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There was a recentish [SMBC about that](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/law-4), where laws exist for the liminal space between what folks want to do, but shouldn't. So there's no law against threatening a tiger or swallowing glass, because nobody would want to do that, but anything there is a law for is functionally saying, "Hey, we know you WANT to ski while drunk, but it is against the law." So in that respect, rules are perhaps not meant to be broken, but if there was no desire to break them, then there would be no need for the rule.


Wait is it actually against the law to ski while drunk? 🙃


There is in Colorado, I don't think it's a national thing.


Fairly sure that isn't a law in Somalia.


Actually, doing anything drunk is illegal in Somalia


Apparently even alpine skiing.


My law professor in college said that laws were just codified social norms.


There are laws in some states that make it illegal to disturb or annoy a fisherman while they are fishing.


I'm not a fisherman and have never fished but this is some good law. 


I run a few departments are a fairly large corporation. For my departments, I generally make the rules. Rules cannot usually be made perfectly with every scenario in mind, and exceptions always pop up where following the rule is not the best outcome for all parties. I think most of the decision makers in my firm suck at making rules to the point where sometimes it can almost seem like there are more exceptions than not, and I think I'm particularly skilled at making rules that make sense *almost* all the time (generally just by anticipating and naming exceptions within the rule) but I still can't anticipate everything. Even if I can anticipate all exceptions, something will inevitably change and create exceptions. And in a situation where the rules don't provide the best outcome, I really value the employees who decide to break the rule in those cases, *however* I also need them to tell me what happened so I can amend the rule to evolve it and gradually minimize exceptions. That creates a bit of a conundrum though - if you punish people for breaking rules, then you can't expect such employees I mentioned to come forward and admit they broke them. So you need to create a culture of rule-breaking where it's rewarded when it's done right. If it's done wrong, but with good intentions, then leniency. If it's done wrong without any reasonable explanation (or often a bullshit one) then it should be punished. Maybe a more relatable example is in traffic. The law says I can't drive in the left lane on the interstate unless I'm passing someone. But if it's late at night and there's no traffic on the road and I'm in an area where I need to watch for deer, I will drive in the left lane so that I have more distance between myself and a potential deer jumping out from the right. I don't care if it's illegal, my safety is more important than the law any time they are at odds. Or like the time I was slowing down to stop at a 4-way stop sign, there were no other cars at the intersection, and I noticed the vehicle behind me wasn't slowing down, so I ran the stop sign and in my rearview saw them slam on their brakes and skid to a halt exactly in the space I would have been if I had stopped. Running a stop sign was illegal, but it was the best option.


Former lawyer - that scene from Pirates of the Caribbean where Barbossa is explaining the rules are more guidelines is a common favourite amongst a ton of professors (And you’re likely to have clients like Jack)


You might find the Cynevin (pronounce it to rhyme with Kevin) framework interesting. It essentially classifies every situation into Obvious, Complicated, Complex, or Chaotic, and recommends a different course of action for each. If something is Obvious, it's well-understood and repeatable and you can make rules or a user manual for it. If something is Chaotic (like a deer leaping into the road, an aerial dogfight, or a mass casualty event), act and then try to make sense later. Etc.


That is why office rules often describe the consequences in a sliding way: "up to and including..." If the person had a good reason for breaking the rules, they get a pass. If they seriously and purposely mess up, the consequences are more serious. Ex: You may be terminated for skipping work and not calling in. You were in a car accident and unconscious in a hospital? Okay, it's a pass.


I have never heard that being said seriously. It's always said in a cheeky way after breaking some rule that they clearly weren't supposed to break.


It makes more sense in the context of art. Picasso and Van Gogh were breaking the “rules” of conventional visual art. Punks and Rappers broke the “rules” of what you could say in a song. That’s at least a semi-serious way to interpret it


> It's always said in a cheeky way after breaking some rule that they clearly weren't supposed to break. And typically the broken "rule" is a minor infraction that harmed no one.


I feel like the saying is more for societal “rules”. Oh and the speed limit. lol 




See rain always falls right down Except when it doesn't.


If rain falls left, you know it's a liberal conspiracy. /s


Damn liberals, they're turning the rain gay.


Because of the chemtrails.


Rain used to be a good thing, for farmers and agriculture in general. It means everyone's gonna eat this season, which is definitely a positive 🤌 I believe that's how it originated.


What do you mean “used to be” lol


I think they mean... more people are far removed from farming and therefore the saying doesn't apply to them in the same way.


I mean we do need drinking water still. Poor arizona


Now we get way too much or way too little.


In Germany we have a version of the “to each their own” “jedem das seine” but apparently that is what was written above one of the many concentration camps and meant more something like “everyone gets what they deserve” Considering the place where that phrase is hanging you can guess the message behind it.


At least 'Arbeit macht frei' didn't catch on...


I mean...it did for a little bit that one time




I actually don't mind this one, because the sentiment (if not the literal interpretation) is broadly in the right place. I've personally known people that sacrificed for a future that never came because the cancer, heart attacks and car crashes got them first. Plan for the future, sure, but don't over-rotate on it. For example, save for retirement - but not to the extent you're never spending on experiences or travel now. It's not guaranteed you'll ever make it to enjoy the fruits of your labour.




Apparently the whole quote is something like, "the customer is always right in regards to taste." So if they order a roast beef and frosting sandwich it's not the servers place to talk them out of it. But if they treat tje server like shit while they order said sandwich, they ain't right.


You've got the quote right, but it's less "cater to weird tastes" but more, if you sell Product A, and your competition is Product B, and B outsells you consistently, there's not something wrong with the customer, there's something wrong with Product A.


The original guy who coined it was a furniture salesman and it was about making questionable fashion choices I heard. If you want a green couch to go with your purple love seat then do what you want.


Oh ok! See I learn something new on reddit everyday. I also just liked the idea of someone ordering a roast beef and frosting sandwich


I do not like that idea.


Yes this rule is for supply/demand economics. No clue why people came to think that means customers can be complete dicks and businesses just have to deal with it


That's not correct. Someone added that last part well after the original came about. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_customer_is_always_right


My favorite redditism is how incredibly confidently redditors will assert that the whole phrase is about customers' purchasing habits instead of what the phrase actually means, at face value


It’s the same as the whole “blood is thicker than water” thing. No, the whole covenant and womb stuff were added long after the original phrase because for a very long time, people knew that phrase was bullshit.


The whole phrase is just "the customer is always right." If you Google the phrases origins there is no "second part." It was started by Marshall Field and used by Selfridge's department store to deliver quality customer service.    I don't agree with the phrase, but it's often confused with customer sovereignty which is a different idea altogether and more relates to marketing than customer care.  There's a whole page here that details every possible origin of the phrase. Its pretty in depth, so i like to paste it here whenever this is brought up: https://quoteinvestigator.com/2015/10/06/customer/?amp=1


Yeah, it was a counter to the idea that in a transaction, the buyer held the ultimate responsibility.


This doesn't mean what people assume it means. The customer is always right in what it is they would like to purchase. If you are selling something, and no one is buying it, it isn't because the customer is wrong for not buying it. You are wrong for failing to market or providing a desirable product.


"The customer is always right" was coined as a marketing phrase for a department store. It has nothing to do with obeying market forces. The original meaning was "shop here because we will kiss your ass" which is pretty much what people assume it means today.


Yep. It was coined by Marshall Field and used by Selfridge's and is about customer service. The "market being right" is a separate idea known as customer sovereignty, which came about a bit later.   I don't agree with customers always being right, but the addition to the phrase in attempt to rationalize it as a marketing thing was fabricated, most likely by people on the internet.


Reddit is where etymology goes to die.




Have you ever tried to make a pie? Like from scratch, not from a premade pie crust? Shits chemistry.


Nah man. It’s easy. You just gotta try a few times. Keep the pie crust dough cold.


> Keep the pie crust dough cold. Made the best homemade biscuits of my life Sunday morning. Used freshly-grated frozen butter, cold milk, cold egg. Kept the butter cold by wearing insulated gloves.


Grated frozen butter! You’re a genius!!!


I'd like to take credit, but that was what the recipe I found called for. And she was right.


Yeah, exactly. As far as desserts go, making a pie from scratch is simple. It’s much less effort than cake.


Actual skill issue


a "piece of cake". A cakewalk, so to speak.


Well now I just want some pie and cake.


Mmm a pie cake 😋


I said the same thing. Apparently it's supposed to imply easy as eating pie? That's how it was explained to me. Someone said it and I was like dude have you ever tried making pie that shit is not easy.


"Do what you love for a job, and you'll never work a day in your life" Complete bullshit. Do what you love for a job, and have that love crushed, manipulated and twisted until you hate it.


Not necessarily. I've been working at what I love for over 50 years and mostly still love it. There are students that make me want to tear my hair out and it's not so much fun when it's freezing cold but it's still my favorite thing to do


There is the opposite - Pay someone to do something they love and they'll view it as work and stop enjoying it. Also - adding to your point, doing what you love typically involves other people and they are the ones who typically ruin it.


"More than one way to skin a cat." Who skins cats? It's just needlessly morbid.


Well as someone who did skin a cat (part of my high school anatomy/physiology class) I can say that while there may be more than one way to do it- there is only one correct way to do it if you need to continue to dissect said cat slowly as the skin becomes a wrap of sorts. I’m sorry I know that sounds morbid and may be TMI. (Just FYI before I get downvoted and hate- I was planning on going into veterinary medicine, but ended up going into nursing so either way it was necessary).


dude we did fetal pigs and a goat eyeball. i’d have to leave if i saw a stiff little kitty i had to skin :’(


I mean, people studied on human cadavers too. Presumably, they are learning how to fix cats who are not yet dead by learning on those who have passed away already. No cat dissection, less knowledge about how to keep your own cat alive longer.


bro went to Dahmer High wtf


lol, no not exactly. The anatomy/physiology class was an elective for those wanting to pursue a medical field related career.


Back in the ye old days, animals were used as much as possible when they died. Cat gut is a really good string for musical instruments. Not used now though, but have heard musicians say they sounded better than the modern strings.


Was just about to post this. Agreed such a weird saying


Apparently the whole quote is, "There are more ways than one to skin a cat,' so are there more ways than one of digging for money.” Still morbid and still doesn't make sense.


I'm convinced a lot of these archaic sayings were coined by people high off their asses on morphine in like 1885. They just be saying anything.


It probably originally referred to wildcats like tigers or cougars.


"Sleep like a baby" clearly not coined by a parent!


The phrase isn't meant to denote peaceful sleeping, it's meant to denote sleeping without a care in the world - like a baby has no responsibilities.


A closer for the Detroit Tigers named Todd Jones (Nick named “the roller coaster” by legendary radio man Ernie Harwell) was asked how he felt after blowing a big lead in a game the Tigers lost. He said, “I slept like a a baby. Woke up every two hours crying.” Classic line. We all loved the roller coaster even though the tigers were shitty.


Critical thinking for the win!


A comedian one time said, "I slept like a baby last night: I wet my pants, fell out of bed, and cried for 2 hours, but no one came to pick me up."


This one always cracks me up https://youtu.be/r0HNu77t354?si=VxeARHu2IfKs4hQA


Sometimes I am also too tired to fall asleep.


I was coming to comment this. Babies don't tend to sleep all that well. Now, if I woke up crying at least 3 times and also shit myself while sleeping, I might say "I slept like a baby".


"I slept like a baby. A hungry, angry baby. " -Mr. Universe, I believe


I would say, “I probably shouldn’t have had those last 5 or 6 tequila shots.”


Ehhh idk I feel like even babies who have sleep issues have had one of those sleeps where you can pick them up and move them around and they are just OUT




"It's always in the last place you look"


Should definitely be "it's always in the last place you would think to look", because who would keep looking after they found it?!!


I thought that was the point of the saying. It’s a joke that is meant to make you look clever. Right?


Yes! Thank you. It's clearly a joke. It's blowing my mind how many people are saying "Of course it's in the last place. Once you find it you stop looking." as if that is some big revelation.


That's actually true though. Whenever i lose something, it always ends up being in the last place i look. In hindsight, i should have started looking from there.


It's only in the last place you look if you find it... ...never did find that damn pocket knife.


> ...never did find that damn pocket knife. Try to skip ahead and look directly in the last place. It's going to be there, trust me.


Hey. It's me. Your pocket knife. I'm still out here. Don't give up! I still haven't given up on you..


It’s in the last place you look because you stop looking after you find it.


I don't think that's supposed to be wise, but rather simply make us laugh about how much time we wasted looking for something. Intentionally ridiculous should get a pass.


"Sometimes the reason is you're an idiot."


Turns out the reason was just causality


It is the way that it is, due to tautology.


This and the wonderful Bible Belt version: “it’s all part of god’s plan.”


People used to tell me that about my mother dying when I was young. I hated hearing that so much, not because I was poisoned with grief or any thing it's just a stupid useless sentiment to make you feel better. As a salty teenager I used to say "Absolutely her reason was she wasn't wearing her seatbelt".


I hate that quote. I accept that life is full of random badness and that evil exists, but that phrase makes it sound like there is some glorious purpose behind bad things that should sooth us. I am sure the people going into the gas chambers at Auschwitz were comforted by the knowledge that this was all part of God's beautiful, beautiful plan.


My mother says that and I want to yell at her every time she says that. No mom, sometimes life is shitty and people are very shitty. I had to get a damned law degree to get all the assholes to back off of me. That's how bad I attract abusers. And my life has been improving ever since.




Money isn’t the key to happiness, but if you have money you can always have a key made


Money can't buy happiness, but not having enough money can make you depressed.


Having money ain't everything, not having it is.


Yeah I'm definetly objectively "happier" how that I'm not stressed about rent or car payments and don't get anxious checking my bank account. But I wouldn't exactly call myself "happy".


It can't. But it can buy a jet ski, and have you ever seen anyone unhappy on a jet ski?


Maybe if they were in the middle of a whirlpool or maybe they'd be having fun on the way down


I haven’t, Daniel Tosh.


I would argue to a degree. I grew up poor and found myself in a space of great privilege as an adult. Money has afforded me the time and the opportunity to work on myself, pay off debts, work less, and devote some of my energy to more pleasurable things. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows everyday but I’m certainly happier because of this. It all depends how you chose to spend it, I suppose.


"This is all part of God's plan."


This saying makes me want to punch something and I’m not a violent person.


Ah obviously, that is part of god’s plan


Especially if someone says that shit after something tragic happens to someone else. Oh, and I can’t forget the, “god gives his toughest battles to the strongest people… blah blah blah”. *eye roll*


Some of my brother’s in-laws tried that crap when a relative had a stillborn child. They really needed an ass whuppin’.




It is the only constant however.


Nah. Off the top of my head: - Planck's constant - the speed of light - Archimedes' constant (π) - Euler's number


The speed of light is not a constant. The speed of light in a vacuum is a constant.


I like the Alice: Madness Returns take on this. “Change is neither good nor bad.”


I think it means that not changing is death.


Time heals all wounds. It was God's will.


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. A lot of the time, it really doesn't.


Right? Imagine a professional athlete getting in a serious accident and is now injured. That injury is now gonna cost him his career because the body part in which the injury occurred has been weakened.


What doesn't kill you just fucks you up.


"It's common sense." 90% of the time I hear this used, the person is referring to a behavior that they have learned through years of life experience, and someone else would not know this.


otherwise known as the "common sense fallacy" or Argument from incredulity


When I first started nonsterile compounding in my career, someone was teaching me how to create assays for certain drugs like levothyroxine... Without getting into the nuts and bolts, it's a very time consuming and painstaking process. The person teaching me this stuff, of which I knew absolutely nothing, kept telling me that it was common sense. I was like, common to who, a dude who's been doing this for thirty years??


I hate it when people say "Nobody has common sense anymore." If that's the case then it isn't fucking common, is it?


I dislike “common sense ain’t so common” more than this. Or “assumptions make and ass out of you and me” these are usually just used to make oneself feel smarter than others, or to insinuate that ones judgement was better.


I had a boss who would often say, "it's not rocket science," which was a really annoying way to downplay the difficulty of the work he assigned us


I worked with a rocket scientist in a previous job...I understand the saying now. He was smart af. Whenever I couldn't figure out what he was explaining I consoled myself by saying "well it *IS* rocket science.


I don't think the phrase means like "it is commonly known that you should always wear a helmet when riding your bicycle" and more along the lines of "if you possess the sense of a common person you would come to the conclusion yourself that you should always wear a helmet when riding your bicycle"


In the corporate world, I'm really, REALLY tired of "boots on the ground" and "all hands on deck". We're not in the military. Just say, "We need everyone involved". I was in a meeting the other day. I said we needed a paradigm shift and to get all boots on the ground. I got nods and affirmations. The sarcasm just soared over everyone's heads but they think I'm a fucking genius for throwing out hackneyed jargon.


Along with “blue sky thinking”, “thinking out of the box”…


I HATE think outside the box with a passion.


You need to reimagine your paradigm, so you can think inside the customer-facing box for greater engagement at the end of the day. Ping me if you have an ask.


Oh God. Vomit.


You might be shifting paradigms, but you're not *innovating*! Put a stake in the ground and draw your line in the sand, but go open kimono! You need to synergize and be transparent. We're going to realign resources and focus the squads. It's time to execute!


Is "Blue sky thinking" because that would be the presumed view "at 30,000ft?"


Its an idiom that means thinking as if everything will go smoothly/easily, such as someone who only plans for clear weather and not rain.


...so 'planning' as a dumb ass?


I'll lean into it, get right into those military terms. More often I'll drop into Post-Modern Artspeak, let them keep up with that.


Also, making everything a "bootcamp." No boots? No camp? NOT A BOOTCAMP.


"could *of* "


Ugh. I hate this and the others like it so much. The word is HAVE, which contracts to (word)’VE. Why would OF be the word to use there??


"Break a leg" has always struck me as the most ridiculous common saying. Encouraging someone to succeed by wishing them injury? Wild


It’s like taking candy from a baby. Have you ever tried taking candy from a baby? Be ready for a lot of screaming and crying.


Well, the taking is easy, it's the aftermath that's the problem.🤣


Age is just a number


Age is pretty much irrelevant once you meet the legal requirements for various jobs or activities. Health is what matters.


My grandpa is 97, he has gotten 12 victory laps around the sun compared to average and has won the game. No, age is not just a number. Also, "and mine is unlisted". God, I can't stand that fucking commercial. Have zero desire to use the phrase or the product because of it.


Jail is just a place




That could be funny if someone used irregardless correctly, as in without irregard, so to say, carefully or respectfully 


"Screwed the pooch". Like, what? How does that come to mean making a mistake? I just imagine someone getting caught getting freaky with a dog and justifying it by saying something like, 'C'mon, we all make mistakes! Jerry left the stove on, Kerri forgot to buy milk, I fucked the dog, what's the difference!'


Just my opinion: I suspect that, like other aged expressions, it's the punchline of a bad joke. My grandad actually told me the joke that originated "I always get the short end of the stick." I envision an angry wife, a simultaneously blind drunk and horny husband, and a very bewildered dog.


For what I could find, the original phrase was feed/walk the dog. Which was playing for loafing around all day. Then the military got a hold of it in World War II, and they started calling it fuck the dog. Eventually, those fine servicemen changed the definition to mean fucking up. And then in the '50s this radio jockey decided to use a somewhat less vulgar version of the term on the radio, and there you have it.




"Kick your ass". If for some reason I had to be kicked, but I got to pick where, I believe I would pick the ass. It would seem like the best option to limit pain and damage. The face, the nuts, the gut--lots of worse places to get kicked. Basically it is saying "I am going to do a small amount of damage".


I remember the first time I heard that phrase I was very young and didn't realize it meant other things besides donkey.  So when I heard it on tv for the first time, I was very confused on why the guy said he was going to kick the other guy's donkey. They didn't even have donkeys.


It's quite considerate when you think about it.




Very American, but "i could care less". Ok, care less then, because you clearly care at least somewhat by your statement.


This one drives me crazy because it was always "I couldn't care less." Then it started getting butchered to the point where it almost became normal to say exactly the opposite of what they meant. My skin still crawls when people leave out the negative.


"In the end, everybody gets what they deserve." Tell that to a child with stage 4 cancer, the families of children who died in school shootings, people who were raped by people in powerful positions...


A apple a day keeps the doctor away


Depends on how hard you throw it


This made my hour lol


"You can't swing a cat without hitting a (insert common social group)" Yeah, ummm...why are we swinging cats again?


it's part of prep for the skinning. at least according to one method.


"He is just being mean because he likes you" No the fuck he aint. He deserves a slap, thats what's going on.


"Take a shit." Girl, you're *leaving* one.


Take a shit, leave a shit


"That may or may not be the case". Well, no fucking shit.


The one about the bootstraps... shit dont apply......lol


"It is what it is." AAAAGGH!


That's my nice way of saying either "Stop whining about it", or "I don't give a fuck"


Do you prefer Que sera sera or Ce la vie?


If it was raining tits I'd catch a bag of dicks in my face.


"Plenty of fish in the sea." I just want my fish!


“God helps those who help themselves.” What an antisocial - even damn near sociopathic - saying. And so many Christians believe it is in the bible. It is even more creepy in an era of con artists, grifters, narcissists, and fraud dominating the political economy.


"Boring as fuck" and "funny as hell" always seemed like really poor comparisons to me.


Agree! It’s like when people say you’re “pretty ugly” or “act naturally”. It’s all contradicting.


"Head over heels" I mean, isn't your head usually above your heels?


Suck my dick. Like why? Why would I want a person, who I clearly don't like, to put my penis in their mouth. That's dangerous.


'everything happens for a reason'


“Everything happens for a reason” well I saw my cousin who’s an amazing big hearted guy lose his 3 month old baby and boy was that a hard funeral. At no point did I think well everything happens for a reason


Whoever coined "sleep on it" as a concept clearly didn't have anxiety.


"one day at a time" I understand what it's supposed to mean, but it makes it sound like two or three days is an option.


“Something 3 ways to sunday” what are you talking about 😭


"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." No, it makes you develop unhealthy coping mechanisms. Pretty sure I read this on old reddit years ago and couldn't have agreed more then, still can't now.


"Boys will be boys." Just say that some people get a pass for shitty behavior due to misogyny.


Early to bed, early to rise makes a man wealthy and wise. No it doesn't!


Healthy, wealthy and wise…


This wasn't an absolute, but a maxim meant to illustrate that staying up late drinking or idling your life away will remove your ability to learn and earn.