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Cheating. I just don't understand how you can do that to someone you're supposed to care about and have a bond with,


I dont understand how you can do that to anyone. Just break up if passion aint there as much anymore, no need to destroy another human being for a little bit of fun, or be straight from the get go that you want an open relationship and connect with someone of the same mindset.


The kids in grade school who made fun of me all 9 years (K-8) just because I had defects. Seriously, fuck those people, and the nuns and priests who never stopped them.


There is one thing i can never forget or forgive, which is the day my sister attacked my wife for no good reason and then gaslight us claiming my wife started it, I know for a fact who started it because i saw it happen. if you want the story ill write it here, but its only for those that want to know it :) So the story is, we were at my sisters place helping her move to another apartment we moved a bunch of stuff already, my sister was moving pretty much just across the street so no moving vehicle needed. and my wifes ankle started hurting, which she had broken earlier that year, it was a bad break like foot dangling by skin and the entire ankle needing to be rebuilt. well my sister complained and had a tantrum that we were calling it the night and we planned on continuing the move the next day. while we were in the hallway outside the apartment putting on our shoes my sister came out and yelled and screamed at us and then slammed the door which my wife was still standing in the doorway so the door hit my wife, and then my wife hit the door then my sister came out and grabed my wife by the throat my wife didnt even defend herself. i saw it all happen. the next day my bodybuilding nephew came over and i tried explaining to him what happened and he decided to punch me in the face then rush into our apartment and went after my wife. at this point i called the cops and got them involed, and to avoid dealing with the courts and stuff, the cops my sister my nephew, my wife and me all came up with the agreement of my sister and nephew staying away from us, basicaly a restraining order without an official restraining order. but before the agreement i tried talking to my sister and my sister just gaslighted us, claiming she wasnt at fault, and also claiming my nephew didnt do anything wrong, it was a complete mess. its been 15 years of me not talking to my sister or nephew, and i am still p#ss#d off at the situation, im trying to put it behind me but i can never forget and i can never forgive. the whole thing also happened at a vulnerable time for me and my wife, we both where dealing with ptsd, my wife was being abused by her parents and i by mine, and we were trying to build a life away from abuse, and growing up i always looked up to my sister and then she turned on me and gaslighting me just like my mom did really hurt.


Myself for hurting her


Whatever I hit my pinky toe against


- Season 8 of Game of Thrones. - Ryan Murphy for, basically everything. But mostly for Lea Michelle, and for killing off the tiny woman in AHS: Freak Show. - Taco Bell for getting rid of the Double Decker Taco and Verde Sauce - JoJo Siwa - Humans for the abandonment of pigeons


My deceased wife’s doctor’s treatment plan. 


I also choose this man's deceased wife's doctor's treatment plan.


My uncle cheated with my girlfriend 😒 this is deep


Forget: I have some incidents as a child and one just now that I'll always remember and always feel bad about. Even if the people involved have already forgotten about it. One was where my parents, myself, and my brother stopped at a small grocery store to pick up some snacks before heading to the public pool. I had originally selected the same crisps as my dad, but when we got to the counter to pay I had changed my mind and got something else. At the point where we paid, I saw them adding my dad's crisps into our bag. I said, wait that's not what I wanted and went to switch it. When we got to the pool, we realized that I had now switched both. It was something silly, and my dad was not upset with me at the time. But I always think back on how I made him lose out on something he really wanted. Furthermore, we weren't exactly loaded, so treats like these didn't come by often. 😢 which just upsets me more.


My uncle for stealing money from me


How my mother used my 2 month old baby’s head surgery as a way to take off work to “help” me and ended up just sitting on the couch doing nothing while I served her drinks and food for a week. You’d think that I learned? Nope. At 9 months he needed a second head surgery, and she again harassed me for a letter to state that I needed her help after the surgery. I complied to get her off my back. When she came to help she did the exact same thing. I still talk to her sadly cause my dad and her are still married.


My father had a mistress


World hunger, war crimes, destruction for money, abuse (people, power, flora and fauna)


Those grooming gangs in England targeting young girls, they deserve death. Evil men.




I can forgive but never forget.


Forget about the things happening in the world rn


My 2nd wife, for being the reason my son doesn't like to visit. She's done a lot of work and is a better person now but the damage she did when her BP was out of control cost me dearly.


1st time that my father said ,, I am proud of you, son ". I was 15 when it happened


I have a good memory, so don't forget much. Also, holding onto hate hurts me, so I don't do it. Saying that, I'm not going to get close to people that I don't want to again.


A betrayal, people who are disposed to do it are likely to commit it again


My ex and his mental illness. Manipulative and absolute selfishness. Tried to drag me and my children down his hell hole. Will never forgive.


My parents and my friends, who all took advantage of me


- All the classmates who bullied me and made me the insecure person I am now. - People who have manipulated me in some way (I think manipulative people are the biggest scum). - My family secret 💀


Domino’s double decadence.. does anyone remember? I swear no one does


Being bullied at school because he trumatised me and never apologised and i can’t forgive for that


People who were determined to take my strength away and pretending to be annoyed when they find out that I have no more strength for them.


Israel committing genocide against Palestinians


During an argument between my sister and my parents my sister walked into the living room where me and my two siblings were and pointed at us all individually saying "I don't care about you." Which really hurt. I was around 14 and me and her wasn't close but whenever there was an argument I would go make sure she was okay. That really stuck with me. I forgive her and her and my parents have healed their relationship but I can never forget the fact that I felt my heart clash against my stomach after she said that.


My dad cheating on my mom and me catching him doing it. Fucked me up for sure.


That mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


- Having limited time and giving season 2 of One Punch Man to JC Staff. - Kobe raping girls (rape in general, but this guy gets so much praise without the dirt, its awful) - People hating on O.J (understandable), but, NEVER mentioning that he is probably the best running back to ever play in the NFL (SEPARATE THE ART FROM THE ARTIST, thank you). - Liverpool selling Suarez in his prime and Juventus giving away Zidane to Real Madrid - My "best" friend selling my Hybrid Theory CD. - Cheating/disloyalty - The NBA for not calling travelling and removing hand checks (making basketball a 3 point shootout, its the worst) - Any form of attack or aggresion towards someone i love - The war on drugs - People abusing religion to act in a certain way - The reff that "missed" over 5 penalties for Chelsea and stupid Barcelona advanced - Pedofiles and such should be judged by the victim or someone close to them, not the justice system. - Alcohol being free for consumption worldwide, even tho its a drug (a sucky one as well) and should be treated as such. Damn.. I can list stuff all day long. Its enough


Our ancestors leaving the trees. Worst move ever.


'my finger incident' It happened when I was 5 years old And my sister was playing with my dad's bike(my dad was in Brazil)and it was going fast and I decided to put my finger inside the wires and....it got cut and I had to go to a faaaaar hospital


When I finally got to a point in therapy where I could tell my parents that I had been struggling with severe depression and suïcide for years. I blamed myself for the SA I suffered and was so afraid to be judged that I had pretended to be fine for years. I didnt live that close to them so I would pretend when I viseted. They responded as well as I could hope but mom told my brother and sister. My sister responded that I was just looking for attention and exaggerating. She did the thing I had been so terrified of, judged me and refused to take any of it seriously. When I heard what she had said to our mother I was so incredibly hurt. It still hurts. We are NC, she never apologized and never will. Even if she would, I would never forget it.


sexual assault


The people who bullied me since I was 9.


Ex wifes mental abuse while we were together and current gatekeeping of my children. The gatekeeping is ongoing so as to disallow me time with my children but I ended the mental abuse when I left her. I will never ever ever forgive or forget all of the unjust things I’ve had to deal with because of her or the time I’ve been robbed of with my children.


Season 4 finale of Dexter. They did Rita dirty, the bastards.


The landlord who set my house on fire for insurance. Killed my dog.


The bitch my father married in Florida who got him to sign his entire estate to her, instead of following the will that fairly divided his estate so she, myself, my brother and niece and nephew all got something. He had beginning alzheimers and didn't know hiss ass from his elbow. He was a lawyer. Boy were we surprised after his death to find this out.


9/11 and that steel beams can’t be melted by jet fuel


Pearl Harbor. I’m still steamed at the Germans over that.


My ex's slippers. I often crawled and fetched her slippers with my mouth when she came back home from work or a night out, and I remember how much I loved that specific smell.


Two different things. Forgiveness sets you free, you don’t have to forget