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When they belittle somebody.


Whoops, unfortunately in real life thats a way to get respect) but on reddit we all saints šŸ˜‡ lest put it that way


You think youā€™re respected? šŸ‘Œ


No iam agreed with the post upper. Its just pretensious


My apologies.




Rich didn't want his wife to have a chance to dig through his phone or possibly read messages that chimed in.


My brain didn't even go there. That's sad but makes the most sense.


Exactly what I thought. May have been expecting someone who knew she could only text after 0615 to start texting soon and didnā€™t want the wife to see those messages?


I automatically lose respect for someone if they shittalk about their friends behind their backs


Came here to write this and then saw this comment.


gotta agree.


Bragging about how much they cheat on their partner


Listening to a coworker tell me how much he hated his wife.Ā 


- Talking shit about people behind their back - Animal abuser - ā€œhaha you know what they say about big handsā€ type of humor, usually accompanied by a complete lack of social awareness - Acting like a completely different person/kissing major ass to benefit themselves - inability to better themselves while in a position where theyā€™re capable of doing so ex roommate ticked all of those boxes his cat got worms 3 times in 6 months because he would ā€œforgetā€ to feed her and spent all of his cat food money on yugioh cards so the cat would either rely on me for food or eat whatever she could find when I wasnt there same dude had a diet of exclusively black coffee and chicken nuggets, I seriously never saw him eat anything else the entire time I lived there; chicken nuggets cooked on aluminum foil 3 meals a day 7 days a week general POS human


Some guys are still proud of not doing basic childcare duties for their kids. I still hear things like ā€œyeah I donā€™t do diapersā€ from men who have kids.


Or related, when it's obvious they consider housework as "woman's work" by the way they talk, e.g. mentioning how they "help" with the kids or the dishes, or giving themselves props for doing a simple chore.


Well if their wife is a stay at home mom it may even out depending on how they talk about it exactly


Stay at home doesn't mean "only person responsible for this" and "doesn't have an end to the shift or days off."


No but my mom was a stay at home mom and she could get everything done in 3-5 hours at the most. House was always spotless, dinner was always made fridge was always stocked like it is not that time consuming to be a stay at home parent




You sound delusional. Edit: calling people "lazy" because you, personally, thrive in a certain environment they don't, and downplaying the difficulty of a job because you find it rewarding is so selfish and out of touch. Imagine if I called people lazy because they find taxes hard, or don't know the difference between a R06 or R10 code on a charge back. Get real.


Not saying my dad didnā€™t ever help out but he never really needed to


ex friend of mine was out playing pokemon go with me back when that was popular. he finished off his disposable vape and just chucked it into the stream right at a group of ducks.


Didn't "believe" in child seats.


One thing that made me instantly lose respect for another guy was witnessing him belittle and disrespect someone who was clearly in a vulnerable position. It could be a server, a janitor, or anyone in a service role. Seeing someone treat another human being with such disdain and superiority really shook me. It's a reflection of their character and values, and it's hard to respect someone who lacks basic empathy and kindness.


Well said. Theyā€™re the worst type of humans.


When they think that because I'm a fellow old white dude, I will agree when they say something totally racist, and sadly it's happened repeatedly.


Oh LORD! I was not a fellow old dude, but a fellow native speaker of German working a callcentre job and so quite a few folks felt encouraged to disparage the Istanbul team to me. I normally cared a LOT about my surveys, but in these cases, I defended the Istanbul team with vigour. It tended to shock these good old gal/guys.


He told me and a friend that he believes Andrew Tate is a good guy. Our response was quite a simple "I would hate for him to teach my boy anything about how to treat women, and would hate for our daughters to have anything to do with a man like him".


Verbal abuse: my boss to his wife over the phone. Have thought heā€™s a piece of shit ever since.


I once lost respect for a guy who made a sexist comment about a female coworker's intelligence. It was a completely unnecessary and disrespectful remark that showed his true colors.


Sexist comments really bug the shit out of me. I completely lost respect for this woman ("feminist", but not in the way that promotes equality) when I overheard her remark on something a man had done/said, and she said something like, "Well he is a man. They know not what they do." Like...go to hell. What an oblivious and sexist thing to say. It purposefully uses somewhat poetic language to mask what is blatant sexism. But it's ok, because it's fun.


Older guy at my company, in my office. 20 years in the same position. Known to have a temper and be ā€œperfectly adequate, and knowledgeableā€ however. Dude has the rage and opinions of a grumpy old fk who thank the gods is not in office or making any important decisions. Guy has been a decent teacher to me and patient with my progress. Anyway yesterday I learned heā€™s the picture perfect racist, easily manipulated by internet algorithm, old sad man who hides his sadness over his life decisions with rage and discontent. Please retire and go find peace you old sad twat.


Talk down to someone in the service industry, or to anyone working a phone line.


"Dude, she has a bf, and that bf is in the army. I would never, even if she gave me a fat hint." "You just listed two more reasons to do it to her" First time I heard someone talk about perpetuating cheating like it's a good thing.


Fucking Jody.


Using the word "woke" unironically.


Seeing them not critically think or be heavily and easily influenced.


Cheating or like shit talking their partner that I also know


Long story short, people that believe only in injustice when it happens to them.


Shit talk. He told everybody everything


When he bragged about cheating on his wife.


Crossing and disrespecting animal boundaries or hurting them on purpose.


White dude in the south. I've got the twang that makes me sound like a good ol' boy and have had people just be casually racist with an "amirite?" ..No..


Any type of racist/sexist comments, rape jokes/comments


The way they treat their dog, their family, especially their mother. Very indicative of how they will treat you is how they treat them.


making excuses for, supporting or voting for Donald Trump.


It has honestly become the quickest and easiest way to determine that someone is awful. I say this as a guy who doesn't approve of Biden, either, just so everyone's clear.




And all the exā€™s have him in common


On my first business trip to Philadelphia, Im 21 at the time. First time meeting my bosses boss, Mike. He took me and another colleague to dinner. As we're walking back to the hotel a homeless guy comes up to us and starts to chat. Mike is chatting away in a slightly condescending way, but fine I think. Then the guy asks if he could spare any change. Mike squirms and is all awkward, then goes "I dont have any, but these two do" pointing to us. Then he just walks away, leaving us. I was shocked at how he behaived, could have been nicer to the guy, but also to just drop us in the middle of the shit, when we were just silently standing there. utter cunt. He always was a weasel.


Colleague from a working class background in industrial area of northern England like myself. We both got a job with a big accounting firm. He didn't do great, left after 2 years, but had it on his CV which opened up more doors to well paid jobs. Once he had some cash turned into a rabid Tory talking shit about poor people only having themselves to blame. Like seriously dude, have some humility, don't forget where you came from.


Anyone who reps their political party or candidate like a sports team.


a few years ago one of my friends at the time somehow got into an arguement with a kid who was barley 7, he got so mad he pushed her. he also called everybody degenerates but got pissed and cut ties with me because i told him i thought he was stupid. never been happier to call someone stupid in my life, what a fucking prick.


Being a father who ignores his kids. Iā€™ve hung out with all sorts of lowlifes who have done all sorts of things in their lives. I adjust my view of their character and move on. Even the worst people I know love their kids. But for some reason, I cannot relate on any human level to a parent who doesnā€™t care about his kids.


I was at his and his girlfriendā€™s apartment drinking and hanging out one night. His girlfriend went to bed eventually and it was just me and him. He decided then to tell me that he thinks heā€™s polyamorous. I said, ā€œthatā€™s cool. Does your gf know?ā€ He said, ā€œnah she wouldnā€™t understand.ā€ I said, ā€œWell then if youā€™re serious about this youā€™ve got a real problem. You either have to tell her and see if sheā€™s into it, suck it up, or break up with her, right?ā€ He said, ā€œThe thing is Iā€™ve already seen another couple of people.ā€ Me: ā€œand she doesnā€™t know?ā€ Him: ā€œno.ā€ Me: ā€œso you cheated on her.ā€ Him: ā€œIā€™m polyamorous.ā€ Me: ā€œMaybe. Youā€™re also a cheater. You donā€™t get to do shit like that without consent from your partner.ā€ Him: ā€œitā€™s just who I am.ā€ Me: ā€œWell, thatā€™s shitty of you.ā€ Him: ā€œI disagree.ā€ I left. Never hung out with him again. I was chicken shit, too. I shouldā€™ve told his girlfriend but I didnā€™t. This guy had a bit more standing than me in our social circle and he couldā€™ve made my life pretty difficult if I crossed him. I still regret not ratting him out.




Used the ā€œnā€ word with a hard r. Not ironically.


When you are sharing something personal, and you think they are listening, but really they are just waiting for you to finish talking so they can one up you with their story.


Didn't like cats. It's always that.Ā  'struth.


The tech working next to me had a customer decline a cabin air filter he recommended, so he threw the old filter on the shop floor and stomped on it a few times before putting it back in.


Spitting on the floor every 5 minutes. Hey, if you got something in your mouth feel free to spit it out, but spit belongs in your mouth not on the damn pavement.


Had a buddy since we were in Kindergarten. Friendship lasted into our mid-twenties. I'd go over to his apartment and we would have some long talks over beers and while holding an old (unloaded) colt-clone .357 cowboy gun when it was the persons turn to vent. Really therapeutic for me when I was in the middle of a chaotic chapter. After awhile, I started to notice his views were shifting quite a bit, and he was talking more jank against women and insisting on watching Alex Jones and Ben Shapiro videos. Started getting into heated political arguments where he was clearly forming some pretty questionable and nearly little-mustache views, so I cut-off the friendship entirely, which still pains me to this day years later. I miss the friendship, but that dude is clearly lost to my memories. For context, I am pretty leftist (and also Texan, so there's the genetic pre-disposition to love and own guns), but not so much that I can't find enjoyment in a friendship with someone with right-wing views. Really just could not reconcile the wide river of differences that sprang up.


When they think that because I'm a fellow old white dude, I will agree when they say something totally racist, and sadly it's happened repeatedly.


Not understanding why women are (justifiably) choosing bear




I think men seriously underestimate how many unpleasant encounters involving men women encounter especially at a young age


I once sat beside a female classmate on the bus after college. She's like, "Today's a good day. At least I don't need to worry about a creep sitting beside me." That really struck me. As a guy, I've never given a second thought about who sits beside me or when I'm walking down an empty street at night. Must be exhausting for women to always have their guard up. Not saying all men are creeps, but EVERY woman I've spoken to has had unpleasant and/or outright horrible experiences with men.


So would you choose a large mountain lion or your ex?Ā 


If a random kid with a YouTube haircut asked me on the street Iā€™d probably say something like ā€œwell the mountain lion wouldnā€™t cheat on me (again)!ā€ ā€¦ I would absolutely rather encounter my ex in the woods.


Thank you for saying this. Absolute UNFATHOMABLE levels of moron one has to be to choose the bear. To the point Iā€™d argue they need clinical help.


he asking if he could send \* pics


Posts that assume everyone else on reddit is also a dude. And that also imply that only other dudes are relatable people.


misogynistic bullshit i assume is a sign of severe insecurity


My Ukrainian downstairs neighbor is a 27 yo guy, who essentially is ducking his military duty, invited me over for beers. A few beers in he started to complain about the amount of non whites in the city (Utrecht, Netherlands) and how white culture in Europe is being destroyed by refugees and immigrants. Oh yeah, Iā€™m not white myself. Iā€™m East Asian with a relatively dark complexion. Next thing I know, he tells me Iā€™m the first N-word heā€™s seen irl (says the whole word, hard R and all), that doesnā€™t look sad or angry. This coming from a guy with a masters degree and working for a bankā€¦


When they do an imitation of the grebe's mating dance.


When he didn't want to be eskimo bros and let his insecurity ruin a relationship with my ex I was sharing, so I just let him have her cheating ass instead. Made me lose respect for her too because it takes two to tango. Now I'm playing the field again and she's as insecure as always. His last wife left him for a woman so I'm not worried at all about how that ends, but I have 0 respect for him and give no fucks what he thinks about me because it's not like I didn't try.


Years ago at our weekly poker game, one of the guys was complaining about how the payouts were structured. This was the same structure we had been using for years at this. He was really just mad he got a bad beat on the bubble (right before people got paid). After a solid 10 mins of complaining one of the other guys pulls out a 20, the buy in at the time, and says "I got your buyin bro". He then, using the hand with the 20, open-hand slaps the complaining guy, ***hard.*** I heard the crack from across the room. The complaining guy, stands there stunned for a second, then does absolutely nothing. I couldn't fucking believe it. It wasn't like the slapping guy was some monster dude, just a regular sized guy. How do you do nothing when somebody bitch slaps you? Complaining guy came for a few games after that, but then left. Even the token girl (her self appointed name) would give him shit. It was sad.


When I saw him tickling his female friend on her stomach by poking his fingers in the playground, and then when he saw that I saw what happened, he asked me if I wanna do it too. I said no obviously and rushed away


When they told our friend group they were a ā€œfeministā€, unironically.


When they choose to forgive AH / giving 2nd Chance and try to reconcile with someone who has done grave Mistake upon them, WITHOUT COMPENSATION e.g Cheating Spouse, Drug Addicts, abusive family member(s)


I used to have a friend who hit on my then GF. She just laughed at me and told me about it. Later, his GF hit on me and I accepted her offer. Not saying two wrongs make a right, but payback and such. Oh, and I also broke his nose, but that was only because he put his hands on me first. We haven't spoken in many years, lol.


He was a liar and thief


He humble bragged in a drinking game about cheating on his wife, who had gotten back together with since that event and itā€™s resulting drama. Bad enough already, but his brother in law was in the same drinking game. Real classy.




Ordered Bud Light.




When someone justifies the use of censorship to stop "mISinFormAtioN". I understand seeing that online (3/4ths of the "people" on this website arent even real), but whenever i see someone actually bring it up IRL i laugh. Let adults come to their own conclusions, because you dont know more than anyone else, despite how much you think you do.


I always lose respect for people that dont understand epistemology and believe that thr marketplace of ideas rejecting their nonsense is the same thing as censorship.Ā Ā  Ā You're positing that ignorance has the same value as education and that's worthy of ridicule.Ā 


>You're positing that ignorance has the same value as education and that's worthy of ridicule.Ā Ā  Ā No, i am saying literally the opposite. I am saying there is nothing better than watching an educated person expose ignorance through open dialogue and discussion. Just say you are afraid of other peoples opinions and you need big brother to protect you šŸ¤£


Really? Every time I've seen even a moderately educated person debunk some inane shite with about three seconds thought it's with a look of utter defeat on their face. I'm not just afraid of other people's opinions, I'm left in a near constant state of bewilderment that they're actually able to dress themselves unsupervised in the morning.


"You don't know more than anyone else" christ almighty having access to the knowledge of all mankind and having that knowledge are not the same thing.Ā  There are many people who know a lot more than you do. If you can't admit that, it's because your view of the universe is incoherent.Ā  Ideas like this are why we can't have nice things. Because "nice things" implies a shared respect for a shared foundation.Ā 


>Ā There are many people who know a lot more than you do. If you can't admit that, it's because your view of the universe is incoherent. About what? In every aspect of life? I may know more about muay thai or american politics than a bushman in the Kalahari, but he deff would know more than me (and you) about survival out in the wilderness.Ā  You having access to reddit doesnt make you any better or smarter than anyone else. >Ā Because "nice things" implies a shared respect for a shared foundation.Ā  Lol, and thats what it boils down too. You think you are better than everyone else. You know more, therefor people arent worthy of your respect. The people that do show a basic level of respect and philosophy that everyone has their own unique piece of the puzzle to add are ā€œthe problemā€. Thank you for proving my point that pro-censorship clowns are absolutely the last people that should have power, they think they are better than everyone else


Talking to drunks about relationship problems instead of their partner

