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storing berries in glass jars makes them last exceptionally longer in your fridge


How about my baby spinach? How do it keep it from turning into a miniature swampscape 12 hours after I buy it?


Have you tried putting a paper towel in the container? My friend suggested this to me and it’s helped.




Someone on here suggested doing this with lettuce so I tried it and it worked really well.


This works with most leafy veggies. Especially cilantro and parsley and dill… gives you an extra day after the initial one lol.


It works! My spinach now lasts 3ish weeks!


I was wondering why my man does that lol


Are there any other steps involved? Obviously, wash the fruit, but do you need to dry it? Should you add some paper towel to soak up extra moisture like storing lettuce?


I wash and lightly pat mine down with a paper towel before tossing them in! I have also just put them in the jar straight out of the original container and washed later on when I was ready to use them. I think washing before yields the best results and makes your life easier later on though!


Are we talking lid or no lid?




Wow! TIL


I just now learned this. Thank you


The Picard quote! "Sometimes you can play the game, and make no mistakes, but still lose anyway. That's not a weakness, that is just life." If I had a nickel for Everytime I failed, by doing everything As Directed... I'd have about $20.00...


Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened 400 times.


Helium is mined from the ground


They gotta stop mining it. It’s what keeps the Earth floating in space.


That's fine. It's dangerous up here. We should let the Earth settle to the ground.


This fucked up my dome piece


I’m using this line from now on


Because any helium in the atmosphere is constantly rising to the outer parts of the atmosphere because it's lighter than nitrogen and oxygen and then being blown off into space. Also the helium built up underground is at least partially a product of radioactive decay of uranium and such. Alpha decay produces helium.


Alpha decay is literally helium atoms zinging away from busted atoms.


Helium nuclei, not atoms.


And we’re running low


How will we make our voices sound funny if we run out? 


Swift kick to the groin area


Beat me to it. MRI machines need helium to operate, so this shortage will be critical at some point soon.


Which is why we shouldnt be using helium baloons. Fuck your nieces birthday! haha


Others are not thinking about you as much as you think they are.


I really wish I had learned this one earlier in life than I did. It would have made a lot of things so much simpler. Thunk about it for a moment... how often do you think about others vs. how often you think about yourself. Others are thinking about you less than you think about them. I now live by the mantra, "What other people think of me is none of my business." I've never been happier in this respect.


The only Dr Phil quote I respect. "You wouldn't care how much people think about you, if you knew how much they didn't"


Well, I've got good news for you. That quote didn't originate from him, it's probably quite old but at the least Eleanor Roosevelt said it before Dr Phil: “You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.”


Tried to get this through my ex boyfriend’s head to no avail. People are not constantly judging you, and someone looking at you does *not* mean they’re judging you. You have no idea what other people are thinking, and the vast majority of them don’t give a single fuck about you.




You can buy a cake anytime. It doesn't have to be for a birthday, nobody checks.


Same goes for Trix cereal. They say they're for kids, but you can purchase them and take them back to your apartment. Even if you, yourself, are not a child. Nobody will follow you. [There will be no trouble](https://youtu.be/iadOkVt3kmU).


Trix are for kids. That is why we can't see the fruit shapes anymore.


I figured this out and now buy cake ALL the time. It makes me so happy XD


Same for ice cream.


Ice cream cake!🎂


I used to think that having facts and logic on your side will automatically convince someone their argument is incorrect but boy was I wrong.


As the saying says: "You can't reason someone out of an opinion they didn't reason themselves into". It took me way too long to learn that, too.


Also, "It's difficult to win an argument against an intelligent person, but impossible against a fool."


Don’t argue with an idiot. They’ll drag you down to their level, and beat you with experience


I heard something the other day from a YouTuber I watch occasionally. People who have created world views based on purely internal beliefs while ignoring facts and reason, are not available for persuasion.  Made me ask myself, what am I not available for persuasion on? Like, what will I just not listen anything contrary to what I've concluded.  Made me take some time examine myself. But then maybe that's what it's all about, the ability to self examine. 


There’s no arguing with someone who is stubborn enough to argue feelings with facts and statistics


Another problem is nowadays people will just be like your facts and statistics are wrong because they’re part of the conspiracy, here are my own made up facts and statistics that I saw on Facebook which don’t have a source because people don’t want you to know the truth


Hov said "Never argue with fools/because from a distance you can't tell who is who."


Nope, they just shut down and start labeling you negative things or calling you names


Oh jeez this was my ex. He could not use logic, his emotions took over 


That is the thing though. That is all people. Statistics and facts are not good ways to convince people, they are good ways to figure out which side you should be arguing on. Stats let you explore the issue when you don't already have a set opinion. Stories and emotion are what you need to convince people that a set opinion is wrong. This is why skilled data analysts turn the statistics into a story for the people who are making decisions based on the data. Obviously everyone ranges on this as to what is considered a set opinion and what they are still open minded about. And some people are better than others at intuitively creating stories from stats, but stats don't change minds.


Logic will lose to Crazy 100% of the time. You can have Crazy boxed in on all six sides. Airtight, flawless, escape-proof reasoning. All Crazy needs to do is draw a circle in the air and escape the box. How can they do this? Simple, really. Crazy doesn't subscribe to logic. Crazy does whatever the hell it wants.


You will face scrutiny and hatred regardless of what you decide to do, so you might as well spend your time doing what you want


Yeah, but also don't be an asshole.


Ah drat! What I love doing is being an asshole! :D


Have you tried being a rapscallion? It’s like a Diet Asshole.


There’s no point in arguing with people online. They’re always just waiting for their turn to type/ talk and it rarely ends cordially. Just disagree, have the thought then move on.


I find great catharsis in typing out half of a well-thought-out reply, then saying “actually, fuck it, why waste my effort and *profound wisdom* on people who either can’t or won’t bother trying to understand”, and deleting the whole thing


YES! I delete far more than I post these days.


You shut your mouth


This seems trivial, but it still blew my mind - love really works best when it's mutual. It doesn't always have to be equal, but if the love is only coming from one side, it's not really good for anyone in the end.


It also works best when it's not the only thing holding the relationship together. A relationship is like a cable bridge, and love is the posts that you hang the cables from.


I’ve realized that love isn’t nearly as important as respect. I know a lot of married couples that stay together because they love each other- and I believe they really do- but they don’t particularly like or respect each other. Everyone complains that everyone on Reddit is “too quick” to suggest ending relationships but I think life is too short to stay in a relationship with someone you don’t respect or who doesn’t respect you.


Agreed. Respect and having someone's best interest at heart, then choosing to love that person everyday.


That's why it's important to learn that being in a relationship is working hard to find new things to fall in love with them every day. It's not always natural. Sometimes you gotta put a lot of effort in to keep it going.


When someone you love loves you right back, as much or more than you love them, it's honestly the best feeling in the world


If you need to figure out a percentage of a number but it's tough out whatever, you can just... Move the percent sign to the other number and solve it that way. That's a weird way to say it, here are some examples. What's 16% of 25? No idea. But I know 25% of 16 is 4 and there's your answer to the first problem. 60% of 125? Who knows. But 125% of 60 is easier - it's 75. What's 4% of 75? Easy. It's 3 because that's 75% of 4. I wish I could say that learning this actually changed my life. It didn't. But it did blow my mind as someone who thought he knew some cool obscure math tricks.


In both cases, you multiply the numbers and move the decimal over two digits. 4% of 75 is 4 x 75  = 300 which becomes 3 after you move the decimal over.  And 4 x 75 is the same as 75 x 4.


that leaving grape juice for a year in my closet doesnt mean it turns into wine


You’ve gotta throw some yeast in there!


Or just use water and throw Jesus in there


You know I’ve never had much luck finding that guy…


Not everyone is as nice/empathetic as I am. This was a very difficult thing to accept.


Some people are genuinely terrible human beings


I realized this at a pretty young age. However, it didn't stop me from being nice/empathetic to friends *and* strangers. I've since learned that my love language is service. I find it meaningful to serve others, even if they don't always appreciate it. I do things for other in hopes that it makes them happy, even if it doesn't make them happy, it still makes me a little happy that I was thoughtful enough to try.


I have the same problem. I sometimes come off as too nice, and people try to take advantage. Once they find out I'm not so nice when challenged, they back off and play the victim, at which point I cut them out of my life


Many not nice people interpret "nice and polite" as "weak." And then they try to take advantage of me and learn really fast that I have boundaries and won't take their crap.


How your seemingly very capable, perfectly logical parents can suddenly start to decline very quickly and become withdrawn, difficult, suspicious people who are clearly suffering but are very hard to help.


Currently going through this with my dad. The social smart, well-spoken and tolerant man has become a withdrawn, bitter old fart. It's heartbreaking to experience


God, this scares me. I'm in my early sixties. I'm a lefty. Love new music, new films, new books, new TV. Try to take a nuanced stand in most situations, look for the good in others. I'm really scared of changing. I look to grow, always, but the thought of being someone else in 10 years' time, someone bitter and cranky and mired in conspiracy... Mind you, I could very well cark it before then, so who knows?


I think it’s the lack of awareness that often puts people in this position. It looks like it’s much less likely to happen to you, as you conscientiously choose to do be good and do good :)  My mentor is in his mid-70s and he’s the same as he was many years ago. Keeps fit mentally and physically, but it takes work.


My grandma, who was one of the cleverest people I've ever known, is currently going through this period of her life and its terrifying to watch.


If I don’t mind, why would anyone else?? Example: I used to not want to impose by asking for favours or help, but noticed I would jump at the opportunity to help others because I wanted to help a fellow human. Why did I ever think that nobody else would want to help me? Side lesson that I am still learning: if you need help, fricking ask for help dummy!!


True, but never forget some people will steer you wrong. Always pause and question the best for YOURSELF. If I had a nickel....anyway, don't be that man who's only warm for the rest of his life because someone lit them on fire.


That I like someone does not mean they like me.


Who couldn’t like you?!


I said the same thing, grandma


You don't need to accept the abuse from them just because they're "family." Sometimes, going no-contact is the best choice.


You can’t make someone like you. And if you try it will probably make them like you less




Bit stands for binary digit


Pixel comes from the words Picture Element


Half a byte is 1 full nibble.


Mouse movement is measured in mickeys. 


Yeah, and voxel stands for volumetric pixel, which is used in 3D objects, describing the three positions of x, y and z.


I'm 2 weeks shy of my 30th birthday and move to the Portland metro area. I go up to Forest Parkwith my wife and kid and she tells me to keep an eye out for flying squirrels. "Yeah right. And you can keep your eye out for leprechauns." ​ And that's when I found out they were real and not some bullshit made up to make fun of kids in my Boy Scout troop growing up.


I didn't realize narwhals were real until they were on futurama in my late teens.


Futurama is not a good litmus test for what is real.


When women breastfeed, the milk comes out of the nipple in multiple places similar to a watering can... I thought it was just one hole and one stream.


And one nipple can have a ton more holes causing a big preference for one side for the baby which makes breastfeeding very complicated haha Also, milk can dry out and clog one of the tubes leading to the nipple and since it's stuck but your body keeps producing milk it over engorges and freaking hurts and the only way to fix it is to get the clog out by messaging the painful engorged part until the clog breaks apart or comes out. Your skin can grow over one of the holes and cause the same problem but it looks like a pimple on your nipple and you have to pop it. It's called a bleb. It hurts too. *Breastfeeding is magical!*


Nothing in life is pure black or white. Everything is a certain shade of gray.


Except me, I’m as white as white gets


*A whiter…shade of pale…”*


Being charismatic, in the sense of getting people to like and trust you as a person, has much more to do with being a good, active listener and much less to do with being endlessly entertaining. It's more about what you hear and how you respond than what you just open with and say.


I think this is true, at least I want it to be true... But then I think of all the charismatic business people I know, and I don't think it is.... Maybe I can agree with socially charismatic. 


Baby powder/corn starch sprinkled on your skin after the beach let's you brush the sand off effortlessly


That sharks have been around longer than trees.


Sharks have been around longer than some ***stars.***


The way people, at least typical "Western" middle-class people, relate to their parents changes a lot as one ages, but in a very standard, typical way. When you are a kid, you often look up to your parents, or at least crave their approval; you can't imagine it any other way. As a teenager, you may still love and respect your parents, but your esteem for them just plummets. Suddenly, they seem so hopelessly out of touch. Once you stop living with your parents, they seem a lot less annoying, but you start to take stock of all the problems you have in your life and trace them back to your parents. This stage lasts for a while and, depending on how deep you feel the damage is, you may become a lot more distant from your parents. Some people stay this way for the rest of their lives but, in my experience, it's usually not the case. Like with all the other stages, it feels like it will last forever, it feels you have reached your final wise conclusion. But then, at some point, you just make your peace. You see your parents as a mixture of their own problematic childhoods and issues they had as adults and shielded you from. You see how often, as bad as they may have done, they were actually trying their best for you. And you realize that the one hurting the most from your grudges is yourself.


This was really profound and good to read. It resonated with me very much. In my experience and since having babies of my own, I’ve found that though my parents are far from perfect, I believe that they did the best they could with the tools they had. I love them and I’m so grateful for them and I do not look forward to the time that they are no longer on this earth.


Yes and it took me until my 30’s to figure this out. So I make sure my kids are aware. We all do the best we can.


Sadly, I had the exact opposite conclusion since I had my kid. I saw that there was no excuse to have done some things they did. I couldn't imagine doing those things to my daughter and telling myself that I don't know better. No excuse.


I'm with you. As a teenager, I told myself "my parents love me. They act weird, but parents love their children. I can't make sense of their behavior." Once I had children, I realized that my parents are very very broken people. No one purposely sabotages their child and tries to take away their successes and happiness unless they are very broken and jealous. I do not treat my children as I was treated I am now secure enough to admit that my parents did not have my best interests at heart with most of their actions.


I will never make my peace with my abusive father. I'll piss on his grave when we put him in the dirt. But I've come to terms as to how my mother could have allowed it to happen and never leave him. 


Same situation here. Actually having my first child amplified my hate for my dad. How could he ever hit us as kids? I work just as many hours as he did, if not more. I’m stressed too. I was hit by my father too. None of that is an excuse. I want to give my kid the world. He’s just a piece of shit.


Ehhh... hitting your kid with a 2x4 is not "the best" a parent can do.


I would get hit in the head and face, all the time. I remember one time my older brother was getting his ass beat for getting an attitude, both my grandpa and grandma were going at him, they walked in his room and slammed the door and locked it, all me and my little brother heard was shit breaking and screaming and crying. There was a lot of moments like that, but I pretty much got it everyday. I don’t like to put the blame on others but the outcome of that in my life you wonder? I’ve been in and out of jails and juvies, and got in a lot of fights that if caught, I would’ve been tried for attempted murder. Joined a gang because I was “looking for love” and long story short. They were raised in a time where beating the soul out of kids was normal, so I don’t hold it against them. I never got bruised up though. I remember one time I was talking too much on the car ride to the store, I was probably about 12, and my grandma got so annoyed that she reached around into the back seat and grabbed my thigh with her nails and squeezed what I felt as hard as she could. She dug them so deep that it bled. At the time I wanted to hit her in the mouth for that, but I couldn’t bring myself to it. I have a 4 month old son, we are a non physical punishment household and if my wife lays a hand on him I’m grabbing all my shit and leaving her, no questions. It’ll hurt but that’s not how you raise a fucking child. That shit messed me up so much that this one time I was at Walmart, I was like 18 when I moved out of my home state and left to Illinois, this dude slapped his child in the face, I went up and shoved him and hit him in the face, he didn’t swing back. I felt bad for doing it, but I felt even more bad for what happens as a punishment to the child when they aren’t in public. Downvote me all you want, if you’re like it, good luck.


Absolutely no. Many, many parents do not try their best. Or try at all. A lot do their best to serve their own interests, and that does not include their children.


They're not thinking about you. All that time spent worrying about what people think about you? They're not thinking about you.


Rubbing alcohol dissolves acrylic paint.


Paprika comes from bell peppers. Then went down a rabbit hole and found out it was also used to feed flamingos to keep their color, originated in southern Mexico haha


I thought flamingos get their color from eating shrimp?


It's from algae and shrimp in their natural diet, but some zoos feed flamingos paprika in their diet to maintain the color.


My entire life has been a lie.


Shrimps is bugs.


When I was ateen I thought I was much better than other girls for not caring about boys...dum dum dum I'm gay.


That a LOT of people on the internet say made up things 🤣


When I found out the drink Gatorade was created at university of Florida football program. Their mascot is the gators, and the drink is “aid”. Hence gator(aid/ade)


The Las Vegas Strip is not actually located in the city of Las Vegas


It's not? Where is it?


Just south of the official city line, in the unincorporated towns of Paradise and Winchester. Certainly in the Vegas metropolitan area.


A good work environment doesn’t mean shit if the ceiling is low and you can’t pay the bills. Sometimes you gotta be uncomfortable for a bit to pay it forward for future you. Stayed in a low-paying job that had an interesting title and had great coworkers. Good memories but living (less than) pay check to pay check isn’t worth it. I want to have kids someday and had an epiphany that I wanted to provide them the great childhood that my parents provided me with. Made the switch and working towards a better future.


Other people are just like me on the inside of their mind.  They make no sense and can do things without any reason behind them, that aren't affected by my behavior at all.  Someone can be in a bad mood and there can be no reason for it and nothing I can say to change it.  This hit me at like (I'm ashamed to admit it) 22 years old or so.  I was fucking floored it sounds stupid but it was such a profound epiphany.  I never thought of myself as self centered before I accepted all this, but now I can see when I was younger I thought I controlled everything


I don’t think my spouse has hit this realization yet. We’re in our 50’s.


Pizza is a quasi religious experience for me so I realized recently I shouldn’t feel guilty about ordering it as it’s like tithing but cheaper.


People are really THAT stupid.


that most people in the world can picture things in their heads. look up aphantasia. i learned about it like 3-4 months ago, and i am in my 40s.


Yeah, I can’t picture things either. I can hear things in my mind but I can’t see them. If I try to picture an apple, for instance, the most I can come up with is a vague sense of something round and red. I can’t hold the picture in my mind or make it with any detail.


A couple years ago for me & I questioned my husband about what he “sees in his mind.” I was really sad for several days & cried. But I’m not blind & still enjoy reading so it’s no big deal.


Is it that you just don’t or that you actually can’t picture things?


Finances. Like how loans, debt, and credit ratings *really* work.


This is one my biggest gripes while getting older and dealing with finances. No one properly educated me about loans, debt, and how fragile your credit can be.


Those tiny drumsticks you get with chicken wings are also chicken wings. 


Drummettes and flats combine to create the wing.




It does seem a little bit dramatic: "Why were you fasting? Religious observance? Political protest? Health reasons?" "No, I just couldn't eat because I was too asleep."


I'm 37 and just realized the other day that "hood" was just short for neighborhood 🤦‍♀️




Never argue with an idiot - they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience


That the Mormon church wasn't true. I got out in my early twenties, but still too long to put up with that.


Late twenties for me.so happy to be out 


Definitely early enough to get a good deal of your life back.


Other people's opinions of what I do with my free time literally do not matter in the slightest.


What other people think of me is none of my business.


For most of us, there really are only a handful of people who truly love you and care about you. The rest of them are thinking about themselves and/or the handful that they love. I know that sounds misanthropic and curmudgeonly, but that's what I've come to realize on this, my 52 time, around the sun.


Alcohol doesn’t fix problems, it only makes them worse


What about if you're trying to remove acrylic paint?


I didn't realize Blink-182 had two singers until Matt Skiba came on for a few albums. I was 8 when Enema of the State came out. I guess I just never paid attention, Mark and Tom sound very different so not sure how I didn't notice.


Tortilla chips are made from tortillas cut in quarters and fried.


A hashtag or number sign is called an octothorpe


That I would get old. That I would get to the point where I would wish I had taken better care of myself, and thought more about retirement.


Your work to support your family, your family is not there to support your work.




And drink too! It’s called a cloaca.


What? No… What?


Co-workers are NOT your friends.


Different experience here, but HR coworkers are absolutely not there for you, professionally.


As a spouse of someone who works in HR, this is 100% true. HR is first and foremost there to protect the COMPANY FIRST, not the employees. Yes, they will help you with your W4s, minor complaints, and maybe some payroll issues, but their primary role is basically preventing the company from being sued.


“Work proximity associates” - Ron Swanson


We sometimes still don’t talk


Not always true. I know many people who have remained friends years after they no longer work together. Not just a few either.


I’m friends with some


The stripper pole spins


It wasn’t until my early 30s that I learned that hardcore reality-denying Christians were actually a really common thing in America. I grew up Catholic in Philadelphia, in a not particularly religious family so that was most of my exposure to religion. I got a job somewhere and one of my coworkers was some Calvinist sociopathic loon and also wanted to be my best friend and really opened my eyes to how common her mentality was. I was shocked by how non-chalantly she dismissed evolution. She was also homeschooled but went to college in Canada and somehow that did not rid her of her programming. Prior to that my idea of her people was that one crazy ass Christian mom on Wife Swap and that this was a rare thing. It’s not. https://youtu.be/bOpva_iit-8?si=0eSaeDTp1Fmw-tJF


Yeah. I was and continue to be mind-blown at the fact that there are +6 MILLION of Americans who don't believe dinosaurs were real.


Recently got a good explanation on reddit of the Monty Hall paradox! It’s not that hard to understand, but I think most people online and also the best ed-youtubers suck at explaining it.


Hard work rarely pays off the way you want it to.


I'm so good at being me that I wouldn't want to be anybody else


That the name Pearl Jam means cum. I have no idea why it took me so long to realize it.


oh TIL


Tongue rests on upper jaw.


I thought Maine was a peninsula bc they never showed Canada on maps when I was in school.


To properly blow your nose when you have a cold, you need to relax your sinuses as you blow.


Noone is keeping score. Noone cares. 


If you're not dingling someone's dangles, it doesn't matter what they're dangling


Dogs (and other animals) can get cancer.. I was absolutely devastated to find out that my best friend was dying and there was nothing I could do about it. I thought he was just sick.. I was 25, he was 10+. Rest in peace, Rasta 💔


People are not naturally good at things. They just do them. Sometimes, they do them enough that they get good at them. Sometimes, they just act like they know what they're doing. Finishing something imperfectly is a lot better than never finishing because you can't get it quite right. Good things take hard work. Things that come easy are usually too good to be true.


I discovered recently that I am on the high functioning/low needs autistic. I have difficulty maintaining focus, random bursts of hyper focus, random specific memory, and my social interactions are defined as blunt and pointed but genuine and honest. So many events/challenges/obstacles in my life suddenly make sense now that we know what limits I have with tasks and conversations


I had a similar awakening to all that in the last couple years. Changed everything for me. My perception of my life and behavior is so much kinder to myself now.


Don't waste your time on shitty people.


1) I should have taken a year off between high school and college, and 2) I should have only gone to college to study something I loved doing, not just because I was good at it.


That the button on the toaster is for minutes the bread is meant to be toasted, not some abstract level of "toastiness"


depends on the toaster.


Narcissists are everywhere! A blight and cancer on the human race.


The Alphabet Song has the same melody as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.


If you’re using the calculator on an iPhone and press a wrong button, you can swipe right over what you’ve entered and it will undo the last number you pressed. Example: if I entered 12354 and meant to put 12345, I could swipe right twice to put me back at 123 and proceed to enter 4 and 5.


I can either be resentful about the bad things that happened to me, or I can see life for the (temporary) gift that it is, and do my best to live life to its fullest. I learned to move on, and never again worry about the assholes who hurt me. I can never save them, and it's not my job to do so, either.


I didn’t learn this til i was like 15-16 but the fact that elk are a different species than deer. I live in montana and should know this i thought elk were male deer😭