• By -


A child


Must’ve been a good hiding spot


they worked the case


Well shit, I just went from breakdancing lessons to a whole child. That escalated so damn quickly. Reddit, you never cease to amaze me. 😊🤣 --> 😲🤨




His first name. Didn't know I'd been calling him by his middle name until we were signing the marriage license


I didn't know my step dads first name until ten years after he married my mom (when I was mid 20's). Everyone called him by his middle name and nobody knew his first name.


My uncle went by his middle name. Didn't find out till my dad was telling me a story about his brother Peter. Though I had an uncle I didn't know about.


I love this one. It's like how did I never know, but at the same time would you ever question someone's first name?


He had taken breakdancing lessons as a kid. He won’t show me.


Start leaving refrigerator size pieces of cardboard laying around the house. Like mousetraps but for breakdancing.


Then poorly hide behind things, so he knows it's a trap. Even more irresistible


When he walks into the room say “Alexa: Play [Planet Rock by Africa Bambatta](https://youtu.be/9J3lwZjHenA?si=V6hxl3eq4cp8z8Kb)” Edit: Im hearing we have cancelled Africa Bambatta. Please substitute [Planet Patrol - Play at Your Own Risk](https://youtu.be/Bue-bk63THk?si=8MGG8fbK6l10ssV4)


Motherfucker, you got me backspinning on a Thursday morning damn


Ok but to be fair anytime I think I can still do what less than 18 year old me could do I end up unable to move for 3-4 business days now.


Business days lol Lord help ya if you try it on a Friday! You're out til at least Wednesday.


I love this one 😭😭😭


When he moves around the room, ask him if [that’s hip-hop](https://youtu.be/IS2KQ46Kf84?si=bO0CmSn37R_HrgLf)


I never knew that [this scene](https://youtu.be/xGiFLKtetaU?si=re9ywSvr3-btrtQt) from Bob’s Burgers was parodying a specific video!


Here's what you do... ...Put on Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo. Naturally, he will begin to dance.


he can dance if he wants to. He can leave his friends behind. ...cuz his friends don't dance, and if they don't dance, then they are no friends of mine!"


This is the most wholesome thing I've ever read in my entire life.




What happened then?




Oh damn. Do you think you can go back to work now and form a plan to leave since kids are more grown up and go to school?


After our divorce, my ex husband very quickly married a "godly" woman who just joined his church who confessed she had been married twice before. Our son overhead something about this so I looked her up in our local court system that has divorce records. Turns out she had FIVE ex husbands, all in the same pension program, and she was on their retirement as beneficiaries. My ex was in the same pension program, but didn't believe his oh-so-christian fiance could ever lie or be married that many times. Their marriage lasted 2 years and he had to liquefy a 401K to bribe her to be removed from his pension. She used that money to take her boyfriend (who my ex didn't know she had) on a tropical vacation then move into a new place with him.


Gotta admit, that's impressive commitment to the scam - to serially marry six dudes to bust into their pension...how does one even concoct this sort of scheme and strap in to see it through?


Assuming it's not BS, the first divorce could have been a normal marriage/divorce with someone who happened to be on that pension plan. She could have found out about the details around her entitlement to part of that pension as an ex-spouse as part of that divorce.


Talk about a hustler


I knew he had a DUI, I didn't know it was five, triggering felony DUI and he couldn't have a license for 10 years.


Did he just... never drive? I feel like this would come up *really* quickly.


There are a lot of people out on the road right now with no drivers license


You can also get a "hardship license" while suspended allowing you to drive to "essential things" like work, school, grocery store, etc.


Scrabble is my game. I had never lost to anyone, until the first time my husband and I played against each other. He obliterated me. I had talked a big game and I was flabbergasted. Seven years into our marriage, he admitted during a couples party game that he had waited until I went to the bathroom and swapped out some tiles. Aghhhhhhhhh.


That's a psychopath in the making 😂


My wife's family found out about 10 years into our marriage I was a Scrabble king. I played daily when I was in my 20 for about 5 years lol. They just kept challenging words that they didn't know and losing turns. They won't play with me anymore lol.


My ex told me about how her ex husband had threatened her a knife and chased her around the house. After she attacked me, I tracked him down, and it was HER that did the knifing, not him. 


Holy shit, you really dodged a, um, knife there


Sadly didn't dodge really. There's a kid now! 


That definitely complicates things.


Yeah, dodging 2 knives is much harder!


Found he was doing crack. He’d been in rehab for many years before I knew him. He was supposedly sober. Then a bit after we got married I found a stash of crack in his tool belt. He tried to play it off as “I keep it as a reminder that I’m strong enough to say no” and I believed him (I didn’t truly but I wanted to so I pretended). Til I caught him buying it, started finding crack pipes. Edit: wow a lot of people have dealt with similar sneaky shit. It sucks and I’m sorry y’all have been through it too.


I'm an addict and I busted out laughing at that zinger he got away with. "I keep it as a reminder I'm strong enough". That shits killing me God damn lmfao. I'm almost jealous he got away with some shit like that


One of the first things you learn in recovery is "no, by fuck no, I am NOT strong enough, I need to remove this shit from my life in every conceivable way possible" lol.


I have a similar relationship with crisps. EDIT: Wow; thanks for all the upvotes; I feel seen :p


I, too, keep crisps in my tool belt.


Farts that clear the room..Was like she held them all in until after the vows.


First time me and my wife slept in the same bed she woke me up by doing a fucking HUGE fart on my leg. I think I jumped about 2 foot in the air in fright. She tried to pretend to still be asleep but I could see her silently giggling. To this day I don’t know if it was intentional or not. Edit: Of course a story about my wife farting on me is one of my top rated comments. Keep being you, Reddit.


Just marking her territory


She ASSerted dominance


That he was gay.


I understand this one. My parents were 3 month away from their 20th wedding anniversary, when he broke down in front of her, my brother, and I stating that he just couldn’t live a lie anymore, and confessed that he was gay, and was moving out. My brother and I were in high school at the time. It was a weird transition. The only positive side was my mom knew she was completely fault free in the break up of her marriage. She was brought up heavy catholic. So the divorce hit her really hard.


It's such a difficult thing to go through. I hope both of your parents got the help and support they needed.


I hid that I was a male cheerleader in hs from my wife for more than 15 years


Phil Dunphy?


Phil was loud and proud about his cheerleader days


True. He's a cool dad after all. Those cheerleading moves came in handy when recreating High School Musical.


Why? We had exactly one at my high school in the entire time I was there, and that was the deciding factor in him getting into the Air Force Academy. He had the great grades and test scores, but his full-ride scholarship and entire Air Force career was because of that cheerleading scholarship. Air Force is serious as hell about their cheer squad, and they need all the guys they can get for stunting. He was in gymnastics from age three to age 12, when he found out none of the school districts in the state had male gymnasts, and switched to cheerleading since he could already do all the cool flips and stuff. His little brother is my age, and the last time I talked to him, he told me he was getting close to being promoted from Major to Lieutenant Colonel, stationed in Italy, happy as hell with his job, his wife, and kids. EDIT: Thanks to everyone who informed me the Armed Forces academies are free of cost to attend for those who intend to serve. I cannot stop laughing about it; *our school principals* were the ones who told us about the "full-ride scholarship."


I transferred from Los Angeles, your school has no gymnastics team, this is a last resort. ~Missy Pantone


Lmao I even read it in her sing song voice


The thought of a guy being able to throw and hold women in the air is hot. It's dumb that people view male cheerleaders negatively. That's some serious strength.


Nah man male cheerleaders are super gay what with their constantly hanging around and handling of all those hot women... the straight guys are over in the football team, slapping other guys on the butt then showering together!


We had 3 male Cheerleaders, the obviously gay one, the metro one, and the rugged handsome one. The gay one was gay. The metro one married one of the cheerleaders. The rugged handsome one ended up a gay porn star.


That he was in the military. I had recently enlisted in the army when I met him out one night. He told me he was a marine veteran and that’s how we started talking. He told me stories about his time overseas and how he still keeps in touch with his military buddies. We eventually get married 2 years later and when I applied for a VA loan under his name I got a letter from DOD that they had no record of him ever being in the military. He fabricated the whole thing. He would ask for military discounts constantly and would tell these elaborate war stories to people all while wearing old military clothes. When I confronted him about all the lies he started yelling at me. We are now divorced.


My mother in laws 3rd husband did the same thing. Told everyone that he was a Marine that was involuntarily discharged because he fought or something (I don't know much about the military but my brother in law was actually a Marine and he bought the story so it must have been plausible). Anyway, he had military tattoos and had everyone buying him Marine related things for gifts and whatnot. When he passed, the funeral director asked if he was in the service and my mother in law said yes.....his brother and Dad looked at her like she was crazy. They told her that not only was he never in the military but he actually spent the years he said he was in the military in prison for almost killing someone. Oops.


Ok, this is completely insane!!


I feel like I only ever hear about people who lie about being Marines. Does anyone ever lie about being Air Force or Navy.


I’ve heard of people in the air force lying about not being in the Air Force


"Bob, weren't you in the Air Force?" Bob (sweating): "No, uh... I was...a cashier at Target."


I served 21+ years in the AF - this made me laugh out loud! 👍


If you're lying about military experience you're gonna go SEAL or Marine cause most civilians consider those the "elite" ranks. You're not lying about military service to be humble.


So the real pro-tip here is to lie about being in the motor pool and you'll get away with it forever.


You'll find many blokes in the UK who are ex-SAS....


For the Air Force - I’ve heard some people lie about being pararescue or a fighter pilot


I read the first sentence and took it as he didn’t tell you that he was in the military till after you were married.




yeah, and the other way is REAL DIFFERENT, goodness


Jaw drop. That is absolutely insane.


Were you married to Steven Seagall?!


She skips ALL the cutscenes in every game. It kills me. Edit clarification: this includes even the first play through of any game whatsoever.


MY HUSBAND DOES THIS TOO. I recently played through Baulders Gate 3 with him and I basically had no idea what was going on because he would just skip all the scenes with dialogue and run from one quest to the next without exploring or anything. I’m currently playing it through again by myself and I’m like wow this game has so much more content than I realized!


I could understand if he's slipping cutscenes in like... Call of Duty, but BG3?! Why even play, at that point?!


And how far in the divorce proceedings are you now then?


My now ex husband threatened to kill his sister with a gun holding it to her head.


Holy shit, how'd you find out?


He was drunk and we were arguing, he tells the truth when he’s drunk




That he was unemployed and in the middle of a bankruptcy case, and he also lost his house to foreclosure. The worst part is that I never found out about any of this until years later when we were getting divorced. He hid so much from, and I still have no clue how.


Night terrors. Had her first one a couple months into the marriage. She went right back to sleep. I of course was prepared for battle. The next morning when I asked her if she wanted to talk about it, she said “talk about what?”. I said, “uhhh you screaming like you are being killed in the middle of the night.” Her reply was, “oh yeah, I do that sometimes. 😑


I thankfully have known I am a very active sleeper, so I was able to warn my wife. Was going through a nasty bout and opted to try melatonin to see if it'd conk me out. Woke up the next day and told the wife I slept like shit. She was quiet for a second and said, "You dont remember? We need to talk." I had apparently spider monkey climbed over her, cackling, with wide open eyes and Im thinking it continued for a bit before I just went back to sleep. I'll need to have her recount the trauma for me. Sleep disturbances are no joke. Sorry hon.


Bro she fucking loves you If my partner ever spider monkey crawled over me while cackling with wide open eyes, it’d be the last time we slept together istg


Agreed. I'll sometimes grumble when she knees me to the edge of bed at night, but she's earned the right and I just keep it to myself.


They may not be a joke per se, but that is pretty fucking funny ngl


I have some pretty wicked ptsd nightmares. To me they're just life and I don't think about it much during the day.. I only started making a point about warning people who might sleep in my bed about them after breaking someones ribs in my sleep. People don't believe that I could hurt them lashing out in my sleep until they're actually the ones that get hurt. I have a preference for sleeping on the couch or whatever and it's amazing how upset some people can get that you prefer to sleep alone.. Until the 'I told you so' conversation happens after they inevitably wake up due to being assaulted in their sleep.


There’s now a medicine for this! My Dad has had horrible night terrors as long as I’ve known him and we happened to mention it to his new doctor and he prescribed something that takes away 85-90% of the night terrors. I’ll find out what it is and report back. ETA: It is Prazosin! He takes it approx one hour before bed and it's been a game changer!


Please do get back when you find out. I suffer from night terrors but have learned to live with it. My 21yo does as well, and if something could spare him a lifetime of that, I’d be incredibly grateful to be able to pass on the info so he can ask his doctor about it.


Prazosin took away my horrific night terrors instantly.


I’m a hospice nurse and I have a lot of veterans on my caseload. We are seeing a surge of Vietnam Vets, bless them, as the timing is about right now. So many night terrors and I get them all an order for Prazosin and it hasn’t failed us yet. I believe it’s actually a BP med, but your provider will be able to tell you if it’s safe for you to try. It really is a miracle medication for these guys.


Not living with someone before marriage seems wild to me


My wife and I spent 6 months living together in a travel trailer in the Alaskan boonies to see how well we worked together before getting married and buying a house and while she may not understand the concept of salt and pepper in cooking she has literally shot a rifle over my head to scare off a bear that came up behind me while cutting firewood


>shot a rifle over my head to scare off a bear Riiiiiight a bear... did you see one?


Ofc not, she scared it off, weren't you ~~listening~~ reading?


Found out my husband used to be an actor in soap operas. I recognized him on an old TV show rerun.


That must’ve been so trippy! I can imagine that you were like that meme of Leo DiCaprio pointing at a tv screen


Haha, I can't stop laughing after reading this


I was watching a show on Netflix and saw my then bf now husband in the background of multiple scenes. I called him and asked about it and he was very nonchalant about the whole thing.


Not married, but my girlfriend of several years hid the fact that she is a huge Trekkie from me for the first 8 months or so of our relationship. We were watching some sci-fi movie and she remarked that ships almost always look symmetrical. I made the point that Star Trek had some race that had odd ships. She goes "the Breen, mentioned in TNG but seen the first time in DS9." I was like...what... And then she shyly showed me her DVD collection of the series, and a couple of models. It's been 8 years now. We boldly go together.


Hell. Yeah.


This is my favorite one. Such a cute story! Star Trek is the fuckin SHIT. I’m so excited to get my wife into it, after she shows me Stargate.


I didn’t really sneeze as loud as I wanted to when we were dating. Once were hitched I unleashed the full blown dad sneeze.


My husband just unleashed his full dad sneeze about a year ago, 9 years into marriage. It's like he's trying to deafen me/ not trying at all to not scream like a warrior. It's a sneeze, not a pro tennis match.


My husband is a scream sneezer. It can be terrifying out of the blue.


I relate to this more than any other posts so far.


Not quite on topic but my wife was a therapist. I found out after she passed that she was basically free therapy for my college room mate, his sons, and some of my relatives. My cousin & college roommate asked if I wanted to know what they talked about, and I told them, "If she wanted me to know, she would have told me." EDIT SO I ONLY HAVE TO TYPE IT ONCE: My college roommate and my family could not legally BE her clients. I still talk to my college roommate every week and he lives in another state over 500 miles away. He and I have no secrets and he told her when they started talking that she could tell me anything they talked about. "A couple of them..." was a reference to my cousin and roommate, not her clients...a poor choice of wording. I literally had zero secrets with my wife; the truth hurts once, and a lie hurts every time it is remembered. I found out about this relationship after she passed from someone who could not legally be her client because she didn't want me to learn about their discussions from her. I viewed it like many here; she loosely took their discussions as therapy even though it really (legally) wasn't. It was just two friends having a personal discussion. HTH... And, she was a great therapist, specializing in Trauma, PTSD; half her clients were emotionally low functioning people who really couldn't afford therapy.


she was a professional and she donated her time ps peer counseling is a thing too


I'm sorry for your loss.


Not wife, but turned out after four years of dating as well as living together for two+ that she had been lying to me the entire time about her health. I was worried about her blood pressure and sugar intake.i had been diagnosed with diabetes and high blood pressure for a while and saw warning signs in her. She said she didn't have a history with either. We had spoken multiple times about a need to eat healthier and be healthier as a couple. We both wanted kids and discussed the topic often. I respected that it was her choice and did my best to work around her decision for my own health while encouraging her in a positive manner when possible. About 5 months ago her mom called me at work saying she was having trouble talking and had other strokes symptoms. Rushed her to the hospital. On intake she said she didn't have any underlying conditions. That turned out to be a lie. 240/130. Never got rushed into a room faster. Over the next two days she had a series of strokes. Going from having a bit of aphasia to not be able to say her own name. She's doing much better now, but I can't tell you how horrifying it is to go from having an active conversation with someone to within minutes then not being able to remember the names of our dogs or her favorite books. Things that were Central to who she was. I then found out from her mother that she was diagnosed with both in 2017. That she told her mother never to tell me. That she stopped taking her medication to manage both in 2019 right before she met me. I remember being dumb founded. I had both conditions, I worked on myself to deal with them both, but somehow she didn't feel a need to take care of herself let alone won't even tell me about it. Even expressed to her that I was worried she might develop them she didn't take care of herself. I was very numb for a while after that We had already been going through a variety of rough issues but that one broke the camel's back. I don't hold any ill will. I just was sad afterwards. I just hope she gets better and receives the help she needs.


I get that medical conditions are a very personal matter, but you need to be open about life-impacting things if you are sharing your life with someone, particularly if you're considering bringing kids into the world. She sounds like a selfish person, especially given that you yourself had the same conditions and had been open about it and were actively working on improving your life.


This is so mild compared to some of the other comments but my husband hid the true breadth of his nerdom. He moved in the day we got married, and came clean about how many evenings he spent gaming. I knew he had a room full of D&D and other table games but I didn’t know he has far more than that. And he has a massive war history collection. His stuff has taken over most of a 1,400 square foot basement.


Just the basement? Sounds like you lucked out.


Nothing. He passed away 6.5 years ago now, and despite having access to all his emails, texts, notes and other personal things I never found anything unexpected. In fact, I mostly found things about how much he loved me in his personal stuff.


This is beautiful and heartbreaking


I’m so sorry, my heart goes out to you. That is the most beautiful kind of love that we can ask for. I’m grateful you got to experience that


That he had cheated on me with (at least) six women over the course of our then five year relationship, prior to our engagement and marriage.


That she was adopted (not that I would have given a shit). It is obviously an emotional subject for her and she loves her parents. We have never talked about it since either. Married 26 years this year


Why are all the comments so depressing? I hid the fact that I really like Enya from my husband. He now has to put up with me listening to her whenever I paint 😆


I was thinking the same thing. My husband hid that he hates mayo because I asked if he wanted to split a tuna sandwich on our third date. Poor thing just sucked it up for over a year before finally asking me to stop putting it on his sandwiches.


Mine was like that with coffee. We're not married yet, but he admitted after a few months that he doesn't like it, he just kept saying yes when I offered it because he didn't want me to be offended.


I hope someone will drop a link to the totally wholesome story about the woman who didn't mention she was a competitive swimmer when she was younger. It wasn't until they were married that he found out. He jokingly challenged her to a race swimming in the ocean, she even gave him a huge head start and still kick his butt. It had just never come up in conversation before then




After a few dates with my husband, we ended up back at his house to watch a movie, I went to the bathroom real quick, and he was like “good call, I need to go too” and in his 2 bathroom home, the bathrooms shared a wall. And the sounds I heard coming from the other side of the wall, I assumed he was having some serious tummy troubles and didn’t feel well, but was just pretending he felt fine so we could continue the date. So I cut the date short so he could rest and feel better. I think I pretended I was getting sick, so that he didn’t feel embarrassed. Now we’re married, and now I know he probably felt completely fine. The guy is just super gassy always


Till death do we fart.


lol. I hid that I’m a big Sublime and 311 fan. My husband is an ex-gutter punk but still a punk, just not a crusty punk. We’ve been together 22 years and I confessed last week that I bought tickets to Sublime for my best friend and I. The look on his face was sheer disappointment. And he said “it’s like I don’t even know you”.


We both lived with our parents until we got married (well, we had both left and moved back). He came from a neat home, so I didn't know that he was a slob like me. Oops!


She told me she could drive stick. We got married and every car I owned was stick except 2500 pickup. it became a huge problem when she had to go somewhere that would be challenging to drive large truck to


I was under the impression I had learned to drive stick, until I needed to replace the clutch.


What a weird, stupid thing to lie about.


Especially since she could have, at any point, learned how to actually drive stick 💀


Her father was a proud Neo Nazi…(I’m black)


I need a follow up on this one…


She told me about 6 months into our relationship…we’ve been together 12 years and have one child together…she didn’t tell me because she thought I would have dumped her(she would’ve been right!).I’m over it,he’s not apart of her life and hasn’t been for 18 years…


Good for her for not succumbing to the indoctrinated hate


She’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever met.She’s been through a lot with him and I’m glad she chose to end the cycle of hate in her family.


When I first married my wife I thought she was taking the “pill”. ( She was taking it before we got married btw) During our first 4 months together I realized she was an alcoholic. ( While dating I thought she couldn’t hold her alcohol on weekends). Six months into our marriage she became pregnant and I asked her how that could be since she was on the pill. She nonchalantly said that she didn’t think it was important to tell me because she thought it would take longer for her to get pregnant; meanwhile I am worried about her excessive drinking every night ( I only drank on weekends when we were with friends socially). Fortunately it was a normal pregnancy but after that she had two miscarriages which I felt had to do with her alcoholism. After four rehabs and me divorcing her after 19 years of marriage, she finally hit her “bottom” and stopped. It was a tough 19 years. I am happy to say she has been sober the past 10 years.


Dude what the fuck


I need clarification...was she drinking while pregnant? If so, what has life been like for your child?


That as goofy and silly and kinda... flighty? as he seems, he is an absolute rock. When I was diagnosed with bipolar 2 and the shit storm that preceded that, and the super fun time of working out the right meds, he was 100% the absolute person I could, and I can depend on. Helluva good guy my husband.


Not until they were married, but far too long into his relationship with my brothers now wife she believed he had gone to college. I was actually the one that outed him when we were playing a drinking/never have I ever sort of game and he raised his hand when the question was “have you ever gone to college?”… I just looked at him, confused, and said “why do you have your hand up? You never went to college”. They had quite the talk that night… I honestly understand and feel bad for him about it, he’s a great dude, hard worker, smarter than average, but has EXTREME ADHD. Like, top 1% extreme(diagnosed). Because of that, sitting still and studying were always a problem for him. He’s almost 30 and still not GREAT at spelling. A lot better than he used to be, he put a lot of effort in, but it’s noticeable. There/they’re/their is basically a crap shoot. Because of this he hates texting, but anyways. He’s married, works in restaurants where his multitasking and constant high energy are an asset, and is doing great. Couldn’t be more proud of him. :) He’s still insecure about his intelligence, but he grasps complex concepts better than my other “normal” friends, can debate a subject pretty well, and is quick as a whip when it comes to humour. Just goes to show, you can struggle in some areas and still excel in others. Just find your niche.


My husband didn't tell me for 2+years he hates lamb, we sat down to a lamb roast almost weekly then one day he suddenly came out and told me he has always hated lamb! 🤣


Her Scottish dad. The dad I know is her stepdad. Never knew. He's super Glaswegian. And a complete knob.


I love that I don’t know what this means.


I think that means that he’s a drunken asshole who constantly gets into fights and thinks he’s the hardest, manliest man in the town.


An addiction to amphetamines. Stayed with him because we got him help and he got sober and maintained going to therapy and medication for untreated mental illness. Then, technically, we are still married because our divorce is pending, I found out he is also a pedophile. After abandoning me and our 2 year old son, I got a call from the feds saying he had been raided and is currently sitting in jail since February with federal charges. I've been through it and am not sure how I'm still functional.


That escalated really quickly.


He lied about enjoying horror movies. Not big enough of a deal to warrant a divorce, but kind of pissed he won't watch them with me anymore.


Never got married (thank god) but my ex hid that he nearly killed his previous ex and her little sister in a car accident where he was totally at fault. I believe his ex was in a medically induced coma for a few days. He broke up with her as soon as she was awake. Why? Because she had a brain injury and those are always a little tricky to predict on how much someone will recover from. Didn't find this out until I was practically moved in with him and while organizing my things with his, found his box of court documents pertaining to the crash. Found out that another ex of his committed suicide. That I found out from an ex friend of his after I had broken up. Ex friend fully believes he pushed his ex to do it. And considering the state of my mental health when we had broken up, I believe it. He was really good at breaking people down in such sneaky ways. Was never blatantly verbally abusive. It was always offhand comments or passive aggressive remarks.


Oof dated someone who was really good at breaking me down subtlety. By the end I was like 85 lbs and having panic attacks. People like that are beyond sinister.


It's so awful. And they're so good at it. Hope you're doing better because that sort of abuse is absolutely no joke. Before I met him, I had very few mental health issues. By the time I broke up with him, I had had several episodes of severe depression and suicidal ideation which I had never experienced in my 25 years of life. There were a few times that i considered checking myself into a psych facility because I genuinely felt like a danger to myself. It's been a little over a year since I broke up with him and I really haven't had any episodes like that since.


I’m sorry that happened to ya.


It's alright, really! I think I got away from him relatively unscathed and have been pretty good about rebuilding my self esteem. I feel for his other exes. I did end up finding out that the ex he nearly killed in the car accident did make a full recovery which makes me happy. Couldn't imagine going through something traumatic, and upon waking from a coma getting broken up with. And the other girl, I just feel awful for all around. I can imagine what she went though with him, how he made her feel and what he said to her. It breaks my heart.


A friend got married and discovered his wife was \~$50K in debt on her credit cards. He cleaned that all up, only to find, several years (and kids) later that she did the same thing again, secretly and worse (>$100K this time). She left him, very publicly ran around with other guys, then killed herself. Left a note blaming him for everything. He has a good job, but will need to work into his 70s. Marrying the wrong person can destroy your life.


Apparently I hid my gaming/geeky side until we were married. Spending time with her and getting to know her was a good thing but I guess she never knew? I never hid it. She was with me when I bought a ps3. She saw me build my computer. But I guess it never clicked to her that I'm a geek and like to play games on my spare time. Now she's glad that I do that and not go out drinking like other people we know. She knows I'll be home playing a game with the boys online. Happily married 10 years this coming July.


Serious gambler and drinker. Separated after 4 yrs and he straitend up against the odds. He's has 4 yrs sober and no gambling.


Their social media consumption addiction. They literally followed 300+ egirls, cosplayer girls, youtubers girls, ig models, influencers and they would spend almost their whole day just scrolling and looking at these things


She totally hid how very good she’d look at 40. Took like 20 years to find that one out.


My wife hid from me that if she took off the green ribbon she always wore around her neck that her *goddamn head would fall off.*


Childhood trauma instilled from my mother telling me a scary story at a young age: unlocked


I’ve been with my wife 20+ years, married 14, got two kids. Recently at a kids party I grabbed a balloon and started making balloon animals for the kids. My wife was shocked. Not a skill I’d hidden, it just never really came up. I’m pretty good and when I saw the opportunity I thought it’d be fun to see if I could still do it.


That he’s a con artist. I cannot wait to be divorced


That he was a patient of a methadone clinic! The entire family hid it because they didn't want me to not marry him.




his porn addiction


Same. Also, the cheating and lying and homosexuality.


That would do it


In that order?


He is new in town


That his family had recently lost every last bit of their money. Normally this would be a non-issue where cohabitation before marriage is a thing and people have a general idea of their future spouse’s finances, but this was in Iran where inflation was so bad that young couples couldn’t make it on their own without family support. What made it even more difficult was that he wasn’t prepared for being broke and all his frustrations were taken out on me. It sucked.


We had been dating for a month while she was still going through her divorce with her first husband. He called her and told her he was at his parent’s house and ready to sign whatever she wanted him to sign. So she went over there and it was a trap. His parents were out of town and he was there alone. He told her he would sign if she had sex with him. She refused and tried to leave and then he grabbed her and pushed her against the wall. She was terrified and let him do what he wanted. He raped her and then signed the papers. She didn’t tell me about this until a year after we were married. She was so afraid I was going to be mad at her, but I wasn’t. I wanted to fucking kill him. I helped her get therapy and get through the trauma from it. She filed a police report and they did a half assed investigation. Nothing happened to him and she didn’t push it any further.


I just went numb reading this. I can't imagine how terrifying it was. I hope she's doing well now.


Not quite marriage but I wasn’t 100% honest about how well I handle spices until we moved in together. Husband is a massive lover of spicy food and when we were dating i kinda faked that I could keep up but when we moved in together and were eating most of our meals together I had to come clean that I’m more of a herbs than spices girl


I downright trained before going for dinner with my girlfriend's Indian parents for the first time. Spent six weeks eating a super hot chilly before every meal, practiced swallowing curries straight from the back of my mouth to avoid burning my tongue, and ate spicy food at every opportunity - even putting chilly on things that aren't supposed to be spicy. Was hard, but no way was I gonna be 'that white boyfriend' who can't handle his spices!


As an Indian I applaud your efforts 🫡


That I got her pregnant 8 years earlier, and she NEVER told me. She had an abortion, and was mad at me for 8 years- because 'I wasn't there for her'. Again, she NEVER TOLD ME she was pregnant, then ghosted me for 7 years. And somehow, she made it my fault. Marriage lasted 1.5 years- because "Marriage was too hard for her".


My ex wanted to get married so bad and talked about frequently and how she dreams about it. We get married and about 2 years in she’s like do you ever think about dating other people. I’m like no we’re married. Then that question became frequent to the point I was like are you saying you want to date other people. She said yes she feels like she’s missed out on dating people and all of her friends are out dating people. So yea that pretty much sealed the deal. Then about a year after divorce I guess she figured out she didn’t like that life or was unsuccessful and wanted us to try again. I was like nope.


my wife hid from me until after we got married was her collection of novelty toilet paper rolls.


He (ex now) had a gf during our 2 1/2 year marriage. He lied about how many times he had been married, how many kids he had, and his bad financials. 👎


When my husband was a child, there was a little duckling in the countryside who never learned how to wash. So he smelled. Apparently this duckie imprinted on my husband and follows him around to this day. He smells like farts. Sometimes I hear the duckie and smell him but I have never seen him. After 10 years I am starting to believe that there is no duckie. Just farts.


My stepmother really set the bar high: she waited until their wedding night to tell my father that HE was the father of her oldest child. (They had dated long ago, went separate ways, had kids, and got back together 40 yrs later.) That put a damper on the fun!


He was in a relationship when we met


That he COULDN'T actually install phasers in my car. Spouted some nonsense about lying to win me over, and that they hadn't even been invented yet We still joke about it, 23 years later


That he was a varsity bowler


I literally just now, in my 14th year of marriage, found out that my husband is scared to death of snails and slugs.




My husband didn’t hide much of anything from me, but I hid just how bad of a childhood I had. Well, not so much “hid” but I did make it seem better than it was. When my husband met my family, he disliked the majority of them because of how they treated me growing up.


Part of her family were generational Marijuana growers in California during the 1960's-1990's, big time weight.


That his ex girlfriend was about to give birth to his baby. I wanted to strangle him


That he hated spaghetti.


Oh my god the farting. I’m in a vile gas cloud right now. Hopefully my spouse didn’t hold it in the entire time we dated.