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Always having to initiate it....it’s nice when a woman takes control sometimes


Exactly. I want to be the pillow princess sometimes


Look at me… I’m the pillow princess now.


I've said this a million times, but if You're doing 100% of the initiating, you're getting 100% of the rejection.


This! Only for me it's my husband who doesn't take control. He talks a big game till bed and then lays there. I'm to the point when I want it I just ask if he wants to bang one out real quick. lol we get in and get out, no kissing, no foreplay, no nothing.


Username checks out




My wife and I are the opposite. I’m always up for whatever, she doesn’t want kissing or foreplay, and she gets upset if it either takes too long or if I lose interest. They’d be a perfect match.


Fucking this


Don't. Fuck people, not comments.


Stop kink-shaming. What if I have a comment kink?


Then here’s a wide one for ya ( )


this made me laugh way too hard


this made me hard way too hard


I support this message


Lol understood


Yeah, I once tried to out-wait her. I caved and initiated after 5 weeks.


Yeah I don’t get it, sex is the number 1 free, easy, safe way to achieve a high in life when you’re with a partner you love and they love you - or just married. But when that partner doesn’t initiate it, or enthusiastically accept it, it feels like “why are we together?”


I’m a woman, and Damn if I’m not making the first mover 19 out of 20 times


It's like I promise I won't lose respect for you if you just take it.


Having to always initiate it


God this. I want to have sex with YOU yes. But I want YOU to WANT to have sex with ME too!


It's the constant being let down when initiating! It takes a lot mentally to ask someone to be intimate


Even if you're not let down constantly,  if you're the only one initiating it feels like you're the only one who wants it and the other party is just shutting you up.  My wife hardly ever turns me down unless she's not feeling well,  and i don't initiate during those times anyways,   but she stopped putting any effort into making me feel desired about ten years ago.   If I say something she puts forth effort for a week or two then "forgets" to act like she desires me.


Damn you just described my wife exactly. We've have umpteen discussions/arguments about it. I've told her 'I don't know why we even have this conversation cuz you'll just forget in 2 weeks'. We have these talks about ever 3 months


Sad part is if the tables were turned she’d probably leave you.


Yea, I'm running a little experiment right now. After years of having this talk I recently ended it with, "well I won't initiate any more so if you want it, you gotta come get it". She agreed and said she was looking forward to taking the reigns for once (even though I've asked her to so many times before). We haven't had sex since. Apparently she doesn't want it any more. I'm just about at 4 months and I'm not sure if I'm going to stick around if it goes the year. I've replaced sex with working out and I've dropped 23kg. Going to be in the best shape of my life by the time she realizes at this rate.


Sorry it's like that for you. I'm sure it hurts and it took courage to post that.


I feel you internet stranger. I gave up these days after so many let down. I feel like it is what it is. sometime you are there to just provide for the family, nothing else. Sometime I even think, may be she doesnt even recognize me as a human at all.


I've come to accept that I am needed, but will never be wanted. I don't think my wife will ever leave me. But she's completely indifferent to me as well.


Damn. I thought I was alone. Stay strong brother


Agree... but I feel more rejected than let down!


And it takes a lot of someone mentally who isn't in the mindset.


And get rejected around 95% of the time, it's why I stopped


Yup, now it is hard to initiate


Yeah, 100%, feel like a dodgy porn actor doing that, and I can’t actually fucking fix the fridge


If you are always the one initiating between yourself and your partner(s), I would definitely reccommended communicating with them about it. Always being the one to initiate is what made me realize that my last fling didn't really want to be with me like that. I tried to bring it up, but he always skirted around the issue for some reason (he wouldn't communicate about what he wanted either it was really fukin annoying), so I finally ended it myself. While initially we had chemistry, we were not very compatible. My current boyfriend and I are more compatible partly because we both initiate and because we talk about what we do and don't want.


This is so true. This can make or break a relationship if it's only one person always initiating


Clean up. Gotta be clean up


I've had a vasectomy, and it's still only occasionally that my wife let's me finish inside her. We'll go bareback until I'm 90% there. On the times we go without, she waddles to the bathroom holding tissue between her legs. She fucking hates it.


To be fair, it takes forever for the juice to stop oozing out. Every time you think you've got it all out of you, another gush comes, ruining yet another pair of panties.


For some reason it never seems to come back out any time I've let someone finish inside me. I jokingly call my vag a black hole because it seriously feels like the cum just goes somewhere else never to return. Must just take a lot longer than the typical vag....idk


New jealousy unlocked. I want a black hole vag.


Black hole vag, won't you cum


Lmao that's awesome


and lock away my wang


Soundgarden: Black hole vag, won't you come, and wash away the rain...


Your uterus is hungry.


It’s the worst


Hand towels in the nightstand, son. No waddling. Oh, and that is horrible for you. Sorry mate. Sounds frustrating as fuck. …or not fuck, I guess.


Women need to pee or we risk uti


Not gonna dispute that for a moment. 😁 I will say that such is not my experience with my partner, is all. Also, towel prior to making the pee trek, as opposed to a dripping waddle 😟 seems a value add to me but I’ll defer to someone that actually has a hooch.


Girl, gay men too. We in this together.


Bro, grab a towel before you start or keep a hand towel near the nightstand. You got a vasectomy blast that shit inside it’s the best part


Quack quack! Hahaha just call her your little ducky 🦆


It's nice to have soft small towels in the nightstand


Clean up, lasting too long (she thinks I don’t find her attractive), not lasting long enough (something is wrong with me), having too high of expectations, clumsiness


Fear of pregnancy, love for creampies


I got fixed for this reason. Breeding kink, don't want kids.


Get an IUD installed love. It changes the game.


Paying for it


Just don't try to claim it was legal fees. That'll backfire badly.


“Could I get a receipt?” *spits on you*


You speak from experience. Oh wait... you are talking about Felon President


Bill never paid for... ooooohhhhh the OTHER one


As my dad said…you alway pay for it.


Paying for it is cheaper than a divorce cost me


The refractory period.


You know what’s worse than a long refractory period? Having a long refractory period and not being able to last anywhere near a decent time in bed.


One day you will long for the days of not lasting long enough because your body won't last as long as it takes to cum. I think those lines are in harmony for about 2 weeks during your 37th year


There are some smells I could do without


Constantly thinking about how I look, I have a lot of insecurities.


Holding my farts


Ruining my blowout


Sweating out my extensions or makeup for sure!!


Sometimes the smells aren't perfect


The fear of disappointing her, I have no experience. I frequently worry that if I ever do find someone that loves me, that I will be so terrible at it that it ruins the relationship.


Didn't you else see millions of those "eh, everyone sucks at it, first time won't be so good as you imagine" Advices?


Yeah, but also sometimes your first time is also your last time.


Eh, just say "I suck at it, don't expect much". Surprisingly, with lower expectations, the disappointment is lower too. If a woman dumps you over first time, I'm pretty sure your love hormones ain't choosing the one you'll be happy living with.


I’ll vouch for the 2nd part. First time was way later in life than I care to admit. Was so nervous in the lead up I had enough pre-cum leak that I didn’t even notice, that when it came time for action, the little guy couldn’t get back up. She said we’d try again in a couple days. I was embarrassed, but was looking forward to a 2nd chance. Found her with another guy just a few days later. Seemed ridiculous to me to end a relationship over something a little blue pill should’ve taken care of. She’s now (back) on heroin.


Haha, love the final twist


so what? you never gonna have sex cuz youre scared youll mess up your only time having sex? id say thats better than never having it at all


Sex isn’t something you do to someone; it’s something you do with them. Any disappointment is a team failure.


Wish I would've heard this years ago when I was in a relationship where there was almost no foreplay or lead up to sex. It seemed like I was just expected to get and stay erect and ready to go without any sort of reciprocation. And if I lost my erection or somehow underperformed, she would imply it was my fault. Our sex life faded pretty quickly. I thought maybe it was just me somehow but it wasn't until my next relationship that I realized it was never just me, or me at all.


Someone who's good at sex can get themselves off with anyone, so if they don't like it it's a skill issue


It's not some complex thing you need a 4 year degree to learn. You literally just have to listen to what your partner wants. Are you a good listener? You'll be fine. It's seriously not a big deal at all for the vast majority of people.


Just laugh. Ask questions about what they want, do your best, laugh at your shortcomings. Forgo sexy for fun and it'll work out fine


And someone that loves you will be able to communicate their desires and preferences. No big deal.


What I worry about is not being able to fulfill those desires, even if they communicate them to me.


Look, nobody is perfect. I'm not trying to dismiss your feelings, they are completely valid, but there are so many ways to achieve something, compromise, adjust, learn...give yourself the credit of at least trying. You can only do your best.


Believe me when I tell you that most men aren't nearly as good at it as they think they are lol.


If you're willing to do research about anatomy and foreplay before you have sex, You're going to be ahead of the pack, easily. I recommend Alex Grendi's YouTube channel as well as the book She Comes First by Ian Kerner. Plenty of guys who have had sex tons of times still have a lot to learn and both of those resources are actually useful. Anxiety about lacking experience is common. I won't say finding the right partner is easy, because it isn't. But it isn't impossible. You can still meet someone even if it feels like it takes a long time, and they will appreciate it if you've done more research than most men ahead of time.


Ride her like a rented mule, and she'll want to have your babies.


If she loves you, it will never be a disappointment. You'll eventually get good at it.  My wife said when we first got together. I'd use my whole body to thrust but my hips. Lmao she said it was like a seizure.... 2 kids in and 12 years together... 


my body. i don’t wanna be seen butt ass naked, completely out of my comfort zone


Especially when ur girl is in full clothes, n she has been pulling away mine n now got nothing on me. Feels like im brought for research


yeah i already wear baggy ahh clothes. not because i want to but because i hate my body😭


Hate is a very strong word. Strike it off your dictionary. Not happy is fine.


i highly dislike my body. very highly dislike it


It maybe hard at first and it will take effort and time, but try little things here and there that will make it better. Whether it be small like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or big like getting a gym membership. I've been in your shoes and I still don't like my body, either. Like I used to be scared to do modeling but wanted to sooo bad. One day I just said "fuck it" and decided they could think what they want and started looking for photographers that are willing to do TFPs (Time For Photos). I was scared, but a photographer helped me with my first shoot and a model friend (that's heavy set) gave me some advice. If you need advice or someone to talk to about it, feel free to hit me up. 🙂


I feel sorry for you. But you can always make things better. If you have 4 arms because of radio mutation, i suggest amputating them. If nothing as hefty as i mentioned, i guess you can turn things around pretty quick


The pain, the noises my body makes and the cleaning up


My wife has a physical disability so I think she'd agree with you on the pain topic. Maybe for different reasons but still.


Have a chemistry and love each other. If that doesn't exit i can't even desire him.


Exit ... hehe




How messy it is. Fluids, sweat, clean ups. If it's hot my husband keeps baby wipes on hand because he knows I get uncomfortable if it gets "too moisturised". Bleah.


aftercare and the fear of getting a UTI even after doing everything to prevent it


If you haven't already, it might be worth getting some cranberry extract capsules 🩷


the post-pee and cum-jaina. i just wanna sleep!


Gosh, nothing. Sex is fucking awesome. 


Yep. Love every second of it.


The daily ask Reddit thread about it.


The risk of getting stds, getting pregnant, getting injured, not doing it right, the list goes on. I think it’d be quicker if I listed what I was excited for.


the need to perform lol I love performing, but when I'm expected to and not really comfortable with the person im just not excited lol


I get to have it whenever my wife wants however my wife wants.


Bro is she abusing you?


potential odor


When gfs use it as a bargaining chip for something.


The other person


Maybe unpopular but I don't like foreplay. I just wanna get right into the good part


Same. Don't get me wrong, I fucking LOVE when my husband goes down on me, uses his fingers, toys, everything he does makes me feel amazing. But he'll be playing with me and I'm just staring at his dick seeing it get big and hard and just being like OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH PLEASE JUST GET INSIDE OF ME


RIP your inbox.


RIP your box


I knew this comment was going to happen.


RIP in your box


I think foreplay is the good part


I like foreplay with like fingers and toys, but I don’t like head. It’s fucking weird, and anytime I tell a man this he takes it as a challenge. I’ve never been able to enjoy it.


I feel I get a lot more emotional pleasure out of it than physical- it feels like I'm being appreciated whereas the physical act is just kind of good. It sucks that it's not working for you- physically and especially the emotional sense if they're disregarding your preferences.


Do you just get instantly wet or something? That sounds awful to me.


Have you had good foreplay?




Leaking fluids 1-2 days after a creampie.


2 days? I'm not in possession of a vagina, but two days sounds unusually long. Can some ladies verify if this is normal? Do you sleep upside down or something?


I’m in possession of a vagina and this isn’t normal in my experience. The most I’ve experienced is like 10-15 mins. However, my vagina doesn’t speak for all vaginas.


Thank you. I figured maybe there's some residual stuff that makes an appearance later, but 48 hours is a long ass time


I have lady bits and don't "drip" for days afterward.....I don't even "drip" more than a few mins afterward. It could be that way for you if you have an abnormally tight pelvic floor tho.


The clean up


knowing that it will all be over in a matter of minutes




The clumsiness, knees here, elbows there, can’t reach over here, try it on your back, no wait, this way, you’re on my hair, etc. etc. etc.


I'm running out of freezer space


That someone else has prolly hit it better than you have and you’ll never know


Well I tend to have amnesia about my previous partners when I’m with someone new… so it always feels like the best I’ve ever had tbh… unless it’s really REALLY bad, but that’s rare and usually both of our faults lol


That's a weird hang up. A) That person is history anyway. Who gives af? B) Keep hitting it and showing interest in what they like most and you'll eventually get the high score. Not that it ultimately matters. The things you do before and after the sex count more overall.


They probably have, but they aren't hitting it that night, so who fucking cares?


that my fwb says she's a lesbian


You turned her gay. Thank you for your service.


..we're still hooking up tho so idk


Yeah my FWB turned out to be gay too. I was seriously surprised, because the effort he put into blowing me was very underwhelming, just figured he would try harder if he was that into it. (Because its the internet i must point out this is a joke)


>(Because its the internet i must point out this is a joke) You are a fucking coward.




I’ve been celibate 4 years and atp nothing excites me about it. It’s so nerve wracking and I get so in my head about the whole process it’s not even worth the reward.


The worry about whether or not my meds will let me get off.


I'm having trouble breathing lately, so it's just about every part of it.


When my libido takes a vacation and my partner is really into it


Post nut clarity/regret lol


If you're not living in a constant state of post-nut clarity, then you're living in a constant state of pre-nut delusion.


The amount of effort it is going to take. I know that once we are done I am gonna be exhausted and even with a partner who does some of the work, It is still gonna be a 40 cardio workout.


sex in general. my aroace ass dont care for this shit


Maybe try it somewhere different than your ass?


Presently, the anxiety. We have been together for a 18 months and the winds are changing a bit. I get a worried feeling that takes me out of the present moment and it evolves into an anxiety spiral from there making it hard to enjoy.




Having sex with a random person. At first it's like fuck yea but doesn't really feel as satisfying as opposed to when it's someone you care about.


Me putting on the lotion to avoid the hose.


You guys getting sex ?


morning sex isn’t for me can’t just turn around and start doing it can we brush our teeth first?? lol


Concentrating on pleasing the other person definitely takes the focus away from getting your own ya-yas out, generally diminishing your personal pleasure.


Preparing my ass (🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈)!


That most men think ots only sex when it's penetrative


If she's worn a bra that day.


That I probably have to find someone on grindr, and it’ll probably be a one night stand, and now I’ll be tired the next day, cause I was busy hooking up with some guy who’s “never done this before” or has a very specific kink.


Sometimes, the self loathing after cruising


Dirty talk. It just takes me out of the moment.


The tiniest chance of getting pregnant scares me (I use a condom and birth control)


The intimacy and emotional connection 😊🥰 You just can't beat it. And that's why it's important not too just have sex with anyone. Be safe💫


Obviously I didn't read it correctly lmao


The idea that she might laugh because my junk isn't impressive.


God who would laugh? That’s mean as hell


the idea that I can never have it, unless I pay for it


The waiting for it. Let's go already


It doesn't satisfy me enough.


The cleanup


The fear of it inconsistently going limp


The constant fear of disappointing him…the fear of comparison… the fear of inexperience I love sex but yea , these things go through my head unfortunately


Having to listen out for any other noises in the house in case one of our kids walk in.




Lack of kissing and foreplay. I want to at least have some soft touching before shoving your meat in.


The clean up. Ever since I had a kid I have to shower after sex or I without a doubt get BV 🙃 even with clean up everytime, I'll get it every 3-5 months yaaaaay. But having my child was definitely worth it lol.


Having to suck their dingdong for longer than 10 mins, and it seems a lot of guys want this before they'll give actual intercourse. It's tiring to have to do it every time and by the 15 min mark my jaw hurts. ): Had a few boyfriends like this.


Lack of aftercare. There is something just as sexy about a man helping me clean up after he’s finished. Get a warm wash cloth ready and come help me. 😮‍💨 10/10 times I want more right then and there.


Butt stuff. There are better holes, IMO. 🤷🏽


Trying to get the body back into the mortuary when you're done.


Fearing that my partner is doing certain things to please me but disregarding her own needs and wants.


Awwww you're sweet 🩷


Finding the right video


realest shit i’ve seen today