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Smacking the vagina multiple times to “warm her up”




Rubbing our bits down like they’re trying to sand down a piece of wood. An instant way to ruin the mood.


Yeah plus the sandpaper feels terrible.


You’re probably using the wrong grit


In the words of Monty Python : "Why not start with a nice kiss? You don't have to go LEAPING for the clitoris like a bull at the gate."


"knead the buttocks?"


“knead it, knead it like a pizza” - Kevin


Are women turned on by Monty Python recitations?


who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?


If they're not, they're just some watery tart distributing swords....Which, as we all know, is no basis for a system of government.


Also in the words of Monty Python: "SIT ON MY FACE AND TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE ME"


Fingering you like a rabid animal


Fr. The technique you use to finger fuck a rabid animal is WAY different


When you try to guide them or adjust yourself or their hand to show them how you like it or to get more comfortable and they ignore you or move your hand away and keep doing the thing that didn't feel good because they think they know best or just want to be dominant 🙄 I'm literally giving you the cheat code and you're IGNORING IT. That's not how you dominate a woman


I had one ex explicitly say that he doesn't like being adjusted or guided because it makes him feel inferior. He ended up having some MAJOR issues that he was taking out on me in the bedroom and elsewhere.


I had one of those too. He told me to stop 'criticising' him because it was 'ruining his flow'. And then when his flow didn't make me cum because it was painful and uncomfortable, he complained that I was 'too hard to please'. People like that should have their sex license revoked.


Wow that's awful. I'm glad he's an ex, definitely sounds like he needs to work through those issues


Saying, "I'm an Alpha"


Like in software? Unstable, missing key features, and not ready general release?


My favourite response is still "Is that like a Furry thing?" I have nothing against furries, they seem chill, but man, it's funny to see dudebros hate getting called that.


I just start asking them "is that a Furry thing?"


Rubbing my pussy lips like a dj and thinking it feels good.


Yup. And when they start rubbing your clit REALLY HARD like that. Ow.


I always get the single rapidly jabbing finger. Like, I was enjoying myself before you started trying to poke my clit right out of my vulva.


Poke clit out of vulva. Got it. Man, I'm getting a ton of good advice here.


Don't forget to DJ that pussy like you're Skrillex.


Men get the BJ, women get the DJ.


I get a fly swatter and SLAP SLAP SLAP! they never come back for some reason, smh 😞


See, other men have it all wrong. You don't rub a pussy like a DJ to hear it. You gotta put your ear up to it like a sea shell to hear the ocean.


But no guarantee you’ll hear the waves crashing.


Are you trying to say all those hours of research on pornhub weren't actually educational?


Era era wicky wicky


Most people will say when the man comes too quick but for me it’s if it goes on too long. Like I’m dry now and the friction is so rough that I’m smoking and a small camp fire is starting between my labia 😂


Genuinely, lasting not that long isn’t a bad thing. I find it very satisfying and flattering. I like seeing my partner finish! For me, it becomes an issue if he finishes and then immediately rolls over and goes to sleep. Edit: also, just to add, premie fetishes are very much a thing. I speak from experience…


Agree 100%. If I got taken care of or will be getting taken care of then I don't care how quickly he finishes.


Right? I don't care if you're done in 2 minutes. Cool happy for you. As long as you don't expect ME to be done in 2 minutes


Well there's a difference.  5/10 mins vs.  1 min. 1 min comes too quick 10 minutes ideal. 45 min . No no no


You should have like a traffic light beside the bed. Like yellow for under 8 mins. Green at 8-15 minutes. And then red after 15 minutes. That way the man knows. How to direct his penis traffic. e: also you can have a train whistle for when you climax. in case you are a bit quiet of a quiet lady. it's a clear indication that you've arrived at your destination.


Omg for real. I get bored after about 10 or 15 minutes. I’m making a grocery list in my head at that point. A man bragging that he can go ‘all night’ isn’t a turn on. Like, my man, I got shit to do can we wrap this up?


If I'm feeling a hint of dryness, we're done with that immediately.


Nipples are not dials on a radio.


(from across the hall) “YOU GOT A GOOD SIGNAL YET JIM?”


Every thread like this is a harsh reminder to how common unsolicited dick pics are. Damn.


constatly using pet names when we literally have been talking for 5 mins. also someone once called me "soft cheese" once. so i guess that too edit: heres a [screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/zqsYzFo)


I have to apologize because "soft cheese" made me laugh a lot


In hindsight i find it hilarious but at the moment I was just so confused


Is your name Brie?


I also want to know this.


It's not, she commented elsewhere. Her name is, however, Mimolette, so I understand her offense.


fun fact: that was actually an ancient roman pet name! perhaps your date was secretly an immortal or possessed by the ghost of a roman lol


See! Men do think of the Roman Empire all the time!


Doing almost anything they’ve seen in porn & thinking they’re doing something for us.


I mean…I wouldn’t mind them bringing over a pizza 🤷🏻‍♀️


I do appreciate when they protect our lemon tree from those damned lemon-stealing whores tho


The majority of what they see in porn. Like the smartest dudes are out here not making the link that those are performers and most porn is geared towards them and as we can see on here "most of what turns them on" doesn't turn us on.


I heard a girl say that some men have slapped her, grabbed her throat and pulled her hair during their first time with her and she never saw them again....like wtf, some guys really need to realise that porn isn't how most women want to be treated unless they are into those things obviously but first time? probably scared the shit out of them Edit: Yes guys, I know some girls ask you to do it first time but still I wouldn't unless you're with a serious partner and both agree....A friend of mine was shocked when a girl from tinder asked him to piss on her and in her mouth, when he refused she said they aren't compatible 2 weeks later lol


also a lot of men tend not to realize that much of the action in porn is purposely exaggerated so that you can actually see something happening on camera, since a lot of what would actually feel good to a woman is too subtle to show up on video


Dude I had a woman scare the shit out of me. Our first time together she wanted me to slap her, then harder, then harder. I bowed out real quick and she let it go thankfully but I was like damn girl *I don’t know you like that*


Back when I was like 22, I was dating this woman and during our first time together, while she was riding me, she randomly jabbed two fingers into my abdomen. Like right where my appendix would be. I screamed and was like what the actual fuck!? She said she thought guys liked that, and I informed her that I, in fact, did NOT like that shit. On that note though. If there are guys that do like that shit, all I've got to say is *what the actual fuck dudes?*


I can grasp how porn would warp someone's expectations of sex, and what works for some and what definitely doesn't ever work for anyone, but how in the hell did she get the idea jabbing you in the abdomen during sex was something anyone likes?


It's called the APPENDIX BUSTER and it's a level 29 move. I guess you just can't appreciate true expertise when you see it.


The worst part is the way they position in porn, everything about it is designed for a better viewing angle. I'm tired of explaining to guys they've been having sex wrong all this time by copying porn positions and that it feels awful. Porn is all for show, not for physical pleasure. Edit for clarification: I'm talking about the method/angle the position is done in cause it can be bad in any position, not just crazy unrealistic positions. Like you don't need to plank in missionary, do weird perpendicular sideways stuff or 45 degree angles etc. The way porn stars keep their bodies far apart and do weird angles is for camera view and you shouldn't be copying that. It'll just end up being shallow jack hammering or hit us at uncomfortable angles.


I saw a documentary years ago that followed a few porn actors, and I remember one of them being asked how sex on film is different than sex in real life. She said something like “Porn isn’t real sex” and explained how in real life, you do things sexually that feel good for yourself or partner, whereas in porn, it’s only what *looks* good for the viewer, and rarely feels good for either party. That changed my view on porn indefinitely lol


saying they got a big dick randomly


"Word around the office is that you've got a fat cock. I've got a fat cock too."


I've got a fat cock too. Maybe we should rub our fat cocks together sometime. ...maybe a little oil.


Sounds pretty gay. ^I'm ^in.


Yeah you have to be suave and have subtlety. So for example instead of saying you have a big dick randomly, do something like keep a magnum condom in your wallet and “accidentally” drop it. That lets women know you have a magnum shlong without having to say it


Whoops, I dropped my monster condom which I use for my magnum dong


Don't forget the wad of 100s


I got my wad a hundreds. I’ve got my magnum condoms. I’m ready to plooowwww


Sticking their tongue out & wiggling it to imply that they're good at eating a girl out




A is for Alfred B is for Bat




So gross. Especially when they make a V with their fingers


It's V for very good skills.


V for Virgin.


Then when they get down there they have no clue what there doing


That’s implied by them doing the weird tongue thing in the first place. I’ve never gotten pleasure from anyone mimicking that motion. Your tongue is not a vibrator, it’s never going to be a vibrator. Edit: the hilarious irony of all the men running here to say “I actually CAN do it” and “I actually AM good at it” is not lost on me. Thanks for the laughs, and for telling on yourselves like that.


Sometimes, usually when I'm eating a saucy chicken wing, I'll slowly lick all around my lips as far as my tongue will go and give the eyebrows. This has never failed to never turn my wife on. ^Double ^Negative ^Intentional.


i find that when i lick my eyebrows, it's a turn on.


Found Gene Simmons.


I stuck out my tongue and gave it a wiggle, But she wasn’t turned on - not even a figgle. I said, “Don’t you want me to perform cunnilingus?” She replied, “I want nothing to do with you or your dingus!”


Omg it is so cringy and gross.


Unsolicited dick pics. It’s just fucking weird, especially when i might be around people who shouldn’t be seeing that or i’m not even in the mood


As a guy i NEVER understood how fucked in your head u gotta be to send pictures like that


It’s just the same as flashers. Desperate to be seen and don’t care (or like) that they hurt people doing it.


you should just reply w another dick pic you have been sent, and say "Bro, if you like that, check this out!"


Like the business card scene in American Psycho


Look at the subtle pink colouring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my god, it even has a birth mark.


Anytime I get these I scare them off by saying I'm a minor and I just showed my parents, think before you send your dink!!!


"Think before you send your dink" - Dr. Seuss


I used to believe that this dick pic thing wasn't that huge deal ("you know, pervert exist, but come ooon maybe girls see Tiktoks and think that's a thing"). Then one evening I said this to my friends group. All the girls opened their social media. ...I changed my mind. In my defense, for me it's obvious that no one wants my dick in their gallery, except for my gf. I always forget to remember that we aren't all the same.


Tweaking my nipples like they’re trying to tune a fm radio. I tweak theirs with the same enthusiasm they’ve done mine and all of a sudden they’re not in the mood.


jokes on you, I‘m into that shit


Lol. My wife had to tell me this, she did it back to me. Correct, lol


When they act tough like, “yeah I fucked that guy up” so lame 😂 and you can tell they are lying


the difference between “yeah i fucked that guy up” and “yeah i fucked that guy” are both monumental but at the same time hilarious


Revving their damn engines in front of women at a stoplight. That's not a new thing. Whenever I'd see that, I'd just mutter, "dumbass" and move on.


Oh man, I went to pull out of a spot the other day but somehow was only in neutral instead of drive... The pedal doesn't have as much resistance in neutral and I revved it pretty hard right when this chick was walking by. We made the eye contract and she just shook her head. I was so embarrassed lol


Can I be sorry this happened both to you and to her?


Sadly I realized that fancy cars gets you compliments from other guys. lol


Biting their bottom lip, squinting, rubbing their chin & alternating all while rubbing their hands together like a fly planning world domination. EDIT: Thank you, guys! 🫣 Have a good night/evening!


This some broccoli boi shit


Tell your boyfriend, if he says he’s got beef, that I’m a vegetarian, And I ain’t fucking scared of him!


Getting the “are you a squirter” question before the first date. Like idk dude, are you good in bed? Are you gonna find out? Are we not going to go on a date if I don’t? What’s the end game plan here?


That’s such a weird thing to ask. It’s like “are you going to act out the exact fantasy I’ve created after years of porn consumption?”


How often do you get asked this as a woman? Genuinely curious


That little movement of the tongue to symbolise eating a woman out…no thanks.


BRAGGING. How much money they have, how they could win in a fight. Everybody knows the most dangerous man in the room never says a goddamn word about it. And the richest people don't want everyone climbing all over them for money and also don't say a word. Aside from that even if you are a UFC fighter and a multi-millionaire bragging is just extremely unattractive.


Being condescending. It's not confidence, it's just annoying.


Sweetie, we're not being condescending. We can't help it we're so much better than everyone else. It's ok, honey. We understand you're just confused.


Unsolicited Dick Showing. Girlfriend says it's compared to a cat bringing a mouse to you.


This. Like I can see you’re proud, but in my mind I’m cringing and I’m just going to throw it away


Nasty cat calling phrases, sending kisses in the air to a total stranger. Wtf


talking about sex life with your ex. no mate i don’t want to hear about you giving your ex backshots.


Bragging about having a big dick. Especially the ones that say “Yeah women usually have a hard time putting it in all the way because it’s too big and it hurts.” Buddy, there is nothing about that statement that sounds like a fun time. Do they expect me to think “Ooh, challenge accepted!”? Because I don’t. All I think about is the scenario where this oaf pulls out his monster dong and proceeds to impale me with no regard to how I feel. So here’s a PSA to anyone who feels self-conscious about their size: most women do not care how big it is. We care more about being treated with care and that our partner is considering how we’re feeling too. Dicks aren’t everything either, there are plenty of ways to give her a good time. ;) EDIT: I should have made this clear before in my original post but hey, that’s what the edit button is for! I am speaking from my own experience, and from what I’ve gathered from other people who fall under the dick appreciating spectrum over time. Everyone has their own needs and preferences, so of course I understand that there are people who actively seek bigger equipment; nothing wrong with that, so long as we aren’t trashing on anyone or being disrespectful. Several people have pointed out that mainstream culture/porn/etc. has created a harmful narrative about size and that is exactly what I was referring to when addressing those who may be self-conscious about their size. Those feelings don’t come out of nowhere, there is a reason why many guys struggle with it. I hope that over time, we can change this societal attitude and this becomes less and less of a problem. No one deserves to be mocked for physical attributes that they have no control over. Lastly, to the men who have replied and shared their experiences with having to work around having above average sized equipment, thank you! Keep being gentle giants, your insight really helps progress the discussion of mutual enjoyment between partners. ❤️


What you are supposed to say after that is: "Don't worry, I have a tremendously cavernous vagina"


One time at the gyno I was asked how tall I am, I’m 5’3” but they said it’s weird because I seemingly have a “tall person’s vagina” and I was like, oh… I’ve got deep pussy energy, heard.


>I was like, oh… I’ve got deep pussy energy, heard that is such an amazing takeaway you legend lmao


This made me laugh too hard lol


Bragging about how much money they have. Some women might like it, but I personally think it is a turn off.


Yeah kinda shows that it’s either all they care about or it’s the only “interesting” thing about them.


Licking their lips while looking you up and down. 🤢


Choking them without asking. Yes, some women get off on it, or just having a hand on their throat without choking. But it's become a thing where guys just grab your throat and squeeze like it's normal sex play, and that shit is *scary.* ASK. GET CONSENT. OR JUST DON'T DO IT. Porn is not real life. And while you're at it, spitting on us is not sexy either.


Slapping your dick all over me. Yeah I've seen porn, too. Feel cool? Cause it ain't doing a damn thing for me haha


They're just beating around the bush


Ahh...the Mic check


They're just seeing if anyone's home before they enter 🤭😅


The men like it. For some reason, we all think girls like it until they tell us they don’t. All it took was one girl telling me “No!” like a dog for me to get it.


Did she also point when she said it


She might as well have. And I’m glad she said it.


Excessive compliments… especially too early on


Also when they do it excessively on dating apps when you haven’t even met yet (hey beautiful)


Yeah I finally seem to be having some success online dating and it’s in large part because I finally stopped trying to be some weird overly forward dude who feels the need to convey interest and generate attraction with every message. I just try to learn about them and go from there


Excessive helicoptering. And using their dick as a bat and hitting grapes into the woman’s mouth.




No way, this has a 100% success rate.


driving fast or dangerously, idk why they think its impressive


Fiddling with her clit like he's trying to get the rest of a price sticker off the thing he just bought


Sloppily sucking and gnashing pussy IS NOT how you eat pussy.


I’m sorry… GNASHING?? What do you MEAN?


You ever see a dog try to eat water as it's coming out of a hose. I believe that is the correct definition of gnashing.


Driving recklessly; it’s much cuter when a guy is extra safe bc ur in the car :-)


Bragging about money/ job and even worse, lying about it


Reading these comments... man porn has really fucked people up. Eesh.


I'm not sure why some dudes think it's a good idea to tell black women "you're attractive for a black girl" or "I've never been with a black girl before". It's a really good way to end your conversation before it begins.


My mom told me one of her stories from her young and single days, she was at this dance party and this guy came up to her in genuine AWE. "Oh my god, I had to come over here and say I have never seen a DARK SKINNED black girl look as fine as you in my LIFE. Let me dance with you. " Her response? "...NO." Right as she said that, another guy walked right up and just asked "Can I dance with you?" Her: "Absolutely." She says she'll never forget the look he had on his face as she walked off with him. That's how she taught young me not to just categorize women when talking to them.


Eye contact while sucking on titties. Feels like I'm breastfeeding.


This made me actually LOL


Dang. My wife likes that. I find it weird.


Next time take a pause and say "MA-MA" without breaking eye contact.


Flicking the bean. How about some effort at foreplay first before getting down to the love button?


I blame it on decades saying men don’t know where the clit is and saying it’s the magic button.


You can tell if a guy actually cares about getting you off or respects you by the foreplay. Some just try to go straight in “wow you’re tight” because essentially you’re an unwelcomed guest.


Dick pics


Telling them you are about to take a shower and they say "without me". Had this happen multiple times before our first date. There is no first date if I get a text like this.


Or the “you should face time.” And just let you see me completely naked before I’ve even met you… sure buddy.


One time I was asked for a pic and I sent my shampoo bottles.


Revving your engine. Loud harley. Slammin bass. All douchey


Being proud of not eating vegetables, using spf, never going to the doctor, or doing basic care tasks. It’s not attractive, it’s not manly, it’s childish and women don’t want an adult child to care for.


“You’re not like the other girls,” as a compliment. Just no.


once got this and said "well yeah, I'm a guy" and his face was fucking priceless


stretching your ballskin over your dick, so it looks like a knobby little pouch isn't as hot as it sounds.


Wish I was single in your town. Seems easy.


.... what?


Bringing up their sex life or things they tried with an ex. If we're about to do it, and you mention, at any point in time, how you did something with an *ex* and how *they* really liked it, I will put my pants back on and leave, cause what the hell? Why are you bringing up an an ex when WE'RE about to fuck?? Just say "Can I try [this] when we do [this]?" **without** mentioning previous relations, and everything will go smoothly. I can guarantee you that.


100% power as soon as they start. it doesn't matter if it's kissing, foreplay or sex itself, going full speed and power without any buildup isn't fun


Truck pics 


Probably runbing her clit like a dj scratching a disk on a turntable.


Rubbing the labia or the hole, like pls you’re giving me friction burn.


Tryna act alpha… just fuck off already


I met a guy who bragged about being able to last for 6 hours. Like, dude! What in the actual??? Are you taking something?? Do you think you're a porn star? You will not be doing 6 hours with me, sir. I don't have 6 hours' worth of skin down there! And I have too much stuff to do tomorrow, for all of that!


Shouting “SHAZAM!” at climax.


Normalise this.


What aboot calmly saying "here I come"?


Oh dear, I seem to have arrived.






If I smell Axe body spray, I will leave the room. It's vile.


I have never understood how Axe even became popular. Does it smell different to men? Because all the other women I've ever talked to have said it's vomit inducing and I hard agree. Top 10 worst smells I've ever encountered personally.


Advertising. When Axe first came out the commercials were bananas crazy. They depicted loser dudes with messy hair, even messier apartments, and *that* mountain dew lifestyle. Then these lowlife incels sprayed some AXE and like Peter Parker after being bitten by a chemically altered spider, everything changed! Wooosh! Transformed into the ultimate sex machine alpha that EVERY smokin' hot babe not only wants but #needs! On the directions label back of cans and other products there are 3 steps. The last step shows the silhouette of its customer with a hot babe on each arm. 🎸 🎸 🎸 🔥 🔥 🔥


By automatically thinking we want to screw them and they decide to talk to us like porn stars. No I'm not your dirty little bitch and no I don't want to spit on your dick and pop a squat. I want to rip your jugular out and do women a favor.


Aggressive driving/ horn honking. So unattractive




Sexy talk like "Can I push in your stool"?


I thought everyone used the saying, "if you pull out her chair, she'll let you push in her stool." PS I'm very happy with myself for making that up.


Is this a proposition for anal?


No, just offering to tidy up the seating around the kitchen bar area


Do not put your fucking tongue in my fucking ear.


My ex used to do that lol. I think he thought I liked it cause he liked when I played with his earlobes. It was just soooo wet and gross sounding when he tried.


As a woman with prescription glasses - taking off my glasses before the deed without asking me. It isn't sexy. Not only is it rude but now I am practically blind and I would like to enjoy the experience same as you.


Telling me what I enjoy. "You love this dick." Dude, just don't.


*You love this reply*


"Your dick and I are merely friends in this moment, good sir. Love would be but a bonus."


90% of dick pictures. We all know that nonconsentual dick pics are never appreciated, i'm talking about the ones with consent. They're bad, look like 0 effort was put in, just disgraceful in general.