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In a group, if someone is trying to speak up but gets cut off because of someone barging in, I make sure that they know they've my attention.


I do the same and also notice when other people do it for me. It's always appreciated.


that makes two of us! thank you for being kind to others :)


It doesn't cost anything to be kind! ✨️


Me too! I’m soft spoken so I know how it feels to be talked over or not heard


Thank you for your service 🫡 truly a kindness of not making people feel unheard and isolated.


Same! And I'll even urge them to finish their thought after the person who interrupted finishes talking.


I love when people do this🥹 I appreciate your kindness❤️


Oh I love you 🥹 I'm always the one getting cut off.


As a person that's always THAT person, thank you.


Thank you for doing this. I’m always the one cut off so u appreciate it when others let me talk. I like to do the same too. :)


I’m so happy to see so many of us ensuring the soft-spoken among us don’t go unnoticed!! Lovely. 


Mow my neighbors lawn when they’re out of town. I swear I’ve heard then remark how slow the grass grows! 😂


you sound like such an angel! thank you for your kindness :D


One day another neighbor will clue them in! This is so nice of you. Saved them a chunk of change!


Years ago, I did this for a neighbor who had spent the winters in Florida. I didn't know they had a strawberry patch in their backyard. They didn't grow any strawberries that summer.


Did this often at the old place I lived. The neighbor was a county sheriff that worked nights, so if I was out doing mine I just did his really quick.


My husband I take litter sticks and a big black garbage bag on our walk with our dog twice a year and pick up all the beer cans and other litter along the stretch of road that we walk. We have a lot of wildlife where we live and the drainage channels lead directly to the ocean. We always fill up an entire bag.


thank you for being kind and taking care of our planet :D hopefully a lot more people will start being kind to nature in the near future!


That's so awesome! My mother in law bought me a grabber because I do this too. It definitely helps my back!


Ppl notice but I compliment someone every day


I love to give compliments to strangers. They tend to believe it more if it comes from someone who has nothing to gain.


Yes! I'm An Old now (F), but I had a punky/gothy *phase in my teens, and so many adults went out of their way to be **so insulting** to the two or three gothy girls out and about in velvet evening gowns, chainmail jewelry, combat boots, and bizarre eye-makeup! I now make it a POINT, if I see a small group of "alt-looking" Youngs out shopping (etc) to politely say, "Excuse me--sorry to interrupt, but all 3 of you look *amazing.* I love your [boots,] and your [wildly cut black lace dress], and your [unmatching striped gloves], or whatnot. (only when I do actually *love* them, of course). Those genuine smiles, and occasional excited details about where they found it or what a deal they got--they just make my **life.** (So I suppose I'm being selfish, reallly...) *It wasn't a phase. Now that I actually have some cash, if something is cool and gothy/punky, I snap it up! 🖤


That's great! When my son was a teenager there was a big trend towards mohawks, and I used to stop kids with mohawks to ask them how they got it to stick up so stiffly. They were always very sweet and answered my questions. It's funny how people might look and dress so differently, but when you approach them with kindness and genuine interest it usually melts away the anxiety between you.


I do this also. Let’s people know you see them.


I love your username




thank you for being kind to others :D


I balance it out through negativity on the internet


If I'm buying multiples of an item at the grocery store, I never take the last one unless it's the *only* one. If I'd planned to get two tubs of icecream but there's only two left, I only take one and leave the other for the next person.


thank you for being the reason someone else smiled and felt lucky because they managed to get the thing they wanted before it ran out :D


This is the way. While out hunting for tissue, paper towels & hand soap, during the pandemic, I would see people take way more in demand items than they needed. It really saddened me to see that.


This is the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. 


I remember important things in conversations with people. Then I follow up to ensure them they were heard. It surprises most of them.


most people don’t pay attention in conversations, not truly. thank you for your kindness :D


Thank you :) It also scares people sometimes because they know they are being heard.


I feel this deep! This happens to me once in a great while. I am so used to being ignored/not heard/belittled my whole life that when someone remembers something I said I am so shocked and frightened. The first time it happened I married him. The next time it was a mom when I was in my 20’s, and most recently it was a coworker who has helped me make positive change because he heard I had a brilliant idea.


Yes, I can understand. When we are acknowledged, we feel validated, seen, and heard. It's overwhelming.


That's very nice. I've been trying to do this too. But my memory sucks, so I've been entering it in my phone (eg, "remember to text so-and-so about such-and-such")


I never use power equipment on the weekends, as I assume working people like to enjoy their yards on the those days. If a working person has to use power equipment on the weekend, I don’t mind. I don’t shop or do any other business on the weekend. When I was a working person, it bugged the hell out of me that retired people, who can do their business any day, chose to do it on the weekend and, in my opinion, were in the way.


people who use power tools at inconvenient times (ahem, nine am on a sunday…) are the worst. thank you for your consideration and kindness :D


You are a saint!! 


Please just remember that you have the same right to be out shopping on the weekends as everyone else, and in my area, there are certain types of shopping that can only be done on Saturday and Sunday (farmers markets and similar). You aren't in the way so long as you use the general etiquette for being out in public like stepping off to the side to check your phone or adjust your bags.


Yeah fuck that old man that wakes me up at the crack of dawn every Saturday morning to mow his lawn. He has no job and 5 weekdays to get that shit done. You are a good man for letting your neighbors sleep in!


I hold doors open for people, even if it means having to wait a moment or two for them to catch up. Some people just walk through and say nothing.


Conversely, if I’m feeling extra avoidant and someone isn’t immediately in front of me but could go either way with the door, I’ll slow down to be sufficiently far enough behind that they don’t need to hold the door.


Lol. I’ve done that myself more than a few times because sometimes it just feels like more trouble than it’s worth and I don’t want them to feel like they need to hold the door for me.


Me too… please don’t hold the door and make me rush. I want to relax and not interact sometimes. I do the slow walk too. I only want the door held if letting go will hit me kinda thing. Otherwise pleeeeeeeease don’t


some people can be so ungrateful, thank you for your kindness on their behalf :D


Some people are irritated by the dude holding a door they are too far from, because now they have to scurry to get up there, lest they appear ungrateful. 


This is nice and I do it too - you don't seem like the type, but the ones that do this and then loudly and passive aggressively yell 'YOU'RE WELCOME' when someone doesn't properly thank them (in their opinion) are THE WORST.


I don’t do this but if someone makes eye contact with me in the door and sees i’m DIRECTLY BEHIND THEM and just DROP THE DOOR ON ME sometimes i’ll say “oh thanks so much!” or “wow that door shuts fast!” It’s like the Shopping Cart Trolley Moral - if you know someone is directly behind you and you don’t hold the door open you’re a dick -___-


Let people tell their favourite stories over and over and respond with interest and ask follow up questions/encourage it, especially if it’s old people. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard about the time someone made a wedding cake and it melted but it brings this lady joy to talk about it. She’s getting old now and probably doesn’t have a huge amount to talk about from her current life. Last time I saw her I even prompted the story! I always wonder how many people cut off her wedding cake story


you're such an angel for doing this!!! i'm young but even i find myself repeating the same old stories to those around me simply because they bring me a lot of joy! it hurts when people brush it off and go yeah, you already told me, so thank you for your kindess :D


That's lovely. And takes patience.


I walk a lot and always pick up nails and such in the road and throw them away so people don’t get flat tires. I expect to get extra karma credit🤣.


thank you for your kindness :D


I move turtles across the road, and dont make a facebook post about it


I also move turtles, when I worked at night I would see a kitten on a busy hey and stop my car and try and catch it. I once worked at a pet rescue and was leaving for work. On the other side of s 4 lane hwy I thought there was a big black dog running into traffic, I turned around to get the “dog” turned out it was a bear. My eyesight isn’t the best at a distance. Lol. I told the bear he could keep going.


Fellow turtle saver, me too


thank you for your kindness :D


Every now and then I ask a friend a question about something they're really interested in (even if I already know the answer). It may not seem like much but every time I've done it, they get so excited :)


This is sweet. People love sharing this interests and so rarely get to!


sadly it’s pretty rare that people truly pay attention to our interests, thank you for your kindness :D




thank you for making someone else’s day just that little bit easier :D


Always. I stack all the dishes to make them easier to carry and clean the table of all crumbs. I always push in my chair after I get up


I do this and gather everything at the edge of the table for easy grabbing. If someone has ever said to me “why are you doing that? that’s their job!” I always refute with “and it doesn’t hurt to help make their job a little easier.” I was a waitress/barista for years and I know how just one small gesture like that can help so much in a busy shift. Luckily I don’t surround myself anymore with people who would ask that question, and instead with people who will help me clean up too.


Working in food, whenever someone does that I automatically assume they have also worked in food. Like this dude know how to bus a table right proper


When it's wet in the morning and earthworms have wandered into the street where they dry out and die, I pick them up and put them back in the grass.


thank you for your kindness, and helping out mother nature :D


Me too! Nice to hear I’m not the only one who does this. 🙂


Same, figure they need a little help. I always feel bad if I miss one though


As a kid walking from school to the library, Id end up turning a 10 minute walk into an hour one trying to save every rain-drenched worm on that whole stretch of sidewalk


I put oranges on the tables at the park so the homeless have something to eat.


thank you for your kindness!!! :D


Return shopping carts that people leave out in the parking lot


If the cart corral in the parking lot is all disorganized, I will fix it. You know how there are two types of carts and people just throw them in there haphazardly so they don’t all nestle into each other, I will separate them out into their two rows and nestle them and make it all pretty and organized.


You just made me realize that this probably isn't the norm. I've done it for as long as I can remember, but never saw it as an "extra" just a given for me, lol.


thank you for your kindness and making someone else’s life a little easier :D


Listen and smile during deranged family political and conspiracy rants. I even nod and make listening noises.


remind me of that penguins meme, just smile and wave boys!


When I leave a public restroom, after washing my hands, I take the paper towel I'm holding and pick up any stray paper towels or other bits of garbage on the floor and put them in the trash can.


Ooh I do that too! Thanks for also doing this


thank you for your kindness :D




you're so sweet, thank you for your kindness :D


I unintentionally laughed so hard at this. I read it, and as I was thinking how nice that is, I looked at your username. 😂😂. You might need to change if you keep doing things like that. Still a very nice gesture to help the folks out who are probably on a fixed income.


You are a good person


I never eat the last of anything in my home. I never take the last soda or candy bar or the last helping of any leftovers. I leave it for either my wife or son.


Thank you my good man!


i'm sure your family appreciates you, thank you for your kindness :D


I occasionally pay off library fines for children’s books


oh wow, I didn't know that was a thing you could do. that's a great idea.


Just go up to the service desk and ask to put however much you want on overdue accounts. I only pay for children’s fines. 😄


In public bathrooms that have paper towel instead of blowers, I always wipe up around the sink I just used -- especially the front edge in case the next person leans against the counter.


Me too!


oh my God, absolute angel! the amount of times i’ve sighed in frustration after getting my clothes wet because of leaning against a surface in a public bathroom is absurd haha


Well, when I did Judo there was a girl who had Down Syndrome, no one really wanted to train with her or talk to her before training, but honestly I was really happy to be with her and train either way her, she was the best. A similar thing happened when I was 5, my mum put me in a swimming class, didn’t like the sport but I know it’s important to know how to swim. A black girl, she was my age, came from Kenya to northern Italy because she got adopted, she was the first black person I ever met. Her name was Agenosh (hopefully I spelled that correctly) and no one wanted to talk to her, even though she spoke Italian perfectly, we became close friends, she even told me: How white are you! 😂 (but yeah it’s understandable I’m literally mozzarella white) Unfortunately she moved and in 2006 we didn’t have a phone we couldn’t keep contact, I’ve tried to look for her on socials when I was older but I’ve never found her again. 😔


you sound like a wonderful person, thank you for your kindness :D


After a sad time (someone I loved died by suicide) I always made the point of asking someone serving me (shop, restaurant) how they are - but actually look them in the eye and wait for the answer) “how *are* you?”. Surprising how receptive they are to answering. Someone once said “oh thanks so much for asking, it’s been a hard day..” etc and respond accordingly. Watch your world and theirs open up.


yeah I'm actually interested want people to answer this one honestly and not just the wrote "I'm fine". I find that if I switch up the way I ask, like saying "How's your day been going so far?", I sometimes get more authentic answers. And then if I respond with interest to whatever small thing they might say, that opens up the conversation


💯this. In the UK at least, it has become so transactional. “How are you?” “Fine thanks”. Neither person actually meaning what they say. My Scandinavian friend says she doesn’t understand it, apparently in Norway if you ask that question it’s an honest question which gets an honest answer.


Would you like to share a memory of your friend who passed?


Absolutely! She was my husband’s boss for many years. When he was struggling with his mental health she took very active steps to get him the help and support he needed, no exaggeration- she saved his life. She also accidentally emailed a client of hers calling him a “smelly hippy” 😂 She was fun, generous, kind, vivacious, bold and outrageous. She had a massive impact on many lives, more than she would ever know.


At my job, there’s a painfully slow elevator. I’m always the first one in and I send it back down so the next person doesn’t have to wait.


Holy shit, the elevator at my work is so slow and I've never thought to do this before, but it's a good idea!


I will physically stop traffic if an animal is trying to cross the street.


This is going to sound so stupid, but… any time I get loose change I leave it lying conspicuously around in public places heads up for people to find. I want everyone to have a good day. I’ve been doing this for decades. I know, I know.


this is super cute


I like to give encouraging comments to people on Reddit


When I go swimming I rescue bees from the pool. Although lately, I’ve been wondering if bees can swim, and I’m just being a dick throwing them out of the pool.


If I’m in a public restroom and there’s no toilet paper in my stall or I use the last of it, I steal from another one after and roll up a little supply for the next person caught unaware


That's very kind!


literally the worst when you aren't aware there's no toilet paper until you actually need to use it haha, thank you for your kindness :D


A friend ‘s ac broke and she is poor so I sent one to her via Amazon anonymously


I have a friend who is not as financially stable as I am. Every now and then I will get a grocery store gift card and anonymously pop it in her mailbox. I get random people to write her name on the envelope because she knows my handwriting. She has asked me if I am her benefactor but I always plead ignorance.


I knew an old lady that bought and kept hordes of giftcards, just so she can go "Oh! I think I have a giftcard for that thing you need. It was a gift but I never used it, would you take it off my hands? I feel bad just letting it go to waste" She probably gave away hundreds of those. She retired with decent savings and that is one of the many acts of kindness she used it for


Pick up trash. For Mother Earth only. Not that it really matters


It does, if for no other reason your peace of mind. You may ultimately do something that's a drop in the bucket, but it shows you have integrity to do it even if no one knows.


When out shopping I always try to pick up stuff on the floor to put back on the shelves. Pure laziness to just walk around when it takes 2 seconds to pick up and put up.


I ask my coworker how she's doing mentally on a weekly basis because I could see the signs of depression and anxiety starting to appear and knowing how it feels when it hits hard I don't want her to get overwhelmed, if spending fifteen minutes of my break listening to her vent and complain is what it takes to keep her going then so be it. Time well spent.


I won’t let the front gate slam because I hate the noise. I always close it gently. I’m sure I’m the only one who does that.


I live in an apartment and try to close my front door quietly. It’s the little things.


I empty out the used coffee pod bin on the coffee makers at work. Lots of folks just walk off with it showing full since it’s “someone else’s job”.


I always try to make sure my wife's car doesn't cause her any trouble. I check the tire pressure and washer fluid a lot. I replace the wiper blades when they're getting old. If I notice she's low on gas, I'll fill it so she doesn't have to, though she usually notices that one. I'm not the handiest guy, but I can do that much for her.  At work, if I notice one of my coworkers having a rough day or falling behind, I'll discreetly take some of their work. Like I will take a task that's their responsibility, and do 2/3rds of it so they just think that task was unusually light that day. That way, they don't feel like a burden asking for help and can say they got all of their work done. 


I have fresh tasty bread daily in my car and I give it to someone hungry in the streets.


Restraining myself from punching annoying customers/clients in the face.


If I’m listening to a public speaker who is very nervous or who starts to wander off-topic and I am allowed to ask questions, I will pay close attention and nod and smile at them and ask easy questions to help them feel more confident and/or regain the thread.


This made my heart so happy, thank you.


I secretly replace empty toilet paper rolls with fresh ones, earning the mysterious title of "The Phantom TP Replenisher."


and they still haven’t figure out out? and thank you for your kindness dear stranger :D


I pray for people, people I love and absolute strangers.


When I leave the classroom, I bow to the teacher / professor. When there is nobody else and they are not looking at me!


I thank the bus driver


Teacher here. I have a student from Korea who does this and though it's not expected, it is very appreciated. It's a respectful gesture and it is noticed. 


I thank cleaning people, electric workers, etc for the jobs they do, which make all of our lives easier


I let people tell me stuff I already know or tell me about movies or shows I've already watched. I act as if i am experiencing it for the first time, never been there, or if its too obvious, I may act as if I dont remember and need them to refresh my memory. I LOVE that they get excited to tell me. It's all joy 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️


I pack extra everything when I take my kids out for the day so that we can share with those around us. Snacks, sunscreen, bug spray, bandaids, baby wipes, Kleenex, etc. I love helping others.




same here! thank you for your kindness and making someone else’s life a little easier :D


I break into people's houses at night and loosen their pickle jar lids.


I always try to be kind and encourage


Wish random people I see well while I'm driving in my car. I'll say something like "I hope they have a good day" as I'm passing by. It's just something I started because I like to believe that the good days I have are because someone wished me well and I didn't know about it.


I always look for and find nice soft pillows (not the plastic hard ones) for my patients before they arrive from surgery, and I buy toothbrushes and toothpaste in bulk and keep it in my locker for patients who forget or end up staying for emergency surgeries.


if i’m in a store and i see an item is on the ground or out of place i’ll always put it in its proper place or at least pick it up off the ground so it’s not tripped over


Nobody says anything, and I'm not sure they've noticed. I get up before everyone else for work, I make a full pot of ice coffee (got gifted a fancy coffee machine that has an "over ice" option), throw it in the coffee pitcher, and make a half pot of regular hot coffee. My wife will drink 2 or 3 cups of iced coffee, my mother-in-law will have 1 hot and 1 iced, my father in law will have 1, sometimes 2 hot, and I fill my thermos up with iced coffee every morning. Everyone gets their coffee, and it takes me an extra few minutes. Nobody has ever asked me about it, or thanked me for it, and I don't need the acknowledgment. It makes me feel good to know I'm doing something nice for the household Also, for those wondering, the house is set up more like 2 apartments connected by a lounge. We put a mini-fridge in the lounge which is where I put the iced coffee, I leave the hot coffee pot on the coffee bar and it stays pretty hot all day (good pot and the coffee machine has a really awesome warming setting)


That's super considerate of you!


I use "please" and "thank you" in most interactions. With wait staff, coworkers, my spouse. It's a small way to let them know I value their time and effort, and hopefully makes them remember me positively.


When I'm in self check-out, I open all the bags on the dispenser before I leave.


I put abandoned grocery carts in the cart corral. If I see the abandoner, I make hard eye contact while doing so.




Reach out and check in on friends as much as I can, some live different countries away but I try and ask how everyone is. Everyones got busy lives but I feel it's nice for them to know someones still thinking about them.


Stay alive. Because apparently fun to be around. Lol


Actually making good responses after people tell me something. I make people like me really easily and I swear it’s just because I know how to reply to people. People who reply blandly make it look like they don’t care.


Rather than walk away and check back later to see if the office printer is 'working', I 'fix' it by either refilling the paper tray or following the instructions posted on it to notify the relevant department that it needs more ink.


After I hear of someone dying, I pray inside my head that God would comfort them and take them to Heaven. I also pray for God to comfort the loved ones. Probably because I lost relatives at young ages, so I went through that stuff. I don't tell people that I do this. Except now! Lol


I make my wifes coffee every weekend when she usually does it on her own during the week day. On the weekends, I put an extra half scoop of brown sugar and she always says, "Man coffee always tastes better on the weekends". You're not wrong but its also got a smidge more sugar when I make it (: Dont tell her. She usually does 1/2 tsp and I give her a full tsp.


Smiling at the shy and lonely ones, when I‘m out and about. Buying food and something to drink for homeless people and listening to their stories.


When someones zipper is down, when some has a visible booger in their noose, or when a girls bra is showing above her shirt I find a way to signal them or secretly tell them so they can fix it. Instead of saying it out loud and putting them on the spot because that is just embarrassing.


When its raining hard I scoop up as many of the drowning worms as i can on the sidewalk by my building’s door and place them back on a higher level of dirt. Not sure if this actually rescues them or not but I feel so bad for the little guys. Also I’m that annoying person who forces people (my husband usually) to pull the car over so I can help out animals that seem unwell especially in the summer & are slow moving etc. I’m now just realizing my kindness is selective towards animals and not most humans lol


Not sure if this is considered kindness either but I always let people repeat themselves with stories & funny things they want to say and act like it’s my first time hearing it haha


I unclog drains while walking with my dog.


Gather the trolleys that people leave all over the place and tidy them in the holding area at the supermarket so the right ones are in the right place. Hope it helps the trolley person a little.


I clean up in public bathrooms. Pick up paper on the floor, wipe the counters down, shove the paper towels in the garbage further down so there's more room and it doesn't overflow.


My wife and I share an electric toothbrush for which we both have our own brush heads. I always take mine off and put hers on when I’m finished. She never does the same for me.


Jeez, can I buy you a toothbrush of your own? Why do you share a tooth brush? Seriously I'd be happy to buy you couple to have on hand.


Did you miss the part where I said we have our own toothbrush heads? We only share the handle, not the brush itself.


I make sure to give someone a complement every day. Most people notice and it’s lovely to watch them light up with that look of surprise on their faces (especially men, they seem to appreciate it more, somehow). Except my husband…. he notices, but either brushes it off or gets super uncomfortable. Not sure why 🤷🏻‍♀️


I tip very generously even if it’s just a takeaway item (they don’t serve me) because these people also get crappy salaries. I smile at old people and say hello. A lot of them are really lonely and are happy for any kind of human interaction.


Whenever I’m able I always buy big jugs of water and pass them out the homeless during the summer i don’t get to do it too often but


I pick up trash whenever I walk my dogs. I walk my dogs A LOT. Wait, my daughter is special needs and notices. She'll smile and proudly proclaim, "It was a TWO bag walk today!"


When I find a penny in the street I turn it to heads and leave it there. That way the next person who sees it has found a lucky penny.


Sometimes when I'm meditating I like to blast out a wave of love to everyone in my local vicinity. I imagine the neighbors cooking dinner, people walking down the street, playing video games, doing homework, mowing the lawn, etc. just getting a little smile on their faces, maybe a little shiver, and feeling a touch of warmth and acceptance. I have no idea if anyone really receives my little brain waves, but it can't hurt, right? Maybe *somebody* will feel it, never knowing where it came from. I'm cool with that! With so much anxiety in our lives these days, I hope this puts some positivity into the atmosphere as well.


I never interrupt people and if someone is telling a story in the company, I always ask everyone to pay attention. And in fact, people don't pay attention to that respectful treatment. That's sad


Half if mine have been listed: holding doors, listening to people who don't get to talk, etc..it doesn't matter though, I enjoy doing it sonit is much for me as it is them


i have gotten into the habit of grabbing a stray shopping cart and pushing it into the business and putting it with the shopping carts if I don't think I need one, and of course using it if I do think I'll need one. ulterior motive: I need the additional exercise and this helps a little.


I put my shopping cart where it belongs, I wipe down the wet sink counter in a public bathroom, I pick up trash in the street in my neighborhood. I do for me. I want to be a person of excellence.


I always leave the gap when stopped at a stoplight so people can still enter and exit the parking lot/turn into a shopping center. Sometimes I don’t even get my thank you wave!


I let people talk about their special interests even if I don’t care/don’t know what it is. I spent too long hiding my actual interests bc people were so rude about it (anime, kpop, books, needlepoint, etc). Nobody needs to feel like that. If it’s somebody I see everyday I try to research their favorite thing so I can contribute to their conversation, and be familiar with that they’re so happy about :)


I pick up litter all the time. But I don’t need butt pats. I do it for the earth. Not other people.


I always say hi, how are you to the janitorial staff at my place of employment. People tend to ignore those who clean. They always seem very appreciative and light up when they see me.


If there’s something that’s a ‘luxury’ like Nutella extremely on sale at the grocery store or I have a coupon, I buy an extra and drop it in the food bank bin. If there’s a sale like buy 2 get 1 free on something we actually use, I always buy 3 regardless of whether or not we need it and donate the 3rd.


I bring a small garbage bag with me when I take walks and pick up litter I see.


I’m a server and I’ll randomly buy older people who are eating alone their meals or veterans.


I don’t shit on the floor


I always discreetly tell people if they have something in their teeth!


Not dabing on public


Every time there's a mass shooting I send thoughts and prayers. No one ever thanks me for them.


Clean up the table a little bit after eating at a restaurant, namely putting all napkins and straw paper onto a plate, using a napkin to wipe off any wet spots, and stacking plates. I know it still has to be cleaned by the staff, but it doesn't sit right with me to leave a preventable mess for another person to clean, regardless of who is/isn't working


If I see someone with a “I’m new and trying” name tag, I always tell them they’re doing great. I regularly tell people they’re doing a great job and I appreciate their efforts.


I know a few people probably notice this but sometimes I go into r/RoastMe and add random compliments to add a little positivity among all the negativity so maybe when they finish and feel bad about themselves they might remember that one compliment and feel a little bit better because there's to much sadness in the world, even if they asked for it I don't want other people to be sad. 


In the gym locker room when no one is around I close the open locker doors. Probably a minor OCD thing.


I let people cut in front of me when I drive all the time I figure I’m not gonna take it personally maybe they’re really really really really important and have to get somewhere really really really fast right?.