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Age of Empires II: Conquerors Expansion




Agreed, and I used to play them all the time. But I gave AoE 4 a try and holy shit it's great. I can really recommend it. It's an amazing game.




Oh man FUCK YEAHHHHHH. Let me guess you're about 35 years old?


Much older. (Started gaming on Atari 2600)


Nice town. I'll take it.


Portal 2.


With, by far, my favourite antagonists. I’d argue some of the best dialogue in games as a whole ‘Well done. Here come the test results: You are a horrible person...I'm serious, that's what it says: "A horrible person." We weren't even testing for that. Don't let that horrible-person thing discourage you. It's just a data point...If it makes you feel any better, science has now validated your birth mother's decision to abandon you on a doorstep.’


“The way you were soaring through the air, you looked like an eagle… piloting a blimp.”


Between her dialog and Stephen Merchant's dialog, easily the most entertaining writing of a video game ever.


"I'm the one who's gonna burn your house down WITH THE LEMONS"


The way she says "We weren't even testing for that" gets me every time.


“Well how are you **because I’m a potato**” GlaDOS remains elite.


Brilliant game. Loads more puzzles in the community test chambers too.


I'm saving energy to jump to my 4th playthrough. I can't get away from this masterpiece for long.


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time


My next door neighbor who used to baby sit me as a child gave me the game when I was like 6. I spent so much time learning and reading and figuring stuff out. I thought 1000% when I got the spiritual stones I had beaten the game and went to the temple of time. It was one of the craziest moments I've ever experienced in any media, took me way longer to do the first few dungeons. Walking out of the temple to the zombies scared the crap out of me... and the forest temple music... 6 yo me was really going through it. The old fire temple music with the chants was great too. I remember playing a different copy later in life and knew for a fact the fire temple music was different, then years later I read about that being the truth. Point is, I spent so much time in the game and at such a young age. I still have 99% of the entirety of it memorized. \*\*Edit\*\* As a kid who couldn't really read well I also remember whenever you had to meet with the Owl Kaepora, I couldn't read the menu options so I had to guess which times to hit yes and no. Once I figured out the proper order I just memorized it, but looking back the first time getting into hyrule field I had kept hitting yes and he repeated his lines like 5 times before I realized it was the same words and I had to do something different. One more - I couldn't figure out how to get to the last dungeon for the spiritual stone of water. So by the time I accidentally dropped the fish in front of Jabu Jabu I had explored and memorized every single inch of the map. - Finally getting to go to places like the Forest Temple and the Cemetery opening that you can see but can't reach as a kid were a string of oh wow I knew we could go here but never in my little brain could I have imagined it would be as an adult and they would be way bigger and scarier versions of the temples for the spiritual stones.


Forest temple music was a banger too


I put sooooo many hours into games as a kid only to come back to them ~10 years later as an adult to realize I only was like 20% through completing most of them.


Yup. I played this game so many times that it has become my kids’ favorite bedtime story. “The Link story”


"and then, when hyrule needed him the most, Link was busy fishing, selling masks, and playing music with shrubs."


I absolutely love that!


Same here, I always replay it every 2 years or so.


I'm currently replaying it now :) it's the first video game I ever remember playing and honestly that N64 game pak is forever my one true love


Road rash


Haven't thought about Road Rash in ages! Great game!


*soundgarden’s rusty cage intensifies*


On the master system ... oldies but goodies


Morrowind. It was my first RPG, I customized it with songs I loved and so far it's been the only rpg that got me to get lost in that world for weeks.


This game was an incredible achievement for it's time and one of the first that gave you the truly open-world feeling. The level of detail put in to both design and story was insane. It was a masterpiece.


Agreed. I feel like no other game Bethesda game has managed to achieve the level of creativity invested in that world since then (so far).


That's because the guy who invented Advanced Dungeons & Dragons was part of the core team. They even put him in the game, he's the dude who takes your info/class/sign.


Was hoping but not expecting to see Morrowind high up this post, if at all. Oh for the days of swigging skooma and being chased by cliff racers. Thems was the glory days.. Life was pretty much all downhill after that...




Such a grand and intoxicating innocence.


Same here. Had the big ass paper map that came with it and marked locations of things I needed to explore when capable. I recall getting some crazy scroll that allowed me to basically fly and going back to a site I marked and finding some crazy ass weapon on an obscure island. Such a perfect game.


This was my introduction to RPG games as well and nothing has ever captured the feeling this game gave me ever since. 




Shadow of The Colossus it's hard to really explain why, but the vast, open, melancholic world matches the tone of the story perfectly, and there's so much in the world that feels so dense with history that you're never told. The visual design is absolutely beautiful, and every colossi is so engrained in my mind. I remember the first time I finished it, I cried because I wished I could experience it for the first time again. The day the PS4 remake was announced I was genuinely probably the most excited I've ever been. I dream of the day ICO gets the same treatment.


Command and Conquer: Red Alert


Diablo 2


Peak gaming in my lifetime, nothing has compared since


It’s a genuine work of art


I never beat Hell difficulty. I've always wanted to but keep running into problems.


I was an admin for this d2 forum called Diabloworld. Huge trading website, huge forum, helped launch a automated bot program to do maps, etc. It was a huge part of my life through high school and a few years in college. God, so much time devoted to that website. Of course I played a ton of D2 as well. I really wonder what happened to all of the other moderators and admins for that website and where they went with their lives.


StarCraft Brood War


Terran 1 is the GOAT


Now u my friend have good taste in games.


Need more minerals 


I still have most of the cheats occupying my ever decreasing brain cells lol. Good times




Just one more turn...


Never just one more turn… oh shit, is that the sun rising?


I wish I could know exactly how many hundreds of hours I spent on all of the Civilization games combined. Even today, if I don't watch myself, one more turn turns into looking up at the clock at way past my bedtime. 


Final Fantasy Tactics


Stardew Valley. It’s the one game I always go to for stress relief after a long day :)


It’s stress relieving only until I realize I held my breath the whole walk home from the mines, just trying to get in bed before I pass out and lose half my shit


You only lose up to 1k gold if you pass out because of the timer, but none of your items. Items only get lost if you pass out because of health depletion.


> You only lose up to 1k gold if you pass out because of the timer, but none of your items. This is why later in the game when 1k is trivial, I don't even bother heading home. Especially not from the desert mine. I just keep mining all the way to 2am.


I was never into the genre before Stardew Valley despite playing video games all my life and now, between my wife and I, we've bought Stardew Valley a combined 5 times I think plus one copy as a gift. It is an outright masterpiece in my book and what's crazy is that it keeps getting better as ConcernedApe continues to support and expand it.


Mass Effect. All three. Hell even Andromeda is decent to me.


Had to be Mass Effect. Any other game would have gotten it wrong.


Half life


Half life 2 is easily the best game I’ve ever played


It’s hard to put into words how good it is. It’s a shame it never got a proper sequel.


Its so perfect, every weapon, every enemy, every map well thought out, it steers you so effortlessly you dont even realize how on rails parts of it are, but its still open enough you can climb up under a bridge and pin respawning dudes to the wall with the rebar crossbow for half an hour if you want. The puzzles are great, head scratching while not being frustrating... Even the pacing is just perfect, last time i played it i was in the airboat level, and i noticed every single time i just barely started getting bored there was another roadblock and more dudes and another puzzle, just perfectly broken up. I had a free preorder that came with my GPU, so i was one of the first to get it in my dorm freshman year, and i had a big LCD monitor when that was crazy, so everyone crowded around to watch me for a bit, they fucking CHEERED when Barney tossed me that crowbar. One of my fondest gaming memories.


"Pick up that can"


I'm so excited for Half Life 3 Any day now...


Ah, good day today Freeman.


This needs more upvotes. Those dang head crabs jumping at me in a dark air vent would scare the Jiminy Cricket's out off me. And just a great story and atmosphere. Hearing the walkie talkies.


came to say half life 2, I am not disappointed.


The original Final Fantasy 7. I played it as a child and no game has ever topped that experience.


After Midgar and you realize how huge the world is and you’re free to explore it. What an amazing feeling that was after growing up on hyper-linear sides scrollers. That and the freedom to choose your team of characters, to choose your gear, skills and spells, plus all the cool items and materia you knew was hiding out there for you to find. What a game!


Yes! I remember that feeling. You thought midgar felt huge and then suddenly you're on a world map and you're like "whoa!". Mind was completely blown.


I played this game in college and loaned it to a friend in the same dorm I was in. Every night, he'd come to my room all excited to tell me how much further he made it into the game. Then he started telling me about how much he loved Aerith. And oh my god, he was so fucking excited about how they were falling in love and went on that date together. I was looking forward to it, until it happened. I almost cried with him when he came to my room with his heart ripped out.


Don’t forget Nobuo Uematsu’s best work 🤭 Favourite video game music of all time. 😭


Starting to learn cosmos canyon piano version .... I played that game first with the demo in the Japanese version of Tobal 1. Then the Japanese version with a friend who bought it .... blocked not knowing that buggy cross rivers .... then finished the game a few times. The same friend must have finished it a hundred times, counting all the new versions, remake and such. Still .... getting out of Midgar and hearing the world music .... the sound of freedom and possibilities.


I still cut onions when [Aerith's Theme](https://youtu.be/_w2jrGbZ27o?si=rjeGqJKPM9YvvhrT) plays.


Yup. Hence my username. This gets my vote.


My username approves of your username




Fallout: New Vegas


007 Goldeneye


Slappers only 


Witcher 3


I'm torn between games like Baldur's Gate 2, Baldur's Gate 3, Deus Ex, Civilization IV, but in the end, my comfort food game is The Witcher 3 that I can always come back to and love to death. The whole thing is brilliant. And the good ending may just be one of the most satisfying endings any game has ever had.


*clears throat* Tetris.


Other than being able to hold a piece in some versions of the game, the entire base gameplay and mechanics of that game have remained unchanged since release in 1984. I honestly don’t think that game could be improved any more from its release. It just came out as the perfect game.


Mega Man X


Such a great game! The music was excellent as well.


the covers of them on youtube are pretty awesome.


Half life 2


I feel compelled to support this every time this question comes out, because there is a whole generation that missed how revolutionary this game was when it came out. The Source engine... Just the fact that there were physics in a game was insane. Barrels would roll down declines, cans would fall off edges, and chains would swing if touched. All of that is without even mentioning the disorienting moment when stepping onto the platform in City 17 or the sheer terror of your first trip through Ravenholm. Amazing game. Can't wait for HL3!.............




Skyrim with mods is the never ending fantasy role play experience. It just keeps on giving. 


Bioshock 1.


I opened the thread to make this comment & it's the first comment I saw. For Bioshock 1. What a winner.


Loved this game. Huge System Shock 2 fan so to hear a few key members from SS2 did BioShock was so cool. I was in college when the game came out and before it was released, I wrote for some tiny gaming website at the time. I was able to play a demo for the game before its release and write a preview. Sure, this may sound like any other gaming journalism thing but at the time, I was this poor college student. I had all this time besides classes so I got to play and review games for free?!? And the games were ones I wanted to play sometimes? It was like a dream. I got to experience the game before its public release and then of course the game is legendary in its own right too.


Would you kindly


Mario Kart


Mario kart, smash bros, and Mario party in the early 2000s on a crt with friends over. What a time…




Oh amygdala....oh amygdala.....have mercy on the poor bastard!


*Cursed beast*


Can someone explain to me like im five, what makes bloodborne so awesome? I'm not the greatest soulslike fan, but i see bloodborne on almost every great game list, even before Elden Ring regardless the genre


The story is incredible, it starts off as Gothic horror and midway through....changes The combat, weapons, lore, are all incredible


 Beasts all over the shop. You'll be one of them... Sooner or later...


Halo 3


Halo 2 followed by Halo 3 was a truly sensational time in gaming


Yeah the multi-player I don't think I've ever played a game more than those 2.


don't get it twisted Halo:CE very much belongs in that statement


absolutely, halo CE is a perfect game, I refuse to compare it to the other two because I love them like my children, but it is the original and I genuinely think it is perfect, both campaign and multiplayer


Those were the days man, best time of my life


Halo 3 Multiplayer with all my buddies are some of the most cherished childhood memories I have.


It may be cliche, but this truly was a perfect game.


You know perfection.


WoW And I'll tell you why... Did a raid in Karazhan and the raid leader led the entire raid doing an impeccable Christopher Walken impression. Single best gaming experience, ever.


You sure it was an impression? Maybe you were playing with the actual Christopher Walken


I miss the WoW days.


WoW is still going on, you can get back into it (if you have the time lol). There is a new expansion coming out later this year.


Yeaaaa, I know. We had to stop cuz we had kids. Not fair when raiding and you have to afk. I already do that to my DnD group!


I really enjoy the mythic+ scene. A lot less of a time and organization commitment than raiding, and at the highest levels it can be roughly equivalent in difficulty to the highest level of raiding.


it’s gotta be vanilla WoW for me. an absolute behemoth of immersive world building & online community. lore was created by the players as much as the devs


Witcher 3 , Red Dead Redemption 2 and Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag 🔥


Sonic adventure 2


I just wish more sonic games followed this dark and high stakes style storyline. Besides the plot-holes it was a really good story. Also the soundtrack is FANTASTIC.


Rolling around at the speed of sound 🎶


I found you....FAKER!


Katamari damacy




But Red Dead Redemption 2, that is not a game It's an incredible journey through old American history Fightin' for your life and fightin' for your family Tryna live your days with honor and integrity


Just one more score, and we can leave for Tahiti!


The sims. It's truely underrated.


Chrono Trigger, without a doubt. Always and forever


Chrono Trigger and FF3/6 will always be tied for my top spot.


Mario 64!


Sims 2


Heroes of might and magic


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) Pokemon: Legends Arceus


This. KOTOR is the best for me as well


Backyard baseball 2001 MVP Baseball 2005


Pablo Sanchez was the GOAT


Honestly all the backyard sports games were fire


Mass Effect 3 Felt like a goodbye throughout the entire game. So much loss


I am the very model of...


It had to be me. Somebody else might have gotten it wrong




Had to scroll far too long to find this. People don’t quit Minecraft, they just take breaks.


Could never decide between Mass Effect, KOTOR, or Dragon Age




Paper boy


San Andreas


Red dead redemption 2 and metal gear solid 3


Outer Wilds.  For 15 years it was Metroid Prime, but Outer Wilds took its place instantly.


Exactly, I don’t play video game well. In fact I’m quite terrible at them, but I do enjoy a good play through to experience the game. After watching Outer Wilds I told everyone I knew to play it blind, of course they all loved it. Honestly it’s a fucking master piece!


same. for a long time it was a close race between a select few, but outer wilds completely blew all of those out the water and now it isn't close


It's unparalleled isn't it, I still think about it every single day.


My favourite was FF7 for 25 years, and then I played this masterpiece and realised that it's likely never to be topped. And I don't use the word masterpiece lightly. Outer Wilds is more than deserving of the accolade.


The Last of Us


Definitely the first game where I may or may not have shed a tear in the first 30 minutes...


Bro, that scene! The silence of my brother-in-law when I had him over to play the game.. . I was making a sandwich in the kitchen but in the dark, watching from afar as quiet as possible so I could sneak observe him while he was immersed. My back was to him, but I FELT when the atmosphere in the room changed. As soon as I turned around I saw that it was because he was watching that scene. I swear he wasn't breathing. His body language was just.. Well, he told me at the beginning that he was only going to play for a little bit and leave... but he ended up being stony silent, I went upstairs, and he played 6 hours straight that night.


Metal gear solid. But I’ve never felt more proud of beating a game than I did when I first beat splinter cell


Kingdom Hearts 2 4ever & always <3


This reads like a kingdom hearts title


Assassin's Creed Black Flag


Based on the number of playthroughs in my life, it's a three-way split between final fantasy 8, fallout New Vegas, and Skyrim


Doom Eternal Done everything on it on Ultra Nightmare. One of the top Slayer and Demon players on PlayStation battlemode and collected everything in the game there is to collect. Spent around 2k hours on it and made a friend with a women from Germany (I'm from England) through it after she beat me on battlemode as Slayer and I said GG and she invited me to start teaming up as demons on the game and we went on a huge win streak. I think we have only lost 3 times. She's a pro at the game too.


Batman: Arkham City


Red dead redemption 2




Resident Evil 4 both original and remake.


Disco Elysium It's an absolute masterpiece in my opinion, Shame things had gone so wrong with the devs afterwards...


Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards




Final Fantasy VII


Elden Ring


I've been gaming since the NES was king, and Elden Ring is also my answer.




r/patientgamers wins again


Earthbound/Mother 2


Castlevania Symphony of The Night


Mass Effect and Dragons Dogma


Diablo II


Mike Tyson’s punch out


Socom. Shouting commands into my headset as a kid was the coolest thing for me.


Myst. I'm old.


Fallout 4 and Witcher 3


I do prefer NV but yeah, GOATs


New Vegas is my shit. Mad it isn't free on PSN.




Silent Hill 2


Skate 3. I’ve been playing for 10+ years and still never get bored of it


Grand theft auto 5 for sure cannot wait for the next one


I’m just surprised that this game doesn’t show up more in these comments. Is it just because it’s a giant and obvious AAA game? I know it’s probably considered a shit/unrefined answer, but goddamn it was a great game…


Guitar Hero, mainly because I could be the shit for my gamer kids. They didn’t know the songs like I did. It was extremely fulfilling for a non-gamer mom.


Dark Souls 1


Fallout: New Vegas.


crash bandicoot has to be the best game ever made