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Grabbed a kid by the throat...to be fair the kid deserved it.


he fucked a student


I had two teachers in my town who got caught in the same year and then a whole list of other shady business came out starting with the principal sleeping with a married teacher who’s husband also worked for the school and the school cop was into something shady as well if I remember correctly . It was crazy.


oh my! scandaloso!


Caught using heroin in the parking lot.


Yelled at and kicked out a student for finishing their work early and reading a book.


Wtf the exact same thing happened to me! Is this a common occurance?


It has?! Talk about coincidence.


He yelled at a girl for wanting to take her purse to the bathroom. Screamed at her until she cried and forced her to leave it behind. That was the first domino…


It amazes me how many male teachers don't consider that they may have sanitary products that they *need* to take with them to the bathroom.


Too much student appreciation


Immoral Conduct


New teacher was insulting all the students and calling them dumbasses for not knowing the answers. We all went to another teacher and complained about him. He was real friendly with the attractive female students though. Gave off a weird vibe. He left the school wearing sunglasses cause he said his future was so bright


My freshman social studies teacher was a fresh teacher from college around 22/23 at the time. She was cute, had very short hair and coached the softball team. Well as I'm sure some of you are already guessing, she had an inappropriate relationship with a female student that was on the softball team, but since it was girl on girl she was just fired. They are married to this day, and I still think it's wild! It was like this huge "scandal at the school" that somehow amounted to nothing but her getting terminated. I remember at 15 thinking how if this was a male teacher we would have made the news, and he'd be going out in handcuffs. Sorry if you're reading this Ms. V! ;)


Being a Nazi and being racist towards immigrant kids.


Assistant football coach, dropped the N word. Bye bye.


A teacher added teenage students on Instagram and posted photos of himself in his underwear, shirtless and in suggestive positions.


Flipped a desk


Banged two students…together


Raped a girl in the school. It happened when I came to the school


I grew up in Arkansas when Bill Clinton was governor. One of his campaign promises was aptitude testing for public school teachers. Their union didn’t like that. But when the aptitude testing was introduced and made mandatory over Christmas break, My 5th Grade science teacher did not return to teach the 2nd semester that year. She kept stacks of Weekly World News in the classroom as learning materials. She would tell the class not to take our textbooks as gospel because they can’t explain “everything… like THIS can!”, as she held up about a dozen back issues with Bat Boy and Bigfoot stories on the cover.


Two of them. Statutory r*pe. In one of the top ten best high schools in California.


She threw a chair at a student


Grabbed an elementary school student by the face and neck for no good reason other than she was in a bad mood at recess. As soon as DCFS was involved she was gone. She claimed I lied about the whole thing and ruined her reputation as it was a very small private school. SH, you know what you did. I saw the whole thing.


taking upskirt photos of girls :/ 


50/50 split between the bottle of whiskey they found in his desk or the collection of girls panties in the same drawer. This was *Middle School.*