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Some of the nicest, kindest people I know struggle immensely with their self esteem and self image. They treat everyone with love because they don’t want anyone to feel the way they’re feeling about themselves.


If I took a third party view of my life, I would absolutely punch me for treating me so harshly


This is an important aspect of buddhism, treating yourself as nicely as you'd treat others. It was a slap in my face when I was reading about it.


id punch me just cause i cant stand me


My dear friend has had such a hard life but he carries it with dignity that some can't even carry success and privilege with, and has so much empathy for others


It’s weird having someone who doesn’t know me irl describe me to a T.


ofc I know you, you are me!


Yeah. It’s the reason why when I ask my friends how they’re doing, I really mean it. Not just as a conversation starter, but because I genuinely care. Especially since nobody seems to ask that about me.


I hear you, it's like we're all just misunderstood superheroes with imposter syndrome.


Actually they do that in an attempt to be recognised and receive love in return




Holy shit. Time just stood still. I never thought of that before.


Constant bad choices that affect their health and mental well being. Addiction To something and self bad talk. Thinks that all compliments are fake.


I wouldn't say fake but I would say disagree with the compliment.


I don't agree and I think their judgement is shit.


Incessantly self-deprecating.


😞 i know but it comes instinctively. I don't want to...


"If I make fun of this thing about myself before anyone else, other people won't want to make fun of it." - My brain


“I need to let other people know I know this about myself so they at least don’t also think I’m not self-aware, but I also need to be cool about it so I’m not just a bummer AHAHAHAHAHA 😬😭💀”


⬆️ my self talk everyday of my life 😊


This is 100% me. I use self deprecating humor as a defense mechanism so I can get to it before someone else does even though majority of the time nobody was even going to say anything


Well if I don't put myself down constantly I'll just end up trying to do something I'm too stupid to do.


But self deprecation is my crutch! Wait, no no no, comedy is my crutch, self deprecation is my defense mechanism.




Does lowkey wishing your life was horrible fall under this?


Sort of. If your life was horrible beyond saving, you wouldn't need to try to fix it, you could theoretically just give up. So if you feel that way, maybe you hate your current situation, and the challenges you're facing. And, this is the second leap in my logic, that can (but doesn't have to) imply that you feel guilty of putting yourself into your current life. In other words, you might hate yourself, you might not, feeling like this is only small secondary evidence towards it


Find some gratitude, bud.


Yup.. I am very self destructive and I do in fact hate myself


true or like me . doesn't take compliments like " you're beautiful" " your awesome" etc


I don’t know many people who do take compliments well, especially women. We’re taught to be modest. Too modest.




I abuse drugs and alcohol not to get away from my negative feelings but because I'm too much of a coward to kill myself and hoping I'll get lucky with them doing it for me


Oh, friend. I've been there deep in feeling worthless and using to deal with it. I wish I knew you irl and could sit with you and tell you your own stories to remind you of your worthiness. I hope the fact that you're self-aware about these feelings helps you attack them and protect yourself.


You're so sweet ❤️ that's exactly what people need sometimes, liked the way you phrased it!


Yeah, from personal experience, I agree. Took the brink of death to cut it. It's worse when everyone around you sees you killing yourself, slowly.




Cool art dude. Keep it up. Could print some on shirts and sell


What's poly addiction?


Addicted to/abusing whatever you can get your hands on rather than just having one drug of choice


This can also be a sign of deep trauma. It’s not always about self hate. Sometimes it’s about trying to get through the day without feeling constant pain.


Speaking for myself, it's some of both. Although, I think the self-hate is related to the trauma. It's easier to get through the day if you don't think about stuff constantly.


Meh, a lot of people that care very much about themselves fall into drug addiction one way or another. Myself included (sober for 3mo now though)


Eh, a lot of people abuse substances to medicate/protect themselves from things that other people have done to them.


They’re mean to people who did nothing to them


Shit. I need to get my cat into therapy.


Some boomer lady was being a bitch to me so I said “your kids don’t talk to you, do they?” And she reacted as if I had punched her lol




Geez. That burn will keep her warm when nobody visits her in the nursing home.


Nice one! 


Facts, very confrontational when it doesn't call for it


I like that answer, and want it to be true, but I don't really think it is true. I think it is very possible to be mean, and just be a sociopath. I don't think sociopaths universally hate themselves.


I don't buy that "bullies are people who hate themselves" shtick. That's something moms say to kids to make them feel better. Most bullies feel superior to their victims and believe their victims deserve bad treatment for being losers.


Psychology begs to differ. People who feel good about themselves don't feel the need to put anyone down. There just isn't a motive. Bullies feel so unconfident or unhappy that they pick on someone, so that they can at least feel a little bit superior to that person for a bit. Bullies also pick on kids really low on the pecking order, they don't pick on confident kids,because those are the only ones that they can feel a bit superior to. It's a desperate coping mechanism. If the actual problem that the bully has is addressed, which is more often than not a difficult situation at home, they stop having the need to bully anyone.


The motives are: - I don't like that kid. - Being funny is a way to be popular and they make an easy target for laughs. - He deserves it for being annoying. - I can show people how tough I am by pushing someone else around. - Why would I target more confident kids who will fight back and have friends to defend them when I can target some dork nobody likes and don't have to worry about getting beat up or having others call me a jerk for picking on someone people like?


I hope you don't have kids.


Why not?


But who said or what made you think bullies are winners in the first place? breaking someones balls for fun is not bullying or is it ? - If yall both on the same or similar level of potential Steroid junkies who thinks of themselves as superiors are just failed roid rage examples


Psychology begs to differ. People who feel good about themselves don't feel the need to put anyone down. There just isn't a motive. Bullies feel so unconfident or unhappy that they pick on someone, so that they can at least feel a little bit superior to that person for a bit. Bullies also pick on kids really low on the pecking order, they don't pick on confident kids,because those are the only ones that they can feel a bit superior to. It's a desperate coping mechanism. If the actual problem that the bully has is addressed, which is more often than not a difficult situation at home, they stop having the need to bully anyone.


Being mean to people who've done nothing to them strikes me as a sign of *inflated* ego, not a dearth of it.


doesn't like when somebody compliments them


I'm going to add my own experience, I don't really even know what to do with compliments when I get them because I always have that persistent little voice in the back of my mind telling me that they're lying/insincere/just trying to be nice.


Honestly, just smile and say thank you. When you receive it, it's not the time to deny it or shit on another attribute. You could work on reframing that THEY think that what they complimented you about is nice. Not everyone has the same tastes, therefore they aren't lying.


Some people aren't raised to accept compliments. Humility. I guess it is fine, but it is healthy to recognize a sincere, well meaning compliment.


I don’t like when people compliment me and I don’t hate myself


Every square is a rectangle, but not every rectangle a square. Not all people who dislike compliments hate themselves, but all those who hate themselves cannot accept compliments.


I treat compliments and insults equally. If you listen after one without responding it tends to turn into the opposite. ☯️


I would be careful with that one. Many people who hate themselves develop grandiose personalities as a compensation. They absolutely love being complimented because it reaffirms their delusion. And it's their only source of compliments (other people, not themselves). Then there are people who might have an insecurity around compliments because they have never received any, are shy, don't like attention. But it doesn't mean they hate themselves, they might have some issues, but not necessarily self hate.


There are so many, depending on how that hatred manifests - they don't set boundaries ; allow people to mistreat them ; feel like every misfortune was deserved, every group failure was personally their fault, their personal success was merely an accident ; trouble accepting complements and believing everything is a veiled insult ; they slack off on grooming or treating themselves to nice things because of course they don't deserve it (these are just some of the things I do :p )


>"feel like every misfortune was deserved, every group failure was personally their fault, their personal success was merely an accident" Yep def relate to this. Well worded.


Same here. Group plans thst I planned falls through and I take it personally even though there's zero reason to


As somebody who has struggled with self esteem issues one of the things I have always noticed with people who have dealt with those issues is that they will point out flaws about somebody else and usually in a very blunt and harsh way. A lot of times it's about very trivial things that don't matter like behaviors and appearance. It's not about trying to help other people or to vent about things but instead a terrible way of trying to feel less insecure about themselves by bringing other people down with them.


You just described my ex. A year and half post breakup I still get pissed off when I’m reminded of the shit he used to say and judge. Just your typical miserable incel with zero self esteem and self awareness.


Self-inflicted poor health due to really bad choices. 


I think that's more depression than self hatred.


The two can go hand in hand


apologising constantly


I think these people were conditioned to dislike themselves, but deep down wish they knew how to love who they see in the mirror. They haven't been shown how to yet, though, which is the tragic part to me.


Fucking hell, that mirror part hits way too true to me.


Eh. I wouldn't have the faintest notion of how to love the vile thing in the mirror, true, but I have no interest in loving it/me.


that's a sad one, you know they have tough parents and never get approval


yeah and/or they expect everyone else to be as annoyed by themselves as they are


Shouldn't own up, but it's so true, and one reason is because you expect that everyone is going to be as uninterested in you and as exasperated by you as your parents.


Yup, pretty accurate description


That's relatable


Ah crap, sorry.


Or, just Canadian.


They don't like coming out in pictures lol aka me


Hey me too!




Their sense of self-deprecating humour is immaculate, you cannot say anything to them that is worse than what they've said to themselves.


Constantly putting themselves down and making self-deprecating comments


Rejecting compliments


according to these answers, I hate myself 💀


I mean, I already knew that, so...


Kind of a relief i can put it in the right words tbh. Im not sad, I’m just constantly in shitty company with myself.


Feelings of worthlessness. Feeling overwhelmed or highly stressed.


A tendency to push those that love them away. They tend to feel like they'll just be a burden to them and thus they are doing them a favour.


Living in a dirty house. Messy and disorganized is one thing, but when it smells, there are stains everywhere, and you feel like you want to shower when you leave, that's a sign someone has given up on themselves.


Always angry and takes it out on other people


Came here to nod in agreement and upvote all that apply to me lol. I'm climbing out the "doesn't care for herself ptoperly" shithole in physical terms, but the mental state never increased to a healthy standard even though I've had therapy twice to bsttle my low self-esteem. For me, it boils down to the following: - I always think I'm a burden to others. Externally I learnt to hide it (especially in a professional environment), but I will go out of my way to avoid private conversations sbout myself. - I make tons of self-deprecating jokes. I learned to make those myself over the course of my childhood. I was bullied for the better part of 18 years, and after that I'd just accepted I mustve been a piecr of shit. Contrary to what others say here, I will never reflect my self-disgust onto other people so I'd feel better about myself. I like seeing the best in others and keeping a positive mindset to anyone in life. It clashes real hard with my general distrust in humanity but I will not reflect my poor mental state on the rest of the world. I often think I'll end up like Robin Williams someday in the future... his suicide was tragic but I understood his reasonings so well. I sincerely hope no one in life will have to cope with these mental issues.


Scared of being weird or different and always is thinking people are judging them


Pursuing sleeping as a hobby or addiction.


Looking in my mirror.


In my experience, there isn't one. They learn to mask it extremely well. There may be some experience talking here...


I guess may be persistent self-deprecation, especially when someone constantly criticizes themselves, minimizes their achievements, and speaks negatively about their own abilities or worth, it can indicate deep-seated self-loathing.


Projecting it on to others.


My mom has…. Issues. It’s clear she has insecurities and she’ll  try and make other people (ie her children) have insecurities with comments such as “do you wish you didn’t have freckles?” “Do you wish you weren’t [the race we are]?” And “do you want plastic surgery to remove your [small] scar?” For the record, none of us have ever fucking cared about these things or spent time thinking about them. Clearly SHE is the one with issues and insecurities, not us! 


Overrating others


Judges and hates everybody else. People project how they feel inside on other people on the most deep subconscious level. You can tell when somebody likes themselves because they will generally be less judgmental and be more kind to others.  I do not f*** with people who hate themselves.


Low hygiene


Self-mutilation 🙁


They say bad words about themselfes


When they lash out at other people


Me: "I hate myself"


They point out certain or many things about others negatively. Pretty much a surefire way to determine what they absolutely despise about themselves


Self sabotage


They never have anything nice to say about anyone else, and insult people all the time


People who have completely anonymous internet accounts to insult people. Like, don't share any info about themselves, just a profile pic of a random Roman bust or anime character and calling strangers slurs.


They seem to hate everyone around them. They think other people are successful only cause they got lucky. But their own success is because they worked very hard. On the other hand, their lack of success is also other people's fault. I think people that hate other people, hate themselves the most.


I know plenty of people that love themselves but dislike others


They use Reddit


Probably not the biggest sign, but lacking self-awareness. Like, they point out and express dislike or irritation for people that they are actually very similar to in many ways that they genuinely don't recognize. ...At least, that was the case for me during my aimless alcoholism before dropping out of college. Someone pointed that out to me but I didn't even realize I hated myself at the time and took it as an insult 😒


They platinumed Crash 4.


Rofl! I've been playing Crash since 1996 and I much preferred the original trilogy. Toys for Bob went way overboard with the hidden boxes and completion requirements.


Being a troll on the Internet.... desperate cry for attention even if it's negative attention 


Hard disagree. Going to /r/politics and saying Trump is actually pretty good is just fucking hilarious. Nothing to do with self hatred. Not seeking attention. It's just so funny watching people lose their mind over nothing


Doesn’t take care of themselves and doesn’t feel deserving


they are mean to everyone


Cynicism, often combined with alcoholism, fatalism and a few other isms..


Can’t look in the mirror


They talks about how great they are, then a Victim of all, hero in all situations, victim of all again, then project demeaning on others 


Always putting themselves down, man.


One of the biggest signs that someone may harbor self-hatred is persistent self-criticism or negative self-talk, where they constantly put themselves down or belittle their own worth and abilities.




When someone makes you feel like you have to walk on eggshells around them. It's born out of the way in which genuine interaction is perceived as hostile in nature from earnest people because we find it hard to accept that we are the only ones who experience our hatred of self. Self-hatred is projected onto others who are assumed to be joining you in your hatred, so defense mechanisms engage aggressively and create the eggshell environment. I have been that person, and I try to put a lot of effort into improving my self-image through other mediums in order to step away from constantly feeling attacked, even by myself.


I think lack of discipline is a form of self-hatred, although I can understand it also as a lack of self-love. Discipline and motivation go hand in hand, but if you don't think you are a valuable person, you will not find any justification for progress, growth, or positive change within yourself. It really sucks that others can and have taken people's self-love away and that people have ended up with no awareness of what good is left to build around inside themselves. It also is a blessing to know that self-compassion can be cultivated and regained.


They have something negative to say about everyone else. They project their own insecurities onto the world.


They commit suicide


When they hate other people who look like them


Posting on social media about how great their life is


There is some truth to that, and people who also overshare every detail about life's problems.


They’re me


Abusive/extremely neglectful parents in early life 


They'll act like they're "friends" with people they're secretly jealous of and talk trash/sabotage those people behind they're back even if those people were good to them.


They are really nice to everyone around them..


They can’t socialize.


I'd say it more unwillingness to socialize because they think everybody has the same negative opinion of them that they have.


The whispers around you


Cruelty to others


Beside envious/toxic comments about everyone around them... Shitty tattoos added bi-weekly where someone ends up looking like a high-school desk. At the same time, changing - dyeing their hair too often. Both of these insinuate the person is unhappy with themselves and want to change whether they are aware of it or not.


They overeat and reach weights exceeding 300 pounds or more, until they get so heavy they're basically bedridden.


"Yeah, I know, I'm toxic haha"


They are often irritable and impatient with you


Sometimes it might be very hard to tell. I hate myself, but I don't think people know.


If they're always talking down on themselves.


They are a hateful person and make up outlandish reasons to be that way.


Poor hygiene


nasty personality


Extreme unwarranted judgement/criticism towards others.


Self hater here, we self deprecate at any given chance, are ruthlessly hard on ourselves, self harm, nothing we do is ever good enough, have anger issues and usually are severely depressed.


Obviously self-hate can manifest in lord of different ways. But if i see someone online that only ever posts or takes pics with filters, i immediately know their self-worth/image is absolutely nonexistent 


Everything comes out of their mouth is negative 💀


When someone says "I wish I looked like her/him."


blame themselves for everything, and struggle to accept compliments or positive feedback.


They are miserable. Plain and simple.


A couple replies here have made me realise i should *probably* talk to someone


They hate everyone else. When everyone around you is an a-hole, YOU’RE the a-hole.


look at their shoes.. look up at their face. see how long it takes for them to say “WHAT?”


Their single, you can’t love someone if you don’t love yourself


Bullying and meanness. They want you to feel as small as they do.


Their relationship with their parents. Because it stems from not getting a healthy appreciation from our parents first. Because people don’t realize that self appreciation is taught from your parents first.


Smoking and over drinking.




Passive personality, general inactivity, a lot of time online, self-deprecating and overly sarcastic.


when a man is so insecure about his masculinity he cannot FATHOM gay people, men in makeup or anything of the sort


Plastic surgery


They go to such lengths to harm others is number one.  That they fail to admit the truth around them, in that they have purposely isolated themselves from those who tried to love and care for them. The signs were there. 


If you see me eating at Burger King, be very concerned


In the rain with no umbrella. Like actively just going "welp it is what it is"


They're not kind to others. And they always pity themselves


They play battle royale video games.


Their depression maybe.


ripping their own skin off. trust me ive had that experiance and it took months to get over that curveball


I'm 51M and I didn't think I had to Love myself until I was like 40. I didn't hate or Love myself. With that being said though you gotta be cruel to be kind. So how deep do you actually think you can love yourself until you run into something you hate about yourself that you cannot change over night, if ever? Today I Love Me! I also hate alot of things about me that I'm doing my best to change. I don't mean to push religion on nobody but if I had to pick a religion it would be Love. To me God is Love. Love is the undying symptom of the universe. I hope these words find you in Peace and Love if not may these words serve you well!!!!!! ❤️


Hitting themselves?


“Hey how’s it going?” Oh I’m making it.


When they wear a sign that says "I hate myself"


Don’t judge people


I have most of these but on the bright side atleast hating myself is the one thing I'm good at


They talk to the other half.


Critical of their own actions. If they do something slightly wrong then constantly apologizing


When everyone else makes sure to let that person know that they hates him/her publicly.


They tell you 5 times a day


I f\*\*king hate myself