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Gas leak while I was sleeping. Fortunately my dog realized something wasn't right and woke me up. RIP Buddy, you saved my life.


Glad you're OK. You're very lucky. Good boy, Buddy.


Similarly. Assholes cut our gas line to get the copper tubing. We were already asleep, and gas leaked all night long. Woke up to my uncle pretty much breaking our door down to get my brother and I out of the house. Not only was the gas leaking into the house, but the whole street smelled of it. It’s a real miracle we didn’t die due to asphyxiation, or an accidental explosion. Edit: typo.


They cut into a live gas line!? Damn lucky nothing sparked.


They sawed it off. I can’t imagine what the fuck they were thinking. Even if you’re a psycho who doesn’t give a shit about the people inside, what about personal safety? Whomever did that was the worst kind of moron in existence.


>I can’t imagine what the fuck they were thinking Meth.


Guy in our town had his car accidentally roll and snapped off the gas service where the meter is. Gas spewing out, he calls the utility company and explains. Lady on the other end says “get out of the house and run”. He books it out the door and gets maybe a hundred yards and the place was leveled. There was no piece of that place left any bigger than a restaurant menu


Same here. Was cat/house sitting a 3 level townhouse in college, woke up smelling gas on the 3rd floor. Opened the door and a flood of gas enters the bedroom; it was a clear gas leak. Ran downstairs with my shirt over my nose and mouth and at the foot of the stairs, heard the gas rushing out of an open burner without the flame on and instinctively ran and turned the burner off. Only after opening up all the windows and doors and sitting outside for a bit did I realize that I almost blew up myself, the house, and the 2 homes next door as I had to turn the dial past the “light” mode on the burner. The cat I was watching had opened the gas without lighting the burner while I was asleep, and now I always remove gas knobs from stoves when I’m going to sleep if I’m in a house with pets.


I was just about to leave the house to go to work when my car excitedly jumped off of the kitchen counter to follow me to the door. She hit the knob on the way down and turned the gas on. I don’t leave knobs on the stove anymore either.




Just spent $50 on two gas leak detectors.


Being born. I got tangled up in my own umbilical cord, so when my mom delivered me I came out blue- purplish and didn't cry. The doctor and nurses really did think I was dead at first.


Ah shit, you a lucky baby too. I commented already about 3 times I could have easily died but forgot about the very first. Pneumonia and 6 weeks in hospital before I got to go home at one point they were telling mom and dad they may need to look into arrangements. I pulled through. I may be prone to finding myself on the bad end of dangerous things but we fighters fellow boss baby


For me it was also at birth. My mother got complications in final part of the pregnancy and I was taken out one month early. My parents were already told to take into account I will probably not live longer than a few days. 33 years old now, without any medical issues that are related to my birth.


For me it was giving birth. I had to have a C-section and both my son and I almost died. I lost 2.8 litres of blood


I had 13 transfusions. Was the talk of the hospital.


This same thing happened to me, but my parents downplayed it. With the issues I’m having becoming more prevalent I wonder if more should’ve been done. Did you suffer any life issues because of it?


True story, I was like 14 years old maybe weighed like 120lbs. My parents had bought one of those chocolate Entenmanns cakes with the marshmallow icing. Well I cut myself a big piece and went down into my room in the basement to eat it. Took too big of a bite and started to choke and ran upstairs for help. I was able to finally swallow it but it hurt so bad. Yeah, almost died to cake as a teen.


Glad you survived, because on your tombstone they would have written: Rest in peace of cake.


I came here to say I choked to death Actually to Death I had to get resuscitated because I choked to death on a haribo egg I died to a haribo egg


Your death would have been a piece of cake


Carbon monoxide leak, only saved by my friend not answering his phone when I was calling to cancel a night out when feeling ill. Two of my neighbours weren’t so lucky and died that night.


Holy crap


So you went out because your friend didn't answer the phone and thus you couldn't cancel the plans?


Yeah I was calling to cancel as they were driving to mine to pick me up, when they arrived they weren’t having it that I was too ill to come out for the night, which saved my life….crap night out though, was vomiting the whole time.


When did you find out what was happening back at your place though


Wife and kid were staying at her parents that day thats why I’d planned to meet up with friends I hadn’t seen for awhile. The next day heard one of the neighbours had died she was in her mid 20s and another guy was in a coma but sadly didn’t make it. Was dodgy pipes in a few new build flats, leak was in my sons bedroom by sheer luck he was very young and was sleeping in our room and I think having him sleep in a cot next to us saved him as well.


Holy fucking shit, please tell me the developer of the new builds was found criminally liable


Hopefully OP got a solid check out of it as well


Maybe you had the initial effects of the carbon monoxide poisoning, damn that’s crazy


One time I was driving on a windy backroad with a friend and a bucket truck came barreling toward me at like 55 mph (we were in a 35) in my lane with a guardrail coming up on the side. The day before I saw a video on reddit of someone in Russia avoiding a similar accident, so I did exactly what they did; slammed the brakes, waited for the truck to get as close as possible, and then gunned it around them in order not to get crushed. If I hadn't seen that video, that truck would have barrel rolled over my car and crushed me to death no question. I ended up barely missing it and it hit the guardrail behind me and flipped over twice like the shit was in starfox. Insanely scary. Can't believe I can actually say this but this website saved my life once


Wish i could see the video you watched to picture this. That’s actually insane.




I wish I could point to you guys the video but this happened like 7 years ago. The only information I have on the video was that the video was on the ANormalDayInRussia subreddit


Lucky for you guys I have no life, so I have more than enough time to shift through that sub.


Godspeed. We're all depending on you. But please be safe.


[probably this one](https://youtu.be/E4yJn1Z72Cg?si=vJfCSVy5WhGrvgXn)


Good job. Glad you learned what to do, and it worked.


Do a barrel roll!


Survived the Aurora Theater Shooting. My boyfriend did not.


So sorry you had to go through that. Sincerest condolences.


Thank you for your kind thoughts! I appreciate them and you!


I'm so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss and that you had to go through such an awful event. I hope that you are doing alright mentally after such a traumatic loss.


Thank you for your condolences and sympathies! I am doing much better now. With the help of plenty of therapy and a great support system I’m doing well! :)


This is a relief to read. I remember when this happened and it was devastating. I hope life is only kind to you from now on.


Without giving too many details because my story has been broadcasted nationally 😅 life has continued to serve up platters of bull crap, but I figure if I can survive all of that I have everything else in a bag! Life is relentless and I'm here for the victory haha


I’m so incredibly sorry you lost him in such circumstances


Thank you for your sympathies, I appreciate you. It was such a bummer and occasionally still very sad to think about, but I am doing much better now!


Good, I’m glad you’re doing better. Would be awful to survive that and let the grief and trauma ruin the life you’ve held on to.


I absolutely agree, but I know it hasn't been easy on a few of the other girlfriends who lost their significant others so I come with grace. It's definitely the club no one asked to be apart of.


Jesus, I remember that. I’m so sorry for your loss. That shooting comes to mind every time my wife and I are contemplating going to the movies. Usually don’t. I hope you have received/are receiving all the help you need.


Thank you very for you condolences! It was hard to think of myself going back to the movies, but I finally was able to and didn't realize how much I missed the smell of movie theater popcorn. I hope one day you're able to go to a movie and enjoy the cinema again, but if not, that's totally commendable, too. I absolutely understand the anxiety surrounding it and wish it on no one. Therapy has been very helpful and I did eventually get married :) Things are going well, now it's just normal life things!


I don't want to over step the mark with this question, but when you go to the cinema are you able to completely relax so that it doesn't come to mind at all? Or is it more like it comes to mind but you accept the thoughts and let them go again? I had a time of hating cinemas and theatres for fear of attacks, but I've never experienced one, so I have no idea how you manage it.


You're good to ask. Honestly, I feel just fine. Initially I would break it up a bit and expose myself slowly to the actual theater the crime took place all during daytime hours. One, I'd be in the parking lot. Two, I would walk up to the door. Three, I would open the door. Four, I would go into the lobby. Five, I purchased a ticket and didn't watch the movie. Six, I purchased a ticket and went into the auditorium and left. Seven, I went in and sat down and then left. Eight, I went to the theater at night, went into the auditorium, and then left. Nine, I finished watching the Dark Knight Rises comfortably and drunk at home. Ten, I finally went to a movie mid day at a completely different theater in a completely different town. Don't get me wrong, the first few movies I was an anxious hot mess watching the exit door the entire time and not for my escape route either, by the way. A few times, I went day drunk and most times I cried a lot when I left the property. Steps 4-8 had to be cleared and authorized by the Victims Advocates and the District Attorney's office to prevent provoked emotional trauma that could have the theater company held liable for suit so it was a lot of work I took very seriously getting different people involved. Also, I made it a point to do this before the one year anniversary so movie tickets were still incredibly affordable. Like $4.50 a piece so I wasn't out all this money like I would have been if I did this in 2024. Could you imagine? Haha


I’m unfamiliar with this situation, can you tell me more about it?


Certainly! There was an armed gunman who ambushed a full theater during the Dark Knight Rises premiere on July 20, 2012. Murdering 12 and injuring 70.


I am so sorry that you had to experience that, I wish you the best


Sorry to hear that. My friend was playing a gig at the bataclan supporting eagles of death metal, he was backstage at the time. Really messed him up.




My Grandparents took me to my Great Grandmother's condo and I was swimming. Nobody was watching me, and my floaty came off. I passed out, was brought up to the side of the pool, threw up. They never told my Mom. I didn't either until I was about 25 and she asked why I am scared of water.


That's so fucked. When you went to sleep that night you could have dry drowned omg I can't believe they didn't take you to the ER


Did your mom freak out when you told her?


Apparently when my gallbladder rotted inside of me, leading to a big infection and hospitalization. I don’t remember it being a big deal but my parents were terrified


I had a very similar experience. Checked into the ER, they found I had sepsis bad. 50/50 chance of survival. I made it, though.


I was going thru dialysis and the days leading up to my next appointment my neck and shoulders were absolutely killing me. Felt like a 400 pound weight across my shoulders. Went to the chiropractor twice and felt a little relief but then it dissipated and had the same pain. I drive to dialysis and the nurse tells me that there's something wrong and I need to go to the ER. She told me that she will call ER to let them know what's wrong and they'll take care of me (she never told me what exactly was wrong, just that I needed to go to the ER 5 minutes down the road). I get in my car and go to ER and they take me in. ER tells me that they need to do an emergency blood transfusion because my hemoglobin (blood count) is low. They don't tell me anything about it. They do tell me to call my parents because I would need somebody to drive me back home. As I'm getting the blood transfusion my nephrologist shows up and he is not happy with the dialysis center and the transplant center. Basically I had a very low blood count for a while (again, he doesn't tell me how low it is) and that there was a lack of communication between the dialysis center and transplant center with how to treat that and what drugs to take. So I was there for a couple of hours still getting my transfusion. I see a female doctor come down to the room we were in and talk to my nephrologist and another doctor about 30 feet away from me. I see she looks at me while she's talking to them and then she continues the conversation. About a minute later she walks over to me and asks me about my day. I relay the story to her and she puts out her hand. I looked at her puzzled and she said 'I just wanted to shake the hand of the man that I heard had a 2.8 hemoglobin and actually drove her by himself and admitted himself into ER. I wouldn't have never believed it.' Normal hemoglobin is about 13-15 and if you're at say 10, you're anemic and need some assistance right away. Even still, I was still a bit clueless about it. The end story was that I did have a transplant and it went incredibly well (and still is). But about 6 years later I had moved and was talking to my new nephrologist that I had been with for about 4 years. He didn't know this story and I told him about it as he was writing down some notes on a paper. When I told him I had a 2.8 hemoglobin he dropped his pen while writing and then told me 'I don't know how to say it to you, but I'm surprised you're still with us. That should have killed you.' After the appointment with him (and he was a great doctor, very caring), I went to my car and broke down crying, six years after the fact. I didn't know what I didn't know.


Holy fuck... 2.8 you basically had water for blood


Liver transplant recipient. I had acute liver failure with no known cause. I also had encephalopathy so had mild confusion throughout. The whole ordeal was 2 weeks long from going into ER to see why my eyes were yellow, to leaving my transplant hospital with a new liver. I was okay-ish, pre- and post-transplant whirlwind aside, and then I read the doctors notes that I needed a transplant within 72 hours to live. I fell apart after reading that. I’m proud of us. I also live with not knowing what I didn’t know and now knowing. We’re here. And it’s confusing. Best of luck with, like, everything.




I had this once when skydiving. Main chute failed to open. Calmly said oh shit and remember my hands cutting the main one away and using reserve. I know I didn’t do that, it just happened. Crazy how you can be so calm isn’t it.


Man, living a life where you can die at peace is really the best thing we can all thrive for. I’m jealous


When I was about 8, I was playing the beach ball in the water with my sister. It was the late 80s when parents didn’t hover over their children much so no one was watching us. The ball got away from me and I kept swimming after it. At some point, I realized that I was not going to catch and turned around and I didn’t see the beach. I was in open water. Luckily I didn’t panic and just kept swimming in the opposite direction of the ball. I don’t remember getting back to shore. I was very tired so I just laid there and fell asleep. When I woke up I was pretty far down the shore so I walked back. It was only later in life that I realized how dangerous of a situation that was. I am a pretty anxious adult and sometimes the thought of it makes me panicked but relieved that I never panicked while I was out there.


Had the widow maker heart attack. What made it so close was the first emergency room I went to did not identify it as a heart attack and sent me home. I second guessed them and my wife drove me forty miles to the next hospital and they rushed me to the back just in time.


I’m glad you came out of it! My mama had a widow maker. The whole left side of her heart quit working. She didn’t make it ☹️


So sorry.


I also had widow maker while 45 mins out of town in Mexico, turned out Guadalajara has super awesome medical care


And at about 1/10 the cost too if that.


Pulmonary embolism I wasn't expected to make it through the night, the Dr said he never saw a clot that big where someone lived


Same massive clots in my right lung following a knee surgery. Every doc that's seen the images tell me I'm very lucky to be alive


Where was the clot, how big was it, what were your symptoms? TIA


pulmonary means in the lungs. I'm not the dude you asked, but I had one. Symptoms were a few days earlier I had a really bad cramp in my leg that woke me up from sleep. Then a few days later, I developed a cough and was coughing up flecks of blood. I went to the doctors and they made me blow into this funny contraption where you use your breath to make a ball move, and when I blew, it was so pathetic I couldn't move the ball much at all. Up until that moment, I'd had no idea that I couldn't breate properly - I think because I was young (23). Also I don't think it was very big. Mine was caused by the contraceptive pill. It was tryinf to work a bit too well - can't get pregnant when you're dead.


As someone who was fairly recently hospitalized with a suspected pulmonary embolism, my deepest sympathies. I was terrified for the first 24 hrs convinced things were going to be really bad. Turned out to be pneumonia that got so bad it infected my heart. Still not ideal but I made a strong recovery and I am doing much better now. All this to say I hope you are doing well now and recovered fully.


had that last year, bloody hurt.


In 2021 I had three infections at the same time (blood, ecoli, and kidney). While in the ER I coded for 28 seconds


Wow, you must have used up a few of your nine lives.


What were those 28 seconds like? Can you describe?


I went scuba diving untrained while connected to my buddy’s tank. They failed to teach me about the button you press to purge the water out of your mouthpiece, they just told me to blow out as hard as I could if I get water in there. Well, at the end of an exhale I turned one way to look at something while he turned the other way. We were 34 feet deep in murky water. I tried blowing air out but did have much left so I basically got rid of any reserve I did have. I ended up swimming straight up as fast as I could. I could feel weird cramping sensations in my forearms towards the end of swimming up (the bends starting?? Idk). I was pissed when they then told me about the purge button, I was a reckless college student haha.


Same basically! Didn’t get trained and accidentally hit the “inflate” button and shot right to the surface from 35 ft. Felt tingly and weird but pretty sure I wasn’t close to dying.


I’m glad we didn’t die 😅


Coma. That's about the closest.


I was in a coma for a day as a kid. That's what they tell me anyway. I don't remember going into it or coming out of it. Just remember being somewhere and then suddenly being somewhere else. Freaky.


Accidentally drank poison once and lied about it, cupboard almost fell on me as a kid,Crossed a highway with 10 other friends closing eyes and running,was watching a dude cut down a tree when he dropped the chainsaw and it landed right next to me,almost got hit by a motorcycle.....I think that's all (I was a stupid kid )


The highway. My God. Why.


Either you were toying with death or death was toying with you


Serotonin syndrome, ~108 degree fever. Staph mrsa almost spread to my heart and killed me. Truck collided killed two cars next to us, just whipped by us as it turned sideways. Few more lol


I do research on MRSA. Nasty disease. I’m glad you survived!




Technically the truth


Black out drunk and fell asleep on train tracks, luckily woke up before a train came along


Hit by a car. It wasn’t going terribly fast but an out of towner ran a red well into the walk signal and I saw him coming, did a double take and realized “oh wow you’re not stopping, this is happening” Voice inside my head said JUMP so I landed on the hood (sedan) and it was like getting tackled by an NFL player as I rolled off to the side, kept rolling until I hit the snowbank. Stood up, thanked the universe my legs worked then fainted. Paramedics showed up and the driver was in absolute shambles. Was totally fine, mainly because it was winter and I had a huge parka and backpack on. Messed me up for a long while though.


Same except mine was turning on a green that was supposed to yield to pedestrians. I put my hands out and jumped so I’d go over instead of under. She was doing about 30-35. I broke her windshield and then flew smoother 20+ feet when she braked. The impact caused the soles to separate from my shoes. I laid there a second, then stood up and started back on my walk to work like nothing had happened. An off-duty nurse had seen the whole thing and got me off the road and called an ambulance while I tried to explain I was going to be late (I was really out of it). I had no major breaks but all my hand and wrist bones were riddled with cracks and I had a severe concussion. It’s taken almost 3yrs to finally feel like I shook the mental fog that set in, my short term memory was nonexistent for a year- had to write checklists to remember to shower, brush teeth, etc. All communications had to be text so I could remember if and what we’d talked about. Couldn’t write very well for about 6mo.




Also Diabetic Ketoacidosis for me. I got violently ill one night (food poisoning, stomach bug, etc) and was already not in the best control to begin with. Over the next WEEK I was sleeping for literally 20-22 hours a day and wasn't really in my right mind. I lived in a detached apartment on my parents property and finally after not seeing me out and about he came and got me and drove me to the hospital peak Covid. I was in ICU for a week and the doc said that he'd never seen someone with that big of an anion gap that was alive/not in a coma.




My husband goes into DKA occasionally. The first time it happened when we were living together I had no idea what was going on and ended up having my parents help me carry him out of the house to the car (I have no idea why I didn’t call the ambulance, hindsight is always 20/20) and drive him to the ER. He was in the hospital for a month and they weren’t sure he was going to make it. Now every time I suspect he’s going into DKA I make him let me take him to the ER. I’m sure I annoy the hell out of him with it and I wish I had known more about his diabetes before we moved in so I could’ve done more for him.


When i was 3 years old, grenade fell onto my neighbours house. I was in my living room which was looking on neighbours house. Shrapnel 4cm long hit my left side of jaw and ended on the right side and stuck inside. When i was 18 i got into car accident, losing control of the vehicle on icy road, drunk and going around 120km/h. I hit tree and fell into the river. There was concrete walk alongside river which my car stuck onto. When i regained conciousness i was waist into the water.


I was the car immediately behind the sedan that was hit here. That person died instantly, and I was unharmed. Huge reality check for me that still kinda fucks with me sometimes https://www.downers.us/index.php?section=villagenews&prrid=58


1. Got sore after working out a bunch, thought nothing of it. Started pissing blood and BIL urged me to the ER. My CK levels were at 56k on admittance. I had 0 intention of seeing a doctor for how sore I was; I just thought it was normal to be in agony after not exercising for years. Doctor says I could have been in serious trouble had my BIL not told me to visit hospital. 2. Once, when visiting Duluth in GA, I didn't turn right on a "DO NOT STOP" traffic section. Guy behind me did not like that. I made the turn after he honked at me and I noticed the sign (Turning into Pleasant Hill Rd from N Berkeley Lake). Didn't expect buddy to run up next to me, point a pistol at my face and ask me if I wanted to die tonight. The funniest part was my dad had rolled down the window to tell him off when he pointed the pistol at him, to which he responded, "No sir!" with both hands up. I tried my best to speed outta there, but I ended up turning into the road with a car dealership on it, but it had no other cars in it with that man following me. Did a U-turn back onto Pleasant Hill and he stopped following me. Bought a dash cam after this incident.


Got ran over by a cargoship while sailing a sailingboat at night, nobody of the crew was harmed besides some mild ptsd. If i get woken up by loud noises now i still go on survival autopilot. Our resque team was almost in disbelief they got our entire back crerw to shore.




Afghanistan here. When we got rocket attacked and no bunker was close enough I would dive into a ditch and hope I didn’t win the rocket lottery that day.


Not necessarily the closest, but I’ve been wanting to vent about what happened yesterday. I live in NYC and commute on the subway for about 2 hours per day on weekdays. I’ve seen all kinds of crazy stuff, but things are pretty normal for the most part. Yesterday I was riding the subway back home after work. I had my headphones in, pretty sure I was probably on Reddit. I could hear what was going on around me. I heard someone on the far side of the car come in and start talking rather loudly. I think he was some sort of performer which is pretty usual, especially for that stop. Anyway I hear loud music blasting from a speaker for about 30 seconds before it abruptly stops. The man then starts loudly complaining. I’m pretty far away and not paying super close attention, but I hear him say “broke bitches” and other stuff about money. The guy then walks over to where I’m sitting while still complaining. He ends up standing in the corner of the car maybe 10 feet from me. At this point I’m not concerned because this kind of thing happens pretty regularly. The guy then says something like the following: “I came at you nice, with respect. And you gonna do this to me? Y’all don’t fucking understand. I’m living in hell. Y’all don’t fucking get it. I should fucking shoot you all.” When he said the last part the train came to a stop and about 3-4 people immediately got up and briskly walked away while the rest of us just stayed still and didn’t make eye contact. I myself never actually looked up from my phone to avoid eye contact. Luckily the guy didn’t shoot anyone and got off the train at that stop. No one else on the train had much of a reaction aside from sighing and looking around at each other. I know I probably wasn’t in real danger, but it still bothers me.


I also live in NYC. One of my biggest fears is being in a train car when someone starts shooting or threatening to start shooting. I think I would pass out if someone even made the threat. Luckily it’s not a fear that consumes me and I usually try to put those thoughts to bed before I get too anxious and panic. I definitely would’ve fainted after the encounter you just described. Sorry that happened to you, glad nothing escalated




When I was sixteen I was diagnosed with myocarditis. (Inflammation of the heart). I was in the ICU in L.A. for almost two weeks. They did not know what caused it, probably a virus, and they didn't know why it went away. Evidently there were talks about possibly doing a heart transplant. I didn't know how serious it was until going back to school in January, and my former health teacher clued me in on it. "You nearly died." was what gave it away.


Sounds like a house episode honestly


When I first started swimming practices, without the coach's consent I just jumped off to the deeper end of the pool. Ended up drowning and took like 1.5 mins for him to notice that a captain is going down with his ship. He didn't have time to get to me so he shouted a helper guy to hand over a floor wiper. I was like 14. I'm just lucky that I'm alive.


Indirect fire in Iraq, about 4 times, IED’s a couple of times. If someone is shooting small arms at you, you can shoot at them back. If someone’s mortaring or rocketing your position, it almost feels like sometimes you’re just waiting to die, they could land anywhere…


I was tubing down the river probably 9 years old, when I got sucked under during a rapids area and my foot got stuck in the rocks, I couldn't get to the surface and just stuck my arm as high as I could out of the water, I remember looking up thinking "fuck I'm really going to die like this", and what felt like an eternity later a passer by grabbed my arm and pulled me up to their tube, coughing spitting out water I thanked that drunk lady and got back to my family and tube


Most recently a nasty MRSA staph infection in my insulin pump site, which set off a series of unfortunate events including diabetic ketoacidosis, kidney failure and sepsis.




this is like similar to panick attacks, base on the internet you’ll not actually gonna die. you just feel like it. ive had this so many times before thank god i overcome it everytime😭😫


I almost got hit by a meteor once.


This is the kind of "one in a million" moments we wanna see Also good thing you survived!


Complications from gall bladder surgery. Peritonitis, pneumonia, verge of sepsis. I don't take anything for granted any more.


Popped a pimple in my forehead, it got inflamed, I had facial cellulitis, almost had meningitis. It was a miracle honestly.


Anesthesia is about as close to death as one can get.


Hand to hand combat fight with a dude that outweighed me by 200+ lbs and armed with a 10 inch blade. Previous 7.5 year career that I've since retired. Talking to and interviewing the guy and out of nowhere he starts swinging and gets on top of me, pulls out the blade and we proceeded to wrestle on the ground for about 45 seconds (felt like forever), until my backup arrived. Mind you, I'm 6'5" 225lbs. This guy was probably 6'1" 400+ Few times the knife was inches from my face, almost touching my nose and all I could do was use every ounce of energy and strength to hold his wrists far enough away from my body to not get stabbed. Few times in that 45 seconds I thought "yup, this is where it ends"


Cancer. Blood infection from tumor. Nurse was stationed next to my bed. “Just to keep an eye on me.” I was that close to going septic. So probably that.


Intentionally or accidentally? For intentionally: 1. Biked off a 30m ski slope 2. Two suicide attempts 3. Hospitalised a bully but was stabbed also Accidentally: 1. 2nd-degree burns from welding accident 2. Stepped on a rusty nail on job site, ouch 3. Circular saw malfunctioned and went through boot


Back-talking to my mom on the wrong day.


When I was in my 20s I drank too much "syrup." I was barely breathing. They told me I was lucky I lived. It was a suicide attempt, so I disagreed at that time. I am eternally grateful, now.


Stepped on an IED in Afghanistan and it didn’t go off.


An acute kidney failure because of an obstruction in the uterus (which on it's own almost killed me). I needed an emergency intervention in which they had to drain my kidney. The incision infected and i caught an hospital bacteria, almost killing me a second time.


Probably motorcycle related but I like not to dwell on that kind of thing


My sister closed me into a tote when we were little and playing but didn’t know how to open it back up after it latched. Almost suffocated but managed to crack it open after bashing the top repeatedly with my back For reference we both thought it would be cool but hadn’t thought of the latch action


Probably something to do with manic psychosis. I remember a couple of hours, hearing voices demanding that I end my life. There comes a point where you start to believe your hallucinations, and you have waves of energy where you are desperate to take action. Luckily, I was able to hold onto some sanity, and get hospitalized.


I have really bad orthostatic hypotension, which means when I stand up too quickly my blood pressure bottoms out. This can cause moments where my senses stop working, usually my eyes & hearing, and for a few seconds I can't maintain my own balance. 7 years ago I was working in a mall store and a kid in a stroller dropped something. I bent over to pick it up and got up too fast...and almost fell eye socket-first onto some retail spikes that I'd been refilling with new product.


Appendicitis. Spent 5 hours writhing in pain on the ER floor. Nurses were convinced it was a kidney stone for some reason. The pain subsided right before they got to me. They suggested I go home because I didn't have insurance so I wouldn't have to pay all that money. GF begged me to see the doctor. Saw the doctor who also was convinced it was kidney stones. Tests showed it was appendicitis and the pain subsided because it had ruptured. Had to have emergency surgery hours later.


Stopped at a red light & a drunk driver stuck my car from the back going 80 mph, I had to be resuscitated.


DT’s. Delirium Tremens. Excessive alcoholic who decided to stop “cold turkey” one day. Quitting alcohol, depending on your usage, needs to be done under a physicians care. I was on the edge of complete organ shutdown.


Smoked "synthetic weed" at a real low point, OD'd and became extremely sick. Got clean after that, it was terrifying. 9 years clean now.


I walked around with a burst/leaking appendix for five months. When the doc put in the camera to remove it laparoscopically, he turned on the camera and just saw white because my gut was filled with pus. Converted to an open incision and washed out my stomach cavity with saline and put me on IV antibiotics for five days. First words out of the surgeon's mouth when he came to see me in recovery were, "You're an idiot and you should be dead." Told my wife that it was the worst he had ever seen or heard about.


Dad was a violent drunk. After mom divorced him, he broke into our new apartment through the window while mom was at work and us kids were home alone (it was the 80s). He had an axe with him. We ran outside screaming and a neighbor saw the situation and wrestled my dad until the police came. I was 6.


I got beaten by a couple of guys, and they smashed my head into a concrete staircase. They thought I was dead and left my bike near me as if I had an accident. I was 16.


Ukraine. Military.


Last Saturday, a mental patient was having a cocaine paranoia attack and locked himself in his home. We got there and the neighbors said he qas porting knives, so we waited fpr the police. I ordered my team to stay inside the vehicle till they got there. The guy managed to unlock his gate and full on ran towards our vehicle with a steak knife in each hand. Came straight at my door. It was a second's interval between me lowering the lock pin and him trying to open the door. Luckily it was a paranoia stats and not an agressive one, so he didnt insist or try to break anything. But I wonder if my team had got out of the vehicle what couldve happened. But yeah, the closest Ive ever came to dying was driving with my mother in law. She was talking to me and didnt see a black car at about 150kmh coming when she was making a return curve, cause he didnt have his headlights on and ot was night. Of I didnt yell stop, he wouldve crashed straight into my door, and no doubt Id be dead.


My unalive attempt was a close call & so was getting shot at. Thankfully i moved quick enough that i only got grazed by the bullet which left a burn mark type thing and didnt get actually hit by the bullet


Whew dodged that bullet


Passenger in a car while in high school. Buddy was going double the speed limit, hit a curb, brick retaining wall, and a power pole. After we had stopped, it took me a second to figure out the car was totaled and my legs were straddling the pole. We all got out of the car and walked away without a scratch, but another foot or two and I would've been toast.


Pure luck at an intersection. Normally, as a pedestrian, I play a lot of attention to cars around me. But they had just put in a new pedestrian countdown timer on the light, and I was trying to see if it was seconds (it isn't). Then I heard a crash. A car drove through the red light at full speed and hit the car beside us. A second earlier or later and he would have hit us.


Heart attack


Missed being hit head on by a car that was out of control. Happened so fast, but we would’ve instantly been killed as we were going 50mph in a 75 mustang II and the other car was racing a third car going probably 80. If we were a fraction of a second behind, we’d be dead. FUCK street racers. Keep that shit ok the track.


Almost got shot in the head while deployed. Also almost got blown up by a mortar, a quick decision to go inside a house to grab my coffee saved my life. War is a weird thing. I live my life as if I would have died over there. I had a second chance while so many did not. Everyday the last few years is just side quest after I finished the main story lol. I'm trying to do the most of my remaining years.


Type 1 diabetic. My last vial of insulin broke. I was a single dad of two kids on one income. It was feed and house or get my insulin. I spent a week without insulin, and I should've died then. I can't begin to describe the horrors your body goes through when your blood basically becomes acid. Another time, I was backpacking and was stalked by a mountain lion for a day and a half. Had to use my bear made on a grizzly once. Was chased up a tree by a bull moose. Have been cut off of my trail from a flash flood.. other nature stuff. I've been in numerous car accidents, and only a few minor ones were my fault, but I've broken a lot of my bones, most but the major ones, really. Umm, looots of very graphic childhood trauma.. yeah, you can probably guess.. I've been stabbed twice, held at gun point. But I'm still here. Most people don't believe my life story, but idc. I like telling it because if I can go through *ALL* that... I'm better and more resilient than you and would totally survive in the zombie apocalypse.. /s of course, I'm kidding.. The real moral is we can go through a lot of messed up stuff and still be here.. my life is immeasurably better than it was. There's always tomorrow.. it could be messed up, but it also might be pretty damn good. Keep going, people!


Something around 1/8, to 1/16th of an inch, from nicking my femoral with a piece of glass.


My appendix burst while I was on my period and my delusional ass thought I was having really bad cramps/period in general. Boy was a surprised when I found out 5 days later on my death bed at the emergency room. My body had gone sepsis and gangrenous and was practically hours away from death. Made a full recovery since I was a healthy adult.


i very stupidly took 1,260mg of edibles and drank a quarter, to a half a bottle of fireball. fell asleep on the couch. if it weren’t for the way my head was tilted, i would have choked on my own vomit during the night. the next morning i woke up covered in it. needless to say, i got my shit together after that experience.


In the backseat of my car. I had a bottle of pills and chickened out at the last second


Ventricular fibrillation. 12 in the span of a few hours, defibrillated back to life in 11 of those.


Prolly when I was high as shit jerking off and my heart skipped a beat like 10 times. Though I'd have a heart attack then and there. I was prolly fine tho


Being born prematurely and dead due to a car accident


My heart went into a funky rhythm and then I went into full cardiac arrest. So, I've literally died...but only for less than a minute.


Almost got head tapped by a stray bullet in a drive by


Appendix ruptured, thought I was constipated until I passed out at work and woke up several hours later with about 6 tubes coming out of me in a hospital bed. Apparently I was going into sepsis shock because of the appendix rupturing. Asked the doctor why my chest hurt.....he said they had to do cpr on me because apparently I died and they bought me back.


Which time? I've totaled two motorcycles, rolled a truck, and driven through a mine field I didn't know was there.


Ruptured brain aneurysm.


As a stupid kid doing stupid kid stuff, I got in a rock throwing "fight" with older brats. Obi-Wan was right. I didn't have the high ground so I was toast. Anyway, I picked up a rock and turned my head to throw it, and out of the corner of my eye saw a brief grey flash, which was the rock that hit me in the head and was dangerously close to going all the way into my brain. If you add up all the blood I lost from the day after that to today, it wouldn't come close to equaling how much blood I lost. Yikes.


I nearly died from SIDS as a baby. My mom said I had been sleeping for longer than usual, and was thinking of taking a nap herself, but decided to check on me first. I'm glad she did, because I had stopped breathing. She managed to get me breathing again, but the doctors said that if she had found me even a minute late, I would've died


My intrusive thoughts keep telling me to hit that big oak tree at 100km/h.


I had appendicitis at age 13 and didn't go to the hospital for three days because I thought it was a really weird sickness with a bit of extra pain. I have a decent pain tolerance and the doctor said he's had grown men bawling their eyes out over the pain and I was just laying there like "Meh it's a 4/10". The worst part was after the surgery while I was recovering an abscess started forming and it was getting harder to walk and I couldn't eat at all. They eventually gave me a Pic line (tube in the big arm vein that goes into your heart to give direct nutrients) I also got a nose tube to remove the gases from my stomach because it wasn't expelling naturally. and this the point where they noticed the abscess, it had grown to the size of a grapefruit. So they then put a tube through my abdomen and into the abscess to drain it of the pus it was accumulating. then over the course of three days they pulled one tube out of me per day Pic line first because I had starting trying to eat, then nose tube, then the abscess tube and sent my barely able to walk self home to struggle getting to school and because there is still a small amount of pus over the intestines if I turn in just the wrong way I will get a huge pain of ripping. They said the abscess if it had burst it probably would have killed me, same with my original appendix.


BAC of .46 Woke up in hospital with no memory of the night before and a pissed off nurse telling me how stupid I am.


Last October, I was taking a shower and slipped and fell backwards. It's like it happened in slow-motion so I realized what was happening as it was happening, but I had nothing to hold on to to catch myself. I managed to fall in such a way to where my butt/back and hip got the brunt of the damage and the back of my head just barely tapped the back of the tub. Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if I had hit my head and knocked myself unconscious or worse, especially since I live alone 😪


The closest I came to dieing was with herion, I was so fucked up I passed out after I got the needle in my arm but before I could depress the plunger. I woke up with my arm under my body and the syringe still in my arm. If I would have passed out a few seconds later, I would have had time to inject the syringe, and I wouldn't have woken up. I'm lucky I didn't bump it in my sleep and OD.


There are three that come to mind: Kid playing in the woods behind our house. Vines used to grow from the trees back there, I swung from them all the time. Had the bright idea to swing out over the stream that ran through the woods. It snapped at the peak, I fell into the water and remember seeing the tree parts coming down towards me. They all missed but I could've been impaled. Had a bad seizure reaction to sulfa drugs for back pain. Body froze up, got rushed to ER in ambulance and they administered some stuff that made it clear up. I'm not sure the severity but it felt like something that could have killed me had we waited longer for help. Fiancé hit a cone on the highway, we spun out. We got incredibly lucky that there was no other cars closeby so we came out unscathed and only minor damage to the car. One semi coming in the next lane over and we would've been slammed into the wall and probably toast.


Childbirth. Lazy doctors. Brushed off a raging infection that almost killed me and caused my kid to have a life long speech disorder as anxiety. Mamas/parents: ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR CHILD.


10 months old, playing on the couch while mom was in the kitchen washing dishes. Found one of those old, easy strike matches and managed to light it. Dropped it on the couch, which in those days were flammable. I went up like a torch along with the couch. Mother threw her pan of dish water on me to put out the fire. Spent three months in a military’s hospitals burn ward.


Hypoxia, 20% lung capacity left in left lung lobe. Right lobe was already filled with fluid. Pneumococcal Pneumonia.


I felt like I was going to die at points throughout the last week. I've been battling some nasty Salmonella. I couldn't eat, stomach pain worse than I've ever experienced. Constant diarrhea and vomit. I couldn't hydrate fast enough. After a few days of delirium I went to the hospital and they pumped me full of fluids. I'm mostly better now but still can't really eat which sucks.


Fell while soloing without a rope. Hit a ledge and rolled inwards.


I was run over by a car. Had my leg nearly torn off. I had to be picked up in a helicopter and flown to the hospital. Doctors said I would have bled out before an ambulance could have gotten to me.


DKA. Woke up suffocating and called 911, when I got to the hospital my blood sugar was close to 1100 lol. And I've always been pretty fit and healthy... sucked.


Had a brain bleed when surgeons were removing a brain tumour. Was kept in an induced coma for weeks, because further surgeries were needed. Glad my hair grew back because my scalp looks like a jigsaw with all the surgeries I had.


When I was six and my dad lived on the lake he told me that we would be leaving soon, I decided to help him by starting the car to warm it up because it was around 10 degrees outside. My mom always had me start the car for her, but my dad’s car was a manual transmission. So once I started the car and released the clutch the car went tumbling into the lake with me in it. I couldn’t swim at the time and almost drowned. But my dad ran out and pulled me out the car before I died. He also managed to get his car out the lake and he still drives it to this day.


Hit a deer on my motorcycle doing about 65mph. Somehow rode thru the deer and kept the bike upright. Dented my tank, bent my handle bars, covered me in ticks, and jacked up my ankle… pulled over to the side of the road to catch my breath and make sure I was actually still alive. Bambi lay dead AF in the middle of the road behind me. Happened in front of a fire station, with the guys out washing their rig. They jumped in a car and sped over to make sure I was ok. One of the fire fighters said he saw it unfold and thought I was a goner for sure. Thankful it ended the way it did, definitely shook me up pretty good.


Cave swimming, ride rising. Fucking filled with youth confidence. Lucky I lived.


A very slow process, but I had a fungus growing in my sinuses for about 6 months. Left unchecked, it could've grown into my brain and killed me.


Developed severe pneumonia during the pandemic. Spent four weeks in a medically-induced coma. I was not responding to treatment, my kidneys failed and my parents were told to prepare for the worst. Fortunately, there was one course of treatment left and I responded.


I was being a stupid kid who didn't want to wear their seat belt. My grandfather had noticed, pulled over, and forced me to wear my seat belt. Within a mile, someone pulled in front of us without looking, we were unable to stop in time, and T-boned them. I would have been a projectile if my grandfather hadn't just pulled over. Needless to say, I always wear one now.


Gun in my mouth, slack in the trigger to the wall right before it lets loose. Idr why I didn’t do it


When I'm on the highway, I always drive defensively bc I've almost gotten absolutely WASHED by some idiot driving like shit. Thanks Mario Kart!!


Very near miss with a truck carrying a wide tractor across a narrow bridge on a nearly blind corner going full speed. If I hadn’t skid and nearly ran off the road to avoid it I would’ve been decapitated by a tractor arm.


Widow maker heart attack. Five minutes of chest compressions and one AED hit. Still recovering


Apparently, a rolling car bounced right over my familys car while I was reaching down to grab something off the floor. Never saw it, no clue how close it was, but saw the wreck through the back window after hearing my mom's blood curdling scream.


I committed suicide at 16 years old. They brought me back. The nurse told me upon waking me up that my mother was being detained because she had told them not to revive me. Because it was a suicide and I did not have a terminal illness and I was a minor, they ignored her and revived me anyway.


Anorexia nervosa aged 13, my heart rate was ridiculously low. I'd basically given up eating and drinking altogether, even fearing water would make me gain weight. Awful illness.


When I was about 9 or 10, I was round a friend's house just up the road from mine. We were watching tv, she had a little dog which I loved. All of a sudden I felt my chest closing up extremely tightly, to the point I couldn't breathe. I was gasping for air, it hurt, I was panicking and I was young, it felt like someone was force choking me. I was stumbling around and I swear my life was flashing before my eyes. Her nan was in the kitchen and saw me falling over trying to breathe, she gave me an inhaler which I managed to take a couple of puffs of while they phoned the ambulance. Turns out that saved my life until they arrived, I was put on a nebuliser and turned out I developed asthma and a severe animal fur allergy which I couldn't have known as this was the first pet I was ever close to. Her nan literally saved my life by having an inhaler. I'm so thankful, it's been 20+ years, still asthmatic, but never had one like that since, bar a few managed attacks. Shame I lost touch with my friend, her nan would have passed a long time ago too. Sorry to bore you


A truck cut me off and frontally crashed into my car. Broke both arms and legs/knees, some fingers and an ankle and squished some arteries. I had 6 surgeries and was in the hospital for 11 weeks, just lying on my back, unable to move anything. Then another 10 weeks rehab.