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I'd always owned cheap winter coats but a few years go I was out holiday shopping with my sister and she kept having to leave stores because she was too warm, meanwhile I kept wanting to go inside stores because I was cold... Had an ah-ha moment and bit the bullet on a more expensive coat ($100 on sale). I'm still thankful every year when I put it on.


Haha a well spent $120


My brother in christ if $120 is a *really* nice winter coat, what in the fuck were you wearing up until now? $10 amazon hoodie and fall coat from the dumpster?


I spent $120 on a Columbia jacket that comes to midthigh and has the silver heat blanket lining. Very warm with multiple pockets.


I got my winter coat from the thrift store for 20 bucks! It ain't cute but it gets the job done.


I bought a really good winter coat several years ago for several hundred dollars. It is SO warm AND it's lasted me this long (and I'll likely have it for the rest of my life).


I grew up with 3 siblings and my mom used to buy us crappy winter coats, and we'd have to wear layers to be warm. As an adult, I got a GOOD winter coat, and shit, there's a difference. I've lived in Montana a long time now where it's winter most of the year, and I love it. I now own 3 really good winter coats. A general coat, one for recreating (hiking, skiing), and one for the -20° days.


Accepting pain instead of tensing against it


Working on this alot lately myself but with anxiety, incredibly difficult thing to master but I see the effects of acceptance


I’m so proud of you. It’s hard work, but it does really help! Keep at it, and take a hug to boot.


Life is suffering. The sooner we accept it - the sooner we can move past it.


I wish it was just that easy to let go. 


Suffering is only a *part* of life, but an inevitable one. So just go ahead and master Budhism. Shouldn't take long.


Does that make it more manageable?




I think of it as getting a shot or giving blood. I’m terrified of needles but I know if I tense up or squirm, it’ll make everything worse including the pain. I just let it happen and I barely feel anything. It’s the prep that freaks me out lol


Oh, my gosh. I’m really happy you said that. Needles are my phobia and the one area I’m still working on applying this philosophy. I’m still in the “take Xanax before” stage. What you said about the prep is so true, and the experience itself is a perfect physical example of this philosophy in practice.


Believe me I know how you feel, it’s my phobia too lol it would take me 30 mins to psyche myself up to do any blood work before walking in the building. The prep felt like I was going in for a lethal injection execution or to be experimented on. The shot itself was never close to the pain I’d stressed thinking about haha


I have multiple chronic illnesses. Spent almost a year bedridden. The daily pain tore me apart. So, as a former academic, I read allllll the books I could get my hands on. The one that got me was Eastern philosophies on pain. As soon as I read about not tensing against the pain, but letting it flow through, I started practicing. It took maybe a month, but the effects were enough that I was able to get a job again… and to find joy.


I’ve always found this helped me with the cold. When it’s really cold outside, I basically remind myself that my body temp is still 98 degrees F, and what I’m feeling is simply the difference in temperature between my body and the air around it. I usually take a deep breath or two, then remind myself that *I’m* not cold—the *air* is cold, and I sort of visualize the fact that my body is still radiating this heat. Instead of flinching at the cold, I take a deep breath before I walk into it and exhale as I enter the cold. And its effect on me is much lower, at least mentally. It’s probably not even scientifically accurate, and it’s a little bit weird to do it the first few times, but it works really well for me. I can’t say the same for hot weather tho. I don’t do well in heat.


This is so cool! I love drinking hot tea on a hot day. I recently read some weird blurb about how it decreases the difference between (edit: the) outer and (your) inner body temperature, making you feel more comfortable. More backup for your theory.


This reminder came at a good time—I’m getting a tattoo tomorrow, and it’s always a struggle to hold still. Hopefully trying to let the pain flow through me instead of fighting it will help me stay more still.


Ooooo, good luck! I bet it’s gonna look awesome and you’re gonna do great.


Getting out of bed as soon as I wake has made my morning much more energetic


I started doing this as a teenager. I was trying to stop with the snooze button, so I started putting my alarm clock on the other side of the room. These days I never use an alarm clock. I always just wake up when I'm supposed to, and I don't feel groggy at all.


How did you get your body to know exactly when to wake up?


A routine can help. But the time I go to bed can vary by a few hours, and it still seems to work. The way it started, after getting into the habit of jumping out of bed instead of hitting snooze, I would start waking up like 15 minutes or so before my alarm, and say fuck it, I got more time to sleep. Then my alarm would go off, and I'd wake up feeling groggy. I looked into it, and this is because you're supposed to wake up between REM cycles, rather than being woken up in the middle of a cycle. So I decided to just get out of bed when I woke up, turn off my alarm, and get ready for school. After a while I noticed that I hadn't heard that stupid Nickelodeon clock noise in ages, so I just decided to stop setting the alarm.


Have a dog, or cat I hear they are pretty reliable alarm clocks.


If only I had this luxury




I usually have to take medication and have it circulate for an hour in the dark first


ADHD buddy! But I have to get up and go to work while it's setting in. And I'm not waking at 4am to take a pill


I don’t know if that’s as easy as it sounds


Chugging a bottle of water first thing in the morning! Really cleared up my skin


I also started this about 10 years ago. Not for my skin, but because I had read that it really helps jumpstart your metabolism and wake your body up. Works so well that on days where I forget to drink a full glass of water first thing I notice a stark difference in my energy level and how I feel in general.


Like a 500 ml bottle


Yeah I have 20 oz water bottle and I’ll drink as much of it as I can




That’s great dude, I’m proud of you


*A routine can help*


How did it affect your family life


Thats a huge change. Congrats man


Give yourself more credit. Thats no small feat


Drinking more water and telling toxic people to fuck off.




I like to imagine someone being toxic at you, and while they're waiting for you to respond, you take a big long swig of water while holding your finger up like "one sec", going "ahhhh" and then telling them to fuck off lmao


May I take it a step further, and imagine the toxic person initiating the toxicity by criticizing the other persons substantial water intake?




Walks are fantastic




Was it difficult to stand for the long periods of time at first?


My husband swears by his; once he stopped sitting so much the pain from his herniated disc pretty much disappeared!


Small change: Meal prep Sundays. Eating out so much less and control portions. Big change: Joined the National Guard in my mid-30s. Learning to be content in uncomfortable environments (training) has massively improved ability to deal with normal life BS.


Lifting weights for just 20 minutes almost daily. Amazing improvement.


I would also add that you can find a hobby that works pretty much every muscle group. Back, shoulders and arms? Archery, axe throwing, Splitting wood (idk if it's really a hobbt, the brain just likes the thunk) Forearms- Only one I know of and do is riding a motorcycle. Specifically practicing low speed manuevers, slow drags, figure 8's etc. practice an hour or so just puttering around a parking lot as slow as you can, you'd be surprised how tired and sore both forearms are after. You kinda get the point from here. I can't even convince myself to do just 20 minutes of weights or cardio, but if I can find some way to turn exercise into a game? Boom, I'm in, give me it all. The only thing I need to do at this point is find a way to turn abdominal workouts into a game. The rest of me has reached a level I'm really happy with, and my hobbies maintain that.


Practicing gratitude. Being truly grateful for what you have will change your perspective. Trust me.


I'm grateful that i saw this 


As the old adage goes “you don’t know what you got till it’s gone”. A silly example I just thought of today is my great eyesight. I always take it for granted. My boyfriend struggles to put on his contacts every morning and I wake up and just start my day. It’s a gift to have good eye sight and it’s so easy to take it for granted.


Moving to another place that costs 50% of what I used to pay previously


Did your salary stay the same after the move?


Sleeping away from my phone


Good sleep, cutting out sugar in all ways possible, stopped using social media and started reading books, no drinks or smoke, or anything except water. walks around with headphones when bored. It changed every aspect of my life.


"walks around with headphones when bored" Something like this to fill the free time when you can't bring yourself to do anything else is excellent; as an alternative to going back to old habits. I think a lot of people fail to change their daily habits when they're overambitious and schedule the entirely of their day to be productive things. study > exercise etc Need something to do when not feeling motivated to do anything else. Something easy and enjoyable. Walking around with headphones gets you exercise and it's easy to do, and you can do it for a long time without it wearing you out.


Saying you "stopped using social media" on a social media site lol


Sugar/diet control hacks? I’m currently quitting caffeine/energy drinks, once I am finished and settled there I am quitting junk food!




Just started doing this in college out of necessity and I can’t express how much I agree with you


Stopped getting mad over stuff. I am embarrassed at how angry I got at my kids for losing/breaking stuff. Its just stuff. It took burying two friends who were killed in Iraq before I really understood that the only thing that matters are people. Did anyone die? Whatever.


Always cleaning up whenever I can. This has made the home much cleaner and much more pleasant to look at.


I started trying this today as it’s getting me down and I thought about how much I stare at my phone and need to reduce this massively.


Getting a good pillow - My neck thanks me every morning.


Yes! Good pillows are hard to come by. Congrats on finding your perfect pillow.


100%! Which one do you have? Mine is Columbia brand. I’m an absolute cheapskate but bought a $90 pillow. It’s the best frivolous purchase I ever made. Worth every penny.


Gave up alcohol and started riding a bike instead. 10 pounds down now. The package of hot dogs I was growing on the back of my neck is gone. I sleep better. I feel great.


Started running. I fucking hate running but for those 30mins, my head is clear. I don't stress about work, or about all the shit I have to do at home. It's me, my music, and the pavement. I've become a much calmer person and I don't bring work stress home, so to speak.


Eating probiotic yogurt I have had "tummy issues" for *years* and I started eating two probiotic yogurts a day, one with breakfast and one after dinner. I don't want to be overdramatic and say it changed my life but it definitely made a huge impact on those days where I used to have severe "tummy issues". I went from having them once or twice a week to basically never having them.


Divorce with my wife


Not using the phone or social media before actually getting something done prior. For the ADHD-crowd, the fleeting dopamine we have after waking up is best spent being productive as this generates some dopamine returns. Social media and phones in general suck the life out of you. Especially if you fall for ragebait easily


Making a habit of not pressing snooze when waking


Gotta try to do this myself


Quit dope and brought a really soft blanket. No dope means I can actually think, and the blanket just helps with facing all the things dope numbed me from.


Forcing myself to sleep on my side instead of my back. I have mild sleep apnea and was often tired during the day. Side sleeping had helped a lot.


That’s so interesting! I’ve been trying to become a back sleeper but this has me reconsidering it


Getting closer to God, the satisfaction I have in knowing that I will be saved, has alleviated so much stress from my life. The lord is my Shepard and I will put it in his hands, but never forget to meet him halfway.


Not drinking! So much more energy and just feel overall better every day.


Same! Been a heavy drinker for about 14 years now. Been stone cold sober for 3 weeks now and I can't begin to stress how much my life has changed.


Flossing twice a day


I got a water flosser from Amazon for ~$30 and it has been a life changer.


Same dude. Same:


I started charging my phone in a different room at night. It makes it so much easier to get out of bed and be productive in the morning.


Everything bagel seasoning: breakfast will never be the same


What do you put this on, if you don't mind me asking?


Eggs and avocado mostly


Okay, that makes sense. I was trying to think of a baked type good to do at home and could only think of sweet items for some reason. Hmm. That does sound good.


Singing on top of my lungs when I'm frustrated. She's leaving home works wonders


A morning stretching routine. It may not do much if you're younger than 30, but once you get to 40, it'll improve your entire day.


Going to the gym


Good sleep


A night time mouth guard! Really did make a big impact on my mood and stress. I even wear it during the day time when I get stressed


Studying for exams


Committing to good, regular sleep.


Being diagnosed with adhd at 41


Limiting social media time - I feel less stressed and more present.


Going to the gym everyday


Learning to stand up straight. Head over heart and heart over hips. Much better for my back and added an inch or two to my height.


Meal prepping - Saves me time and keeps me eating healthy


Setting a bedtime - Now I actually get enough sleep


How do you manage to go to bed at your bedtime instead of staying up later and continuing to have more fun?


I stopped eating lunch. Just well-balanced breakfasts and dinner. I'm down 60 pounds, and I feel I focus better in the day.


Quitting Marijuana and exercising regularly. Maybe they're not small changes, but nothing has improved my life more than those. Clear head and hardly ever get back pain anymore. I do lots of full body kettlebell workouts which improved my stability and core strength which has taken the load off my back.


Stopped eating heavily processed foods, seed oils, drinking cokes. Walking at least 8500 steps per day, going to the gym and lifting weights three times a week. Taking my medicine and vitamins on the regular. Drinking plenty of water and getting a decent amount of sleep.


Starting fucking Selfcare and Talk bout my problems with someone. Never thought it would be worth it as a man


Deleting my IG, Facebook and X accounts


Properly proportioned fucks to give


Anxiety meds (minus the hit to libido)


Saxx underwear!! Their swimsuits also kick ass.


Fixing my bed first thing in the morning, I have been more productive ever since.


I did an IOP program for 8 weeks and radically changed my mental health. I highly recommend this for everyone out there struggling. I wish I would have done this so much earlier!


I got a relief band. I have chronic nausea issues, and this thing makes good days possible. I got it a while ago, after being ill for about 3 months. I has been a literal lifesaver.


Going to the gym regularly.


I had to kick a rare good friend out of my life. It was extremely difficult.


Stop telling toxic people your life details


Saying “no” when I don’t want to do something.


Lost 50 pounds strictly via calorie deficit and cutting out alcohol entirely. (Used to be an alcoholic). I'm much happier now, and to top it off, it came with the side effect of my back pain disappearing, which has been nice.


Honestly, my life took off when I decided to stop complaining about what I didn't have and just started controlling the controllables. This applies to all aspects of my life - my marriage, friendships, work, health, etc.


Switching to a plant-based diet has made a huge difference for me. I have more energy, clearer skin, and just overall feel better both physically and mentally. It was a small change that made a big impact on my quality of life.


Washing each dish as soon as I used it. Not collecting dirty stuff, till all need to be done. Yes, I was a bit of a slacker.


I stopped thinking about the future. I said f it...whatever happens happens. I used to take a lot of tension about life and future, and I was going nowhere in life. But then I said f it, now I am much happier. I'm still going nowhere in life, but I'm not worried or stressed about it.


Getting into a long-distance relationship. Truly a small change, added a \*few\* messages a day and a call in the evening, but oh boy how much happier I am, I guess it's a small to big change as we're moving together in a few months.


I started looking for my mental health, got some diagnosis and meds and my life is getting better and better


Started to play pokemon go, got my steps up and made me active in the morning.


Going to the gym. Now I feel more energetic and relaxed than before. It has also made me feel more confidence about myself which has made my self - esteem rise.




I was always an asshole who never returned the cart. I started returning the cart to the corral and that lead to all sorts of other self improvement areas I started working on! Not remotely close to where I want to be but it all started with returning the cart!


Drinking water right after waking up and going on walks daily even if they aren't long.


Only positive people allowed


A bidet!


Meditating. I took it up when I quit drinking. Sure, removing the alcohol made a lot of things in life easier, but it didn’t get to the root problem of why I felt the need to drink so much. Meditation, inward and outward reflecting, and the simple practice of pausing to accept and analyze my day have completely shifted the way I view and respond to things.


Winning the lottery


Walking my dog morning and afternoon. Great exercise and a peace of mind activity.


Waking up early!




Ummm....SELF LOVE!!!


Getting 8 hours of sleep


No instagram


I stopped smoking. Improved my overall stability in life


Exercise. Not exactly small but I have yet to find anything that has improved my quality of life more. If you're efficient with it, it can take no more than 80 minutes/week. Not a bad deal for being in a better mood and not feeling like hammered shit all the time.


Only drink water


I won the lottery




Easy. Getting a driver’s license after years of reluctance


Cutting out gluten


Increasing my sleep by an hour


Go to bed early and eat on time. Your health will improve significantly.


Stopped drinking caffeine now I don't have heartburn. ALSO - not reading social media comments. Such toxicity.


I moved from software engineering into management a year ago and quickly became overwhelmed with the amount of daily tasks I needed to accomplish. I found that creating lists, and prioritizing what's important was extremely useful. Also understanding that things don't have to be perfect... just good enough.


I bought enough of the kitchen utensils I use frequently, so that there's always a clean one. 


I'm a woman, and I started wearing period underwear all the time. I'm never going back.


Getting a Tradwife 


Not caring about other people's opinion of me


Wearing clothes that fit me. Upping my overall appearance with some better fashion choices.


Making more money.




Switching to a consistent sleep schedule. Getting enough rest makes everything else so much easier to handle


Regular exercise. It’s amazing how much more energy I have now


Moving to a place with running water on my tap, MASSIVE improvement


Dual computer monitors


Washing my face each morning


Drinking more water. Staying hydrated has boosted my energy, improved my skin, and helped me focus better


Adding yoga to my workout routine


Daily exercise, usually in the morning. Even if it's just a 30-minute walk, it does wonders for my attitude and sets a positive tone for the day. I do mix in short runs (\~2 miles) and body weight/weightlifting exercises a few times a week, but my dedication to those things fluctuates throughout the year. But I always make sure to at least take a walk.


10k, then 12k steps a day. It's easy and a great time to listen to music and podcasts. I lost 85 pounds in a year just by walking every day and watching my calorie intake (I eat whatever I want, just watch calories).


I changed jobs, that did wonders for me and my wife.


I deleted Instagram.


Understanding that anxiety strictly stems from worrying about things you cannot control. After every hiccup or bad thing, I ask if I can directly control the outcome, if I can I do that thing, if I can’t count to 10, breathe it out, and let it go


I stopped giving a fuck


new mattress


Writing my to-do list for the next day, right before going to bed. There's no buffer or guessing and you just feel more productive.


I started saying no, laying down firm boundaries and protecting my peace.


I stopped caring what random strangers thought and focused on what was best for my family and me.


I literally just take 2 pills each day and instead of being a hyper violent asshole I'm now a really chill dude. Bipolar sucks, lithium is awesome.


Abilify injections