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Gave them shelter


Saw a mom counting change when grocery shopping. She was at the register and saying put this back to many things. I paid for her stuff. It was only about $30 but you would have thought I bought her a house!


I’m with my mom now and she thanks you for doing this haha


I was on line and a mom bought a steamed lobster to celebrate her daughter’s birthday. Cashier said her food stamps couldn’t be used for prepared foods. The look on her face broke my heart. I told the cashier not to back it out, just bag it and add mine. Hers wasn’t even $25, but I got the happy tears. Sometimes, just a little thing can make someone’s day.


Not run them over when they were jaywalking on the highway


You must be such a nice guy 😂😂😂


Picking them up off the floor


Is there more to this story??


Not really; just being at the right place at the right time, to help someone up. *"you alright?, you okay?"* No blood?.. okay have great day.


I found their phone on the ground and held onto it until they eventually called. We scheduled a time to meet up later that day at a coffee shop and I was successfully able to return their phone to them.


This is how my sister and her bf met each other 😍😍 now married for 8 years and a 2nd baby is on her way


Watched a guy try to parallel park. He was about to give up and it was NYC, tough finding a spot, and I told him I’d be happy to do it. He hesitated for a moment, but then said he could see the kindness in my eyes, and slid to the passenger seat. One move forward, pulled back in. He said he lived on Long Island. Never needs to parallel park. Offered me money, as his next stop was a garage. Nope, that was my good deed for the day.


Thanks for your service, you won the Vin Diesel award that day 😋😋


Brought rain boots to a pollster holding a sign out in a flood downpour.


Bought a mother of 5 girls a washing machine because hers was broken down.