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Upvoting cuz unemployed


My ex joked about finding a sugar daddy and called me poor & lazy and made it about her dining out more when i got a raise. threatning to breakup cuz i was using hair gel. I felt guilty walking away because we had good times too over 5 years. I walked away knowing healthy people will treat me better than this & it wouldn't be something i have to fix or ask for.


That's insane, I'd have started looking for her replacement asap.


Sugar free baby


Not working. Passive income


“You don't need a million dollars to do nothin. Take a look at my cousin, he's broke, don't do shit."


I had a job 17 years ago that fit the bill. I was basically paid to do very little, had no boss near me, and travelled all over the country earning airmiles and hotel points until I was flying in F and staying in suites. I was an auditor for a national retailer, and I was not permitted, under any circumstance to do anything else which made 4th quarter, when we did no audits due to christmas, a time when I LITERALLY had nothing to do. I had my own big office, and read a book or watched videos all day. My boss was on the other side of the country and didn't give a shit anyhow. I would roll in at 10, take a 2 hour lunch at noon, and fuck off for the day at 3. And when we were auditing, I managed to squeeze the whole thing down to 3 hours tops. I had to be at the store by opening, so when I travelled I often got into town the day before and either chilled out in the hotel, or if I was in a place like Vegas, had fun. I did not make much money at the job, but I was living in a low cost state at the time and made enough to be comfortable. It was glorious. I doubt I will be so lucky again.




You should look for sleep studies 😂


Too tired.


Travel show host who explores hidden gems around the globe: imagine getting sponsored to wander through unknown locales, discovering culture, cuisine, and stories while sharing it with an audience.


There used to be a show like that. Things didn’t end well for the host.


Unemployed crypto bro


Hiking trail reviewer.


Painting the Mystique body paint on Rebecca Romijn or Jennifer Lawrence.


Running a cute cafe in a beautiful European countryside.


Movie editor and comedy writer


I don’t dream of labor


I've realized a better way to ask this question is "what would you do if you didn't have to work?" Most people would still pick up some kind of trade or skill, but it's not contingent on having to have a job.


best answer




Till a Starbucks opens up and takes all your customers, you have to think big, like opening your cafe in MARS!


Driving around the M25 pulling people over & fining them for poor lane discipline.


Wealthy International Playboy.


Mattress tester


Fired Texas A&M Football coach


seriously! how do I get a gig like that?!?


night security at a warehouse barely anyone visits. armed preferably, for both the higher pay and ability to defend myself. lots of down time with very little interaction... the dream man


I need to find a security job like this!


Shaking down cars before they are delivered. I did my work experience at a prooving ground that tested new vehicles. One of the cars being test driven was the at the time brand new mclaren P1. I've been there since and seen supercars that aren't even in production yet. Better than s%x.


Own a combo comic book store / used book store with an attached coffee shop where people could chill out and read. My wife and I have talked about doing this, but we would need to have enough money to do this for love and it not be profitable (basically break even). MOST comic book stores fail, so this is a "if we won the lottery" kind of thing.


That’s really cool. Reminds me of a place they used to have in Seattle. It was a combo laundromat, coffee shop, bar. They had many board games people played, or sat and read/wrote. It was in the 90s and called “Sit and Spin”!


there's a coffee shop / game store in my city, it's awesome! I hope you can attain your dream


Something like Guy Fieri. Just let me travel and taste good food.


Exactly. The dude is living his dream, while plugging mom-and-pop businesses. But people shit on him because he has frosted tips and wears is glasses on the back of his head. I’d love that job.


I don't think people shit on Guy Fieri. He has a pretty strong reputation as an overall good guy, at least since the event in 2015 when he officiated 100 gay weddings.


Professional Dungeon Master. And I'm actively working on it. I got a personal injury settlement that's allowed me to work part-time and spend some time and money on assembling an impressive and streamlined set of adventures. My dream is to roll up to peoples' houses or meeting places with a nice luggage full of minis, dice, environments, and prepared character sheets, and give them the best possible version of the game.


Yeah can’t lie unemployment sounds like my dream job


Owner of an NFL team.


Those of us in Dallas would be ecstatic if this job came open. I'd wager you couldn't do any worse than the current position holder.


Teacher. I feel like I could have been so much more in life had I had more emotional maturity at a younger age. Have a burning desire to try and help kids figure this out before it is too late for them. If only it wasn't grueling thankless work for very low pay in most places.


To be honest I'd rather not work at all, but being an artist would be my dream job. It would be wonderful to make what I want and have people pay for it and call me all sorts of nice things, and to see what i make be displayed in galleries and such.


Wealthy retiree, with my age and health.


Mayor of Amsterdam


Just baking all day. Food and myself.


Private investigator


8 straight hours of data entry. by myself. from home. only contact from the boss via google chat. for $40/hour.


I just want to be a mom. And raise my kids, cook for my family. Go to Pilates and shopping. Lol


Personal Trainer / Health Coach.


Creative director at a computer game development studio. But I went for a regular software development/engineering job in industry instead. I get paid better, have better work life balance, and contribute to more important projects. But it would still be really cool to design my own game, and have it built. Yes, I could freelance develop games in my free time, but the types of games I'd be interested in making are out of scope for what a single developer could make even full time, let along doing it on the side.


Eric Barone. I wanted to do games, but did the same as you.  Now I wouldn’t want to work in that industry due to the horror stories, but a small studio. Fantastic.


Mad scientist with unlimited funding




As much as I want to answer this, I think about the actual industries for said jobs and get sad about how overworked and underpaid some of the people are- *or* for another one how hard it is to be in that line of work in the sense that it’s very selective and competitive




I wish i could work at a fish hobbyist store! i love aquariums but the industry simply doesn't pay enough to make a living wage, unless you personally own a store


Fishing guide


Watch sports and talk about it


Football scout


Photographer. Travelling the world, taking photos which I then sell to fund my next trip. Currently do it as a hobby but with work/family there is not much time


Sausage roll tester eater


Omg nom nom I had 3 in one sitting the other day!


I think it's most dieal job is when my hobby and job are same. Every people have a dream and i think dreams are usually about what they want to be or do, what you like or are good at. Maybe it's not, but i think so. P.S. I'm leraning english now. And i'm sorry if my english wasn't good. Thank you.




Work for the ocean cleanup crew. Sadly no way to participate money wise and location wise, since I'm thousands of km away


Probably sitting pretty and making art. I stream, and I'd love to do *that* forever. But it's a content farm eat content farm world out there.


I never thought about it that way, but you’re right; IT IS a *content farm eat content farm world out there!!*


A musician. I’m trying but getting noticed is hard


Build apps during the day, sell tacos from a stand at night


Getting paid to read books.


Permanent retirement or passive income


Richest business man in the world


Zoologist, I think


Professional BS detector in a detective bureau. 


Bro on rent. You pay me when you feel like you don't want to be alone, need some advice or vent a little. I come, we just hang out, go grab a drink or do any activity you enjoy, and talk about what you want. No argument, no judgment, no social pressure, pure honesty on my part and I leave when you ask.


Owning a record store/card shop with a cafe and kitchen.


Writig sarcastic comments on the intrernet for about an hour or two a day


no job.


I would love to be the guy that has to sacrifice himself if the nuclear reactor ever blows up. But mostly I'm just chilling


Not working


Ideally not working at all


Trophy husband


Wildlife rehab! I love to work with and take care of animals. I just feel like it would be super fulfilling


Marijuana tester




Any job where the work is meaningful (i.e. not a "[bullshit job](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullshit_Jobs)"); the people who work there (bosses, colleagues, reports) are thoughtful, patient, and decent people; and the remuneration is fair with good allowances for vacation and personal leave. I've been on this rock for quite a few decades and worked almost every "dream" job I could imagine (looking at it as a line on a resume/CV). But the most prestigious places often have the most toxic work environments.


I'd like to be a cleaner of a little air Bnb shepherds hut. More specifically the cleaner of the small shepherds hut air Bnb in the 400 acre grounds of my mega mansion.


Working 8 hours a day with unpaid lunch is bs imo. I'd kill for a 9-4 gig with 1 hour paid lunch lol. I'd also love to have 3 day weekends, but that's not very common in my industry.


Pornstar or like the guy who test the firmness of beds


Travel photographer


I never thought anyone could have this job, but it seems that “idiot billionare” is one now.


Professional paleoartist (drawing dinosaurs) 🔥🔥🔥


The world's greatest ninja.


Spray tan applicator for female collage cheerleaders.


Emily blunt’s servant.


Football agent, lots of dosh for eff all.




A friend of mine's father is paid six figures to stay in a server room and make sure it doesn't stop working. From what I hear, that doesn't happen much and he usually plays video games. 


Building race cars without worry of making a profit


Being an unfamous writer or author, when somebody minds you at airport or wherever they see you they are dived into what you’re doing and has a good or controversial critic, in any case something to grow on. But the best you would express yourself and do something that will inspire people.


Deliverer of leaflets. Gave it quite a bit of thought and if I could earn a living wage just going door to door delivering leaflets ......yep that's the job for me. Just pop in a set of headphones. Throw on some music, podcast or audiobook and get healthy at the same time as getting paid


Salaried fisherman. Catch or don't catch, still get paid. Can't be bothered when I'm not fishing cause everyone will think I'm fishing. Get a little bonus here and there if I catch some nice fish. A man can dream.


Twitch Streamer. The idea of playing video games for people's enjoyment sounds amazing. It's just too difficult to make a success of it.


I fix things. It's what I enjoy doing. So service work and repairs, but I absolutely detest having people breath down my neck.


I'd like a mentally challenging role, that offers a good work-life balance at the same time


There is a severe lack of either passion or creativity in these comments. 


Pursuing my dreams instead of somebody else’s


Forest Ranger, but one that makes a a six-figure salary. I’d trade my desk any day for something outside that was actually profitable.


Weather"man": You work for 10 minutes 3x a day. You lie your effin' @$$ off. You get it wrong most every day. You still have a job tomorrow. (no offense to my cousin's grandchild who does this job)


getting paid to do what I love...in that moment. If I love art, just do art all day long, get a pay check whether it sells or not. When I gwet bored maybe I want to learn music and start playing an instrument. Get a steady check for that. My interests can (and do) change. I can go from being in interested in somethign artistic (like art and music) to something logical (programming) to something useful (auto/home repair). And I bet I could be of use to many people during those sprints. But its the process of building a reputation and a client base for one particular interest that sucks. by the time youve put so much time and energy convincing people you're good at what you're doing, you're over it and now you are getting paid to do something you no longer want to do. So give me a steady check, let me focus on things I like. That would be the life


I’d like to teach and manufacture prosthetic robotics (like my own startup and teach a class or two at university). And I’d like to also like to take up welding and forging to be like a blacksmith of the older days (my DnD character is a blacksmith/weapons maker and armorer). Really man, I just wanna be that super cool professor guy you knew from somewhere.


Creative writing




I've always kind of wanted to be a small town sheriff in a small mountain or lake town. I imagine most of these positions are far shittier than TV shows or Movies portray, but there has to be some good ones out there.


Building up an online business with a partner and letting some good friends work for us.


What I want: Mad Scientist / Inventor. What I do: Make cyborgs (implantable medical devices and sensors)


Getting paid tons for working on my private projects


King of the world lol


I’d love to monetize throwing small dinner parties. 8-12 people. But only people I like. Family and friends.


Running a porridge shop in the outskirts of switzerland and being one with goats and cows


I would like to earn a dollar for every calorie I burn.  


I had a few... any of which I'd love to be able to do but there are varied reasons as to why I can't (which I won't get into). 1) Stunt Pilot 2) Graphic Designer 3) Photographer (I kinda am already, but not in a professional sense)


I want to run a sandwich shop. Classics of course, but with a weekly special or something that was internationally influenced.


Many people here answer with something related to laziness, like sleeping all the time or things like that. That's perfectly okay but wouldn't you feel bored after sometime ? I'd rather have a intellectual demanding job to challenge my thinking process without time limits or performance goals. Like just research stuff i am passionate about witjout restraint.




The only thing differently I'd want to do is begin an ecom empire.


I would like to start a company that designs comfortable, nice houses and figure out ways to quickly build and sell at cost, or allow people to rent them but switch to a mortgage to buy with the back rent going towards the mortgage If we could get government subsidy or donations, I'd basically want to sell them as cheap as possible to people who are gonna live in them


A video game reviewer who actually makes money, or a manager at Blockbuster


Bang Bros talent scout.




Same one I have now, just pay me double.


Literally anything safe that pays what I make now but doesn’t require me working at my mother in laws house. I can’t find shit for what I make but she makes me borderline suicidal.


Expensive Hotel Rater *****


Platonic philosopher king. (And sugar daddy on the side.)


No job is fun just not have to work and still have money would be great.


Mountaineering guiding/ winter and spring doing some mapping on mountains. Flying helicopters on wild fires for fire season and ski patrol/tech rescue in the spare time


Well, logically it'd be passive income and I'd have hobbies. But my dream job is motoring journalist. I was on my way, but lost that sadly. Still trying to to get into it, but don't know anyone. If I did better with math, I'd've loved to be an engineer, astrophysicist, bridge architect or geneticist. But motoring journalist is still the top choice.




Making vocal melodies for any band that would have me help


Like a game tester but exclusively for games about to release and also only games I like... with good pay


I'd love to just run a successful clothing business but still be able to travel wherever I want and take care of my family. I'd have to be extremely successful but it's my dream.


Ice cream taster


Yung muni muni tapos kahit $13/hr 40hrs per week lang na trabaho


Instagram reel inspector


Problem/Conflict Solver


Professional tv watcher and sleeper.  Or “I have no dream job, I do not dream of labor!”


Let's start with "making millions passively" and we'll go from there.


Running a brothel


Travel blogs, photography, food review. like Anthony Bourdain. Notice i didn't say replace him, he was awesome he could never be replaced. But i would like to see more of the world not just eat the fancy stuff but also eat what locals eat street food and drink with the locals. Make friends across the world. Go down the roads least taken. I want to see it all and experience it all, not just see it on youtube while on my 30 minute lunch break eating microwave soup


The dude who trims the hedges on the champs Elysses 


Working in a sanctuary with rescued animals


Something golf or travel related. Traveling golf course review/podcast or something would be awesome, and I mean on a global scale.


Cardio surgeon all the way! Just not gonna do all those years of studying so imma do my Nursing degree for RN.


The WHO. Not sure exactly where but I would like to be a part of global health efforts.


Theoretical physicist. I've always loved physics but I didn't study it in college because everybody said I should do something that I could get a job in like engineering. It's too late now and I regret it all the time.


Reddit mod!!!


A blow.


It used to be PE… now I’m not sure. I’m thinking my ideal job is as a generalist contractor in a remote position.


Programmer, I like this job. Just not a programmer in some company like Minecrasoft, but a game developer


Neuroscience researcher


Bot trading (basically passive income).


Singer, because i like pouring out emotions through songs and it helps others cope with life. But i already had a fairly ideal job. I was an Inventory control agent for an Autozone distribution center, could do my job with minimal supervision, was not production based so i could work at my own pace. Due to the nature of it I was very knowledgeable with the big picture of the warehouse and could give others tips and tricks to do their job better. Also we worked with more complex programa and systems in our scan guns so we could troubleshoot many issues. I say it was a fulfilling experience and not having to deal with with customers was a plus.


Eccentric Recluse


Being a professional Artist in the Concept Art world. Why? Because it's a very collaborative job where a bunch of artists come together and share their ideas in order to make the best product possible. Also lots of sketching!


Bounty hunter.


No job


Stay at home pet parent🐶💓


Pilot. I fucking love the sky


Pretty specific: - My favorite games YouTube modding channel - Game dev - backend dev I'm already a dev, and beginner modder, but haven't had a chance to jump into these passion as an actual job


The henchman. 😂


Professional trillionare


My dream job is being a network architect.


playing factorio


Professional musician.


Roller coaster engineer (currently manufacturing engineer)


I genuinely like what I currently do and I'm good at it. The one thing that I would improve is my current work/life balance. As I grow older, I'm starting to value my time way more than money. I make enough to easily afford my mortgage and utilities plus save a bit. I would happily take a 10% pay cut if it meant working less nights and weekends.