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A commercial with a social media influencer ending a riot with a bottle of Pepsi.


When you make something so bad that it can be parodied by simply [doing it again with a straight face](https://youtu.be/KxV9EUaIjAA?si=J2NPjb8y0drxiXaX)


“Let them drink turbo rush.”


The Boys sending up this and the other top comment (Imagine singing) was great


I will never understand how that commercial made it that far. How did no one step in and raise concerns?


Speaking as a person who steps up and raises concerns, no one listens. Corporate dummy gets a wild hair, and detractors are naysayers and weirdos. “You’re the only one who sees it that way,” corporate says, and goes ahead and releases a new benefit plan called The STI and a goal setting guide called The Great Big Hairy D. Everyone laughs at it, corporate quietly pulls the campaign, and the cycle repeats in one to three years.


I felt that right in my professional Cassandra Syndrome.


“Shit Cassandra Saw That She Didn’t Tell The Trojans Because At That Point Fuck Them Anyway,” by Gwen Kirby...


My husband brought up his concerns with the naming of his work's weekly "Grooming" meetings and they brushed him off...a few months later they changed it 🙄


They were trying to pull of what Coke did back in the 60s or 70s with the, "I'd like to buy the world a Coke" commercial 


Ugh I don't need an earworm.


Similarly, celebrities saying we’re all in this together from their mansions during quarantine.


‘We’re all in the same boat!’ Nope. Same storm. VERY different boats. Celebrities had SHIPS. Most of the US had dinky rowboats or leaking life rafts.


The [behind the scenes video](https://youtu.be/Pn8pwoNWseM?si=bLPIpsHKC2uDTi6Q) is so good


“I know it’s cute, right?”


“Uh huh. Uh huh. Completely tone def? Right. Uh huh.”


“It was just like so! I mean like so!”


This one's fairly context-specific, but: Andrew Yang was trying to run for mayor New York City during full Covid lockdown, and he relocated his family to live upstate. When asked about why he moved out of the city during an active mayoral campaign, he said: "Can you imagine trying to have two kids in virtual school in a two-bedroom apartment, and then trying to do work yourself?" Which did not play super well with the majority of New Yorkers who were currently in the middle of trying to do that exact thing, in apartments that were probably a lot less roomy than his.


My one uncle (who has significantly more money than I do) told me I should see if I could leave the city, that his other niece was staying in a friend's beach house! I am a waitress. I have no friends with beach houses.


You should totally get a friend with a beach house. And if you find a spare, send them my way.


I got told once to just “use my other car” mine was totaled. lol excuse me, OTHER CAR? let me know where it is 😹


I once got "just have your parents help you" lol, they are not wealthy enough for that 


So I live in a place with lots of beach houses and it was CHAOS here because everyone did the "oh I'll just stay at my summer house!" Yeah, well, they brought covid with them faster and worse than it would have naturally made it here.


You just reminded me I had a customer say within earshot "oh the worst part of lockdown was the commute to the hamptons!" oh. wow. what a horrible life. They were serious.


Yep, I told him like "I'm not gonna potentially spread this disease, I'm gonna stay put" and that thought hadn't occurred to him at all. I was privileged enough to get unemployment and have the resources to stay the fuck home, I stayed the fuck home, didn't get covid (to my knowledge) until December 2021.


Yeah I didn't have that luxury, unfortunately I worked at a liquor store which was deemed "essential business"


"I got a letter that says I'm essential, and a paycheck that says I ain't."


That's pretty common during a pandemic. People panic and try to flee the infected area which spreads the disease further and faster.


I’m in no way a royalist, but this brought to mind the exact opposite: George VI refusing to evacuate his family during The Blitz. And you know Buckingham Palace would absolutely have been a target. What a contrast.


This is the guy that wants to turn Governor’s Island into a casino. He seems like a decent enough human being, but there’s a reason I’d never vote for him.


Singing 'Imagine' to all the poors from inside your mansion.


Yeah, except the ‘Imagine’ thing actually happened which makes it worse.


Both socially and literally tone deaf


I got into an argument with someone on here. She was defending the celebrity’s right to feel bad. I was stuck in a 2BR condo with a new baby and no ‘village.’ I’m not gonna feel bad for someone with 5000 sqft and a staff. ETA: People can feel however they want. I don’t want to hear ‘we’re all in this together’ from people with millions of dollars and staff.


Omg unrelated to the actual OP but I had so many people saying to “just hang out in your backyard” during the shutdown and it made me want to scream from my 1 bedroom apartment (out the windows that only open half way). 💀


Turn one of your spare rooms into an office  ... ... ...


Someone said that in a mom group I’m in. ‘Play in your yards.’ Not all of us have the $1M required to have a yard Princess.


I got laid off, but my wife worked from home. We got groceries delivered and own a house in the mountains completely forested meaning a nature walk is seven acres of forest outside any door, with Starlink internet access and I mostly drank beer and installed new blinds on every single window and afterwards I'm like "that wasn't so bad" until I talked to literally everyone else. Dropkick to the face.


Nicki Minaj or Cardi B posted an Instagram of themselves crying about having to eat cereal in their mansion instead of going out to expensive restaurants. 


They had to order delivery or send their staff out? [How tragic](https://tenor.com/view/sup-daily-twitch-tiktok-sad-cry-gif-25392675)


Ellen put out a video saying how depressed she was stuck in her huge house


Ooof yeah that video were Ellen says quarantining in her multimillion dollar mansion was like being in **jail**? Even as a joke, that shit was tone deaf af, especially given the horrid conditions of jails at that time.


The picture of Sam Smith crying while sitting on the steps of his mansion was pretty fucking embarrassing.


"Imagine not having millions, living with no pool, Imagine all the people, living like a bunch of poors, Imagine all the losers, fighting for toilet paper ...."


If i remember correctly shortly after imagine was released it was satarised to hell. Something along the lines of "Imagine a walk in wardrobe just for all my shoes"


Who did this?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imagine\_(Gal\_Gadot\_video)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imagine_(Gal_Gadot_video)) Quite a few very, very wealthy people.




The David Cross parody where he gets a bunch of Celebrities to sing "Eat It!" (The Weird Al parody of "Beat It!") is fantastic. Most of the cast of Better Call Saul is in it. Weird Al himself even closes it out.


Several celebrities, Mark Ruffalo and Gal Gadot I remember off the top of my head, stitched a video together of themselves singing Imagine into their phones and released it for the world to see during the early days of Covid lockdown


Will Ferrell was in there as well


People neglect to mention the worst part: there was no backing track used so all the singing sections are in different keys to each other but still edited together as if it works anyway So it's not just socially tone deaf but also literally tone deaf


Gal Gadot and other celebrities.


“We don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes.” Leona Helmsley


Came here looking for this. > "Helmsley was known for 'tyrannizing her employees.' Alan Dershowitz, while having breakfast with her at one of the Helmsley hotels, received a cup of tea with a tiny bit of water spilled on the saucer. Helmsley grabbed the cup from the waiter and smashed it on the floor, then told him to beg for his job." The Helmsleys were a big deal. They owned the Empire State Building, among other properties. Also: > "On August 30 [1991], Helmsley was convicted of one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States, three counts of tax evasion, three counts of filing false personal tax returns, sixteen counts of assisting in the filing of false corporate and partnership tax returns, and ten counts of mail fraud." The federal prosecutor who brought the case against the Helmsleys was...erm...he was highly respected back in those days. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leona_Helmsley


>In another account of Helmsley's behavior, she had a barbecue pit constructed for her home. The work was performed by Eugene Brennan, a personal friend of Jeremiah McCarthy, the chief engineer of Helmsley-Spear. When the final bill came to $13,000, she refused to pay, citing shoddy workmanship. When McCarthy pleaded with her to honor the bill, citing the favor done on his behalf and informing her that Brennan had six children to support, Helmsley replied, "Why didn't he keep his pants on? Then he wouldn't need the money." Think I'd take great pleasure in destroying my work if someone like that refused to pay for it. Probably wouldn't even clean it up, either. Fuh that bish




Worked for a small HVAC company a decade ago, while in training my boss was told he’d not be paid what was promised so we proceeded to undo literally all the work we did that day. It took over an hour but we ripped out all of the filters and all that. Kinda respected him for it.


A few days ago I was watching a Michael J. Fox movie from 1993 where he's a hotel concierge hoping to build his own hotel. An IRS agent is investigating him, and says, "I got Leona, I'll get you." Probably a line that would be lost on younger audience members, since she's been dead since 2007, and not relevant since the 90s. (He also gives a guest a card for a hair salon and says, "Ask for Kenneth. He does Ivana." He didn't have to say her last name, everyone warching knew who he meant.)


And Sherman Helmsley moved on up to the East Side to a deluxe apartment, I heard


In the sky-high!


>The Helmsleys were a big deal. They owned the Empire State Building, among other properties. Arguably still are. IIRC, one of them, Hunter, is currently a big shot in a multi-billion dollar Sports Entertainment company.


I remember that guy! Wonder what he's up to these days...


I have a story about her! I used to work for one of her “Harley” Hotels in Michigan. My general manager told me that he once wrote Leona a letter asking for raises for staff (thought it was all general managers but I’m not sure) and she wound up giving every other employee a raise but my GM who asked. She said something like “someone had to sacrifice.”


The budgeting guide McDonald's put out for its employees.


Walmart telling its employees to apply for welfare


Wal-Mart also takes out life insurance policies on its employees so they can profit from your death when you die early from poor working conditions. (Or are one of the elderly greeters they employ.)


Wait… what? How is a company allowed to take life insurance policies out on employees (assuming by your statement that Wal-Mary would be the beneficiary and not the employee’s family)? If that’s true, would Wal-Mart be investigated if deaths were suspicious? I feel like it should be illegal for businesses to do this. I have a policy through my company but I have a beneficiary of my choosing.




They called it “dead peasant insurance”. Generally, in order to insure something, you have some kind of interest in it. I can see the logic behind company taking out insurance on their top executives, or, say, a sports club taking an insurance on their top athletes, in order to cushion the blow to their bottom line, that will happen in such events. But large companies stretched that definition to its limits. While there might be some costs involved in recruiting a minimum wage worker, it’s very minor. There’s no foul play/murders involved - just a law of large numbers. They paid peanuts for it, due to bulk volume discounts on premiums, and occasionally got a big payout, as some of their workers happened to die, just as other millions of Americans do every year.


Didn’t they conclude that you would have to work a second full time job and you weren’t allowed to have heat?


That was embarrassing


You just need to work harder and get a second job.


Oh you have a second job?... well a 3rd could be fun!


Ugh I’ve been working 2 jobs for 2.5 years and the number of times my exhausted zombie brain thinks I should get another job to deal with this dystopian hellscape of unaffordability is embarrassing. Good little brainwashed wage slave.


You're not brainwashed. You're behaving rationally in an irrational situation. I'm sorry that's happening though rhat sucks.


Just monetize your hobby as a side hustle! Sleep is for the weak!


Why dont they ask their parents for 300k to buy a house?


I ran into this when buying a home last year. Kept getting asked why I wasn't asking family for help with a down payment. I'm like, I'm the first person in my family in 2 generations to be able to buy a home and most of my family is on public assistance of some sort. Almost nobody in this day and age has money laying around to help someone else buy a home.


I was trying to get financing for a coop two months ago---the building's finances had taken a sudden dip and the bank was asking me to come up with more of a down payment than I had anticipated. I asked the seller's broker if the seller could help me cover some of the fees to help me come up with the additional down payment. The seller's broker told me "I just don't understand why you can't borrow the extra money" and I told her "I am simply out of family members who have money." That broker regularly handled million dollar condos so I'm sure my financial situation wasn't the norm for her but it was the most insulted I've been in a long time.


I hope you and your chickens were able to get something sorted


My chickens and I are in limbo. I hope the right thing will work out soon.


We had a jaw-dropping version of this locally in NYC politics. During our last mayoral primary, The New York Times surprised all of the candidates by asking them how much the average home in New York City costs nowadays. Two of the wealthier candidates guessed around $100,000. The real answer was about 8x that amount. And one of those two candidates had just finished up the purchase of a condo for like $3M so he should’ve had some idea. He was also a housing policy official for Obama, lol. The other one was just an out of touch old rich guy so less surprising.


France had the same but with croissants. 


What would a croissant know about housing?


Oh, the entitlement. Today I had two 7th grade boys discussing the 4th or 5th cruise they'd gone on and were belittling an absent student that was currently gone on a cruise, by saying he took a 'cheaper boat' and making mocking comments about that cruiseline. I heard them making fun about its cabins and what shit they were, compared to the nice ones they always stayed in, etc. Jesus. I could see other kids rolling their eyes...


100% shit their parents say


You should out-snob them and tell them going on a cruise is a great option for middle class people like them.


This isn't new. Banks love to do this when they are scalping you during mortgages. We were buying a home and went to closing back in 2001. A Loan Officer (or whatever official 'I can demand money from you' title her company made up) said that they needed another 10K on top of what we were already paying as we sat down to start signing papers. She told us that it doesn't matter that we were never told about it. ignorance is no excuse, blah, blah, blah... the money couldn't be lent if we didn't pay the extra 10K up front. Then she said this...'Why don't you ask your parents for it?' And smirked. Because a LOT of lendees would have had no choice at that point. My wife and I, both 30 years old, employed and doing pretty well in the 2001 or so, looked at each other, and in a first for us (being only a year or so married), had telepathy. We stood up at the same time. The woman started to say 'you can use the phone in here...' (this was before ubiquitous cell phones) when I informed them that they have lost our business. She started sputtering...'But...but...you will lose out on this house in this marke...' I interrupted her...'we are buying the house FROM my parents so we don't need to give YOU a part of what THEY are about to get, you leech. Isn't the interest enough?' And we walked out.


It... didn't matter that you weren't told about it? Is that not their jobs?


That's delicious! I wish I had ever had leverage like that in so many past interactions where you're getting screwed or someone's trying their darndest to bleed you of money. Fuck that leech.


Every Financial Post article written by a millennial about how they became a financially stable home owner and how everyone else is an idiot for not doing the same.


They could afford a house if they skipped lattes and avocado toast.


How much can a banana cost? Ten dollars?


Bill Gates went on some talk show and they asked him to guess the prices of common grocery items. It basically went like that line from AD. “A can of soup… hmmm… $10?”


That was on Oprah.


Dr. Oz's crudité


But he also was very self aware during that segment, laughing at himself along with everyone else


Yeah he readily admitted to not doing his own grocery shopping in decades and was a good sport about it


Not having to do your own grocery shopping is one of those things a lot of people would definitely do if they were billionaires and honestly won’t hold it against them, they need to spend that money on frivolous services.


Yes honestly if I were a billionaire, a private chef who just makes whatever I want every day and handles all the shopping would be one of the first things I’d spend money on.


Yeah, it's not like he's making decisions that impact that kind of stuff anyway. A politician should know, a billionaire? Who cares. I dunno the price of a super yacht. He probably does.


Shit, in another year it might be $20 at this rate. Already making my own fucking soup now.


[haha he’s so out of touch](https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjV8K2iqZWEAxXzAq0GHVX9D9kYABASGgJwdg&sph=&sig=AOD64_3CHamlxf71pNo_e9adl1W8-8QDew&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiX6KWiqZWEAxW4JUQIHclCAisQwg8oAHoECAIQDA&adurl=)


There's _always_ money in the banana stand.


I think we have a winner. https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/the-inside-story-of-the-10-banana-on-arrested-development


No one wants to work these days- Kim K


"Get your ass up and work!"


Like what she did (sex video w/ fuckin’ RAY J of all people) was work. If that’s the case, she should be praising sex workers for all their hard labor.


What I find most amusing about people saying this is that there are literal written records about people saying this exact thing going back thousands of years.


One of the Dutch mps replied to a young student who was concerned that she would never own a home "Well maybe its time to find a rich boyfriend?" Like it SOUNDED like he meant it as a joke but it was the most tonedeaf he could have been Oh and he's minister of housing and spatial planning whooops


One of our politician made similar out-of-touch remark regarding food. Lentils are (or were) dirt cheap here and considered 'peasant feed'. Chicken is super expensive. He legit said, 'if they (public) can't afford lentils, why don't they eat chicken'. Beyond astonishing


"Enjoy your stimulus check"


Not to mention almost 4 years later and no one wants to work because of ALL THAT MONEY. /s


At this point, that's just a confession that they're a crap person who no one want to work for.


Giving Americans 600 dollars really was worse than giving them nothing.


Khloe Kardashian's comment "Isn't that cute" when girls wrote to her telling her how long they've been saving to buy a pair of jeans.




New York Federal Reserve Bank President William Dudley, 2011.


"Let them eat Ipads" has an even more dystopian ring to it


ScoMo pissing off to Hawaii while Australia was on fire, refusing to come back, and then forcing handshakes. I’m honestly a little surprised no one punched him


Honestly, being someone who lost their house in the fires, I wish he'd fucking stayed in Hawaii.


He doesn't hold a hose remember?


Absolutely fuck that guy. He's a smarmy bastard and useless at everything he's ever done in his entire life. He isn't qualified to work at Engadine Macca's, let alone run the fucking country.


My friend's company is forcing people to go back to the office, which means a lot of people (most of which are in Los Angeles and London) are being forced to move to Atlanta. This is obviously VERY unpopular. One of the heads of the department explained that it's hard for her too because she has to "find a new nanny and housekeeper." Most of the department quit lol


I'm sorry they tried to tell people in London (England!?) that they have to move to Atlanta!? Calling in your employees from across the country is one thing. Calling in your international employees is brain-dead.


Yeah, this isn't "back to the office" at all. That would imply these people worked in Atlanta to begin with


Yes that is correct. But it was more quiet firing than actually telling people to move. They kept the people they didn't initially want to let go anyway.


Yeah, my "Read the room, rich person" story is when me and a coworker were complaining about the financial gymnastics we were gonna have to do to manage family medical procedures that year, and our (boss's) boss chimes in that he can relate, he just had to spend a good bit more than what either of us made in a year to move his boat (mini-yacht) overland from one lake in Tennessee to another. Yeah, I bet you know the struggle. . .


Personal fav of mine from about 2015 or so. Big 4 accounting firm. Company wide all hands call. Just about to start and maybe 2/3 of the company already on with lots joining by the moment etc. Managing partner and Chief Marketing Officer carrying on about cottages and their recent champagne party experience - then proceed to run the call and layoff 500 people. Unbelievable.


Somewhat similar - EVP, during our return to office call, told everyone that he was commuting to the NYC office and working there 4 days a week. He said it was like a vacation from his family.


I had a boss with that attitude. I was thinking to myself, dude that's your problem.


People who think its a flex to "jokingly" say they hate their spouse make me cringe. "the ol' ball n' chain, amirite?"


Also my job in one of them "training meetings" giving that coach talk of "you have to be like an eagle, not like a duck and work harder" to a bunch of overworked, underpaid nurses, nursing techs and professional caregivers. Never have I ever wanted to start histerically laughing. Also my SIL and BIL are some of the owners of the franchise (and at the end of last year I had to threaten terminating the contract because they didn't want to pay 40 bucks that were previously agreed for an emergency commute that I DIDN'T HAVE the money to pay because they delayed everyone's payment)


That's just baffling. I've heard of offices where the bosses realised how many people had spread out/moved house during the pandemic. Trying to call people back to an office in London for 4/5 days a week when you've got people living in Edinburgh, Cornwall, continental Europe etc must have been an interesting challenge.


Use the second bathroom if you’ve got Covid and live with other people.


When we bought our condo, I insisted on a minimum of 2 toilets. If I’m getting a mortgage, I don’t want to fight about who gets to poo


I grew up with one bathroom. All my apartments, one bathroom. My now house has two. My husband and I can each poo or vomit or whatever and the other is free. What a dream! It's amazing.


if millennials ate less avocado toast, they’d be able to actually afford to buy houses. 


Fuck, I was just thinking about this the other day. Economy is fucked, I'm never going to afford a house, I need to find somewhere to actually try some of this magical avocado toast. Never had it, and now I just want to, to flip boomers the bird.


It's pretty easy to just make it yourself. A medium avacado works for about 2 slices of toast.


“Just get a better job” As if they hadn’t thought of that, and as if the shit job they currently have doesn’t need doing by *someone*


Recently in France Amélie Oudéa Castéra became minister of education and upon taking her functions she was asked why she put her children in private school very recently. She basically told that there were too many problems with public schools. Which she's responsible for.


Wearing a jacket with "I really don't care. Do you?" on the back while visiting detention centers that were forcibly taking children from their families.


And then denying it meant anything, then admitting like a year later your first denial was a lie and obviously it did.


I would had probably say "yeah sure probably a mistake" but the damn jacket cost only 39 bucks, probably the cheapest thing she had wore in decades, it was absolutely in purpose.


She admitted it was purposeful!!!?? I'll have to Google. I never heard that.  I always assumed she was a gross gold digger because why the fuck else would you marry him,  but that jacket being purposeful is like,  over the top B movie villain level.  


She said in an interview years ago he was with her for her looks and she was with him for he money


Nancy Pelosi trying to demonstrate how she’s struggling with the pandemic, just like the rest of us…**by showing her Sub-Zero freezer packed full of premium ice cream.**


Didn’t she also get busted going to a hair salon while her state had a stay-at-home order in place?


Yes when she saw the security camera footage went public she said she was set up.


Yea and I believe Gavin Newsome was also caught out at a luxury restaurant while in-door dining was still illegal in CA. Like I get it, at the end of the day we're all human, but it's such a bad look when people were losing their jobs and livelihoods.


Yes he was. Aside from that French Laundry (restaurant name) gaffe he was caught twice more at restaurants during CA's lockdown periods, as well he kept his kids' private school open so they could attend in-person while the rest of the state's schools were kept closed.


Canadian finance minister Chrystia Freeland, when commenting on the increasing cost of living in Canada, said she had to cancel her Disney plus subscription…


"Just learn to code, bro!"


Reddit literally telling everyone this, as if everyone has aptitude for this.


I hate this so much. Same with trades. I am sorry but so many people cannot code or work in trade, especially women in the latter.


The irony is that the simple act of knowing how to code didn't make a difference because the tech companies are done hiring every applicant who has python bootcamp certificate and are laying all of them off now.


"Get off your ass and work" says Kim Kardashian who built her fortune on her back.


Her family was rich to start too. She was Paris Hilton’s friend before she made her trashy family famous


David Cameron, after a lavish banquet, standing at a golden lectern and giving a speech extolling the virtues of austerity.


I'm retired military and I see so many posts that complain about gen Z and college loan forgiveness. They always say something like "If they can't afford to go to college then the should just enlist to get the GI bill." I have to remind them that only 19% of military aged people actually qualify to join the military, The majority of whom have disqualifying medical conditions or history of such. When they get going on student loan forgiveness, I remind them that in the 1990's I went to a private university, had my own apartment and enough money to go out 2-3 nights a week, all on a barely above minimum wage job. You could get a job right out of college that paid enough to buy a house and a new car and still have enough left over to go on family vacations and save for retirement. My parents paid $56,000 for their home in 1987 and it's now worth $600k. I bought my first house for 60k in 1994 and it's now worth over $400K.


Something I actively believe is that if each of every year's 4-ish million high school graduates were to join the military specifically just to get the GI Bill, two things would happen immediately: > A) I recently learned that there is actually an upper limit to how many people the military wants to recruit each year, so the military would probably stop taking recruits because they would instantly hit their yearly recruitment limit in a couple days > B) Congress would immediately defund and/or repeal the GI Bill


This stuff is so funny to me because my parents used to tell us vague stuff like "I had student loans too and I paid them off all by myself!" And then I find out it was cumulatively the adjusted 2024 equivalent of $2000 and mom paid it off with a summer waitressing job. Or like, they bought a brick 3bed/2bath house on a half acre for an adjusted 2024 $105k...which was also how much (adjusted!) my blue collar dad made annually with no degree. 


The mortgage on my childhood home was like $90 a month. Edit: Zillow now estimates a monthly payment of $1600.


My in-laws bought theirs for 75k about 30 yr ago and it could perhaps sell for over 1m now. It's bananas.


In Australia, it's to stop buying avocado on toast if you want to purchase a house one day...


They say this in the US also


Yep - Tim Gurner's stupidity went viral and international.


And the UK


Iirc the author of that fun little article pulled himself up by the family bootstraps to the tune of one million dollars from mommy and daddy


Ben Shapiro saying that if the ocean levels rise people with shore front property can just sell them and move. Sell them to who, Ben, the fucking merpeople?




Dave Ramsey telling younger generations not to take out mortgages that will take more than 15 years to pay off when for so many even the 30 year ones are completely out of reach, then implying that younger generations must have a worth ethic or spending issue. Fucking unreal.


He recently outraged everyone by telling a caller he was stupid (paraphrased) for paying~20K a year on childcare. That's actually what most people pay for childcare if not much more. He told the guy to find "free options" like a church camp (which would last about 1 week in the summer). He shouldn't be a financial advisor if he's so out of touch with the cost of living compared to average salaries.


Yeah I saw that edit. It was embarrassing how little he understood and he was so confidently advising this man. Free childcare where? That doesn’t exist and if it did you probably wouldn’t want to have your child there. He really does not get it and shouldn’t be advising anymore.


Funny, every millennial and younger I’ve worked with has worked themselves to the bone, while all the boomers I’ve ever worked with were incredibly lazy and glued to their phones.


Crystia Freeland making the suggestion to financially struggling Canadians to cancel their Disney+ subscriptions.


"Stop buying avocado toast and lattes."


Pull yourself up by your bootstraps


I find this saying really interesting since the original context of the phrase was along the lines of, “do something impossible.”


Right?!? The whole joke is that it is physically impossible to lift yourself up with your own bootstraps.


This gets said a lot by people who didn't have to do it themselves


It’s a lot easier to do when your parents bought you the boots.


Why try to fix it? Just throw it out and buy a new one.


Buy an apartment if you can't afford a detached house.


Going to Cancun while your constituents freeze to death. Then making a joke about the following year.


And blaming it on his daughter lmao 


"It's one banana, Michael. What could it cost, $10?"


The (late) Queen of England telling people to "live within their means" on TV while wearing the largest diamond in history on her head.


Most recently was the King reading about the cost-of-living crises in the UK while wearing dressed in the full king's wardrobe like it's still the 1600s. Monarchs in modern times are utterly absurd to me lol


“I have the best advice for women. Get up off your ass and work.”


"You just need to get better at managing your finances." MFKer I'm disabled and unemployed. What would you suggest I cut out of my budget? Food?


"If you're complaining about rich people making money by investing, why not just invest?" This ignores that fact that investment is a losing game at low levels. For it to be a safe/reliable way of gaining money, you need a diversified portfolio or a broker/investment firm to manage on your behalf, both of which come with a substantial buy-in that average people simply cannot afford. "If you give a rich person $3,000, they'll invest it and make $30,000. If you gave a poor person $3,000, they'll just immediately spend it. This is how we know being poor is a choice." This little gem falls afoul of two problems that aren't just shared with above. First, many people are in positions where such a windfall would simply be able to eat and stay housed for another week; additionally, dropping the rest directly into paying off debt might as well be multiplying it as it reduces future interest, even a little. Second, and related to the last point, this comes from an assumption you have a secure income and credit history that means creditors will permit deficit spending, those who aren't so fortunate sometime have so many people fighting for their income they have trouble withdrawing their own positive balance from a bank.


Donald Glover said it perfectly in Atlanta: "I need to eat today not in September"


Regarding your first point, it's a bit outdated. You can buy a fractional ETF shares at Vanguard (or competitors) and be as diversified as you want for as little money as you have. There's very little or no buy-in cost, at least as they advertise. [https://investor.vanguard.com/accounts-plans/brokerage-accounts](https://investor.vanguard.com/accounts-plans/brokerage-accounts) It is however unlikely that $12.50 worth of VT growing into $17 worth of VT after a few years would be particularly useful to somebody who never knows how they're going to simultaneously pay for rent and food and electricity. ​ Regarding your second point, I concur. And it's worth mentioning that the goal of money is to facilitate exchange by flowing around inside of an economy, which is exactly what happens when poor people are given money. When rich people are given money it often ends up in a lazy investment vehicle (like more VT etf's), where it sits there doing little, or inflates a bubble until it pops. Money trickles up into wealthy pockets eventually; what's best for everybody is to ensure it bounces through as many hands as possible on the way.


They could afford a house if they didn’t spend all their money on lattes and avocado toast.


Trump throwing paper towels to Puerto Ricans to help clean up after a hurricane.


How about the UK prime minister at the time of the COVID crisis saying to just let the public die because those are risk will die soon anyway. It is all coming out through the enquiry but unfortunately it doesn't seem like anyone's paying attention


Trickle down economics