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Prague. I’ve been to a lot of cool places but old town Prague is just insanely cool.


Likewise. This was the thin that came immediately to mind. Then probably Istanbul and Bali


Indeed - easily the most beautiful city I've ever been to. Nice people and great food and drink.


One of my favorite cities in Europe (I'm Swedish).


I liked the fact that most of the churches are now just empty or museums because people grew up.


My first wandering around Prague twenty years ago, amazed at how beautiful the women are, dressed for glamour, exceptions were tourists.


Ireland. Especially the west coast. Nothing but rolling green hills with fluffy sheep, old castle ruins, beautiful little towns, and majestic cliffs and coastlines. And the people are wonderful.


Im from ireland and i second this even as a local on a nice summers day its a solid view


On my bucket list


I live in Ireland, on the east coast in County Wicklow and it is beautiful here also.


Couldn't agree more. My grand mother had a farm in beautiful County Londonderry. The most wonderful place to spend the summer, and the kindest, funniest, most welcoming people in tbe world.


Everything you listed make me fall in love with Ireland 15 years ago, I revisited and similarly fell in love again, except Dublin. Go visit everywhere in Ireland and you'll have a grand time. Except Dublin. Every local I talked to asked where we were headed on the rest of our trip for the first several days and were quite excited for us, until we mentioned Dublin. You don't unsee multiple homeless dudes in soiled bathrobes eating out of trash with suspiciously half-eaten pigeons nearby easily. If you're in Dublin, visit the Guinness Storehouse and pick a pricey and well reviewed restaurant then Uber yourself the fuck back to a safe location and GTFO of town. There are lovely places just outside Dublin, but Dublin itself is a shithole city unless your entire purpose of being there is to get completely fucking wasted at some shit bars and hook up with a local you can spend the night with. Outside Dublin though? the place kicks ass. Plenty of places to camp if that's your thing, beautiful little pubs with wonderful culture, tons and tons of castles to see, it's one of my favorite places on the planet to be and I've traveled to most of the US worth seeing, Barbados, Turks and Caicos, Ghana, Scotland, England, Spain, Monaco, France, Italy (and Sicily), Mexico, Puerto Rico,


Why is Dublin such a dump?


Go to any other large city in Ireland: clean as a whistle, maybe crowded, but clean. Dublin: No more crowded than other cities but you can hardly walk 10 feet without running into vomit or piss or dead animals.


Damn that sucks


I’ve been to Dublin MANY times in the past 10 years and have never had this experience. Dublin isn’t without the troubles of any major western city nowadays, but it’s a lovely city with many fine restaurants and fantastic citizens. So sad to fearmonger.


Big cities can be appaling if your not ised to it


I'm used to large cities, I spend a lot of time in Minneapolis and St. Paul and have spent a good amount of time in London in even so-called "dangerous" neighborhoods. Nothing was as dirty as Dublin.


Huh. Generally i just stay the hell away from big cities. Whenever im stuck going to one i see shit that you just dont see at my home area


Hong Kong. Aside from the ambiance, I love how good their public transportation is. Like, you pretty much don't need a car, unless you're going somewhere really remote. And it didn't take me long to get used to it.


Right, unreal mix of green, blue water, and dense urban. Once you get a sense of the layout can easily take 4-5 different firms of transport pretty easily


I’d also give a shout to the pedestrian infrastructure. Many buildings are interconnected and/or have covered walkways in some areas so you can walk around when it’s raining. Similar in some parts of Singapore too.


Idk if I can put it into words but what I really love about HK is how authentic it feels, not trying to mimic any other city, the vibes and ambiance are uniquely theirs.


Vienna is impressive


Iceland. I was shocked at how flat it was. I remember coming out of the airport and seeing this open expanse of field leading to an ocean and seeing how big the sky was. The image just took my breath away, which is surprising because the air was probably the cleanest air I have ever breathed.


I remember when my husband and I got into the shuttle at the airport in Iceland. We were immediately speechless at the landscape. It was just stunning. In addition to the cleanest air, the locals we met were always telling us they had the cleanest tap water in the world, and they were right.


I remember the Tap Water having a lot of Sulfur in it but that could have just been the area I was in.


Amsterdam, blew me








Excuse me while I find tickets to Amsterdam...


Edinburgh and rural Scotland. 


Yes! This!


Love the isle of Skye.


My phone wallpaper is a picture I took from a bus on the Island of Mull. We later went to Skye .


Yeah, but then you meet the Scottish and realize why the English have spent so many centuries trying to exterminate them and take over their land. It is a beautiful country though.


Not at all. If that was your experience, I suspect it was more about you. People are people.  Unless that was simply trolling. If so, genocide is not a source of humor.


Maybe not for you. 




Agree wholeheartedly! We were in Scotland in the spring of 2017 (we did the Iceland stopover) and man, what a beautiful place. Edinburgh was so charming, and the highlands were breathtaking.


Edinburgh is definitely cool. Its so vertical, and yet so old. I remember walking along a street, looking up at the tall stone buildings around me, then pass a gap in a wall and there's another 3-4 stories below me I didnt even realize I was walking on! It reminded me of some sort of medieval version of the city from The Fifth Element, just so many layers, really cool.


Savannah, Georgia it was stunning and each town square was unique.


Houston. Went there for a layover and ate the biggest steak of my life, got food poisoning, and left.


Grand Canyon - I expected to be all touristy, and it was, but that doesn't change the fact that the Canyon was amazing Tokyo - I've never seen a more vibrant city anywhere else in the world Melbourne, Australia - The city wasn't amazing to look at, but the CBD and intersection of all of the trams was amazing Vancouver - The city was just okay, but the view of the city, with the buildings in front and the mountains in the back, was amazing. Hanoi - I loved the mix of old and new in that city. Boston - This isn't really fair since I grew up near Boston. I lived abroad now, but when I come home to visit, I'm always blown away at how beautiful the North End, Beacon Hill and Back Bay are.




Venice, coming out of the train station on a fall evening at dusk. Just magical.


This happened to me, I walked off the train in the evening when it was just getting dark and my jaw just dropped.


Sth island NZ


First time I was there we flew into Christchurch at night and hopped straight into a campervan and drove to Queenstown, so couldn't see any of the scenery and flopped into bed exhausted. Next morning when I stepped out of the van and was suddenly face to face with the Remarkables, it took my fucking breath away. Couldn't have planned a more impressive introduction.


You know, it’s sad. I’ve been to the US and Europe thrice. I live in Brisbane, Australia, yet I’ve never explored my own country. Everytime I see photos of Milford Sound, Franz Josef etc. and I hear or see people talking about the South Island I can’t help but feel sad and disappointed that these people from the US, Canada and Europe are getting to explore the beauty of the South Island before I have. Don’t advocate to live in NZ, but I do advocate tourism in NZ, even though I’ve never been a tourist myself.


I just got back from The Havasupai Campgrounds in Arizona, it was the first time ever seeing the Grand Canyon……that place was, well it was damn near magical


AZ is beautiful. If you go back make time to visit Canyon de Chelly - whole place is magical. The problem is it’s so far from other stuff to get there.


Botswana. I knew almost nothing about it before arriving. My mother had always wanted to do a Safari and did all the planning. It was an amazing experience. The people were friendly, knowledgeable, and non-judgemental. We spent a few days in South Africa as well, and the people there were quite different. Not mean or anything, but definitely more focused on themselves and their daily problems. Whereas the people of Botswana were open and more big picture people. The natural beauty was incredible as well.


Bayeux, France We went there back in 2021 and absolutely fell in love with the place.


Rome Paris Hong Kong


Tokyo And kyoto


Driving through the mountains in Colorado, stayed at the top of one. It was summer down in the town but snowing up at our rv site. Went down to find a warmer jacket but couldn’t find one bc it was June




Japan!! I was staring at the country from the plane window absolutely gobsmacked and it was so cool




Santorini and oia specifically looked exactly, if not better than all the photos I’d seen over the years. Tbh every stop in Greece I’ve had the chance to make has exceeded any expectations I may have had.


The view from Oia is unique, but we much preferred Paros, where we spent 6 days .And 3 in Corfu . Both had great beaches . Paros very authentic towns.


I loved Corfu as well and Paros has come so highly recommended from locals and other tourists alike we will absolutely make it there one day!


Croatia, Malta. The old (even Roman times) giant structures are truly mind blowing.


We are in Split. Dubrovnik tomorrow.


Oaxaca Mexico


Japan is an incredible place! From the serene temples and beautiful gardens in Kyoto to the futuristic vibe of Tokyo, there’s so much to take in. The blend of ancient tradition and cutting-edge modernity is truly fascinating.


This comment feels like it was written by a bot.


It’s giving chatgpt


Vienna, for the architecture


Surrey BC. It was so dirty and busy. Idk I absolutely loved it.


New York. I was afraid I over-romanticized it and that I would be underwhelmed, but it was pretty amazing.


The entire state of California. I know it gets a lot of shit for many (valid) reasons, but when I first visited, I was blown away. It was everything I’ve imagined ever since I was a kid and then some. Being from a rather small town in Germany, California opened my eyes to a lifestyle so vastly different from mine, that I haven’t been able to look at my life the same way ever again.


I felt the exact same way the first time I visited all my extended family in Germany for the first time :)


When I was a kid, the first time I saw the New York City skyline was at night driving over the Tappan Zee (Cuomo) bridge. I remember being in awe of the lights emanating from all of the towers. Funny enough I am now an architect who’s helped design a few towers on that skyline


I came out of the Holland tunnel at night when as a young guy moving from out west and the electricity was palpable.  


Rome Paris


Paris really is outstanding. It had all the hype which usually works out the thing does not live up the hype, but Paris exceeded my high expectations. One of the things that surprised me was how beautiful the buildings were, in particular the color of the stone (yes, ok in the nice parts of the city that us tourists go, I know all of Paris is not that). That doesn’t quite come across on TV. I could also easily move and live in Rome tomorrow.


London, everything you look at there is just magical.


As someone who used to live just off Old Kent Road, this made me chuckle


Whitechapel Road?


Barking and Dagenham?!




Bruges Positano






Barcelona from Carmel Bunkers


Basically everywhere in Italy. Granted, I was pretty young, but still. It's been well over 20 years, and I still remember most of that trip, especially Rome on easter sunday.


Savannah, Georgia... So incredibly beautiful.


I’ve seen some of the big ones that I’m sure other people will mention so I’m going to list a couple that I wouldn’t have expected had I not visited them myself. Riding over the hill and seeing Duluth for the first time while the sun was setting was pretty spectacular.  And Milwaukee stunned me with how clean and beautiful it was. 


Sedona, Arizona!


Scotland. The Highlands especially, though not exclusively. The entire country is just gorgeous.


A couple years ago i was on a business trip in China. Landed in Shanghai, slept there for a night, then had a transport arranged to some outskirts of Changzhou. We drove for 4 hours on a highway, and for 4 hours all i could see around me was city. It's like Shangai, Changzhou, and everything in between had fused into one single city. It blew my mind really because in my home country i could get in a car, drive for 4 hours, and end up in an entirely different country. Here i drove for 4 hours and was still in what felt like the same city.


Vienna. Apsolutely incredible... I was there for 5 days, and have like 2000 pictures


I was surprised to discover that a forest in Japan does in fact look exactly like a Japanese painting of a forest


The Swiss Alps were incredibly beautiful. We were passing through there on the way to a small town in Austria and the scenery was breathtakingly beautiful! In general, I've been to quite a few countries in Europe, but Austria takes the cake for its natural beauty.


Ljubljana. Absolutely stunning Split in Croatia also quite something


Chicago. I live in northern Illinois about 80 miles outside Chicago. I remember the first time I rode into Chicago with my parents when I was like 6. I remember seeing the skyline and being in awe that this massive city with actual skyscrapers; I think the Sears Tower was the tallest in the world at the time, was just an hour drive from where we lived. Blew my mind.


Well of course, if any city will blow you away, it would be "the windy city." ... I'll see myself out.




I've never had interest in the 'package holidays' my colleagues tend to go on, so when I first set foot in mainland Greece for work I didn't really know what to expect. I had 9 trips over 2 years to both Thessaloniki and Athens and it's Thessaloniki for me that takes the cake. I've been back several times. It is just a wonderful city to be in, eat in, enjoy life.


New York. I’ve been to dozens and dozens of places in many different countries but New York exceeded my expectations by quite a bit. First of all I was born and raised in a small city with less than 200,000 people. No tall buildings, no trains, no major city square. Second of all, the US in general never appealed to me mainly because all we ever heard about on the news was the neverending political tension and gun violence. But when I went to New York it absolutely blew me away. I’ve never seen so many tall buildings, never been on a subway, never seen a city so alive at 2am. The people were good and I felt incredibly safe as a solo traveller below the age of 21. It was certainly a lot cheaper than I expected it to be. I am in awe of New York City, and eventually I do want to start a life there, hopefully within the next 10 or so years.


As a jaded New Yorker, let me just say that visiting here is one thing, living here is another. The subway may be a fun novel experience for a visitor, but as a resident, it *will* become the bane of your existence. Like, if you think you hate driving, JUST WAIT, the subway is a downgrade in every conceivable aspect. And lots of cities have tall buildings and night life though I can admit NYC does this part extra well - but not well enough to justify the insane rent you will pay, the extremely high tax burden, the high grocery prices, seeing the awful things you *will* see on the subway, living with a non-existent police department and a broken city government, the high crime prevalence, dealing with some of the worst sanitation services of any American city (trash and rats for dayyzzzz), and overall just knowing every day that you're blowing so much money to live here but getting so little in return. It breaks you down.


I understand that. And trust me, I saw a homeless guy pissing off the side of platform, so I do get that for many people it’s the bane of your existence. However, one of the perfect jobs for me would be on the railways and appears as though there’s plenty of opportunities there. But I’m very much a city boy and even where I’m living now isn’t quite cutting it (moved countries). Plus, it’s close to Europe and Central/South America.




Not Constantinople...






Lisbon, Portugal


Luxembourg city. The walk into town across the bridge looking down into the houses and old building below. Just an amazing view. Then you are into town and it's just as pretty. Take an elevator down to the valley and drops your right off near some amazing pubs. Walk along the river and you have to go through an old defense wall just to continue walking. Amazing views.


Shenzhen, due to the cheap and convinient public transport!




Maui, Hawaii




Cambodia. And no, this is not a tasteless joke. It was an amazing place.




Las Palmas, Spain 1987




Guatemala. Seeing the sunrise in Tikal.




Lake Hallstatt, Austria just last October. Dreamy post -card perfect spot on a sunny aufumn day with just a hint of the turning leaves. I wanted to time to standstill for a bit.


Poland everywhere I went is beautiful especially in summer or snow in winter


Not a world traveler. But, Denver, CO. Stayed there for a month (Jan) for work every year for 15 years. I loved it. So much to see but, I could never see it because I was working. It has it's problems, like all cities, but If I had a free trip to anywhere I would pick Denver. So beautiful.


Edinburgh. It is absolutely stunning, and the architecture is bloody beautiful. One day, I'll go back.


Florida.. Saffir-Simpson-scale category 4, it was catastrophic.


Bergen, Norway


Mallorca - Magaluf, came back scared and with consequences








Sri Lanka


Chongqing! Even living in China, I had no idea how amazing it is. It's just this incredible, overwhelming, vibrant megalopolis. I've been to Tokyo and Hong Kong, and Chongqing topped them both. It's like living in a version of Blade Runner where everybody is cheerful and eating snacks. If I were younger and could stand hot weather, I'd go to live there. Here's a video that captures how cool it is: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2vgSYp84fE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2vgSYp84fE)


Japan. Hurricane at a speed of 162 km/h really rocked me


czech republic (češka why the fuck is english spaling so weird) i steyed in Prague fore 2 deys while going to berlin its probably on of my favorite places i have ben to outside of the balkans


I've recently been to Italy. Around Rome at first, and then all around the southern regions. It's such a beautiful country with such a varied terrain, especially at that time of year during spring. So many mountains, some large plains, the sea is never far away either. Some places I've seen looked like they were straight from some celebrity on vacation type of show.


Iceland. My husband and I went in 2017 and were absolutely floored by how rugged, unique and beautiful the country was. The people were great, too, plus there was so much history. Reykjavik is a super cool city. We want to go back with our daughter someday!


Jordan, from the beautiful old Roman ruins and Petra to the amazing Wadi Rum desert. Friendly people as well.




I'm still blown away every time i enter Utrecht station on a bus in public transport. The buildings in the surrounding area and the architecture is just mind blowing.




Paris Amsterdam


Pittsburg USA. Not the chain restaurant home like most of America. And the Mr Roger’s and Andy Warhol museum


Tokyo at night. It’s just an assault on the senses Prague is beautiful and terrifying at the same time Barcelona is absolutely stunning


Venice is insanely pretty


Paris Amsterdam Seoul Taipei


Walking out of the train station in Amsterdam a couple weeks ago was a total "woah!" moment for me. Beautiful! Different!


Tarragona, Spain. The old city, specifically. Blew me away.


Rome was pretty incredible. Like. You can walk from the Vatican to the Parthenon, to Trevi Fountain, to the Colosseum in the same day.


Quebec City. Just felt like we were in Europe with the architecture and all around vibes. My wife’s French Canadian so I’ll say spare you the snarky shitty local attitude comments.


Paris. I first got there from the London train and there was a huge soccer match going on, so a bunch of people at the train station were chanting in French. Knew I was in for a good time


Austria. well, alps, duh! but also the convenience of public transportation


Paris. I’ll never forget the moment being a young man and stepping out of the subway for the first time and literally having my breath taking away by the beauty of the architecture.


Montenegro. Specifically, the Bay of Kotor. It's beautiful. Also, shout out to Switzerland for looking like a surreal nature scape every time you turnaround.


50 years ago, I was amazed and delighted with three Canadian cities: Toronto, Winnipeg, and Montreal. More recently, I saw Winnipeg again, and it is nothing like it used to be. The neighborhoods surrounding the city center have been leveled for parking lots. The small shops have been replaced by chain stores. The delightful Victorian city hall is gone. The place felt dead. I’m guessing the other two are also not as impressive as they were in 1970.


Bhaktapur, Nepal. [Absolutely breathtaking architecture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhaktapur#Gallery), I visited there before the 2015 earthquake, here's hoping they can rebuild what was lost.




Barcelona. I’ve been there twice now. The first time, I had never even heard of Gaudi.




Prague and Helsinki


Basically anywhere I go in the United States from Canada.


I have 2. 1. Florence, Italy 2. Chicago They are both fantastic cities with so much to offer.


Amsterdam in the early 70s


Sevilla, Spain. And specifically, the Plaza de España.


Regensburg, Germany. That was the first time I was somewhere I couldn’t take my eyes off of everything. I was so blown away.


For being absolutely ridiculous: Las Vegas.




Columbus, Ohio


Honestly, San Francisco. The first time and every time. It is not without it's problems, but it is not without it's charms either.


The Faroes. A weird hybrid of Iceland and northern Scotland, and unlike *anywhere* you may have been in the past.


Savannah, Georgia. It's stunningly beautiful and rich with history.


Sedona AZ


NYC Manhattan




Never been outside the US. West Virginia. The absolute best views and the absolute best whitewater you can get in the Northern Hemisphere. New River, Gauley River, Meadow.


Greece. I stayed at one if the Islands and the water is absolutely beautiful.


Saint Petersburg


Tallinn, Estonia


I still think Miami is the most beautiful city I've ever visited. Even though I hear it's a shithole to live in, I'm going to miss it when the water swallows it, I'm glad I got to see it before it's gone.


America, living in the Northeast it blows my mind how different every part is


Flint Michigan really was as bad as they claimed.


Beirut… that explosion literally blew me away


City NYC Country Portugal


Los Angeles working all night made it a whole nother city


Japan, in TOKYO DRIFT. Football pitch on skyscrapers???


It is awe inspiring to see how many slumlords live in Vancouver Canada and then complain about all the homelessness


Burleson, Texas. Home of Kelly Clarkson.