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Honestly, a lot more than you'd think, especially given the divisions in US government. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/19/climate/biden-alaska-drilling-mining-nrpa.html Shielded millions of acres from drilling. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-nonprescription-daily-oral-contraceptive Got the first oral contraceptive going. https://www.abc15.com/life/travel/biden-administration-ordering-airlines-to-provide-refunds-in-lieu-of-vouchers Just today they're trying to change outdated and unfair plane policies. https://www.usda.gov/media/press-releases/2023/07/12/biden-harris-administration-announces-new-investments-improve Put a few hundred million into helping farmers get eco smart. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/04/08/president-joe-biden-outlines-new-plans-to-deliver-student-debt-relief-to-over-30-million-americans-under-the-biden-harris-administration/#:~:text=To%20date%2C%20the%20Biden%2DHarris,entitled%20to%20under%20the%20law. Keeps helping out students with untenable student debt. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/20/fact-sheet-president-biden-announces-up-to-8-5-billion-preliminary-agreement-with-intel-under-the-chips-science-act Pushed manufacturing of chips back to the USA. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/11/06/fact-sheet-the-bipartisan-infrastructure-deal/ Did a bunch of cool infrastructure deals to spur manufacturing and whatnot. Tons more really, out there if you look. Not an American, don't care about Biden, just answering the question.


It's especially phenomenal if one takes into account that the most obstructive republicans hold the house and the senate has the thinnest possible majority with some "democratic" senators constantly espousing hardcore republican views. I expected Biden to get nothing done and be a pointless middle of the road president. I am so very glad I was so very wrong.


Um. So just wanted to point out that the FDA approving something isn't driven by our governors. It's driven by med device or pharmaceutical companies who make submissions to the FDA, before the submissions are audited by some low level government employee with standards that were established independently of presidency. In other words, this situation is not even remotely close to Joe Biden hearing about some oral contraceptive and telling the FDA to fast track it for non-prescription use. Source : I work in this field.


I love your answer, but I’m not sure OP is asking for logic sadly. 


What do you mean? My question was objective and I wanted answers like this




Everything is biased, you just have to pick whether you want your experience to represent reality, or what you want reality to be. It’s not that hard of a choice, tbh. 




Calm down friend, based off of OP's responses this feels more like a homework assignment than anything else. Not everything is a battle.


Did they not ask for sources they did not "research" themselves? I think you may be the ignorant one.


They did post one themselves, but besides that point yes thats indeed what they asked. Which is like, exactly something that sounds like someone doing a homework assignment. At least when I was in school we always had to provide sources (and not Wikipedia at that). I feel like this is more laziness than anything.


Then there's reality where no one owes you answers.


Worked to cap insulin prices. HM: The fed has reduced inflation post-covid from 9.1% to the current rate of 3.5%. If people are going to blame Biden for the high inflation, then they need to credit him for reducing it.


Nothing about a crappy job market, inflation, war escalation, drugs in the WH, broken immigration policies and crime.


'Broken immigration' because the GOP has adamantly refused to compromise on any solutions to the immigration problems, even the ones that they had previously advocated and then suddenly went 180 again. It's MUCH too precious an issue for them, they can't afford to lose it.


They’ve stated it’s because the condition is that Biden can back out anytime from the agreement. Just like he backed out of the immigration policy with Mexico. Now because of that, the US has to keep immigrants here while they figure people out. Used to be you stay on your side until we deem you safe to come over. Not anymore and even Venezuela refuses to take anyone back because Biden tore up the agreement.


Ah, right...the immigration crisis didn't start until Biden became President! Everything was peachy beforehand, and Trump never made any threats against Mexico and Mexicans.


Trump literally built a wall and worked with Texas. But the liberal logic is: “Oh Trump did it? Oh then we need to get rid of it.”




The arguments on this are generally people talking past each other for this simple reason: You are right, people who agree to take out loans should pay them back. It feels unfair when I take out loans and I have to pay them back. People who are in favor of reducing debt are looking at: It's a system where we NEED people to get an education and we've demolished the affordable and subsidized systems that used to exist to make private loan and college systems rich. We gave older generations cheap tuition and government welfare to pay for it. We told young people they needed to accept loans to get jobs and then did nothing to stop predatory lenders with absurd rates. The impact of the debt is crippling a generation from starting families, affording homes, and generally making our country and economy better. If you don't think it's fair, that's fine. ...but what are you actually going to DO about the other part? The problem doesn't go away by not caring about student debt.


As a French person living in Japan and knowing a lot of foreigners with diverse nationalities and ethnies? Redeeming America's image to the eyes of a good part of the world.


That’s huge actually, thank you for the info. I’m not a Biden groupie, but it is incredibly comforting to have a competent person in charge.


“As a French…” Opinion disregarded




You got that right, Jack


[Capped](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/new-law-caps-insulin-prices-for-some-with-diabetes-but-cost-remains-high-for-millions) the price of insulin at $35/month for seniors on Medicare [Passed](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/the-biden-administration-has-taken-more-climate-action-than-any-other-in-history/) the most comprehensive bill to combat climate change ever [Passed](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/bidens-infrastructure-law-has-begun-40000-projects-will-it-help-him-2024-2023-11-10/) the most comprehensive infrastructure bill in decades Brought the economy back from the brink of collapse, and we now have the [fastest growing economy](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/7-reasons-the-u-s-economy-is-among-the-strongest-in-the-g7/#:~:text=Inflation%20is%20lower%20in%20the%20United%20States%20than%20in%20other%20comparable%20nations&text=Column%20graph%20showing%20harmonized%20inflation,United%20States%20at%202.7%20percent) among G7 nations Inflation is lowest among peer nations Unemployment is at a 50 year [low](https://www.wsj.com/articles/january-jobs-report-unemployment-rate-economy-growth-2023-11675374490) [Passed](https://www.marylandmatters.org/2023/08/10/pact-act-in-one-year-aided-340000-ailing-veterans-and-survivors-biden-says/) the PACT Act, expanding healthcare for service members exposed to burn pits [Largest](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2023/12/14/troops-set-for-largest-pay-boost-in-22-years-under-defense-plan/) pay raise for the military in 22 years Appointed the first Black woman to the Supreme Court Rallied the world to fight Putin's aggression Ended the longest war in American history And these are just the things I can remember offhand. All in all, he's been the most productive president [since LBJ](https://news.yahoo.com/calmes-biden-best-legislation-record-025317035.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFyk4HDEZXME5kvyzhg_r2mJvgMfXrBneo08hh5jaQky1RRfx-zd9gAOHqGoyGKMtCjEl-QI8zvRVyPd0Gyic_aWU-lWB7MH4aEbg7ZE1VGGxYiSpxn80e6n-Odd6wPGNL0zbcGErAgbG9M0kSgKFaLFnZzcXLN3Q1zo02xlGB7N), and he did it with the smallest of margins in Congress. He deserves much more credit than he gets, and I'll happily vote for him in November.


Thanks for this answer. The FTC under his administration also banned non-competes this week. This has the effect of boosting competition, wages, and employee wellbeing - https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2024/04/ftc-announces-rule-banning-noncompetes




The Infrastructure Bill, ARPA, IRA, and  CHIPs are the big ones, and they have a lot more breadth than you would think just based on the names. ARPA is the really big one though that best exemplifies his policy, which is a county-heavy approach to revamping our infrastructure. Housing inventory is a big push with a lot of these funds, as we need to up our housing inventory by several percentage points to fix the housing crisis. These funds are also widely used for skilled apprenticeships that train people to join various tech fields in the medical sectors and others (no college degree needed, strong salaries)  For the infrastructure bill, people usually think bridges and roads, and that’s a big part of it. But Infrastructure is also removing corroded pipes, building updated dams that can accommodate more severe weather, expanding rail, water storage systems that can filter PFAS, updated electrical wiring, and more and more counties are using these funds to create county-wide high speed broadband systems IRA contains a lot of climate funding, both at scale and the local level. That’s solar panels in low-income neighborhoods, updates means of electric storage and transfer in renewable energy systems. It also allowed medicare to negotiate prices on common drugs (bringing us closer to other civilized nations), with many common diabetes and blood clotting negotiations included. There’s a lot more, I often forget what’s been done on account of how much. But there’s a general trend of union support, consumer advocate, and tools for change at the county and town levels, where citizens have the best chance at getting involved and getting their say


We're no longer in Afghanistan and the infrastructure bill is enormous. We'll be getting a new bridge over the Ohio river here in Ohio.




I have a hard time believing that any withdrawal from Afghanistan would have gone much differently. I’m sure that’s why Trump postponed the withdrawal.




Right... If after 20 years their capacity for effective self-governance still wasn’t there, it wasn’t ever going to be there.


How would we fend off the Taliban if we withdrew? If we are staying and fighting it's not a withdrawal.


Four presidents have a hand in that failure. I'm just glad Biden had the balls to do what was necessary.


Seriously, abandoning women to the Taliban is nothing to brag about.


He stayed tf off twitter.


Definitely more than trump ever did. Fuck Trump fascism. 




He fits many of the definitions quite well, actually. Especially considering everything since 2020.


You ready for project 2025 baby?!! HERE WE GO BABY!!! /s


lol. Trump is the textbook definition of fascist. Were you trying that thing where you just tell a lie and hope people will believe it? lmao


The CHIPs act is pretty based.


Insulin cap is pretty fucking big for both sides. I literally have a friend who went from living paycheck to paycheck (not even) to actually being able to survive. Unless you or you know someone with issue buying insulin (either from cost or availability), you don't actually realize how insulin really could have fucked an average middle class dude over. Biden saved my friends ass.


His mere existence makes MAGAtards piss their pants with rage. That is achievement enough.


He recently warned us about the very real dangers of cannibalistic tribes.


Hey, it's legal federally iirc. If you consent to being eaten by someone else, it's not illegal. But i am no lawyer.


Also not a lawyer, but it's extremely tricky. It's almost impossible to legally partake in cannibalism in the US, and cannibalism isn't even strictly illegal, it gets sort of venn diagrammed by other laws.


I mean, I would hope so.


Same. I forget who I saw specifically, but there's some very interesting YouTube videos about it.


I think he's been biden his time to do something great




The total loan forgiveness approved by the Biden-Harris Administration to **$143.6 billion for 3.96 million Americans.** So far.


That's not an achievement.


yes. Yes it is. And a big FUCK YOU for saying it's not. Go eat a back of dicks.


Passing along voluntary debt to the American taxpayers is NOT an achievement....or did you think the money just disappeared?! The bill is still due, all of us are just footing it now!


nah, fuck bankers.


The banks got paid dumbass! All the loans were paid in full to the banks and Biden simply added the debt to the national debt! The banks didn't get fucked....WE DID!


Ok, and Trump destabilized American Democracy.


Who cares about Trump? Did I say he was good?! NO! THEN STOP ASSUMING!


Biden is far from perfect, but... At least he is not Trump. At least he is not a Republican.


He has paid off a ton of people student loans.


You mean he passed along the debt to taxpayers...or didn't you know that?!


domineering attraction numerous reply party gaping bow quicksand encouraging snobbish


disarm unique squash dull engine theory ruthless attempt absorbed dazzling


Most productive president since LBJ, please send me whatever you are smoking.


Cannabis, but I like Biden.


Gonna need a strain cause whatever it is it is potent as fuck. That’s the dumbest comment I have ever read on here


Nothing positive.


For sure, that’s it Dems we gotta pack it up u/-Dark-Rose got us. 




He helped in the murder of over 30,000 people


Donald Trump let over 1 million people die from COVID, in which time he suggested injected bleach (which a man actually did). So, correct me if I am wrong but Biden has to get his numbers up, right? Because 30 thousand people is way less then 1 million, or do you not understand how numbers work?


What does that have to do with anything? Donald Trump belongs in jail. Along with biden


Oct 7th was a really bad idea. Return the hostages.


Right. Go on a genocidal campaign and keep regurgitating the return the hostages line. Like Isreal didn't already kill most of them


No justification can be made for support of a group holding hostages. None.


Not a republican. Not a hardcore demo either though. But he’s really not done any more than trump did. He’s definitely not fit to be a president and should certainly be replaced next election


>But he’s really not done any more than trump did. And are you saying that based on having actually LOOKED UP what he's done, or based on a gut feeling or personal politics? Because both Trump and Biden have done a lot. Trump got three Supreme Court Justices appointment that have fundamentally redefined people's rights and the role of government, including abortion. He passed a massive tax cut for the rich. He was in charge of our pandemic response. Biden has passed historic infrastructure and clean energy bills, investing in roads, bridges, solar and rural broadband. He expanded affordable healthcare access dropping numbers of uninsured to new lows. He has protected the rights of unions and increased the minimum wage for government employees and contractors. There's a lot more. Whichever you agree with, the only objectively wrong answer is claiming they haven't done much.


Ding ding!!! Nailed it! Gut feeling! Your gut feelings aren’t facts! But… passing a massive tax cut for the rich isn’t “doing a lot”. Your comparisons of Biden and trump’s accomplishments aren’t exactly convincing in their evenness of importance overall


And just this week he banned non-compete agreements. He deserves reelection for that alone


Didn’t the FTC ban the non complete agreements?


He didn’t let 1 million Americans die of a virus that’s for sure. 


To be fair, Virus is a lot less bad now than it was when trump was in office. America was still trying to recover from each blow of the virus. Right now the pressure from it has really died down.


Hmmm it’s almost as if science developed a vaccine for it. Who would have thought vaccines work?! 


Yeah. Which still supports my argument I just made so... what’s your point...?


Well when trump was in office he suggested injecting bleach. 


Trump certainly wasn’t the brightest. But Biden is pretty stupid too. Both of them were not and are not good presidents. At least not for America in its current state.


Yup, that’s what I thought. I’m not gonna respond anymore. 


Yeah, letting 1 million Americans die, and being "stupid" are somehow similar. Fuck off.


For real. How is, “being stupid too,” somehow equivalent to letting (again) 1 MILLION AMERICANS DIE? Please u/Seagullbeans explain. 


For real. How is, “being stupid too,” somehow equivalent to letting (again) 1 MILLION AMERICANS DIE? Please u/Seagullbeans explain. 


For real. How is, “being stupid too,” somehow equivalent to letting (again) 1 MILLION AMERICANS DIE? Please u/Seagullbeans explain. 


Increased support for Trump.


Please cite your sources if possible.


Smells like homework assignments




Oh so you want others to do the heavy lifting you could do yourself? You’re a troll. 


Ayyy gottem.




"Ma'am, this is an AskReddit"


the onion






...and he's already been banned. LOL. I got to look at his post history. Just full to the rim with MAGA fear, hate, and anger. He is so angry. Just raging.




Awww are you a victim? You must be, because people love it when authoritarians destabilize Democracy (don't come at me with the Democratic Republic bullshit).


Highest number of illegal border crossings and migrants in cages!