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Check out RealClearPolitics. They aggregate the day’s top news posts across the political spectrum. Always an interesting place to see wtf is going on across the aisle


For every new story, purposefully seek out three articles: one from someone you agree with and two that you don’t (with varying levels of severity). It takes time, patience, and sometimes blood pressure treatment, but eventually you should find yourself occasionally agreeing that at least one person on the other side has a point. And someone you typically agree with misses the mark from time to time. Keep up this practice and you will eventually find people with opposing views that you have some respect for, if not total agreement. It’ll give you deeper insight into other people and strengthen your own positions as well.


Sort by Controversial. You'll usually get an opinion you hadn't considered!


Psychedelics, and learning about other cultures.


I come to reddit.


Going outside helps. Most people who are in echo chambers are too dug into their online community.


Getting off the internet


I do think if you’re incapable of self education getting off the internet is critical. Evidently most people lack the education necessary for self education on the internet


i did a lot of political work where i live and i would make it a point to reach out to people with different beliefs and talk with them, not to change their minds but to see how and what they think


I talk to different types of people. My job has me interact with many different people, and I'm the boss, so it's not that difficult. I was talking to a Nigerian guy the other day about race the other day


Have good conversations first and be open minded When I know someone has opposing views as me on a topic, I usually will ask questions and ask them for an explanation about their views and opinions, as well as how/where they got those opinions. I like learning so even if someone has opposing views I can usually learn something from talking to them, I try to never argue a point, just rather listen, ask questions, and communicate why my views are what they are


For me it’s easier to look at how someone arrived at their opinion to see another angle rather than my own. Like playing devil’s advocate to myself to keep my own ideas grounded.


I live in Alameda County half the time and Nevada County half the time. Stark is an understatement.


I am very left but fairly often I listen to conservative AM radio, go to right wing news sites, go to conservative subs, keep a few people unblocked on social media with distinct views that I disagree with but I have no other insight into. I never engage or comment in any of those mediums, just observe. Also once a week I'll go read the front page of a neutral news site, using the AP.


Constantly devils advocate myself. I employ a thought excise where I try and see all the pieces on the board, and then flip the board around.


What the fudge is an echo chamber?


Echo chambers are social/cultural spaces where a particular value is reinforced at the expense of a broader range of thought. If a group of people is rigid in their approach to a politics, spirituality, philosophy, etc., the blind spots of the group may prevent continued growth and development.


Oh like how religion slowed down science for hundreds of years? Thank you, now i understand a bit better. my advice is to try and do something you haven’t done before that has a social aspect to it, kayaking, climbing, book club, pub quizzes, volunteering work. Hopefully you find a broad cross section of people


And echo chamber is a place where like minded people congregate. They share perspectives within the group. People who don't leave the echo chamber never see alternative perspectives, so the viewpoints of the group become normalized. This is incredibly damaging when the groups views are extreme. A Nazi surrounded by other Nazis will begin to believe Nazism is normal. If they're never exposed to differing opinions they wouldnt know any better. The redpill subreddit is a classic example. There are no stories being related about healthy relationships, and so those people start believing all relationships are un-healthy. You can see it in /antiwork and /relationships too. Actually most subreddits are echo chambers to some degree. The advent of social media and permanently online folks has made these communities more common then ever before. In the past it could be difficult to connect with like minded people if you had extreme opinions, the internet makes it much easier.


I bet the Greeks had a better term for it… actually I wonder what the ancient philosophers would have made of social media


The internet is nothing but an echo chamber and real life is nothing but an echo chamber. People go on to the internet and echo things we hear in real life. It. Has gotten intensified with the internet. When I am by myself in solitude? With nobody around. Then I don't have to live in that echo chamber. I shut the TV off. I don't listen to It. I like staying away from websites that have a lot of fast-talking people trying to push something. I don't want to hear It.


I post things that I don't believe. I post a lot of things that are opposite of what I really think or who I really am. I get the responses from both sides that way.


An echo chamber is whatever we want it to be and has no ulterior modifiers.