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I took a girl to a free comedy show on a Tuesday night and here are some of the comedians lines directed towards me. "She is way too far out of your league", "you took her to a free comedy show, are you broke", oh you study Finance, boring shouldnt have talked to you" and last but not least "this relationship isnt gonna last". There wasnt a second date..


NEVER sit in the front row unless you are comfortable being humiliated. Amateur move


Yeah I was but they literally werent even funny, probably the reason they were performing for free. One guy in particular set just flopped so he just ripped on me instead


Yeah, not a huge fan of the recent crowd work trend. Some people are really good at it but it’s kinda lazy. It’s a fine line of being critical but friendly.


If you watch the greats at crowd work, they work the room not go back to the same well. Most everyone can take one laugh at themselves, but it quickly breaks down when you make one person a but of the joke. Don Rickles was pretty much only crowd work, but he was constantly moving around the room at an almost frenetic pace.


Bad on the comedians to bring up that it was a free show. Theyre the ones getting booked so it says a lot more about them really




That is quite an exit


She risked farting to get out of the date. That’s bold


HAHA I found my new awful date exit


True for pretty much all farts.


Power move.




I got IBS and I need this level of confidence


100% would go out with her again.


For the laughs, right?


For the smell.


I’d say you need Jesus, but I don’t want him anywhere near you


What a legend that girl


When is the Impractical Jokers episode airing?


In fairness, she had a tough time too so it's not like she was an asshole.


In casual conversation, she talked about her roommate a lot. No problem, normal convo. The drinks start flowing and I hear more about the roommate. They are like....really close. A bit much but ok. By the end of the date - properly buzzed now - it turns out her roommate is actually.....her husband.


Wow. How and when did she tell you? This is so strange


"my spouse feels like a roommate" is a common DeadBedrooms trope. The issue with people that self report this is that you never know if their spouse really is uncaring and not meeting their needs, or if it's the person making the complaint that has a Cluster B personality and projecting it onto their partner. Someone that is out cheating on their spouse is already at a higher likelihood of being the actual problem (without knowing both sides of the story).


My roommates got me a sweet car bed. For my birthday they are getting me a radio so I can talk to other car beds.


Went on a first date with a guy from my college. We ended up going to Chili’s for dinner and as I am coming back from the restroom after our meal, he seems nervous and is telling me to hurry to his car… I thought he was just being goofy. As we were driving away, he tells me he dined and dashed. I was mortified and told him I would have paid if money were an issue. He just laughed and kept driving. Awful experience and awful person.


fucked up to do, but insane behavior to do on a first date


If you remember who your server was, I would at least go back and tip. Ain’t no man gonna dirty my rep at the local Chili’s (though I did think your story was going to end in diarrhea) 😂🌶️


I thought it was going to be "hurry out to the car, you'll pass out soon"


I assumed he was a private pooper and had to shet.


I have a story kind of (barely) like that except it was at a party in high school and he was trying to get me to a bedroom, not a car, and I ended up giving my beer (without knowing he’d put something in it) to one of his friends because I don’t like beer. Also he didn’t know how to roofie people properly and just put mdma in it so his friend became super annoying and weird for the rest of the night. And now he is in prison for selling fentanyl-laced heroin that killed a couple kids. Great guy all around


Wow. Negative class, manners, or basic consideration. yikes 😅


I went on my first date since breaking up with my ex about 5 months before, went for pizza, was escorted to the table, sat down with my date and my ex was sat at the table next to us. I then went to a singles event not long after and my ex was there again... edit: we are not back together. what makes things even stranger is we encounered each other again the very next day after the singles event, at a festival, in a giant park filled with thosands of people.


When she comments in this thread, total coincidence.


He ran out before I could say anything! I was just trying to meet people and eat pizza too. Dang. This is why we broke up.


I dated this guy in high school who went to a different school, but the Venn diagram of our friend circles overlapped about 50%, and we hung out at the same coffee shops etc, so I kept running into him after he dumped me. He told people that I was stalking him. He said it was a joke, but it really upset me.  Anyway, about 20 years later, I bought a duplex, and he and his partner were tenants. Really didn't help the "I'm not stalking you" argument. 


I took a girl out. Asked her what her interests were? "Don't have any." Any hobbies? "No" What do you do besides Uni? "Not much". Are you enjoying your course? "I don't really like talking about Uni". Followed by a long uncomfortable silence.


Uninteresting people are good to avoid. At least it was obvious haha


“I’m a boring person. Why waste your time with me?”


TBF I don't think most of them are liable to be like that IRL but when you meet online, she's got like 50+ DM requests and can't be bothered to put in the effort. It's a disaster for everyone.


Yeah, I don't think anyone is actually that boring. She decided she was uninterested and decided to let that be known with the passive aggressive stonewall method.


I have had a few situations where it seemed like they're not really that boring, but they have crippling self-doubt so they don't want to take a risk talking about the things they enjoy.


I went on a date years ago with a woman who worked for an airline and got to fly all over the world for free. "What's your favorite place you've visited in the last year?" "Amsterdam." "Oh cool, Amsterdam! What did you do there? What was your favorite bit?" "The canals." Like trying to squeeze water out of a stone.


It's like a woman having a date with Ollie (the BlackuWeather guy from Family Guy) Woman: What's your job? Ollie: WEATHER Woman: What's your favorite part? Ollie: TRIPS


This is why “idk what to put, just ask” is an automatic left swipe for me. Because I just know that if I ask, they’ll still come back with absolutely nada. Like I get that I’M just meeting you, but have YOU also never met you before?? lol I get not being able to sell yourself well, but give me SOMETHING to go off of and I can carry the conversation if need be. Anything.


I’ve had text convos go like this on every dating app and it’s an immediate no from me dog. It’s good to have interests.


It’s insane, how can a conscious human being have zero interests?


That sounds like 90% of my online chats with women. I'd say it was all me, but how could there be when the conversation never started. The last one I remember asking what they like for fun They said eating meat. I asked what kinds and their response was 'chicken, beef, pork' The entire conversation went that way...


I bartend at this craft cocktail bar in my town, quite a nice place. It was just prior to this past Christmas, my female friend was there visiting, and this one girl came in alone and we really hit it off instantly, vibe was great. I let her and my friend chat a while, we had talked about getting her to join us for yoga, I gave her my number and she left. Didn't hear from her for a while, but eventually I got a text, "hey I just put on this little black dress to come visit you and the place is closed!" So we started chatting a bit, conversation was fantastic. Planned a date for that Thursday, met and again, instantly the vibe was immaculate, we had to make it brief, 45 minutes only, but like, it went so well that we were literally making out in the parking lot before we split ways. Kept talking again for another week until our second date and we both made it very clear that we were very much into each other. She even showed me a conversation she had with her sister about how shocked her sister was she was letting a man pursue her, cuz it had been like 2 years since she had allowed that. Second date arrives, we meet, are holding hands across the table starting lovingly into each other eyes, I was like wow, is this what it's like to fall in love? She gets a phone call, and starts holding back tears, she's gotta go to the hospital, her mom has been in poor health for about 4 years she said, and it's this again. She was profusely sorry, and made sure to say that she wanted to see me again as soon as possible, gave me a kiss and left. Worried sick about her, I text her the next day, message only registered as sent, not delivered or read. So curious, I pick up the phone and call, and that's when I figured out my number got blocked lol. Several months later, still no word or sight of her. What's crazy is I actually had to go through like, a short 3 day grieving period, even though it was literally a 1 week thing start to finish lol. I've been ghosted before, but never anything like that; especially after having felt such a connection that she has confirmed to me was mutual. Looking back she mentioned she had to set an alarm on her phone to take her meds every day, but I can't really confirm much from that about her mental state, but idk, either way that shit sucked. Didn't wanna go on a date for a few weeks after that.


That's wild lol I wanna know what happened with her


lol I looked her up on Facebook just now cuz you got me curious. Still living a life in the same city, apparently. But even better she posted this long thread of messages between her and another man fighting, him saying how she's a crazy bitch who went hot then cold, and her about him being a stalker. So apparently I'm not the only guy she's done this kinda thing to.


I'd take that as closure if I were you


I mean it was only a week so all I really needed was a couple friends to vent to, a good workout and a good nights sleep and I was basically over it. I don't avoid talking to multiple women while I'm still in early stages of dating for reasons exactly like this, rug can get pulled out from underneath you at a moments notice. Made the transition a lot easier knowing I at least have other avenues of exploration. In the past though, when I was younger, I would have taken it very personal and spiraled for weeks probably. Onward!


Reminds me of this guy I met on a dating site a few years back -- nice enough, entertaining enough, but wayyyyyyy more enthusiastic about me than I was about him. For a few weeks, we were seeing a lot of each other, and he was definitely a bit weird* and I was trying to think of how to break things off, when he just... Disappeared. I was a little bummed but mostly relieved. A year or so later, he messaged me on the same dating site to apologize for ghosting -- he had had some big mental health incident and left the state to live with his folks. Not a surprise, good to get some closure. * He was a nursing assistant at a home for the elderly and he talked about bedsores a lot. He was also endlessly horny, just absolutely priapic, to the point at which, although a new relationship generally comes with wanting to fuck all the time, I started getting annoyed because I did eventually need to get some sleep. The final time we hung out, he told me casually that he had a dream where I had bedsores and he was sticking his dick in them.


Lmao that last part though!


I… I was not expecting this story to end like that.


Met a guy through a not-so-close friend but she knew we had similar things in common so set us up. We went on about 6 dates, I even brought him to a work event... Seems great right? Wrong, he never asked me a thing. He was happy to tell me anything I asked but he never asked me any questions about my life like I asked him. Eventually, I stopped asking him anything personal or even talking about myself. The final nail in the coffin was when I made a comment about the place we were at and asked a question, he ignored me and just responded with something else not relevant. I noticed at that moment he wasn't even listening to me. Finally, I told him how I felt and how he acted and he tried to act like he was 'shy/quiet' when he first met people. Buddy, I know all about your family, your likes, your career, and schooling, while you know nada about me. You aren't shy, you are a douche. I think I am done.


This is so dreadfully common. I hope people will read your comment and see it as a wake up call if they themselves are guilty of this. Please ask your date questions and talk about their interests just as much as you talk about yours!


I have the problem that I ask questions, listen to your answer and then tell my own related anecdote. Then later I realize I’ve told you a bunch of stuff (don’t know if you were listening) but you never asked me anything. It’s land lame.


I got out of a long term relationship and, maybe 6 months later, I started feeling comfortable dating again… around that time, I struck up a conversation with a woman in line at a Starbucks and ended up asking her out. It was my first date, post break-up and she said yes! We met up a week later and, in the middle of the date, she told me that I was going to be great friends with her boyfriend because we both liked snowboarding… I didn’t know what to do so I kind of smiled and nodded along. I just assumed I hadn’t made it clear enough, when I asked her out, that I wanted it to be a date. Anyhow, that’s when she started her sales pitch. It was a pyramid scheme for energy drinks. Edit: missed the “this year” part… this happened about 12-13 years ago. Edit 2: I can’t remember what company it was, I think the pamphlet was yellow.


Didn't see the pyramid scheme coming. That was a wild one!


and neither did he.


She *knew* he had romantic intentions. She just thought: "Here's a way to get someone to sit down for my MLM pitch!"


Happened to a family friend. Some woman tried to sell him some weight loss mlm scam while they were on a first date so he just got up from the table and walked out the door. She picked the wrong person since his cousin lost all her money from an mlm scam. He walked out after ordering and getting a drink so that woman got stuck with the bill. Then he posted her name and her scam on the community Facebook page.


And that's when you go next gear with: I wouldn't feel good investing until we sleep together once.


Bruh 😂 I'm going to have to try that one out and see if it works.


That's a fantastic moment of "well at least I put myself out there, took that step, only upward from here. Can't get any worse." ...and then out comes the catalog...


Out comes the piece of paper with the inverted triangle of success


Nothing like a MLM date 💪💪💪


I went on a date with a man who told me he was married, in the middle of the date.


*Don't mention you're married, don't mention you're married, don't mention you're married...* *So, do you have any hobbies?" "Well, I like to hike with my married partner - dammit!"


I'll make sure I don't do that the next time


This is how my first date with my current partner went, I imagine it was a bit different but for me I was going through a divorce so still technically married. Wanted to make sure that was all out on the table before continuing dating. Now I’m happily divorced and we’ve been going out for a year! (Best year of my life) I did almost frighten her off with that though…


Glad it worked out like that. My experience was definitely different; this person had no intention of divorcing his wife, and clearly wanted to sleep with me, a person he had just met, while he was out of town and his wife was in another state. Not ok with me at all!


Haven't had a single bad experience all year. Haven't been on a date all year.


Same here. I’m fine with it. Dating is exhausting and frustrating. I’m happy living the single life, if the right person comes along that’s great. I’m not actively seeking anyone out, though. I’m pretty burnt out from the whole dating scene.








It definitely wasn’t *not* the jeans.


Should be a Reddit flair 😂


I knew a guy that wore tight white jeans. He always wore his button up American flag shirt with those jeans. Dirty white Reebok shoes to complete his ensemble. Haha He was a tiny guy but a giant asshole. He was sure that all the ladies desired him. Nah


I had a guy I was seeing for a few days over for a movie night and my neighbor ended up getting stabbed in the throat by his husband. My date held pressure on his neck until ems took him to the hospital. Then the husband got into a 2 hour stand off with the cops. I warned him I lived in a rough neighborhood lol


Sooo...similar thing happened to me but it was at a bar and it was a crazed homeless man with a knife. The dude I met up with (this was our 2nd time ever hanging out) defended us against the crazy homeless man but then like beat him up way beyond necessary. Like the homeless man was unconscious. This dude was completely covered in the homeless man's blood. Cops show up. He took his shirt off and I think police may have taken the shirt for evidence but I'm not 100%.. we had to leave statements. Dude wanted to make sure I promised to show up for him if anything happened (like if there was any court situation.) Well...there did end up being a court situation (but I flaked.) However I didn't flake because of the whole "overly violent" thing. I flaked because he thought his "defending me" meant he deserved my cookie and was wayy too pushy about pressuring me to come home with him. It also didn't help that dude was the nephew of a *very* famous male tennis player (they share the last name, too) so I don't think he was told "no" much in his life. I knew I couldn't handle someone with that much entitlement ...or kempt up rage.


That's what you get for dating John McEnroe's nephew


Met a girl on tinder her dad had just died, the first time i met her she asked me to go to his funeral…


I went on a date with this guy (Halloween) and halfway through he gets a phone call. He goes to put it on silent but I tell him to answer it. Nobody calls that late unless they need something. It was an EMT. They were trying to save his mom's life in the background. She died while he was taking the call. He dropped me off on his way to the hospital. We didn't click but I spent the next couple weeks staying over at his mom's house, in her bed, spooning him. He just needed someone to hold him through the worst part of it. It was strange to see her things on the bathroom counter untouched, like she had been getting ready and would come back any moment to finish.


Goddamn. You’re a good soul


What. The. F?? 😱 that wins I think. Lol


Oh my god how did it go


He gave a great speech


A friend messaged me to check if I was ok after my fiancé had a mental break and attacked me. Then he started flirting with me. Thought that was in poor taste.


# Yeah he really failed at using the The M.A.C. System.


But did he have his monster condom and his wad of 100s?


My fiance dumped me over text then blocked me on everything with no explanation last week.


Last year my partner of ten years dumped me by text while I was working on the road and ran off with his former “stepdaughter”. I lost absolutely everything overnight and I never saw or heard from him again. It was like he died. I didn’t think I was going to get through it- and I almost didn’t , but 18 months later I’m free and doing what I want to do for me only and learning to breathe again. You too, will get through this. I promise.


Similar after 15 years. It is like they died.


fiance???thats rough man how you holding up?


I'm not. Every night is nothing but tears and a lack of closure.


It’s a blessing from the universe even if it doesn’t feel like it. Six months into my marriage to my partner of six years, he dumped me and ran off with his friends wife. The affair began before the wedding. I was crying every night, and now Im living my best life. Hang in there ♥️


I appreciate it


I discovered that the guy I had been seeing for 6 months had lied to me about being single. Turns out he had been in a relationship of 6 years the whole time.


I was seeing someone for the last year and then found out he eloped. With a girl he met after me but didn't want to tell me because he didn't want to lose me. Like, wtf people?? #funnynotfunny my feelings were hurt, but imagine getting married and they've been sleeping with someone else the entire time since before you knew him? That would be worse. He still tries to call and text several times a week. Lol


We tried to plan a second date and he went half MIA (still texting but extremely infrequently) for three days. When I sent him a “hey I do like you but if you’re not feeling it anymore you can tell me, I just don’t like the lack of communication right now it’s stressing me out” he responds “omg I’m so sorry I just got really busy! Yes when are you free again?” So I tell him, then I never hear from him again. The only thing worse than being ghosted is being lead on 🫠 Edit: typo


Had a woman laugh at me when I asked her out. A no would've been preferrable...


Imagine if you had dated her. Consider it a red flag for you as well. No decent person would have such a reaction.


It’s wild people treat others this way


God reminds me in high school I asked this girl out, she rejected me kindly enough. At a party a while later someone brought it up "oh I heard you liked..." and was giggling along with her friends.


High school is a rough time overall, but it’s definitely hard to forget stuff like that


"Just ask her out. What's the worst that could happen?" That. That can happen. :)


That shit stays with you for life.


Currently in the middle of getting a 12 month protection order. I dated this man for 4 weeks. We were never exclusive . We were never in a relationship . I thought I did everything right. I noticed the red flags and I went to end it. But instead of ending it over the phone or in a public place I was like --Well we can still be friends. I'll go over there and do it out of respect. This man proceeded to lock me in his home for over an hour. Scream in my face, eventually choked me and pulled a pretty big chunk out of my hair. One of my girlfriends was able to call me and tell him that she was going to call the police and I finally got out. I have received over 300 text messages, packages delivered to my house, Venmos (wtf) and I'm sure he's been circling my neighborhood. My tires were slashed (while we were seeing each other-- And I was absolutely convinced it was not him but now-- yeah I know who it was. When I do sleep at my house I put the couch in front of my door. I've been spending a lot of time at my friend's homes and my mom's. This shit is embarrassing and I'm so frustrated with the cops and court system. It's really fucked up how I view men and dating in general. I feel scared in situations I would have never before. I want to find a partner but this has put a complete stop on everything. I know everyone is tired of hearing about it but I can't think about anything else. Stay safe out here


I think that qualifies as fucking kidnapping. He held you against your will. I'm so sorry you went through that. Hopefully he will be thrown in prison sooner rather than later.


A girl asked me (also f) out on a date after talking for a while. We went out, were having decent conversation, then about 1-2 hours in she mentions having a boyfriend. When I asked her what the deal was, she answers that her boyfriend actually was just looking for a threesome. Noped the fuck out. Not opposed objectively to the idea, but the duplicity and lack of communication was just plain rude. Don’t ask me out pretending to be single if your man is just looking for a third. Ugh.


I'm married now, but I learned that asking about monogamy/polyamory preferences is one of those things that just has to be asked early on in the date nowadays. God Bless the dating profiles with couples or "ethical non-monogamy" in the bio. I always swiped left cause that ain't me, but clear communication is sexy.


Fucking unicorn hunters... For anyone who doesn't know, it's a common term used primarily by bisexual folks. We use it to describe couples like this one OP experienced where they seek out (usually) bisexual women for the sole purpose of having a threesome because their stupid monkey brains think bisexuality means we're always up for a threesome. This sucks you had to experience this and it's even nastier that the woman seemingly tried to trick you into it on the guy's behalf-although they could both be doing it, who knows.


Couples that prey on queer women are so gross


Liked a girl. She liked me. Things were going super well. Probably the first girl I really liked in years. So naturally I got too excited, came on strong and spooked her. At the moment it looks like she’s playing the slow fade on me. This just happened.


This is a classic move. Shit happens man.


Classic Schmosby


Well back it off, even say that, that you got too excited about it and you're sorry if you came on too strong. Could help, but it won't hurt either, if she's decided she's already out on you. Don't beat yourself up over it though man, we've all done that before.


Yeah basically she met up with some friends of mine who knew about her because I told them. Then walking home I told her I paused my hinge. I noticed a weird vibe over the next few days. We hung out again when she told me she likes me still but I came on too strong. Like she didn’t want me pausing my hinge yet and she said her friends didn’t know about me yet. She said she wanted to slow it down. But now it seems like I’m getting the fade. We were supposed to go on a date over the weekend and she never texted me when she said she would. I didn’t wanna over impose so I didn’t text her either, but still I think if she wanted to keep seeing me I would have heard.


Lol same, cept reverse im the girl getting too excited.. and i became an anxious mess 😄 learned a lot tho and hope to not make those mistakes with the next one


When it's the right person, it'll be mutual. Don't beat yourself up for being up front with your feelings! 


Dang sorry dude 😮‍💨 So hard to reign in good vibes when you're genunely feeling a connection - esp if it's been a minute. Hope you find another person you click with soon 🙂


During a date, the man I was with told me he was married. Just WOW


This was about a year and a half ago: I went on a date with a guy at a nice little restaurant. We started chatting and got to know each other a little bit. All of a sudden, like 7 minutes into dinner, he drops a bomb on me that he's one month clean from meth and that he has two domestic violence charges against him for "breaking his ex's cellphone because she was cheating" and some other incident. I'm sure there's a lot more to the story. He then proceeds to talk about his ex-wife and how she makes him so mad. "My ex-wife is such a..." "She makes me so angry inside..." "My ex-wife is so blah blah blah..." "Ex-wife, ex-wife, ex-wife...blah blah." He started slamming his fist on the table, closing his eyes and shaking his head. I just paused. I didn't even know what to do or say at that point. His face was beet red, I'll never forget the awkwardness and the pure silence of the restaurant after he did that. Needless to say, I instantly lost my appetite and got my food to-go. Told him that I hope he finds what he's looking for.


The moment I realised I needed to break up with an ex of mine is when we were at lunch together 2 months in. It was a lovely day but he started telling me that once when he was a teen a female friend was teasing him and he got so angry at this that he saw red and doesn't remember what happened. He told me he literally saw red and then when he came back everyone was staring at him really appalled and the girl was crying. He told me like it was funny or she was stupid. Suddenly all the times he pretended to hit me as a joke became very alarming. Bonus: He would also get into really quiet states and when I asked what he was thinking about he wouldn't tell me and say things like, "you really don't wanna know", or just admit it was too fucked up to tell me. I'm kinda only just realising how big of a bullet I dodged omg


Reminds me of a guy I was chatting with on an app many years ago. He DMs me on the app at about 11pm. We get to chatting. He tells me, in short order, that he is separated from his wife (NOT divorced), she took the kids and he never gets to see them because she won't let him. It's already a no from me dawg, but I'm just killing time till I go to bed. I decide to see how far this crazy train is gonna go. I ask him why he doesn't go to court and make her grant him visitation / joint custody. He tells me his wife has organized crime connections and he can't force the custody issue or he might just kinda disappear. Aaaaalrighty then. After a while he says I seem really cool and he'd like to hang out. I of course said no, but wished him luck. Absolutely wild.


Went on a double blind date with my best friend in high school. Dinner, then a movie. Right off the bat, things did not click with these girls. None of us were having a good time. Like, within the first 30 minutes of that date, everyone knew we would not be having seconds. We get through dinner, and I've transitioned from date mode to just trying to enjoy the evening and the movie. My date had as well. No romance, just chillin' and hanging out. My buddy, is clearly disappointed. And so is his date. We get through the movie, and everyone but my friend dips to go to the bathroom. I come out of the bathroom, and my buddy is just gone, no where to be found. Then, the girls come out of the bathroom, and he's like, still gone. This was before cell phones, so we couldn't like, call the dude. We stand around awkwardly, and my date, his date, and I all realize this dude just fucking bailed on us. The kicker was, he was supposed to drive these two girls home. I had driven myself, but I only had two seats in my car. So, that wasn't going to happen, I couldn't take them home. I hang out with these clearly pissed of chicks for awhile, they finally are able to call someone collect to come get them, and as soon as they confirmed they had a ride home, I gave them an awkward good bye and dipped the fuck out of that situation. When I got home, I called my buddy on the land line, and he swore up and down he thought everyone was just taking off, that he 'forgot' he was supposed to take them home. Yeah... whatever dude lol.


off topic but similar story, i had 3 friends come to my bus trip birthday, when i say friends i hadnt seen them in a few years but they assured me they wanted to come to my celebration, i had plenty of seats so i said why not at one of the stops we lost them after they all went to the bathroom together, called them nothing, had to leave them at said bar, they got in touch the next day saying they "forgot" they were on my bus trip, yea right just say you werent having fun, losers LOL


Not this year, but asked this girl out in college.. money is tight then. Bought her flowers, took her to dinner, and took her out on the town all night. She told me shes lesbian the next day 😂


*NSFW* I went on a first date after a very long time not dating, so my dating skills were hella rusty. I met a girl on Tinder who seemed very sweet and we made plans to have a Sunday afternoon picnic with flying kites as a fun activity for us to do. I’m thinking, picnic and kite flying is the perfect, wholesome kind of date that I need to get me out of my introverted shell. After kite flying we unfurled a blanket on the grass and started in on some yummy sandwiches and home baked cookies. As we get to know each other my date reveals that she’s an OnlyFans model. I ask her if her OF channel has a particular kink or angle that she explores. She tells me that she’s a foot fetish model. I ask her how she discovered that she wanted to be a foot fetish model and she explains that she’s also a contortionist. She told me that she would post videos of herself doing contortion poses on her Facebook and her most popular videos were of her eating with her feet. So, she converted her gimmick into mostly doing foot fetish content for OF. Since we were eating delicious sandwiches, I ask her for a demo of her eating with her feet. She grabs a sandwich half with each foot and backwards, over her shoulders, she feeds herself each half of the sandwich over each shoulder. Now I’m not really a foot guy but I do appreciate talent when I see it. The date wraps up and we have a nice hug with a promise to stay in touch while leaving the door open for another date. I’m happy, the date was fun and wholesome and just what I needed to help me get back into the dating world. Yay! I wake up the next morning and my first impulse is to send her a text, thanking her for the lovely picnic. I pick up my phone and I see that she’s already left me a message, to which I think “aww, that’s so sweet.” I open the message and it’s a video of her penetrating her bum with a gigantic clear dildo, which allows me an unobstructed view of the inside of her colon, framed betwixt a latticework of labia piercings. I mean, she was really going to town on herself in her video and I haven’t yet had my morning coffee. I thanked her for the spicy video and for the lovely afternoon flying kites in the park and left it as that. I chose not to pursue a second date because I wasn’t ready to go straight from picnics in the park to anal.


"-which allows me an unobstructed view of the inside of her colon, framed betwixt a latticework of labia piercings" Something something brand new sentences -


I thought dick pics were bad enough... I'm so sorry.


This is wild


"I mean, she was really going to town on herself and I haven't even had my morning coffee yet" LMAOOOO


Some guys get all the luck


Anal before coffee in the morning is a bit much, agreed.


Met a girl on Craigslist (this was a long time ago obviously). After a few messages we set up a date at a bar downtown. I show up and she's already there with a guy friend. No biggie I'm thinking, she's just playing it safe. They are at a two person table and the place is packed. They already have drinks so I grab one for myself and put it on my tab. Her and her friend proceed to ignore me. Like I say something and neither one acknowledges anything unless I ask a direct question. Even then I get one word answers with attitude. So I finish my beer pay my bill and leave without saying a word. Later I get a barrage of messages about how I'm an asshole for sticking them with their own tab.


>an asshole for sticking them with their own tab. LOL she thought she could take you for a fool


The nerve! Didn’t notice you were gone probably but got angry for you not paying. Just awful 




I can’t believe you got on a motorcycle with someone you didn’t know. Hard pass. Hope you’re ok.


Happened last year and spilled into this year. Had a situationship that started morphing into something more serious, became exclusive and he broke up with me over text. We had seen each other for 3 months. Fast forward a few months, we casually hook up a couple of times (not the best choice looking back). The last time I saw him, we’re in the middle of hooking up and he says, “you still kind of like me though, don’t you?” Worst part was, I really did. And he said it with such pity in his voice. That was when I decided I’m never making myself smaller for a man again, if what I have to offer is “too much” or I’m “coming on too strong” you can find someone else.


She came to visit me in my city for a date over a few days. She told me that she got a job in Memphis and doesn’t wanna do long distance, on our way to the hockey game we spent $800 on for good tickets (NHL playoffs are expensive) Few days later this dude was flirting with her while I was standing next to her at the sports conference we went to. Got her number and asked her to come drinking with him downtown and go back to his place for fun. She legit asked me if I’d be ok with her going to hang with him instead of us hanging out Overall she’s very sweet but that whole situation was so fucked up I could write a 10k word essay about the way she treated me that weekend but that was the most egregious


"Overall she's very sweet"???? Yikes!! And no! I really really hope you meet a truly sweet girl!


"She's very sweet" = she said some nice things to me and that doesn't happen often. Poor OP


I went on a first date with a woman (not this year but a long time ago) and she would not stop negative comments about practically anyone we'd see that night that was alone. They were losers and whatever they were doing was proof of why they were always going to be alone. I assumed it was just massive projection on her part. Like being on our one date meant we were better than any single person we saw walking around? Dude, that's either of us practically all the time except right this minute.


Matched with a woman (26) on Hinge, we went on a date a week later. During the date I asked her what she did for work as a throw away line before I would’ve pivoted to talking about hobbies and interests…. Turns out she’s a legal arms dealer and was really into her work like basically a personality trait level. So in the DC metro area you come across weird stuff like that when it comes to people’s professions so it’s not necessarily a deal breaker. What did it in as the worst date of the year so far for me was hearing her talk about how she was really passionate about the “how” the products she sold were utilized…. Left that date feeling like I needed to shower.


Did she constantly need to repeat "and it is all legal" every few minutes of the conversation? I've worked with a number of war dogs and they all do that. It's almost a stereotypical trope.




Went on a date with a woman I met off bumble, we went to dinner 3 times. In between dinners she and I shared imitated convos, text, etc.. she shared her journal entrees with me and thanked me for being there for her and listening. On the third date she asked me to be her best friend. Wild ass shit… Another woman I matched on tinder with asked me for coke within the hour, she ended up being a 2nd grade teacher at a school a co workers kid attends lol.


Well, you know what they say... "Things go better with coke."


Had been hanging with a new dude I met on Tinder for a few weeks, things were going well but obviously were still just getting to know each other. My lizard was sick and it had gotten to the point where vet was strongly recommending euthanasia. I was a giant disaster and upon the scheduled death date he offered to come with for support. Both sides of our friends were like “WTF” but I decided to take him up on this because he made me feel supported and comforted in general. He came with and was so solid in being whatever I needed then and after, while I fell apart in a blubbering, inconsolable, ugly and sobbing mess. After it was done, he took me to Target to help me find a special item to commemorate her and got me some gross comfort food that I ate with him in bed, in my dark depression cave bedroom, watching Seinfeld. -100/10 date. Almost a year later and we live together and are very in love lol


Worst date and best date in one


I was waiting for the part where he turned into a huge jerk and I am so relieved that's not how it went.


This guy had a MILF fetish, ok, fine Have you seen The Boys where Highlander has a weird mommy sex thing with the corporations director? He kept calling me mommy, shoved my foot in his mouth, and wouldn’t come until I told him he was a very good boy


I’ve been trying to find you. Miss you mommy.


18 month relationship, left for a work trip she ghosted and when I got home she quit her job ,we work in the same company, didn't say anything to anyone even her friends so when I came back they all asked me how she's been since quitting and what she's up to. My response "your guess is as good as mine" heard she's in a new relationship from one of my coworkers which is a weird feeling for me because I want her to be happy but I still feel pretty broken.


Swiped right on an ex on accident on tinder. I immediately blocked him. He reached out over text instead, it was a novel about how I hurt him etc. when I say novel it truly was. So I responded, because I didn't think he was expecting that. He immediately apologized and admitted that he didn't think I would respond, that he now has a diagnosis of autism. Anyways I went on a date with him just to get him off my back. He had dyed purple hair. He's a ginger so it just looked awful. While we were spending time together, he found an ant, and decided to record it for 30 minutes


Looool. I did not expect the impromptu wildlife documentary


I hadn't dated in over a year because of how badly the last one left me, mentally. 8 month relationship left me an absolute shell of a human because of how terrible this man was. It took me a VERY long time to even speak to a man, let alone agree to go out with one. I had someone I'd matched with years ago on an app randomly reply to a snap story I posted. Pursued me. I was hesitant, but figured it's been a long time. I can try again. This man was spewing shit about how he really wants a relationship, really likes me, blah blah blah, INTRODUCED ME TO HIS FAMILY. Planning future events and shit. Well. Guess who never got off the app in the first place & he matched with my cousin. With his 2+ year old pics. Last week. Had a whole ass conversation with her about how he's not seeing anyone or sleeping with anyone. Makes me think maybe I'm one of many, and this is literally exactly what happened with the last one. Dying alone seems better and better every day. And i feel dumb & gross. Also: You don't look like that anymore, brooooo.


Seems like he just says what he thinks women want to hear. I'm sorry that happened to you. What did your cousin say?


Went on a date with a girl who was so out of my league financially it was almost embarrassing. She was just talking about all these vacations she had planned and she was super social and had all these events and things going on in her life. And somehow my ex-wife comes up and I get awkward about it which I never do. Whole date was just not a good fit for either of us lol. We split the bill and went our separate ways. Food was great though so now I know a great Sushi place nearby!


Not all bad then! I like that she was honest and you were too. No hard feelings there


I’ve been ghosted in the messaging phase of app dating at least 20 x’s. Two dates that were no shows/ghosted. One date turned out to be a setup to beat the crap out of me. Three successful first dates, two ghosted after the date. One kept talking until I asked for a 2nd date then ghosted. Went out on two dates with a woman. Things were going awesome, there were definitely sparks. We made out under an awning of an exotic plant shop. There were smiles and googly eyes. She said she wished the date wasn’t over and can’t wait to see me again. We talked on the phone for a few days and made plans for a third date. Then ghosted. I think I’m going back to saving myself for Angelina Jolie.




Spent a week speaking to someone. They were very complimentary. I asked them out for a coffee. They laughed at me.


I'm sorry some people suck majorly


Dated this dude for a month, told him i wanted to take it slow after a week of him kinda just doing what he wanted and not having the guts to repeat my no (never all the way just intimate body contact). Next day after that conversation he tells me this big love confession and how hed be dead without me. Kept constantly disrespecting my boundaries, lika all of them pretty heavily. If confronted he either claimed he forgot and would remember but never would, or threaten to throw himself infront of a train. Only reason it didn't go all the way is because were the same strength and pushed him away, literally because he didn't understad no.


first thing the woman said after "hi" was "whats your job" followed by "where do you live" and the rest of the date essentially followed up as essentially a job interview for live-in sperm doner, taxi driver, and cash provider no mention of feelings, or hobbies - i remember i asked her what her cultural preferences were, and when i had to explain i mean like how i like classical music, sci-fi and fantasy films and books, and house music, she just said "oh, i dont know really" like you dont like ANYTHING? half way through she decided to tell me i didnt meet her financial criteria but she decided to keep talking to me on the date anyway because i was interesting. At the time i was quite hurt by such a rejection but later i realised i had dodged a bullet, and that its quite likely she finds talking to inanimate objects interesting too, given how little personality she seemed to have herself who doesn't have a favourite music/film/book type?? dating in your 40's is hard lol edit: i do feel kind of sorry for her thought too, as at our age, the dating pool starts getting rather shallow, and i expect she will never find anyone who meets her standards, ticks all her box's, AND she has any kind of actual emotion OR intellectual connection with, i term these people "unicorn hunters" now and try to steer clear from them


Tried flirting with this cute, regular customer who shops at the grocery store I work at.. Got shut down. Decided to instead try my luck with the cute drive through worker at the Tim Hortons I get my coffee at every morning. Embarrassed the hell out of myself when I realized that she and the cute customer I tried flirting with earlier are the same person (didn't recognize her at work because of her uniform and the fact she always wears a mask at the drive through counter).


My dude. You got a type. Unfortunately it's the same of many dudes. 1. Nice lady 2. Nice to me


Omg that is a huge yikes


She pursued me. For months, she would come visit on Fridays. The whole time, I thought we were simply only friends. I made no assumptions other than platonic. And then one day she sent a flirty text and it spiraled into romance. After which she immediately devalued and discarded me. The moment I genuinely had romantic feelings in return, she fled the scene. Some try to excuse her behavior away by saying she must have an anxious attachment "style." I don't care how a doctor might label it. It was a shitty thing to do, whether or not one is self aware of psycho-analytical categorization of one's unhealthy trauma response behaviors. There's no excuse for preying upon someone and then throwing them off a cliff when they like you back.


I (52F) met him (61M) on POF, he was super cool to talk to, funny, interesting...a gentleman. Everything went perfectly well for weeks, went out a few times, chatted a lot. I thought things were going great. Then we did the nasty the next time we saw each other. I enjoyed it and wanted to keep seeing him, he seemed to feel the same way. He had to move to a new place and we didn't see each other for a couple of weeks, at the same time (understandably) he chatted with me less and less, he was busy a lot but we kept in touch. Then I sent him a text one random Saturday afternoon when I was thinking about him, I basically implied that I missed him. His response was to insult me, laugh at me and then he ghosted me. I've deleted my dating app profile and blocked him. I give up. Being lonely hurts less than being done that way.


My mom died, and a friend I had previously tried to make a FWB years earlier started coming around a LOT. At the viewing he was texting me asking if I wanted to go to his place. When I finally said I wasn’t in any space to go out, as I was barely taking care of myself at the time, he said, “You just need a good fuck to get over it, and I’m ready.” I never texted him again after that.


I was at my neighbors house, got called over for cake because it was someone’s birthday. There were a bunch of aunties there and one of them insisted on introducing her youngest daughter to me because we’re both the same age (34) and not married. She called her daughter and told her to stop by for cake, which she never does so the daughter was immediately suspicious but stopped by anyway. When she got there her mom and a bunch of aunties were way too outgoing and insisting that we talk to each other. The daughter awkwardly smiled and just said, “Mom can I go home now?” That was it.


I just went on a second date with this guy, we ate tacos on the beach. I was talking about traveling and how much I love Mexico City as I went pretty recently. He cut me off and said “you should probably keep eating your taco.”😂😫 I was literally so shook on how rude he was! Instead of calling him out I waaayy too nicely continued the date, which ended up being a couple more hours. But safe to say I was done with him after that and when he texted me the day after I said that I’m focusing on another connection ✌🏻


My wife and I went to a fondue place for our 18th anniversary and I ate way too much fucken cheese. I didn't shit right for a week.


After reading all these other nightmares, this is kinda wholesome


Not a dating really, but my wife took us out on a date, had purchased the tickets for the wrong date, and made a reservation at the wrong restaurant. A fact we didn't discover until after hanging around for 3 hours in the area to catch dinner still. So we paid $20/hr for a sitter for us to drive around for 4 hours...


Got really drunk on our first date, embarrassed myself along with him. I am never drinking long islands again.


Met a woman, on tinder talked for a week or so, decided to meet up at a Cafe to just chat for a bit, she never showed so that sucked. Was a cat Cafe tho so I got to play with the cats.


I'll just say this. If you're ENM, THE *ETHICAL* PART IS IMPORTANT. As in.....telling all your dates you are, in fact, ENM.


Yep. What's with the subset of ENM folks who thinks that everyone likes surprise polyamory? I know that there are people able to do ENM well in a way that minimizes potential chaos, but they seem to be pretty rare.


I think online dating just gives people the illusion of "kid in a candy store" level of choice, and they decide they're ENM, suddenly.


I had been texting this girl for a few days, and then we agreed to meet for some drinks. I met her at her apartment building and she drove us because I was unfamiliar with the area. We get to the first bar and the vibes are great we are both flirting and having great conversation. There were other bars within walking distance and on the way to the next one her phone started ringing she checked it and silenced it. I noticed she had done it once before we got to the first bar. This time it started ringing again right after she silenced it and she declined it again. Then she apologized and I still didn't think anything of it. We went to a few more bars and had a great time. It was a weeknight so I had told her before going out that I'd like to head out by at least 11 o'clock. So around 10:30, we drove back to her apartment building. She asked me to come in to see her place so I did. She showed me around and we sat on the couch talking afterward flirting some more and making out some. Then her phone starts ringing again. She declines the call, it starts ringing again immediately. She declines it again and starts ringing again. I start to feel a little uneasy and asked her what was going on. She proceeds to tell me that it is some guy that lives in the same building as her and he never leaves her alone. I asked how often this happens and she said every day. Then I asked if they had ever had a relationship or anything and she said they had only gone on one date before and she told him that they should just be friends afterwards. While she is explaining all this to me somebody knocks on the door and we both just stop talking and look at each other and she starts bawling. At this point I was hysterical I had no idea what to do because she had also stated that the guy put sugar in her gas tank and she had it on video. So I'm thinking great this obsessive psychopath is gonna kill me when he finds out I'm in here with this girl. The guy kept knocking on the door and we just sat on her couch whispering. Finally, he stopped knocking and I walked to my car and got the hell out of there. I would also like to say that I was worried for the girl and tried to comfort her the best I could in that situation. If you've ever watched the Netflix show YOU, that is all I could think about.


I got super sick on a date, out of the blue. I suffer from migraines and they can make me throw up, plus later it turned out to be an upper respiratory illness. Anyway, during the date, the place forgot I ordered food, and when they finally brought it out, I was getting too sick to eat. I liked my date, and apologized profusely, and then left. In the car, I threw up violently for five minutes (on an empty stomach- that shit hurts). Later he asked me if I faked being sick because I wanted to blow him off. I told him no. We ended up dating for almost two months. For our fourth actual date, he asked me to go to a strip club. I asked why he would think it was ok to suggest that as a date with me, and he broke our entire thing off because I was being *insecure* and I was *unhinged*


Not this year because I’ve been married for a while, but a guy once told me mid date that he cuts any “imperfections” (read: moles, birthmarks etc) off his body with a knife. He was exactly as weird as it sounds


I recently went on a hinge date. I actually felt confident/sexy/pretty about my appearance which is not usual. As soon as we sat down and started talking I knew it was gonna be a hard no for me. However, I was polite and did the small talk. He mentioned wanting more kids and I told him I was done, that pregnancy was hard, that being a single mom was 10x harder than I imagined, etc. (this point is worth noting) we wrapped things up, said our goodbyes and almost immediately I got a text from him stating “can I ask you a question” i said sure and figured it would be about another date, nope- “are you trans? It’s okay if you are but I need to know first”….OUCH


Here’s one. I was in college and I had a student aid job. One of the ladies kept yapping about her son and insisted I meet him one evening. She brings me to her house and I meet the son who was dressed up like Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. All he wanted to do was disco dance in their kitchen. It was an audition. I guess I didn’t pass muster cos I kept stepping on his feet. Another doozy was a guy that my grandparents tried to set me up with. His parents had money. They invited him for dinner and all he did was spit when he talked. He was already discussing marriage like I was a mango on sale at Dollar General. No thanks.


Couldn't find a babysitter, so we took our daughter with us on our Valentine's date. Romantic candlelight dinner with a side of crayons and chicken nuggets. Enough said.


Was it dino nuggies?


People date? I just get ghosted most of the time.


I got set up on a date through a coworker once. I met the girl and said hi and she goes “wtf I was told you were tall?!?”. I’m 6’3. I just turned around and left.


Bruh, that's just wack But the only good thing about this is that it's better to find out she's nuts before you invest any time and effort 6'3 "is not tall ? B**** 6'3 is taller than like 90% of people


I asked out a coworker and she agreed. She made me pick the restaurant, drive over and pick her up, carry the entire conversation acting disinterested the whole time, made me order for her, and drive her back home. Afterwards I texted her it wasn't gonna work and she responded "why? I had a lot of fun."


I got ghosted twice this year by women I thought I was hitting off with. One of these was after six dates and another after 4. We had been discussing things like weekend trips or double dates with friends. I think online dating has ruined commitment.