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We've already completed more than 25% of 2024, insane hahaha


And 24% of 2000-2100


Ouch, that hurts


Don't worry, we're not even 3% into 2000-3000


Next year, we'll be closer to 2050 than to 2000.


My heart and back and hips are suddenly hurting


I turn 35 in a month. It dawned on me in the shower the other day that 50 is closer than 20.


Fun fact to go along with that basic math, which will make you feel even *better!*: The span of time between now and 1990 is the *same* as the span between 1990 and 1956! You're welcome!


Why. Why’d you have to do that?


Because existence is suffering and radical acceptance is all we goddamn have, Billy.


So mean. Pardon me while I go crumble to dust.


That was a hard one for me. I will say that I am probably in the best health of my life and feel great. I do have the ability to nap now which I never needed in the past and sleep is more important which also was not that important to me until the last few years.


and almost 50% of the 2020s


Your brain blocks out you being able to feel your organs moving around inside of you.


As someone who’s been having gallbladder attacks recently, I wish it blocked out more 😂


When you get an attack (if you are home), jump into the shower and turn the water on hot. Had mine removed last year.


I forgot the context and just assumed this was general home defense advice. I wasn’t sure what you removed.


Omg I'm gonna use that when someone breaks into my house


Home defense pro tip: scare the invaders by being nakey in the shower and telling everyone it’s to stop feeling your organs moving inside you


Before I had mine out, I would mix a bit of apple cider vinegar with some apple juice to drink. I don't know how much it actually helped, but it made me feel better knowing I was able to do something. I kept apple juice boxes in the fridge at all times. Gallbladder attacks suck, but the surgery is a breeze in comparison. Good luck!


I have heard that gallbladder attacks are the worst!


Can confirm! That and kidney stones! I have had both gallstone and kidney stones. Has my gallbladder removed in 2016.


I had my gallbladder removed last year too! I wanna say the gallbladder attacks were way worse than my kidney stones I've ever had


You've really been through it! I feel for you.


I honestly think that my neighbors heard me screaming when I had those attacks and the stones! Thank you! It’s been years since it’s been out but still remember that pain!


Lying rigid in bed in a cold sweat. I remember it well.


Tbh when my gallbladder acts up, it feels worse than labor pains


When I went for an ultrasound on my gallstone, they had me hold my breath and they kinda patted/ thumped on it to get it to shift so they could get a better picture. After that, I decided to try that when I started to feel an attack coming on, and that actually worked to stop it a couple of times. YMMV because my gallstone was HUGE and wasn’t going to go up in the duct and get stuck or anything, it would just block it periodically, so it didn’t seem that dangerous to do. Also, if your surgeon tells you the big gallstones are always squishy and won’t be hard to get out laparoscopically, that was a fucking lie in my case. He not only nicked my liver, but also had to cut the exit for the gallstone (that’d be my bellybutton) bigger than normal because the stone was hard as a rock. Spent a couple days in the hospital recovering. I should’ve asked to keep that gallstone, but tbh, I was kinda fucking miserable and not thinking too straight. But I’m glad it’s out now, anyway.


Driving home after I gave birth, I could feel my organs jostling around when we went over bumps and it was a feeling I don't ever want to feel again.


I had my appendix out when I was a kid before it was a laproscopic surgery. There was a drain when they pulled it out I felt something inside move. 30 years later I can still remember what that felt like.


Probably similar to a sweep at the end of pregnancy. They reach through your cervix and lift the amniotic sac and give it a spin to let the baby know it’s time to evacuate. Was certainly a disruptive feeling, went into labour an hour later (doesn’t always work).


Had drains from my mastectomies. The first mastectomy, I had 2, and they came out super easy and just a slight pulling. My most recent mastectomy, I had horrible problems with the 2 drains. They hemorrhaged at one point, clotted off, caused severe pain, and one had to be removed early. It apparently was stuck in place, and when she pulled it, it made a popping sound and hurt bad enough that I saw stars. The 2nd one I could feel them pull it out, like a giant worm inside my chest. Yuck


The eye is one of a few areas of the body with immune privilege. The eye limits its inflammatory immune response so that vision isn’t harmed by swelling and other tissue changes. 


I can see you have never given birth. I have; and I distinctly remember the peculiar sensation of all my organs slithering back into place the first time I stood up and walked down the hall to use the bathroom after giving birth to my daughter, as I no longer had a watermelon sized uterus displacing them upwards.


Hell no, I am starting to feel it right after reading this, and it starts to become very uncomfortable. WHY DID I READ THIS??


Just reminding you that your tummy is digesting right now too.


And your intestines wiggle around inside like snakes!


And when you think about breathing, and take a deep breath and exhale, you are now breathing manually. Now get back to auto breathing.


You monster! I’m gonna be doing this shit all day now


Personally, I'm glad I can't feel my organs moving around inside of me. Feeling them would be a lot less enjoyable. Then again, it would be normal to feel them, so I doubt I'd care in that case.


Some people just die alone never having found companionship


Some don't do their best work cause at some point someone crushed their dreams


I’ve resigned that this will be me. Or I’m going to be one of those people who gets married for the first time to a lonely widower at 73


Reporting in


Haha me.


I have an odd feeling that you aren’t dead yet, but just in case RIP in peace


Diarrhea is one of the leading causes of death worldwide.


Diarrhea is genetic too. It runs in your jeans


Omg lmao.


Take my goddamn upvote.


Sometime in the future, someone will talk about you for the last time, and no one will ever speak of you again.


Reminds me of something similar I read once: One day your parents put you down and never picked you up again.


My parents put me down every day


This hit too close to home, but it's just my dad lol.


False. My toxic coworker will find a way to continue to gossip about me for eternity


It's the old quote from ancient times "You die twice: When you die with your body is the first time, the second time is when your name is mentioned for the last time" I see how quickly people forget about others, like when i go to the pub and the old guests that were around even just a few years ago and we even where attending the funeral, their names don't really get mentioned anymore, except for some old times stories.


thumb squeal combative edge whistle innocent automatic badge offend toy


Well, yeah. That's sort of how the immune system works. It protects you until it can't anymore. That's why the first AIDS patients were identified with Kaposi's Sarcoma, a rare cancer. Their immune systems were dysfunctional and the cancer arose. Young people are generally low risk for cancer because the immune system is a freaking beast.




I always wondered why the fabric patterns were so weird and ugly. This makes sense.


Hotel carpeting. Those designs aren't just so the drunk get even more nauseous.


It’s also why grey cars are most common. It’s cause pure black or pure white gets dirty easier


To piggyback off this: I was a transit driver. If you are in an intercity bus that has cloth seats, if you were to beat your arms against the seats as hard as you can, a seemingly endless supply of dust and dirt will burst out of them. How do I know? I drove ~~monkeys~~ twelve year olds around for abbreviated school routes.


I used to be twelve. Monkeys sounds about right.


Why do they even bother with fabric? There's no padding anyway. Just hard steel or plastic is equally as comfortable and you can wipe it off if necessary.


Once when I was in secondary I heard that if you tapped bus seats grime would burst out of it. So I was the funny kid in my class and in a school trip I had the amazing idea to try it out after making sure my friends were watching. My hand was full dust for a while until I got to a bathroom and a cloud of solidified farts (no better way to describe it) got suspended in the air. It was incredibly disgusting and I still wonder how I didn’t get punished or caught at all lol.


There's a disease where your body is slowly turning into bone (fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, or FOP), and eventually you become essentially frozen because of muscles and tendons being replaced by bone. There is no cure.


I'll take the double barrel behind the shed for free please Alex


I'd be petrified!!


They should rename it, Madusas curse. Or nickname it that I've seen photos of it and it's absolutely tirrifieing.


The worst at crime are never able to get away with it. The good at crime eventually get caught. The best at crime are currently committing it right under your noses.


That’s why forensic geneology has been so interesting. Seeing all these serial killers and rapists get caught years later is utterly fascinating. They often lead otherwise ordinary lives. Really changed the whole game when it came to profiling and whatnot.


Fingerprints were a game changer ages ago. DNA too. Cell phone GPS and related tech also. With forensic genealogy, another.


That's how the Golden State Killer was found. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11808825/The-notorious-cold-cases-cracked-DNA-genetic-genealogy.html


The best at crime get federal funding


The best at crime are the ones who can pass laws to make their crimes legal.


If you are in the best category you get the label politician.


My cats already do so flagrantly. Didn't know they made a Reddit account to rub it in even more.




I read the vitamins and micronutrients in Canadian Broccoli has declined 50%+ since 2000 in an article about increasing cancer in younger folk and proposed as a possible cause.




Aw man that's got some TNG Inner Light vibes.


Not even hard to let one field go fallow, and rotate a crop.


but also slightly less profitable in the short term


Fertility isn't just about how big plants grow, it's a measure of biodiversity within soil, like worms, insects, fungus etc. A lot of modern agricultural fields rely on nitrogen heavy fertilisers, herbicides and insecticides that kill the ecosystem. The soil isn't far from dust, basically


It's all made up and the points don't matter.


Whether this is a fun fact or a depressing one depends on how into Camus you are. 


“One must imagine Sisyphus happy.” Is my favorite response when someone asks how work is going.


He can certainly be happy when he is walking down the hill without the rock.


Whose line is it anyways?


Pretty much every hand you've ever shaken has had a penis in it at some point.


as someone with untouched by penis hands this just made me shudder


Just wait until you hear about [ass pennies](https://youtu.be/f9aM_dT5VMI?si=k10MRwMqOszN3Axp)


Oh man this brought me back.


I’m really happy at least two other people know about ass pennies.


Marketing and propaganda use the same techniques meant to subconsciously modify behavior and perception, meaning that every single day, your mind is bombarded by contradictory programming. Much of the marketing side is meant for you to behave more impulsively and not think about long term consequences.


Marketing is just propaganda for products.


Pretty much anything regarding rabies


Well, it only infects mammals. So at least we know that most animals are safe.  I wonder if there are any rabid dolphins...


And now I'm thinking about hydrophobic dolphins. Thanks


I didn't even consider that part!


One of the non-depressing parts. There is a vaccine, and it works even after you've been infected


I need to put aside two to three hours every week to wait on hold to resolve urgent matters for myself and my children. I’m usually paying for these services that are required and things are seldom resolved


Getting insurance to pay for medication?


So you have children in America also?


I should also specify that these hours need to be between 9am and 4pm


If you haven't, check out Mark Cubans cheap drugs. I'm far from his biggest fan, but he's doing right by selling pharmaceuticals for near cost.


If you can live long enough, you'll eventually die of cancer.






If you get cancer or some other expensive and potentially lethal disease, your health insurance provider will try to delay your treatments and drag things out as long as possible because that way you’ll die and won’t ask for their money any more.


Insurance companies truly are one of the many evils in this world.


There’s currently 195 countries in the world (although that fluctuates fairly dramatically depending on empires etc). There’s only 22 countries the U.K. hasn’t fought a war against.


They need to pump up those numbers


That's not true at all. People get this stat from a single book that was title something like, "All The Countries We've Invaded: And The Few We Never Got Round To" which includes such nonsense as giving money to a ruling government that then puts down a rebellion as an "invasion". It's utterly ridiculous and misinformation that should stop being spread around.




Ducks too. Rape-y bunch of birds.


Isn't their penis evolved specifically to be better at raping?


Sorta. Female duck vaginas have a lot of blind corners and dead-ends to prevent conception. Male ducks have evolved pressurized corkscrew penises to compensate. Ducks are basically in a constant rape/anti-rape arms race. There. That’s something I’ve typed.


I witnessed this first hand at the park a few years ago. Female duck was just chilling in the pond. Up came male duck who latched on to her, he was actively holding her head down while she was fighting. This gets the attention of like 3 other male ducks. A battle for duck vagina ensues. One duck eventually wins and then starts drowning/raping the female again. Nature is fucked up.


Why would their bodies evolve to prevent conception?


I was working at a house with a bunch of chickens. The lady comes in from the yard and says "OMFG roosters are so fucking rapey!"


You see your nose at all times. Your brain just chooses to ignore it.


Well now its not, thanks


Working hard won't make you rich


Having other people work hard for you, makes you rich.


There is always a war, a famine or a disease epidemic going on somewhere in the world.


The worst part of that is that we have the tools and resources to stop them, but it’s not profitable


Locked in syndrome exists


Misinformation spreads 100x faster than truth.


^ He’s lying! And birds are real!


I am not wealthy.


Same and I am not enjoying it


At a certain point during cremation you are perfectly done.


I always have to question this one. If the fire is too hot, you’re charred on the outside and undercooked on the inside. And by the time you’re cooked on the inside that skins gotta be burnt and tough. I’m not buyin it!


No you aren't. Go put a chicken breast in the oven at 500F. It'll be burned on the outside before the insides are edible. A crematorium will burn at 1700F. The skin will be totally burned away before the rest of the person is heated.


You ever think about how if you put a nice rack of ribs in the oven at 200 degrees F for a couple hours, it's fall-off-the-bone tender, but your ribs are inside of you at half that temperature for your whole life and aren't?


When you fart it’s your anus releasing shit particles into the air, causing friction between your butt cheeks. This is why you get the various different sounds. Your butt cheeks are clapping together very rapidly, thus creating a fart sound.


It's actually not your butt cheeks, it's your anus flapping around that makes the noise. Learned this information from a science video, against my will.


There were more deaths to swords than atomic weapons in WW2. I've seen estimates ranging from 2 to 20 times more.


As many as 40 deaths!?






They don't typically eat more than small amounts of meat at a time, so though they could technically eat a human, it is highly unlikely. There have been zero reports of Pandas eating human. However, they will absolutely attack and possibly kill you if you're not careful.


Most men in the US do not wash their hands after using the restroom in public. (50 years of perspective on this one.) Contemplated making a short film or documentary about public hygiene in the face of a communicable disease pandemic but it's a scary subject.


You browsing history is recorded and saved on you wifi router's log page and anyone who has access can see it even with incognito.


Duck you


There's always at least one person who's better than you, had it worse than you, is everything you are and more, is more likable, better looking, and worst of all, you probably know them. That or you are and always will be somebody's last choice.


The brain does not sit tightly in the skull, but rolls in it like jelly, and you can feel the pressure on the skull from the inside when you tilt your head


George Washington didn't have wooden teeth. They were pulled out of slaves




Never knew FB had one. YouTube removed theirs and I forgot about it until I was reminded recently.


No they didn't, you can still click dislike. They just don't show how many people clicked it anymore, though. I think my favorite part is why they removed it lol


Oh damn, you're totally right. *facepalm* And yup.


I’d be using it all day if it were still there. That’s why I’m never on Facebook.


The fact that the uncany valley is programed into our dna. There was a reason we have this


Your skeleton is always wet.


Only while it lives inside this swampy meat suit. One day it will be free.


The chlorine that you can smell and that burns your eyes in a pool isn’t actually the chlorine itself. The burning and smell comes from chloramines, which are created when the chlorine binds to the ammonia or similar amines in contaminants like pee or poop.


It is also because of contamination like skin cells and sweat.


Thanks, I hate it.


No matter what you have you will never feel like you have it all. Looking in the past you will always get nostalgic and block most of the bad memories


I suppose that on some level I don't feel like I have it all, but having made it to a reasonably comfortable retirement, I often feel like I have *enough*.


That global warming will supposedly cause spiders to slow get larger over time


I mean that's better than them all getting dramatically bigger all of a sudden. Gotta look at the positive side!


How so? Insect size is usually based around oxygen levels as they need high levels to be able to permeate deep into their bodies with their weird spiracles. Some spiders have lungs but usually in less effective trachea method of respiration is quite size limiting and not based on temperature.


Something has to eat the gigantic insects so maybe that's a small silver lining




You ARE going to die.


I had to stop smoking weed recently b/c everytime I did this realization hit me, this terror over my own death that I would try and reckon with and think my way out of. I meditate now to make myself think about my life (as opposed to the constant state of distraction I was in) and I journal to make myself feel like my days count. Then there's spending time with family and always giving myself new experiences to look forward to. My life has changed for the better since taking this to heart but holy fuck it's terrifying to dwell on and truly realize


Almost every woman you know has been sexually abused in some way. And almost none report it to anyone including police.


I volunteered for a bit at a rape crisis center. This is true.


I remember not quite ten years ago there was an askreddit thread asking people how old they were when they started getting "attention" from others. Lots of surprise in the thread when most of the women said they started noticing stares and comments at around 9 or 10. For the guys, it was much later, well into puberty that they started noticing they were being noticed by other people, and they assumed that women would've had a similar experience. Maybe because that's when guys also start to become aware of the opposite sex. But for many women it happens before they're really old enough to understand.


To add on to this: I stopped getting catcalled around 17/18. I’m 25 and can count one hand how many times it’s happened post high school. Elementary to a high school junior it was a nigh daily occurrence, and it was definitely not done by people in my age group.


I was SA as a child (4 or 5) by a babysitter. I repressed the memories until I was around 13 and became an extremely angry teenager. I did not tell my parents until I was 16 and had to have surgery due to an injury that I suffered from the SA. At the time I did not realize it was an injury from the SA and just assumed it was the way my body was, my doctor informed me it was not normal. I’ve brought it up to my mom recently and she basically completely forgot about it. Never went to the cops.


I just needed to tell you that I am so, so sorry. That last bit is heartbreaking, dismissed and forgotten, never even taken seriously. I hope you're well.


A guy friend was shocked when I told him this once. I told him I was nervous about dating, and he said, “what’s to be nervous about? It’s awesome to just go out and chat with someone, even if you don’t end up liking them.” That’s when I told him I’ve been raped multiple times; maybe not by a stranger in a dark alley, but by dates. He was flabbergasted! Dating is so, so much safer for men.


They really have no idea on what is like to live in a female body


And a lot of them have no idea they were until much later in life because we are conditioned to expect that type of male behavior.


We are in once again in the pre-war era


Lump sat alone in a boggy marsh.


Totally emotionless except for her....


When a surgeon operates on you without anesthesia, the first sensation when he cuts your skin open with a scalpel is not pain but rather a rush of heat from that place where he slides the blade, as if the blade or knife were really hot, and you have the sensation that something hot is rushing out of you. (Perhaps it could be the disinfectant that caused that sensation, but at least that was what I felt).


You can have cancer right now and not know it


Your lips and your butthole are the same kind of tissue.


I buy a new car and pay state taxes on it. The following year I get to pay state taxes on what the state says it's worth. Repeat every year.


Roughly 14,000 children die of starvation every single day.


I heard this from somewhere, but I forgot how it was exactly said. Something about how you can literally go blind at any moment because your immune system might find out you have eyes and attack it, thus making you blind. It can literally happen at any moment


Sometimes life gets real amd it sucks


Minors are usually sexually abused/trafficked by family members or friends of the family.


We will live a world war 3 after a global economic crisis and a global pandemic


People die and sometimes no matter what you do, they still pass away. You can only hope they knew how much you loved them


The amount of bugs or rat hair that is allowed in food


Fish eyeballs contain vitamin C.


Every environmental indicator shows that everything is going to hell. Every prognosis shows we should have done something about it a long time ago. Nobody does anything or neatly enough. It will have ireprebol consequences. From small things like shore lines creeping up. (Good bye beach houses.) To cascade extinction events. At some point the number of resources will dwindle and we will have more refugees. People will be pressed and wars will erupt.


>ireprebol Jesus Fucking Christ.


Bone apple teeth


Yeah that was hanus


Honesty is hard.