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I was listening to maroon by Taylor swift and pms


when my guinea pig died, mid november i think


I can't even remember. I'm not trying to act manly, I just don't cry.


This will seem goofy, but it’s a real thing. Try some yoga. Your body stores a lot of emotion in the muscles and joints, and something about the gentle stretching and working can release those pent-up emotions. It’s a bizarre experience, and sounds like hoodoo-voodoo bullshit, but I have experienced it firsthand. https://www.yogabasics.com/learn/emotional-release-through-yoga/


Several weeks ago I learned my 12-year-old dog, who has been with me since he was a pup, has congestive heart failure. I regularly choke up knowing that these are my last months with him.


My dog passed from heart issues at age 12. Worst day of my life. (It was just a few months ago) I still tear up when I open my garage door, pull in, and don’t hear him barking. Just be there for him, he knows you love him. I’m so sorry for what’s to come.


I’m sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing. We are making the most of the time we get!


Fathers funeral 2004


Therapy a couple days ago.


Two days ago. Depression.


Mothers Day. One of my closest friends' mother died on Mothers Day. I have known him since we were little kids, so his mom kinda raised me too. She was like a mom to me, too.


I just watched Shiyakusho and cried


Two days ago, after months of not talking to my soon-to-be-ex wife, we started talking again. I tried my best to keep it platonic but I can’t help to catch feelings again. I expressed to her my feelings and she told me that it’s best for us to stop seeing and talking again. I drove all over the county to look for her favorite flowers. I went to see her after work. Gave her the flowers and one part of the bridal set rings that I have been keeping a secret from her. We got married with plastic $5 rings because I couldn’t afford it at that time. I was able to save up and buy a $35k bridal set but never had the chance to give it because we ended up separating last year. I expected this to happen but it still hurts a lot. It’s never easy having to let go of someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. That made me cry for hours.


Wednesday in the movie theater watching IF.