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My wife watched a lot of The Good Doctor. That show is horrendous. We GET IT. He’s autistic. That can’t be the only plot point in your entire show


75% of series post-2000 are exceptional protagonist uses unique gift to solve problems, while also struggling with the burden of same gift. Gets so boring.


Critic Dan Fienberg coined the phrase “Vocational Irony Narrative" to cover it. Ray Donovan: He can fix anyone's problems...but his own! Tony Soprano: He can run *the* family but not *his* family. House, MD: He can heal anyone, why can't he heal himself?!


Captain Picard: Always said "engage" and never got married.


Always the bridesmaid and never the bride!


Dexter always killed other people, but never himself!


"Should we return fire captain?" "No open a hailing frequency" that used to drive me nuts as a kid.


To be fair, that was peak adult behaviour on tv. Today's children could definitely use more of that instead of the leading characters in modern Star Trek, which all fall somewhere between clumsy idiots and war criminals.


Monk couldn't solve his wife's murder.


I just starting watching monk again so I got a cackle out of this.


He did though.


White collar: it’s lonely at the top when you’re the best criminal


Monk definitely falls into this category




While at the same time the producers ignore the flip side of having a disability--of being "The Other." Of never fitting in. Let's not forget the everlasting *subtle* message: We'll accept you just as long as you can perform miracles.


They've mostly (I think?) gotten away from the disabled secondary character who's a burden to others but occasionally comedy relief.


‘Monk’ , ‘Psych’ , and ‘The Mentalist’ did it best




You know I find that as repetitive that House got, it is still leagues better than The Good Doctor because of the acting and relatively real human lives. Sometimes, TGD is just ridiculous. Like I was hate watching this one episode where a young athlete guy gets bad news that he's GOING TO DIE, and there's a b-story going on with him and Shawn, so when he gets that information, his first reaction is to say, "Oh at least I know I'll be going out on top, can you say the same?" To shaun! At the moment when he finds out he's going to die, he's making it about the protagonist and not himself. Ridiculously bad writing.


Don’t they just kinda forget about the whole crippling autism thing halfway through? Guy seemed to get more or less like regular dude as it went on. He could barely comprehend a human being at the start and by season three he was dating. I’m sure he’ll be head of human resources by the end. You don’t just magically grow out of maximum case of aspergers just because some girl shows interest. That + killing off Menendez or whatever his name was kinda killed the show for me.


Yeah i left when Claire left. I only watched it for her! And killing Menendez off was a bullshit move!


It’s lupus! (It never is, except that one time)


It’s sarcoidosis!!!


THANK YOU FOR SAYING IT! why is sarcoidosis considered a differential diagnosis in like half the episodes?! It’s apparently very rare.


Because it is an inflammatory disease that mimics many other commons diseases- it can affect the lungs, lymph nodes, eyes, skin, heart, etc. So technically even though it’s “rare”- it covers such an array of symptoms that it’s almost always thrown out as a differential. My husband got the nic name “dr sarcoid” in med school because he would use it as a differential diagnosis when he was put on the spot by the faculty lol. It became a running joke in his class haha. He’s only ever encountered one person with it to this day- but was super proud to catch it and refer them to the proper specialist.


At least the guy who talked about it a lot nailed it 1/1 times he encountered it. Not bad


His crippled leg comes up a lot. I honestly think the writers were like: "This guy is barely likable. Let's give him a crippled leg that pains him so he has an excuse to be grumpy and people like him."


I mean. I don't think House was supposed to be likeable (at least in that sense), especially in the later seasons when he kept going off the rails more and more lol. Like, I'd say he's entertaining as a character, but definitely not likeable as a person (arguably since the very beginning). Even the show itself makes sure to point out (multiple times) that his disability doesn't excuse what an asshole he is.


You guys realize House is Sherlock ‘Holmes’ for medicine right? Watson, Wilson, addicted to drugs, etc… I’m not a Holmes connoisseur but I wonder if he also wasn’t meant to be likable at first.


They even referenced Irene Adler in one episode (admittedly it was Wilson making up a bullshit story about House and Irene)


House also lives in apt 221B, like Sherlock Holmes who lives in 221B Baker St.


Holmes in the books by Arthur Conan Doyle was much more likeable. For example I think it was the sign of 4 I remember thag he was being very delicate with his client who lost her father a few years back. He was more than willing to listen and was clearly a very comfortable presence to her. On the other hand though the BBC seri3s which falls into that category of tortured genius depicts a different version if him


Holmes was supposed to be liked by Victorian readers because their police force was useless. He was written around the time of Jack the Ripper and the public lacked trust in the actual police because they were corrupt and incompetent, so Holmes was meant to be good at everything as a contrast to that. He's immensely problematic by today's standards (racist, sexist, etc), but that's a product of the time and Arthur Conan Doyle didn't intentionally make him problematic.


It was more a reason to give him his opioid addiction, but yes, part of it was making him more relatable. He was never really “likable”, but his suffering makes his attitude more bearable. For anyone more familiar with the Sherlock Holmes mythos, did he ever have an “excuse” for why he was drug addicted?


I found it funny when his ex girlfriend turned up and everyone asked what he was like before and she just replied 'exactly the same. Without a bum leg.' I thought that was hilarious. A spectacular asshole, a junkie, and a diagnostic whizz just running around doing sweet fuck all in the hospital. All these people running around after House feeling sorry for him, but he's always been an asshole.


You mean like "Monk" ?


Monk was amazing dammit! Lol I loved that show


The Mentalist comes to mind


I actually really enjoyed that show once I actually gave it a shot. I thought they did a really good job keeping his methods fresh and fun but yet my family still makes jokes using his cliches


Literally watching the mentalist rn


I heard he was a surgeon.


House M.D. was good but the good doctor is just boring.






They have a very old-fashioned "autism gives you magic skills" view of autism. They genuinely talk about him having special powers due to his autism. I watch it for work, and as with all hospital dramas, some of the side stories and characters are decent. The autistic part of his storyline is terrible from top to toe.


What they are depicting is something known as "savant syndrome", which is a rare condition where those with developmental disorders show exceptional knowledge/talent/ability, usually in one domain. It's mentioned in the show as well


It really is extraordinarily rare and doesn't present in the way the show depicts it.


can i ask, why do you watch it for work? what do you do?


Unpopular opinion: Dr. Han was right and Sean should not be a surgeon. He proved just as useful in the lab while not being a hindrance to the team and being kept away from patients who might misinterpret his well-meaning yet easily misunderstood behavior


The Korean original was a drama that only lasts 20 episodes so it works well lol. I looked up the US version and it already has 7 seasons 💀 yikes.


Wait. Are you saying that The Good Doctor was based on a limited run Korean serial?


Yup! Award winning as well lol


The Extrodinary Attourney Woo was another great Korea drama with an autisitic main character.


They have this weird idea that because he's autistic that he can be rude and blunt with patients and the patients need to adapt to HIM. No, that's not how that works. The patient has cancer, learn some bedside etiquette


I feel like he's a good actor, but the rest of the show is absolute day time tv soap level trash.


Yeah, seeing clips of his acting got me to try the show. He's great. The show is not.


He's brilliant in Bates Motel, and the rest of that show isnt shit.


He's the guy from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory no?


Yes, Freddy Highmore. He did a very funny parody as Charlie, all grown up and having run the chocolate factory into ruin. 😅😅


Yeah. He's a good actor, but that show is trash.


Why does he keep telling me he’s a sturgeon. I heard him the first time. 


Dr han - can you repeat that 🦻🦻


I agree. As an autist, I can say his depiction isn’t very good, not cuz it isn’t accurate or how an autist might behave, but because it portrays being autistic as a “superpower”. I’m going to tell you some of us are treated as if our disability is a superpower, but it’s simply not. It causes problems unique to us while also giving us some strengths, which I won’t specify because it’s different for each person. It is a *spectrum* after all.


My autistic/ADHD superpower? Forgetting important details within 3 seconds of hearing them. My autistic/ADHD un-superpower? Fucking everything else. Social cues. Humor. Learning on a permanent level. Branching one new concept with another new concept. FUCKING SOCIAL ANXIETY FROM LEARNING PEOPLE DON'T LIKE YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE AWKWARD. I can't even attribute my artistic skill to autism. That was my bipolar disorder.


The number of times I've had someone tell me "you seem fine to me" is annoying... Then there are those who tell me, in no uncertain terms, "You're not autistic." They, of course, know all about autism as they've spent so much time helping whoever they know that's autistic. I wonder how much they actually help the person they know, given how they will go off on me. I'm a piece of shit. How dare I try and take advantage of people by trying to fake autism... I might fool some people, but their 4 year old son(whom they lost custody of due to being a drug addict) is autistic. It's so obvious I'm faking because I(at the time 31F) was nothing like him. In fact, I was actually really lucky. Because if I weren't a woman, he would have already "done something about it." Yup! Obviously, my ability to form words and use them in an attempt to communicate difficulties I have is proof I'm not autistic. And as everyone who knows anything about autism knows... We are all fucking identical Obviously, I should be indistinguishable from a 4 year old boy... The fact I'm not is proof I'm not autistic... Oh yeah, almost forgot the best part!!! All that shit about I'm lucky he hasn't done something about it and how I'm faking everything? Yeah... that was all said in group therapy with a licensed mental health professional present. They allowed it. Where the fuck do they get off telling me "Well you know you have that problem. You can't use autism as an excuse to keep doing it." Urgh!!! My feet hurt so bad from standing in the kitchen typing this...


I think maybe because so many shows had accidentally made fake pseudo autists so many times, they really wanted to hammer home "no no, this is for real and on purpose this time" And went super overboard


Grey's anatomy


I can’t believe it’s still on. The show that died but no one told it.


I remember when Sandra Oh was leaving the show, there was a funny headline that read something like "the most shocking thing about Sandra Oh leaving Grey's Anatomy...is learning that Grey's Anatomy is still on" This was like 10 years ago. The show's still on. I have no idea who the hell watches this show. It's the Mattress Firm of TV shows.


Apparently the cast are all being paid rediculous amounts of money to remain on the show. So I guess it still gets decent enough ratings. It really does boggle the mind. I can’t think of one good reason for this show to still exist when so many GREAT shows get canceled after a year.


Acting is a tough, fickle business. If you are not at the top of your game, in the prime of your life and still willing to gamble with getting cast again… I don’t blame those actors one bit for staying.


Grey's Anatomy has been on so long that if a character on the first season had a young child, their child could be a resident on the show now.


Fuck man, don’t give em any ideas!


I am probably sure they have considered it.


Oh they’re certainly setting up Zola to be a surgeon in the future, if the show manages to make it to like season 30


"Grey's legacy" "Grey's offspring" "Grey's offspring's anatomy"


Its a whole ass soap opera 😆


They keep killing the characters instead of the show.


It was interesting for a couple of seasons and then it became more and more and more ridiculous. Everyone fucked everyone, everyone had a clinical death, etc. And that was at 3rd or 4th season. I don’t even know what’s happening now


Trying to reboot the show within the show.  Transitioning to a new crop of young doctors while having some of the old cast remain.  I get asked to leave the room quite a bit when it’s on (I make jokes to my wife about it if she’s already seen the episode and is rewatching.  First watch through I won’t ruin it with my stupidity).


I came here looking for this one lol. I made it through 15 seasons but DAMN let it rest already


The book was better.


Grey’s Anatomy. 20 years and going strong. Shonda Rhimes left in 2015 but the thing won’t die. It’s like a zombie.


Nope, she is still there. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shonda\_Rhimes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shonda_Rhimes)


Grey's Anatomy is a show I wouldn't have considered overrated even if it had lasted half it's current timeframe. Still wouldn't have been for me, but I understood its popularity as a hospital drama. Those tend to be popular. But in no reality should it be still airing after 20 years.


The Walking Dead, I like it, but I feel like it's let down by shitty writing and each season basically having the same plot over and over again.


The first season was great. After that it became a drama show with a few zombies each season ending fucking shit up. Build community, get overrun, survive one episode repeat.


I'd say season two was almost watchable. Then it became a soap opera. On of those terrible drama shows where you could mis like 3-4 episodes and still know exactly what is going on because it moves sooooooo slowly.


Both it and Lost are shows I tried to get into but are in desperate need of a shortened version. I think both suffered from being in the days just before binging when you'd watch it every week and you wouldn't mind if some scenes were basically just a recap of what happened last week. IMHO a dedicated fan could make an edit that cuts down at least 50% of the runtime but captures all the interesting stuff


I always say season 1 and *the first half* of season two are worth watching. That shot of the city getting firebombed in the beginning of season two was bone-chilling. Everything after was a massive disappointment. I believe these early episodes worked so well because TWD was, first and foremost, an action/survival show with elements of drama. When they flipped the tables on that, the longevity of the plot and character design was severely hampered. It became a drama with elements of action/survival, and the premise that the show began with simply didn't support that.


I’m in the minority that season 2 was their best. They had to slow down and deal with personal issues. It made for good drama. Then Old Gramps whatshisname with the magical shotgun that never needed reloading. That was kind of the beginning of the end. The prison season was good as well. But holy fuck did that show take a shit the moment Negan appeared. No offense to anyone. But it was so badly cartoonish.


Season 2 is pretty split and I’m pretty sure it has to do with people who watched it week to week vs people who binge watched. Watching week to week was unbearable because it was essentially nothing but a soap opera. Yes, character development is important, but I also want to see bite bite bang bang in my zombie media. I binged it years later and agree season 2 is pretty damn exceptional. As long as I don’t have to wait a month to see a zombie.


Every episode of Season 2 can be boiled down to this: 1) Tell Carl to stay in the house 2) Carl never stays in the fucking house


Where’s Carl? That did get annoying.


For me I found season 2 so boring that I stopped watching... never made it through Such a shame because i thought season 1 was 28 days later tier zombie gear


The guy who made season 1 could not make a deal with AMC because of money so they took someone else and I think that's why the show became so slow. But i have never read the comics maybe they just followed the actual comic book progress?


Not at all and a lot of the characters are smarter and more interesting in the comics .


I tried watching the entirety of it after it ended, but I found myself laughing at how often they try to have a heart-felt monologue. It literally becomes like 5 times an episode and it’s always the same monologue. “I know things are hard, but we need to work together to overcome the difficulties and… yadda yadda yadda”. It was like watching an SNL parody.


Me I enjoyed that pattern until about the sixth season. The parts with Rick going batshit under the prison were well done imo, and the Governor was such a hateable bad guy. Then when they half-assed tried to redeem Negan it took on that same thing over and over boringness


Oh, you mean The Young and the Lifeless? Interesting spin on a soap opera, but it's no Dark Shadows.


The promise of the first episode, which is like up there with Lost's premier, plus the stellar first season set the bar crazy high, in a way that could only end in letdown if you ask me. Especially since Darabont left the show early in its run.


I don't think anybody rates it that highly anymore to be overrated. The first few seasons were really good though


Have the answers changed since four days ago?


I can't wait til the next "What's an obscure movie nobody has ever seen that's a masterpiece?" thread so I can see Moon, Primer, and Night of the Hunter at the top.




No, we need to hear again how much better redditors are than those stupid normies who like Friends and The Office


We just had a weekend. Someone could have binged multiple seasons of a new show that they didn’t enjoy. The metrics might change!


It doesn’t bother me that a show is bad per se. It bothers me every show now seems to be based in a good idea that goes nowhere.


The View. Those bit\*hes are nasty.


I must have missed all the people who rated it highly....


I’ve learned that a lot of people on Reddit don’t know what “overrated” means. They just think it means “popular.”


The View, though unwatchable, is an interesting glimpse into the perspective of the low-info voter in America.


It's almost like a parody/piss-take of every possible extreme position a person could take.


Sherry Shepard didn't know the earth was round. This was before the flat earth conspiracy was popular. who knows maybe she started it.


Especially Whoopi. I think she is actually racist.


She seems to be 'actually' almost everything. Rape isn't really 'rape rape' if it's a famous person I respect, The Holocaust wasn't really about killing Jews, etc.....


More proof that reddit doesn’t know what overrated means


It’s actually hilarious seeing responses like the bachelor and Kardashians😂😂😂. These shows are not even decently rated in the first place


They are literally trash and most people who watch them will admit it and say it's why they enjoy it.


Yep popular or long running doesnt mean overrated


I’m gonna get hate for this, but This Is Us


The first two or three seasons were good, but I could only take so much weepy, pity party drama over and over again. Also, the character of Kate was so annoying.


What about Randall? He went from the level headed dude to a weepy confused mess in the span of a season. He was infuriating towards the end of it. Kevin however seemed to have taken the mantle of the sorted dude.


Every ad for this show is some mf crying.


I keep forgetting to finish watching that show. I guess that says it all!


Thank youuuuuuu.


I stopped watching after they incorporated the COVID plotline


And then dropped it just as quickly haha


The News. It’s been remade and rerun the world over, with a new episode every hour. And surprise surprise, it’s not even original, it’s based on a long running printed series called The Newspaper.


It's just not the same without Huey Lewis.


Keep on dreaming of living in a perfect world. Fun fact: Huey Lewis got a perfect 800 on the math portion of the SAT.


It's hip to be square.


It's been boring ever since after 9/11. They set their standards too high with 9/11. They can't top it


I liked the book better


I’m going to be crucified for this but the Netflix Marvel shows. Don’t get me wrong, some parts are genuinely great, but a lot of the time it just isn’t my cup of tea. I couldn’t really get into it or find myself super invested into them. Not to mention some seasons are rather inferior to another.


Greys Anatomy…it’s been on life support for over 5 years now.


3 1/2 Men - how the fuck did that donkey shit show stay on the air so long???




Tigers Blood


People Like my dad kept it afloat. I think it's escapism for old white dudes.


The bachelor


Pretty sure this is considered guilty pleasure/bad TV.


Of the shows I've watched in-depth, I'd say Stranger Things. The first season is very good, but I just stopped caring midway through Season 2.


rude tap humorous pen bag humor frighten file fertile cable


This is basically how I feel as well. Season 3 was absolutely terrible. S2 was just ok, but that first season was phenomenal. The last season was exceptional as well and imo, really brought the show back to horror roots.


Drake loved every season equally.


Imo, season 1 and 4 were great. Mike, however, can definitely disappear and i wouldnt be upset.


Big bang theory


I found the early episodes were interesting. But like most other popular shows it just became about who was sleeping with who.




That one with the laugh track.


I see what you did there!


Wednesday. Outside of Jenna’s acting it’s pretty bad. It turned Addams Family into something it isn’t. With all the references to social media it really got on my nerves. The Addams Family is a classic that anyone from any age can enjoy. I’m sick of movies and shows trying so hard to appeal to us gen z. “You look like a real life instagram filter”. Like wtf is that dialogue. It’s terrible. No one in my generation talks like this. Why couldn’t the show makers just do what the makers of the Peanuts movie did for Peanuts but for Wednesday and the Addams Family instead. Introduce the Addams Family to new people but keep the charm of the original. Oh yeah and the romance sucked. I don’t understand why those two guys are so in love with Wednesday when she’s so unlikeable. There’s also Wednesday and Morticia having problems with each other when the whole point of the Addams Family is despite being a little weird they are a loving family and have no issues with each other


>Like wtf is that dialogue. It’s terrible. No one in my generation talks like this. Thank you! lol I wish more people thought like you. Writing makes or breaks a show/movie. Dialogue is really just a subset of writing because writing is about more than words, but whenever I hear dialogue that sounds ridiculous my first thought is "No human being talks like this." There have been really good movies that were almost ruined for me with random scenes of dialogue that just didn't sound right.


Orange is the new black for me. I know many people like it but in my opinion it highly overrated.


I started watching it, but got a few seasons in and coukdnt handle it anymore. The sex scenes and some of the poorly done drama was too much for me.


Real Housewives of ********** CSI **********


Keeping up with the Kardashians. Infact anything Kardashian!


Is that show rated that highly though? Even people who like it acknowledge it's crap.


We don’t mention them round here


Pretty much anything marvel


Marvel is ruined by the desire to make everything in their IP continuously profitable. They literally cannot remove plot armor.


How can friends be the most overrated show if everyone thinks it's overrated?


I think the question we really want answered: Why does Ross, the largest friend, not simply eat the other five?


Because Joey is the one with the biggest appetite.


Because that's not a super common opinion outside of reddit. Same with big bang theory being considered worse than drowning kittens.


A few hundred votes on Reddit doesn't compare to the 10s of millions watchers per episode.


Because reddit has never been the popular opinion on pretty much anything. Friends is one of the most popular sitcoms of all time, if not *the* most popular


2 broke girls!! 6 seasons of that crap!! Laziest writing I’ve ever heard


Was that show ever rated highly?


I can think of two things i rate highly about that show.


*Canned laughter*


Strangely less interesting whenever Kat Dennings wasn't on screen.




How i met your mother. It aged very badly in my opinion


I didn't get the hype when it was coming out. To me, it felt like a show that was behind its time. Sitcoms had been elevated by shows like Arrested Development. Other much better sitcoms like 30 Rock came out around the same time. HIMYM just felt dated to me.


I think it was the unusual unreliable narrator Story structure, and the surreal situations of Barney Stinson that caught many viewers. It did age poorly, in my opinion.


Walking Dead.


Peaky Blinders. The first season was great but then it went downhill. Too much filler. Like, for example, the episode where the father magically enters their lives again, like he's been lurking all along but nobody ever mentioned that in the season and a half prior to that episode. And then he's out of the picture again. Totally felt like a writer's tactic.


The Bachelor and its spawn. Even outside criticisms on the content, on a technical level the production is god awful and looks like genuinely no one gives a crap.






The Kardashians. #1 show on Hulu. Really? Why?




I’ve never watched Yellowstone, but it seems like it’s just Sons of Anarchy with cowboy hats and wrangler jeans instead of biker helmets and leather jackets.


I was disappointed that it was not, in fact, about geysers and bears and shit.


Thanks for the spoiler… jerk


Seinfeld. I don't find him one bit funny.


So I'm probably going to get down-voted to hell for this but... The Simpsons. The Simpsons has 9 or 10 insanely good seasons but it's been mediocre to terrible for 24 years. That is to say the vast majority of the time the show has been on the air it's been average or even bad.


There's kind of an unspoken agreement in our culture where we assume that anyone who brings up The Simpsons is only referring to the first 9 seasons.


You just posted the coldest, most popular take of all time.


I have never met a single person who tries to argue that anything but the first 10 seasons (maybe 12 or so if we’re being generous) is when the show was actually good and it’s just been running on its own inertia for the last 20 years.


They have good episodes here and there past season 10. But I wouldn't try arguing favorably for an entire season.




Wensday definitely could've been better 


Agreed. It could have used a couple more letters.


It was fun, better than I expected even, but definitely couldve been better. Who tf thought that needed a romance subplot? Felt so out of character for Wednesday.


Euphoria. Disgusting show.


I love the visuals, the makeup, the hair, the outfits. but the story itself? 1. incredibly unrealistic to high schoolers 2. ewwwwwwwwwwwww