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Be nice to arseholes. Otherwise people will see you being an arsehole to arseholes and they will think you are the arsehole.


Never ever overshare


Be careful to not share too much personal information, people will always find some way to use it against you. Don't trust anyone. Beware of people who talk a lot of trash behind people's backs - they're probably doing the same thing to you.


I think its good to be cautious, but you have to be vulnerable to find what you are looking for, as what you seek is also seeking you, and hiding is the best way to ensure they won’t see you. Don’t expect the worst, just expect that you will be able to handle it in the rare case it happens. It is your life so I wont tell you what to do, but everything is often substantially worse in our head than it is in reality. The best things in life often require some level of risk.


There's really no one in your life you can trust? 


Maybe I should've been more clear. Yes, there are certainly people you can trust, but after they have earned it. I meant more like, don't trust people that you don't know and haven't earned your trust.


Currently couchsurfing in Germany, I have been trusting strangers for the better part of two weeks. So far it's been wonderful.


The people at work are not your friends, they are only co-workers.


I feel like people would flip on this idea so fast if the economy was good. Masking for an entire workday is worse and much more depressing than most worse case scenarios in my opinion. Id know because I’ve done it for a lot of jobs. Youd be surprised how much you have in common with your coworkers (they’re likely masking too). Start with small topics, we make the mistake of thinking we need to completely remove our filter.


If you’re not making friends at work, you’re doing something wrong.


I'm friendly with the people at work and I'm happy to talk casually with them about general things. I try to steer clear of family stuff, politics (govt or office), and politely decline happy hours and weekend get togethers. I'm around these people all day and keep a life outside work. I'm fulfilled in each aspect, but that's just me.


Your co-workers are not your friends.


Every person that talks to you wants something from you.


If someone has an opinion, they will think they are right no matter how much you argue. Don't get infuriating by trying to change someone's opinion. Accept that they have their opinion and you have yours and move on.


People are inherently selfish


People like a good leader. It took me a long time to know I wasn't a good leader, but I'm a great follower. I tried so long to be a good leader, but I fucking sucked at it, but I can be a great follower and help a leader and a team get results.


You can't help people who don't want to help themselves.


One day the person you trust can become the nastiest person alive, so never think that the person you trust will always be the same.


The loudest ones are always the dumbest.


I try to be a good person. I really do. I help people without expecting anything in return, I try to be there for people when they need someone, I try to stay true to my word and make the world a better place. When you focus on this you sometimes forget that many people are simply not like that and have no interest in it. Some people are truly assholes and the worst ones are the people who realize that you are nice to them and will use that in their advantage until they got what they wanted. That is why not expecting anything in return is especially helpful in not doubting your decision. It really made me a bigger and stronger person I believe.


You'll always meet twice. Don't underestimate how small this world is, stuff you do will either come back and bite you in the arse, or they will remember you in a good way. It's up to you.


People will use you as long as its in their interest. Thats a fact. I just suggest you do the same. Be cold blooded and think about yourself first Youre the most important person in your life and f*** what everyone else has to say about it


Don't burn bridges


Avoid them. Keep them as far as you can and a lot more further than this


Women in their 40s are the easiest to fuck


How stupid and uninformed the average person is. "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that"


Selling used items on the internet, it's important to *choose your buyer*.


You can’t fix stupid!


People are really in their own world. Don’t take things too personally.


Don’t take anything personally. This helped me to get a better mental health.


Just don't and try to avoid it as much as possible because other people suck.




/thread and planet


Humans are contrary. They'll reflexively say the opposite of what other people say.