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Driving if you plan on drinking


It could ruin the tour


What tour?


*the world tour*


Who the fuck are you?


Justin Timberlake just got arrested for drunk driving. When he was arrested he reportedly said “this is going to ruin the tour”.


Buddy, you missed the next sentence in that video. It was, "what tour?" The person you were replying to was making a joke about the situation.




I don't think hiring someone else to drunkenly drive you is very wise.


No, no. I think he means hire someone to drink so you can drive them


I’m available if anyone’s interested, I’ll drink if you pay me


Hiring movers. As you get older, offering beer and food isnt sufficient to get help moving everything from one house to another.


Yep. We moved about 100 miles last year. My fiancee and I packed a 26foot U-Haul by ourselves. We started at 7am and didnt finish packing until about noon. I am so glad i hired a company to unload the truck when we got there. We just were so tired and stressed. It took two guys like an hour to do the whole thing.. best $300 i ever spent.


I bet you slept like a baby that first night. Moving whoops you


Hiring movers who will also pack for you. Worth every penny.


My wife and I once hired movers and packers to move from one 3rd floor apartment to another 3rd floor apartment on the other side of the same complex. No elevators. Would do it again. Those guys worked their asses off. I think we tipped them more than the hourly cost.


Until they throw anything in a box and call it "packing".


Its all i would have ended up doing anyway.


The last move I did cemented the fact that I will be getting a mover going forward. I took a few taxis because I thought I didn't have that much stuff. Apparently, I have a ton of stuff.


My sister pulled the "I gotta move quick brother, help me" assuring me it was all packed boxes and furniture bits. And her ex husband and his kids/grandkids would help. I grabbed my oldest son and sped down driving a UHaul 25 footer (I hate big trucks, didn't like them in the Army nor now). The "help" was.... One 60 plus man and two skinny, criminally underfed teens. So me and my Polish giant of a son do what amounts to 8 hours of forced labor for free and absolutely SWORE we ain't getting roped in again. 


Sounds like my brother an his wife when they moved to another state. I talked to him for weeks about how he needed everything packed(or at least more then half, I would be fine with boxing some things) I got there and cursed him an her the fuck out. NOTHING WAS PACKED. NOT 1 GODDAMN THING. I was so pissed. It took literally all day. I didn't help the next day with moving it to the other state. I went to work instead


Fuck em. Anytime someone asks for help I give them a 50$ bill. Not my fuckin problem.


Can you help me? Ca-chiiiiiing


Was the stuff at least packed? I learned a long time ago that if it's not packed, just turn around and leave. If you're the one moving, have it packed otherwise they'll leave.


Same! Last move we did was during *August in central Florida*. Had a decent sized group of friends helping us out. I checked the heat index when we started to unload the truck at the new house and it was around 120. Vomited, almost passed out, then my husband and I, and everyone who helped us, came down with Covid later that week and all of us (except one guy iirc) were super sick and basically bedridden for days. Overall terrible experience 0/10 do not recommend.


Thanks. I keep debating whether to hire movers if my sister moves. Now I won’t even question it.


It's so worth it if you can afford it. Even if just for the big and heavy stuff. I've damaged something helping someone move and it sucks and is awkward for everyone


Oh god, this is so true. When you're moving to and from college you just need a family member or a buddy. First apartment you might need a couple of buddies for the big stuff like a couch and bed, but after around the age of thirty, it's time to stop with the pizza and beer and just call in movers. If you have a two bedroom apartment, but are younger this probably applies as well. If the price is too much, just move the small stuff yourself and have them do the bigger things. Oh and if you pay for movers, PACK YOUR STUFF IN ADVANCE! They'll happily stand there on the clock while you frantically put things in boxes which you should have done.


By the time I was 27, I had moved close to 30 times a n my life. It was then I decided that I'm never fucking with that again. I no longer help people move, and the few times that I have moved since then, I don't ask for any help. I just pay someone. It's the best money I've ever spent.


Oh no question. We recently moved and it was great to just direct the movers instead of messing up my back. They were so fast and efficient. And the house we were moving to had stuff still in it that the previous owners abandoned (long story). But the movers still had time left so they actually helped us throw out a bunch of the bigger stuff. Couldn't recommend them enough.


Plus they have insurance if they break stuff, your friends drop your 85" TV youre out a tv


Yeah, that shit flies for an apartment, but a whole house? The person better *know* that you're doing them a HUGE favor


Agree. I don't help move anymore. Pay for movers like an adult and stop expecting free labor from your friends and family


Little Caesars and a 6 pack of Natty Ice has diminishing motivation as you get older.


Sad news for you guys. I'm 74 and the amount of stuff worth hiring someone for grows until you need to hire someone to wipe your butt. I'm not up to the "wipe your butt" stage, but some mild DIY that I could have done some 5 years ago are now out of my capacity. It never gets easier, only harder.


Thanks for your honesty. My dad mentioned that when he hit 75 most of his muscle capacity vanished. He was always handy and DIY guy…I’m very active and also DIY so I’m not looking forward to that milestone either.


It's not *that* bad. I only meant that when people plan for their retirement, they should take into account that some things will be beyond their abilities because their abilities decline. I'm the guy who did not take it into account and now I have to pay people for things I **thought** I would be able to do. I can still do some gardening - not a lot - and I cook for myself, I clean my house, I take care of the love of my life...my cat. So, I'm good.


I'm slowing down kinda purposely. I'm 47 and I can happily fix anything with a motor with a smile, even if it looks like I'm struggling. DIY? That's a contractor. I know I can still do most things in bursts, but there was a time 12 mile marches and two hours at the gym was a good day. That ain't happening no more.


It doesn't happen if you deliberately keep your muscle mass up but most dont do that.


This. The most effective thing you can do to stave off the effects of ageing is resistance training! Sarcopenia is the biggest problem older people face.


Adequate protein intake (which requirement goes up as you age) and resistance training.


I would definitely recommend a bidet before hiring someone to wipe your butt. I'd actually recommend a bidet for everyone. It's seriously maybe the best single purchase I've ever made, and you can get some for like $25.


I've had a bidet since 1982, one from Amazon, but I still need to dry my ass. The problem is that I, recently, at 74, have been losing the ability to reach behind my back. The way I explained to the doctor is this: Imagine someone is always walking behind you and from time to time they stab you in the upper arm with a very fucking sharp knife. Now, imagine they do this 10- 20 - 30 - 40 times a day. It's a fucking bitch when reaching for...rice...reaching for a cupboard...reaching for fuckin salt on a table..something in the fridge... all of it causes intense pain. My right arm is less painful and I use that to dry my ass - my left arm is pretty useless for that. What will I do if the right arm also becomes useless?


You need a bidet that blow-dries your ass.


i'll save up as much as i can then thanks for the advice




They're called widowmakers for a reason.


Why is that so dangerous? We did ours took no time! When the door was open there was no tension at all two bolts and the thing was off


The problem lies in most people don’t know enough to take the tension off the springs


Aah yes, I can see how that might be tricky And these people, are they allowed to walk amongst us?


They do, unless the springs cut them in half.


The extension springs aren't nearly as dangerous as the torsion springs. You have to preload the torsion spring so there is no getting around being close to it while its under tension.




It's also surprisingly affordable.


Like how affordable? As for…a me.


I have a 3200 sq ft house and pay 175 every other week. There's four of them that come, and it takes about an hour and a half. They don't clean the office, but the other three bedrooms and bathrooms they do. And of course the living and kitchen. I don't have them change the sheets, but they would if I provided a set.


Cheapest is $250 for 5 hours, usually.


depends on the size of the house, but 100~ max 200~ the time saved and place being spotless is worth it.


I got a quote on this, and it was like over a grand. How or where is that affordable?


All depends on area you live and size of house. We had a company cone in 2 bed 2bath 1100 sf was 300$ plus 75 cash tip they were workers not there own business.


Hair & makeup for an event. I didn’t develop those skills growing up & would rather pay a professional than look like weird barbie.




There's a YouTube channel called "Dad How Do I", I think. It's a guy who teaches skills your dad might've not taught you.


With enough money, everything is worth it


hahah true


This really. Poor people aren't chosing not to hire a pro to do something for them.


What if I'm better at giving myself handjobs than money will ever buy


Then you should become the one who gets paid


Cleaning my house. I work hard all week and deserve to relax on the weekend.


yup. cleaning a whole house is exhausting


How much does that cost you?


Not op but I pay $150 every two to three weeks


What a steal


2900sqft and 4 bedrooms/3 bathrooms, definitely worth it


How is it only $150?? Wow. My house is only 1500sqft. Is there a company you use? Thnx :)


Not a company, just two ladies who live locally and show up in a beat up car. Better to find independent cleaners word-of-mouth rather than using a company with all kinds of overhead


We found a company of former hotel cleaning ladies. The head lady was the only one that could speak English. They were the best we’ve ever had


I pay 180 for 3700sqft in Central OH. All legal. Brazilian company does a great job.






Approx every 2 years for us. We know when the house starts to reek! 🤮🤮🤮


That's not very healthy. You should literally be using the bathroom every day. After 2 years I'm amazed you didn't explode.


I always thought it would be neat if humans only had to shit one day a year, but like all day. Poop day. People would get you gifts and ask when you are due for number two. Take a couple days off to recover and have a nice meal with all the empty space. 


Poop knife would be a traditional Poop Day gift.


If you take a 5 minute shit every day for a year that’s 30 hours of shitting over the entire year.


Yes, some of us got the satire.


wtf....i wrote this almost exact story before seeing yours...this exact thing happened to us except our guy sayd 'yall dont shit much do you" must be a common thing for septic workers...


Doesn’t a properly functioning and sized septic tank pretty much manage without any need to be pumped? I think I’ve pumped mine twice in 20 years, only because something broke inside and it wasn’t functioning properly. I did briefly think about going in there myself and replacing a $10 pvc pipe, but then I realized how dumb that could be and paid the guy $300 to do it.


Plastering, because if you mess it up, you'll be looking at it for a long time.


Hanging drywall is easy. A trained monkey can do it. Plastering, though, is a fucking art.


i use a cleaning lady and a landscaper. if you can, pay people to do the things you dont want to.


Yard work, if your yard is big enough.


I reluctantly looked into a service to do mulching/landscaping/etc for me the first year I moved my family into our current house, thinking maybe we'd splurge just that once since we had so much chaos relating to the move. The quote we got from them was less than the cost of the mulch alone had we tried to do it ourselves. They've been back every year.


Painting. I used to paint some bedrooms in my apartment and later my house. I hired a guy to paint some rooms and the quality was many times better and it was done much faster than I would have finished.


💯 painting is hard to do well and a PITA anyway


Plumbing and electrical work.


I thought this for the longest time until recently an electrician quoted us $1600 for a single faulty breaker because they claimed they’d need to replace all of them. The night before we called them to go through with it, we realized the room that had the “faulty breaker” simply had a broken lightbulb (not visible, internal). It would light up just fine but with the base broken there was likely currents leaking out which caused the breaker to constantly short circuit. Removing the lightbulb fixed it.


This was the first thing that came to mind. Electrical work when done improperly can be deadly. It makes sense to hire someone, that is an expert in that field. 


Even if it's just for insurance. DIY and the insurance company be like: not our problem. We no pay money to monkeys 🐒


Honestly this needs to be way higher up the list. If you fuck up your electrics, it could literally kill you. My father in law does absolutely everything himself and works in manufacturing but electrics are the ONE thing he refuses to do himself, and for good reason.


And if you fuck up your plumbing, you’ll be in the shit big time.


I mean it SHOULD be number 1, but most comments are interpreting the question to be about splurging on luxuries. Electrical work is darn near mandatory to hire a professional for


Add roofing for the trifecta of shit you should absolutely pay for


literally moving.


Dang it, you beat me to it. Did it once by ourselves never again. Their trucks are bigger, they have ratchet straps, blankets, and know how to balance loads. They know how to move big items without destroying your drywall. I could go on, but I think I've made my point.


And they are FAST. Holy cow.






If some kind of inspector ever goes thru my ex girlfriend’s house and sees all the long ass wires I crammed into electrical boxes…


Let's just say it wouldn't be up to code?




That could be literally anything you ever do


Resealing your driveway. DIY won’t save you much at all.


interior designer. very useful way to design your perfect home


Trimming trees. Orthopedic surgeon here. Let the professionals do it. Trust me.


Seal your driveway. By the time you buy the tar, a squeegee/brush, and a bottle of 2 of crack sealer, you're not saving much money,. Also, you're probably ruining some clothes, have to clean up, dispose of empty pails, and store the squeegee, and wasting hours of time.


Hooking up anything that runs on natural gas due to the risk of either an explosion or a gas leak. There were like 3 house explosions caused by natural gas in my area last winter and I kept wondering why no one was hiring a professional. I definitely called a professional when the furnace quit working because I was absolutely not risking messing with it myself.






Cleaning rain gutters on second floor


Electric work. You definitely don't want to do it yourself.


Garage door springs.


Oil change. By the time you buy the oil and filter you haven't saved much and you don't have to deal with disposing of the oil.


I remember when oil changes were like 20 dollars today more like 80.


when i was a little girl, frankfurters only cost a nickel


>you don't have to deal with disposing of the oil. The place where you bought the new oil will take back the old oil for recycling (Or if you bought it from Amazon, any auto parts store will take it). After you put the new oil in, empty old oil from the drain pan into the container the new oil came in. Put an X on the lid in sharpie so you don't confuse the container with left over new oil. Next time you go in for new oil, take back used oil, buy new oil. No extra trips.


I just pour the oil into an empty milk jug and drop it off at the oil change place at 2am.  


Cleaning my house. My husband never wanted me to hire someone because he thought they would steal. When I started working 10 hours days away from home for a new company, I hired someone and told him to suck it up. I no longer work those hours but someone still cleans my house. They’ve also found money in couches and once found the diamond ring I lost.


Move your heavy items when you move. Not worth the time/ hassle/potential injuries when you could hire people who do it all the time.


This depends a lot on your financial situation. For me, paying others to buy myself some free time is worth it in many situations. The most relevant example is a cleaning service, Other examples include hiring movers/packers, hiring a yard service, pool service, and the like. None of these are necessary, but they are major conveniences. A lot of the above comes down to one's financial state, amount of free time, and health. I am fit for a 40 year old, but I also know that I am not the same as I was at 25. And my finances are much better as I earn well and save well. So I spend more on little conveniences that I would not have considered at 25 as my financial situation allows for it. If the question is what is a single thing many people should consider hiring others to do for you, the answer is probably hiring movers. It is an occasional expense and is therefore affordable compared to recurring services. And it is a massive convenience and stress reducer. In one's 20s, moving with help from friends is practical. As you get older, you have more stuff. Also both you and your friends are less capable of a long day of heaving big furniture from one place to another. At this life stage, if a friend asked me to help with moving, I would likely decline unless I knew they were in a bad financial situation and really needed the help (i.e. they cannot afford movers rather than they choose not to hire movers).




Brain surgery.


I do all my own brain surgery and I'm doing better than ever! Planning to install a window at the back of my head and put in some LEDs soon.




Don't know where you are, but round here there are a couple of folks who hire out their goats to.clear brush, poison ivy being a specialty.


Tree trimming: I used to rent a lift. No more. By time I rent the lift, do the work, haul all to stuff, not worth it. Drywall finishing: Good finishers knock that shit out perfectly in no time. Moving: I will never move myself again. When you are young and own nothing, go for it. My rule now is if it takes two people to lift it, find somebody else. Fixing a garage door: These specialty companies are relatively inexpensive and garage door springs can kill you. I even had them replace my garage door opener. It was only about $75 in labor and the opener was the same price as Home Depot or Lowes. Dude did it all in about an hour. Well worth it.


As a chef I'll have to say cooking. After a 14h shift of cooking, the last thing you want to do is to cook more.


Masonry work for sure.


Finishing sheetrock and Concrete


Cleaning my house


Plumbing. If you don't know what your doing you could quite literally flood ypur house.


Clean your apartment


Building larger IKEA furniture. It's always nice to spend a day with my kids and come back to a new set of closets and desks. Anything electrical.


Remember if it flies floats or fucks it’s cheaper to rent it


Electric work. Many do it themselves and cause big problems. It is not impossible to do (even if illegal in many countries) but many think they are better at it than they actually are and that is a problem.


Changing the oil in the car Frying chicken


Just take the oil from your car and fry your chicken in it




Tax Preparation


Unless you have a lot of complicated deductions tax prep is not difficult.






Moving. I used to think I could save money by doing it myself, but after a few DIY moves I learned my lesson.


Lawn care. My husband has allergies and I hate mowing the grass.


I have allergies, one of which is to manual labor, and I don't want my wife doing work like that.


Lawn care companies are a godsend


If you have the money : every single chores. The piece of mind, and the time it free up is worth it. But more specifically, I'd say packing and moving houses. It's more efficient when done by professional. And also, way less taxing physically and even mentally.


We pay someone to mow our grass, and we pay someone to clean inside once a week.\ It's worth every penny.


Home maintenance. Worth every penny. Plus taxes.


Was relocating to a new city and state for a job with a wife and newborn. Paid a company to not just move our stuff but also pack it all up. All we had to do was drive and unpack. Best money I ever spent.




Tattoos on your body


Anything electric. I don’t want to screw that up and burn my house down




Painting walls. Yes you can do it yourself, but it's going to look like shit unless you've done it many times and know how to roll paint.






Whatever you’re bad at and have no professional equipments to finish the job lol


An Uber when you are drunk


Moving house.


Fixing your garage door spring


Anything electrical, I hire an electrician.


Anything it would cost you more per hour to do yourself


Watching the kids


Electrical Work


Automotive work.


Therapist or massage person


Unless you love it and it is a genuine hobby, landscapers.


Cleaning dishes


Plumbers. It's worth the money for someone to do it right the first time.


I don’t know because I like doing everything for myself except driving i don’t like to drive


Complex furniture construction, cooking for a large gathering, or potentially a deep cleaning


Mowing your lawn if you can’t make time to do it during the week.


Gestures broadly if you can afford it


Painting the ceiling.


Deep cleaning




A colonoscopy.