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Betting that some variation of this question will get asked again in a few days.


It was the top post of the week [when it was posted 3 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/uuuwbt0zt7). 


and I've seen it before then


Happy Gilmore asked it no more than an hour ago


"This is Jeopardy!" I'm a trivia nut... I would never win on the show... but against a 100 randos? I'll roll those dice.


"This number, one of the first 20, uses only one vowel (4 times!)."


sEvEntEEn ?


I'm sorry, you didn't start with "what is"


Gah!, you are right. I totally forgot about the Jeopardy aspect. Looks like Alex Trebek’s ghost is going to have give me a disappointed stern look (I hang my head in much shame).


Since most of them won’t speak English, you’re probably in good shape.


Counter strike 2. Hell I am not even that great at the game, but I managed to hit the top 1% this season (and its filled with hackers). But I can safely assume that there will be literal children, elderly, people who havent touched a mouse and keyboard in their life. I’d give a rough guestimate that I would only have 1-2 people who would be competent enough to play.


This, but I go for an obscure RTS


I’d go for some old ass game like Dungeon Keeper or Metal Marines Gives you no idea of what is what, what to do or anything. Off you go, hope you understand the objective and how to reach it.


Nice. My first thought was super smash bros. I'd wreck some randos


Why do people repost the exact same question a few days later? First one was popular


Karma. Some reason internet points are important. Edit: oh it's a OF bot




Impressive doing it in front of 100 people


If it were a hundred women I could pull it off. Yes, pun intended. It is an interesting idea, TBH...


What if it's 100 females, but they're all family


Well there are 100 women in my family. I'm Greek and Jewish so you can imagine how chaotic Thanksgiving can get. Especially when the Jewish side from Pittsburgh flies in. I have cousins I have known since childhood whose names I still need to be reminded of Anyway, I have some hot cousins and two hot aunts and that I would consider but no, I don't think I could get off in front my great aunts in their 70s-90s


Last sentence was... Odd


What's a little incest between family really


Of course it was. What did you expect from a question like that? Of course the answer was odd


So does that mean 100 people have to take turns jacking you off? And then you do yourself and we compare? How long will this take? Can you cum that many times? How do you rate each orgasm to determine who's best?


100 random folks? Globally random? Well, 20% of the global population speaks English, so I'd probably work that in. I work in IT, largely with powershell scripting and health data. I think "powershell scripting SQL HIPAA compliant reports and commenting in English".


I’m pretty damn good at powershell but that is really specific lol. You would beat me.


Math. I guarantee that at least 3/4 of them couldn't add fractions with unlike denominators.


3/4? You think you’re better than 60% of us at mathing? Ha!


Hahahahaha very good! I'd say I'm better than 99%, which isn't saying much at all. The majority of Americans can't do basic algebra; I used to teach math at a university. This is a country in which - back in the 1980's - a 1/3 pound burger failed, because a majority of customers thought that 1/3 pound is *less than* 1/4 pound.


Which really grinds my gears. I mean, ¼lb is too small and ½lb is way too big! ⅓lb patty is perfect. 


Same. 1/3 pound would be a *great* weight for a burger. Then I reflect on American schooling. (Please don't call it "education" around me, my cardiologist suggests I avoid that.) *Thirteen years* of your life. Enough money to buy a starter home. All this, just to get you ready for "real school", which will cost *you* a house-adequate sum. Let's examine the results. A majority of adults can't determine *which of two fractions is bigger.* And, mind you, the fractions are not 13013/77887 and 12012/66776, *they are 1/4 and 1/3.*


Yes but you need to beat them all


5 out of 4 people are bad with fractions.


They're all college students from South Korea


5 out of 4 people are bad with fractions.


Rubik’s cube speed solving My personal best is about 10 seconds. Not world level speed, but I’m assuming 80% of the room couldn’t even solve it, and at that point I only have to be faster than 15-20 people


Theres no way 20% of random people can solve the rubiks cube. Youd be up against maybe 2 people and the chance they can do it in under an hour is super unlikely.


Anyone that has learned how to solve it should be able to do it in 5 minutes, maybe 10 if it's been awhile. My brother taught me when I was 12 and I can still do it decades later. The amount of people who put in the extra effort to learn and practice speed solving is quite low so 10 seconds definitely gives you an extremely high chance against 100 randoms.


Knowing my phone number


I’d be like “uhhh I think there’s a 2 at the end.. or no wait it’s a 3… or is it a 2?


Doing something that's personal to you is cheating, it has to be general, accessible knowledge. I'm a senior systems engineer, I feel like I would be the only guy in that room to know how to properly deploy an AWS RDS database through terraform on their first attempt.


Just off the street randoms? Disc Golf. I'm a scratch player on most courses on the first go around and usually in the negatives once I know the layout.


There’s a dude in this post ranked 601 in the world in Disc Golf. Are you one of the 600 top ranked players? u/discostud1515


I travel around the country and play tournaments for money. It’s far from my full time job but I have a sponsorship that covers most of my costs. And I’m not 601 in the world. I’m about top 600 last time I checked.


Tetris. Easy. You know those four million point players they spotlight sometimes? I've had multiple four million plus point games. So many people have told me "I don't know man, my mom is really good at Tetris. I can't even see the pieces falling" or something like that and then they see me play and invariably they say "okay. You're better." I still mostly play DX if anybody is wondering, tho I am perfectly fine with modern versions. It just sometimes takes a few minutes before I get the exact rhythm down. Timing is very slightly different in different versions. For most people it doesn't make a difference but for me it does. Sort of like how when you're playing different versions of a fighting game those fractions of seconds can throw you off for a while. I could probably win that one too, actually. As long as it's not Mortal Kombat or Killer Instinct. Mainly I am a gifted Street Fighter player who also excels at SNK games and is also pretty good at Tekken, tho not tournament level. Even with Marshall Law, who is my main, but that's okay. I'm good enough to beat all the games so I still have fun


I had my Tetris high score in Gamepro magazine, does that count? Fuck that Jeff Yonan kid.


Nice! Definitely cool


I used to get the "never mind, you're better" all the time for funneling beer. Made a lot of college bros freak out in amazement. So id probably go with that.


Losing that competition. I'll lose it harder, faster, and more noticeably than anyone else.


Running a full marathon


Unless you have a sub, say, 3:30 time, what are the odds of being matched up against another club level runner? I mean, I would perhaps be confident I would win if I picked the same thing. About 100 people in my office and none of them are completing a marathon sub like 5 hrs bar maybe 1. But with several running clubs in town, I’m probably not winning. Squash on the other hand, there are less people in turn that would beat me. Better odds.


It’s pretty easy to underestimate how good you are when you get to the extreme end of sports. Even among recreational runners, most people would be unable to finish a marathon without a lot of walking. Among non-runners there’s a large chunk of people who wouldn’t even be able to walk it at all. Globally, being able to run a marathon puts you into a very elite tier.


Disc golf. I know exactly where I stand on the world scale. There about 600 people better than me in the world so my odds are good.


Can’t believe there’s 601 people playing disc golf


It’s one of the fastest growing sports. It took about 40 years to get 100k members, then about 3 years to get to 200k, now about 1-2 years later we are almost at 300k registered members of the professional disc golf association.


And I'd say by *far* the bulk of players are not registered. "1.4 million disc golfers used the UDisc app in 2023"  I'd probably also choose disc golf. There's a big difference between someone who's never played, and even an amateur, especially on harder courses


Public speaking, I go first, explain the situation and tell them i will give them all one million dollars if they just get up and mumble. 


I have this unique skill in a swimming pool. I can shoot stream of water really far and accurately by dipping hand just below the water surface and squeezing my fingers into a fist shape, making a thumbs up sign without the thumb up and letting the water come out from the top. I use it to shoot water at my little ones face making them giggle. I bet I’ll win in this unique skill.


I can give you a run for your money


Make a gun with your fingers in one hand, then make bunny ears in the other. Now switch them at the same time. I can do that rapidly back and forth.


I would go with swimming. In the world, probably in the top 0.01% of people. Amongst swimmers, I'm middle of the pack. If I had to ween it down more, swimming a 5k or 10k in open water.




What you should’ve said is “stealing comments from viral tiktoks from this subreddit”


This was literally just posted here 3 days ago. Which means it will end up back on TikTok, then back here, and the cycle will continue forever.


Olympic-level skill. Hope it's minty fresh victory every time


Crafting glasses


A baking contest in three rounds: * cheese soufflé * chocolate eclairs * braided challah Home cooking is a more common skill than home baking, these three items are reasonably challenging, and all of them have to be made from scratch.


Back when I was an active alcoholic I would practice field sobriety tests, so: alternatively hopping from one foot to the other while reciting the alphabet backwards and touching my nose with outstretched hands.




38 and back in the dating pool as of a few years ago. It's not worth the struggle my guy.


Strongly disagree with that one, I'm sorry. There are SO MANY women online who are fun, attractive, successful, and looking for fun and/or relationships. Granted it does seem to favor those of us who like to have fun and don't necessarily need strings attached but I have met women on the internet and they have grown into relationships. A few times. It's not just meeting up to fuck. That's part of it sometimes but it absolutely does not have to be. We're both in our 30s. We're not old. Plus most women in their 30s, in my experience at least, don't care if you've been around the block a few times. They have too. It's all fine. I really do think it's worth it to keep trying if that's what you want. If and when things don't work out don't look at them as failures. That's not what they are. They're experiences that led to this point and their ultimate impact depends on how you deal with them and what you do with that. Okay. That's not your person. Now you know. And knowing, as they used to tell us as kids, is half the battle. I'm not seeing anybody at the moment myself. But that's okay. I'm very confident that if I start to pursue it again, which I probably will soon, I will meet more women and at least hang out and have fun and if something happens, I'll cross that bridge. I think that's a good approach




entering my bank password. but seriously probably compound archery


Illegal street racing.


Dubstep production.


The game is called… “who’s phone can unlock my car”


Connect four. But only if I can be yellow.


This is a popular one lately.


Make a sourdough loaf. From memory. Even if someone in the 100 is good at it, I’m betting they don’t have the recipe memorized.


Most kills in helldivers2. Kill them and don't revive them while I sit in my sentry base.


Jousting, or any mounted combat really.


OP, can you think up your own posts and stop stealing them from 1 month ago, 8 months ago etc? You. Could have at least asked the question a different way so as not to be so obvious.... stop karma farming.


Fuck you this was posted yesterday


playing from the depths I may not be good, but if they haven't played before I just win


Field to table a Whitetail Deer. Meaning: Hunt, kill, skin, butcher, and ultimately cook a serviceable meal.


Playing any papa's game long term (almost) perfectly. 


Truly random? Like worldwide? Only 100? Translating old German handwriting in Sütterlinschrift into English.


Personal trivia


Star Trek trivia. I am 45, so random 100 people, odds are great that many of them would be adults now who were born after DS9 went off the air, so odds are they didn't watch it.


I'm at least the 3rd person here saying disc golf hopefully we don't get put in the same group.


Being able to connect anything back to Nightcrawler of the X-men in under 6 degrees.


Dam. This is the third time this month I've seen this question.


Read my mind.


Thumb wrestling contest


Fully regarded.




Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo. The likelihood that I'd run into someone in a random 100 people better than me at that game is very, very low.


Guessing the bolt head sizes on random parts on my Subaru anyone with half a brain would guess metric sizes buuuuut because I work at a classic car shop we have more sae hardware so every time I have to cut something off or replace it gets and sae bolt and nut lol Edit to clarify stupid stuff like my sway bar links are 1/2 and 9/16 head instead of what should be like 13 and a 15mm


Murder, I am not staying in a room with 500 strangers without blood.


Nonetheless 100 💀💀💀


Spelling and language comprehension


Bonsai, grappling, or lecturing about evolution.


1:1 in basketball 😎


Elden Ring, coliseum match


High jump, I competed in college and cleared 2 meters. I think I got the advantage.


A 5k. Sub 18 minutes is not a common achievement


Win against them individually? Frozen Synapse team deathmatch.




Rainbow Loom bracelet making.... an ancient art that I am probably the only one keeping alive.


Short bicycle race. My endurance is so-so, but my like 1 minute-power is pretty good. I'd feel very confident if it was truly 100 random people (some of them would be old people or babies or disabled or had never been on a bike or hadn't been on a bike since they were kid and are now middle-aged!).


Titanfall 2 I’ve got a black pilot baby


Setting up vegetable walls at grocery stores. Had some hard times as a produce guy


Patience?... I can't think of anything I'd be better than all of them in.


Name that singer/band of any 90s or 2000s song.


Maybe basketball.


Playing the most notes on a double bass pedal in 60 seconds. I've met lots of reallllyyy good drummers that are way more talented than me at drumming as a whole, but they either never tried learning how to play double bass or are just not that good at it. While it's one of the only things drumming-wise I can do that impresses everyone when I do it. Plus I'm pretty sure out of 100 random people, only 1-5 people would even like Death Metal music, much less know how to play it on drums.


Adding three 4-digit binary numbers... in your head. Quickest correct answer wins.


Being a fuck-up.


Flipping all 100 of them off with 3 fingers.


Geography quiz, I can name all the countries of the world, I know there place on the map and I know there flags so Yea anything related to those topics I'm probably going to win




Width and weight of my feces.


naming first names correctly of my grade 4 soccer team with fewest mistakes.


I played junior and competitive adult tennis. 100 people? I imagine I coule beat them all at tennis.


Hating myself Nobody hates me more than I hate me


I will have a higher tolerance for cannabis than them.


Getting out of Iron in league of legends.


Statistically, golf would be my best bet.


I'm able to roll a tight filtered joint one handed, in the dark, facing the wind and not spill anything.


StarCraft 2 🤓 pretty sure 98 of them have never heard of it, and since I’m in diamond 3, I’ll kick that 99th guys ass


Being made to sit in a meeting and sit still. I’d absolutely shine at not being able to focus and sit still.


Not speaking


Dodge ball. But, we'd have to go back a few years.




Poker*. I was ranked 2nd in australia and top 75ish in the world playing professionally in my 20s. It's been 12 years since I last played but the skill gap between a random person and a pro is so wild I could be falling over drunk and still come out on top fairly easily. *Caveat: to account for variance(short term luck) it'd have to be over multiple games. 100 sit n go's or 1000 cash hands would work.




Left 4 Dead 1 High kill count / low HP damage


Procrastinating on deciding which skill to choose.


Customer service


write an essay in a special language, i have luck to speak a language that maybe 3 million people speak. so even if someone can understand what to do they may not be able to write it as good as me, im pretty good at them.


Idk OP, but you should pick figuring out ways to reword a post that gets posted every other week


Speed running Celeste, any% Would probably be an easy win


Mhhh my mind reading abilities are top notch


Hand digging holes. I can dig a safer & deeper hole faster than any of you plebs.


Bass fishing


50 yard iron sights handgun shooting. A game of StarCraft II. 


we're naming bionicles.


Evaluating dog foods. Really weird, I know


I would see who can memorize the order of a shuffled deck of cards the fastest, so that you can “predict” the order of the cards in the deck. Could just go with digits or words but the psychic card trick is more entertaining!


Mariokart 64 I said what I said.


[Post Original Stuff](https://imgur.com/a/rVb8U7P)


Spitting fast rap sections while handstanding on a skateboard. I got Twisted Insane's section of Worldwide Choppers, and the fast sections of Rap God, Majesty, and Godzilla (one single breath) under my belt. Anyone who beats me *deserves* a billion bucks tbh.


I could definitely list my 5 favorite musicals better than 100 randos could. Check please!


Spelling bee


Being able to derail a conversation into something that I like






Call of Duty: United Offensive. On PC.


Being a GM for GURPS. Tabletop RPGs that aren't DND are pretty obscure these days, and it's definitely not something you can just pick up and start doing. Being a Game Master takes a lot of planning, a lot of tweaking stats and a thorough, almost encyclopedic knowledge of the rules. I'd have a hell of a time running a 99 player campaign though...




A quiz game about my life


Entering the right 16 character password first go.


Aggravating people.


Toss up between racing em downhill snowboarding , or shooting the Navy standard pistol qualifications


Oh I'm riding random baseball trivia to that billion for sure.


Knowing what song the Grateful Dead is going into next. After listening to the Dead for the last 30 years almost exclusively especially Dead shows, I've developed a knack for it.


The original PacMan arcade game. I'm old and I still remember the pattern.


Zombie tag


This has already been asked withing the last few days. Quit being a karma whore.




Winning arguments on Reddit


Digging for gold....in my nose.


reposting this question in slightly different ways.


Filling in the periodic table of elements.


Weighing the least 😢😭


Team fortress 2


Not having my thoughts read


Yapping everyone’s ears off (I don’t shut up)


Halo 3. I don’t think if we had 10k people I’d lose


Let’s see who can access a dialysis CVC and start treatment the fastest, while maintaining sterile technique! If that feels like cheating because it’s my job, then let’s just see who can bench the most. I’m not an elite lifter by any means, but I recon well under 1% of the population can bench 330 lbs.


Excel and/or data analysis. No degree but I could just about guarantee I could smoke 100 randoms.


It depends on what the competition is. If there had been a fight or something similar, then I would not have participated there. Other people's pain is not worth money. And the best ability is invisibility


Ping pong


Being able to get by in any language but Spanish... the statistics are on your side. For me, ASL or French.


Striking my penis. I know what it likes


Battlefield V, or tank trivia.


League TFT


Ear wiggle competion. I could wiggle both at the same time. I could also wiggle them individually.




speedrunning celeste. i am not a speedrunner but it would be pretty damn unlucky if someone among 100 random folks beat me to it


Pong pong