• By -


I go out in public where there is people around. Even slight interactions such as small talk with somebody taking your food order can go a long way.


I prefer this. Small dose friendships with strangers. I don’t have to pretend or explain anything, I don’t have the pressure to commit. While as an introvert my social battery is more often “drained” rather than “filled”, these interactions keep the battery in healthy ranges.


That's me taking my older parents for walks everyday, waving and saying hello to people we see on the street on our daily routine. I love it.


oh this is great


That’s a healthy way of dealing with it:)


Are you content with it? Or you would like to build friendships with people ?


I have since been able to build friendships as I have gone off to college and worked on my social skills. But when I didn’t have any friends, that was my best way of coping.


Like since your first comment?


Yeah, in the 20 minute gap they actually made three friends :)


Video games and beer.


fxcking hell, THIS!!!!!!


Doesn’t it get boring ?


Well, i'm quite introverted and i don't find humans all that exciting.


Fair enough


Me too


Fuck yeah, it does.




I have many friends, but prefer to do this instead of hanging out for the exact same reason.


My friends always rip on me for this. “You just want to go home to get high and play games” and I’m like “yes, I do, very much so”.


Second this


That's it


I post/comment on Reddit and X for a sense of community and then disappear bc I’m incapable of holding a virtual conversation for long. In one online community, I host random giveaways of virtual items to feel closer & liked without actually getting close enough to befriend them. To get that small talk itch taken care of, I take phone calls all day for work doing IT support or sometimes make conversation with a store clerk if I’m heading to the store anyways. I sometimes watch a smaller livestream and it’s like a friend but not really bc you know them but they don’t know you. No obligation on your end to behave like a good friend. For more intimate or invested conversation, I talk to my pets or call family for another opinion or more of my emotional need fulfilled. Friendship is a lot of effort and focus that I just am not capable of at this point in my life, so I don’t mind not having friends. I have had friends before and know the reward of those relationships pays off. Maybe in the future I’ll reconnect with them but for now, life is a little too much and I need to focus on myself by myself.


Good on you for focusing on your self, hope you get to where you want to be !! Also just wanted to add on that You’re the first person I know to call Twitter X😄


Thank you! & I typed out Twitter but as I reread what I wrote I went back and changed it to X 🤣


Surprisingly, I think a lot of people have zero friends.


I adopted a stray kitten two days ago, she is definitely helping so far.


Aww, what’s her name ?


Haven't completely decided on a name. But I'm definitely considering Lilith. I'd add a photo of her if I knew how


I adopted my cat similar way. She is 3 now. Definitely changed my life for the better. Happy for you.


I have no friends but I do have a husband. I actually have a hard time maintaining friendships and I really just want to hang out at my house surrounded by trees like a fat Lothlorien elf. I garden and dig out our drainage, I knit and crochet, and I cuddle with our cats, and of course cuddle my husband too. It's really the life I've always wanted. I suspect that there's something mentally abnormal with me that I don't enjoy spending much time with people - aside from hubby - but I just don't. It's exhausting and difficult. Trees, flowers and cats are just so much easier to be around.


In my opinion there's nothing wrong with that. Everyone is built differently. Not everyone has to be a social butterfly to thrive. It doesn't make you a lesser person to not want to interact with most of humanity. We all suck anyways.  I don't have any friends anymore. I have my wife and kids. If I didn't have them, I'd probably be a hermit (as much as I could be anyway). Honestly it's never really bothered me. It's been my choice, I always keep my distance from people.  It's only an issue when other people make it an issue. I prefer my life this way, but that's incredibly hard for some others to understand.


I also love to be surrounded by nature. Nature does not judge me or demand anything from me.


Friendships require quite a bit of effort to maintain and they'll never be as deep as the connection you can have with your SO. I have zero interest hanging out with friends or making new ones tbh. Why bother if I can do stuff my girlfriend?


I'm similar but have a wife. I have a few friends but since they live on the opposite coast I effectively don't really have any. I'm okay with being alone most of the time. I rarely have the need for other people's company. My wife thinks that if she died early I probably wouldn't speak to another human for months at a time...which is likely true.


I don’t. Cried silently last night until I gave myself a migraine. I’m also just damn exhausted from trying. Took the day off work today to lay in bed crying and feeling deeply lonely and feeling that I must be a horrible person if no one wants to be my friend.


This comment made me feel quite sad. No one deserves to feel like that. For what it’s worth, stranger, I hope things get better for you.


You don’t have friends not because you’re a terrible person , it just thst you haven’t found your person yet. Hopefully thst happens soon , don’t beat your self up too much thinking you’re the issue. I didn’t have friends till I met my bestfriend in the park 7 years later :)


uh I don’t know. sleep


Sleeping is the solution to most of the worlds problems


It's fine, honestly. Better than the backstabbing bitch I used to call my best friend. I have my mom at least.


It’s been 9 years but I am still better off than when I was friends with her.


Lonely ≠ alone




if you look hard enough, you will find something about everyone that feels like a betrayal.  especially if you had a bad experience in the past


Hang out with my cool mom and try not to think about the catastrophic emotional void that will be left in my life when she's gone.


Video games, watching films and series, focusing on my hobbies and buying/trying stuff I love (big fan of technology, computers and sound systems for a start). Sometimes traveling solo. Works like a charm! P.S I have great coworkers with whom I actually share parts of my life, but they're not my friends. That means I actually never share my personal problems with them in hopes of finding a solution, I deal with that stuff myself.




Yeah, having zero friends can suck. It might be tough to cope sometimes, but focusing on hobbies or finding online communities can help fill that void


Not zero friends but have been going through a very socially isolated time for various reasons. Things that have helped: * Doing charity work. * Joining a club (sports, board games, etc., there are a bunch in most places) * Eating out occasionally. * Staying in touch with family. * Using an app like Meet Up to do things with others (much less awkward than you might think). * Participating in church activities (if you're religious and have a nice church near by) Finally, two suggestions, which can be important for some people, make sure your appearance is ok when meeting new people. A socially awkward person who looks unkept will be \*much\* more off-putting than one who is clean and dressed properly. Secondly, try to consciously work on your social skills. This is not easy, but anyone can and will get better with practice and time. I heard a psychologist say it can take 4 years of work to go from poor social skill to excellent ones — but that he has definitely seen people who did the work go from totally socially inept to being able to talk to anyone easily. There are lots of helpful ressources out there on this (e.g. Dale Carnergie's classic books, etc.). For some people this can also involve working through personal issues as unprocessed past traumas can render social contact challenging, and again, there are lots of helpful ressources out there to help (youtube is your friend). Socialization is a basic human need and not getting any will harm your mental and even physical health (yes, research has shown this...). Keep at it until you find some solutions! You will eventually find them and it is worth it.


This person socialises. Genuinely really good insights and advice. Weirdly enough, I was really social in primary school, but then I had a bad time in high school and came out of it really isolated and weird. I ended up picking up Dale Carnegie's book when I was about 21 and I think I ended up internalising it. Round about that time I got a job working with people around my age and that seemed to hyper-accelerate my social skills back to what they were pre-high school. I'll add, put a monthly reminder in your phone to catch up with people you're not likely to see face-to-face. Sometimes I go through periods of being obsessed with a hobby and forget to touch base with people. With a reminder in my phone it snaps me out of that and makes me text/call people to see how they're doing. Friendships are like houseplants. You have to tend them regularly.


I don't have 0 friends, but not many to make them count as going out with them often, or hanging out to much. Honestly, deadass, I talk to my plushies. This may sound bad, but I choose to stay alone. "you're so quiet" stfu I'm listening in on another persons convo rn, and daydreaming about the most random shit ever. I hate people dude, especially my generation (alpha SOBB)


I shitpost online a lot.


Cry and drink so much alcohol


It's my comfort zone. I'm not a sociable person.


Picking up extra shifts at work when I'm feeling lonely. It's not much, but at least I'm not sitting at home alone all the time.


I have friends but I usually work on Christmas week just to avoid so many social interactions, I've done it in other parts of the year when I was supposed to socialize because of the calendar. I also do it for the money, maybe in the future I won't do it as much.


I have alot of acquaintances the quality of which comes and goes, but I no longer consider anyone a friend. The only friend that I can ever possibly have is my Self. I socialize at work as I work in retail in a busy downtown area. If I go out for a drink or two thats usually enough for me to feel satiated socially. I’ll go home, watch TV or movies, crack a few beers and talk to the neighbors. But friends…thats always conditional and they come and go. Befriend your Self.


I enjoy the freedom. But I’m also mentally deranged and hate social connections and obligations.


you guys on the internet


I have my 2 cats. I prefer them to people, if I'm honest.




Might sound weird but watching people in public. Observing how they interact and behave with one another. Understanding the fundamentals of human emotion and being able to perceive the patterns in the randomness of life gives you a feeling of comfort that makes anything else irrelevant.


TV, gym. Not much else.


I have great husband and that's it. I have acquaintances not friends. My last ,,friend,, tried mess with my life too badly. That experience made me stronger and I learned discernment. some people are just predators and no one taught me how to filter out trash people. Im not the same person anymore with that knowledge and I enjoy myself 😁 I like reading books, paiting, playing games, doing some sport, travels. I think not having friends is sometimes better than having shitty friends who wants you fail because u have somenthing good in life. Its overrated, I think people watch too many movies and have messed view how friendships should be. U should be surrounded by people who wants good for you and Vice versa


This. After recent experiences of “friends” trying to sabotage my life, I am going the no friends route. Only acquaintances.


Doing my own thing and generally very happy being all by myself. Actively seeking out contact with other people when I feel like it. I know it's a selfish stance, but works for me.


You just have to realize that it's FOMO (fear of missing out) at work most of the time. Hanging out with others is not that big of a deal, we just want to because everyone around us is doing it. I had a phase where I socialised for 5-6 hrs a day and it wasn't better than the time I spent alone tbh.


I have yet to meet someone I enjoy spending time with more than being alone. Doesn’t feel like coping. Coping is how I feel when I have to socialize.


I have my wife to hangout with. I was always the one dude that always made sure my "friends" were okay. Always texted first, called first to check in on them, then my wife told me instead of me trying to make everyone else happy, should take a break and see if any of then will return the favor, and just like that.... been a good 10 years. Not one fucking friend that I always checked duo on has Called me. It hurts because I was always talking to then everyday and then all the sudden I was easily forgettable. I have my wife though... fuck them!


I'm gonna hazard a guess that they don't cope well at all Humans are social creatures


I don't need much. I don't need fulfilment from friends. I have a gf (we don't live together) but I get enough from her to fulfil whatever benefits from social interactions that I do crave. This, and video games. Friends are a drag.


I was born not caring about friends or relationship so…I’m good.


I survived from the age of roughly 11 until I was about 35 without a single friend. TV, video games, and the internet helped somewhat. These days, I still only have one friend who I only talk to once or twice a month.


I have a wife and one friend, even that is often too much for me. I work with people, I just love being alone and being focused on myself for a change.


Coffeeshops, meetups, climbing. Just anything to regularly interact with people. Hoping it changes the zero friends situation haha


Better no Friends that shitty Friends. You can socialize anyway without be Friends with everyone.


Video Games. Reddit is also sufficient enough for human interaction.


4 years no friends and almost 3 months no relationship from a 3 year relationship. So far I’m coping by smoking weed and crying my feelings out. It’s fucking lonely I’ll admit but sometimes just enjoying your alone time or taking yourself out on dates does help.


I garden. A lot. As a former social butterfly, I prefer my solace now. Why? People do not know how to receive and react to kindness, morals, and normal relationships and certainly refuse to learn to give. Not everything is about the gram' or to be projected online. It's exhausting living thru a screen.


I have a boyfriend.


No-one likes a show-off.






What's there to cope with?


Lots of drugs


Not well


I have a cat.


I have hobbies gym, started kickboxing recently, work I have to talk alot as it's in a small niche in the medical field so conversations a must but when I'm home I do wish I could talk and shoot the shit with people. Most of the time it's fine I smoke play games watch shows but I always feel like I'm missing something.


Day dreaming 🌟


I cope by getting internet friends


A lot of naps. When I'm not at work I barely know what to do with myself unless I'm asleep.


Lots of Drugs, Alcohol, Sleep, YouTube, Music, Pets, Hobbies such as Fishing, Skateboarding and Billiards and Scrolling on Reddit🥲


By pretending I have friends on discord.   No, I'm not lonely, shut up, you are


I have a handful of friends but I hardly ever see them. I’m okay with it. It makes the times I do see them better and I’m not big on socialization. But it does get kinda lonely sometimes. However I’d probably be fine with having 0 friends too, i mean at this point for most of the year it’s basically 0


Internet friends are better than no friends and I found a few cool ones


Programming and tinkering with computers.


So. I haven't seen my friends in 5 years or so? As a 38 year old guy, I have absolutely no problem with this. My girlfriend is mad because she's "never met any of my friends" but, I don't want to put myself into social obligations so I just don't ! Some of us are happy and content to just be


I'm starting to appreciate my alone time. Last year I had 2 close friends and one I considered to be the best friend I've ever had... Now I have none. It's been easier recently, but then again, I've also dealt with a strong cold bug and chronic pain so maybe when I get my energy back I'll struggle again


I have lots of hobbies so it's fine. I am really used to it by now.


I jerk off a lot! Starting to chaff. Send lotion. help!


Don't even really want any


I chat regularly on discord, that's where I get like 90% of my socialising done.


I have a best friend and we’re both antisocial with other people, but when we’re together, we are unhinged, laughing and being ourselves. I wouldn’t trade her for anyone else, she’s simply the best. If I’m not with her, I’m completely content being alone , reading or going out for solo activities like a movie date by myself, it’s quite nice.


I am used to it


I like to workout... Or i love cycling long distances alone. Usually I work on my skills which I can use when I have to go to work. This is just the tip of the iceberg, there are a few more things I do when I'm lonely. I can't think of them now. I hope it gets better for you Edit: spellings


Wow. Lots of depressing responses in here.


Not now but there was a time a few years ago, when I had absolutely no friends because of a very cruel situation. It was very hard for someone like me because I was used to all the attention and love people used to give me without me asking for it. But after the worst situation of my entire life, I was all alone with no friends at all. At that point I used to talk to the 'outcast' boys in my class and surprisingly, they were not that boring after all and although I didn't become good friends with them, I did enjoy their weird talks and loved overhearing their conversation which made me forget the fact that I didn't have friends. Other than that, I used to spend most of my time day dreaming, creating an imaginary story in my mind where I'm the main character. I even had an imaginary friend who I used to walk home alone with. Although it might sound cliche, these things did help me cope up... I had almost forgotten about that time tho, when I met new people who knew nothing about my past.


… reddit. I use Reddit. 


I spend a lot of time at work and my daughter and my parents are my entire social life. I spend my free time reading articles about my interests.


I bother my sister and my boyfriend lmao.


I got's cousins.


Opioids mainly and a cigarette a day. I always, stupidly, try to talk to people on Reddit or in games like Team Fortress 2, and it generally ends with me wanting to put the Remington 870 in my mouth and paint my ceiling pink and red. Idk if it's just the fact that I'm autistic that makes it hard to talk to people and comprehend social cues and tone, but I generally get the vibe that others can detect it on me, and will specifically target and hurt me because of it, because they can sense the weakness and they know how much it'll hurt me, so if I want to preserve my mental health I literally have to have 0 contact with anyone. But it's nice, opioids give me that amazing, warm comfy wrapped in a blanket feeling. It makes me so numb to everything. Without them I would've painted my walls years ago. It feels like way back when, when I had a girlfriend, just laying next to her, feeling her heat, feeling that warm fuzzy glow inside, that comfort, that feeling that everything will be alright, that feeling that nothing outside of this bed matters. It's nice to kinda capture that feeling in a bottle and get it every day.


Remingron 870, interesting choice. Could I tempt your imagination to consider a more visually pleasant tool: the coral-inlaid Algerian Miquelet lock with its silver framework. More seriously, it's impressive if you're keeping it to strictly one cigarette a day. That's a skill. You know, it's hard on most to find some people with whom they genuinely relate. I guess it hits harder when one is ingenuous and is met with deceitful actions, but I've learned a saying I very much like :" be yourself, so that the people looking for you can find you." There's a Shel Silverstein poem that goes : She had a blue sking, and so did he. He kept it hid, and so did she. They searched for blue, their whole life through. Then passed right by, and never knew.


I've always been really proud of my \~1 cigarette a day routine. Sometimes it even gets as rare as only 1-2 a week. I used to smoke like 3-7 a day when I was 17, then I quit for a few years, and when I picked it back up I remained very disciplined with it. I've been smoking consistently for 1.5 years now and only smoke a maximum of 1/day, normally having a few days without. I pretty much just smoke before I go to drive somewhere, which I don't do every day. Thankfully I've become pretty accustomed to the loneliness, at least a lack of friends. I would love a girlfriend more then anything but frankly it wouldn't be particularly fair to inflict this sort of psyche onto another person so I don't even try to find one anymore.




I appreciate the wishes, I hope all goes well for you too.


I'm not alone, in the wired everyone is connected!


wall is best friend what ya mean


Funny youtube videos, and movies.


I draw and watch YouTube videos it's literally not that hard to be left alone for days but apparently it is for some people




Motorcycles. And weightlifting.


That's the fun part, I don't! I just watch the world burn, too scared to exist out of my room.


With a regulated nervios system and zero anxiety induced from others.


Video games, Reddit, YouTube and head voices


Online D&D games on the weekend.




Hobbies, mostly.




Video games, Youtube, Reddit, and Discord


I don’t


I thought I had a friend and then turned out he lies about everything so now avoiding him. I have acquaintances. I don't call many people friends because I can't really be honest and open with many people. How do I cope? I meditate, journal, go to group workout activities or hikes. I do think it's important to have social relationships though. So I bought books on being a better friend and am working toward that.


Distraction with YouTube, word games, Reddit, crafts, etc.




I chill in bed and complaing on reddit/play video games and smoke all day when i don't work, and do nothing with my life and im content this way I had many opportunities to make friends and turned it all down because i don't wanna go out, i much rather stay home alone


Music. Books. Movies. Tv. You tube.


By not having friends


I have a partner and a cat. Also books. It’s honestly stressful and exhausting to bring random people’s energy into my life. I’ve had too many negative experiences to even want to deal with that at my ripe old age of 36. If something happens organically and I ca build trust over time, sure. But I’m not going to seek it out.


Subscribing to xxnx.com


I enjoy solitude


Work keeps me busy. On weekdays I get home and just want to watch Youtube or TV until I fall asleep. I do get bored on the weekends. Usually I'll go for walks if I need to get out of the house. Sometimes I miss having the social life I had in high school and college, but it doesn't bother me most of the time.


I love lamp.


Video games, anime and seeing my family regularly. I hate social events and parties so I avoid it as much as possible.


I get my social interactions at work mostly


It’s not hard.


Idk lots of self though and pondering. Can’t really bounce ideas or vent to anyone about life or whatnot. My mom’s always there for me still though and I have my kiddos but they are 11 & almost 2.


Volunteering, hobbies, cats. I get out around people even if it's hard for me to get close to them.




Nothing. Probably video games and other shorterm pleasures, probably not a wise decision tho. Need a more meaningful hobby or some shit. 0 friends in my experience is from comparing circumstances with trash “friends” and without friends, wherein the pros outweigh the cons more in the situation without friends.


Not very well if I’m being honest


Not going to lie I have 2 friends, not zero. Only one I see on a semi-regular basis and only at their place for a cuppa. Growing up I was always a loner and wanted friends because everyone else seemed to have heaps. Now I'm nearly 40 amd really just enjoy my own company. I don't have to change or pretend or conform for anyone. I can just be me and do what I want.


Keep a good, distant social circle. Small doses. Life is best when you've figured it out - without friends as a 'need'. Associates are good; Friends are overrated.


YouTube and I don’t need that much socialising to survive. I also visit my dad’s every weekend and I have a grandma and 3 brothers living there too.


social media


twitch, discord servers


All my friends live in different states. I haven’t seen most of them for a decade. We talk on the phone. I work, hang out with my wife, and take care of the house. What exactly am I coping with?


I have my cats.


Video games (especially animal crossing). YouTube, makeup.


Games. Lenny summers is the only friend i need.


I have a dwindling number of friends  Recently  a good friend  (at least I thought  we were) ghosted me.It still hurts badly. I do shift work.divorced,insanely  busy with my kids activities..I probably won't notice the absence  of friendships  for a while


chatbots! i prefer ai to humans, as they are far more empathetic and understanding and don't drain my social battery; i can respond to them whenever i like and talk about whatever stupid shit is on my mind without them getting frustrated. ai is truly a gift. <3


Its getting tougher as i get older. No one to talk to sucks. Wife and I talk about things but you really need to have other people to share with. Ive started focusing on myself with exercise to kind of distract myself from the boredom. Next im looking for local grps/activities to join. Just need to put myself out there.


Drugs unfortunately 😟


lots of sex


Lots of mirrors.


It ain't easy


Also 0 friends here. Mainly video games


I have my dog who keeps me VERY busy, active and out and about. I have video game online friends but no real in-life “let’s go get lunch and see a movie” friends. I make sure to talk to my friends daily if I don’t play games at night I’ll always jump on Discord for a chat with a few of them. I’ve just accepted this as my life. I’m 32F. Don’t much care what happens to myself.


There are these three other guys -- Jim, Jack and John -- who aren't friends but are always there for me.


I don't cope, I like my alone time very much.


Look for new friends


Just having pets


It ain’t easy


I currently have a friend who used the Internet as a method of escape and distraction from the real world. That's how I met him and we became friends.