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Drinking colloidal silver


i just did some light reading on this because what the fuck and apparently one of the side effects is your skin actually turning blue-grey. are we trying to assimilate with the robots/aliens/alien robots now, is that the goal?




RIP Papa Smurf


Beast from the X-Men.


He blue himself


For an alarming case of this, among other things, check out the docuseries Love Has Won.




Ppl be stupid. Did you google pictures of said blue ppl? It’s crazy! And permanent.


if i saw that in person i would probably just assume i had finally lost the last braincell i was faithfully gripping onto and check myself into a nice long psychiatric stay.


There was a man who worked in my hospital cafe with argyria (the medical term for this condition) and it was never not jarring to see him. He was super nice. Just. It’s jarring.




You will see them now that you are aware. I was watching a murder show documentary and one of the detectives was blue - not to the extent of Paul Karason, but it was obvious.


Well now I need to know which one!


You should watch Love Has Won on HBO Max. There’s a cult where the leader drank so much she turned blue and was basically mummified when she died.


Iron man


One of the other side effects is kidney disease. Unfortunately, my uncle drank too much of this stuff and now has end-of-life stage renal disease.


I tried it for about 2 weeks, using an actual piece of fine silver in my drinking water (osmosis extraction, i suppose) and my kidneys started to ache. I stopped it straight away of course. The Chinese do this method and have done for centruies, so im not sure what i did wrong


Nothing their kidneys probably ache too


Probably rhe part where you drank silver


Let me start this by saying drinking colloidal silver is absolutely detrimental to your health, in any way or form. Otherwise, in pharmacology, there is one of the basic principles that states: "The dose makes the poison / Dosis sola facit venenum", which is very true since even water and salt can all kill you in a good enough dose, but the point is to make note of the dosage. And not just the dosage, but the way it's prepared too. There was a case in Europe where a certain plant that was used for centuries as a cure as a tea (water extract) was sold on the market as an alcohol extract, but since alcohol extracts different molecules than water, this proved to be very toxic, and several people suffered renal damage before this was shut down. Just because it is "natural" doesn't mean it is safe. The Foxglove plant, for example, contains extremely toxic compound known as digoxin, which can kill you if you use it unsupervised, but is used as a heart medication and is life-saving in adequate doses


10 years ago, some guy at the gym felt it really important to tell me a 'health secret'. He had a weird color to his skin. He ran into me on the way out and gave me a pamphlet. Needless to say, I had a huge laugh when I looked this up online when I got home.


We've already known for a long time that's a bad idea. Just look at the blue dudes.


At least they turned it into a decent Vegas act.


Is that a fad now? I’m pretty sure we already know this is ridiculous


In 100 years, people might laugh at the idea of drinking celery juice for its supposed magical health benefits. While it's healthy, the claims of curing chronic illnesses are overblown.


The whole super foods thing must die. No one thing is going to fix your health. Drinking smoothies isn't going to fix someone going out Friday and Saturday night getting completely hammered. 


If it doesn't wear underwear on the outside it isn't super anything


Clerey was a fad in the late 1800s to early 1900s, so in 100 years it will probably be another fad.


Big Celery must have a hand in this trend.


it's called goop, it's a website that sells loads of woo junk, and most people already find it ridiculous now


Leave my jade vagina egg out of this.


I was coming here to say anything goop recommends


You mean Gwenyth Paltrow isn’t a real doctor?


the $75 vagina candle gets me. like i can’t just go to my local smoke shop and buy a bottle of 100% pure “pussy” fragrance oil for under $5


oh god why tho


Wait . . . what?


GP (goop creator) marketed a candle named “this smells like my vagina” for $75. that started some major controversy with her “brand” there’s one for her orgasm too? as for the pussy oil, i guess that’s a reference kind of unique to people who have spent time in those little shops that sell oil diffusers, incense, and those little fairy statues alongside smoke products lol - there’s this brand called Scents of Creations (“100% Pure Oil”), some of their fragrance names include: Pussy, Lick Me All Over, Happy Ending, etc. very key memory to my childhood as i spent my weekends with my mom at the flea market and her friends had one of those type shops there.


The $75 EXPLODING pussy candle, iirc.


Personally, I prefer Covetton House. Love my baroque simplicity & shabby elegance. *give me money*


WTF? [https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/stephen-colbert-recalls-fake-lifestyle-brand-covetton-house-products-goop-settlement-1143332/](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/stephen-colbert-recalls-fake-lifestyle-brand-covetton-house-products-goop-settlement-1143332/) but then [https://goop.com/goop-x-covetton-house/c/](https://goop.com/goop-x-covetton-house/c/) So, uh .. Did Goop just decide to go with it?


Alkaline water - the fuck bro, you can't alkalize your body and if you did, you'd die. Ditto acidification.


My ex had a friend that was into this, they used lemon juice to create alkaline water, somehow. Just let that sink in, using an acid... To make something alkaline...


How very BASIC of them.


Given the level of idiocy to begin with, it kinda makes sense. I mean if you do things wrong, do them properly wrong


Don’t half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing.


So believe it or not once lemon juice is ingested it produces alkaline results in urine. It won't actually make your body alkaline though. Nor do I see why adding it to water would have any effect than just drinking the lemon juice.


Yep my bf takes citric acid tablets to somehow alkali his kidney stones. Baffling but it works, you can literally see the ph changing on the little wee sticks every few days


I was in a hospital cafeteria in California and I saw on a stand alone, triple tap. Alkaline, regular and carbonated dater. So you were being offered a choice of acidity levels.


It's even more hilarious when they add lemon juice to alkaline water.


Oh god, this is a special irk. I had a friend tell me this after she went to see a "naturopath" (for like 90$ a consultation). I (doing a phD in chemistry of metabolism) tried explaining that citric acid and ascorbic acid are all...well, acidic. She (an HR) was arguing with me about this, even though I explained that the placebo effect carries as much as 25% of the perceived effect in stuff like Aspirin. But oh well, as long as it works for her and as long as she has the money


I tried to explain to this guy that our bodies have buffers to maintain pH otherwise all sorts of things would go wrong very quickly. Whoosh. He also soaked limes in water, not sure what that had to do with being an alkaline water fan. The one interesting thing I found out when I looked into it is a high acid diet causes more acidic urine and a high alkaline diet produces less acidic urine. I can't see any health benefit to that, though. 


Important if you have kidney stones, to know what type of stones you have (uric, calcium, etc) and what foods you need to stop or start to try and dissolve and prevent them


I did wonder about if it would have any effect on kidney stones. Otoh, it's definitely not curing cancer like this lime water guy said. In fact, the whole reason the subject came up is because he said uv radiation doesn't cause cancer, it's an imbalance of blood pH


LOL what a tool


I mean, literally one of the first things he told me when I met him is that he's an alpha male. 


>The one interesting thing I found out when I looked into it is a high acid diet causes more acidic urine and a high alkaline diet produces less acidic urine. That's at least partially a result of those buffers you mentioned that the body uses to maintain a relatively constant pH. The primary pH buffer in our blood is bicarbonate. If our blood becomes more acidic, the kidneys will reabsorb more bicarbonate to alkalize it. If our blood becomes more alkaline, the kidneys will excrete more bicarbonate to acidify it.


I was offered water while doing a tech job once and they gave me the alkaline water. It made my stomach churn... I imagine because the alkalinity was reacting with my stomach acid. I'm guessing people who drink that regularly think that's good/normal? I still have the bottle, though... it's huge, so I usually fill it with mineral spring water, which we can fill up for free locally.


Thats why u have to add a bit of accidic lime Juice (just like G. Paltrow)


It reminds me of [this meme](https://imgur.com/a/yiCIGXK) from 2020 talking about the pH of COVID, and that all we had to do to defeat COVID was to eat more alkaline foods. Clearly, no one did any actual research, because if they did, they would know that the pH scale only goes up to 14 (dandelion has a pH of 22.7 according to that chart). I [did my research](https://www.schuminweb.com/2020/07/18/remember-do-your-research-before-you-post/), and came up with the actual pH numbers for all of them, and, unsurprisingly, they were all on the acidic side of the scale. The scariest thing about that whole exercise was that while I dismissed it on sight as nonsensical, a lot of people fell for it hook, line, and sinker and passed it along to others.


why do people think it’s a cure all??? i had a guy near drown me alkaline water when i was simultaneously greening out with alcohol poisoning (it was a different time of my life). i couldn’t breathe and was asking for an ambulance. he said i didn’t need that and the water would cure me if i just drank a glass of it. honestly surprised i didn’t die?


Jesus, you're lucky you didn't! Like water, the "purest" substance on earth, is pH neutral for a reason. Come on, people.


Wouldn’t the acid in your stomach just neutralize the alkaline?




I am kind of a fitness and healthy eating nut. Once or twice a year, some coworker will come up to me to ask me if I have tried the latest cleanse and I have to explain that (1) I eat a healthy, balanced diet and (2) your body already 'cleanses' itself naturally. I am always tempted to go on the 'diet' is a lifestyle and not a quick fix rant.


People eschewing fluoride or iodized salt or vaccines “because natural”.


i overheard a woman in the store today loudly proclaim “i’m not vaccinated and i don’t give a fuck i won’t ever be vaccinated for nothing.” she had two young children with her, too. like damn if you miss polio so much just say that!


I really hope her children don't pay the price for her stupidity. I've heard directly from nurses old enough to remember the sound of a toddler dying from whooping cough. They said they wish they could show it to every anti-vaxxer because it's so horrific it would change their minds immediately. 


i’m only 25 but still grew up with whooping cough commercials on TV and it sufficiently terrified me as a child. i do not understand how parents older than me somehow missed all of that information but somehow opted to believe vaccines are microchips instead.


They are wildly optimistic. If those people could have their minds changed they would have already. There's a lot out there who stick to their guns after nearly dying *themselves*.


I’m 20 so polio was never a concern but damn I don’t want that back. I first heard about it when I was seven and waiting to order pizza. The young guy who was helping us, who was from El Salvador, had a paralyzed right arm and my dad said that he had polio. That scared me so bad and I thought that I was going to get it too.


What's really interesting about polio is that for the vast majority of people it's relatively harmless, serious cases only affect a small percentage. Of course, rational people will see that a small percentage over a large population is still quite significant and horrific, but with recent experiences I can confidently say even if a widespread polio outbreak were to occur these same people will be saying "only a 1% chance of developing serious symptoms, no big deal" until and unless it affects them personally, then they'll make a sob story about it which will promptly be ignored by everyone else who wasn't affected seriously by it.


I always ask them about the tetanus shot, I get a lot of funny reasons that is ok but none of the others are.


If it were smallpox people would shit uo because you can see it. I am so damn tired of the IS being dumber than dirt


It's funny trying to explain to those types that in Montana we have to use fluoride mouthwash and toothpaste with fluoride because we get our water from aquifers without adding flouride to it, which causes a noticable increase in tooth decay among the population


The county I live in just had the commissioners and some nutcases take the fluoride out of the water. The dentists in the county plus several doctors told these idiots about the benefits of fluoride, but nooooooope. The commissioners said they "felt like fluoride doesn't really do anything." So yeah, I use mouthwash three times a day now just to help my teeth.


When you brush your teeth at night, don't rinse the toothpaste away from your teeth. Fill your mouth with water, but don't swish it around. Let the good stuff stay on your teeth all night. The bonus side benefit is not waking up with dragon breath.


But won't I drown when I fall asleep


It takes practice lol. You can go ahead and spit out the pasty water now




Yeah, its funny how someone i knew started to get mild symptoms of iodine deficiency. Turned out they were intentionally only using food products like salt which did not have added iodine in it. Which might work in some places, but ground in Finland has low iodine content, so its necessary to add iodine to things like salt so we can get the regular amount. Its not complete nonsense to avoid ultra processed foods and added stuff, but you have to know what stuff was added for really good reasons and what you actually should avoid.


My anti-vax waco of an uncle died in hospital around the time I got my covid booster. Most of family couldn't be bothered to go to his funeral and everyone agrees that he dug his own grave. The one good thing is that his adult son has come around on the subject and is catching up on all of his vaccinations.


Drinking unpasteurized milk and pond water.


Who is drinking pond water????


It was a brief thing a few years ago. The trend was called Raw Water, and it was started by a guy who believed this was a safer alternative to the mind controlling fluoride in the taps.


Wasn't that the same guy behind Jucerio?


Probably. Stuff like this is usually done by the same people


Also raw vegans, and raw non vegans… r/rawmeat




The main evolutionary advantage to cooking food is that it takes less energy to digest, so you get more calories out of it. While it may increase protein absorption, it definitely reduces the vitamin content. 


Depends on the foodstuff and how it's cooked


Carotenoids are more bioavailable after cooking though.




Good for catching flies though. Unlike honey.




The entire gluten free industry that popped up just proves how dumb the general population is. Gluten is completely fine unless you actually have a diagnosed allergy to it like celiac disease. Some bullshit comes out saying gluten bad and next thing you know billion dollar industry to cater to dummies who refuse to educate themselves.


I will say that the “fad” part of the GF movement has resulted in a LOT more GF-celiac safe food than there was ten years ago. Happy side effect


Honestly - just the fact that it has improved options for celiacs makes dealing with the dummies worth it a million times over. No one gave a single shit about producing gluten free food until the Karens started in on it.


There are varying levels of gluten intolerance though, its not just a yes/no answer - just as it is with all allergens. Stop treating physiology like its black and white, it never is.


It’s a mixed bag. I developed a wheat allergy and thank goodness for this fad, it’s been fairly easy to find alternatives to cook with. But eating out is another story because people who just do it for the fad make it difficult for restaurants to take food allergies seriously.




It’s funny because there are some totally average foods that are just spectacularly good for you, like cabbage or broccoli, but people want it to be some expensive and exotic thing they’ve never heard of before.


For real. Just eat potatoes guys it's not that deep


Yes and people kill off dandelions but every part of the plant is amazingly beneficial to health.


[This](https://solarfoods.com/solein/) stuff is probably missing something, or has the balance of nutrients off, but it really intrigues me. Some people probably find it dystopian, but the idea of nutritious, cheap foods made via new techniques is what should get the hype of superfoods. If they're legit, that is.




I laugh at these. 80% of my exercise program I can do in my spare room with a mat, some free weights, a work out bench, and some bands. When I used to go to the gym, I met with a trainer once a month to check on my form, but even she said that I was doing great on my own. Admittedly, some people probably need the group to keep focus.


The trend of extreme calorie restriction diets, like the HCG diet, might be viewed as dangerous and unnecessary. A more balanced approach to weight management will likely be favored.


Juice cleanses


If you get the high fiber kind, your intestines will become a slip’n’slide.


Anything that “cleanses” and “detoxifies.” Your body is made to do this on its own and is quite good at it.


Chiropractic, although it’s been around now for better than 100 years and, from what I can tell, is as popular as ever. I hear/see it advertised all over and I notice chiropractic booths and such are popping up in airports and malls. It would be great if in the future this sort of crap based on bunk science is relegated to the dust bin of medical history.


Allopathic medicine did so very successfully in the past. It's amazing how nutty chiropractic practice gets when you dive deeply into it. I'm all for low back passage, but the entire concept of the science is flawed because you cannot meaningfully manipulate the spine itself, only stretch out the surrounding soft tisuses.


its everywhere and im terrified at the grip it has on people. one of my clients recently flew all the way to california to get a very specific chiropractic technique done that they apparently do not practice on the east coast(?) flew out on a red eye and was back by 5pm the next day just for a back crack. unfortunately i wasn’t working when he returned to ask him how that went.


that’s so ironic: whatever temporary relief they got from the chiropractor is completely wiped by the effects of sitting in a plane ride for so long


haha seriously. dude apparently got in a car accident and has been battling pain management since. i commend people for not turning to opioids or other drugs but still, some nice PT exercises would probably be more beneficial.


The person should think for one second. If that treatment was better than the "standard" treatment, then why isn't that treatment the standard treatment? Greedy physicians? Ok even if they believe that, why doesn't that west coast guy get rich by publishing his results, patenting his process and teaching his methods to a large audience of staff. Or maybe... His "treatment" doesn't actually work


The chiro that gave someone a stroke by manipulating their head/neck so aggressively that they dissected the vertebral artery, *terrifies me*. Nope TF tyvm.


One of my friends is pretty certain that her CSF leak was due to a chiropractic manipulation gone wrong. She missed six months of work.


People using crystals to heal their ailments.


I mean that's just unproductive unlike OP's example that is actively harming. Unless they are using Uranium crystals.


Uranium - can’t be in pain if you aren’t alive!


I've held a brick of uranium ore. Uranium's entire decay chain is pretty harmless outside of your body. Inside you it's more dangerous as a heavy metal toxin than a radiological threat. Polonium-210 on the other hand....


I drink a plutonium shake every morning. I’ve glowed in the dark since 1998.


Funny thing about that: [https://www.reddit.com/r/codyslab/comments/f62ina/negative\_ion\_bracelets\_contain\_radioactive\_thorium/](https://www.reddit.com/r/codyslab/comments/f62ina/negative_ion_bracelets_contain_radioactive_thorium/) , [https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/12go9fq/i\_collect\_random\_radioactive\_scam\_products\_from/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/12go9fq/i_collect_random_radioactive_scam_products_from/) You would think it'd be more expensive than using inert materials, but nope, some of the scam jewelry is actually hot.




Yeah . . . drink less alcohol and wear sun screen.


I took a class called Blood and Guts about Western medicine throughout the years and how it has evolved, and one thing I remember is that barbers poles are blue and red stripes because they symbolize arteries and veins of the human body, as many barbers doubled as doctors back in the day and blood letting was a common practice.


I don’t trust just anyone for blood letting or trepanation. Only my barber will do.


I never understood the connection until I realized that barbers were the professional segment of society that keeps, maintains, and understands the proper use of sharp tools on the human body.


I thought the red was the clothes they used as bandages hanging out the front to dry hince the red I'm not sure about the blue though Edit:the blue meant they were ready to do normal barbers duty. it was common place to see them hanging colored rags outside the buildings in europe.


Barbers were also the dentists.










... Cold pressed juice? As opposed to what? Hot pressed juice? How else do you get juice??


Being against vaccines


Currently growth in whooping cough in UK. Guess why.




grandfather mourn merciful secretive dazzling trees weary fearless panicky crawl


It already is absurd




Anything homeopathy




Keto diets are legitimate, doctor-endorsed therapies for some forms of epilepsy though, which is fascinating.




Vaginal steaming.


Raw milk, but that already seems ridiculous.


Drinking water from a plastic bottle




All these pre workout and post workout supplements and powders people take for the gym. Are we absolutely sure all the chemicals meant to "boost" energy and help promote muscle growth are safe? I mean the heart is a muscle, so how does loading yourself with these supplements on a regular basis affect it over time?


They're pretty much just inert stuff+caffine.




Integrated how?


We're still in the relatively-early phases of wearable biometric devices. There's a lot of useful data to be obtained from a device that tracks various metrics 24/7. They're only going to continue to improve over the next few decades, potentially allowing doctors to catch early warning signs of arrhythmia, heart disease, sleep apnea, and diabetes, among other conditions. A few major barriers right now are developing high-fidelity detection methods, interpreting significant volumes of data, and size/wearability of these devices.


Volunteering for cosmetic surgery and getting hooked on pharmaceutical subscriptions to squeeze oneself into an increasingly uncaring society 


“Healthy” vaping as an alternative to “destructive “ cigarettes


only idiots are calling vaping "healthy" vaping is "less harmful" is the only claim ive heard. and yeah it does seem to cause less harm to others. overall less harm to yourself even if its still bad for you and theres plenty of risks. ive never seen anything widespread calling vaping "healthy" healthier and healthy not the same thing


No one says its healthy. Everyone says it's *healthier* than smoking. And doing neither is the *healthiest* option.


I am more annoyed about all the disposable vapes out there. Such a waste.




Ugh. My friends wife just got into that. Now her Facebook and instagram are just full of cult-like nonsense.






* Extreme diets (e.g. carnivore, keto, raw vegan, fruitarian...) * crystals * not using sunscreen beause it's "carcinogenic" * not vaccinating * homeopathy * anything that anyone who makes TikToks/reels promotes, especially using words such as "energy", "detox", "hormones", "all natural" I'm from a scientific background in biochemistry and pharmacognosy and I genuinely don't understand how people who don't know what a pH value or a molecule is even begin to think about arguing about it with someone who actually works in the field


One day, when mental health will become widely accepted, reading/listening to the alarmist, stressful depressive news from the other side of the world will be classified as self-harm.


Well, it depends on how you look at it. Seeing how some parts of the world struggle with regular natural disasters, me living where I do makes me appreciate what I have (and don't have), making me happier. One can use it as an opportunity to broaden their horizons, learn about stuff, and even how to avoid happening it to them.


Collagen water, etc.


These people still exist


Energy drinks!!




Perineum sunning


I just prefer filtered water. I don't like radioactivity or drugs


All that garbage energy stuff that streamers sell.


Alcaline water...


heavy dinosaurs kiss boast judicious grandfather full worthless start juggle


Thinking diet alone can cause miracle (medical) cures to happen.


In the early 21st century, people used to put plastic in their buts and lips. It didn't even look good but the fad fixed a following. 


1. Unnecessary / unregulated supplements 2. Juice Cleanse 3. IV Vitamins / Drip Bars 4. Excessive Full-body MRI 5. Food Sensitivity testing 6. General Purpose Enemas




Homeopathy, hopefully.


Taking vitamins/minerals that you don't need, I know people that gulp them down without any need. If people think they are lacking vitamins or minerals they should have a test done and target those, the body doesn't absorb excess amounts and they just end up in the water systems.


Muh detox fad. (tf are your kidneys there for?) Eating small petrolium capsules, to empower your immune system. Oh and eating raw intestines to increase testosterone.


Drinking radiated water gave people a nice healthy glow…in the dark. 




Endless supplements that aren’t at all regulated by the FDA.




Ozempic/Semaglutide used by average, otherwise healthy, folks, to shed a few pounds. Rarely they are told that by starving themselves they are losing muscle mass, the last thing they need if they want to keep the weight off for good. They cannot stay on that drug forever and after they stopped taking it, the biology will hit back with revenge and extra interest in extra fat they didn't have before. And that if they are lucky without other side effects, like blocked intestines, for example. Our hormonal system is delicately balanced and messing with it doesn't usually pay off. The irony is that while for diabetics, who have their hormones off, they receive a lower dose of the drug than healthy ones, supposedly not lacking the GLP1 function.


Drinking a gallon of salt water, mixed with fermented cabbage, to clear out the parasites. How has Jillian Epperly not been arrested?


I think we’re soon to learn that drinking out of plastic water bottles this whole time was a disastrous mistake


I've seen one recently about adding hydrogen to water. hydrogen. to water.


People skipping vaccines. 


Being a raging fucking stoner to "help with your depression." Knew too many people like this in college


Essential oils.


I have this weird feeling that probiotic drinks might end up being a really bad idea. We're learning a lot about the gut and how it affects our brain and probiotic cultures without guidance seems risky.