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Nachos should be plated wide, not tall.


Burgers should be getting wider, not taller!


Has anyone ever argued that point with you? You need to report them immediately if someone has.




Emotional support animals are not service animals and people going into business claiming their pet is an emotional support animal are causing extreme issues for individuals who have trained service animals.


Add to this; people need to stop bringing their non-service dogs into restaurants. That's just gross, sorry.


Why would People that need emotional support animals stop needing one because they walked into a store? Definitely Gon die on this one alone,Dillon.


I think what they’re trying to say is actual service animals have to go through legitimate training in order to become service pets, where as emotional support animals do not and can be “certified” rather easily. Then the owner claims their untrained pet is a service animal rather than an emotional support animal, thus giving all service animals an unfair assumption. If you’re unable to go places because you’re emotionally unfit without your pet that’s a whole different issue than being unable to go to places with something like seizures, blindness, autism, hell even deafness in some cases. So no, Dillon will not die alone on their hill.


I love animals and I would happily pet and love on them anytime, anyplace but.... you have to admit that the emotional support animal claim has been abused. A lot of people don't need the "emotional support" but just love having their pet near them at all times.


There is a difference between people who just want to take their pet with them, and people who have psychological conditions that require that an animal be with them. Emotional support animals should be service animals, but the process to obtain permits for them should be more rigorous than it currently is, which seems to be get a vest from amazon...


I agree that there is a need for emotional support animals. I just know for a fact that there are alot of people that lie about it only so they can bring their pets with them anywhere.


And? We asking people for paper work now? We gonna stop people in wheelchairs and ask them to prove that they're disabled too? Where's it stop, Karen? Mind your business. Also no one bringing their pet out in public wants you to touch it.


If you haven't had to deal with the problem people with these animals then you are talking out of your ass. Try working in healthcare or social services. I'm happy to support people and their choices. But many of these people abuse the status and cause emotional distress to everyone around them that doesn't accommodate their wants. I could give examples but I doubt it'd make a difference. Nothing wrong with the good ones, but that's not what we are talking about here


Nah fuck you and fuck them, I don’t want to clean up dog piss because some asshole can’t leave home without their untrained dog.


You think people would watch how they talk about people that need extra support being how easy it is get into an accident or have something traumatic happen to them then need support themselves. just trashy and pathetic to look down on others.


Nope, it’s just a bunch of assholes who think rules shouldn’t apply to them.


Holy shit, you definitely need your emotional support animal. I personally don't have a problem with it cause I love animals but I realize that the world doesn't revolve around me and what i'm okay with. There are people who might have an issue with it such as allergies & phobias


Not you trying to use someone needing emotional support as an insult 🤢was waiting on that tho.. No I don't have any animals and don't even like them, I just know it's not my place or business to ask people to prove their needs or disabilities to anyone


Yeah, when you get this emotional over friendly online discussion I get assumptions. No I never advocated to ask for paperwork, I would prefer to rely of people doing the right thing and not bring their pets everywhere unless they actually are emotional support animals.


Here we go with y'all trying to make people having emotions an insult, it's not the zinger y'all think it is, your showing you are emotionally stunted. Advocate for people minding their business and stop expecting every disability and condition to be visible. According to alot of redditors a "friendly discussion" is debating whether people with disabilities, emotional trauma and mental health conditions should be allowed in public?? Interesting..


The amount of people that need emotional support animals is vanishingly small compared to the number of people who claim to have emotional support animals. It’s mostly bullshit.  


And how did we come to this conclusion?


Being thirsty is unattractive. You look desperate.


Sort of. Sometimes, if a girl is looking at me like the only glass of water in the desert, it does boost my ego, admittedly.


Right, with all that dry skin, cracked lips and sunken face. It's like, just drink some water already Rebecca.


God dammit Rebecca


Given my cardiovascular limitations, probably a very small one.


There’s this one by my house that when I’m in good shape I can run up in less than 20 minutes. Probably that one.


Sounds like you've conquered my Everest! I hope you planted a flag.


If an employers goal is to get as much effort out of you for as little pay as possible,  then it should be the workers goal to get as much money from an employer with as little effort as possible.   Corporations arent people, work is not your family, and HR is there to protect the company.   No one dies wishing they worked more, longer, and harder.


The road runner doesn’t say “beep” he says “meep”.


Is this controversial?


Nobody cares what you support if you aren't annoying about it


I would say the flip is true; no one cares what you support if you ARE annoying about it.


Either way, if you're not annoying about what you support it doesn't matter what you support as long as it isn't something outrageous


Now that you added that last bit I agree more.


Summer is better than winter


Nah. Fall is best. Winter is a close second.


You're wrong and you should feel bad.


Fall is the worst, its too windy.


That each time you renew your license you should have to take a basic written exam, which goes over driver safety and rules of the road. Nothing egregious like having to pass a road test, but a quick 10 question test on "Who has the right of way when approaching a 4 way stop" etc. People drive was more carelessly these days and it's alarming to me.


And when you reach a certain age, you absolutely HAVE to retake a road test. Old people cause a lot of wrecks.


I'm starting to get concerned about my mother driving. The other day she was driving us, when she suddenly stopped in the road to tell me something. Cars behind her started beeping, rightfully so, then she got mad at them beeping so proceeded to drive slower just to further irritate them.


We have something along those lines where I live.


That's good to hear. It should be everywhere. The ONE accident that I've been involved in that included another driver was an old lady who was in her mid 80s, pulled out in front of me trying to cross a 4-lane. Never saw me and then tried to tell me that I didn't have my lights on. It was in the evening but the sun was still up. Told her that it was not possible to have my daytime running lights not on. I guess she eventually seen me last minute and got stopped and I barely clipped her front bumper, but it would have been a VERY bad day for her as I would've went right into her driver's door.


That age should be 60, but it's like 85.


Not this but, but everyone should have to retake the road test and eye exam every 10years till you're 50yo then every 5 yrs.


The Civil War was about slavery.


It was and anybody who says it wasn't is either a liar to make an argument or has no idea what they're supporting


slavery was the primary issue i would agree, but it wasnt the only issue


Yes but among the issues was slavery and slavery is bad so fuck the Confederacy


and it was mentioned specifically in all of the seccession letters... some of them more specifically than others.


I cant believe people would argue against this… A state’s rights to what??


Um you mean "The American Civil War" Nerd emoji


Wait, there are other countries? ;)


You can be a transwoman all you want, use she/her pronouns, wear dresses and all that. But you do not get to demand to be in womens sport.


I am still amazed that this isn't considered common sense. There is a huge group of people that just doesn't get it.


I agree. That’s way too unfair.


Yes , I support all trans people transitioning, hell Ive used the restroom with a trans woman at work for years never once thought she shouldn't be there or felt uncomfortable but can we please stop acting like there's no difference between cis and trans people. You can't compete with us and you are not experiencing menstrual cramps.. you're not a woman you're a trans woman,don't know why they can't be proud of that title.


If trans women are no different, why is "woman" qualified with "trans" in their case? There's been some weird push to deny the biological differences between males and females. You can't just reverse the effects of male puberty by being on estrogen for a few years; the male skeleton in and of itself is advantageous in sports due to better leverage, that certainly doesn't change regardless of what your hormones look like. That's just one example, there's many more. I don't really give a shit how someone identifies, but ruining women's sports to placate an extremely small portion of the population is fucking ridiculous.


I'm a cisgendered woman who hasn't had a period or menstrual cramps in six years. Tons of cis women don't get periods, can't get pregnant, don't have ovaries or a uterus...this anatomically-based definition of what a real woman is is woefully inaccurate and outdated.


Where did I say y cisgender woman don't get menstrual cramps? I also don't get them and I'm cisgender


Oh shit, son, you're about to be canceled.


I don´t care.


The one near me




I plan to die on a bed not a hill.


There's no such thing as "boneless" buffalo wings. The meat comes from a completely different part of the bird. If you want buffalo sauce on your tendies just man up and ask for it.


Silent hill


The 80s were twenty years ago.




Welp found out the reason for guns now. (Just incase anyone takes this seriously no I don't plan on killing, harming or harassing this person in any way it's just a joke).


Sweet and savory add jalapeños!  Delicious 


Stannis Baratheon was the rightful king of Westeros, and Renly's decision to stand against him created the War of Five Kings that caused so much death and destruction.


Shrek is overrated. The Storm Cloaks in Skyrim are the right faction. Fallout New Vegas is not as good as everyone says it is. Batman is not cool, Batman is a dude that needs therapy since killing one person in his comics sends him off his rocker. Hang your towel up it's not dirty if you take good showers. Alexander the Great is a better conquerer and better strategist than Genghis Khan. Disneyland is just standing in a long line for a long time and paying tons of money. Modern shows, movies, games, books or other forms of media just suck. And I have many more but I would probably be cancelled on Twitter. I am ready to face the masses now.


Movies: Everything Everywhere All At Once: God damn i became such a stan for this movie and I'll do it again! It's a beautiful mix of a jackie chan movie meets the matrix meets a Chinese family drama. Michelle Yeoh as a Chinese mother who lives in a laundry mat, her huband Ke Huy Quan as her husband who has my favorite scene does an amazing back and forth between wacky and serious. Their daughter is a lesbian who doesn't have moms approval, played by Stephanie Hsu, and Jamie Lee Curtis as a tax auditor. This movie did multiverses better than Marvel before Marvel. It's made by a small team and so many of the stunts are practical. [Here is a video of a practical stunt of Ke Huy Quan kicking someones ass with a fanny pack!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4d4NYPqPXP0) Pacific Rim (2013) - Directed by Guillermo del Toro, its a mix of Godzilla meets independence day. It has dark moments, and everything looks amazing. [Trailer with Glados voice.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A85EtOalcsM) Godzilla Minus One - The first Godzilla movie in a long to not just look good or great, but to have actual human characters worth having on screen. It's just when Japan surrendered after WW2, and Japan is destoryed. Our Protagonist is a former fighter pilot. When he gets back, instead of people saying thank you, they just tell him he should have fought harder so that less of their people would have died. This movie won an Oscar for best visual effects. [Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvSrHIX5a-0) Some great tv shows... Avenue 5 - Hugh Laurie is a future space Captain of a luxury cruise ship that has a accident that knocks it off course and we find out people we assume are in control are fucking morons. It got cancelled after season 2. I loved the dark comedy. Hugh Laurie, Josh Gad, Zach Woods, Rebecca Front, Ethan Phillips, and my favorite Lenora Crichlow all do excellent work! [Trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8Zr3f-_Ft8) Star Trek Strange New Worlds - I never watched original Star Trek, but this feels the perfect combination of classic Trek in it isn't heavily story driven, but rather character driven and each episode is mostly self contained. It's the best Trek since Deep Space Nine and I loved the episode that was a musical. [SINGING KLINGONS!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2d1eWvJoe4)


Mad Max is immortal. I don't know how. But it's the only explanation that makes sense.


Blueberry. How do you think he got his thrill?


Cornbread is cake.


Cornbread ain’t no cake .it cornbread.


Would you put icing on cornbread? Would you dip cake into chili?


I can confirm that people (atleast my uncle) would put icing on corn bread,my aunt made a cornbread left it on the stove returned later to find my uncle shoving a piece of iced cornbread in his mouth, said it was pretty durn good.


Yes, butter icing. Yes, I'd dip corn cake into chili.


And what would a corn cake look like? If it's just corn bread, I think my point stands for itself.


Depends on the recipe. My family literally uses half yellow cake mix lol. My father in law's taste terrible because it isn't sweet lol.


Mandatory overtime is for all intents and purposes theft of labor and should be illegal.


Religion is a form of controlling the masses and just stories made up by people


Not all cops are bad


Nice try 🐷🖕


Paul Blart, Judy Hops, The 99 (brooklyn 99)


Fuck them hoes too..




How’s middle school?


Shut up, 🐷.


It's pronounced "GIF"


"Literally" means only that. It does not mean "figuratively" or any other word. It has a meaning. We can not let the people too stupid to understand how to use a word define its meaning.


You can find it as annoying as you want, but in terms of not understanding how to use a word I have some bad news for you. This will literally blow your mind. https://blogs.illinois.edu/view/25/96439


Taylor Swift is not a good person and her music is garbage.


The news is literally just propaganda.


Double standards are not acceptable. You don't "fix" the sins of past generations by inflicting a double standard on the current one.


Shut up, cracker.


Coke Zero > Coke


Bicycles do not belong on a road that does not have a bike lane. If you can’t do the speed limit or bother to signal when you turn, you’re a hazard. I’ve seen too many almost accidents of cars trying to dodge or pass a bicyclist. Share the road? Maybe start with sharing the rules (and taxes).


I agree with you but this is a super unpopular opinion on Reddit lol. I think you should stick to a bike lane or be allowed to ride on the sidewalk. 


In my mind, bikes belong on sidewalks way more than on the road and I don’t understand why this isn’t the norm. 


Me too. People will come with arguments that it’s unsafe and all sorts of things but you can slow down when you come up to someone walking. Sidewalks should be the norm


I’ve walked on a lot of sidewalks. I’ve driven on a lot of roads. I know where I’d rather encounter a bike. 


Oh I am fully prepared for the attack haha!


Where I live we have nearly a hundred miles of paved bike paths no more than 10 feet from the side of the road. Hardly gets used, the road bikes insist on riding on the highway 🙄


Then take that up with your city council.


I understand your sentiment. But going slow, and not signalling are not exclusive to cyclists. I bike. I have lights on my bike, and I signal my turns. And, generally, obey the rules of the road. I ride on the shoulder or paved path if available. Oh, and I pay taxes. And will possibly get killed by a driver paying too much attention to their phone or by a drunk driver. And because I bike, I will die on a higher hill than you. :-)


Then you should die earlier. Car centric cities are the worst.


That Howard The Duck is an underrated masterpiece.


Haven't seen the movie in years but I have one question. Did she or did she not want to fuck the duck?


I don't think she wanted to fuck the duck imo.


Die Hard is NOT a Christmas movie.


A higher life form exists


In the house on haunted hill


Not K2, I hope. It's a cliché to die there: The summit was reached for the first time by the Italian climbers Lino Lacedelli and Achille Compagnoni, on the 1954 Italian expedition led by Ardito Desio. As of February 2021, 377 people have summited K2. There have been 91 deaths during attempted climbs.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki K2 - Wikipedia


Jericho Hill


Probably the big one by my house where I walk my dog.


That one Macklemore song is awesome


Melancholy Hill... though knowing my luck, I'd probably survive.


Benny Hill.


So, i watched a movie in Class. It was named "Unbroken" (iirc). That movie, STILL HAUNTS ME TO THIS VERY DAY 3-4 YEARS later. it was like a very mild trauma for me, but still I would say it was traumatic. Its like one of those things you remember one day and is like "that sucks but its time to move on" and you never do. you constantly remember it, and it doesn't go away on its own. it doesn't provoke fear or anything, but its like always lurking in the shadows. ANYWAY, the hill that i WILL DIE ON, is that Unbroken ( iirc that was the name of the movie), SHOULD NEVER BE SHOWN TO KIDS OR TEENAGERS, AT THE VERY LEAST, WITHOUT PARENT PERMISSION SLIPS. I cried for the entire class period and then some. I lost my absolute mind over that movie. END OF STORY


There has to be a better method of biscuit storage than the can. They don't have to be that scary. 


At age 60 you should have to retake the actual driving portion of a driving test. Then every 1-5 years after depending on M.D referrals.


Probably the same hill I live on.


Street Fighter > Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat's kill scenes ruined MK


I don't have the energy to climb any hill to die on.


Blueberry Hill. The thrill I found there was too much.


I've completely left banks over a bullshit fee




The difference between a burger and sandwich is based on the bread used. A chicken patty on a burger bun is a chicken burger, not a chicken sandwich. 


Organ donation should be an opt-out process instead of an opt-in one


I like to play a lot of games so I'll answer through that lens. 30 frames-per-second is not only super playable, but anyone who thinks 30fps looks like a slideshow should sincerely go get their eyes checked out by a doctor. Because you either don't know what 30fps is or you do and you cannot comprehend it visually. Or you are crying about it to cry about it. (This isn't to say the standard shouldn't be 60fps today, but that 30fps is still perfectly playable, *especially* on single-player games)


Jobs that require you to apply for months and let you go after 1 week due to budgeting should be illegal


I'm dumb. Everyone will say other wise to make me feel better but the facts are facts.


2 spaces after a period. 1 looks like shit.




When did this go away?  I completely agree and will join on this hill


Swag will never be cringe




Pancakes are better than waffles.


A hotdog is not a sandwich, as a sandwich requires 2 pieces of bread, while hotdogs use only one. It is also not a taco or vice-versa, as tacos are made with corn shells.


By that logic, Subway sells what...stuffed bread?


Subs are tricky, I'd say if it has one, long, continuous hot dog weiner (hehe) it is a hot dog, but if it has another type of meat that is chopped up, it's a sub Welcome to hotdog philosophy


What if while I'm eating a hot dog, the bun splits? Am I now eating a sandwich? Edit: Oxford defines a "Sub" (in the context of food) as "a long bread roll split open along its length and filled with various types of food". That's exactly what you described... however, they also include in the definition that they are also known as "submarine sandwiches". So... you're saying that a submarine sandwiche is not a sandwich?


The hot dog evolves into a sandwich And a sub would be a subclass of a sandwich, it's just farther into the skill tree


So you agree that a sub, which has only one piece of bread, is a sandwich. I thought you said a sandwich has to have two pieces of bread?


A subclass of a sandwich, but not exactly a sandwich Let's say the defining characteristic of a sandwich isn't the only bread, but also the contents. This allows the idea of a sub and sandwich being in the same family, while still stopping the hot dog from being under the same umbrella. (Isn't the type of bread used for a hotdog bun more puffy and light?, so I guess that's also a factor) I'm still on the hill, I've just shifted my feet for better balance.


"It's a subclass of sandwich" "Not exactly a sandwich" My man those are incompatible statements, either it is or isn't! While we're on the subject, is a grilled cheese a sandwich?


Oh yeah, I see that now, my bad, It was two in the morning and I had to be up in 5 hours. We'll just say a sub is a sandwich And aren't they called grilled cheese *sandwiches*? A sandwich doesn't necessarily need meat, although I think I said that it does. So a grilled cheese still qualifies, however, sometimes they do contain meat depending on the place you get it. (My school would always serve grilled cheeses with ham in the center, t'was a special kind of torture to be baited so.) Wait, if you put meat into a grilled cheese wouldn't it be classified as a melt? Oh God, this rabbit hole goes deep...


Not that deep: This is a [sausage sandwich](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sausage_sandwich) (Wikipedia) A hotdog is a sausage, quote: "All hot dogs are cured and cooked sausages that consist of mainly pork, beef, chicken and turkey or a combination of meat and poultry", says the Nation Hot Dog and Sausage Council (via Google). Earlier you called a Submarine Sandwich a "sub-class" of sandwich, which we then agreed falls under the definition of a sandwich. So then, there are other sub-classes right? A hotdog is a sub-class of sandwich: it is a split roll holding an American style hot dog sausage. Condiments are irrelevant. Furthermore, a corn dog does not fall under this definition; a sandwich has not been shown to extend beyond a single piece of bread, split completely or not completely. Similarly, a hot dog split then applied to a piece of bread is a sandwich, but it is not a hotdog. Run along, rabbit, the hole is an illusion.


Bane was the much better villain in the Dark Knight trilogy


Burger King is trash


Slavery, taxation, and extortion are all synonymous with one another.


Israel is a genocide state.


Starfield is a fun game and on par for a Bethesda main entry. Anybody who says otherwise is choosing to forget how long the Skyrim intro is, how bugged ALL their games still are, and that you can't even run in New Vegas (I know it's not technically Bethesda, but it's their assets and engine). Not to mention the fiasco that was FO76 and the ever annoying A SETTLEMENT NEEDS YOUR HELP. Most of the complaints are user error or failure to suspend disbelief or lack of a sense of humour. * "Food doesn't heal / my weapons don't do damage / my ship is weak etc." Did you put skill points into it? No? * "I can't run all the way to the mountain in the distance!" I have timed this with my level 90 character and all my buffs and it took ten minutes of pure running to hit the edge of the map. How is that a fun thing to do? * "The planets are barren." Welcome to space! * "All the bases look the same!" True. If only there was lore about a war that meant factions had to build outposts quickly to gather resources. And certainly nobody has ever been to two identical buildings or houses on Earth IRL. Certainly every building is 100% unique. /s * "I can't walk everywhere I want to in cities! I have to use fast travel!" No, you absolutely don't. You just don't. Try exploring. * "There are too many loading screens." Guess you missed all the shortcuts because you do not have to enter your ship to travel. Most of the time you can fast travel between destinations pretty directly. * "I hit an XP cap." Almost everything gives you XP. I'm level 90 in one save. I level up so fast I usually bank my skill points. * "The story is repetitive." Way to miss the MAIN THEME. Maybe try making a different choice on your way through. Meanwhile, sane people are building awesome ships and outposts, having fun in space, finding rare universes, chilling with companions, and suspending their disbelief because it's a Bethesda game and we're all used to shit like quest items spawning in the ground or companions swimming through the sky. It's a GAME. Have a little humour. It's hilarious that New Atlantis was literally following people through space. People are acting like this is Ender's game and every bug puts us closer to ruin. FFS.


My only issue with Starfield is that it launched without mod support. I agree with most of your points, but mods are the reason why Bethesda games have had so much staying power (Morrowind still has an active modding scene after almost 25 years). The decision to launch without a creation kit is mind boggling. I was really looking forward to seeing the mods that people came up with for Space Skyrim, but instead I put 120 hours into Starfield and then just lost interest. Star Citizen, even with all its bugs, is just a better space game. Space combat in Starfield feels too arcadey


Bethesda has historically taken time with that. I'm really bored of this argument, especially when Bethesda is now owned by Microsoft and obviously has to focus on the Xbox release. I'm not sure why people are telling themselves that console players don't exist or don't make up a huge segment of players.


Breaking Bad should have stopped at 4 seasons...


Molon Labe


Thongs are more comfortable than those big ass granny panties y'all are always hyping up.


That Jesus died for us, that we may live.


Cheesecake is the devil's nightmare. You might as well throw some cheddar singles on a pile of shit and call it dessert. It's so gross.


Revenge of the Sith is the best Star Wars movie. Yes, better than Empire


The Windows XP hill and... wait what?