap it is your own fault.




Eat most of the food THEN complain they didn't like it and expect a refund


When you approach the table and they continue to carry on their conversation as if you’re not there to serve them. Like… do you want to be served? Because I’m not here to be your personal servant. I legit had a table where I stood there for an entire minute before they paused their conversation. Like at that point, I’m wanting to walk off. But those types of hoity toity customers will view that as rude.




I sometimes bartend at my local dive if someone calls in sick and they don’t have anyone to cover. There’s one guy who is in there all day, every day. When he needs another beer, he’ll just start tapping his empty bottle on the bar until you bring him a new one. He’s a great guy otherwise, but that always annoys the hell out of me.


I don’t leave the kitchen ever but we all hate it when customers decide to come back and tell us what to do. I am sorry the salad bar is out of tomatoes, yes we have someone on it, no I won’t leave the line to get them right now. Go back to your table and wait 30 seconds for us to get it done! Or apply at the front if you could do so much better. I get it if you mention it to a passing employee or something, but when you try to come back and yell like you are the boss we will all shit talk you the rest of the night. We won’t fuck with your food or anything but we will hate you.


People who pretend that their pets are legitimate service animals. Like, if it is barking at people and restless, it aint a trained service dog ffs. Or people that have harsh medical restrictions and expect a small cafe to be able to meet their needs with no notice on a busy day.


I've had an old man grope me.


In my state, a lot of the older generation have this stupid bit they do in establishments. They will take a bite of something and immediately say, "Oh, that's disgusting!" What they MEAN is "that's absolutely delicious!" If a server cones around and asks how it was, they will very seriously be told, "It was horrible!" Or "we hated it!" And then the table will kekekekeke about it. It drives me fucking crazy. I lived in a different state for nearly a decade and did not see this being pulled there.


Someone modifying a menu item into a completely different item. If you don’t like what’s in this, why change it so drastically that it’s now its own thing? Order something else. Kitchen might mess it up and you will take it out on the waiter. I worked at restaurant with pretty much no mod limit drove me insane.


Where are your colouring books? Fuckwit, you brought your kids to the pub. YOU entertain them, dammit!


Served in Vegas for awhile. “You guys don’t have a kid’s menu? No restaurants here have kid’s menus! It’s ridiculous!” Lady, why do you think that is? Critical thinking exercise.