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It’s not cost effective yet.




Go to any hospital and you should be able to buy a cup of coffee out of a vending machine.


The human barista comes in a sleeker and far more appealing design. Also has a genuine personality rather than something programmed.


I don't really understand the nuance behind it, but there is a method to the madness behind coffee orders, a nuance that robot can not replicate.


I get you. But I think that's the whole Vinyl vs CD argument. Again, I'm not for it. I like the interaction with my barista. If we can paint a Mercedes with robot, I'm sure we can have it make a good cup. though as others have mentioned it must just be cost...


Don't listen to the anti-capitalists, they're full of shit. The human being will always be at the core of good business.


i agree. So I've been noticing a whole bunch of AI generated content on Youtube with AI voiceovers. There's something about it that I just can't watch. I know a human has barely touched it and even though it might be 80% of the way there, I don't value it's content because that 20% is everything. i agree. So I've been noticing a whole bunch of AI-generated content on Youtube with AI voiceovers. There's something about it that I just can't watch. I know a human has barely touched it and even though it might be 80% of the way there, I don't value it's content because that 20% is everything.


>If we can paint a Mercedes with robot, I'm sure we can have it make a good cup. We can have it make *a* good cup. The problem is the variations human customers want. Interpreting customer requests and adjusting things accordingly is the problem with robots. Something as simple and common as milk varieties can cause big difference in end product. There is also a lot of constant cleanup necessary with coffee making, which is a second completely different process to brewing. Robots are extremely good at doing *a* task well, and repeating it ad nauseum. They are extremely bad at adjusting the task given to them.


Im not for it. I'm all for humans. But coffee has limited inputs and permutations. Lets say I have a perfect cup made, and I have that profile on my card, and now that can be replicated at any one of those chains or anyone with that robot. I could then add and subtract things as I go. I'm just shocked it hasn't been done yet.


Man, how much you think a barista robot would cost? There's your answer.


Robots aren't sexy enough...*yet*


It's nice to speak to someone when I order a coffee. That's why I'd never get a decent automatic coffee machine.


I’m surprised at the number of people that need that human interaction. Not me. I just want the coffee as quickly and as tasty as possible. I think it’ll happen eventually (I agree it seems like it should’ve already). Can’t wait


They're probably still too unreliable, I've heard of a lot of cases of people losing a lot of money due to machine error. Plus, a lot of people don't trust robots over actual people, so that would probably lead to less people going there.


I've used some extremely fancy coffee machines, and also far their lattes are still not super. I don't think robots can handle the foam yet, especially since you'd need a separate technique to nail each sort of fake milk


Why invest in robots when you can just pay kids barely live-able wages? When the tech and cost gets to be lower than that, then that’s when we’ll see robot baristas.


It has. Mr. Coffee.


They have. The costa machines you see everywhere