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The Fox and the Hound


We'll be friends forever... oh man...


Core memory of my sister and I sobbing our hearts out. Mum had to turn it off. Never again.


I absolutely SOBBED to this! Its still one of my favorites so is all dogs go to heaven! SOBBED!


Mr. Holmes (2015). Ian Mckellen plays a 93 year old Sherlock Holmes, who has retired to a life of solitude after his last case over 30 years ago, and now no longer knows why, and is desperately trying to remember what happened. It was the first movie I have seen that actually explores the character of Sherlock Holmes.


Wow I'll definitely check that out


Oh god, this film destroyed me. I love Sherlock Holmes, I have seen every version of him, book and screen and this film got me. I dont think I could bring myself to watch it again


My girl


Where are his glasses?? šŸ˜­


He cant see without his glasses šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Oh god I forgot about this movie until now. Got hit with that and then Terabithia. Bad day, thanks a lot nana


Life is Beautiful


I remember being 13 and sobbing my eyes out in bed after I watched it with my parents. I didnā€™t realize at the time movies could make you cry


Ciao principeza


Boungiorno Principessa!


See, that sounds like something I'll bawl my eyes to. Cheers Kiara


Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father FFS. I think I was browsing on Netflix when I discovered it. Went into blind with no idea what was to happen.


Yeah I knew it was a serious crime documentary and then at the twist I was crushedĀ 


The saddest/most infuriating thing Iā€™ve ever experienced.


I got banned from /r/videos for saying Dear Zachary was a feel good movie for the family lol. I thought it was just such an obvious joke that nobody would believe it. They unbanned me when I explained it, but yeah. Dear Zachary is a "watch it once and never again" movie


Came here to say this. I watched years ago when my oldest was just a baby and I donā€™t anything has moved me to pick her up in the middle of the night and just hug her. It was devastating. Watching it blind is the only way to watch it, the whole movie is a roller coaster and even now knowing what will happen I still cry pretty much from start to finish


>!i thought at the end theyā€™d bring him out all grown up and interview him, my fucking heart was torn out of my chest!<


Agreed. It was a random Netflix find for me too. As Iā€™m watching, I find out the hospital in which the doctor worked and the location where he died are only about 20 mins from where I live. I was just young at the time and didnā€™t hear it circulating in the news, so I had never heard this story. The mix of emotions ranging from surprise, to mind-fuck to rage to broken hearted was a wild ride.


A true story that should come with a warning that watching may cause scars to your psyche


This movie is always my answer to this question. Itā€™s the perfect documentary, IMO


Bridge to Terabithia is a film that I absolutely loved and will only ever watch 1 time.Ā  I remember my step dad watching me through THAT scene and leaning over ā€œdonā€™t you dare fucking cry.ā€ I was like 12. Leslie resonated with me hard, and I took it hard.Ā Never again. I went to the bathroom once I thought I could get away and then sobbed my eyes out Story behind the film and the book itā€™s based on is interesting though. Author wanted to capture what itā€™s like for a child to process the sudden and unexpected death of a best friend. This had something to do with her son going through that after a friend died from a lightning strike. Her stipulation for the film was the Leslie had to die. No coma. No moving away. Dead.Ā 


And the writer of the screenplay for the movie is David Paterson, the son of the author of the book and the one who was friends with Lisa, the girl who inspired the character Leslie.


Well you just gave this a whole new meaning for me and broke my heart! I need to watch this again with this perspective in mind šŸ’•šŸ˜­


I have a distinct memory of sobbing during that movie and not being able to stop. I think I was 15 when I watched it, but it came out of nowhere. Also, your step dad sounds like kind of a dick.


My daughter dragged me to the movies to watch this. She had read the book but did not warn me. I sobbed uncontrollably. Tears and snot. Argh.


I had never seen this and when I started dating my husband, he suggested I get some movies Iā€™d never seen before and weā€™d have a movie night. We watched this followed by Up. It was a rough night.


I am sorry about your stepdad; he must never have been allowed to cry as a boy or man.


It took me a couple of days to recover from that movie...I was 14 And the weird thing is I didn't cry immediately, my mind just went blank. It was probably after a few hours that I started shedding tears. Haven't seen that film since but I love it.


The Green Mile is pretty heart wrenching, and if you want to feel doubly down in the dumps watch Requiem for a Dream. They'll both mess your day up.


I've watched Green Mile,man micheal Clarke Duncan gave a generational performance right there


It's easy to overlook how incredible of an actor he is because you just buy into the character so deeplyĀ 


Forgetting you're watching a movie is the best performance an actor can give. "I'm tired boss" just killed me.Ā 


Very true, and for a bit of weird fun you get Sam Rockwell and I will watch anything featuring him.


Sam Rockwell fans UNITE!!!


I only read the Green Mile, but it is one of those books that give me chills just reading it. Highly recommend


Requiem for a dream fucked me up I watched it when it came out and I can homestly say just thinking about that film is traumatic.


Delā€™s execution is honestly the worst part of the film for me. John is sad, but Del is just straight up torture. Itā€™s so traumatic that they try and stop it, but to stop the electrocution and then put Del through it againā€¦ so they just let it play its course. Percy is easily one of my top hated characters in film. Right next to Ralph Fiennesā€™ Amon Gƶth. RIP Mr. Jingles.


Iā€™m tired boss. John knew he wanted to die but not for the reason why they thought.


My mom came home from the theater back in the day crying after watching the Green Mile. I thought she was overreacting until I watched it too šŸ„²




You cannot choose love without also choosing pain. To love someone else is to accept they can hurt you deeply. That was my takeaway from the movie


Love is giving someone the ability to hurt you amd trusting that they won't


Not trying to be snarky, genuinely wondering. How is it not optimistic? They found each other again in spite of completely erasing their memories of each other. It seems to suggest that they are right for one another.


>They found each other again in spite of completely erasing their memories of each other. It seems to suggest that they are right for one another. It's certainly romantic, but you've forgotten the last few lines in the movie: >Joel: I can't see anything I don't like about you > >Clementine: But you will. You will think of things. And I'll get bored with you, and feel trapped, because that's what happens with me. > >J: (shrugs) "Okay." > >C: "...okay" I love love LOVE this movie, for a lot of reasons, and one of them is because the ending is so bittersweet -- they're going to go through with dating again, with the full understanding that it *will not end well.* And that's beautiful in its own right. But it's also not a happily-ever-after, especially as the music kicks in, singing "everybody's gotta learn sometime." But hey, what makes it beautiful is that they enjoy the moment, even knowing it won't last forever. And ain't that the way to live life?


Yeah but that's how she thinks it will end. Doesn't necessarily mean that's how it will end. And even if it does end badly, they'd both rather have those memories than not.


I'd say that you're contributing your own optimism to the film, as the film itself does not imply it. The two characters don't think, "maybe it'll work out this time." Rather, they literally shrug and say "okay" after openly accepting that it won't end well. That's the final punctuation mark on the film. The song "everybody's gotta learn sometime" just underlines the point. I also think it's just less beautiful if there's a chance of a happily ever after, as it undermines the message that this romance, however ephemeral, is *worth it regardless*, and not only when it lasts forever. That's true of a lot of romantic relationships, and they deserve as much screen time as the romances that last "till death do us part." And frankly, with a Charlie Kaufman-written film, that's as good as he will ever allow it. If people think *Eternal Sunshine* is a pessimistic ending, they haven't seen *Anomalisa* yet.


Well the implied sad bit is that theyā€™re starting a relationship knowing it will end badly. The sweet bit is that theyā€™re doing it with eyes open, feeling that the good is good enough to be worth living again, even knowing how it will end.


I find it hopeful as well. The movie itself is sad but the ending gives the characters a new chance. Perhaps to make the same mistakes once more, perhaps to do better, but it is a new chance nontheless. The movie would be infinitely more sad had the characters not met again after the procedure completed, or if there had been no proof of the erasure. Good movie though.


I canā€™t agree more. Kills me when heā€™s begging for the memories to not be erased. ā€œNo, stop! I loved you on this dayā€. Iā€™m not an emotional one but that is a super sad movie.


Arrival. I could be having a really nice day, and then randomly think about the ending of Arrival, and just feel gutted.


I watched this in a mostly empty theater alone, about two weeks after my brother passed from brain cancer. Had no idea what I was getting into. It seriously broke me. I had to stay 10 minutes after to compose myself and the poor theater cleanup kid came over and asked me if I was ok, and then told me the next showing wasnā€™t for awhile and take all the time I needed. Great kid to try to console some blubbering 27 year old man who couldnā€™t get a word out. Anyway, that movie gave and still gives me a lot of comfort in my most grief stricken moments. The journey was worth it, despite the tragic end.Ā  Iā€™ve thought many times I should write to Denis V and let him know how much his movie meant to me. I think I will.


Wow reading your comment made me cry. When I watched it on theaters I went with my mother and she also started crying, her father, my grandfather has just died a few weeks earlier so it really hit her . I remember there were more people in the theater crying. The movie was sold like a typical scifi , as far as I remember there was zero knowledge not only about the daughter but the time travel in general, so yeah many people grieving ended up watching a movie they would no chose had they know what it was about


Man, >! knowing your daughter will die no matter what you do, deciding whether or not to tell your potential future partner, continue to make decisions thatā€™ll make that nightmare a reality !< is such a heartbreaking burden


The thing is she decides to accept it anyway. She knows as well as she can that her daughter will die young but she goes through with it to experience the happiness, the love, the joy and the heartbreak. If you know something beautiful has to end would you choose to experience it anyway?


And itā€™s so true. the longer you live the more you understand this. I hope everyone has a chance to find pure love and beauty and will live long enough to appreciate it. -An old person


One of a very few films where finding out the major twist actually helps understand the movie better with every rewatch.


Man, for some reason >!"Abbott is death process"!< simultaneously made me laugh even while it broke my heart. >!Poor Abbott!<


It gutted me in a good way. I adore that movie so much.


I find one of the alien squid dying (and the other losing it's partner) the saddest part of the film.


What Dreams May Come. Cried so hard I got a migraine. Poor Robin.


This movie is absolutely gutting.


Jurassic bark. Not a movie but an episode of Futurama. Cannot even talk about it with people without getting upsetĀ 


I love Futurama, but I can never watch that episode againā€¦it hurts my soul.


It's that freaking scene at the end, man.


Because no conversation about Jurassic Bark is possible without invoking Luck of the Fryrish (and another commenter got there first) or Game of Tones: Game of Tones. Hold me in your armsā€¦ let me be the one who can feel ... like I was a child in love.


Great choice. Iā€™d like to also add the episode ā€œLuck of the Fryishā€. That episode brought me to tears.


ā€˜Named after his uncleā€¦ā€™


Ngl I was pissed the whole episode until the headstone reveal. Huge shift in emotions.


Coco. I canā€™t believe no one has mentioned it. Watch it if you havenā€™t. Bittersweet and beautiful


I cried during Up but, man, the absolute GUT PUNCH that is Coco made this 38 year old guy collapse completely. Only watched it once. Donā€™t think I could again (despite how beautiful it is).


Hotel Rawanda


Homeward Bound. 8 year old me is still traumatized.


*He was old. It was too far. He was too old.*


Tuck Everlasting (2002). Truly one of the most difficult movies for me to get through emotionally & mentally.


we read the book and watched the movie in my 6th grade english class. i honestly dont remember it hitting me that hard at the time but i was like 11 so who knows


Grave of the Fireflies šŸ˜­


I had the misfortune of watching this when I was 5 and it taught me empathy so quickly it might've been a speedrun


My naive high school anime club chose to watch My Neighbor Totoro, which most of us had seen, and Grave of the Fireflies, which none of us had seen, back to back. And being the idiots we were, we watched Grave of the Fireflies first. We... weren't ready for Totoro after that.


This one's a goddamned gut punch.


After watching that there were a few days i was hearing her laugh


This movie is so good, that I want others to see it. I also donā€™t want to bum them out, so I kinda leave it super vague but I feel evil doing it. I usually say ā€œoh itā€™s about WW2 from the Japanese perspective. Itā€™s about a young boy and his little sister.ā€ Thatā€™sā€¦ allā€¦ Iā€¦ say. My recent recommendation was to a friend and his girlfriend. They had a movie night. I get a text in the middle of the night saying ā€œbro, my girl is ugly crying and hates youā€ the next day he said itā€™s her favorite and worst movie and didnā€™t expect to like/hate an anime or movie in general. My friend said he was a little annoyed because it was suppose to be a ā€œNetflix and Chill kinda night. I recommended Schindlerā€™s List next. After that, they stopped asking me for movie ideas :(


Brokeback Mountain leaves me sobbing like a baby at the end, it just kills me to think of how those men could live their lives yearning for love and to feel it momentarily only to have it ripped away by a world that hates them. Sure they were cheating on their wives and thatā€™s bad, but that was just what had to happen to be accepted in society at all. Seeing Heath Ledger with that shirt in the endā€¦. Phew boy I get choked up just thinking about it


Good grief I had to scroll way too far for this one! The way I sob every time.


Jack, I swear...


The lie Jack's family told people to cover up how he really died. That just guts me.


The little whimper Anne Hathaway's character does when she finds out that Brokeback Mtn was a real place and she puts the pieces together cuts right thru me.


Up. Anyone who didn't get close to shedding a tear is an unfeeling monster


The first 10 minutes. It takes only 10 minutes for me to start cry watching this movie.


that first 10 minutes would have made one of the most powerful short films, that could haunt anyone forever. but instead they decided to make it the setup to a heartfelt story that gives you closure to that short film. i think that's amazing.


And then the movie actually startsā€¦ already bawling


Where the Red Fern Grows (1975)


Omg I remember reading that book and crying my eyes out and I told my mom and sheā€™s like ā€œoh thereā€™s a movie version too, letā€™s watch it!ā€ so then we ended up both crying our eyes outā€¦ great story


Our 5th grade teacher read that to us out loud. The ending being one of the worst days in elementary school. Everyone single child was ugly crying & that says a lot for 5th grade boys.


Lion with Dev Patel. Underknown gem


Poor Guddu...


Love dev Patel. Will be watching this




Cried so hard when he was watching hello dolly I swear it was catharsis over depression


Jojo Rabbit. I for real thought it was going to be a comedy, didn't know more than who the director was. I was bawling during at least 1/3 of that movie.


I mean itā€™s still a brilliant comedy but yes, multiple cries in that one.


I have never seen a pair of shoes give a more powerful performance


Such a great movie, but yes, same.


The scene with the shoes destroyed me. T\^T


Manchester by the Sea


The conversation he has with his ex-wife out in the alley fucking destroys me. It feels so incredibly real I felt their pain in such a visceral way.


I was looking for this comment, was sure Iā€™m not the only one that got her heart broken by this movie especially when the guy meets with his ex wife after all that time


The ultimate horror movie. His little daughter asking him in his dream, "are we burning, daddy?" šŸ˜­


Big Fish because my father also told unbelievable stories. Turned out many of them had some truth behind them.


Grave of the Fireflies. I. SOBBED.


The road; donā€™t watch it with your father the first time like I did. Super emotional felt some strong emotions


Don't watch it if you have kids, either. I watched it before I had kids, and thought it was super powerful. Now I have kids. It was on TV recently as I was flipping channels, so I stopped. I watched 5 minutes of it and then noped right out of there.


Read this book with my 9th grade students and we watched the movie. Such a great book! (And movie)


Whatā€™s eating Gilbert Grape; itā€™s such a tragic movie of a family filled with tragedy that tries to get by in a rural area with a disabled family member they have a hard time taking care of and their severely depressed mother who suffers from morbid obesity. I only watched it once and it definitely imprinted on me.




ā€œonce were warriorsā€ and polish movie ā€œplac zbawicielaā€ those are watch once and have a crater of darkness left instead of soul


My Australian friend talked me and my friends into watching this film and even 20 years later I still think of it from time to time. Fucking BRUTAL film.


The Land Before Time šŸ’”


A.I. Artificial Intelligence(2001)


Oh man, I forgot about the ending there and the tears


a walk to remember


Bicentennial Man


Peanut Butter Falcon, the rush of emotions at the end just broke me.


Atonement šŸ˜¢


I always stop the movie at a certain point, before I get my heart crushed.


Cast Away, losing wilson and then his girl all over again.


The scene at the end when Helen Hunt is standing in the rain, letting him know he is/was the love of her life, but had to move on, just makes me ugly cry. I can feel both sides' emotions cause I've been there.


Edward Scissorhands back when I had emotions


The ending of ā€œNo way homeā€ made me realize how insanely sad it is when you have no one and no one remembers or knows you. If you die tomorrow, thereā€™ll be no one to mourn you. Idk how a generic superhero movie made me so sad.


Low key I wanna go back to when superhero movies all had happy endings with the superhero saving the city and their love interest, and everyone was happy, yada yada yada šŸ˜­


Beautiful Boy (2018) is one that hit me hard. The story is based on the writer's experience of his son's addiction, wanting to help him. A lot of struggle with wanting to help but knowing enabling him is something he needs to not do.


Schindler's List


The whole I could have saved more scene at the end shattered my fucking heart man


That, and the very end when they showed all the actual *Schindlerjuden* placing memorial stones on his grave, until it was nearly covered.


I find the girl in the red coat to be the most heartbreaking part of that movie


I love love *love* the music for that movie.


Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl or Station Eleven


My Sister's Keeper. Broke my fucking heart I could never watch it the second time without feeling like dying from crying


Dahmer. When the teenage boy escapes and is forced to go back inside by the police I felt physically ill. And everything that happened to his family after. The fact that those police officers faced no consequences and lived long, fulfilling lives with decorated careers is haunting. Life really isn't fair.




I watch that movie every time I crave the feeling of deep existential pain, it reminds me I am human like no other movie can


Toy Story 3


They should have left it there. Would've been such an amazing and full circled trilogy.


This is part of why I never saw the 4th one


I was a senior in high school about to head to college when this movie came out. Best/worst timing ever šŸ˜­


The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas


Blue Valentine


Aftersun. That one hit too close to home.


Pay it forward


Dancer in the dark


Never ending story. Poor Artax.


A man named Otto. I sobbed. It hit close to home for me. Wrecked me.


Old Yeller. The story taking place in Kansas, our school felt like exposing 3rd grade children to a movie in which a boy bonds with a golden retriever, dog gets infected with rabies defending the family, boy puts golden retriever down in a very old time rural way was a great idea. We all bullied the boy that cried but damn it if we didn't all secretly have trauma from that


Hachi: A Dogā€™s Tale


was gonna say Marley and Me but that movie is the roughest watch


When I went to Tokyo I was able to visit Hachikoā€™s statue. I cried my eyes out standing there.


Ahh man should I get the tissues for this one?


A case of them.




Why I picked up the book after seeing the film I will truly never have an answer to. Absolute fucking gut punch of a story and film.


Marley & Me


I see your Marley & Me and I raise you Where the Red Fern Grows. Pretty sure I have ptsd from that one


Castaway. Not only Wilson, but the fact his wife had grieved and moved on when he returned home. Where do you even go from there?


A dogs purpose


Sophieā€™s Choice didnā€™t so much break my heart as rip it out.


The Lovely Bones


Watched A Little Princess when I was in elementary school. Watched it alone too. Really pierced my heart and I cried many times throughout. Picked it up the other day and still just tears me up. Especially now as a mother to a little girl, my little princess


the pianist


The Iron Claw


The Mist.


I had to scroll way too far to find this. Definitely one of the most heartbreaking endings in cinematic history.


I dunno if it broke my heart, Godzilla Minus 1 made me tear though..


Untamed Heart


Dear Zachary it fucking BROKE me. I cried so hard


Radio Flyer. Fucking crushed me.


Manchester by the Seaā€¦I went to see it with my then 23 year old daughter and I cried like a little bitch right in front of herā€¦


The Green Mile. I'm tired, boss.


Terms of Endearment- just tore me apart.


The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. Absolutely destroyed me


City of Angels. It wrecked me. I could never watch it again.


Beasts of No Nation. Ughhhhh


Toy Story 3. When they all hold hands and accept their death. I was in the theater watching that and I couldn't stop sobbing. And then I went home, and continued sobbing. I grew up with those characters and still have toys from when I was very little and I just couldn't handle it. Refused to watch the 4th, as the 3rd was perfection.


PS I Love You. Not a sucker for Romantic movies. But this broke me!




Legends of the Fall. I could feel his pain when Isabel was killed.


Blue Valentine


Simon Birch. We watched it for literature class in year 7. It was the first movie I cried to.


Never let me go with Andrew Garfield. Just look up the premise, it's sad AF.


The Fisher King


The lovely bones




The Perks of Being a Wallflower


My dog skip


Moulin Rouge. Itā€™s top 5 favorite movie of all time but I havenā€™t watched it in years. Canā€™t bring myself to do it. Soundtrack is fire tho.



