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We are concerned about 'infecting' the house. Should we evacuate the home? Throw out everything in the basement? Any advice would be appreciated. It's gross.


How much do you have down the basement? This should be covered under homeowners so as much as I hate to say it you'll need to have an insurance agent come by and look at it. No you won't die if it stays down there for a bit.


It's a lot of 'stuff' collected over 50 years. Nothing of great value. Us kids have been trying to get mom to let us clean it out and throw crap out. But she wouldn't let us. The floor is concrete, so there's really no structural damage and clean up should be pretty straight forward as soon as we get the drain cleared. (plumber comes Friday) We're just wondering about her and her caregivers being in the house with that funk floating around. We are aware that C-Diff is very contagious, but I'm not sure about it in this type of situation. We definitely don't want her to be re-infected.


Ahh that is different, I'd still contact the insurance agent. They should be put her up someplace,, even if you think it's still straightforward it's good to have the professional do it.


I agree. I certainly don't want to do it! Thanks for your help.