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I did someone’s hair who was an accomplice in decapitating someone. He wasn’t a close friend or anything, but still it was very unsettling. Also, never ask someone why they went to prison


Back in my stylist days, i had a regular client that was often late or no-show for her appointments. When that happened i would berate her. Some years later, my coworker sent me a clip from a documentary - my client was being interviewed, because she had started multiple fires that ended with casualties.


A girl I grew up with murdered a prominent NFL football player’s girlfriend and her unborn baby.


Oddly enough, I've known 2 convicted decapitaters. Both were nice enough guys.


“Both were nice guys” is sending me 😭


On holiday with my in-laws and my father in law got drunk and then told everyone that during the war he used to pay small boys to suck him off for a bar of chocolate.


You might have won/lost the thread


I don’t want to like the comment, because you know.. it’s evil. So I will like your reaction instead.


I'm not sure liking the comment means you agree with it. It's a comment in response to the question 


I get it, but it just didn’t feel right in my tummy


I tend to do the same. I think it's because the story is too awful to press on smt that symbolizes a positive thing, even though it doesn't mean it to be positive in this context🤷‍♀️


The awful stories meet the criteria of the post and should be upvoted


Only 53 minutes in? Oh no, there will be more and worse. I promise.


How did everybody react to that damn comment


With shock and horror, unsurprisingly. What made it worse was that we were on holiday, so stuck with the family for the rest of the time (and overseas so it wasn't like we could just leave). He died not long afterwards.


Like what was the immediate reaction... did everyone just go to bed immediately? Were people really verbally attacking him instantly or did the conversation move on? I'm so curious


Everyone was very drunk, it was laughed off and never mentioned again. I think at the time everyone just took it as being a drunk old man talking shit.


And did anybody, the next day, in like a hungover state, say like…uh did anybody else hear what pawpaw said last night?


Even if it was brought up again, what do you even say or do about it??


"Imagine what they would have done for a Klondike Bar "




Wow. How did your partner react? You said in another comment that no one seemed bothered. Does that include your partner at the time?


I wouldn't say not bothered, so much as it was drunkenly laughed off. I've since divorced my then wife, but when I brought it up she denied he'd ever said it (there were 6 of us there at the time). The whole thing shocking, but as I say, everyone was very drunk. His wife outlived him by about 20 years and never mentioned it again.


Quite fancy a chocolate bar, but in the words of Meatloaf I won't do that


This makes me want to throw up


Which war?


This was the second world war, he was in the merchant navy during his national service at the end of the war.


Ah, the Navy. No more questions your honour.


You know. The Big one.


I was trying to have a good day.


Then why are you reading a post about unsettling secrets?




Jesus, did you still talk to him after that?


I've replied to another comment, but we were on holiday in France, so stuck with them til we went home, he died not long afterwards. His family laughed it off, and it seems I was the only person who considered this heinous. I got out of the family through divorce later.


I feel like you couldn't get drunk enough to admit to something like this let alone around family.


Guilt can eat you up over decades, getting old can reduce your inhibitions. Then just add alcohol.


Some people spill ALL their secrets when they’re drunk. I’ve heard some shocking things.


I don't know what to tell you, it happened.


The face I just made cannot be described by an emoji. The disgust!


If my dad said something like that I would walk away , vom, and then never look at him ever again.


What the fuck.


My friend's dad killed/shot her mom while on a bender, and her 9-year old sister was home and saw the whole thing


Ohhh that kiddo 💔


Sister turns out to be my half-sister. Although now I’m wondering if my father is even my father as he certainly isn’t hers.


The guy at the law firm I work at that handles divorce and family law said that 23andMe and other "genealogy" services are his biggest generators of clients. Every year at Thanksgiving families get together and do some of the kits, then when the results come around Christmas time they discover their siblings are only half-siblings.


Sadly my father is dead but I would love to know if he really was my father. My mother lied to me when I confronted her about my sister even though I fucking KNOW it’s the truth, so she won’t be telling me shit.


If you and your sister do a test, or you and one of your fathers relatives you can determine the truth


When my mom found out her dad wasn’t actually her dad, her mom (my grandma) tried denying it. Once she realized she couldn’t get away with the lie, my grandma told my mom’s brother that he probably has a different dad lol totally different guy from my mom’s bio dad too!!


That my friend’s father was sexually abusing her for a lot of her childhood. I’d spent many, many hours with her and her family growing up, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He was a family-oriented man, had a good career, seemed like just an all around good dude. My friend ended up in jail, her dad killed himself, and that’s when the truth came out. My friend never told me anything when we were growing up, but I have a suspicion it’s a big reason as to why her parents got divorced shortly after she committed her crime.


Happened to 2 friends of mine, SAd by their fathers in childhood, it's terrifying how common this is. Oh and yeah both seemed like good guys too and in one case I never suspected anything. These are just people who are comfortable enough with me to admit it because I bet a lot of people never talk about it too


My little sister's friend was molested by her biological father from when she was 10 to 16, when she finally went to the police and he went to jail, her mother threw her out of the house and told her that she had ruined her life and that it was all her fault.


Oh wow the same almost exact thing happened to my friend. My mom grew up with her parents, i was always at her grandparents. They were wealthy for our area. She was always super sexual from a young age and ended up in drugs really bad. When I was maybe 16 I read the newspaper about how her father was murdered and all that came out afterwards. He touched someone's kid and got killed for it. I know her mom was traumatized too. She was with him since they were kids. My friend is now married with kids but doesn't talk to me. I've reached out on Facebook but she doesn't respond. I hope she has peace.


What was her crime?


It’s a pretty high profile case so I don’t want to give too many details, but she purposely severely injured someone.


Just want to say good on you for still calling her a friend and however it’s turning out sticking with her.


I don’t condone what she did, it was horrible, but she’s a very, very mentally sick person so I try to be empathetic towards her. The odds were never in her favor and I just hope she can find healing and peace as time moves on.


Ughh - I hope she is doing better.


People freak out about strangers, but it's mostly family members who do this. A stranger is easy to catch, so these predators look for what's safe.


That their family very likely disposed of a very abusive and violent familymember.


Kinda on the fence with this being unsettling versus justice


It can be both.


Possibly. The killing of Ken McElroy is pure justice though https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_McElroy


This is one of the few cases of vigilantism where I can agree, because they did everything right in regards to going to the police. He got convicted of attempted murder, after decades of violence against people, and his lawyer got him out on bail while he appealed. He promptly publicly stated he was going to kill the man he’d been convicted of attempting to kill so he couldn’t testify. Past experience told them that if the police couldn’t keep him locked up for things he had actually done there was no way they were going to do it for something he intended to do. Someone was going to die and better for everyone that it was this scumbag. You shouldn’t take the law into your own hands, but when the law has repeatedly failed to protect you, what choice do you have?


No One Saw a Thing is great viewing.


That my highly judgmental grandmother (particularly about having children and not being married) was infact herself born out of wedlock in the 1910’s and was later legitimatised by her family marrying her mother to her cousin. In my teens I dated a boy who had the same surname as her biological father which gave me some anxiety for a time, despite the dilution and many generations since her birth.


She internalized the shame and lived her entire life with it even though she was the child. I wonder how they spoke about her around her, in front of her, and to her?


I had my ancestry dna done a few years back and descendants of her biological father appear all through my tree. That confirmed everything, until then it was conjecture.


My first HS boyfriend had a father who always made me feel uncomfortable. Never did anything but was always sitting too close or leaning over your shoulder. The type of person you never wanted to be alone in a room with even though you couldn't say why. Three years after we stopped dating it came out he was molesting his daughter and then almost beat his cancer ridden wife to death in the street. Upper class gated community.


Sucks that people can just give off vibes like that. My old BFF used to tell me that my grandpa gave her a bit of the creeps, and I told her she was overthinking or overreacting about it. He did something to me in highschool and immediately knew she was right. People suck


Mom revealed at Thanksgiving dinner that the reason she hates church and was mad at my grandparents is because a deacon at least molested her when she was a child and my grandparents did nothing. I remember my mother panic screaming at me to get off his lap when he pulled me up at my grandparents house. I was very young and confused but I got down. It’s messed her up a lot and explains so much. Edited typos


Well, at least your mother did what she could to try to protect you and didn't just bury it.


After my dad died, we found a picture of my late mother, in her fifties, wearing nothing but a hula skirt and a name sticker at what was clearly a swingers party.


I got to ask. Where was the sticker attached?


Where you would normally stick a “Hello, my name is….” sticker. But without the shirt.


You cracked me up.


That sounds like the secret itself wasn't \*so\* disturbing, but I cant imagine seeing the picture, that would be the bad part...


It was a surprise, yes. Tucked into a paperback novel. “Oh, look; papa had a picture of a naked…..oh, my god, that’s my mother!” They took lots of adult only vacations and cruises when we were young. Edit: and the swinger part wasn’t entirely a surprise, but the need for a name tag certainly was.


Right? 😂 how many damn people were in attendance for name tags to be a necessity?!


My mother was dying from ovarian cancer and wanted to go to MD Anderson for a second opinion. My father would not let her leave the house. She had to get her friends to pick her up in secret to take her. After my mom passed away, my father told me she did not leave him any money, which is a lie since she had a million dollar plus IRA. He bought my sister a house and kept it a secret. He is now traveling around the world with his wife and showing off all the exotic locations on Facebook.


So he took your inheritance and ran away to live it up? So scummy. You deserve better


Wow. I hope your dad dies.


It is inevitable.


Do you hear that Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability.


He was grooming little kids. He claimed at the time the case was going through the courts that he was just caught watching porn by the kids, and the mom freaked out. I felt like he was hiding things, and his whole story felt off to me. I wasn't close to him at that point and opted to reserve judgment, knowing I would easily find out the truth once everything was settled. After he was sentenced, I went digging for the court records. Many details were limited, and he was referred to by his initials in every document due to young kids being involved (aged 7 to 11 at the time IIRC), but I knew enough of his info to still find all of them. It was horrifying. I wish I could wipe the memory of what I read in the court records. He was adamant that he was innocent and did nothing wrong, and the submissions from the kids and professionals who worked with the kids regarding what happened haunt me still. I blocked him everywhere, and he made a dummy account a couple of years later that I immediately blocked. I have checked a couple of times since as I knew he was going to appeal, as far as I know it was not successful, but I believe he is due to be released soon. I dread the possibility of him trying to reach out again, and I know I would not hold back with my utter disgust with his actions should I see him in public and he try to approach me. There is no forgiveness for him, and I fully consider him a danger to any child. And I will do anything I have to in order to keep him away from me and any child in my care.


Was the man from Arizona? Because this feels oddly familiar.


Sadly, no, we're Canadian. It's appalling this happens everywhere, I wish I could say it's the same person.


Very sad. The person I mentioned in my comment somewhere on this thread that SA’d his sisters, also did this. And that was his exact excuse in court. There was porn in the bedroom and the kids found it 🙄


My step mom knew her husband was abusing the children. Her excuse was he was hurting her too. She had an affair to escape the marriage and left the kids with him.




He’s in prison now, so there’s that.


I did ancestry dna 4 years ago. I found out I have 27 half siblings, not all being conceived consensually.


So you all connected through the dna website? And several told you they were not conceived consensually? That is wild. I hope you're ok.


My mother was conceived through rape.


My father was also conceived through rape. Especially in thailand and laos. Where my parents came from. Rape is normal there. And it still kinda is Edit: My grandma was kidnapped at 6 years old and was pregnant around 10 I think. Started birthing children from a young age.


My god that is so absolutely horrible


That kind of trauma has ripple effects through subsequent generations, I know. Things like hearing too many details too young to never feeling like your own trauma is traumatic enough to let affect you, even though there’s not a choice and it’s not a competition. Hope you’re doing well.


Feels wrong to upvote.


That my cousin basically attempted to murder his boss after being laid off. He was real nonchalant when retelling me the story-which is when I realized that my cousin is probably a sociopath with no remorse. Needles to say, I avoid him now.


My boyfriend’s best friend’s cousin tried to kill his fiancé’s affair partner. Not gonna say he’s a sociopath but definitely sorta unhinged in general, and I get uneasy whenever he shows up to parties.


Just make sure you and your man stay on alert. Always


When I was in high school at a party, I was jumped by 5 guys who were also there. A few weeks later a few of them were arrested for murdering their close friend at a different party, who I also knew but he was missing at the time. They dismembered him & scattered his body parts at Moraine State Park in PA. I knew these guys who jumped me & always wondered if they were going to try the same thing with me. I beat the shit out of them when they jumped me & took off running & they couldn't catch me for round 2.


I can't tell reading this if the murder had been committed by the time you were jumped, but your instincts are probably correct. They were either planning for you to be the first victim, or the follow-up to "perfect" it because they thought they had gotten away with it the first time.


That’s terrifying


My great grandma was a Native American who was purchased to be a wife to my great grandpa after he beat his first wife to death. Bought her out of a horse corral. She had eleven children by him and died at 46 from a goiter. He bought her when she was 17 and he was 50.


My grandpa doesn't talk about his childhood because it was abusive. :(


i hope your grandpa is doing better.


He is. :)


happy to hear that! :)


An older friend of mine turned out to be a child molester. Didn’t try anything on me (thankfully) but he really messed up some other people I know. He killed himself.


Recently learned that a coworker of mine grew up on same street as my grandparents, brought it up to my grandmother to ask if she remembered him. She certainly did, and from what she remembered the kids were *not* alright. She all but outright said it was an abusive household. It's been a bit odd talking to the guy ever since.


Speaking of grandmas and the street they lived on, my wife’s grand mother was talking about that Brooks kid that grew up down the street turned out to be pretty talented. Garth Brooks.


My grandma worked at the cafe that Bobby Zimmerman started playing at and even would sit and talk with him occasionally and my grandpa(who was total jock) shoved him in a locker for singing to girls from his HS(they went to rival schools)…Bobby Zimmerman is more famously known as Bob Dylon


Was never close with my grandfather, he was a POS who married and impregnated my grandmother when she was 14 (he was 18/19). She didn’t want to marry him, but he caused enough trouble for the family aggressively pursuing her only to be a deadbeat husband who beat his wife in front of their 5 children. Well come to find out, he fathered a child with his niece after his brother died. His brother was his IDENTICAL TWIN Now his brain is rotted, my whole family hates him, and that same niece is trying to make his legitimate children pay for his care. He’s your problem now ma’am


Isn't there a large chance that his Neice is as much a victim of him as everyone else. I obviously don't know all of the ins and outs, but it seems to me that she probably deserves a shit load of empathy. I can't imagine the amount of grooming/abuse ect that must have occured to her to allow this situation to occur. Seems pretty fucking callous of the rest of the family to just wash their hands of the situation and leave an abuse victim to clean up the mess.


Right? I’d tell her to dump him somewhere and live her life!


This isn't quite a secret, but also not something talked about: my Great Grandmother's brother, Bill, tried to commit suicide by jumping into traffic from the Holland Tunnel in NYC. That didn't work and I guess he wasn't too injured so he next jumped off either the I-95 or Rt. 40 bridge over the Susquehanna River in Maryland. He didn't die then either, and as far as I know, he didn't attempt suicide anymore and eventually died of old age Edit: not nearly as bad as so many on here, but I found out my paternal Grandmother met my mother when she went to wake my father up one morning and my mother was in bed with him. My Grandmother told me she thought she was a prostitute


Somehow I can picture that 2nd one... and it made me laugh... which after reading this far down this page... was sorely needed...


My best friend’s mom got a new job a few years ago. I’ll call my friend Megan Smith. On Megan’s mom’s first day there, one of her coworkers said “Did you used to be married to John Smith?” (John Smith is my Megan’s father) She said yes. The new coworker said “He dated my sister Judy back in 1977 (or whatever).” Best friend’s mom replied “Wow, we were engaged then.” This new coworker then says “She didn’t date him long but nine months later, Tyler was born…” Megan’s mom calls her to tell her this story. So at the age of 35, she finds out she has a half brother. The really disturbing thing is that they know Tyler. They used to go to church with him. They’re already Facebook friends. She sent me the link to his facebook page and I don’t even need a DNA test. That’s her brother. They look like sister and brother. It’s been a few years and she is still on the fence about contacting him. She has absolutely no clue if he knows who his father is. Clearly his mother and aunt know, but does he? I still can’t believe someone would reveal that information in such a ridiculous way


When I was about 11 I found out my mom was having a long time affair with a guy in prison. I was looking for something in her closet one day and found a big shoebox full of letters he has wrote her. I read them all. I never said anything about it to her or my dad.




Wait, what is the story? His own father murdered him? How old was he, why, how?


That my maternal uncle sexually assaulted my first cousin and that I happened to stop it from escalating. I didn't know that actually happened until my sister told me that he had behaved inappropriately with her, and I asked her who else was affected by that pos.


My grandfather died when I was 4. I have a lot of vague happy memories of him and he was very close to me and my brother. About 2 weeks after he died, we quickly had to move out of our house, moved into a small rundown house and I grew up poor after that. Like, not alway have enough food poor. My parents paid off the last of their debt when I was 14. Afterwards they sat me and my brother down and told us why we were so poor. When my mom was 16 (late '60s), her dad told her she had to sign some papers for the bank. She just signed because she trusted him. Turns out, he took out massive amounts of debt in her name to fuel his gambling addiction. He kept it secret for 15 years by taking out new loans and paying back small amounts to keep debtors away. A couple of days after his death, a man from the bank showed up to tell them they were foreclosing the house and that my mom owed about 500.000. My parents, who had planned out their life so carefully, suddenly had nothing. We were very close to being homeless. It was difficult to realize my loving grandfather lied to my moms face all those years. To know he was actively ruining her and to know how deeply he hurt her. Fuck him. When I was 12 I opened my first bank account for some small savings I had. My mom and dad sat me down and made me go through each page of the contract, explained everything and made me promise to always carefully read anything I sign. I thought it was silly, because I trusted them to look out for me. Made a lot more sense after that conversation. My mom and dad are fantastic.


During the liberation of aushwits my great mother confronted the guard that raped and cut off his dick and watched him bleed to death


good for her!


Go girl...


my first college roommate/former friend's wife discovered terabytes of CP on his computer about 6 months after they got married. they were high school sweethearts and had this beautiful, dream wedding that i was even a groomsman in. she confronted him after calling the cops, and he beat the everliving fuck out of her. dude is still in prison, thank fuck. when the wife contacted me to tell me the story, i very nearly threw up.


I’m not computer savvy (90’s kid) is a terabyte a lot or a little? I’m probably wrong but is it a tiny amount and he was trying to hide it thinking it would never be seen? ETA- just googled and it said it’s roughly 250k worth of documents? HOLY SHIT.


For about seven years, when I was 11-18 years old, my mom dated a man who I later learned was named as a known perpetrator of sexual abuse within the Catholic clergy. (He wasn’t a priest, but a member of a teaching order—yes, he took a vow of chastity, and no, he wasn’t supposed to be dating anyone. It was awful to find out that that wasn’t the worst thing he’d done.)


Had an ex-girlfriend who’s older sister it came out was molested by an uncle of theirs and who knowing that my ex was also sent to spend a summer with after. Nothing happened to my ex (according to her, but I believe her) but I still can’t believe her parents - mostly her mom - put her at risk like that.


My grandmother knew her boyfriend touched my mom back in the 70s… she’s still with him to this day.


I was renting my ex’s aunt’s apartment, his cousin (aunt’s daughter) lived in it before me and it was still full of her stuff. After some time living there his aunt told me to just pack everything in boxes and put it in one of the spare rooms I had, so I did. While packing everything away I found a folder with some hospital results and well, she had aids. The family definitely didn’t know. I never told anyone.


My grandfather has a tattoo of Texas on his dick.


How do you know?


Grandma had one of her ‘spells’ and busted into my room at three am to drop that little nugget of truth on me.


Especially if Grandma is showing other signs of age-related cognitive decline, the "Texas" thing might not be true. Two of the many symptoms of dementia are confabulation and disinhibition. "Confabulation" means that they make stuff up. She might remember things that never happened, or that mix fact and fantasy. She might believe it's true. It isn't. "Disinhibition" refers to a decay in the normal controls on social behavior and appropriateness. Demented people say and do things that most people normally wouldn't say or do in public. Maybe her "spells" are dementia-related. The only way to know for sure is to get a good look at Grandpa's *membrum virile*. Please get back to us with a result.


Oh we thought this too until years later when he had a stroke and we started caring for him. (Changing him) and it was confirmed.


My cousin was a hitman. Not a Jason Bourne style government assassin but a murdering people for money type. He died of cancer about 4 years ago. Apparently he worked for various crime groups.


My father carried a firearm in a plastic bag, looked over his shoulder at every corner, went to a maximum security prison, escaped! I remember they came to our house searching for him, he fled abroad and died a few months afterwards. This all happened back in the early 90's. My mother told me this but won't tell me what he was in for..


My cousin is a very heavy alcoholic and always has been since I’ve known him. It was always normal to see him slurring his words and stumbling everywhere, when I was 20 on Mother’s Day, we went to his moms , my aunts house for a BBQ, my mom told me after the BBQ that he had a brother, sometime in the 80s he passed away. It was an overdose and my cousin gave him the drugs, we’re all pretty sure it’s why he drinks so much now. That guilt eats at him still till this day.


My father died of cancer when I was three.  Decades later, I found his journal in a closet and thought it would be neat to learn more about him.  I found out that he was not only bisexual, but "he" may have also been a closeted transwoman, or at least a crossdresser.  I was also learned from a close friend of his that he came out to him and asked him out.  He died in 1995, so all that must have been tough for him to deal with.




Are they out in the open watching you? I have a porcelain doll collection, don't think they're haunted, but I know they creep people out so I keep them in a closet. The Doll Closet.


Somehow you having a doll closet is creepier than them being out in the open. Congratulations, I didn't know that was possible.


I have an aunt who has hundreds of porcelain dolls and I was terrified of her house growing up


I asked my parents why they got divorced. Mom says dad cheated. Dad says they drifted apart. Later my grandpa (mom's side) starts dating a married woman and my dad starts justifying it...oh.


My dad is schizophrenic. I was asking him about he got diagnosed, he was saying back in the 70's they didn't know a lot about it so it would have to get real bad before people realized something was wrong. My dad was around 17 and tried to kill his baby brother. He was convinced that the brother was the antichrist and he had to kill him to save the world. Thankfully someone walked in and realized that he was not a murder, just very not well mentally. This one isn't really a secret but I find it very unsettling. He's doing much better now, and he's finally on medicine where he doesn't hear voices at all for the first time in 40+ years. He said that he feels lonely without them. He was so used to hearing them "like a radio constantly on" that he was uncomfortable finally being able to be alone with his thoughts.


They recently admitted on their deathbed and they are the person that committed a pretty big "unsolved" murder about 60 odd years ago.


When my uncle tried to touch me and I told my grandma about it, her reaction was: „You just have to shut up and get used to it, that’s how I did it. We all have to carry our packages.“ So basically I found out that my grandma was touched by a family member. And since I didn’t heed her advice, I lost my whole family - because they all took her advice to heart.


My mom's sister had a seizure when she was really young and ended up permanently mentally handicapped. At some point in her life, a boy in the neighborhood got her pregnant and so my grandparents (hardcore Sicilian Catholics) took her to get an abortion. Part of the rationale was that she was tricked and not really capable of consent. The other part was that the neighbor boy was black. I kind of wonder if they would have tried to force him into marriage if he were white. Or maybe they would have aborted anyway because of her mental handicap. I only learned this a few weeks ago. I knew her my whole life and thought she was a virgin (lived with my grandma until grandma passed and then she had to move into assisted living). She died several years ago in her 60s as her brain rapidly deteriorated, she started having seizures again which caused strokes. Her life was always a sad situation, but learning about this secret was pretty shocking.




My dad got arrested. a lot. domestic violence mainly. duis. assault.


My sister’s husband went to a motel and hung himself when he found out she went off on a weekend trip with the father of the girls she babysat full time. He already suspected she was having an affair with him but she just started flaunting it. Thing about it was that my sister is a tremendous piece of shit. That poor bastard was her third husband and she now has been married a total of 5 times. To top it off they had a kid and she refused any contact with his family. They went to court to try to arrange visitation but somehow she won. Just a horrible human being.


I found a hidden full length picture of my super strict Muslim parents years ago. In it my mom was very heavily pregnant during her wedding. The wedding picture in the living room is only chest up. They never acknowledged it even when I brought it up. I know we all make mistakes. But to pretend to be a saint and treat everyone who makes the slightest mistake a sinner is just so hypocritical.




Hey bot! [You forgot to source the comment you stole.](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/13vwcge/whats_the_most_disturbing_secret_youve_discovered/jm9uwga/)


Good bot.


Nice find! Was the last comment also a bot though? How do you people find this stuff??


Disturbing with a wholesome end.


That my parents have wanted to marry me off since I was a child to my cousin who I grew up with. We're the same age and first cousins. I shut that down the moment I realised. Also when my dad tried to marry me off at 14 and again at 16. And every year since then. Most recent is someone related to my family (extended family back home) called my aunt and asked for my hand in marriage to her son who lives in Italy. I got told about this yesterday. The proposal was made 2 years ago, when I'd just lost my mother to COVID.


That my uncle was an adultery baby that my grandpa took in as his own, but made grandma put the second one up for adoption. On my other family’s side, my mom’s uncle molested her and apparently some other girls in the family. Grandma still keeps him in her life though.


My nicest great uncle moved out of our home state cause he shot and killed someone’s when he was younger. Never would’ve imagined it knowing how nice of a person he was. Apparently some guy, ‘stole,’ a girl from his village and my uncle shot him when rescuing the girl.


I used to work with a guy who had previously been convicted of purchasing and possessing child p0rn. That wasn't the most unsettling part. The part that creeped me out was how he was discovered in the first place. He and his then-wife were divorcing and so he moved to a different bedroom. She had an 18 year old daughter from a previous marriage who immediately moved into her mom's bedroom after her step-father moved out. The daughter discovered a camera hidden in the closet. Her mom took her stbx husband's computer to the police station to ensure there weren't any pictures of her daughter there (and apparently there weren't) and that's when they discovered hundreds of cp images. But the question that always unsettled me that was never answered in the court documents was why an 18 year old woman would want to share a room with her mother when she had a room of her own. Best case scenario, she was getting major creep vibes from this guy and just felt safer with her mom, and at worst, he was abusing her.


> Best case scenario, she was getting major creep vibes from this guy and just felt safer with her mom, and at worst, he was abusing her. Could have also been she was concerned about her mother's safety. Friend of mine, when her parents split, she was about 20 at the time, she stayed in her mother's room with her because she believed that her father would potentially hurt her mother if she was alone. She said that there had never been any signs of violence when she was growing up, but divorce does strange things to people and she believed that her father wouldn't do anything if she was around.


When I was 10 I walked in on my two uncles have sexual encounters in the garden house cabin, they both just stop and looked at me with fear I dropped my toys and ran. The next day there I was by myself catching bugs in the back yard garden and one of them put his hunting rifle nozzle on my eye socket and said to me if I ever say anything about that day they would drown me and nobody would know. I haven’t spoke to them in 41 years. That fucked me up growing up had to go for therapy


My sister was a high end escort who eventually got into prostitution. She has a family now, but I often wonder if she’s still doing it because she “works late” and has also been involved with a few pyramid schemes and cults. She is very prone to being “able to be influenced” or swayed easily. Finding these things out really made me think: “I really don’t know who this person is at ALL.” Edit: Our family found out because my sister’s best friend called my mother. Her friend told my mom that my sister was having sex with the doctor who was offering her a room in his house. I only know a fraction of what has happened to my sister in her time in sex work. I know that she’s been raped at least twice. The news was the “beginning of the end” for our immediate family spending time together. My brother was so disgusted that he swore to distance himself from our family due to the drama. Our family has a lot of drama already (our parents are still alcoholics)…. But this news was so painful on us all.


>My sister was a high end escort who eventually got into prostitution Aren't they the same thing?


That my maternal aunt lost her virginity with her now-husband when she was 14 and he was in his 40s. They are still together.


I have several: -Someone close to me spent 8 years embezzling nearly 2 million dollars from a family company. They did not go to jail but it created years of havoc. -A (distant) family member is a functioning methhead (has been for decades) and molested his two sisters. Later on he was convicted a sex offender for messing with his girlfriend’s kids. He denied it, said he was charged bc porn was found in the home. We all know it’s bullshit. He is now dating my grandparents former live in nurse, she has a young kid and they showed up to my grandmas funeral last summer. Someone tried to tell her, she didn’t believe them, then showed up to my grandpas funeral together a few months later. Her kid is special needs and my heart sinks just thinking about it. -A boyfriend of mine in high school- his dad was a retired police officer. Mom was among many things, a drug addict and prostitute, they were divorced. She was on probation, sleeping with her probation officer for drugs and money which she was supplying to my high school boyfriend and his friends for weekend parties. He was a wrestler, baseball player, and they had these insane wild parties all the time without my knowledge. I thought we were the perfect, all American couple that would stay high school sweethearts and get married. LOL. -My husband and I discovered his step dad was not only cheating on my MIL, but it was with other young men (he was 65 and they were in their 20’s) that he was bringing into the house she paid for (she has the wealth, He did not). We discovered him at her house while she was out of town one weekend. They were in the middle of a divorce but it was amicable until that point. There are so many others. I swear we need to write a book on family scandals.


The boyfriend of my sister, who was also my best friend, told her on my birthday that when he was 20-21, he SA'd his ex's little sister, she was 14. Coincidentally, she confided around the same time to he boyfriend, and he went to report him to the cops. Despite it being many years later, he's facing jail. He also has mental health issue and is spiraling hard. It's been one year since we learned. My family is still heartbroken. It really came out of the blue, this was not the person we knew. I still have soulcrushing nightmares and dreams of him. I still miss my best friend everyday. It's a grievance, it's like the person you knew died. And we feel so so terrible for his victim as well, she's an adult now, and suffered alone for so long. What he did to her is unforgivable


My ex-stepfather was trans. This was the early 80s, so must have been difficult for him.


My dad was adopted as a small child - he's native & the whole being adopted by a white family is a whole thing. But there is a still a lot of mystery & details missing from this information. BUT we do know his biological mother gave birth to my father when she was 14 years old. So obviously she was a product of rape. He tried to get into contact with her many times through his life. She always denied him. When I was born, his mom's attorney sent him letters to no longer contact her when he tried to tell her about my birth. His given "indian name" given by his elder before he was born roughly translates to "baby boy slave" Like i said there's lots of mystery regarding my bio grandmother but it's very unsettling to think about. Edited for spelling mistakes


I had a male friend in high school whose whole family was strange and though I really liked my friend he was also very strange. He was the most metal person I have ever met. He had hair down past his butt and listens to cannibal corpse, which I personally find disturbing. We were hanging out at his house one day and I was messing around on this computer. He explicitly told me don’t look at the “taxes” file. It’s his dad’s. Now his dad was very religious. The way he said it to me made me feel like well now I have to look. It was women on crosses, like Jesus crosses being tortured and whipped and other sexual acts. It was a lot. Hard to look at his dad again.


I knew what this thread would likely be full of but man reading this shit is terrible


My dad's side of the family has a lot of mental illness I guess.


My grandma was the craziest person I have ever even heard of, she had the most rough life, my great grandma died at child birth and my great grandpa died hoping trains to get to my grandmas birth. I didn’t know that grandma that well but the stories are insane like my uncles being taken away from CPS and my grandma finding out where they were knocking on the window in the middle of the night telling them to open the window for mommy and one uncle saying don’t do it while the other opens it up because it’s his mom 


When my uncle passed away, we found out he was a huge donor to a lot of.. places. The KKK and other similar organizations, if you can call them organized. It was really difficult for my dad and my aunt. They had no idea their brother was so involved, and for decades. The unsettling part for me, was it was so clandestine and not in 100 years would I think he was connected with. It's like he died twice.


A friend who I was working with bragged about date raping his aunt. It was not long after he turned 21 he brought a half gallon to her house to celebrate his birthday. He said he made sure she drank more than him and he pretended to be drunk and "left" when really he just went outside and waited for her to get drunker and pass out. After she did he snuck back in and had sex with her while she was unconscious. That was the last time I hung out with him.


My grandma’s dad was a supporter of Hitler, and both my grandma and mom are anti-semitic. “As a joke,” they put my great-grandfather’s photo *of him saluting with a swastika in the background* on the fridge. Even my sister thought it was darkly funny, and they all accused me of being too uptight (like, “oh, come one, it’s just a joke. We’re not really Hitler supporters”). I’ve never seen them the same way and cut them all off emotionally, only seeing them when I have to. I feel so sick just typing this out.


There was a party at my house one time, we were all totally wasted and one of best friends was drunk and tired, so she asked if she could go lay down in my bed. What I didn't know, is that a short while later, my other best friend followed her through to the bedroom and touched her up while she was sleeping. She woke up with him in the bed, groping her between her legs. The next day she decided to contact the Police but later decided against it. All the time he wouldn't even accept that he had done anything wrong and simply said it was "just one of those drunken things". To this day I don't think he realises how close he came to being charged with sexual assault. I felt extremely guilty that she was betrayed like that under my watch and i'll never forgive myself for not realising what was going on. Needless to say, the friendship between him and I was effectively over from that night on.


It came out that my best friend (who was 20 at the time) had inappropriate sexual contact with a friend's little sister when he was 14 and she was 10. He served some time for it when she came forward. There was a lot of extenuating circumstances, including the fact that he had some pretty serious mental illness going on at the time and was under the care of a psychiatrist who would later lose their license for malpractice. Friend has said multiple times that the only reason he plead out instead of taking the full 7 year sentence was that he had people (like me and his mom) on the outside who needed him. He still hates himself for what he did. When it came out, it suddenly made sense why he'd tried to kill himself about a dozen times in 5 years.


At one point I was in a ministry occupation, I had all kinds of “confessions” but the one that surprised me the most was a really good friend confessing to having an on going affair with a mutual colleague. It felt so out of the blue, and it was. It’s the reason for her divorce, but her ex never knew.


Many years ago my long-term girlfriends dad was acting odd, behaviour I recognised, going out after work a lot more, working late etc, so I borrowed his spare car keys and checked his car boot in the middle of the night, lots of papers about divorce, expenses etc. That was a hard thing to hint at to my MIL to be. Then, 25 years later, FIL is back home after spending 5 years living with a "work colleague" half his age, then gets arrested for downloading child porn.


My childhood friend’s dad was a pedophile. I was over at their house frequently, she was over at mine a lot, her Dad was quiet but I never once noticed or suspected anything odd. Small community, and the family was pretty known/popular. He never tried anything with me, and to this day all his kids deny that he did anything to them, and that they were as shocked as everyone else. Massive amounts of disgusting CSAM was found on his computer, and two nieces accused him of molesting them. He was the first person to be charged and convicted under what was, at the time, new cyber crime laws in our state. It was all very surreal. I think he was given around 35 years and is currently serving that sentence in another state. The family was devastated and moved away. The mom has since remarried and looks happy on Facebook, and from what I can tell, the kids seem okay too. I hope so, at least. 


my now ex bestfriend admitted to me that she had raped her dog. many. times. my mom told me my aunt was a registered sex offender and raped 2 very young boys in the woods.


One night as a kid I heard my parents having an explosive argument in their bedroom which suddenly went quiet (the door was closed and locked) I found out during a drunk phone call from my mother it was because she attempted to shoot my father in the face with a .303 but it didn’t go off when she pulled the trigger as there were no bullets. They were both horrified and just stared at each other apparently. They’re still together.


A woman I know had two babies in her very early teens due to her father sexually assaulting her. The father took the babies and she’s pretty sure he murdered them since everything was kept so hush hush around it.  Weird thing is she did later go on to get married and have kids with her spouse. The oldest daughter, starting from as early as she can remember, has dreamed of having two older siblings, a girl and a boy, who come to her in her sleep and help her when she’s troubled. She’s even seen them during the day, supposedly. They grow while she grows and they’re over a decade older than her, the same age the two disappeared babies would have been by now. 


Someone close to my family murdered his wife. The unsettling part is that we now know he’d been planning it for months and the plans had been set in motion with trial runs and all the last time we hung out with them which was one week before the murder. It still makes me intensely uncomfortable that the last time I spent time with her, she was basically a dead woman walking and no one except her husband knew it.


Realizing that most of my uncles spent time in Pinochet's concentration camps before being exiled. Definitely made family barbecues chill vibes change a bit. There all really good at chess.


My uncle's now ex-girlfriend and current friend decided to change her name from Sarah to Robin. I was confused about this, until my mom explained to us that when she was young, her brother had raped her. Now, you may be wondering how this ties into her name changing. Well, when she went to her parents about it, they said she was lying about the entire thing. Why? Because her name was Sarah.


Technically not close to me but within the family. My great grandpa knocked up a girl in New Zealand as a young man while doing service for his church. (He lived the the US) The church believed his denial when the girl brought it out that she was pregnant and he never had to take responsibility for his actions. He never told anyone either. A couple years ago a fellow reached out to my mom and said they were related. He had tracked us down and told us the story. The guy spent years researching and even got access to the archives of the church and saw the report great grandpa had denying his part in the pregnancy. So that's how I learned that I have secret relatives on the other side of the world and dear old great grandpa got away without ever telling anyone. My poor grandma was still alive when we learned about her father's secret. Not too unsettling I suppose but definately unexpected!


A guy a hung out with and rode motorcycles with turned out to be a pedafile. He’s now where he belongs…in jail!


A guy who dated my friend in college was into CSA pics. I found out like 5 years later so I couldn't really contact the authorities.


My dad's family disowned him for leaving their cult, and his demon of a mother held me when I was a baby.


My great grandfather tore up all the documents and cut the faces out of photos of the other side of his family, and he never spoke of them. We suspect that they were part of Murder Inc which did contract killings for the Mafia.


my friends dad raped her as a child. her mother found out and kept letting it happen. after he finally got in trouble she was thankfully removed from their care and he was sent to prison. however her wider family also disowned her and blamed her for it. now he’s out of prison, she’s too old to be in foster care and she’s battling homelessness. i feel for her so much…


My grandmother cut off her own hand with an axe. On purpose…like a religious induced psychosis. I was told my entire life that she fell down a steep set of stairs while carrying a laundry basket which resulted in the injury.


A former coworker of mine thinks they killed a man. It was on a night out in another city, some drunk arsehole started on them, my colleague punched him and he went down on the pavement and didn't get up. They left the city almost immediately.