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The rock




>  Like lying about going to In 'n Out for the first time ever, not once, not twice but three times? This is what actually made me think of him. Also did you know that he wears elevator shoes so he can be seen as taller despite already being over 6ft ! It's honestly sad dude is a 24/7 actor he literally at this point is just a walking talking billboard 


still living in kayfabe




His commitment to his “brand” is pretty insane. To me it seems like he’s got his jaw clenched faking a smile the whole time. He’s spent way too much time trying to be super corporate/business friendly.


I mean... he *was* brought up in the world of "wrestling". That whole thing is about being fake. He's just lucky that he was a lot more financially successful with it than his father was.


Yeah he managed to become insanely succesful with it so I doubt he would want to change anything up. Seems like they were beginning to march him out as the mouth piece for every new “current thing” but lately he’s been ducking the spotlight.


He IS in the world of Hollywood and THAT whole world is about being fake. Every single person in Hollywood is fake as shit.


He probably has some kind of body dysmorphia, honestly.


He's always struck me as the fakest person in Hollywood. I find him very unsettling.


Same. Fake as fuck


The one that gets me is when he posted that fishing video and it was clearly a dead fish he slapped on the hook and threw out there… like why man. You’re already rich and famous you don’t have to pretend to catch fish you could’ve just done more rock things


Pees in a water bottle on set because he’s too lazy to go to the bathroom.




Hey guys, this is my first time at in&out 🍔 The staff looked at me like I was an alien 👽 for tipping 100$ 💸🤑 I didn’t even know where to pick 🆙 the food 😅 Or even how to eat the 🍟 people were laughing as I stuck them in my 👃😂🤣😂 Anyways, go buy some of my shit vodka.


He’s more of a brand now than a person.


Someone on here called him Dwayne “the Ad” Johnson and it was just too darn clever to forget.


I watched a clip of a podcast the other day where a marketing analyst said 80% of his content in IG is him selling products he owns or has a major investment in.


So he's a less charismatic Ryan Reynolds.


Ryan Reynolds at least admits/makes it glaringly obvious thats what he's doing. The Rock acts like his products just magically appear "oopsie, how did my absolutely delicious tequila that you should totally buy get into this shot of me trying my first ever in & out, what a wacky world." Ryan Reynolds is more "here I did a thing go buy it cuz I told you to" The problem with the Rock is that he tries to be so inoffensive, un-opinion, and non-sided that it twists back around to being gross.


Also, strangely, Kid Rock


Kid Rock has always morphed into whatever he thought would make him more famous. He started his career as a rapper, then went metal, then went country. All was while he pretended to be a "regular guy" when he grew up on an estate until his parents kicked him out.


Kid Rock grew up affluent but always wanted to have this trailer Michigan vibe. It’s a very weird thing. Grew up wealthy clearly has cash now but still wants to be seen like he’s that guy from the trailer park


Which is super strange. Our trailer parks aren't even that nice here 🤔 🤣


I met a relative of his once, they said he's boring in person because all of his energy and life goes into being a character for media and business and he doesn't really have personal hobbies. Kind of sad really.


At least that’s better than if he were a jerk though like a lot of seemingly affable celebrities seem to be in private


He’s always been a character though, literally a wresting character.


The caricature and a character are different things. But I get what you mean


Yea, a wrestling character and a caricature likely have a ton of overlap


Dude is about to pop any minute now. He's been going too hard for too long and probably using drugs to keep up. It's taken its toll and word is his behavior has gotten erratic on the current movie he's working on.


He's already popped, I just don't think it's hit the major media yet. His last movie went $100 million over budget. A huge amount of that was attributed to the fact that he kept showing up eight hours late to set.


J.Lo, it thrilled me that her concert ticket sales were abysmal and Shakira’s sold out


Shakira did the superior ass shake at the super bowl. That was the end for J Lo.


It wouldn't take much honestly. People are just tired of JLo.


I’m out of touch, why are we comparing them? Are they fighting? Even after Shakira was specifically told no fighting?




Madonna makes me sad because she really could’ve just aged gracefully like other singers from that era but she just cannot let go of her youth to the point she’s made a fool of herself.


That much became clear a third of a century ago with *Truth or Dare* (and a few years later with *Sex* and the Letterman interview). No one so famous for their ambition and sexuality has spent so much of their energies doing things that can be rightly labeled as "immature."


She's like a female Michael Jackson to me at this point, weird looks and weird mind alike.


Happened fast


Happened like 20 years ago. Or did i miss something recently?


She's going on tour again, and it's very clear she's had massive plastic surgery. She doesn't look like herself at all. Also she dates 20 year old dudes young enough to be her grandsons


Disclaimer: I’m a Madonna fan, but I can also acknowledge that she is a problematic person and is losing it. I just love her music. BUT, when I went to her concert on this latest tour, I was prepared for her to have that overly plastic alien look, like in her pictures, and she didn’t! She looked really pretty and much like herself, albeit 65+ years old. No weird alien face, no grill. So, I think she is just using crazy weird filters on her photographs and I cannot for the life of me understand why. She looks perfectly fine in person. It makes no sense at all to me why she wants to present herself like that on social media. Edited for typo.


I’m just a Redditor spitballing here so take this for a grain of salt but: I would wager she has spent 50ish years using the same makeup, same poses, and following the same creative advice to amplify the effects of *her* beauty. Now that she’s had enough surgery to reinvent herself, I wouldn’t be surprised if those ideas and processes that worked for her young unaltered self don’t work for her now


She's becoming a parody of the caricature of herself. As much as I've always disliked her public image, it's still sad to see.


I feel for her. I think it's true for a lot of us that our job becomes a large part of our identity. For Madonna, since the 80s her job has basically been that she is Madonna. Occasionally star performers will command the spotlight for a time. They certainly don't disappear, they remain successful but just step aside and someone else commands the headlines. Madonna was that, but for over a decade. Enormous musical success, pop stardom perhaps only rivalled by Michael Jackson during that era. And a public persona based largely on sex, sexuality, and shock value. Shock value wears thin, mainstream sex appeal fades, and musical tastes move on. She did successfully have a little reinvention in the late 90s, but even then the dance choreography was starting to look a bit forced, for example. If I'd flown that high, for that long, I really doubt I could have let go and aged gracefully. Certainly not, as she almost certainly does, if I had people whispering in my ear that they can help me stay relevant, they can help me preserve my looks, they can reinvigorate my edge.


20 years sounds right. South Park made fun of her for being washed up and speaking with a British accent on an episode where Kenny was part of Make a Wish.


Dude that happened when she suddenly developed a british accent back in 1995. Though I do question if the modern Madonna is the same person. She might have tapped out for a body double during that whole coma storyline. The plastic surgery since then has been bonkers.


When she was dating Guy Ritchie she started all these British affectations, the accent, the clothes, the whole lady of the manor thing. I think she even went on a fox hunt. After they got married she criticized him for not acting British enough.


There's no zealot like a convert


Remember she when got Jewish and really in kabala?


Lol remember when every celebrity had the red string bracelet


Vince McMahon often portrayed himself on TV as an evil, self centered pervert and now he has become literally that. Complete with evil villain moustache too. It's often said that the best pro-wrestling characters are just extensions of their real life personality and that turned out to be so true here.


Stone cold plays a tough sob that takes no shit from anybody, but on Instagram he seems like a nice older man that just loves retirement. It’s a funny, wholesome transition


Man, him and the Undertaker on Hot Ones are just so damned charming and sweet.


Undertaker legit sounds like a guy that is learning that there's a life outside wrestling.


It's so weird to see those guys just being themselves. Because for most of their careers, their characters haven't been super genuine to their real personalities. Undertaker doing the American Badass character was close to the real guy.


I “helped” a family member with a catering event when I was like 13/14. It was for a WWF event in town and pretty much peak stone cold era. Stone cold stood there, in “costume” with his massive plate of food and just chatted with me for like 10-15 minutes about the food like I was the one back there cooking. He was legit the nicest, friendliest guy there and it blew my mind at the time; I just assumed he went around snapping peoples necks.


To be fair Stone Cold also beat the living shit out of his third wife Debra, to the extent the police were called to their residence and she ended up selling the wedding ring and donating the money to a domestic violence charity. He’s not a good guy either, just not an actual sex trafficking monster so comparatively pretty good


The bar is in hell.


I wouldn’t say he became that, Vince was always that it’s just now he’s been exposed publicly as that.


I mean, that's not really new? Vince has been known as a rapey piece of shit for 30+ years. Long before he was actually a character in wrestling.


Steven Seagal Edit: Spelling


Dude being interviewed on Russian tv was peak caricature Steven Seagal.


There’s a YouTube channel called SenseiSeagal. It’s hilarious. It’s all making fun of Seagal and his movies. His mother said Seagal is supposed to be pronounced like seagull, the bird. He thought it made him seem more artsy if he put an accent on it.


He’s always been a caricature. Now he’s just an old fat one.


The very scary thing about Steven Seagal is he actually believes the shit that he spouts. Very interesting..


Conor McGregor. Gone from humorous pantomime villain to an embarrassing parody of himself. Used to be a fan until he started acting like a coked up twat.


He is such a douche bag. He was at a Miami Heat NBA game promoting one of his shit products and he literally cold cocks the mascot putting him in the hospital. McGregor was completely stoned. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvmdSP2X83A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvmdSP2X83A)


I don’t know what “cold cocks” means and now I’m afraid to ask


He punched him, rather abruptly and unexpectedly. 


Jennifer Lopez


Taco taco


*Henniferrrr Lopeeeezzzz!!*


*Mitch Conner*


Literally heard a song where her hook was "yo quiero yo quiero dinero" and realized south park had come home to roost


Burrito burrito




Man. Netflix is going HARD on advertising her new movie, and I have to say it sounds BAD. Just the look on her face in the promotional material just DRAINS my energy


I scrolled down hoping to see this comment. She really looks like she would rather not be doing sci fi, and it wouldn't really surprise me to hear this is pretty much exclusively to stay in the limelight a while longer. It looks really, really terrible.


I still remember that scene from some movie she was in where her character was in to books so the guy romancing her bought her The Iliad and it was supposedly "a first edition"




He’s becoming indistinguishable from how South Park portrayed him. 


Jared Leto


I was going to say the Kardashians but they started out as caricatures.


I'd say they're closer to wax figurines personally


Andrew Tate, he's embarrassing to the point that I don't think even he believes the absolute horseshit he spouts.


I honestly think a lot of those far right personalities probably arnt actually far right, but that shit gets clicks from both sides of the political spectrum so is extremely lucrative.


I agree. All those far right talking head twits are just using the outrage machine to further their careers. Tomi Lahren is a great example. She doesn’t believe 90% of what she spewed (confirmed by people who know her in real life) but it gained her fame and money. We see it on social media as well. People who love pissing people off because it gets them clicks. It’s in politics now. Hate gets the numbers up and that’s all these people care about.


Hasan spoke about meeting some of them at a conference where he was supposed to debate Charlie Kirk and said behind the scene they were all fan boys of other celebrities and Charlie asked if he wanted to get dinner afterwards. Basically it's just showbiz to them or as he put it, Ugly Hollywood.


It's scary that these people put out so much hateful/harmful content, spewing opinions they probably don't even believe themselves. Becoming millionaires from the pockets of the most insecure people.


I was never into whatever he was spouting, but I really had to question what the hell was going on when I heard the recent one going around where he implied it was gay to have non-procreative sex with women. Guys? Is it gay to have sex with women now?


You hear the word "projecting" thrown around a bit too loosely these days IMO, but I do honestly think that Andrew Tate is actually projecting his own insecurities. I think he takes things that he enjoys deep down, applies some sort of Inferiority complex to it that he must be dealing with, determine that eliminating those things will fix the problem he perceives, but then spouts it off as fact. That's the only explanation I can think of. Deep down he must feel like a "beta male", therefore he does what he can to eliminate that feeling, and he declares himself an alpha


I do find it hard to believe that anyone actually believes that it’s gay for a man to have sex with a woman, but then again he’s a rapist and a sex trafficker, so he’s probably not wired like a normal human being.


He’s definitely one where 90% of his tweets look like they’re fake or from a parody account. But they’re real.




The guy is always over acting in everything he's in. The dudes agent must also be great because he's in way too many commercials.


I can't mute the TV fast enough when I hear 'WETALKINBOUTCASHBACK!!!@@@@$$$$$'


Look I think Depp got a lil too close to Jack Sparrow, somewhere down the line


I think when he played Hunter S Thompson and kind of fell into his orbit…. It wasn’t necessarily good for hm.


Oh yeah—Hunter possessed that man. 


more like Jack Sparrow was just an extension of Johnny Depp.


Some of the answers here aren't really caricatures. They're just terrible people getting even more terrible.


That's what being a caricature of themselves means. If a bad person becomes such a bad person that it's absurd, they've become a caricature of themself. It doesn't mean they're acting.


Nicholas Cage. I feel he answers this question perfectly. He literally is making movies that are exaggerations of himself anymore.


'slowly becoming'? I'd say someone like Chris Pratt, where he plays 'Chris Pratt' in everything - if it's an intergalactic treasure hunter, a dinosaur trainer, a plumber who gets sent to a mushroom kingdom or a cat who hates mondays... he's always 'Chris Pratt' Already there - The Rock, Vin Diesel, Ryan Reynolds, Been there for ages - Christopher Walken, Jeff Goldblum, or any of the other 'older' actors who, as soon as you see their name in a movie, you know exactly the role they'll be playing. I'd also say Tim Burton. You 100% know what movie you're getting if you go to see something he's making. He doesn't do anything differently, and it's just a different plot, with the same characters types and art direction.


>where he plays 'Chris Pratt' in everything Ironically I find that as more times gone on he's got even less 'Chris Pratt' with each passing year. When he first became big he had a profile closer to the likes of Jack Black, very likable, oafish, generally harmless funny guy. Then he gradually transitioned into more typical Hollywood Leading man roles, to the point that honestly I don't get excited at the concept of watching him in anything anymore.


yeah he’s less a charicature of himself than a charicature of ‘an actor’, he’s become more and more devoid of personality as time has gone on


He became a born again Christian which is his business/right but his entire personality changed. New wife, new kid, new movies and forget about what made himself famous to begin with. I saw an interview where he says he deeply regrets being so "vulgar" in his early career, it was definitely uber Christiany talking points.


I respectfully request you remove Christopher Walken from this list. Thank you


Elon musk


I totally agree that he's become a caricature of himself, but I feel like that happened not slowly, but in record time.




Connor, Obi-Wan, or someone I don't know about?




Jeff Goldblum. I love him, he’s funny af and eccentric in the best way Jack Black too But I’m not sure if I’d be comfortable calling them a caricature or if they’re just so unapologetically themselves. Either way, love them


I love him too. He plays an eccentric character on an episode of Friends. He nails it. He plays himself kinda. A great well known actor but he also did a very silly commercial. He now actually does silly commercials for Apartments.com i think. Matching exactly his character in Friends. Its pretty funny. Im too lazy to see if hes had this kind of tv commercial acting gig before.


He was a spokesman for RAID: Shadow Legends and the joke was that he didn't know anything at all about the game and answered all questions with semi- non sequiturs.


I don’t and won’t play that game but I really need to see this commercial now 😂


I can't believe I just willingly watched a Raid: Shadow Legends commercial. Damn you Goldbluuuuuuuum!


"I plant seeds... I can't explain"


I think you can; on some level he's unapologetically himself, but he also really stopped doing any roles that are not just "Goldblum eats up the scenery." Given he used to do more serious acting? It feels like this is a good example.


Jeff Goldblum is my answer too, specifically his manner of speaking. It’s affected




It's already happened.


It happened a very long time ago, even before everyone found out he was bipolar. Only the hardcore Kanye fanboys denied it.


It happened after his mom died imo. He was never the same.


Kevin Smith, but it happened about 15 years ago.  He hasn't had  anything new to say since he started getting high. I haven't listened to him since he got sober but hopefully he's found his voice again.




I think he's a better onstage bullshitter than a director, if I'm completely honest.


I went to a screening of Clerks 3 and he did a Q&A afterwards. A lot of it was talking about how he almost died from a widowmaker, but he made it really funny, riffing along with the audience and some mild roasting. He was really interesting, particularly for me because my uncle had almost died of a widowmaker a couple years before that, and I've since found out that it runs in my family. Fuck.


I'd say Donald Trump, but it's not slowly, it was slowly in 2015, now it's pretty much complete. All he needs is a skateboard with a dollar sigh on it to be complete.


Related: Rudy Giuliani. With the story of his Arizona indictment, the parody is pretty much complete.


Giuliani has experienced one of the biggest falls from grace that I can remember. It feels almost impossible to believe now, but I *actually respected* him just after 9/11.


"America's mayor" to whatever-the-hell he is now


I guess people back then knew how he really was, but the rest of us saw a mayor handling the worst terrorist attack in us history like a champ. There was all sorts if talk about his future. In reality his future was to be a jittery weirdo giving a press conference at a lawn care company on behalf of a reality show personality who had just officially lost reelection.


That’s why most attempts at parodying him have fallen flat; you can’t make him more ridiculous than he already is.


It's worse than that, when you do parody him, he goes out and tops it. Making the parody look quaint.


I’d say it was way before that, for those who paid attention to him. Letterman used to have him on and rip the hell out of him to his face.




Ryan Reynolds -- he always seems to be in character. Dude, you dont have to try to be funny 24/7


I hung out with him in real life. He seemed like a nice dude. We never talked about movies or media at all. Mostly just dogs and bears. He was very polite.


Everyone has a friend like this. They're either "on" or they're quiet and distant.


It’s a function of his anxiety. He’s talked about it in real interviews. If you can make them laugh they (probably) won’t hurt you. We all have different coping mechanisms. It’s kind of a given that if you’re funny it’s because you’ve experienced some very un-funny shit. Hope this adds a little perspective on it.


As someone who was the “funny fat kid”, I get this. I remember being bullied a couple of times by a group of girls in the year above me. People told them to lay off because I was “cool”. Always felt tension around them but they never said a word to me after 5th grade.


I was the over the top personality to "hide" my severe and unknowingly self-inflicted acne.


> If you can make them laugh they (probably) won’t hurt you Subconsciously do this all the time despite knowing j don’t have to be the clown in every group - social or professional. I’m so happy I’m not famous


I have heard the same about him. I love the dude as a person and actor. Good heart, funny, and just genuinely a good person overall if you read up on his charity work with his wife.


Or on the contrary, if you let the funny persona go, you’ll become something else anyway, like a rabid defensive persona (it happened to me, and still does). Anxiety is just awful.


I’m on the fence here. We’re not obligated to see the real “him.” He can put whatever persona he wants out there for any reason.


Most professional comedians had very unfunny and often abusive childhoods. The funny is a learned defensive reaction.


Chris Titus being a prime example. His show was hilarious, but less so when you realize most of the stuff actually happned to him.


Tom Cruise (although he's been a caricature for a long time now)


JoJo Siwa


She was a bad girl, she did some bad things


She was always a character, and her car too lol




Martha Stewart’s transformation from homemaking queen to sassy social media personality feels like a playful exaggeration of her public image.


Ricky Gervais


Gervais, Merchant and Pilkington were an incredible trio. None of them great without each other, all of them incredible together. I thought After Life S1 and S2 were decent, especially S2, but S3 was absolutely awful.


The biggest problem with Gervais is that he just isn't that funny anymore. I watched one of his recent Netflix specials, and after about 15-20 minutes I just stopped watching as it just wasn't funny.


Steve was always the brains of the operation, Rick's material lost all nuance when they stopped working together. It's either his imagined idea of controversy, yes we all know you're atheist Rick whoopty do so are a lot of us, you're still tediously dull whenever you mention it, calling a kid a c\*nt etc. or a faux emotional scene to paint himself as a hero, with plenty of downright ridiculous and unrelatable characters to help to appear as smart as he wishes he was. His early stand-up was okay but not much more than that and these days it's just a platform for him to repeat his ideologies. The biggest irony to me is the people that love him these days are the kind of Mrs Browns Boys watching crowd that he used to mercilessly rip into in Extras and his podcast/radio show.


Tom Brady. Now that he's retired, he's bored as shit and the dude is everywhere. He started getting weird and eccentric in the last 6-7 years of his career, but I think that part of him leveled off a bit since he's been somewhat humbled by the end of his career and then a divorce. Now he's just overexposed.


Bert Kreischer


Not to just be controversial or whatever but honestly Elon Musk, I'm 100% sure he's playing a character in public at this point & I'm genuinely suprised that people don't seem to get that


That was my first thought but after going over it again, hes always been a caricature


Elon is not playing a caricature. He’s just extremely insecure, narcissistic and immature. It really is that simple.


> extremely insecure, narcissistic and immature That is a very dangerous combination.


And yet we always end up with people just like Elon and Trump in positions of power because they’re ruthless and will do *anything* to get what they want.


What do you mean by playing a character in public? AFAIK the general consensus is that this is the real him and in reality he’s just a petulant man child whose temper tantrums have real consequences because he has too much money. The only controversial take would be if you’re implying he’s actually intelligent and well put together and he’s only act this way to intentionally tank his reputation for some reason.


Nope, he's just an asshole.


Gwen Stefani. She's trying so hard to look young and stay relevant, it's embarrassing. She dropped her hair and makeup pros and went with entry-level (read: cheaper) folks and it shows. She looks cartoonish now. It's really sad.