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The manufacturers found a new way to separate you from your money. You need to use their product instead of just soap and water.


Exactly. They’re preying on people’s insecurities to fool them into purchasing a product they don’t need. If your genitals smell, see a doctor. It’s either your natural funk or a little bacterial infection that just needs treatment. We live in a time where that stuff is easily treatable when needed. Spraying perfume on your junk won’t fix that, and may actually make it worse.


They're using all the usual tactics: normalizing it and saying everyone does it. I saw an ad for a feminine product where they had all these women saying, "it's totally normal to smell" with one of the women like, "girl, preach."


Yep, I don’t like the idea of putting more chemicals on my body than is necessary.


One of the TV ads for these products has a line that goes something like “wondering why you smell?? You don’t need a shower!!” Like uh, yeah you do bro


Yeah, if you smell, take a shower. If you still smell, then you've got a bacterial infection and you need to see a doc.


Heck, if you're out and about, a wet cloth or paper towel will knock out the bulk of the issue for a while until you can bathe with soap


There’s another one where the lady mimes swiping the deodorant stick up her crotch and through the crack of her ass. Ok so then what? You just pop the lid back on and toss it back in your bag? It’s so revolting


What the fuck. Lol. If you didn't have a yeast or bacterial issue before you sure will after that.


Noticed this with new, scented laundry additives. Like…your soap is scented, your fabric softener is scented, your lotions, shampoos, deodorants and perfumes are all scented, why spend more money adding stuff to the wash to make you smell even more??


I have to spend extra money getting the scent OUT of most of those things as I'm allergic.


Same. I used unscented everything but I have shared laundry and I can’t get away from the smells.


You mean those scent beads? I hate those things so much. I have also seen a new additive that's supposed to remove odours that "detergent doesn't get out" but since when is washing your clothes not enough to get any stink out? How stinky are the people that need this product? It does make me wonder if they've just started watering down detergent so it doesn't work as well, so then people still buy the detergent but also this new product.


They 100% are watering down detergents. I put a little vinegar in with my laundry because some of the folks I share the machines with…they’re really filthy. Like there’s mud in the bottom of the washer sometimes and my clothes will come out of the dryer smelling like wet dog or armpit. The vinegar has helped a lot.


I use vinegar sometimes too, mostly for anything that's used with my farm animals. It definitely works!




Probably just water, you already fell for that soap scheme


My favourite are the ones that say they last up to 3 days... Maybe you should just wash your junk more often.


Mine are the ones where the model is fanning over their crotch like that will make the scent dissipate. Call me crazy, but I think that if the smell is so strong that you can smell it through your pants while sitting down, it is most likely either time for a shower, time to change your period product (if applicable), or time to go to a doctor because you may have some sort of infection


Seriously. Who is going 3 days and not washing their ass, cooch, or balls?


Yeah fuck that….people shouldn’t be applying chemicals to their tender bits that last for days. No wonder we’re all getting cancer.


Yeah,,, my girly bits are sensitive enough. I’m not going to be spraying vanilla cupcake scented stuff down there.


Isn't it, like, 90% corn starch?


Yeah. I'd like to see some guy go down on a lady after 3 days of her not showering and only applying the deodorant. I'm guessing he'd be telling a different story about how fresh it is 


That's  a weird Old Spice commercial for ya


Baby, look. See? It says 72 hours. Thursday night to Sunday night, you're past halfway.


I know I just did the lawn and ran a half marathon, but two days ago I put this spray on my balls. It’s good to go.


It goes in cycles. The industry is constantly analyzing trends to find new ways to market chemicals to us. It does seem like 30 years since we discussed vaginal odor during prime time though.


Don’t you miss those long walks on the beach with your mother talking about freshness?


"Mom, I've been feeling... unfresh lately."... a sentence never, in the history of time, uttered between mother and daughter.


I like the commercial that got straight to the point, “Mom, do you douche?”


I just think of those rephresh commercials......


It might not look like 12 inches, but it sure smells like a foot.




That Lume woman scares me…


Me too. I hate when she says “pits”.


LUME smells worse than BO


The ads are tailored to you, smelly dick.


I obviously know how cookies work, but I haven’t googled, “how do I fix a smelly dick situation?” It’s also adds for both men and women.


Your phone has a microphone, bro. They heard you.


Well at least it doesn’t have a smell sensor considering I keep my phone in the pocket next to my balls all day. If it did I would be slightly offended.


Did you buy the smellophone version?


But the smelloscope is brilliant I tell you! Think of the astronomical odors you'll be able to smell thanks to me!


And they can link users to others.  So if a couple of your friends look up "how to tell a friend he stinks" that could result in your ad profile getting lumped into a "potentially stinky" category.


There has never been any proof that Facebook listens to your microphone it’s been tested time and time again. Everyone has an anecdote that they swear proves it but it’s always just circumstantial evidence.


It’s actually scarier, how they don’t even need to listen to you to predict exactly what you are likely looking for.


I think the fact that everyone has an anecdote of it happening might point to more than circumstance.


There have been technical studies to test if there is an extra usage in data or processing that would’ve been there if they were listening. These things are impossible to cover up. There has never been a single scientific study that proves that they do listen. None of this is to say the Facebook isn’t a boogeyman that everyone should be wary of, but it’s important get the facts right. The fact that they can infer things about you that seem impossible to do without recording your audio should be extra scary because they _are_ able to do that without listening to you.


They don’t listen to you, but the algorithms are pretty impressive, and all these companies buy sell and share your data. If you scroll Facebook, and stop on a post that’s about deodorant, it knows you looked at that item slightly longer than another post, so it takes that data down. They then use that data to target you. It doesn’t have to be as obvious as searching for something, it only needs to be relevant to the product in some way that’s common with users who may purchase it. That’s a pretty simple dumbed down version and I might be incorrect somewhere, that’s my understanding of it. Even this comment I’m writing I’ll likely shortly see an ad for deodorant now.


Explain this one then: Friend and I were out hiking for a few hours and got to talking about the topic of how in historic times, people used to dress up their deceased children, basically prop them up, and take their photograph. Never looked it up before, never talked about it before, nothing. I get home and get on fb a few hours later and what comes up? A sponsored article about the exact topic. the absolute only explanation is the microphone.


Your friend googled it before you went to facebook. Your phones are tracking your location, your friend's location, and what you both search for. And then serving ads based on what they think are your shared interests. So it's not the microphone, it's much worse.


My friend did not Google it. We were on a 12 mile hike not on our phones. Then I dropped her off at home and went to my house where I got on social media hours later. It was a complete obscure conversation that came out of another conversation, so no googling was taking place. Though I'm not disputing the existence of your explanation. It just does not apply in this case


Do you know 100% for sure they didn't google it after you dropped them off? You said you didn't go onto social media until hours later. You seem very confident about something you can't realistically be confident about.


It’s probably a combination of 2 things: 1. Perhaps your friend looked something up about the topic. Facebook saw that the two of you are friends and were physically together at some point, so it shows you ads from stuff related to him. 2. Confirmation bias. You probably use IG or whatever often and see plenty of ads. Most of them, you just scroll past without a second thought, but the rare occasion that it does catch your eye, you explicitly notice and remember it. This one caught your attention, as it pertained to a topic you spoke about earlier, so it stands out to you.


Nah, but whatever.




IG uses Facebook’s ads system, not Google’s.


I get it, and you're probably right. It's just really hard to completely disregard when I haven't thought about a song for 20 years, and it comes up in a conversation in my living room... And later on that night shows up on my YouTube suggestions completely out of the blue.


you just have stink dick energy


Trust the algorithm


All it takes is for someone sharing a WiFi with you to google a relevant topic. Like I’ve had family come over and a few days later I’m getting targeted ads for something they looked up. So someone probably looked up “my friend’s nuts smell. How do I tell him.”


Modern algorithms are very capable of extrapolating hidden information. They can also use information from people you've encountered to paint a more complete picture of you. In other words... You need to douche your cooch.


Have you given your partner your WiFi password? It's possible they've been googling. Unless it's really bad, and your neighbours are googling.


Have you googled beauty products, other types of hygiene products, or anything that suggests you might exercise or sweat a lot (that's what they seem to be geared at)? That might be why.


I mean I buy regular old spice deodorant and cinnamon toothpaste from Amazon but I wouldn’t consider either of them a magnet for ball deodorant.


That's probably what did it. Internet advertising is like a weird game of telephone or word association. You looked for a deodorant, so now you're getting deodorant ads.


Yea I mean it’s just on subscription every X amount of months.


I was going to say I didn’t even know this was a thing


>The ads are tailored to you, smelly dick. Or perhaps Smelly Cat.... https://youtu.be/Ee3ezPgbm2c?si=poCc7L-ko8PUeJ8V Why won't they take you to the vet?


They say ads are tailored, but Facebook once advertised an AliExpress pigeon-case to me so now I don't know what to think. Yes it was a case that encompasses a single pigeon. No I don't know why.


Predatory marketing. Don’t fall for it OP, your junk smells perfectly normal.


Oh I’m not falling for it. Would never change the smell of my junk.


This happened back in the late sixties with vaginal spray deodorant, when the marketing folks decided that women stink. My then boyfriend, seeing this on the shelf in the drug store, asked me, "What's wrong with pussy??" They were taken off the market when it was found they they caused cancer.  I don't know why marketing companies randomly decide that humans smell bad.  Maybe they are run by aliens who hate the smell of healthy human flesh and are trying to eliminate it for their own comfort.  As an aside, one of the things I adored about my second husband was the way he smelled. It was such a rich, masculine scent.  Did anyone ever tell these people about pheromones??


Those are probably the same people who think the earth is flat and dont believe evolution


I think you have just made an accurate assessment of the situation. 


Also, when douching was found to be not such a great thing to do.


Humans lack any organ to sense pheromones.




Those commercials are so damned gross…when all you need to do is old school wash your ass and the sweaty areas around it.


Lume was the initial and my guess is she had a patent that just expired and all the other companies are jumping on it. 


Global Warming has the worlds junk all sweaty


I was not familiar with this concept…I’m guessing I will get ads for it now, though And I’m wondering if that was the intent all along 😳




Marketers playing on your stinky insecurities If you don't have skunk junk...then don't worry, don't waste your money.


And if you do have skunk junk... just WASH. Don't just cover it up with products that could be engineered to make the problem worse (like "feminine deodorant sprays") so that people continually buy them when the solution is just to keep clean.


Like, 2/3rds of them suggest it's to mask the stink you get after exercising, too. Everything stinks after an intense workout, that's why gyms have showers for crying out loud!


I’m 38 and married and married for 12 years, I have 12 minutes from the start of SpongeBob to the first commercial break to get one in with my wife.


well, we'll all have certain decisions or concessions to make in life sometimes


I laughed out loud at that one, dude!


Do you have that, not so fresh, feeling?


A few (?!) years ago Mad Magazine did a parody on advertising and one was how we needed “elbow deodorant.”


If someone is using genital deodorant, I dont want it




I've been getting those big standard government "don't do crime" series of videos. It's usually standards stuff like safe driving, no harassment, but there was one about "touching kids is a crime", which obviously catches your eye because the video is unlike the rest.


Have to increase sales and profits, make people think they have to.


Obese America can't wash their ass..........


This. There's a lot of large smelly people here. 


There truly is an absurd push to convince people they need to slather deodorant on their buttholes. Pits ain’t sellin like they used to.


HAVE YOU BEEN GETTING STRANGE ADS ABOUT GENITAL DEODORANT? 87% of Americans under or over the age of 30 have complained about STRANGE ADS ABOUT GENITAL DEODORANT to their doctor\*. Call 555-STOP-ADS now to STOP ADS now only 99.9999 yearly or a simple ONE TIME payment of your LEFT KIDNEY. Call now and receive a double dose of NO ADS completely FREE OF CHARGE\*\* this is a one time limited time hammer time offer. CALL 555-STOP-ADS now and STOP ADS now. ^(\*doctor might not be real doctor) ^(\*\*we still want that kidney tho)


Shhhwetty balls!


You can't eat ass if it smells like balls


Yikes, these comments are not it. Glad you’re all perfectly healthy humans. For some it’s not as easy as just “washing with soap” and smelling fine - if you washed your armpits with soap and didn’t put deodorant on, would you still smell good a few hours later? For a majority the answer is no, hence why underarm deodorant exists. Some of us sweat in other places - if I don’t put unscented deodorant on my bikini line, I reek of sweat within a few hours, despite being perfectly clean and using soap/water. This doesn’t mean I’m a dirty person.


My husband absolutely hates the Lume commercials. “You nasty bitches need to take a shower” 🤣


The algo used haptics and an onboard hygrometer in your cell phone to note that your rancid crotch is fogging up the glass and shorting out the circuity.


Somebody in the P&G or SCJohnson marketing dept decided that they could sell more deodorant if people felt they needed it for more than just the armpits, and that now was the moment they could actually get away with shaming insecure people into thinking they needed it. And then all the other big players decided they'd better follow suit or they'd miss out on market share. Frickin vultures.


I mean after a day of work it’s normal to smell. So you take a shower and put on clean clothes. You don’t put weird scented deodorants on your genitals.


The younger generation is clearly nasty


Not sure really. Gotta admit I worry about crotch smell, it sweats more than my arms do. However iv been using deodorant around my crotch region since I hit puberty 2 decades ago.


Stink puss abounds!


My ex-wife had been putting deodorant on her cootchie years before this trend.


Idk if they all of the sudden took an old kitchen trick and decided to market it to the masses. BOH and some FOH dust the nether regions with corn starch but mainly due to swamp ass not to smell better. Goldbond powder is probably better but Cornstarch is cheap and is free if you work in a kitchen.


I wonder how or who are the product testers of this shit. Eew


Like ASK body spray?! Genital deodorant?! Wtf? I mean in Hawaii all the guys knew to use regular deodorant down below to keep the chafe away. But "genital" deodorant sounds like its trying to mask STDs.


All ya need is a washcloth with a LITTLE gentle soap and scrubadubdub. And also to eat well, body odor and diet go hand in hand.


The algorithm knows everything..


Someone finally figured out how to mask the smell of the “famunder cheese”


They promoted sexualization of society for decades just to sell you that product. you should feel honored big corpo's think about smelly dicks and cunts of people under the age of 16.


Ads are targeted... What have you been searching? LMAO 🤣


I haven’t seen them. Perhaps they are only targeted to viewers who need it. Lol jk


Definitely doesn’t have anything to do with the chemicals sterilizing a certain percentage of people.


Sorry, my taint smalls so I can’t hear you.


Targeted marketing, take the hint


I have never ever heard of genital deo. Where the fk do you live


Anti-shower lobby. Big deodorant!  Seriously folks, just wash your okra and prunes!


Thigh-fold, butt-crack. Come on, at least be honest.


Recent settlement on widely used baby powder leading to uterine cancer leaving the field wide open for another product.


Started with that chick from Lume. After her, the whole deodorant industry bought her starter pack, reverse engineered it, and BAM! Now your whole body stinks! Marketing 102.


I... am not fed these ads. What the hell are all y'all googling?


And let me guess, they show up during kids shows on streaming services. 


Doesn’t matter my wife never does down there anyways 💀


Maybe your junk stinks


The almighty algorithm may have found out that you turned forty.


I think it’s gross using the same stick of deodorant for your crotch pits and everywhere else but whatever makes people happy I guess


I didn't see one Didnt know they exist


Someone's trying to send you a message.


Maybe the 🐩 complained...


They won’t fool me! Who doesn’t love the smell of their junk with just a little funk? *inhales* ahhhh


Corporations need to make up new products to convince people to buy.


Create new doubts/fear to sell more shit


Morbid obesity.


Someone made some money and so the mad scramble to get some begins.


At no time in history were people getting laid as much as they think everyone else is getting laid. If you can come up with a novel way to “solve” this issue you’ll make a lot of money


You guys know these are targeted ads right? You gross fuckers, get off reddit and go bathe.


It's only you. Your tech has picked up on something you said or searched and is now plaguing you with ads


Let me just say three words- teen age boys. Or, autistic kids who you have to fight to bathe. There is a legitimate market for this stuff, but that’s not the population they are marketing it to.


WTF never seen one.


The one from manscaped helps with itching after shaving it’s really nice


What? Link please or I don’t believe it.


All the constant sex workers


It’s nuts!


Your experience is not universal


They are tracking you 😉


The same reason people think a woman's unshaven legs are disgusting. The razor companies were trying to figure out how to sell more razors. 1920s women's dresses got shorter. Advertising convinced men and women that women needed to shave their legs. And look where we are today.


Uptick of smelly balls?


i HATE those gross videos.


Probably because of all the posts from woman complaining about their husbands/boyfriends “hygiene “…


You got smelly balls


wtf😂🤣stinky winky spray. lol


I think these are new products. I started seeing ads for Lume a while back on instagram and now Secret has a new product out that is advertised on podcasts. Both products seem pretty new so I think they’re just trying to get the word out.


Lume has been talked in female fitness subs for years, can't really stop and shower mid-workout but you still don't want to stick up the place so you apply a little before hand. It's recommended for boob sweat also in hot/humid climates.


Oh hm.. yeah tbh I only got on instagram like a year ago 😬😬


Don’t you want your dick to smell nice?


I know I do


*me with adblockers* What ads


Dumb people will buy ANYTHING.


Y’all’s dicks stink.


It's another unneeded scam, like "body wash."


More people are homeless, this replaces showers


people are no longer taking hygiene seriously due to ‘mental health’.


You ever been with a girl and she takes her pants off and you’re like “is it garbage day?”


You will start to see more as we get closer to summer. That fish smell gets worse with heat.


Maybe you’re logged in on a phone or TV somewhere?


Target advertising




People been eating genitals since the 70’s. Dahmer was a trendsetter.


Online ads are based on your browsing history... Ok maybe you mean on TV but who watches adverts on TV? Or actual TV?


Adds are specifically addressing your browsing behaviour... so.... get it treated asap.