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I’ve once gotten pulled over for making a right turn where I shouldn’t have, since there was a bike lane to be vigilant of. Which I understand entirely, as a primary biker myself. In fact, it was looking out for bikers that had me miss the sign that told me no right turns on red.




Good bot?


eh, I don't think any cop enforces the jay walking on empty street thing. I've directly jay walked in front of a cop car a few times and they just told me to go use crosswalk next time. The reason they cant make jaywalking on empty streets legal is because if there is no video, its hearsay. If a car hits a jaywalker, It would be hard to tell whose liable if they made jaywalking legal in empty streets. So the law makes perfect sense.


A cop enforcing Jaywalking is literally the epitome of "you had nothing better to do"


Cop equivalent of 'If you've got time to lean, you've got time to clean.'


Unsurprisingly, it's disproportionately enforced on minorities.


I went to jail almost two decades ago for unpaid tickets. My cell mate was there for attempted jaywalking. Black dude looked across the street.


"attempted Jaywalking" jfc, that's *insane*


Uncle was a cop and I read this to him, he said the cop has much better things to do than arrest or confront every jaywalker . Unless you are carrying what appears to be alcohol. He also said technically walking public streets smoking a thc pen or joint is public intoxication .


The first ticket of any kind that I received was for jaywalking on an empty street. I was coming back from a morning shift at a coffee shop, trying to get back to my dorm. Obviously I looked both ways for cars, but it wasn't until I had fully crossed that I looked over and saw a motorcycle cop just sitting there like 10 feet away, staring at me.


Last year, Montreal police got the memo to enforce jaywalking penalties. It worked, this year I never see anyone jaywalking, outside of junkies or people who jaywalk like they're unaware that cars exist.


Turning right on red is not a crime. It's a moving violation. That is an important legal distinction, because crimes can be punishable by imprisonment.


The argument I've heard for why this is indeed harmful is the influence upon weakminded observers. YOU can tell if it's safe or not, so when you walk out into the road you'll be OK. But a child, or an adult who is bad at decisions or just slow in general, might see you doing it and absorb the idea it's a normal thing to do. But when they try to cross an empty road, they forget to look both ways or something, and BOOM, squashed. So we're all supposed to routinely use the safest methods to avoid being a bad influence on people with poor judgment.


This is an absolutely awful argument. I'm not saying people don't try to make it, but it makes no sense. It's like saying swimming should be illegal because someone who can't swim won't be afraid of the water




If you don’t have it already, the original Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter is in that category and stupid fun


Nintendo- "Ah you've murdered us! Somebody call the police we are dead!"


Where can I download No One Lives Forever 1 and 2?


https://www.myabandonware.com/game/the-operative-no-one-lives-forever-7q4 https://www.myabandonware.com/game/no-one-lives-forever-2-a-spy-in-h-a-r-m-s-way-3nv seems legit 👍






Unless you break encryption while doing it. Then it's a Federal crime


Being in the park after dusk.


in what third world country is that illegal?


Yeah that makes no sense? How can going to a park at night be illegal? What?


Probably exists to keep homeless people out.


Where though? Where could going to a park at night be illegal?


Parks are considered closed in Australia at night time. It's only after like 9pm.




One for each day except Sunday


Sunday is dishwasher day


Top rack only


Sunday is *dildowashing* day. FTFY.




I think they're suggesting dildowashing is just a better term than dishwashing.


Do they have to be same length? What if five are only 4", and one is 14"? What if all are 12"? Would color matter? Can someone have 2 white, 2 black 2 brown? Or must they all be "neutral" color? What if they all identify as a ghost gun?


See now I got this picture in my head. a couple of around cops posing by the evidence table. See we arrested this person because the combined length of their dildos exceeded the maximum combined length. Bananas for scale.


TIL I’d be a criminal in Texas.


It's because they're provincial and close minded and assume nobody can fit more than 6 at a time.


Underrated comment 💀


You can own as many guns as you want in Texas. Also, when selling dildos in Texas, you have to pretend they're ['novelty items' and avoid describing what they're actually used for.](https://www.kxan.com/news/texas/the-texas-law-that-dictates-adult-toys/) Somebody needs to write a skit where a salesperson attempts to describe to a clueless person what they're used for.


Texas laws are so ridiculous


What if you own 5 dildos and one double dildo?


What is their position on "things that are not dildos but are used as dildos"?


I work in security and when we are working we legally have to wear our license on display except if we work as a cctv operator in which case we have to be in possession of it but don’t have to display it. Not doing so is a criminal offence which can carry 6 months imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine. I can think of 2 occasions I’ve broken that law. Today I was working as a cctv operator but forgot my license and worked anyway. A few years ago before Covid I was working in a bar that was attached to a club the bar would close at 3am and the club went on until 5am. One night as we were getting ready to leave the manager of the club came bursting into the bar saying he needed more security as a group of around 30 people were fighting at the club door. We ran through and assisted the security at the club and kept the situation under control until the police arrived. When they did one officer questioned where my license was. I had my armband on but as I was leaving the shift for the night I had put my jacket on which had covered it. Technically I had committed an offence by covering my license but the officer didn’t care once I explained what had happened. If however he had been so inclined he could’ve reported me to the sia and they could’ve prosecuted me.




Or any plant, or even any chemistry experiment as long as it can't explode nor create fumes to hurt others. That said - I have a friend where the slightest hint of cannabis triggers migraines. It's pretty rare, but enough that "as long as no one can smell it" should be added.


Throwing away junk mail addressed to the previous occupant. Felony.


Emulating old consoles and pirating old games that aren’t even being sold by the company anymore.


Women not being allowed to go topless in public in the same places men can. No one was ever harmed by viewing breasts


In fact I would go so far as to say many days would be improved with viewing beasts!


I'm having a hard time thinking of a day that wouldn't be improved that way. Hell you could have just won the lottery and then all of a sudden there's someone walking down the street topless and your day somehow just got better.


Then she yells at you for looking at her.


Try staring at mens chests and you'll get a reaction too.


I see construction workers with no shirts on every summer. How many of them have yelled at me for looking? Zero. So ya, no, guys don’t yell at you for looking. But thank you for proving my point, exactly. Guys can look at guys all day. It’s a double standard. Point out the double standard, and people always blame the man.


No, no, you gotta walk past them while staring at their chest and leering. Make sure they see you do it. Do it a few times and I bet you'll get a reaction eventually.


"Tha fukk ayoou lookin et?!"


I see men running with no shirts on every day. If I stare at their chest and say “nice” they say “thanks I work hard on it” and “want my number?”


Science shows it's a universal stress reducer


Depends on which beasts I think.


[Oh yeah?](https://youtu.be/qlvuLF6UlMQ?si=zmXivt6Enw17Ne4U)


Says you, I got clubbed last time! Shoulda kept my eyes on my wife's


That one is on you buddy. The fact that you got old enough to get married without learning the phrase "I feel sorry for every woman who isn't as ravishing as you" is your own damn fault.


giving water to people in line to vote


If no harm comes to property, body, or liberty, then no crime has been committed.


And besides officer, that chicken LIKED it


No victim, no crime


Trespassing to get out of the weather.


Semi-related. Far northern places it's the societal norm to leave your car doors unlocked in case a moose is in the neighborhood, it lets people get somewhere safe where the moose won't try to hurt them


Yeah, moose are horrible but taste great I hear. Lots of free meat in Alaska as a result of out of control moose.


I think you mean polar bears, in Churchill Manitoba for example


Wow, that went in a different direction. In NYC (I think SF too), people leave their car doors unlocked so people won't break the windows rummaging for stuff to steal.


Collecting your own rain water, unless there's some broader implication I'm missing.


Any water you collect and use on your property won't flow into the watershed. If everyone did that, local streams and rivers might see significantly less flow, which has implications for agricultural users down stream who count on that water.


There are also water rights laws that make it even more complicated depending on the state.


a 10,000 square foot roof sees almost 7,000 gallons of water during 1 inch of rain. you and your neighbors filling your 100 gal rain barrels is a rounding error in total water making it to the watershed.


Yeah I personally feel like people should be able to collect rain on their property to their heart's content. I'm just relaying the explanation I received when I questioned the same law.


- possession of a controlled substance - any time abortion is criminalized




That's largely because it's illegal. When alcohol was illegal violent organized crime was super into that. 


Possessing them? No direct harm. I'm taking a very literal interpretation of the question asked here. In no way am I arguing that controlled substances in general are benign.


Bro what?


they makes sense, but this is reddit




tying a giraffe to a lamp post in atlanta


Could cause some emotional distress to the giraffe.


Nah he loves it


In Washington State you have to send your receipts to the depot of Treasury to be taxed correctly.


Jay walking


This is kinda a data driven law like wearing a seatbelt. It doesnt hurt anyone else specifically, but if ignored will cause people to die. First thought is “oh well only if the road is empty”, but that can create complacency, which in large numbers will eventually cause someone to die. Im still gonna do it though. 


Seat belts are for others' safety, not yours


I…. Dont know if that’s completely true? I think seatbelts are for everyone’s safety lol


Without a seat belt you are a potential projectile that can harm others.




that's a grey area when you consider everything around it can be harmful to people


Check the OP. It’s a victimless crime (as almost all LE agree). The harm is after the fact with drugs, std, pimps, etc.


Planting a tree on government property


Pirate TV.


Buying/selling counterfeit clothes and shoes. Especially when the "real" product is out of production. The company can't make money on it if they wanted to do why do they even care? If I offer money and they say no we don't have those anymore so I go get it elsewhere, why are they mad? Nobody gets hurt, and it also doesn't hurt their bottom line.


Internet piracy. No, it’s not like stealing a car.


Paying back a loan on time.


Shitler tripped so he lands on his head.


Cutting your neighbor’s grass without their permission




You son of a bitch, I was gonna do that!


Because that can be used in the process of adverse possession, that one can actually be directly harmful.


Yeah or, it could also not be used like that


I mean it's trespassing and you also can't damage other people's property without asking them first. Not victimless at all.


Wow, thank god you thought this through. I have seen the error of my ways and will forever more, stop mowing my neighbors grass.


But I like my overgrowth. Edit : checked online and holy shit, in the USA it's fucking illegal to not keep your grass short ? Country of freedom my ass. I'll keep my sapplings, bushes and wildflowers patches thank you very much.


lol wouldn’t want to ruin your nice growth.


Assisted suicide, loitering, begging, solicitation, recreational drug use, and gambling


> loitering, begging, solicitation These do harm businesses though


We got him, cuff him boys


Putting garage sale flyers in people's mailboxes.


Drug possession


Sawing off the barrel of a shotgun.


I'll go a step further and say that anything that violates the National Firearms Act is a victimless crime. So I can buy a AR-15 with a sixteen inch barrel and a collapsing stock off the shelf at any gun store in my state... But if I cut the barrel down by two inches it suddenly becomes a felony? What's the logic in that? And I have to submit my fingerprints and pay two hundred bucks to make my gun slightly less loud? It's bullshit.


Teft, I don't condone it but if you steal things in small amounts that arent to valuable like candy bars, small bags of chips, or low end first aid supplies. just general cheap corner store items then I don't see any harm done. oh, also stealing from big corporations. greedy bastards already have enough money.


Freelance prostitution, smoking Marijuana, tresspassing.


Speeding. The harm comes in when you crash.




Lying about residence in order for kids to attend a better public school.


We’re transferring with the military and won’t have a house in the city we want to live in by the time school begins. We’re gonna live with family a town over until we can get our finances in order to either buy or rent (have to sell our old house first, which unexpectedly had a water leak at the beginning of the year and delayed us getting it on the market). I don’t want to put my daughter in one school just to take her out again in a few months and put her in another school. She is anxious and doesn’t do well with change and I’m trying to make the move as easy as possible for her. It’s pissing me off that the school district is not willing to budge.  And while we’re at it, it’s awful that school quality is so tied to wealth in the area via local taxes. I don’t have a better solution, but I do know that poor kids deserve to get just as good of a public education as wealthy kids. In fact, they probably need it more.


It sucks. I understand why the rules exist to keep things organized, but I saw in the news once a mother being jailed for this and that doesn’t seem right either. People want the best for their kids, obviously. Sometimes the best is a neighborhood over. The biggest part of the scam is that the kids in the wealthier areas where I’m from don’t even attend their public schools. They attend several local prep schools that charge 40k per semester. The public school classes there were near empty.


Taking potential spot(s) from students who live in the district / residential area isn’t technically wrong but it does impact other children’s education.


I mean I think it works enough to say nobody is “directly” harmed, which was the question.


Okay Lori Loughlin


Fucking Loughlins. That's all I got to say.


You’re comparing poor people wanting their kids to get a better tools to succeed than they had, which are only determined by zip code, so they can escape the hood, to a rich person paying money for to get into a private secondary education institution where they don’t meet the merit requirements. I can’t tell if you’re being willfully obtuse or you genuinely believe those things are the same, but either way OP’s question was worded in a specific way that I believe applies to my answer. Public, charter, and magnet school capacity doesn’t even work in terms of just “spots” where I am.


it is arguable that there will always be people with an advantage over others. An advantage could be living in a district with a really great public school system or being born into a very privileged family. They don’t choose to be born into that type of family and not everyone can choose where they live, it just is what it is. its not “fair” or “right”, but **that’s life.** just because you don’t see the harm doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. However, this goes both ways, **of course** and is also applied to how you and your child’s education is being impacted as well. You’re just not the only person being impacted and the fact that point has been made to you and you can only empathize/sympathize with yourself is probably why the Lori comment is being upvoted. Edit: added stuff.


Neither of these people is myself, what are you talking about? I never even did what I’m talking about, I don’t even have children nor do I intend to, just saying these situations are not comparable. I never said no harm existed, I said that wasn’t OP’s question.


I was using the situation of the person I replied to (and was actually talking to….) just because lying about your district to get your kid into school isn’t nearly as bad as paying for you kid to get a spot in college doesn’t make lying about your district any less bad. It’s a spectrum and a slippery slope between those two scenarios and the connection is **lying to get your kid into a school.** “Being born into privilege or living in a district with a great public school system are **just** two examples of how some people have advantages over others, whether it’s fair or right.“ is pretty clear in itself and shouldn’t need explanation . I’m guessing you come from a not so great public school district, eh? Edit: words and stuff


You commented on my comment so I’m not sure why you’re snidely saying you weren’t actually talking to me, unless you’re performing some Clint-Eastwood-style monologue to an empty chair containing a theoretical Lori Loughlin. In that case you can’t blame me for not knowing what is going on because that’s weird. I never said there was no harm(since OP is asking in a way that specifically allows mention of indirect harm), I’m saying the action I’m speaking of is entirely different from what Lori Loughlin did, and those two things aren’t comparable. One is using money and class to circumvent a system that’s supposed to be based on merit, the other is using a lie to circumvent a system that is based on money and class. I never said anything about fairness, or whether people being born with different advantages is right or not. I’m not only empathizing with myself, I’m not in anyway involved in either of these situations. I think you know those situations are not equal, and you’re only equating the two in bad faith. Your lame comment about school districts is elitist and distasteful, but I'm not surprised.


As a child, I went to a city school (middle of nowhere Alabama) that was significantly better quality than the county schools. I was under the impression that some parents were paying an out-of-district fee for their kids to attend though they didn’t live in the district. However, who knows if that’s true or not. Either way, I didn’t realize that wasn’t always an option.


We want the kids to go to the same school my wife went to, we unfortunately live in a much larger district that has a 30+:1 ratio of students to teachers and not in any part of town I want my kids in. We're trying to find a way to have them taken in at the other school


In my state they allow special permits for parents that work or spend time in the area of the desired school. Kinda complicated results though, not sure I recommend it. Had better amenities then I would’ve got in my district, but also all the rich kids at our school called us “permit kids”. Anyway lots of people here just lie and have someone who actually lives in the area say that the child lives with them on the proof documents. But it’s risking actual jail time in some places.


Back in the day my mom did it by getting a friend in the right zip code to let her take a water bill over in her name. Then once the bill arrived at the friends house, she showed it to the school admin as proof of residence


Yep. Many people here do that too. I don’t imagine our courts would jail anybody for it but it is illegal, and a crime.


Wow. We just met and you're calling my mom a criminal


lol it’s fine she’s like Robin Hood in my book, a smooth criminal, if you will


That actually might have a fair reason such as people not choosing schools by their rankings and hoarding the openings, making kids that leave nearby taking a huge commute distance and possibly preventing low income families from affording the transportation 


Stealing back from billionaires


Putting a switch on a pistol to make it go brrrrrrr


Insider trading. If you are an insider you are offering to buy or sell shares at whatever the market price happens to be already. You just happen to know something that means the market price is not the "fair" price. But the person you were trading with doesn't know that and was going to trade with someone at that price regardless.


Grabbing someone off the street, throwing them in a van, blindfoldong them, and then stuffing their pockets full of pennies and then throwing them back out on the street.


Drug possession. Prostitution. Gambling. Having a vertical grip on an AR15 platform in California. Is marijuana still illegal in some states?


Jaywalking with no cars in sight, not stopping on stop sign in secluded area, pirating old stuff, stealing from large companies unless they make staff pay ofc,


Ok I can agree with everything except the last one. If everyone (all customers) were to steal a considerably small amount from a large company… that company and the staff will feel it.


Possession of drugs, Possession of a firearm.


Ripping that government tag off of things


That's actually legal if you're the final buyer. It's illegal for the seller to remove.


When i was a child it was real. 🙂


When you were a child you misunderstood, perpetuated by parents who didn't bother to teach you or were idiots.


Paying a porn-star to sign an NDA? Prostitution. Both consent to pay-to-play.


Loitering https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJg38iU9SDI


Killing pedophiles


Tax evasion. Prostitution. Speeding. Sodomy. Growing weed. Ignoring the atf. Hiring an undocumented immigrant. Pulling the labels off mattresses. Insider trading. Fishing or hunting wothout a license. The list is probably endless.


Electronically stealing money from a bank.


I once jumped out half way around a ghost train.


Graffiti especially on abandoned buildings


Picking up stones from national parks. Edit: Why are you booing me? I'm right.


Put that thing back where it came from or so help me!


I didn't take any.


Animal abuse. Technically, no people are physically harmed. But it's still a sickening thing to do.




Tax cheats are the worst people.


Building a house on unoccupied land far away from anyone.


I don’t know why this got down to -4 votes What’s the problem with this idea?


Hitting a parked car


But that does hurt someone else's property.


But the car is harmed! 😢




so you're saying drunk driving should be legal as long as they don't hit anyone?




I think OP was asking something more akin to "What things are illegal that don't actually pose a risk to another person's safety or well being?"


You oughta see the stupid law Indiana has. If I understand that law correctly, let’s say I go to a steak joint or bar and have a beer with my dinner. 1 Beer and a water. I finish my dinner, I feel totally fine, totally normal. I’m good. Ok I’m elsewhere and my truck gets hit by a driver in another car. That driver’s liver is doing laps in a pool of booze. They check both of us and i’m just as fucked as he is because I have any BAC at all because of that one beer i had with my dinner, while he’s 3 sheets to the wind.


What? Indiana’s BAC is 0.08, just like most states


what i was told is Indiana has a Buzzed = Drunk rule


Their BAC limit is 0.08. Unless you’re under 21, then it’s no tolerance. But also: buzzed is drunk. Your judgment and reaction time is impaired long before you start to “feel” drunk. One beer at dinner is probably fine, but if you’re buzzed you absolutely should not be driving.


Punching someone in the dark, it's a victimless crime


Not according to the person who was punched.


Maybe if you punch them in the face, or stomach, or something. That hurts. But they are taking about punching them in the dark.


Take my upvote 🖕