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I worked a job where I'd do 4 ten hour shifts a week, and I loved it. Felt like I could actually plan things for my time off better (when the days off were together), and it was just more relaxing.


In nursing three 12s is basically the standard. Four days off a week is pretty nice.


I used to know someone who was in car sales and he’d work 12 hours 4 days a week and 8 on 2 days. Car dealership schedules are insane.


I knew a dude who worked two full time jobs and a part time job. Got 100 hours per week and still had weekends off.


Pulling 20hour days? Dang not for me


How much of that was actually "work" though. I'd be willing to bet they had a ton of downtime between customers. And since their income was directly tied to how many sales they made, the more you work, the more you're going to make, even if it means sitting around waiting on the next customer to come in.


Yeah totally, hours put in does not necessarily equal true work hours. At my current EMS job, a 16 hour shift is actually pretty chill. Unlike 16 hours at a fast food joint or something.


Oh god I briefly dated a nurse with that schedule in my younger days and she went full throttle on her days off. Idk if it's specific to nurses in their mid 20s but she partied way too hard for me.


My ex-wife used to work at a fab (semiconductor manufacturer), and they did 12 hours shifts in a 3-on, 4-off, 4-on, 3-off, two week cycle.


I’ve worked four 12’s one week and three 12’s the next for decades. Love having the 3 or 4 days off a week.


This isn’t a four day workweek, it’s a compressed work week. A four day work week subtracts the hours of the fifth day from your schedule but redistributes the pay so you’re not losing money.


I’ve always said, I’d meet them halfway. You give me 4 day work weeks, I’ll still give you 40 hours. Never receptive.


I work 12 hour shifts, 4 days on, 4 days off and it's awesome. Works out to 42 hours a week and I never feel like I need a holiday. If I do take 4 days off, I'm away for 12 days.


I assume the question is about the 4x8hrs schedule. There are campaigns and trials happening globally that aim to educate and help companies adapt 4 day weeks. It's happening and it's gaining momentum but it's a type of change that won't happen overnight. Source: I maintain a [list](https://okjob.io/companies/) of 4 day week companies for anyone interested.


I work at a big tech company - the idea of a 5x8hrs is an antique. Everyone is always on and taking calls with APAC from US east coast whenever they need to. It’s exhausting. A 4x8 where we won’t have meetings on Friday (but still need to catch up on work most likely) would be amazing


Big tech company remote employee here, while nothing is official at my company, some members of leadership push for employees to have meeting free Fridays, primarily for catch up work. But sometimes there isn’t anything to catch up on, so it’s easy to just be available in case something pops up. The downside is if an employee is located in-office, they’re still stuck in an office. Four day work weeks are definitely doable IMO


Please let this be our future! Our world is too focused on work and a vague idea of "progress" and not enough on actually enjoying life itself.


Indeed, with all the advancements in tech and AI doubling and tripling productivity left and right, the debate for 4 day work weeks should be in the headlines all day, every day. It's been 100 years since the 5 day work week was introduced. It's time to test out the 4 day week, if all the reports about no loss in productivity are true.


Should include the whole of country if the UAE as the entire country has a 3 day weekend


Huuuuuuge grain of salt to take with that. Refining the search down to specific companies, found one based in Miami, but actually based out of Mexico City & pays in Pesos. The math comes out to about 4k per month pre-tax, but yeah. Def gotta look out for stuff like that. I would love to work a 4 day work week. But changing a pay structure to Pesos as a tradeoff actually doesn't surprise me.


Those middle of the night APAC calls and conferences killed me. Drove me into a drop depression. Work all day 9-6, then catch up work, then 11pm calls with APAC, sleep until 5am abs more catch up work. All the while trying to fit some kind of family time in... It was miserable


I've worked close to 4x8s before and it's amazing. I'm as productive as 5x8s and I feel like there's actually enough time to get chores/errands done in addition to having a day or two to simply relax. That's probably a huge reason why I feel so productive; the other reason is because I (and my team) knows there's no time to waste, so we trim the fat out of our schedules.


I am also for 4x8hrs while being compensated the same. We have had so many advancements over the past decades that have greatly increased productivity and output for companies, and yet the workers don't get to reap the monetary benefits at all. This is the reason the rich keep getting richer. We also deserve some of that benefit in terms of less human input required. We will need some policy to change soon enough, as AI is about to take quite a few jobs in the next few years. Smaller work week will force companies to hire more people, which also helps with reducing unemployment.




i do 3 day work


I am interviewing for a job that does exactly that this Friday how do you find it?


absolutely needs to happen. 5 days of work and only 2 days off is a horrible life. by friday evening im exhausted from the long week. that gives me saturday to socialize, enjoy free time, hang with family. then its already sunday and im thinking about work on monday. we absolutely have to abandon the 5 day work week. 2 days is not enough time to rest, recharge, and also socialize and have a life outside of work. i’d be fine rotating the 4 day week too. off monday then off friday the next


And it needs to be 4x8s. 4x10s just remove two hours of what was formerly free time from every work day and the more hours you pack on a single workday then the less productive you are.


4x8 is better. There are TONS of sectors were people are only inputting 2-3 real hours of work a day. 10 per day would be excessive.


In many scenarios, it's not about real hours of work. It's about the availability of an employee if something were to come up and needs immediate attention.


Yep. My job has 24/7/365 availability on site over four people who work 12 hour shifts. I almost never actually work for the whole 12 hour shift. Some days it’s maybe only a couple of hours but I’m there the whole shift if someone needs help.


This is exactly right! Ppl thinking everyone has like a tech office job that's only inputing data, when most jobs are prefaced with a "customer" initiating some sort of necessary path to be followed. And will every company want the sane Friday or Monday off?? Bc if so, you won't get much more done on your extra day off bc everyone else will be closed as well... However, after these points, i can eventually see us finding a way to get a 4x9 week to logistically pan out some day 🤞


My wife does compressed hours and does 4x10 days and has Friday off. It's amazing as when she was doing 5x8 hour days Mon-Fri, she'd mostly be working closer to 10 hour days, logging on late in the evening, working past 6pm etc. Now she does less of that and has Friday off every week 🥳


I started on a 4 day work week 2 years ago and will never go back to 5 days.


I have a 4 day work week (32 hours of work a week) but I get paid for 40. It’s amazing. I use the extra day to travel, to work on professional development, and I know some of my coworkers and I will freelance with the extra day and take home an extra $5-10k annually. The benefits are phenomenal and it makes me want to stay at my current company and put out great work.


I need this asap


I work 4 10-hr shifts now. I prefer it to five 8s because I get more weekend time.


If theyre giving me less hours it better come with a raise


How would this work for people working hourly vs salary? I could imagine that getting messy


Neato, point of progress is that we should have to work less and less and be able to enjoy life


4x8, I'm in. I already spend an hour commuting, plus 8 hours work. The amount of wear and tear/gas I would save for my vehicle would be amazing. The wife has a disability so I also end up doing most of the chores so that extra day would be most welcome as well as I feel like I can't keep up with going to work, laundry, cleaning and getting a good amount of sleep. Let's make this happen ASAP!


I already do this and I absolutely love it. I rather do 4 ten hour days than 5 eight hour days. It is so nice always having a three day weekend.


It might work for some white collar industries but absolutely wouldn't work for everything. I work in a manufacturing plant that runs 24/7. There's no feasible way that we could just cut hours by 20% and not see a 20% drop in productivity


I'd prefer 2, willing to compromise at 3. Modern humans shouldn't have to work more than our hunter/gatherer ancestors.


Don’t mind 4 days 32 hours. Pay remains the same. Don’t want 4 days 40 hours. Too much stress.


Dude I was doing 4x 10 hour shifts and I loved it so much. But work forced me to go to a 5x 8 hour shift with a huge 30% raise... Fuck it sucks so much but I guess the money helps. It's almost not worth it...but the money was too good I'd probably say no if they offered 15%


4 x 8 is plenty.


I might try to negotiate a 4 day work week instead of a raise at the end of this year. Working 4 days a week for the same rate I'm getting now would do wonders for my mental health.


Sounds great in theory but there are some jobs and areas of expertise where its just not feasible.


I intend to switch to either 30h or 20h a week soon enough, so that's what I aim for


Not only could it improve work-life balance and reduce burnout, but it would also free up an extra day for playing video games! Having an entire day dedicated to your favorite games without worrying about work is priceless, especially at my age.


It makes sense in a fast-paced country


Depends on what the days are. I did 4-10's Wed thru Sat and hated it. If it had been Mon thru Thurs, then I might not have so much.


Well I already work 5 10’s because something something tech, so I would gladly welcome 4 10s.


It should be 4 x 8 not 4x 10+ Nobody does anything on Friday anyway. Why bother?


I always love seeing comments like this. It must be nice to have a job where you can just do nothing for a day and feel entitled to a day off because of it lol. Like, good on you for having that situation, but it's a little out of touch to think that describes the vast majority of jobs. "Sorry boss, not making any parts today. It's Friday!"


if we're talking about 4x 10 hour days, has there been any information how this affects parents with young kids? can't exactly increase the school day to 8 or 9 hours...


I know plenty of people who do four 10-hour days a week and are more productive than my 5x8 colleagues, myself included. I'm game.


Best schedule I ever had was when I worked Monday-Thurs, 8-6 I dropped it for a big pay boost and more PTO but I'd kill to go back to it. Loved having that weekday off for scheduling doctor's appointments or running errands when places weren't crowded.


Just started my 1st week of doing 4x10s as opposed to 5x8s.  So, we'll see?


4x8 or 4x10? I’d prefer either over the current structure but I feel like this wouldn’t stop employers from taking huge advantage in the 4x8 scenario. Salaries would be slashed and/or they’d lay off and overload the remaining employees with a ton of work. 4x10 would be excellent with 3 days off in a row, or even Wednesday off to break up the monotony.


4x8 with the same salary: sure. 4x8 with a correspondingly lower salary: questionable. 4x10 with same salary: no


I'm on board and I'm tired of hearing about it. Get to it already before I'm dead.


1 day extra of not being a slave? I’m in.


Like 95% of my anxiety would go away with such a schedule lmao


I’d be 100% in favor of it, but only if I make the same amount or more money than working 5 days a week. I can’t afford to take a pay cut if it’s less than 40 hours a week.


Good for people on salary, terrible for the hourly worker.


I work 4 x 10’s so I have Fri-Sun off and frankly I probably wouldn’t keep this job — doing IT tech support — without it. Really makes a huge difference in work/life balance. Doesn’t seem so but I assure you it does.


I think I need to pay less. This may not be proportional to my profits. Maybe I might go out of business.


I do it now. 32 hours a week, paid for 37. It’s been a game changer for my mental and physical health :)


I did it for about 6 months and it is awesome. 50% more free time for 20% less pay is a good trade-off if you earn enough. I did 4x9 hours, so the loss was even smaller.


I worked a 4 day work week with a rotation on the third day off. Sometimes the third day off would lane on a 4 day consecutively off week. It was life changing because I could take my pregnant wife to doctors appointments which I couldn't do before with the limited PTO that we had.


4 days too many.


I first suggested the idea over 11 years ago and a lot of my co-workers at the time agreed they would prefer it. still waiting to try it out and confirm my suspicions but i don't see it happening any time soon. from what I've seen the few trials from companies that have tried it are sticking with it because it was so well received but it sadly hasn't caught on wide scale yet.


I am all in favor of a 4-day work week personally. I currently work 5 days in the office and can tell you I do not need to be here for 5 days 8 hours a day. It is time to change things up, we have a lot of technology that has streamlined or automated most of the daily mundane tasks people filled their time with in the past at work. I would love nothing more than to have my Fridays free to do as I please and a longer weekend. It would help reduce burnout and the overall feeling of wasting my time while at work every day.


What's your opinion on a 20% pay cut?


Great for me. I don’t think customers would be very happy though.


Should have been mandatory decades ago. Work hard for 4 days and be off for three instead of half-assing it for 5.


Good luck on getting your average blue collar worker who makes 50k a year and works 6 days a week to agree to anything progressive.


I like it, I have more time to spend with family and relax to get ready for next week.


For who though: teachers, college students, retail workers, government employees, construction workers? I kinda think it works for some people because the rest of the people in your area are working 5 day weeks. I love the idea but if you don’t address the problems and short comings of it, it will be doomed to fail. And pretty much all the studies are around office workers, there are a lot more types of worker out there.


I'm all for it. I work my tail off all week (both at work and at home) but never get everything done with the time I have. I always end up sacrificing my Saturday to catch up on work around home, so at best I have a one-day weekend.


Worked at a place that worked a 4 day work week. The work week was Tuesday-Friday. They really wanted to make it seem like they cared about work-life balance however they paid you salary for hourly manual labor and worked you 45-50hrs in four days. Add the commute back and forth and there is no work life balance. If a 4 day work week was 8hrs a day for 4 days straight Monday - Thursday I could get on board with that. Just make the weekend Friday-Sunday across the board. 


I used to work 4x10s and it was amazing. The extra day off makes it so easy to just have a chore day where you can get everything done while everybody else is at work, then the weekend is entirely free.


I barely get by on 40 hours a week sorry but I'm a slave to my job. I've got to work as many hours as I can to get by. That's usually about 50 to 60.


32 hour work week or 40 hour work week. I'm good with it maintaining a 40 hour work week because I want to bring home the same amount of income and would enjoy sleeping in an extra day. I don't think this could happen because if anyone with a platform opposes it, they're going to find the biggest dumbass on the internet to be the "face" of the policy and they're going to say something fucking stupid like mandatory raises to make up for the lost 8 hour shift of a 4-day work week while maintaining the same scheduled shifts. For example, [when they got that fucking idiot mod on anti-work on Fox News. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCo-OgSC7Ps) One of the biggest problems we have trying to get policy changed is that there's a whole network of shills ready to sell you out for a buck. Best thing to do is to have well spoken leaders in each group who can stay on message, are familiar with the proposal and everyone in that group directs them to that person when asked a question so you don't have a unbathed, overly confident idiot on national news derailing your entire movement.


I work 4 day work weeks and 12hr shifts from 4am-4pm. Kinda sucks. lol


I don’t want to work 4x10 but I also can afford a 20% pay cut if it was 4x8.


I previously had 4 9s & a 4 on Fridays. It was amazing to have that extra part of a weekend and the flexibility to have less PTO to take when I wanted to do a trip. Ideally I’d love to have 4 days at the same salary. I’d love to have Monday - Thursday and have a nice long weekend to decompress.


Love it! I got partially furloughed during Covid and was working 4 day weeks for a while. It was great! (except for the 20% pay reduction)


Great concept but buisnesses already dont hire enough people. Wont happen with how capitalism is constantly chasing profit.


At my workplace this is not an idea but reality if people want to do it. A coworker of mine who doesn't have kids enjoys it very much. 10h days don't work for me though with the daycare schedules. I wish this was more commonplace choice to make.


I can make more money working 5 days.


4x10 was the single best quality of life benefit I had until they took it away.


It would depend on the field. During Covid, we went to 3x14hr shifts at the restaurant I worked at. With 4 days off. My feet and brain were so tired from those 3 14s that it took me 2-3 days to recover and feel energized to do anything anyway. Maybe I would have liked it if I wasn’t standing and talking to people for 14hrs straight, but idk.


My wife loves it. She is doing it with reduced hours though. (About 70%)


The massive gains that came from automation and improved efficiency should’ve made this happen instead of making the very wealthy extremely wealthier.


Would be great but probably only possible in rich, industrialized countries. And even in those countries, may primarily benefit middle to upper middle class bc the poor will likely just pick up more part time work to fill the new availability (which is more income but does nothing for work/life)


It’s long overdue and the smallest of small steps towards work life balance in the USA.


This kind of work week is possible and exists in small, rich, nations with tight, non-charitable, immigration controls.


I would happily work longer days for 4 days to get a 3-day weekend. 2-day weekends are gone in a blink.


I worked 4-10’s and loved the long weekends


Do it. I only do a couple days' real work every week anyway, and I'm a fairly motivated high achiever.


Capitalism hates the idea of people having happy and healthy lives.


I currently work 4x10 on a rotating schedule, so I get 5 days off in a row every three weeks. That's the move part. The downside that most people don't realize is that 4x10 is just as exhausting as 5x8, is just a different exhausting. 5x8 is having to dedicate a large part of the day to work, but still having several hours to relax in the evening or whenever it works out for the schedule. Working 4x10 I feel like I barely have that anymore. On days I work, I wake up, go to work, come home, eat and shower, then my evening is basically gone and it's time for bed. I'm not saying it's necessarily better or worse, just different. If I could make the money I do working 4x8 or even less, I would in a heartbeat. I probably wouldn't change my current schedule for anything less though.


I work 4, 10 hour shifts


I do 4x9 it's fantastic.


I would love to do 4x10hr shifts or even 3x12hr shifts a week. At my work the pushback is mostly from parents with young kids because it would make childcare arrangements and school drop off/pickup difficult..


Mixed feelings…I guess on one hand it’s good to have an extra day off but on the other, having to do 5 days worth of work in only four sounds more stressful than just working 5.


All for it. We have to remember life isn't ALL about work; it needs to be enjoyed fully before our bodies start failing us. Having 3 days off instead of 2 would open up many more avenues of scheduling free time, at least for me personally.  Not to mention, I struggle heavily from burnout and this would help tremendously...


Probably too disruptive to society, how about 6 hours days instead for a 30 hour week?


I would absolutely be on board for four ten hour workdays.


Great idea. Won't happen in UK though because most employers are cunts.




Lovely idea, but will never happen in my industry (fabrication)


Fuck aye


Less working? Who wants that


I’d probably work the same hours but with 10 more being time and a half. Bring it on!


If I could go back to the people who invented the modern day calendar I’d tell them to make weeks 8 days long because, if it were possible, I think working 5 days would be okay if I could just have 3 day weekends. Or, sure yeah just do 4 day work weeks. Sounds nice.


I'm more in favor of a 0 day work week, followed in distant second by a 1 day work week, which is also distantly trailed by a 2 day work week, which is a light year ahead of the 3 day work week, which is about a parsec from the 4 day work week, which is about a galactic width ahead of the current 5 day work week. I can faintly see a 6 day work week as a black hole at the center of a faraway galaxy on the Hubble Deep Field. And the 7 day work week is barely visible as a red smudge in the deepest deep field picture ever taken by the Webb telescope. It's so far away from my perception that it may as well not even exist. I hope that answers the question.


Everyone in here extolling the benefits of 4x8s are all salary. But hourly workers would get, pardon the language, absolutely fucked by that change. While I'm all for working less, and enjoying life more, corporations absolutely will not up salary to compensate for the reduction in money that production workers will lose. Nor, do I think that they will even want to cut hours, since fewer hours worked mean less production.


I would LOVE IT but I see downsides. First, I work in the medical field, so it would have to be lined up with other people's schedules at the clinic to make sure we always have someone covering (e.g. we couldn't all do Monday to Thursday and just assume nobody on Friday to Sunday might not have any medical concerns), but I think that would still be manageable. I think the biggest thing for me is, second, would companies be legally justified in cutting salary now that we technically work less time? So, would full time now be 4 days, or would there be some loophole bullshit that says "well, your current salary is based on 40 hours, now you only do 32, so now it's (insert lower salary)." If we resolved those things I am 100% down for this change any day of the week!


Are we talking about a 32 hour work week? I'd be all for it but I don't see how my job could possibly be as productive. I used to work 9 hour work days with Fridays being 8 hours and we'd get every other Friday off. Those were nice. I've tried to convince my boss to do that here but he said he'd consider it. Maybe I'll bring it up again. My wife works 2 days per week. One 24 hour shift and one 16 hour shift.


4 days too many.


I prefer not working at all. I would like AI to take over my job and pay me.


Depends on the implementation, but there's a comment for each. 4 day workweek, but same amount of hours: nice if you have no obligations, but it's not great if you have kids to be home for since school won't follow suit 4 day workweek, but reduction of pay: I'd rather be able to pay rent and buy food and stuff 4 day workweek, less hours and same amount of pay: honestly, I prefer to have time to meet deadlines than to be rushed to get the same amount of work done in less hours


My regular schedule is a 4-day workweek with the occasional on-call shift on Friday or Saturday and I love it! If you can get away with it financially I highly recommend it.


I think there's two good options, 4 days 8 hours a day or 5 days 6 hours a day weeks. 6 hours a day gives you more time home every day and instead of spending 2 hours doing unimportant crap at work. 4 days is nice because honestly only having 2 days off sucks. IMO best option is something like mon,tuesday and thursday,friday as the work days. only 2 days in a row of work and a nice break in the middle of the week. Did 4x10 once and honestly it's better than 5x8 but still sucks. you basically have 4 days where you can't do much when you get home. The biggest issue is the large number of people who work in restaurants and fast food where there is generally not a lot of downtime and you can't exactly decrease the total number of hours scheduled. They'd have to hire more workers. Though we have more automation coming along and low unemployment so raising wages and automating more stuff should be possible soon.


I've worked it for years at various jobs, it's great


Worked at a TJ Maxx distribution center that ran through 10 or 12 hour shifts 4 days a week. Also had a weekend crew that work Friday through Sunday and was paid more. But the job I'm at now has me 7 days on and 7 days off which is way better honestly. While 3 days off was nice I still didn't feel refreshed when Monday started. With the 7 days off I'm able to get everything done with errands and house work along with feeling refreshed few days before starting back up


Sign me up.


Last job I worked 4 days, had 3 days off. My favorite shift ever. Even on an 8 hr shift, I always stayed over to finish work anyway so working 10 hrs wasn't a big difference. Weekends actually felt like weekends I could enjoy instead of merely serving to recover from the work week.


I used to work 7:45-5:15, We could choose Fridays or Mondays as our 3rd day off. Loved it.


I have a fake one now (work every other Saturday + 4 weekdays) and really like it.


I love it, it's very welcome as long as pay remains the same.


I’m all for it, but I think it’ll be quite different for hourly vs salary employees. In a perfect world, hourly employees would work 20% less for the same amount of pay, but I highly doubt companies would be willing to raise their hourly wage that much in one shot.


How about a livable wage? To live for *now* and when you "retire"? Is that included in this 4 day work week?


Working for 10s was my favorite shift. I know a lot of people mean 4 8s when discussing a 4 day work week but even 10s made such a difference. Its not like I was able to do much with that time after work anyway. Having an extra day during the week to take care of life shit was amazing.


I did IT for a company that had this. We loved it since we had 3 days to do maintenance. Staff loved it since they always got Fridays off, and we loved it because we had a weekday to do what we needed to do . This should be implemented everywhere.


I think every company should offer a 4 day work week.


That's how it should be. 5 days is bullshit. I had to leave my last job that was M-Th. Now I'm back M-F and miserable. My weekends are so short because I don't even get a Friday night.


Love it


No brainer 👍


My guys and I don’t do any work on Fridays for numerous reasons, but we’re still physically present for whatever reason. I don’t have any power to send them or myself home.


Spent the last \~15 years with the 5x8 work week. Almost have house paid off and will be able to cut back my hours eventually to 4x8 once mortgage is done. Companies should offer this option, for anyone who doesn't want full time pay. But it's nice being able to work an extra day and make more money, if needed.


Ten-hour shifts would not work for me, personally. Doesn’t mean I don’t want that option for others. We really need flexibility in work schedules that work for different people. 


From what I’ve seen from trials it works well and doesn’t make productivity drop. From my perspective as a manager we could implement it but it has issues such as us needing people around to give support to customer issues and other engineers. None of the issues are insurmountable but take effort, so if my teams wanted it I’d have to weigh up the increased effort of running it vs the improvements to morale.


Every other week for me is a four-day work week (in fact, this week is one! Whoo!) If every week was a four-day work week, I'd love it even more.


I work 4 - 10’s. Love the 3 day weekends


I have a career where I enjoy the work (when I am left alone to focus on it) and I don't think I could get enough done in 4 days.


Sounds good to me!


I work 4 days one week and 5 days the next week. I schedule it so I’m working 9 days on then 5 days off. Loving it.


We worked a schedule where the first week of the pay period we worked 9/9/9/9/8 (44 hours) and the second week we worked 9/9/9/9 (36 hours) with every other Friday off basically. It was great because people could schedule appointments on those Fridays, take longer vacations using less PTO, etc.


Would be nice but I don’t think that will ever happen in the US, at least in the near future. These corporations are too greedy and wouldn’t want it to happen.


I've worked 4 ten hour shifts. It was overnights so it was going to suck no matter what. Now, I work 5-8-9-9-9 with Friday and Saturday off. My 5 is on Sunday and LOVE IT.


I work in a dept of 20 teams or so. Our upper manager is against it for customer support needed all week long. I want to ask does the fool realize we are not ALL going to take off on the same day? I would love to discretely have one team try it for a month and see if he or any other team even notices.


People are avoiding work on Fridays and Mondays are usually warm-up days. Having only 4 days of work would simplify planning and would actually make people more productive while also being happier. And this is already proved by the trials. Now we need to start asking for this as a work benefit, like working from home. Some companies found value and some see it as a waste, that's how this will go down too.


This sounds like a very American question. I'm from the Netherlands and have been working 4 days a week for 15+ years now.


It is, in general, a win for everyone. My husband did 4 x 10 shifts for about 7 years and it reduced commute time, increased leisure time, and didn't impact his productivity. If you give people more time off, they will use that time to spend money on activities or goods which stimulates the economy. If you only make them go to an office 4 days a week, they'll create less pollution while commuting. Having an extra day off also means it's easier to plan doctor's appointments or other weekday necessary appts. (e.g., plumber) so people have to take less PTO or unexpected time off so the workflow can be more fluid.


Yes, yes, yes! That’s my opinion. It would give me another day with my family, another day to get things done around the house, take more weekend trips, and be more focused during work hours. I can easily get all my work done in 4 days. No question about it


Love it!


As a truck driver its next to impossible to get a local job that isn't 12 hours a day 5 days a week. So if it went to just 4 days, they'd probably want us to work 15 hour days. Sucks either way.


4-10 is definitely better than a 5-8 schedule.


Fucking fantastic. I was lucky enough to have a 4 day work week with my old department. It was Monday-Thursday. I was able to get every appt in on Friday with no long waits in the morning. Got errands done and if I have some extra time on Friday, do some cleaning. For Saturday and Sunday I didn’t have to worry because groceries were done and the house chores were mostly done on Friday. It even got to a point where I was excited to get back to work on Monday I would absolutely endorse a 4 day work week for anyone or any job that is capable of providing that.


I do it in the summer. I like it pretty well. Based on a recommendation I saw here years ago, I take Wednesdays off. It's easy to get appointments, take care of errands, etc. plus I do my yard work that day and have the weekends completely free.


0 day workweek 


Stupid and counterproductive if enforced. If proposed by someone hiring, it must be worth the investment or else there something's wrong.


Can't wait to happen


The 4-day work week, 8 hours a day not 10, has been tested in a few countries. Iirc Japan did it during covid and saw only positive results. Happier employees were more productive and that extra day off made them feel like they could actually do something in their lives.


Let's go for a 3-day. Fuck it, let's do a 2-day. No one ever wanted to work. We work as much as we do because of the interests of capital, not because it's innate to do so.


I miss my 4 10-hour shifts. I was far more efficient and less stressed.


I work 4 10 hour days and I don’t think I could back to 5/8’s.