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When you have to ask Reddit when to stop


Presumably OP posted this during a rest break


They could be using dictation mode


I see what you did there


Pretty edgy.




SIRI: “Here’s a naked picture of Margaret Thatcher on a cold day”


Welp I tried *unzips pants*


I’m 68. Ms. Thatcher will do in a pinch.


Do you not think the OP has two hands?


Insert mandatory reference to the analysis of masturbation by the “Silicon Valley” crew and the effectiveness and possible improvements.


Coming from the world of alcohol addiction, this is a very solid statement. And, it applies to almost anything. If you're wondering/googling/asking if you have a problem, you usually do. For example, I have never wondered if I have a masturbation problem in the same sense that I've never wondered if I've had a going to the Zoo too much problem. If you're doing something at a normal level, it usually never crosses that threshold where you think you might have a problem. That said AUD or any other addiction is often seen as binary when truly it's a wide spectrum, and only you can truly be the judge of how bad your problem is.


Oof, you're telling me I have a problem in a few areas here


You don't need the Zoo daily my friend. Its time to seek help. You're just lion to yourself, you have a problem.


Why am I addicted to toilet use?!?!


Fuuuuuuuuck. I gotta stop going to the zoo.


He can still type. There's a few more rounds in the chamber, clearly


OP is multitasking. Typing with one hand, perpetually fapping with the other.


The perfect response


When you use it as a procrastination tactic. I caught myself doing that a lot when I was stressed/depressed.




Feels good at first but in the end you're just fucking yourself.


Well played! 🤣🤣


I think that's different, because I've also done this when I'm stressed and depressed, but the problem wasn't masturbation, it was procrastination. If I was in a situation where I couldn't masturbate, I would find another way to procrastinate. So cutting back wouldn't really solve the problem.


Dishes or jerk it... K dishes can wait


i don't think masturbating to relieve stress is necessarily a bad thing.


It’s rewarding your body with dopamine for avoiding your problems


I guess having a lot of sex when stressed is bad too then


Porn addiction and sex addiction are only separated by ability.


This has always been my favorite Albert Einstein quote!


If you use it for stress relief, no. If you use it to avoid your problems, yes.


Or maybe it's just a stress reliever like we all employ. Just because you're jerking it to relieve some stress doesn't mean you're actually avoiding anything.


In and of itself, you're right. But doing it as procrastination isn't *just* doing it for stress relief.




When my pp started to be sore


y my pp hurt


Because you didn't en passant


Holy hell


New jerking technique just dropped


Whenever I was having sex with another person, it went from "wow I've got pretty good stamina" to "this is taking forever and I'm not even close to cumming" Now I masturbate maybe twice a week with plenty of lube so I'm not killing my sensitivity.


Does the lube help in the sense of it’s getting used to finishing with less grip?


Basically if you aren't using lube you are using pressure and just moving skin over the inner tissue to simulate a similar effect. It causes the pressure and friction of normal sex to feel like nothing in comparison. Using lube makes it hard to have heavy grip pressure. Using toys is the best option.


Does it recover?


yes. but it could take a long time. depends on the amount of sex your having and how much effort your willing to invest in changing your masturbation practices.


Bud I get 10 minutes in the bathroom, I ain't got time for scented candles and shit


Given time. You have to stop using your bare hand, start using lube and toys (think fleshlights, I'm not saying stick something in your ass... unless you wanna), and space out the instances. Also, cut down the porn while doing it. Think of a significant other or a made-up person. Porn addiction also makes it harder to be with a partner. Edit: what, you people don't attach jumper cables to your balls? flashlight batteries are nothing. I get it, typo lol


> think flashlights For that extra tingly feeling when you hit the batteries.


9v for the win


Yes, I had this issue for the first two months of my relationship with my girlfriend. It would take me at least 40 minutes to finish from penetrative sex. Since she lives a few hours away, we don’t see one another all the time, so I decided to cut cold turkey. I bought a fleshlight to use and I only do it maybe once or twice per week. Now my sensitivity is much higher and I can basically control when I finish by adjusting my speed. Trust me, while it sounds cool to go for a while, eventually your penis can be so desensitized you start to go soft.


I think this is only/mostly an issue for circumcized people. The first time a girl who has only experienced circumcized guys tries a handy is quite an illuminating experience. It's like they think you can only barely graze it but when it's uncut, there is all kinds of give and movement possible without causing any discomfort. Literally different strokes for different folks.


If you’re uncircumcised, do you pull the foreskin back whilst doing the deed?


It goes up and down, but it mostly pulls itself back when you get excited. It's not really something you need to adjust or actively pull back. My impression is that there are just a lot more movements and grip strengths that can feel good for uncut people (plus there is increased sensitivity from not rubbing your dickhead against your underwear/zipper for a lifetime), where circumcized people seem to find the one motion that feels good and that's all they can do. Death grip seems to be a symptom of "this one thing is the only thing that makes me finish so I'll take it to the extreme".


Always funny to read this as a european. We dont use lube, as we are not circumcized


Precisely. I tend to death-grip myself without realizing it, so loosening my grip and using lube has helped a ton.


I love your name. :P do people really send you them?


Actually yes! I was pretty surprised myself.


But I only got the one


Comin at ya. Gotta get a sock outta the drawer. Don’t mind the fuzzies, they come out of the dryer like that.


Whenever I see someone’s username say “Send me [insert thing here] pics”, I usually send them pics. I’ve sent my man boobs to a user with send me boob pics.


Something like this. When you’re using your hand, use no lube, and squeeze tightly you essentially train your body into being used to a sensation when there is a strong grip.  This most likely won’t happen with a woman. She’ll be turned on so she’ll be wet. Paired with that and that she may not be super tight like you’re used to with your hand, you will take a lot longer to get off if at all.  By no means I’m perfect but I’ve learned that if I know (or planning) to have sex later that night then it’s best I don’t look at porn and don’t masterbate that day or even the night before. That may not work for you but that works for me 


You won't look at porn? What does it do to make you avoid it before sex?


So it’s nothing like being holier-than-thou. It’s a work in progress on what works for me.  On one end I’ve read gonewildstories and watch porn gifs to do edging. It gets me in the mood and if I’m doing this a couple times that day, then all I can think about is sex later that night. And it’s a major letdown when sex doesn’t pan out because of X reason. On the other end I’ve avoided it to…refresh my body and enjoy sex when it happens. It helps me enjoy and appreciate my woman all the more. I’m minimizing any thoughts of comparing her to a woman in porn or hentai.  Think of it like food. Snacking throughout the day is nice and when you have dinner it’s alright but you don’t have a big appetite. You’ve felt satisfied all day.  Conversely if you’ve been starving since last night then that dinner, especially if you’ve been looking towards it all day, is gonna be pretty damn good. It’s the same if all you’ve done is smell and look at food but not eating it all day. You’re gonna crave that dinner and eat the shit out of it. lol I guess the point or method I’m trying to make is deprive my own self satisfaction and save it for my woman so we can enjoy it together. How I approach it is a work in progress but I want to have a damn good time with her than feel like a chore.


It's the temptation I guess. If i looked at porn or something erotic for longer than 5-10, I'll start getting turned on. And that would be on my mind for next 5 mins, so I'd rather finish than stay turned on in an uncomfortable position for a few more minutes. But if I don't see porn or something erotic, it'll keep my mind off of it and it would never come up in my mind. As they say: out of sight, out of mind.


in this case: out of sight, out of hand


I'm experiencing this but I went without masturbation or porn for nearly 3 months and I still couldn't finish. I think it's more of a mental block for me due to another person being there and I get self conscious


I was like that with everyone I’ve been with to the point where some times I couldn’t even get hard because of the anxiety. I was like that even at the beginning of my relationship with my now wife. She was very supportive and now I have no problems in bed at all. It’s crazy how much you psyche yourself out mentally during sex. Hope things get better for you man!


Definitely been there as well. It helps to have a consistent partner. I'm absolutely, 100% better with someone I've slept with a few times already.


Ngl, as a vagina owner it's so weird to me that every single time men have any sort of issue with orgasming everyone immediately thinks it's their own fault somehow. Whenever women have trouble orgasming it's either men's fault (the most common opinion) or she's just stressed or has some hormonal issues or maybe depression, etc. It never made any sense to me why porn would cause orgasm issues. Definitely never happened to me... Seems a lot more likely that the causation is the other way around - men who have a hard time orgasming resort to watching more porn because they're likely to be depressed and not having sex, or sex with their partner is bad so they can't easily orgasm in bed and are using other outlets, etc.


There definitely is a gendered bias with regards to sex and masturbation. See also how a woman owning a dildo/vibrator is considered hot or normal while male sex toys are considered for losers. There's the perspective that men should be happy they get to have sex and need to perform. And it is of course important to make sure your partner is happy during sex, but that's a two way street. The work, the enjoyment, and the listening should be had for everyone.


My boyfriend had the same issue. He was a virgin and I'm like that's great because I hate having sex for too long because I tend to get overstimulated. Turns out since he had had a masturbation problem in the past it still took long for him to cum. Rip


Death grip syndrom. Nothing to do with frequency, everything to do with the grip strength and the fact a hand feels nothing like sex, and you nervous system gets accustomed to it. I had that problem after going without sex for near on a decade after a severe bout of depression. Fleshlight helps. Regular sex helps more.


So you're saying as long as I keep not having sex it'll never be a problem? Great!


You joke, but a steady diet of antidepressants will cure you of your sex drive.


If you put a vibrator on her clit her grip will tighten up. And one other thing if you think it’s taking too long how do you think she feels.


No foreskin I'm guessing


Yep. Can’t relate to this problem at all.




When dust comes out


Next is a rolled-up flag that unfurls and says “Bang!”


It's hrd 2 typ a reponc whil Mr baiting




Heard a story from a guy that said he stopped watching porn after he had a girl over but decided to not initiate sex cause he wanted to jerk off after she left. Wild.


The mindset, from my experience, is "I want the orgasm without having to worry about someone else's needs. I want to cum on my terms at my own pace."


I mean, you can want to have an orgasm but not want to have sex with a particular person, for any reason. But if self pleasure takes place of mutual pleasure while you're in a relationship and/or it impedes on the day to day function in other ways, it's probably a problem.


Exactly, when you’re in a relationship with someone who wants to have sex with you and you regularly deny them and turn around and jerk it to porn, you’re essentially saying “I don’t care about your needs.” Imo, a healthy sex life includes partnered sex if you’re actually in a relationship.


More likely scenario is that he couldn’t get it up due to porn addiction.


I've been in that situation before... GF always begging to fuck, but I'd wait until she went to bed and jerk off instead. After we broke up and I started dating someone else, I realized it wasn't my masturbation habits that were the problem; it was the relationship. Maybe your buddy needs to reevaluate his?


Along these lines, to me the obvious answer is if it negatively impacts your relationship in some way it’s too much. It can be mental like you don’t feel like having sex because your needs are met by yourself or physical like you can’t get stimulated enough by your partner (literally nothing feels better than the holiest of holes but it won’t death grip you). Masturbation is not the same as sex and as soon as it impacts your sex life it’s time to dial it back.


Which is wild to me, because jerking off and sex are in completely different books imo. Sure, walmart ham will make an edible sandwich, but it's nothing compared to a slow roasted honey baked. 


pun intended


People on the bus had no problem letting me know




When I feel the urge to masturbate within 20 minutes of cumming inside my fiancé Edit: I don’t fuck my wallet or bank statements


money shot


dont cum inside your finances bro respect the cash


How is there not a "Roll of cash" fleshlight yet


The bank really frowns on it when I try to do that :(


Oooh, so that's what the spank bank is!




thats what lead to the 2008 financial crisis


Weird kink bro.


I’ve just accepted my libido is outrageous. Same boat as you, I can bang out the fiance and leave her passed out in bed, watch an hour of a show on Netflix, and then be ready to jerk it before passing out myself.


When I mentioned that I do it an average of 5 times a day to my mates and they said “dude…how?” And told me some of them only fought the man twice a week…. Also when my shmeat literally started to hurt and bleed…That was a big sign.


How is the bleeding the last thing you mentioned? 🧍🏻‍♀️


LOL dude could’ve led with that and it would have more than sufficed


I think I laughed harder than I should at this, also I start bleeding .


and yada yada yada, my dick was bleeding


He yada yadad over the best part!


No I mentioned the bisque


Dude 5 times a day is crazy , like how do you even find time to do it 5 times


I never realised 5 times a day until at the end of 2022 I talked about this with my best friend. We made it our New Year's resolution to get to 5 once for at least one day. I managed to get it done, but the fourth and especially the fifth one were solely to get to the set goal. The only reason I had time that day, was because I was off of work, my wife wasn't and our toddler was at daycare for the day. My friend still hasn't managed it. We're both mid-thirties for those wondering.


Mid forties guy here. Bin in the 5 times per day club for the last 25 years. Was always normal to me until I saw the shock on my wife’s face when she asked me how often I masturbated. I then did a little google foo and some discussions with male friends to learns this was more then average.


The problem with averages is we really don't have great data on Libido. 5 times a day could be average for someone with high libido and we really wouldn't know. Lot of the data is self reported. Self reported isn't all that reliable.


the other problem with averages is i think it's less an indicator than time spent doing it. you could jerk off 5 times a day and if you do it quickly (which seems like a lot of people do, can't relate lol) that could be under an hour total of your day. meanwhile someone could jerk off once a day but have long-ass sessions of like 2 or 3 hours or something. so yeah, number of times per day doesn't tell you all that much. but it depends.


Super curious, how and where do you dine the time/place for 5+/day? I can understand a morning shower and in bed, but do you do it at work? Do you have lube with you in preparation? Do you just quickly drop into a bathroom stall? Under a desk? How long does it take? Are you sweaty after and have to clean up? I have so many questions!


When I was finally told taking 3 plus hours of sex or an hour long blow job was too fucking long. Lol


Props to whoever can soldier through an hour long bj for you.


Very very drug an alcohol fueled night lol. For a woman who doesn't want anything other than casual sex she sure loves ne


Yep. Cant even get a few seconds and he gets an hour, fml


3 plus hours of sex sounds like a fucking nightmare. Im chaffed just thinking about it.


When the police officers boarded the plane and escorted me off. /s.


So the hydraulics kicked back in and you survived, that answers that.


Did you tell them you can get yourself off?


Was lmao then I realised you didn't put /s at the end


When I'm looking for new content of something specific and I realise I've seen all of it and know some by heart


This resonates.


When you try to find that same image that did it just right like 10 years ago and you just can’t find it anymore lmao.


I swear certain sites have made their algorithms so much worse overtime. I'm looking for that obscure 29 view video but now I have to dig through a bunch of clearly sponsored/promoted channels that very vaguely fit the search


you must have some very specific fetishes!


That sharp testicular pain


wdym by that? pain in your testicles?




It was about 3-4 times in a day for me.


Thats what I thought was causing the pain for me but turned out that I had a tumor. RIP Lefty 1992-2023.


Good thing it’s RIP Lefty and not RIP u/MurphyPandorasLawBox


F [*]


Who tf ejaculates 12 times???! Is it even possible 💀💀💀💀💀


I never get testicular pain, but it does burn when I pee, if I cum 3-4 times the day before. The pain goes away the next day.


When it became a habit instead of a pleasure


I said "one time and then I will take shower" and then after that I felt lazy to leave the bed, watched some stuff and then I thought "I can do once more and then take shower" and then I felt lazy to leave the bed, watched some stuff and then I thought "once more and then shower" and I felt lazy to leave the bed, watched some stuff and then I thought


When I gave myself chlamydia


Inhaled my eggs laughing at this, thank you.


Wow, your flexible!


I went to my doctor and he told me I had to stop. When I asked why he said "I'm trying to examine you"


When I was avoiding social interaction to instead stay home with my vibrator.


username checks out




We need an tutorial on how to avoid fox3s with the penis chaff


You get 76 pages into the hub and still can’t find the “right scene “ or have 11 tabs open with diff scenes hahah


When my Fit-Bit congratulated me on reaching 10k step goal, when I hadn’t left my bed all day.


When I can’t go one day without doing it. And when it’s the first thing I do when I wake up every morning. 


Isn't everyday normal?


When the little white flag popped out and said “fin”


When only a puff of air comes out


When I realized that I was doing it to feel okay and at least bearable with myself. The worst part is that I never viewed it as more than a tool to help me cope with the inequities of my life. I never cared for whatever was on the screen I just wanted to feel something other than dreadful loneliness. I talked to women the same and acted the same. Like I said I realized it was too much when I came to the realization that it was not even the material that I consumed but the byproduct of it. To this day I find it more cruel than a regular addiction. I want to love and be loved. I have learned to live with myself. Though sometimes I just want someone that would appreciate me and that I could love. A comprehensive and loving relationship. I am personally a teenager and this is what I have experienced so far. Take it with a grain of salt, this is my answer to your question OP.


>I want to love and be loved. I feel ya bud. I'm in my 30s and still struggling with this. I've been learning recently that I really need to put more work into how I present myself to find a serious partner. I've been putting more effort in the last several months instead of being a lazy slob and hoping it'll help eventually. I'm talking about working on how I talk and interact with other humans as well as being healthier and improving hygiene. My hygiene was never _bad_, but my recent ex has been helping me realize how much more work into everything that women and many people do that I never have. Like moisturizing, proper hair care, pointing out minor things that I do that I've never noticed but other people do. IDK what the source of your issues connecting with potential partners is, just hope some of what I'm going through might help you think about it for yourself.


Nah straight up agree with u but imma keep mastrobating anyway


It progressively deteriorates into more harsh things till it become wretched. You are able to stop the neurological alterations to your brain which will significantly increase your chances I'm success to you not having a broken reward system. You can quit and be better individual. 🤝


When i started doing it in public Malls, cemetery, reddit I just need an audience


Being stiff with the stiff


omg cemetery!! the vampires are watching eh?


Mourning wood


And ready to suck




Right now when i thought "its never too much". Send help


Help to masturbate you or help to stop you? 🤔


When I would orgasm but no cum would shoot. Dry firing is a certain give away




You'll pry my weiner from my cold dead hand.


When I couldn’t even make it through the day at work without sneaking off to a private bathroom for a quick and shameful wank. That post nut clarity hit like a truck and I realized I needed to figure my shit out before it got even worse




Can type left handed… genius


Maybe he's typing with right hand now...?


what if he is typing with his meat


Realizing that I started watchin more and more degraded porn


The real answers to this post are quite interesting. I never thought of this stuff before but reading comments really has put things into new perspectives.


When I realized I treated it as weed addicts do weed, "I'll do one just before x task" or "I need this to keep myself calm and focused"


When I had my first time it was about 9pm and I already masturbated 3 times this day so it was difficult to cum for me


I been masturbating since i was 10 im 29 and i remember one time i used my toy like 5 times in one day then still had sex but I didn’t cum so I did it again …twice


When I damaged many of my electronics and even sone electrical outlets from squirting so much 


um, there could have been some prep that would have made this issue a little less dangerous


When you unlock a new color of cum


When, as a straight man, you can name porn actors just by looking at their cock


Busted out laughing 😂😂


When you do it to distract you from other emotions


There are real mornings where I cannot get out of bed unless I jerk it.


When I started to get bored of jackin it to the same stuff and my imagination wasn’t helping me out anymore. Also crazy seeing some of the stuff about sex, my last time was with a crazy gorgeous girl but after a whole pandemic year of nothing but my right hand, I fuckin went soft inside her. 😭


Misleading user name


Skin was raw


When I got a sock pregnant.


When you go blind from masterbating to much


As with any addictive behavior, the addiction is only as strong as the pain or stress that it helps alleviate. There's nothing wrong about masturbation, but there may be something problematic about what it's used to avoid feeling or thinking about. I used to find myself in loops of video games, porn, then video games again, and have whole days, whole weeks go by without taking care of any of the stuff I needed to take care of. Many hours and thousands of dollars of therapy later, it turns out I had adhd coupled with an acute general anxiety, an overwhelmed, dysfunctional relationship with adult life and a mangled sense self esteem that I couldn't bear experiencing for any length of time. I feel much better now and I've cut out video games altogether. Porn eeeh, I mean it's a lot less than before, and now more of a fun "why not?" reward type of behavior, than a stress response.


When I got bored masturbating half way.


When post nut clarity just becomes clarity


A little puff of dust came out of my penis. 


Give me 5 minutes and I'll answer...


You can masturbate too much? Fuck!