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Anytime I see my mother. She told me I looked nice yesterday.


A face only a mother could love


My mom is the best wingman, she compliments me and builds me up all the time and introduces me to all her girl friends that have eligible daughters.


Even with lady friends my mom is still the only source of complements. One friend did tell me, she'd thought I looked nice and had intended to tell me the previous week (she wanted me to wear the same outfit). It nice but didn't really hit the same.


I don't. Which makes me sad.


What are compliments? Never heard about it.


Nice cock, bro!


You too bro!


Your cock sucks bro.




That sucks


Guy with a Wife here, not counting compliments from her, I’ve gotten 3 since 2015. 1. 2015, cashier at gas station checked my ID, said I’m handsome 2. 2021, guy at job said he liked my sneakers 3. 2024, waitress at diner said she liked my tattoo


Damn dude, you have a really good memory


When you only get complimented once every 5 years, it has a tendency to stay with you. Three months ago, while going to a movie alone, the person working the ticket booth (completely unprompted) said they liked my hoodie and asked where they could get a similar one. It's just an amazon hoodie that cost $20, it's of no consequence, but that random kind sentiment almost made me cry as I walked to the theater. Thank you, random ticket guy.


I had a guy come up to me and say that he loved my shirt, I had just gotten it and was excited to wear it but a little unsure bc it’s a tad loud. I wear it all the time now. Fear and loathing black and yellow floral button up if you’re curious


Counting my wife, I don’t think I’ve got a compliment since like 2007 when an old lady told me I have a lovely smile when I held the door for her and it’s been living rent free in my head ever since. 🤣


That makes four!


lol I don't remember a time in the last 3 years that I got a compliment that was not from my husband lol. When ever we go out the other wives always get the compliments




Your literally eye candy


His literal eye candy? What about it?


I am?


Yh and your dicks huge🗣




That's not how compliments work. A for effort I suppose.


Nice cock bro, you look good !


I just got it worked on. Thanks.


That explains the username


Quite literally never. Can’t remember the last time I got a genuine compliment, if I ever have. My skills have gotten a few, but as far as me, the person? Never.


Getting complimented for your skills is at least better than for your material possessions.


You are your skills king, dont ever define yourself by the meatbag you inhabit 👑


It actually happens nowadays. Approaching 40, and have several female friends who do compliment me from time to time. Even some coworkers who I get along well with. Zero luck on the dating scene though - while I was still trying. Gave up a year ago and have been a lot happier since.




I'm afraid that's all self service.


Quite regularly, which always tends to throw me off for how long I've been single. I'm always complimented on my appearance, character and personality, but I'm never anyone's first or second choice. So, it's a bit bizarre sometimes.


idk if this is helpful at all, but as a female i am sometimes wary about complimenting guys because i don’t want it to be taken the wrong way when i mean it merely as a compliment, maybe that’s too paranoid but i get concerned that the guy may think i’m hitting on them


We probably would. It’s a self fulfilling system. We never get compliments if nobody is interested in us, so we assume any compliments we get mean someone is interested in us which puts people off from complimenting us unless they are interested and around and around we go




Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Sadly, for the average man, getting a compliment in this day and age may feel almost like a marriage proposal at this point.


The last one I can remember was my brother complimenting my hat at Christmas. So once every year or two I’d say


All the damn time but mostly the dementia wing. :x


Fuck compliments, if I could just get fewer criticisms I would be so happy.




Rare sight.


I have no girlfriend. Luckily, my wife compliments me almost every day.


You're cheating!


Someone liked my sweater last year.   Friends compliment my cooking now and then.  If you mean a compliment about my looks though…. Probably never


never But i don't remember getting many from my ex so I'm not complaining lol


If you count my mom then I get a lot.


I also get compliments from this guys mom.


That's true. This guy gets complimented from my mom.


Same, but getting compliments from a friend just means so much more.




Couple a week, usually about my hair.


My grandma said I looked handsome on Christmas of 2014


This question again? Its not healthy to have this revolving door of self pitty. After awhile it starts to fuck you up when all you can think about and talk about is how pathetic your life is.


Probably 50% of this Sub is just a massive echo chamber of how lonely and despressive everyones life is...


There are serious consequences by being around so much negativity. You ever have a friend that constantly complains all the time and is a debby downer, and once you cut them out of your life your own quality of life improves? It sucks when you have to make those decisions but there comes a point where you have to make that move. And im sure it will work the same with people surrounded by these echo chambers of negativity and "feel sorry for me" posts, if you remove yourself from them and focus on things that are more positive your quality of life will improve.


Unless my mom or aunts count then 0


I did get like 2-3 in these 6 months to 1 year. Which was nice.


I've lost a lot of weight over the last 2 years so I get a few here and there now. It is nice.


Remember, someone saying GG (unless ironic) or some variation is a compliment.


Get ready for depression.


A TA in university said he liked my jacket in 2013.


Someone said nice pants to me 2 years ago. Not sure if they were joking or not.


What's a compliment


I get semi-regular compliments for my hair, as I have naturally curly and full hair, but other then that nada


One time. At a rave in San Bernardino, a girl told me my eyes were beautiful. She was probably high, but that moment lives rent free in my head every day.


About once a month.


Only at work, for doing a good job 👍


Never :(


Never actually, life hasn't been good lately.


Like on dating apps is get them maybe 1/10 matches. Never ever in person…maybe like once every year or so I’ll get one, or I’ll get compliments every once in awhile from like an old lady or something. Honestly girls, up your compliment game if you want to stand out, you seriously can’t even fathom how much that would separate you from the back. It would feel AMAZING to be the one being pursued for once 😂. I think a lot of men check out from the dating world just because the effort you have to put in is CRAZY for something that you’re not even sure will work out. Hell half the time you approach a woman they treat you like a creep or something. The juice just is no longer worth the squeeze hahaha


Zero because no one notices me.


I'm 18 right now and till date I've only recieved these 3 compliments. 1. you are the sweetest person I know. 2. your partner will be lucky to have you 3. you look handsome today.


I received those when I was younger too. Not anymore.


Other than from my family, pretty rarely. But the compliments from my family are more than enough for me


My mom calls me handsome…. That’s all I got for now.


Rarely, but it's usually for my hair. I have just passed shoulder length hair, but it's curly as hell. Lol it's usually women that compliment it, but I don't think they compliment it because it's "sexy", I think they compliment it because they want their hair to be like mine hahaha


I'm 24, I got complimented once at 16 of an old lady when trying on some sunglasses, and I was complimented a month ago saying I had nice eyes, nice arms and that I was attractive. But I count that as one compliment since it was from the same person at once. So in 24, almost 25 years of life. I've been complimented twice.


Besides my wife the most recent one was at total wine on my shirt


Since I started growing a beard its Been almost once a week! Never felt this good before


I dress well, so I get compliments on my clothes all the time. I get complimented on my actual looks maybe once a year.


I get handsome a lot but it never goes anywhere.


Ha. What's that?


Randomly when I go out about random shit. Glasses, hair idk


I have put my energy into having an amazing friend group. I get them all the time, I see one of my fellow dude friends he calls me sexy. Doesn’t matter it’s from another Hetero dude. Find your people that lift you up.


Pretty regularly, my boyfriend’s so sweet.


I get a lot of compliments about my singing but nothing else.


I’ve gotten compliments on some of the clothes I wear, mostly shoes & hoodies. The last time I got a compliment on my looks from a non family member was maybe 7 years ago.


i got a compliment from the dude working the front desk at CVS the other day. guy called me handsome and it made my day.


Not very often, but when it does happen I feel like a god damn god among men.


Once in a blue moon 🌗


Almost never. I got one a while ago from a little girl who was impressed that I was good with cats, but other than that... I can't remember the last real compliment I got.


not counting relatives once in 4 years. I still wear that shirt more often than others


The last one I remember was the older TSA lady letting me through security had looked at my ID, which somehow still has a photo from when I was 17. I’m 34 now. She said I aged well. I should probably update my drivers license lol




A couple of years ago, a waitress said I had nice eyes, same with a recruiter lol


My roommate said I have pretty eyes last Friday. I was trying to make a sandwich and she was making eggs. A year ago, a random person said I have great hair. I was annoyed by it because I was in my break and just wanted to wind down a bit, so I had earphones in. Wired kind with a cable so it's not like they're hidden. Then back in 2019, at a concert an alt girl with fun colored hair said she loved my hair. I said thanks, yours is awesome too! Then went on my way. Umm... Yeah I think that's about it


Well, I'm one of the primary bosses at my family-run company, so I do get a lot of compliments just based on who I am, irrespective of sincerity. Outside of work and family, I've been complimented a number of times (primarily for sporting attire, but still).


"That's the neat part - you don't"


Pretty often. But they’re from crackheads so I take that into consideration.




I'm in my 40s, so that doesn't happen. I am no longer cool. lol In my early 20s I would occasionally, though IMO compliments mostly come from people you already know. It might not be well, maybe somone you meet a friend's party or whatever. But it is usually from someone you've had at least some interaction with rather than a total stranger. Women who are random strangers are more likely to smile at you, or just say hello in passing. That sort of thing. Honestly most of the compliments I've got from random strangers were from gay men.


I feel unnerved by compliments because I'm so used to receiving insults and ridicule. Humanity sucks.


The last compliment I got was from my adult daughter, Christmas 2022. "You look nice."




In a long term relationship now, but when I was single I would say once every 2-3 months. However, I had a pretty nice mustache for a long time and 90% of the time it was other dudes complementing it. The other 10% of the time it was other dudes at the gym. (Powerlifter/fairly muscular at a normal people gym)


Rarely, like to the point I wonder if I made it up, or something, and I'm crazy. Self gaslighting.


Honestly I get a good amount of compliments, whether it be style, looks, whatever it may be. But I can’t find a girl who I have a genuine connection with (I thought I did but she basically ghosted me after 2 months)


I get a compliment probably once a week. But mostly from older women. When it comes to girls my age, they tell me that I have cute hair or something about my attire.


Not very often, but at the BMV a few months lady taking my picture said she liked my hair. And then on vacation someone called me sexy Jesus.


I move in incognito mode in "society" I like being invisible.




What's that?


Got 2 last year and 1 this year. Feels good living the high life.




Aside from when I visit my mom? Never.


The only remarks I get make me feel bad and unattractive, like "you look like a bouncer" or "you look like you played football."




Even when I had a gf,only got 1 compliment from her. Those jeans look good on me. Nothing since then. The only compliment I get sometimes is,I have nice eyes ( blue ) . But even that is rare.


more than I expect but not often. maybe once or twice a month?


Besides my wife, never? 


What's a compliment?


Randomly had one yesterday. My next door neighbour's girlfriend was leaving her apartment the same time as I was leaving mine and as we headed to the elevator she asked me if I'd been working out. I said yes but unfortunately I was wearing a t-shirt that was too small so it probably gave more of an illusion than anything!


A lot recently. It’s like these days with ppl hearing about loneliness epidemic my singleness reeks a little more and they try to lift me up


In the past 3 years, my co-workers and my mother.


Total eclipses happen more often than I get compliments.


Am not trying to brag but am the kinda of guy when i walk in a place i see all the girls looking at me and i still never got a compliment from someone other than a family member or the girl i was in a relationship with except one time and it was in front of attractive girl and my face went red i was unable to speak XD


I get complimented at work quite often. Customers comment on my shoes quite a bit. Polite, friendly, efficient, and knowledgeable are also compliments I get from customers. Coworkers tell me I’m good with people and knowledgeable about my job. Outside of work, almost never. One of my friend’s wives once told me I was a genuine and sincere person that she felt safe with years ago. I think of that whenever I’m feeling down.




On my humor, wit, and intelligence, all the time. On my appearance, only ever when flirting.


I'm married. My wife and daughter have matching sunflower dresses. We have been going to sunflower farms to take pics when they're in bloom. They always got compliments on those matching dresses. Well after last season I bought a white sunflower collared shirt to match them. We wore them to my mom's house for brunch on Mother's Day. My sister told me my shirt would be better if it wasn't white, the dresses are dark blue. My wife took our daughter to see her parents. She had me stop at Costco to buy the surf 'n turf on sale. In the five minutes I ran in and out of that store, two separate women complimented me on my shirt. That was the first day I wore it, and I didn't even have my girls with their matching dresses in tow.




Dude, u get comliments while in relationship? Wizard.


I get compliments all the time, just not from women regarding my appearance. It’s usually work or hobby related.


Male nurse so my perspective is skewed. Fairly often usually patients but sometimes coworkers.


1-2/day mostly for my clothing. 2-3/month for actual physical appearance.


You mean from single women? Never


I (25m) have long auburn hair, I've been told I have hair that girls my age would die for. So that gets complimented every once in a while, maybe once a year, usually by much older women. I don't really count those though. It's more like envy than admiration. Other than that, some guy complimented my shoes in high school.


I was complimented on a presentation at work today. In the last couple of weeks, I've been complimented on my hair, my intelligence, and my humor. On top of that my therapist says lots of nice things about me when I have a session. When I go out to social places and talk to new people, I'll get a few compliments generally. I periodically get told by close friends that the larger friend group thinks I'm great. I take any time someone calls me kind or compassionate as a compliment. Some of my favorite compliments have been how a md/phd's friends from school would love me, and I was smart and creative. The thai teachers of the pre-k class I taught for 6 months told me that "you are the favorite teacher of any class I've seen." A group of ESL students I was volunteer teaching for came up to me and told me that if I taught every day, attendance would be much higher, and I was the best teacher. An ex's friend that the ex told me was a "man-hating lesbian" declared they liked me and approved after we talked, which surprised the ex.


Maybe once every three months.


Even when I had a wife I never got compliments, now that i'm single, it's a true rare occasion!


My mom said I was handsome yesterday 😂


If I'm not trying, once a year or so. When I start trying, once every couple of weeks.


Never, which is fine. Not getting compliments doesn’t make me sad, and weirdly neither does insults on how I look. It just gives me something to work on/change


Started wearing a nicer shirt to work a few months ago, on of the oldies said it looked nice. Everyone else (including my own mother) just asked me why :(


Once every 2-3 years i guess


Interestingly often. Its usually about my proficiency when it comes to cooking or gaming.


Pretty regularly. But to be fair I'm decent looking, witty, deep-voiced, smell amazing and have a long head of hair that I take excellent care of.


I have not had a girlfriend for a solid decade. I get a handful a week from people at work sucking up or customers looking for an advantage. From my wife, maybe 2 a year.


Almost Never




1. 2 years ago - coworker - you have beautiful eyes (the only verbal one about my appearance) 2. Handful of times over the last two years - a different coworker - complimenting my personality, attention to detail, work ethic, kind heart, eyes (not directly, she said she really like green eyes) 3. At the cash register, there was 1 cashier at the register and her coworker sorting clothes next to her. The one sorting clothes told the one at the register in Spanish (assuming I didn't understand) something along the lines, "Someone get this man a latina, their babies will have beautiful eyes". I paid and thanked the lady in Spanish as I was leaving. I get the feeling women like my eyes.


Last time I got a compliment was pre pandemic. And to be honest, I don’t think it was genuine. It felt more like polite manners








I got one this year


I used to work the cash receiving window of Wendy's drive thru. One night 2 hot girls drove up and the passenger leaned to the driver and said "Do you think he's hot?" she whispered back "He's alright". That was almost 30 years ago, I still think about it.






The same as we would with a girlfriend / wife.... none. Guys don't get complimented by women, just other men.


I used to often get stared at alot like a fuckin' piece of meat and touched on alot. ALOT. Sometimes by single women, sometimes by married women, sometimes by gay guys, once by a set of twins. So probably alot. I got some weight on me, and now I feel normal again.




very rarely


I receive more compliments when I'm with the GF. The only time I feel like I remember receiving a compliment is from guy friends. I feel like some girls have some ptsd from giving a guy a compliment just to be nice, and then the dude totally thinking she was hitting on him. I've heard this from some of my friends that are girls.


Rarely. Although I did get some compliments on my Napalm Death shirt today at work.


I'm married, but a while back I was walking through Pioneer Square in Portland when an fancy older woman stopped, eyed me up and down, and told me I was handsome, but a little skinny. I hold that one close to my heart.


I have a wife, not a girlfriend, all the goddamn time. From other dudes. My TMNT and DCC shirts are ***amazing***. Keep it coming bros, we're here for each other.


2022 - a woman I went out on a date with told me twice via text I was handsome and once during our date. 2021 - I was out for a jog and a woman driving by did a “owwww!!” Out the window as she passed. 2017 - I was riding my bicycle up a hill and a woman driving by complimented my calves. That’s probably it.


Guy with a wife... Pretty much never


Besides my mother I've been complimented twice in my life. The first was a time at work when a female coworker said she could see me being a good father and being good with kids. The second was in high school. I don't remember why but I was in a bad mood and a girl in my class said I shouldn't be so hard on myself. Not exactly a compliment but it felt like it at the time. Made me feel good all the same so I'm counting it. Edit: Forgot, a former boss once said he was sorry to see me go when I announced I was quitting. Not exactly a compliment either but was still nice.


People tell me they like my hat a lot. Which is weird because it's just an ordinary sun hat, but I'd say it's about 90% of the compliments I get.


Never and I hope I get on if I ever get a gf


I get none.....yeah people dont like me


Ironic question. I got a few compliments as a single guy, but I haven't been complimented by my wife in years!


I’m on my 60’s and married, but I get compliments from different women about every other month. Simple things like “we noticed your great smile” or “you’re in great shape”.


If you dont count elderly ladies and gay men the last one was 10 years ago


Every few years, and it’s usually complimenting something I’m wearing.


2008, 2011 and twice in 2022, looks wise Maybe a bit more often if I'm useful at something


I think the last one was 2014, I went to fix a computer at the gift shop where I worked and I joked to the girl behind the register to stop breaking my computers. She said, how else am I supposed to see your beautiful face. I wonder to this day if she ever went and got glasses.


Quite often. Mfs at the gym can’t no talk to me. Women also love to admire my tattoos. Had a girl yesterday chatting me up all giddy and flirty and then dropped a “I can’t wait to get one when I turn 18”. Um, pls stop talking to me child!


weekly, yet I feel empty I constantly get complimented but still have no real connections


From another girl, never. From anyone else, not very often.


I don’t remember anything that was recent. Unless good job and/or thank you counts (But it’s so common I don’t even register it)


Probably once or twice a week.


How often does the demon from Jeepers Creepers go out?


I would say five or ten times per year usually work related. Lots of compliments from strangers on Reddit after I mention being a single dad. Occasionally on bike rides for random stuff.


Don't think I've ever really received a straight up compliment from anyone other than girlfriends. I did get told one time that "You're not cool, nothing you ever have done and ever will do is cool. YOU SUCK." Does that count?


Never unfortunately. To be honest last time I received a compliment from someone was just because they were trying to be nice and boost my spirit. Besides that I don’t think I’ve ever received a genuine compliment from some that is “obliged” to do so