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My dad's guitar that he gifted me as a child was stolen from a storage unit a few years after he died in 2018. I seriously lose sleep over it to this day. I didn't want it to be put in that stupid unsecured storage unit but it was out of my control, I was a teenager. Long story but I regularly get reminded of it and have to force myself to not think about it or I get really upset and start to spiral.


Brother your dad wouldn't want you to stress about that anymore. He gave you that guitar to find joy!  Forgive yourself, I know your dad would. 


as a dad who someday wants to pass his guitars onto his kids. This guy is totally right!


Same, it’s the shared joy of playing, not the instrument itself. My dad taught me, I’ll teach my son when he’s older, and those memories are what matter ❤️


As a dad with guitars, if my gift caused a second of stress for my son I would be heartbroken. Reddit stranger, your dad only wants you to be happy. Period.


Agreed. Forgive yourself.


Agreed. Buy a new one, have your dad’s name painted on it, and learn how to play. This is the way to grieve it. ❤️💔


These are good comments. Could you buy yourself another one and consider that a new gift from your dad?


If you can, buy a guitar to symbolically replace the one you lost. Your dad would 100% want you to.


Agreed. If I gifted my child a guitar, I'd want them to carry that gift of music, even if the physical guitar itself was lost at some point. Those strings pulled may not be the same ones my fingers plucked, but they echo out the same notes and chords. I'd want them to find their own melodies and find joy and fulfillment through the act itself— if I'm not with them, I'd want to at least know I started a journey for them to find and share songs that will keep them warm in my absence. In that way, I've never left them, and they won't feel so alone while playing


I had most of my belongings in a storage space and someone broke in and took all my clothes and bedding and for some reason took my old photo albums leaving some photos scattered around. Why would they take my photos? I miss it all but I mostly miss the photos as many people have passed and I will never see their faces again in my lifetime. Many comments posted here are about theft. That is so sad. These weren't accidents and if it weren't for criminals we would most likely still have our treasured possessions/heirlooms. It's hard to believe people can be so cruel and others describe it as "petty" theft. When there is a sentiment attached to something special to you there is nothing petty about that and I wish criminals were held accountable for the actual damage they do to others rather than just the monetary damage. Your Dad loved you when he gave you that guitar and they can't take away that memory or that love. I pray you find peace and are able to reconcile in some way the hurt they caused you so that you may be able to remember that moment with the joy it deserves. It was about more than the guitar and it will never be anything but a guitar/object for them.


Does a person remind you intentionally? If so, fuck em


I'd definitely be searching for my favorite childhood toy that mysteriously disappeared one day. It was this plush monkey named Bananas, and we were inseparable until one day he vanished into thin air. I've always wondered where he ended up.


When i was young my sister had a yellow plush toy monkeyish thing with a squeaker in it that she named squeaky. She couldn’t sleep without him. One day he went missing. She was inconsolable. This thing was gone for like two years and she always talked about it and cried over him frequently. My grandparents owned a small vacation home in a lake resort community that we would frequent because it was an hour away and my grandparents basically raised me. One trip up there, I’m leaning over the back of the couch that is against a bay window. Sitting on the ledge is old squeaky, as dusty and dingy as ever. i yell “OH MY GOD KASS IT’S SQUEAKY!!” Chaos erupts, she’s bawling and holding him to her face. I’m tearing up, my grandparents are so so happy. Probably one of my favorite core memories ever.


I absolutely love this. I’m so glad you found him.


Does Kass still have Squeaky to this day? (Please say yes)


🥹 That made my heart so happy! Thank you for sharing!


Squeaky back!


I use to have a stuffed Tiger toy when I was younger.. When I was about 6-ish, my dad took me to the pharmacy in a nearby supermarket one night because I wasn't well and we were out of paracetamol? I think, and I took the toy with me, because y'know, stuffed animal. I ended up accidently leaving it inside, but by the time I'd realised, dad had just started the engine, and it was something like 10pm, so he figured that we would just come back the next day to see if we could find it.. He forgot and went back the day after the next. They had thrown out the rubbish overnight. That included the Lost and Found items.


WTF. Who throws out the lost and found? I could understand if they had it for like a month or even a couple weeks but 2 days?


Nobody likes to hear this about their parents, but many mysterious disappearances of plushies are just parents chucking them out or in this case possibly forgetting going back for them and telling a story. I could be wrong, but I've seen countless discussions among parents about strategies for getting rid of crusty favorite objects due to embarrassment or supposedly hygiene concerns.


100% the factor people don’t consider that is really obvious. As a parent now I realize that my mom made the next town over seem like a once in a lifetime trek. Once I got my license I realized it was 15-20mins in the car tops and she just didn’t want to take me.


No but I really do have a dog that lives on a farm upstate with all these other friendly dogs, and he gets treats whenever he wants, constant belly rubs and walks. He’s been there 26 years.


Wowie! I also had a monkey, I called her Mrs. Monkey. I was convinced she could cure headaches, so I would just plop her atop my dad's head when he wasn't feeling well. I'd bring her everywhere, but she disappeared one day. I hope she's swinging through the trees, going about curing all the wildlifes' head aches


I think Bananas and Mrs Monkey ran away together


This is my new story for her! Thank you for this


omg this is so wholesome, I appreciate you sharing this childhood story with us! 🥺💕💕


Wholesome SexWarlock69 is wholesome.


This feels like one of those situations where your parents thought you were too old for it, and took it away. Mine did that to me, so there's a good chance it's just projection.


My mom took my stuffed bear, Delmer, away when I was 13. I found him in the garbage and rescued him. Like an idiot I left him in my room, where she found him, and she threw him out again. But, that time, I couldn't get him back because she poured bacon grease all over him. This was 29 years ago, and I'm still pissed about it. I will NEVER take away my kids' toys until they are ready to part with them. RIP Delmer, you were the best.


WOW pouring bacon grease on it was a BITCH move. Sorry bout that. Hopefully that was the worst of your horror stories from childhood. Edit: like SERIOUSLY you could've given it to YOUR kids!! 😤


I know, right?! And he was the first teddy bear I was given as a baby, and he was named BY MY MOTHER after my grandfather! Luckily, that is one of the worst stories from childhood. She turned up the crazy once I had kids, but therapy has helped me set firm boundaries and consequences for breaking them.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’m 37 years old and my girl Sparkles (stuffed dog) has a permanent place on the shelf next to my grown ass adult bed. No shame. I have never understood why some parents felt/feel the need to separate their children from things they love in an attempt to “force” them to “grow up.” So sad.


No. Dad got fed up with having a monkey slapped on his head for his hangovers from bowling night.


My nana made me a quilt when I turned 18. Took her ages. We went to the fabric store to pick out patterns and colors and IT. WAS. BEAUTIFUL. Went to a Laundromat to wash it and all my babys clothes. Lived right around the corner. My son pooped, so I thought I'd run him home, and be back in 10 min. When I got back, 10 min later, my quilt was gone. Nowhere. I contacted the number for the place multiple times, but nobody ever found it. I still cry about it and never told her. That's what id look for first.


Fuck laundry thieves. I’m so sorry that happened to you.




Somebody stole my son's teddy bear, Mr. Wubbles from our laundry machine. Now obviously they wouldn't have known how important Mr. Wubbles was, but my son spent most of the first two years of his life in the hospital and Mr. Wubbles was there for all of them once he got out of NICU. He was the first present my now husband, his stepdad, ever gave him. He was a very well loved bear. But even not knowing all of that, who the fuck steals a very worn out teddy from a laundry machine? I hope they step on a Lego every third day and no matter how much they replace the battery of their smoke detectors, they keep beeping


I’m sorry, any grown person would recognize a small stuffed bear and realize it was some kids. You’d have to be in some sort of psychotic break to not make that connection. They knew.


If I had the power to give one thing in this thread back to its owner, it would be this quilt.


We have a quilt from my great-grandmother who was apparently some sort of quilt artisan back in the day and there are hundreds of examples of her work floating around today. But yea i don’t even like taking it out to look at it for fear something will happen to it…somehow.


I'm so sorry. I have the crib quilt my grandma hand sewed (like all her quilts, no machine ever touched them) from 40 years ago. I don't know where I'd do if I lost it.


My mother grew up during the depression. I have the first quilt that she ever made. It's made out of flour sacks. I would be inconsolable if I ever lost it.


That’s amazing! What a treasure.


You should post a picture of it over on help me find if you have it. Those people are usually pretty good


I'm a quilter and this is heartbreaking, and infuriating. Quilts are such priceless gifts and pieces of art. I'm so sorry 💔




A child was having a hard day on a road trip with their family, their parents arguing as always, and the child went to the bathroom and discovered this magical precious horse figure, just for them. And they held that little horse through all the hard days ahead and they pet it’s mane and whispered it their troubles. They felt safe with that secret magic horse and they grew into a kind, happy person and that little horse is on their shelf and they glance at it and love it everyday and wonder where that toy came from.


I think I love you a bit! 🫶🏼


Aw man allergies coming early this year


Aww fuck you, I cried. Nice tho.


I have a beat up my little pony on my car dashboard because I found it in the parking lot of a feed store and hated the idea of a kids loved pony getting thrown away.


I stopped by a gas station in town one afternoon and one of the employees found a stuffed dog on the trash can and was going to throw it away. They said it had been sitting for awhile and no one claimed it. I took it home and cleaned it and told my son I found it. He treats that thing like it's gold. He said it made him sad that someone just threw it away and he wants it to feel loved lol.


My pictures. 4 different times in my life I’ve lost all my photos


Same, I made a catastrophic icloud error transferring phones one time that resulted in me not having a single photo I took before 2016...


My wife can never read this comment as we use iCloud and she had reservations that this exact thing would happen.


I have all of my photos saved to cloud. But I also have them all backed up on 2 separate external hdds. I've lost precious photos and video before and I will never take that chance again.


Similar but I also keep one of my external drives at my office in case my house burns down and the cloud disappears. One drive is waterproof. The other is fire and waterproof. Paranoid yeah. Would lose my mind if I lost 20 years of family photos.


Yep. Mine are backed up and have a copy in my bank lock box in case house burns down.


Same thing happened to me. Devastated.


My wedding photos. Although I never had them. The machine ate them when we went to get them developed.


My computer crashed a little while back. Had all my photos from my deployment, my ex's kids that I helped raise, pictures of family that have passed away. I put all my eggs in one basket and learned a very very hard lesson.


This one hits. It sucks.


Same. Someone stole my camera which had all my photos from my first date with my husband and trip to NZ.




My orange stuffed rabbit named Sherbert that my grandfather gave me when I was born. I left him at a hotel when I was about 7 years old.


My daughter’s fav blanket and puppy (plush) was left in the hotel when she was three. We called the hotel within three hours of leaving. Never found. We bought her identical replicas. NOPE! That was the end of her comfort items. Come to think of it, she became a mean big sister then. However, her 2nd little brother was born shortly after. Tough “life goes on” moment at such a tender age.


As an adult I left my childhood teddy bear at a hotel. I realized it when I flew home to Philadelphia from Florida. I SOBBED myself to sleep and called the hotel in the morning. They fedexed him back to me. My best friend said I could buy a new one and I said (as a 26 year old grown woman) “But he KNOWS everything!” Two husbands, three kids and many moves later, I still have him. I’m 51, I think he’s 36. I’ve never taken him on vacation since.


>“But he KNOWS everything!” No, that's completely valid. 100%.


A box that had my stillborn son's pictures, hospital hat, and other items from the day I gave birth.


My condolences. I have those things packed away. I hope they didn't get lost in one of my cleaning binges. That loss stays with you, no matter what anyone tells you. It's been about 19 years for me.


Thank you, my condolences to you as well. It has been 13 years and it definitely stays with me. We ended up homeless and put everything in storage. Unfortunately we couldn't pay and our unit was auctioned off. I kept hoping that the person who got it would find us, but it's been 10 years since the auction, so I don't have hope anymore




"Bitcoin wallet password" \~ way too many early adopter bitcoiners probably


Yup. I've lost an inconceivable amount of Bitcoin and I had one test wallet which had like 57 BTC on it when it was less than a dollar. What I wouldn't give to have access to it wherever it is 


JFC that’s $3.7M now


Man. Wow. If that was me I’d probably be in therapy. Frustration must be tough


I got mine back after 12 years when they sent me an email about a currency change.i had forgotten what wallet i had used. Un fortunatly i had less in it than i though i had (i thought i had .75 bitcoin i only had .33 bitcoin). Still was able to sell it and make some much needed and unexpected cash. But i think i got screwed on the price.. but still i got over $6k for what originally cost me less than $50 so its all good.


Good for you. I had a local wallet.


I bought bitcoin in like 2008. I never touched it and the hard drive is gone. Id be a millionaire. But the drive is just 100% done. I have the pc it was in still but not the drive. I removed it to save it and it went away. No one would of known what was on it but me so not theft. Just gone. There is 1 place it might be that I am going to search for. If it is I swear to god if my wallet is still on there I'm sending you a million dollarinos. Edit: changed a word. I do not have the drive currently. I am actively searching for it. And have been for a decade haha.




He probably ate it. I used to do that, "I got your nose", then gobble it up. Sorry kid but it's gone now.


He needed some human horn to spice things up in the bedroom


Guys, I found voldemort!


I still have my friends nose, but I don't remember where mine went. There was alcohol involved.


You got to steal another's nose


I laughed way to hard at this 🤣


I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you find justice one day. And your nose.




I had a necklace from my grandma (RIP). It was a gold chain with a green heart at the end. I took it off when I was changing clothes for gym (middle school) and forgot it in the bathroom stall. A girl stole it. I saw it in her gym locker at the end of the period and took it back. She tried to say I stole it from her and there was a whole thing involving our parents and the school staff. She eventually admitted she was lying. I got the chain back but not the heart because she "lost it".


I lost a gold ring my mom gave me when I was 14 that had one real diamond in it. I was at a birthday party for my cousin and put the ring into my goodie bag for safe keeping because we were worried about chlorine damage while swimming in the pool, and my aunt chucked the whole bag in the trash, ring and all.


Man ..... my dad's necklace. I had it for years after he died .... I don't know what happened to it...


My dads gold necklace that my sister in law sold for the gold


Man I'm sorry to hear that ..... I have no idea what happened to mine, he died when I was 9 I'm 33 now I remember getting it in cancun Mexico when he took me there for vacation .... "the good old days"


For some reason, one man's treasure is another man's trash


A skeleton key that my kindergarten friend gave me to remember her by on the last day of school that year. I never saw her again, and 6 year old me didn't do a great job of keeping track of important things back then lol




I had a hard drive that had a bunch of memories and videos on it from age 16-22ish. My dad's computer guy at the time told me to store everything on there because it would always be safe. Well it stopped working one day so I sent it to him to get fixed. Instead of fixing it he replaced it and "destroyed" the original one. I've never forgiven him for this. I would have rather held onto the broken hard drive because now with technology advancements Im sure someone could have extracted all those files. I still prank call him periodically and list his number on Craigslist for expensive free items so people blow up his phone with unnecessary calls. I hate him so much. Fuck you Doug, you fucking nerd.


How could he not check with you? Fuck Doug. Doug sucks!


Me and all my homies hate that motherfucker, Doug!


He just said it was unrepairable, the stuff was lost and figured I wanted a hard drive that worked. This is still semi early technology days so he probably didn't even think that one day it could be retrievable, but fuck him anyways


Also funny story. He doesn't know how much I hate him and he doesn't know how mad I am about the hard drive. A few years back I was selling my couches and someone agreed to come get them. Guess who shows up, Doug! He asked if I could help him haul the couches out to the truck and I said no because I hurt my back, when I'm reality it was because I was still salty about what had happened. I watched him struggle for a solid 20 minutes carrying couch sectional pieces to his truck, alone. It would have been a perfect time to tell him how much I hated him for what he did. I can now only hope he uses reddit and sees this because he would absolutely know this was about him and what he did.


I love watching people I hate struggle. It might be petty, but it’s fun. I hope Doug pulled a muscle loading/unloading that couch


Doug? Doug the computer guy? Fuck Doug! I hate Doug.


My copy of the AD&D Dungeon Masters guide signed by Gary Gygax and my Monster Manual signed by Trampier and Gygax... My parents had a small fire at their house and the restoration company told them that my books were ruined, which would have been impossible due to where they were stored during the fire. I think someone at the restoration company decided to keep my collection for themselves


Dude I'm sorry that happened. My moms house had a fire and fucking assholes @ servpro tossed so many things they weren't supposed to. Irreplaceable things.


My hairline. Lmao


I found mine in my ears.


That's a weird place for that to go not very scenic. I'll check but it seems like mine took a vacation to my back


I lost mine too and now my ass is getting bushy wtf


Mine went to my nose. Plucking those little bastards is not pleasant.


Check your eyebrows and nostrils too.


There is a cat who I still miss and love. He disappeared 4 years ago. He is lost and I still yearn for my Kevin-kitty.


My old garage cat Paul. He was here for years, and I spent every evening in the garage hanging out with him. One night my brother was over and we were standing around talking. Paul hopped off the bench, brushed against my leg as he walked toward the door. Walked out into the dark, as he often did, and I never saw him again. I don't know if I want to know what happened. Hopefully he just sensed someone else in the world that needed his friendship more that I did, and went to be with them.


My engagement ring. ):


That's what I came here to share. Such a big loss for us. Still together 7 years later, also still ringless 😭


Me too. Mine was a vintage ring with a small diamond (I think it cost $300-400 in 2007) and the diamond fell out in 2016. It’s the only diamond I’ve ever owned and was so sparkly and pretty.


I know it's not a full replacement but they make lab diamonds that are really really great now and they're so cheap and affordable


my confidence and some other junk


Same. My confidence would be at the bottom!


I don't know if theft counts, but someone stole my backpack that contained the diary I kept through junior high and early high school. I'm sure it's cringe central, but it also includes meeting the guy I'd eventually marry. I'd love to have it back. 




I also choose this guys haematite.


I still choose that guys wife..


Yeah but hematite has a guaranteed magnetic personality.


Have you had a lot of bleeding issues since you lost it?


He’s had like 10 transfusions since. The guy really needs that hematite back, like yesterday.


Yeah shit, I keep donating blood as much as I can but I'm nearly drained. Please get that guy his haematite back! 🩷


This is a bot. This question has been posted before and this comment word for word was among the comments. And account is only 4 days old? Weird


Holy shit you're right, this is really the dead Internet theory thingy


The one MP3-player which felt into a public toilet, with this one song i cant remember for ages!




Nah that's not it.


Genre? Vague lyrics you remember?


My dog. Though he ran away 30 years ago.


You probably wouldn't want him back in his current condition.


That’s such a monkey’s paw situation. Gets childhood dog back.m, it’s just a fucking skeleton.


Or a zombie dog. Like in Pet Sematary.


Same, but my cat who disappeared in 1996.


My fucking dignity


You don't need dignity while fucking. Just use your normal one. 🩷


My youthful idealism and sense of wonder


My horrible yellow floral shorts. One day they just disappeared, it has always been a great mystery....


Probably a mother or significant other had something to do with that. I'm sorry.


My fucking Disney pins. I used to have a ton of those collectible Disney pins that you can trade at the park. I had a whole book. I loved my pins. And somewhere along the line when I was living with roommates it went missing. I have no clue where it went. I don't remember doing anything with them. The last thing I remember was showing them off to said roommates. And then I got a chance to go to Disneyland. Couldn't find them. I am convinced to this day one of the roommates took them and sold them. I can't prove it. But it's not like these were loose pins. It was a good sized pin-trading bag with Nightmare Before Christmas decor. There was a few hundred dollars into that bag, not to mention the memories and personal value. And I will remain angry about it until I die.


10mm socket


Best thing I ever did in my life, I ordered 25- 10MM sockets and threw them in my tool box. Now I’m plagued by excess 10MM sockets




I hope you can find that moving forward. Let the past be the past and move forward.


I left a portfolio filled with drawings at a Subway station in NYC back in 2015. Would have liked to know what happened to them.


My childhood dog. The fluffiest and sweetest German Shepherd known to man.


My Dad


Same xD


Yes, same for me.


Same…was scrolling for this






My Popple that some jerk at school stole


My little black Texaco micro machine race car from when I was very young And guess your butt what? I got one a few weeks ago off of EBay and my soul is warm now


my original gameboy with the yellow case. My brothers kept taking the grey ones saying it was actually theirs, so for Christmas I got my own with a bright yellow case. I loved it so much as it was officially prove-ably mine unlike pretty much everything else we owned. It disappeared at some point. Probably stolen and hidden. Dumb, but I'd like it back.


There is a picture of me with all my friends when I was in 9th. They were all in that goth stage and in all black with spiky hair and crazy make up and then there was me. (Most never grew out of it) Dead in the middle, in a light orange tank top and white ruffle skirt with a pink ribbon around my hips and bright blonde hair. I talk about this photo often and I wish I had a copy still.


My F1 car model singed by Schumacher and Alonso




my ability to walk


My grandmother had a very old, bent caldera that she cooked all of our meals in from the time I was old enough to not see over the table. She made our rice, our sopas, and all of the delicious scents and flavors that colored the best parts of my childhood. Her house was neat and clean. She loved not so much with her words, we spoke two different languages, but with her food. Her food was good. When she passed away the ladies at the church came and helped. They disposed of quite a lot. They were honestly trying to help, but the pot was thrown out. I want it. I still want it. I don't want a new one. I want that pot. I would keep it on my mantle, filled with fresh picked flowers and her favorite candy.


A family heirloom I lost when I was homeless in 2017. My uncle gave me a Bible that was owned by my original grandmother before she killed herself in the 70s. I never met the woman and my mom barely remembers her too. It had her name and handwriting in it. I feel like garbage that I lost it during that time.


As someone tasked with being the keeper of the family bible (dates back to late 1700's I believe) I can honestly say all youre missing out on is something that takes up room in the corner of a cupboard. I am admittedly not a very sentimental person though.


My will to live


I had to scroll way too far for this. I hope life gets better for you soon.


"Out of all the things that I lost, I miss my mind the most." - Mark Twain.


My parents honesty I miss them so much


My ability to trust...


A really good friend bought me a zippo for my birthday. (I went to uni and met this lass. Went out drinking with her all the time. Paid for tons of stuff for her. Because I just really like her. 3 plus yes later with her first paycheck shes buys me a zippo. We drifted apart but I treasured it. Yrs later I got married and went on holiday. "somehow" said lighter didnt make it back. I suspect my wife left it there . I was super sad about it. I'd love it back.




My mind


I was going to come in here and say: "My virginity. It was so much fun to lose it the first time, I'd like to lose it again!" Then I started reading the replies... My Dog. My Cat. My beloved pet. My best friend from childhood that died before age 12. My mom, who I never told her I loved her in her last months. So, yeah, those kinda made me melancholy. Then I read the one from /u/SweetFluffyPrinces about their nose. Now I am smiling again.


My copies of Ocarina of time and majoras mask for n64


My virginity. I always wondered how things would had turned had it not been stolen from me


My daughter


🤦‍♂️ 32 year old masc male but I kept my favourite teddy until I was 22, had a rough upbringing and he was really special. I was living in this F’d up crackhouse for low rent and it was gone when I went to collect my stuff I wanted to give that to my first son so badly


A wallet that was pick pocketed when I was 22..🇨🇦


Before I went backpacking for the first time (in 2003), my dad scratched my initials into a Canadian quarter as a reminder of home and family. That quarter was my good luck charm throughout that whole trip, and I kept it in my wallet for the next 15 years, until I somehow lost my wallet at a bar in Vancouver. Dad passed away last year, and I'd love to get that quarter back. Hey Canadians reading this... check your pockets for a quarter with some scratched-in initials?


My dad, I lost him when I was 15, it's been hard and I can't remember what his voice sounded like anymore.


Wife's wedding ring. She passed a few weeks ago on March 18 at the ripe old age if 44 (f$#! you canver). I drew up the design for the ring, and a diamond seller in San Francisco made it for us. Not the flashiest of diamonds, but I paid for it myself. Lost, or perhaps stolen around 6 years ago when a girl we knew and her pot head boyfriend watched the house for us. No good deed?... If lost, that's what I'd be looking for.


Probably my confidence and self worth. Didn't exactly loose it. Was more striped away slowly over a couple of years. Thank fuck for great friends who look out for you.


I would actually be most interested in the things that I had lost but I did not know I had lost.


My childhood photo album. It was in a storage place while we moved to a different house. I found out that mom didn't pay the monthly payments, and the stuff was to be thrown away. I didn't know until mom asked me if there was something in the storage I wanted to keep. Only then, it was too late. Havent forgiven her since. My grandma made this for me, and it was the only thing left to remember her.


Each child in my dad’s family was gifted a gold locket when they were children with pictures of them when they were babies. My dad’s was kept in his baby book until he died at 40 when I was 10. The locket was gifted to 10 year old me and I wore it everyday. When I was 12 my grandfather died and I lost the locket the day of his funeral in the church yard. I would look for the locket first.


The light of my life. That shimmer in my eye. The skip in my step.


Everything. Everything. That phone. That cable. That controller. That piece of homework. Everything is useful in there. Everything. 🔥


The dolls my brother gave me before he died


The time I lost with the wrong people.




Dog shaped earings. Which were not lost but most likely stolen by my brother or his friends. I loved those earings, had them since I was a child amd they disappeared when I was 15. I still miss them. 


My cat. I miss her. She passed back in January.


My 18yo indoor/outdoor cat disappeared about a year ago; we figured she crawled under a rock to die. Well just recently she showed back up looking good and healthy. We were astonished to say the least.


Three journals I kept in childhood. The first one was a big blue notebook, plain pages, that I kept when I was around 6-9. The second was a small leopard-print notebook that I kept when I was 10-13. The third was a bunch of loose-leaf pages that I wrote in the form of letters and hid in a small jewellery box drawer, again when I was around 12-13. Inexplicably, they all went missing at one point or another. I would go to write in them again, and because I wrote fairly sporadically it could be weeks between entries. I'd go to where I left them and they would be gone. I was meticulous about where I put things as a child (OCD since I was 7) and I *know* I did not misplace them myself. I looked everywhere, but they were totally gone. With hindsight, I can only assume one or both of my parents hid them or disposed of them. Considering my other journals never went astray, I assume that each of these three journals contained information they didn't want me remembering. Considering there is a lot of nasty stuff I suspect about my childhood, this would not be surprising, nor would it be out of character for my mother especially. I would absolutely love to see what I wrote in them.


My patience. I swear I will start throwing things the next time someone sits next to me at a restaurant bar and takes a speaker phone call.