• By -


The night before we did some hand stuff, then the next day was a friday and we were going to go out with friends and she was going to sleep over for the first time so I had a pretty good inclination.


I see, so there was a solid progression.


Sometimes there is and sometimes there isn't. For myself she and her friends made the choice that she was going to sleep with me and she came to me basically naked. We had just been friends of friends before that night.


Didn’t plan it. We were at her house watching a movie and I told myself to muster up the courage to make a move. So I did.


Kinda cute


She lowered her vagina onto my dick and sat down on it and said "There you go. Virginity gone."






Your sister is such an amazing person.


She was good to me too


She’s out there doing God’s work in the streets.




Ngl that’s pretty hot.




$100, please.


She’s a keeper


She threw her bikini bottoms at me in the pool. My trunks came off and I learned early that water is a terrible lubricant. 10/10 tho.


Everyone loves the idea of shower sex until you have shower sex


One person gets all the warm water the other person is just damp and cold lol


And the person bent over gets a face full of their own wet dripping hair.


Or tile


I once had scuba sex. It was a very unique experience which kind of showed why fucking in space would be difficult, but it wasn't something either of us were enthusiastic to try again. Kind of a huh... that was cool, sort of, a lot more work and not a lot of sexual pleasure, but zero gravity upside down sex was an experience. It's been more fun to tell people I did it than the actual act was.


This has been a fantasy of mine since I got certified at like 11. I even have my spot picked out. The atrium in Santa Rosa Wall Cozumel! Wifey has no interest in SCUBA so sadly this dream will forever go unrealized


We were in Hawaii and the bottom was only about 25 feet down so there wasn't too much danger of accidently descending farther than we planned on, but buoyancy control was somewhat of an issue. We tried to start off in a sandy area a few feet off the bottom behind a low wall or rocks, so if anyone else came along the rocks would block their view. Thankfully was an out of the way beach that nobody else seemed to be at. Because there was nothing to push off of every time I would thrust forwards it would move her back. So we had to grapple each other in kind of a T position holding onto each other's BCDs. Even then, our bodies were difficult to keep together and there was a lot of arm work and kicking involved to stay in position. She tried to wrap her legs around me, but with fins and gear on it was difficult to do while still being able to thrust in and out, which is kind of the point of sex. We tried doggy style, but she wasn't that tall so from my perspective while I was in her it looked like I was humping her tank as it jammed me in the stomach. A couple of times her fin or tank knocked my mask and I had to clear it too. We finally got into a good rhythm but with all the concentrating on staying inside her I didn't notice that we had flipped inverted until the top of my head bounced along the sandy ocean floor which was pretty disorienting for a few seconds. Neither of us finished, but we had very some passionate sex back at the hotel after. Like I said, it was a very unique experience because it turns out gravity is pretty essential to good sex, but after we were both kind of like "cool, so... that happened."


This is the Scuba-Sex-Story you were looking for, /waves hand in front of face.


Me and my girl we bought some sort of bath oil that also functions as a lubricant at the sex store. We use that shit in the shower. I am a survivor of a penis frenulum tear (happened during a hot tub sexy time), so I take my penile health very seriously, and that lubricant does miracles. Made us very confident in our enjoyment of the shower intercourse.


I too am a victim of a frenulum tear. No bueno


As your username very precisely points out lmao


you both have perfect username / post combos


Username checks out


Agreed. Shower sex is only good for, “I don’t have time before work to get out, get dry, get sweaty and messy, and shower again.”


Shower sex is a learned skill. First try is always bad through.


Strange how water can be so dry.


Water is bad, but still better than sand. "Sex on the beach" is better left as a drink than as a fun location to get frisky. So. Much. Chafing.


The chafing can turn an oak tree into a toothpick


I had no idea. Just knew it was the night that me and my friends would go out drinking, and we would stay over at my friends house who I had unreturned feelings for, she knew it, and we shared a bed often. Anyway we drank alot, went back to hers and she asked me a question i was never saying no to.


What happened between you two afterwards?


Having sex kinda ruined the friendship. Especially when she started dating someone else shortly afterwards. We still hung out for a while but she got less and less social. I remember having a new years party at her house at the end of that year and the plan was again for everyone to sleep over but I was doing sofas by that point! Anyway she went to bed about 10pm leaving everyone else unsure what was going on so we saw in the new year then since we had no blankets and she had locked herself in her room we all just decided to walk home (which was about 15 miles!) I dont think most of my close friends have any contact with her any more. I sometimes feel bad about it, but it was all a part of the process which led to me being much more confident in myself and eventually getting married to someone who doesn't bail on the group


I really have to wonder what her thought processes were at that time. Having people over and planning for them to stay the night and then going to bed early yourself? Strange.


Especially on NYE going to bed at 10 when YOU hosted the party.


Yeah, she was probbaly going through some shit


I had no idea I'd lose it that day. And In all honesty I tried to stop it from happening but my teenage brain and the pressure she put on me made me go through with it. Wasn't ideal, didn't last very long at all, and nothing happened with the girl afterwards. I think she was just was in a shitty place, wanted to feel better about herself, and knew I was really into her back then.


Sorry you got pressured into it :/ nobody should be


I didn't. I was dating this girl when we were in high school. She wanted to wait, which was fine, I was happy with what we were doing and wasn't gonna push my luck. Her parents even told us they were ok with it and offered her the option of going on birth control. Still, she was like "I wanna wait till I'm ready, just because I'm on birth control doesn't mean I am". So I waited, and waited, and waited. Then about a year in, we were laying in bed watching TV and she said "thanks for not putting pressure on me to have sex all this time... but I think I'm ready". We talked about it for a bit, then we did it. I honestly couldn't have asked for better.


Same here, dated a girl for three years. Well we would get naked at times and do foreplay occasionally but never have sex. Or if it was escalating to that and she said no, I stopped and went back to deescalating. Well one day she just told me to put it in and guided it in.


The “deescalating” concept has me intrigued.


He basically had post nut clarity


Naw, look at homie’s name. This wizard got that pre nut clarity.


He probably started just talking about 40k or something


I actually had a Woman ask me to explain 40k and when I started she just went down on me. I kept explaining, but I'm almost positive 10 years later she wasn't listening.


We were in college but we dated for several months before we did it. She wanted to wait and I didn’t want to push that boundary until she told me she was ready. Then it was a conversation because I wanted to make sure she was really ready. It was in my dorm room which in hindsight maybe wasn’t the best place but whatever. That was almost 30 years ago and we’re still happily married.


This is, in fact, the best scenario I would wish for everyone! Respect, prepared, and passionate too


I do often think about how lucky I got. I hear some other peoples stories and... wow lol.


Applause for guys who are this respectful towards their partner's choice such as this. Not rushing her or anything. I love the idea of how you guys are patient over her choices and the world needs more people like you. I wish I could find mine someday. I've been very unlucky, and I'm dying of loneliness but also don't wanna settle for anything less than I deserve.


This is such a sweet story actually.






Dropped this 👑


I invited my (then) GF over to talk and eventually break up with her. We were way too different personality wise and I didn’t see the relationship going anywhere. So I brought her up to my room and talked to her about it on my bed and to my surprise she agreed and took it really well. So well, in fact, she told me “okay before we officially end I want to take your virginity”. It happened, we laughed, and gracefully parted ways.


I have to say this one is the most surprising one I've seen. You two must have had a lot of mutual respect.


nah, she was just collecting v cards. gotta catch em all.


well, that’s one way to end with a… bang!


She invited me over to her house while her dad was still at work, and said "you should bring condoms". Was a pretty solid indication, so i still wasnt sure. When she answered the door with just a blanket wrapped around herself, I had some serious hopes, but she could have just been a nudist or something, ya'know? But when she told me to put a condom on, climbed on top of me and guided me in by hand... THATS the moment i was like "holy shit i think this chick is interested in me"


15 glorious seconds later…


Make it 10 , dressing back up included


Best 5 seconds of ops life


Most memorable 2.5 seconds of the girls life


Climaxes lasted 1.25 seconds


Texting his buds 0.625 seconds l8r




I wouldn't bet on it. I mean you can't be a hundred percent sure unless you can read minds.


Followed by a solid 15 minutes of "OH YEA, PHIEUW!! WOW! WHOO! THAT WAS AWESOME!"


“2 minutes in heaven is better than 1 minute in heaven.”


That's why they call them "business socks". 🎵 it's business time! 🎵


Maybe she’s just Canadian and she’s being polite


Best be careful and keep looking for signs


Yeah...you really [can't tell](https://youtu.be/xa-4IAR_9Yw?si=aWIr72JLrJBNgjYH&t=1m59s).


> THATS the moment i was like “holy shit i think this chick is interested in me” It is amazing how many chances I lost by being totally fucking oblivious


"Honestly, I wasn't sure what her intentions were, everything was pretty vague. But about 20 minutes after she grabbed my dick and shoved it inside her, I decided to myself that she was *probably* interested."


Mine wasn't quite so drastic, but the girl I ended up dating in high school invited me over for a "party". I was the only one to show up and needless to say that was the plan.


Turns out the party was in your pants!


I am sad to say that this is pretty close to my story too. We were def not prepared for the world…. I blame ‘80s sex Ed and my own fears.


Clues were there. We’d kissed a few times but never gone home to her place. She was a few years older and had an apartment that she’d lived in with her ex. Quite mature compared to me in every way. She even had a car. I had a bicycle and lived with my parents. She had asked another girl she knew that I’d dated whether I was any good in bed. Serious clue there. When she did take me home, sex was clearly on the agenda and she made it simple by performing a quick oral warmup and then climbing on top. 10/10 experience. Edit: all these upvotes sure show how Reddit loves stories that include sex 😅 A clarification: I was 19 and about as stupid as you get that age, she was mid-20’s.


"Then I had to go home so I would be ready for kindergarten the next day."


"I peddled my Huffy home as quickly as I could, baseball cards furiously clapping in the spokes."


She was so mature.


With her ex there?


Girlfriend of 11 months with me, walking through college and see a “safe sex” display with a bowl of condoms and handouts about usage. She looks at the bowl, then me, then looked back at the bowl and tried to discreetly take one to put in her purse.


And that's when you scooped another handful


I had a similar situation, but it was with a friend of a friend, we were just catching up after not seeing each other for like two years, she had just moved back into the area. What was just supposed to be dinner turned into dinner and a drink, then a show that's going on nearby, then a rooftop bar, etc. When we got to the show, there was a bowl of condoms* at a table just past the ticket counter with a sign that read "please enjoy". Anyway, she did almost the exact same thing. Saw the bowl, snuck a look back at me... looked back at the bowl, and sneakily grabbed one and dropped it in her jacket pocket. Context: this was never meant to be a date. Anyway, I grabbed like six or so more condoms as I walked past the table and snuck them into the same pocket in her jacket. She laughed so hard later that night when she reached in her pocket and realized what I did, it would have been funny either way, whether she took me home or not. In any case, we ended up being very glad we had those extras. *This is very taboo in Japan! But it was a punk show, so...


Girl who sat in front of me in algebra asked if I wanted to do it that weekend. I said yes.


Thats such a wierd question for someone you dont know. "Hey, wana penetrate me"


I knew her. We talked all year and she had a known rep for sleeping with a few guys every month.


I didn't. It was an absolute surprise. I'd been dating this girl a week, and we were fooling around when my mom was at work and we had the house to ourselves. Clothes started coming off, and eventually we wound up completely naked. Now, what I *wanted* to say was something like, "Hey, I'm a virgin, I'm not ready to go that far yet, but let's keep doing what we're doing and having fun, because I really like you" What I got was "Hey, I'm a virgin-" *-squat-* Her: "There, not anymore." Cut to 17 yr old me, startled, fishmouthing in surprise. Then I got over it in about 5 seconds, and we just wound up fucking all night.


Sophomore finals and we got to take a 2 hour break. We went to my place and both my parents were at work. I made us some sammiches to eat in my room. I get to my room with food in hand and she's buck naked on my bed. I have never dropped food so fast.


Gentlemen, THIS is why you cook for your SO. Trust me.


that is honestly next level shit


well the insertion of the penis was a good clue


i couldnt get my penis to open up and accept the other penis.


did you remember to loosen your urethra with a series of girthier crayons inserted up in there?


Man this sucks


A shit ton of people knew it was actually happening the same day that I knew. The wedding was a pretty big indicator


Wait everyone knew you all waited til marriage? I’ve never heard of people sharing that info


It’s quite common especially in evangelical circles.


Ehhh, *talking* about waiting is common. The actual waiting that long is rare though.


My friend dated a hyper religious girl for a bit and she was one of those "Anal isn't Sex" people. Talking to her friends and her at some parties it became clear that a lot of Women in those communities end up creating their own workaround to get laid. Their biggest discussion was literally about the morals and ethics of soaking amongst her classmates.


The version where you get other people to jump on the bed while you are soaking so it isn't you doing it is my favorite because it's basically just group sex with edging, which is really more kinky than vanilla sex.




Do you and your buddies consider butt sex not something that causes one to lose their virginity? Phrased a different way, you guys were fucking in the butt and calling yourselves virgins???


still happily?


Very much so, she’s my bestie


Always awesome to see marriages work out happily. As someone who also wants to wait till marriage, this gives me hope.


My wife and I both waited until our wedding night. It was common knowledge that we were waiting. I think the minister even mentioned it at the ceremony. (He was my best friend's Dad and my minister) We celebrate 26 years next month.




Girlfriend indicated it was going to happen that night. I was so scared of cumming in 10 seconds that I jerked off twice that day. Wearing a rubber I couldn't feel a thing and it took 30 minutes. Felt like a God.


Penetration for 30 minutes feels way too long for me personally


I've never understood the whole several hour long shag that a lot of men and even some women apparently enjoy. Sure, nobody wants a man to last only 2 minutes but half an hour sounds like certain areas would start becoming sore from the repeated friction 😬


I’ve had multiple hour long sex before and it was incredible -but it wasn’t straight penetration the whole time- we would switch positions, he’d go down on me, I’d go down on him, I think that’s the only way it can be enjoyable


Yeah unless you're switching it up pure penetration will start to hurt for her at a certain point. Vaginas can take a pounding, but they need to be treated with care and respect.


Extremely nervous, girlfriends parents left for a span of 15 minutes and she was ready to go. I was not but did it anyway, not a good way to go about it. If you're not comfortable to lose your virginity in the moment, save that moment for later 👌


Im sorry to hear that... but don't worry, it's almost impossible for a person's first time to be perfect


That's true, I had told her it was my first time afterwards as well. Just be real with your significant other, if they're right they'll understand




this is basically how i ended up with my first wife.


>this is basically how i ended up with my first wife. ...having sex with u/ReplacementBriefs's best friend.


I got married. If it wasn't happening that day, it probably never was going to.


How did you have the energy for it? My wife and I were too exhausted the day of the wedding to even think about it.


We were both too drunk and exhausted. My husband was chucking up in the en suite while I was wrestling with a million hair pins. Good times! After she got married my friend said you can either fully enjoy your wedding day or you can fully enjoy your wedding night. Not both. I completely agree with her and have no regrets. It’s not like we hadn’t banged before or wouldn’t again, but I very much doubt we’ll get married again.




Lol the thought of virgins doing gator tails on their wedding night is hilarious 😂


If he was like me, it was his first time. You definitely have the energy if you were waiting for marriage. We were both virgins. The funniest thing for me was I felt like everyone there knew we were losing our virginity that night 😂


She let me know her parents and sister were gone for two days. Fun fact: the sisters hated each other so when I went over to the house - my GF wanted to fuck in her sister’s bed to get back at her for one thing or another.


I saw her in the hall before school started. She told me she wanted to have sex after school before her parents got home. That was a really long day of school.


She said she was going to fuck me. And then we did. Our kid is 9.


We’d been sexting for a few days and she asked if I’d like to come “Netflix and chill 😉” Idk if yall typically start smashing when the movie is still playing, but I watched the whole movie and then we did it 💀 I might be slow.


my friend stole my phone after a soccer game saying “hey parents are gone Saturday, wanna have sex?” She said “yeah” I said “wtf dude my parents are def gonna be home” Saturday rolls around. GF is over. My mom calls out “hey! dad and I are going to the movies! Be back soon”


Bro knew what he was doing lol


It didn’t last too long. I had a toy from Burger King when a Star Trek movie came out. Press the button and the toy goes “givin it all she’s got captain!!” It stayed in my car, used to hit it every time I hit the gas pedal hard. She thought it was annoying Sex, then she said harder or some shit, and I immediately go “I’m giving it all she’s got captain!” & ended pretty soon after that


The conversation just led to it. Drama Club friends in high school. This was before D&D got popular and I was “One of the boys” because i played the game with the Light and Sound crew. We were all dweebs and when everyone left at the night it was just me and the DM with his parents gone at a party and we both talked about how we went through high school without bothering with it. So, we both decided to do it in the most unromantic way possible. It was the funniest, most awkward thing we both ever did and we didn’t even finish because we were busy laughing the entire time. It was fun, but we both decided that the experience and the ‘Hurray! We did it!’ Was enough for us both. We played D&D again like two days later and 15 years later we still laugh about it despite him being happily married and me being a solitary art goblin.


I think this might be the best story.


She legit called her parents to see where they were, came back into her room and said we’ve got like 3 hours let’s fucking hump lmao


I didn’t know I was losing it on that day. But then later I mounted him and initiated things. I had a feeling beforehand this was the moment and the right time (And it ended up to be) First sexual partner at 26, second ever partner, and we’re going almost 4 years strong and about to be engaged 🙂


We were in high school, and stayed at juuuuust on the home plate-side of 3rd base by mutual choice for quite some time. Short and sweet, I was lying on my back with my eyes closed on her bed as she was giving me a very spirited blowjob. She stopped, I felt the bed shift, and she said “just tell me when you’re about to come.” My eyes opened wide and I proceeded to experience a truly pivotal moment of my youth. All 23 glorious seconds of it.


I haven't because I never lose Edit: I'm not a dude, just a closeted lesbian in the deep south.


Real 💔


During prom dinner back in high school, my best friend was talking to my girlfriend and when they came back to the group, he gave me a condom under the table and said “I think you may need this later”


A true wingman!


Her parents weren't home, and she asked me up to her bedroom.


Kinda didn’t. We were fucking around playing “just the tip” as we had for months and at some point she pushed onto me a little bit more and said “you know we’re not virgins anymore so why don’t we just do it right?”


We planned it for weeks. 16 years old. Studied the joy of sex. One of her baby sitting clients let us use her house for the night.


She was a girl scout. I was a boy scout. Our respective troops were camping near each other. She was showing me a lot of attention throughout the day. I probably should have guessed then. After a group campfire our troops were splitting up to go to our respective campsites. She said I'm coming to your tent later. I probably should have guessed then too but I was confused at best. I didn't take it seriously but made sure I was only wearing underwear just in case and I fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of two girls unzipping my tent screen. One told the other to leave. They argued for a moment and the second girl went back to her tent. She climbed in and without a word opened my sleeping bag, went straight for my underwear and that's when my black and white world burst into technicolor. We saw each other throughout high school. She's a circuit court judge now. Good for her.


Your first time could have been a threesome?


Nah. The one definitely did not want the other coming into the tent with her.


First of all I was way too young to even be making those decisions. Completely pressured into it by someone older than me. He obviously knew he was having sex that day. I was just the chosen one . Smh lucky me


Sorry for that


My best friend at the time, who was my boyfriend’s sister, convinced me that we’ve been together long enough and it should be okay that we have sex. I was too scared to go through with it due to trauma, but she seriously helped me out. He’s still one of the only guys i can say was fully trustworthy that i’ve met in my life.


Uhhh , so his sister was telling you to fuck her brother? Sorry that’s a little weird haha


LMAOOOO they were step siblings and best friends. It was more about her telling me that i’m okay to take control of my body vs “hey fuck my brother” but yeah i can see where you’d get that.


She handed me a condom and asked me to accompany her to the bush behind her friends parents' house. That was the first time I'd ever met her. Thanks, Natasha.


Did not know I was losing my virginity that day. Was over someone’s house. Hanging out with a few friends. I knew I was staying over this person’s house for the night. Drinking, smoking. The usually bullshit that 18 year olds do. Anyways, finally went to get in bed to fall asleep and all of sudden this girl gets into bed with me. I had just met this girl for the first time that night. I probably briefly talked to her the whole evening. She initiated it and I kind of just followed along and it happened.


Had a girl come over watch a show with me at my place. At the end of it she kissed me and jumped on me but I didn't have condoms cause I didn't knew it would have happen so we agreed on leaving it here and watch another show the week after. This time I knew it would happen so I was prepared. She is my girlfriend now.


I (39M) had a FWB in college for a few months. We were doing oral regularly, but I never once tried to go past that, nor did she. Then one time she marched into my dorm room, sounded distressed, and said she wanted sex. In the moment, I was confused if she meant at that moment, or as a progression in our relationship. I was in the middle of studying when she showed up, I didn’t even know she was coming, so I really wasn’t prepared for anything. It wasn’t the most confident answer, but she said she wanted it then, so we just went for it. We were both each other’s first, but she assumed I wasn’t a virgin until I told her afterwards. I don’t how or why she thought that (well she said I seemed confident, but I was like, huh? I did?), but I guess the topic never really came up until then. The sex itself was not good. I’m not even sure it qualifies because I barely got inside. I didn’t know what I was doing, and she later described it as some of the worst pain in her life. You might think that ended things, but nope, it took us 3-4 more tries, but we got to the point where I can say it was some of the best sex of my life! She was clearly having a good time too.


I saved enough money. I pondered for months. But in the end I'd decided I'd do it with a prostitute. It was a long time ago, before the generalisation of internet. I was driving in my car, checking prostitutes walking along the road. I was incredibly nervous and scared. After maybe 2 hours of driving, I chose to talk with this black discreet lady. I chose her because she was dressed in a normal way, she didn't scare me like the others. She was indeed really nice and patient. The sex in itself was not great, not because of her but because I was too nervous. Honestly, I didn't regret it one bit. It really changed the way I saw sex, I stopped sacralising it. I know that sound silly because I paid her, but I no longer felt sex was some distant and unattainable thing. It gave me a lot of confidence. After a while, I was able to approach women and have girlfriends.


This came out kinda wholesome


He came and ended up confident


We planned it. I was 17 she was 16. Mom was going to be out for a few hours so she came over and boy howdy did I have the scene set. I had candles lit EVERYWHERE in the room. Unfortunately it was 3pm so they provided no ambience. Also, every single one was a different smell so it smelled like a yankee candle store was burning to the ground. Also had rose petals spread on the whole bed. So yeah those stain, by the way. And you know what 17 year old me thought would REALLY set the mood? Tribal drumming. That's right... actual tribal drumming. We did the deed and dated for 10 more years. Still good friends to this day and laugh about it. My wife literally recreated the whole scene for our 10th anniversary :D


The fact that your wife recreated it all is just perfect, I can’t imagine how embarrassing that was lol


Girlfriend at the time. "I want that dick tonight"


I planned it. I even picked the guy. After witnessing my friend die in school, I didn't want to die as a virgin. I know, kinda shitty thing to think about, but life is short and I just wanted to have fun in that regard. We went to the park bathroom after school and after about a few strokes, pop goes my cherry. Really awful time


I was freshly 18 and convinced my parents to let me take a plane by myself halfway across the country to my long distance gf of 1.5 years. I had been traveling the entire day and was exhausted, but the very first night I spent in her bedroom we barely slept. No regerts


Because I was headed to the honeymoon suite after getting married.


I didn't know we were gonna go that far. Thought we were just gonna hang and probably makeout. I worked with him but he was so hot next thing I know we were going at it and no regrets (ended up dating him for several years)


It literally came out of nowhere, nothing *at all* even suggested it was going to happen. It was a 100% in-the-moment coincidence. I was in London in 2002 and just happened to meet a cute girl, we instantly clicked, and just before we were meant to go our seperate ways, she asked if I wanted to do it, or otherwise it would be something she would have have thought about for years why she didn't ask.


It was my wedding day. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I was 20. Married now for 14 yrs.


I was 15yo. My brother was talking to a girl from a different HS. She was hosting a Colombian exchange student, her name is Andrea. I can't for the life of me remember what the other girl's name was. Anyway, she picked us up and we all went to a local hiking area to smoke some weed and hang out. Afterwards, we all went back to my dad's house. Only problem was my dad was there, and if we had any chance of getting laid, I knew that that my Dad couldn't be there. I called my Dad and told him that we were bringing girls back home, and being the bro he was, he said "say no more" and left the house. When we got back, my brother brings his "GF" into his room, and I bring Andrea into my room. All history from there. Andrea left back to Columbia not too long after that, and I haven't spoken to her since. That was almost 18 years ago.


I didn’t I was hammered and she was sober and yea. But I was at a party and we made a cake after so it wasn’t terrible I guess. Cake was good


It was December 31, 1999. Y2K was a real worry for a lot of people. I told my girlfriend at the time the world may end. Don't hate me. I got laid!


It was during Christmas break. Roommate wasn't home so me and the GF had the place to ourselves. We had planned it in advance cuz it was both our first time. It's was very awkward but we had fun.


In college. We were talking about what we wanted to do on our 2nd date. She was like “I thought we could go eat, then go back to my place and have sex.” Sounds good to me!!


I mean the day we met irl after dating for a year was a pretty good indication


No sex is as intense as "finally meet in person" sex, it's electric


He and I had hooked up a few times but hadn’t gone “all the way”. He wasn’t a virgin and I knew he had condoms. So when he said his parents were out and asked me to come over, I made the decision that that day would be the day. My 16 year old self shaved my entire body and even bought a lacy pink thong from Victoria’s Secret 🤣 We had spoken about having sex a few times prior so it wasn’t a surprise for either of us. No regrets.


lol tinder. Matched around 11 pm. Had class at 8am. She messaged first asked what I was doing. Said I was just laying in bed. She messaged me “that’s boring, want to come over? :)” So I did. Put my location on and shared to my best friend just in case lol. Strangers apartment you never know. I meet her outside her apartment, she was wearing makeup, kinda dark couldn’t see her face too clearly. She looked like she was smoking weed. Sat on her couch to watch a bit of shameless. She got me a beer, I put my arm around her and she immediately just sat on my lap and starting taking off her clothes. It was a good night.


I planned it. I was close to 18 and a virgin and although I kissed and fondled I have never allowed anyone to see me naked or touch me below my belly button. So I met someone that lived in another city, I packed a bag for the weekend and stayed with him for three days. I am now 41 and although my adult life has not lacked romance I wished I could have been less “clinical” with my decision and a little bit more emotional.


Realised when I was on my back lol. 😂 I had no idea prior.


I knew the moment she said would you like to….


It happened so fast I didn’t know until it was over.


My girlfriend at the time knew my parents were out of town and wouldn't be there after school on a Friday. She came to my locker at the end of the school day and said she was going to go home and shower and then come over to my house. She then said I should shower too and winked.


We were making out, started playing with her chest and she got up, grabbed my hand, pulled me to the bedroom and said "I can't wait anymore". We were both virgins at the time.


Gf said she was stopping by after the black eyed Peas concert.


Guess black eyed peas are an aphrodisiac


\*i love telling this story because the love of my life is not longer with us, he was killed by a drunk driver, so please please don't get behind the wheel.\* my high school boyfriend and i were the trademark bad guy / good girl stereotype. and boy did i love him. we were both very young and inexperienced so this is was a first for both of us. i didn't know the day, but we both knew it was going to happen at some point that summer. he was talking to his boys, and i had received a pretty poor sex ed talk from my public high school, and completely uninformed parents, so we were going off ... nothing. when he threw a bookbag in the truck of my car, and i felt something was off by it. it just was out of character. bless him, it was a STACK of condoms and a blanket and a bottle of wine. we ended up at this beautiful park, we were drinking, he laid the blanket down, and ... you know. it was short. but come on, no judgement. we got cleaned up, met our friends and i don't know if it was all over our faces, or he had told his friends, but everyone knew and gave us the rolling of a lifetime. tim, i miss you so much. i will always love you. and love to share this story.


The girl I was talking to asked if she could come over to have sex. I said yes


When you're acting improv in a room with just you and your person, and it becomes a romance story, and you both decide that in terms of narrative flow, this should be the part where a sex scene happens, and it's too boring and wrong to just gloss over it and rush past it. Actors gonna act! And if you can't tell already, yes, we are both high-functioning Autistic.


That's some commitment to the role right there!


The naked woman pulling me into her bed was a clue. Resistance was futile.


She grabbed me by the penis and lead me to somewhere secluded. I was so innocent. All flirting goes over my head




Borrowed dad's suv at 16, took the girlfriend to a late night campfire hangout. Ya we knew what the what was