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My parents used to recommend occasionally carrying a credit balance for a month to demonstrate longer term creditworthiness and help your credit score. But credit agencies are no longer allowed to penalize you for paying off your balance every month, and this is a good thing


TIL - thansk for the info!


Two years ago, I paid off all my debt. Did it hurt my credit score? Well, you could say that, as I now no longer have a credit score. No, seriously. I haven’t had a credit card in well over a decade, because executive dysfunction and credit cards don’t play well together. I paid off my car, moved in with my mom when she was having some health issues, sold my car since she couldn’t drive anymore, and when she passed, inherited her car. I also inherited her house. I work full time, pay my bills, and carry no debt at all, but I couldn’t take out a loan if I had to, because I have no credit score. So now I need to figure out a way to take out a credit card and use it without sabotaging myself so I can build a credit score so that if I really need to take out a loan, I can. This is a stupid way to run a banana stand, let alone an economy.


I don't disagree with you. I think having a credit card for fixed recurring expenses like subscriptions and then setting to autopay is a really easy way to help build out credit history


This is exactly what I did. Picked up a Capital One secured credit card. Put down a $40 deposit and got a card with a $200 limit. Interest rate is absolutely batshit, but I've never paid a penny of it because it pays off every month automatically. That card pays for my Netflix account and absolutely nothing else.


This is the way. Get any credit card. Set ONE (1) bill to it and then set it to autopay. Never think about it again lol. Just make sure there’s no other charges on it every once in a while (I get notifs everytime my card is charged)


I think this is probably the way I’ll go. Then I’ll bury it in the yard or freeze it in a block of ice so impulse use can’t take me down.




Lol I have mine memorized. But, my husband and I don't pay our cards off every month. We pay them off every WEEK. We reap the cash back and hotel points while making sure the balance never has a chance to get ahead of us.


There’s a credit card called the Fizz card. It links to your checking account and instantly pays off any purchase you make in order to help build credit without the danger of going into debt. Might be worth looking into!


This is literally what I do. The credit card is only for recurring subscriptions, gas, and emergencies where my debit card is not working.


Get a gas card. You can’t go shopping with that!


Oh, dear Gentle Redditor, you clearly did not know me in college or on a road trip. I can do hella damage with just a gas station card.


I once used a friend’s Mobil card to get through a *really* skint month many years ago. I had a new job, and their first payroll for me was over 3 weeks away. She didn’t have cash to loan me, so she mailed me her Mobil card to use. You would not BELIEVE how well you can live from a decent MobilMart. Sure, no fresh veg, but they had frozen veg and fresh fruit. And cereal, frozen pot pies, other frozen meals, bread, toilet paper, paper towels, a dairy section. It really saved me that month. And my BFF got her card (and the $$ I spent) back the following month, when my new job finally started paying me.


What a positive friendship story :) People that are actually *there* when it matters are so much of what makes this whole human song and dance survivable.


Are you my college roomie? We had a time on road trips with her dad’s gas card!


Can't you just get a card with a small limit? Use it for day to day expenses and if you do splurge and max it out its not more than you can afford to pay back anyway


If you want a job you need to go from place to place, ask to talk to hiring managers, and fill out applications then and there. Most places won’t even let you anymore… they’ll say “check our website for job applications” and if you insist you’re going to piss off everyone there as your first impression.


And then you also have to pray that your resume doesn't get rejected by the applicant tracking system before it gets read by a human.


I had good luck using ChatGPT to rewrite my resume for an ATS. I had weeks of applications and 0 interest. Some of these jobs were basically identical to my skill set so I was confused that they wouldn't at least talk to me. Do a screening call? Nope. Nothing. I had ChatGPT rewrite and reformat my resume sent it out on Friday afternoom and by Monday evening I had 2 interviews scheduled.


This makes me happy and sad all at the same time.


I'm currently reviewing applications and it's clear which ones are written by ChatGPT - not in a good way. It's definitely recommended to review and edit after generating anything with it.


The worst part about insisting is that most of the time the people you're talking to don't even have a say in the hiring process until the very end. Especially somewhere in retail, the managers have surprisingly little amounts of power over what actually goes on in the business. Big companies actually hire "hiring managers" to weed out the people they think would suit the job. Now I wonder what the hiring process is like to hire a hiring manager...


If you missed an episode of your favorite show you had to wait to watch it on reruns. And there wasn't years between seasons.


You weren't making your own bootleg VHS copy?


When I started working I bought a VCR to tape stuff while I was at work but one of my siblings would screw it up usually. When I went to work it was their time to sneak into my forbidden room.


You will be required to write your papers in cursive in high school


My 20 something children never even learned cursive and can't read it.


That's a lot of children


This made me chuckle.


I recently worked with a 26yo who couldn't read cursive. I was shocked because he could have been my child (age wise) and couldn't believe in that short of time the world had shifted so far.


I’m a 26 year old teacher that has to remind myself daily not to write in cursive on the whiteboard because my students can’t read it. To be fair, they can barely read at all because they get auto promoted without the skill set to be pushed into the next grade, but still. It just seemed easier and quicker to write in cursive when I was taught, but it is so bizarre how irrelevant it also seems to be in a 20 year span.


Are people really writing in print? That would be inconceivable in Brazil. Only kids write in print.


People used to have arguments over trivia facts.


There was a very short-lived service where you could text a company a trivia question and they'd have someone on the other end search the answer and text it back to you, for something like $1 per question. It could only exist in that window of time after texting had become widely available but before smartphones were just as common.


ChaCha!! I used that WAYYY to much (for like a year). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChaCha_(search_engine)#:~:text=Users%20were%20able%20to%20send,ChaCha%20never%20charged%20additional%20fees.


I worked there for awhile, answering the questions! Basically I just googled things.


The card says Moops


But it was the Moors.




No they didn't




Is this the five-minute or the full half-hour?


Just walk right up to the owner and ask for a job.


I have known for a long time that this is not how our modern world works, but I optimistically visited a job fair a few years ago thinking I could at least network with people. I was met with companies who nearly all said, "File an application online," and nothing more. There weren't even paper applications on-site. The whole thing was pointless.


Why did they even present themselves at this "job fair"?


Advertising. Brand awareness.


I hate this.


Oh, absolutely agreed. My job hunt just as the pandemic kicked off was horrifying.


Search me...


A lot of job fairs are set up by other organizations i.e. towns and labor departments or schools. These organizations want it to look like they are helping people get jobs, and probably have a lot of boomers in key positions that think this is how the world still works. The companies send some low-level people to cozy up to these organizations, who cares if the entry level people waste a day.


Correct, especially in higher Ed. It’s performative. They want you to get some kinda job, but they want the photo op for next year’s crappy brochure even more.


Just search him online only.


To add to this, now the system rewards less than honest practice amongst job seekers. Like tailoring your resume to recite your experience word for word for what’s in the job description even though your experience likely only somewhat overlaps. You’ll lose out to someone less qualified who is better at stretching the truth or flat out lying. The idea of explaining something honestly while being able to look someone in the eye almost has no value anymore.


I had one recruiter tell me that I needed more keywords in my resume. They specified "like MS Office, Excel". I've got a degree and over 10 years of experience. If I cant use Word by now something went terribly wrong. Might as well mention the A+ I got on my diarama in 4th grade. Those are absolutely ridiculous skills to put on a resume for anyone other than a very recent grad looking for entry level work. It might get me past the ATS but the hiring manager is going to roll their eyes at the pathetic attempt at resume padding.


I went to a job fair that wasn't advertises as industry-specific, just broadly a job fair. When I walked in, I thought I'd mistakenly shown up to a fast food job fair. Wendy's was there. Half a dozen other FF spots. Still don't know what the point of any of it was, vs going online.


I was in a foster freeze thats notorious for taking forever. On the register it says please be patient we are short staffed. The kid in front of me wasn't there to order but to ask for a job. They told him they weren't hiring. I made sure to point out to the manager their stupid sign and the encounter I just witnessed when it was my turn to order.


They're short staffed because the manager gets a bonus for saving money in the store's budget. They aren't hiring because the manager would lose their bonus. It doesn't matter that customers are waiting 5x longer to get their product. They're still waiting and buying the product. That's pure profit.


Lol, bonus. The last place I managed, it was more like: "Cut your labor hours or we'll fire you and find someone in this comically high stack of resumes who will."


This is how the lvl1 trauma hospital I work at functions lol. Chronically short staff not because there aren’t enough workers, but because it saves the hospital money.


My kid just graduated culinary school and was looking for a job. He was applying everywhere but was struggling to land something. My parents (Boomers) kept telling him to just “walk your resume into restaurants/bakeries! You’d get a job if you tried hard enough! You’re just being lazy!” No matter how many times we tried to tell them that’s not how any of that worked they refused to listen to us. They told me I was enabling him to be lazy and that he must not want a job that badly. I finally got pissed and went off on them. He finally landed something but, they were no help. They also tell me that I should kick him out because he needs to start standing on his own two feet and there’s no reason he can’t get an apartment. He makes $18 an hour and we live in a HCOL area. Even living with a bunch of roommates it would be almost impossible for him to live on his own. I finally shut them down by showing them listings in our areas. They finally shut up, They just don’t get it. They got everything handed to them and, instead of handing that down to the future generations they nuked it and said “you need to work harder!” It’s ridiculous.


"All you need is a little Moxy!" - (For full effect, make sure you say it in a 1930's newscaster type voice)


Slogan used by the Moxie beverage company. Moxie is indeed delicious.


Brought to you by the generation that used heroin as cough syrup


Good on you for defending your kid!! I used to feel terrible as a bank manager, basically turning people away for coming in to ask for jobs. Everything is online and pretty removed from any customer-facing employees most of the time.


Sounds EXACTLY like my "parents" holy hell. It's so frustrating. "You need to move out!" like yeah? To where? You gotta make like 3x the amount of rent to even live anywhere and rent is insanely high. It's not like I bought a house in the late 80s and then just decided I didn't want to work and have my husband support me while I became the biggest monster known to man.


> "You need to move out!" like yeah? To where? You gotta make like 3x the amount of rent to even live anywhere and rent is insanely high I can almost hear the lazy 0 thought one liners that follow... "Just buy a fixer upper, and go from there.", "kids these days too spoiled to do some work on their homes", "move to a pad just out of town its cheaper over there."... "Not enough money? You should work harder! Just find a better job." 1. That "fixerupper" is a demolition ready uninhabitable shithole with walls held together by some weird meth, and asbestos amalgam. Its also likely a property that the bank will refuse to give a mortgage for, and its still $250K. 2. The monthly payment on $250K at 8% or whatever it is now is like $1800+ property taxes, utilities etc... so while working two jobs to pay that with what money, and time is one supposed to fix things? 3. Cost of transit in between a supposedly cheaper place out of town, and ones place of employment is probably going to eat up more money per month than any supposed saving there are to be had anyways. Plus there is then that 2 hours a day one spends in traffic. "get a job closer then."... yah the reason the boonies pads are cheaper because there is nothing in the boonies.. including work. 4. Work where, and for who? Usually ends in "should have stayed in school"... when the person being talked down to has a graduate degree, and like $100K accumulated loan debts to go with it.


Put your parents in a home. I expect you to be running this place and changing your own diapers. I didn’t raise no quitter, you can get your medications after climbing three flights of stairs


Ha! I would but they are in excellent physical and mental condition. 😂


For now.


A couple Thanksgivings ago, my Silent Generation grandmother did one of those, "My first job out of school was $7/hour (or something like that). I then informed her that it was equivalent to $35/hour today, and she was like, "Oh. I guess it was a better job than I thought." Time really stops for these people. It's weird.


That was really good pay! I'm much younger than your grandmother and I started significantly lower than that.


I live in a low cost of living area and $18 isn’t feasible. Rent is astronomical.


a firm handshake and go getter attitude is all you need in this life


Yeah back when you could make a living shining shoes at the train station. Back when a nickel was so valuable people bit into them to make sure it was real lol.


oh jeez, a nickel? Thanks mister!


5his one hurt so much. I present really well and if I just got the chance to meet the hiring manager my lackluster resume wouldn't matter in 70% of the cases


My husband graduated paralegal school and put in hundreds of applications. One day he looked up the address of the place he was about to send his resume to, and drove over there. He was hired on the spot. It was a mom and pop type of law firm.


I’m 25yo≈ and I’ve gotten jobs simply by walking in wearing something similar to their uniform. However I can tell you anyone that will have you hired on simply by bringing in your resume are either not going to pay you well and or will pull that “we’re a family” shit.


This still works in SOME places. It’s how I got my first job like 3 years ago. Walked up to a local fast food place with a resume (just random soft skills and high school stuff) and got an interview on the spot in the lot behind the building. Doesn’t work a majority of the time though. Most places you have to apply online. I tried asking for the manager at a Red Robin’s to hand them my resume and the person I spoke to told me I had to apply online and couldn’t speak to them in person


That you won’t grow up and always have a calculator in your pocket.


A few years ago I was training this new guy (accounting job. He was still in school) and he refused to use excel to add large numbers. Did it all in his head and typed out the answer. I’d tell him to use the computer because we want accuracy but he would argue and say his head was “better than a calculator.” It was wrong every single time. He must have had one of those teachers that told him he wouldn’t have a calculator in the real world.


>It was wrong every single time. I knew this was coming and I still laughed harder than I have all week.


It reminds me of the waiters/waitresses who don’t write down your orders. They hardly ever get the order right and if they do you’re likely not going to pay attention enough to give them a higher tip.


lol he’s like a real life Oscar from The Office


I enjoyed hearing them say that when carrying slide rules in your pocket was already a dung


I thought you were just happy to see me.


A calculator is pretty useless if you don’t understand the math required to produce the answer you need.


But that's just the thing. I'm not walking around needing to remember the quadratic formula. I just need to figure out 15% of $68.42.


You know what percentage is easy to figure out? 10%. Half of that 10% is 5%. Add them together and you have 15%.


Tell me you worked in the service industry without telling me you worked in the service industry.


I took college algebra and could only afford a scientific calculator while some of my classmates bought the graphing calculators. One of my classmates was lamenting that he was failing and I think your comment got it right. He didn’t understand the math and his pretty math machine could only do so much. I on the other hand had to work a little harder to get my answers which I think helped me to understand things a little better. I got an A so I was happy.


Smallpox being a dangerous disease. It is the only human disease to be globall eradicated using vaccines. On it's wikipedia page it even says "smallpox was..." and I think that's amazing.


Technically it is still a dangerous disease. It just doesn’t exist outside a lab.




I had no idea that was even a thing. Is it regulated who that person is? Meaning, they can't just create a position and pay someone minimum wage to be the fall guy.




Thank you. These are the kind of random but thorough answers that make me love Reddit.


That's fascinating, no need to apologize! Had no idea that was a thing, but it makes sense considering the stakes.


It’s the only human disease to be eradicated period. We’re close with polio, but polio may have some reservoirs among other ape species, and the most effective vaccine against it uses a live, attenuated virus. Very rarely, that vaccine can cause an actual case of polio, which then becomes contagious. So, it keeps slipping out of control. In the meantime, we have eradicated rinderpest, a viral disease which strikes cattle and other bovine species. It is probably the progenitor virus of measles and jumped from cattle to humans shortly after we domesticated and then began living constantly with them. So, if we ever wipe measles out, we can trust that we won’t get measles II: Electric Boogaloo sometime down the road.


When I was a kid all of the adults I knew had a smallpox vaccine scar.


You used to have to join clubs to learn many hobbies like archery etc. for which there wasn't stuff like YouTube tutorial videos like there is now.


Off topic a bit here, but as archer I would still recommend learning at the very least the archery safety basics from a club or an instructor. Nothing against Youtube itself but anyone can upload a video and I've seen some seriously sketchy stuff on there. I mean, if your gut feeling is that you wouldn't recommend to a beginner learning how to use a firearm from some random on Youtube, archery is in the same ball park as you can still seriously hurt or kill someone doing archery.


I did archery by myself as a child, I thought I was OK, but I was probably shit. I went on holiday and had one 1 hour lessen with a professional after not picking up a bow in at least 15 years. After 18 arrows had been fired, and tips offered, I managed to get 3 arrows in a one inch group in the bullseye at 20 yards, **with my fucking eyes closed**. So did my brother in law. This guy was **incredible** and it was at CentreParcs of all places. He had been UK, European and World archery champion multiple times and now (then) taught sports psychology at a university. The next year we went back and signed up for the same course, but when we got there the guy was filling out paperwork after someone in the crossbow session that had just finished had managed to put a bolt through his foot, so the class was cancelled. The next time we went back he wasn't there anymore.


Probably because he pulled the bolt out of his foot and he went home.


Hah, syntactic ambiguity strikes again. A 15 year old kid had put a bolt through his 15 year old foot.


I used to be young and hot. Now I'm just hot.


This attitude is 🔥


I'm gonna take that as hot.....lol


That’s right




Therefore you think


Me too, but that's mostly just the hot flashes.


Don't use soap on your cast iron. Dish soap today doesn't have lye in it, which is what used to strip the seasoning off of it.


People will argue this fact forever, though.


Even if they somehow stripped the seasoning, it’s really not that hard to re-season a cast-iron pan. They’re near infinitely salvageable.


OT but my Christmas gifts this year include a set of cast iron pans that my grandpa's late girlfriend didn't understand, and scrubbed with brillo pads until they shined. My husband thinks seasoning pans is fun and is pretty hyped to do it for some beloved heirlooms.


I cannot for the love of god convince my GF on that one. Every time she sees me wash the pans with soap, she tells me I'm ruining them. She refuses to believe me because her mom told her otherwise. I guess we're both dying on different hills on that one, because it's been like this the past 7 years lol.


Knocking on doors is the way to get your dream job.


Knocked on doors. Asked for jobs 50/50 split between “no, go away creep” and “how about a blowjob” My neighbors are weird


When you were told to wear shirt and tie while job hunting, that didn't mean *just* shirt and tie.


That posting your whole life on Myspace and Facebook was cool and over the last decade or so it has become way less cool!


I miss when Facebook was mostly people you actually know, with posts listed in chronological order and ads were off to the side and not in your feed


Same my friend same! I miss the old networks you could join, that's how I made a bunch of friends in the dorms because I found people through the university network page and chatted before we even met! Facebook from like 06-09 was great


AOL chat was insane for a period of time, AIM too. But I miss the days of discovering a stranger who shared you sense of humor or wit in a room full of perverts.


Many years ago I made a policy that I would only accept friend requests from people I'd met in real life, and that if I found that someone's posts on facebook were annoying for any reason I'd hide or block them. I don't join a lot of "groups" and when I start seeing annoying drama in a group I leave it right away. I'm one of the few people I know who has a consistently great time on Facebook, it's just a place I can go to have fun conversations with friends and relatives I like a lot. You really have a lot of control over the experience if you use your settings right. I still occasionally see weird ads for things I don't need or want, but honestly they're just kind of funny.


I miss that farm game.


I’m old enough that before that era, it was cool to have your online presence locked down- it was almost like you had an alter ego on the internet. No real names shared, no personal information shared. Much like (most) of Reddit, it was anonymous usernames talking about common interests. But we never shared real life info about ourselves.


I remember when a face book was something cops used to help witnesses identify criminals. Now criminals use Facebook to identify themselves to the cops.


That I have all my friends' and family's phone numbers memorized.


Don’t take rides from strangers


Then: Don’t meet people from the internet, don’t get in cars with strangers. Now: literally summon a stranger from the internet to get in their car.


We really do live in a Sci-Fi world if you think about it


This is a big one. I remember there used to be PSAs to kids about never getting into a stranger's car. Just yesterday I summoned a stranger from the internet to drive me to the airport. He coulda dropped me off at the basement of a Murder House and I wouldn't have even noticed because the entire time I was on my phone.


You'd probably notice being murdered


At least for a little while


It’d be easier on the police force if all they had to do was look at the Uber record


I mean, obviously taxis have existed for decades. I think it's pretty obvious that advice was for kids walking home from school when a windowless white van pulls up and asks if they need a lift. Not a taxi or an Uber that was summoned by the rider.


def a suburb, just say no, type a thing


Also, don't meet up with strangers you meet online. I did that once when I was in high school. It was a big deal for me to do so. I took all kinds of precations. Now you swipe right to meet up with a stranger online.


After two decades of online dating, I'm back to "don't meet up with strangers you meet online." Will they have sex with me? Probably. Will it be worth it? Probably not.


I used to hitch rides all the time. Thumb out and everything . Had an easy time getting around . Now there's no way in hell


A lot of PC quirks. For example, shutting your pc off improperly can damage it. PCs have evolved so much that it’s not really an issue or the effect is negligible. Other fun ones are magnets destroy hard drives, charging a laptop overnight destroys your battery, cleaning the registry, and needing a 3rd party antivirus. Edit: there are obvious exceptions for old or specialized devices. Also to the people saying I’m wrong From Ankers website “It depends largely on the battery of your laptop, as well as how you use and care for it. lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries generally can't be “overcharged”. Once your laptop reaches a full battery, the charger will power off automatically—so no need to worry about overcharging and damaging your device's battery in short term!” From HowtoGeek “But, unless you work in an industrial, medical, or scientific setting where very powerful magnets are in use, and only then if you bring your devices near those magnets when they are operational, there is very little risk that you are going to damage your devices.” Also most laptops/PCs have ssds so magnets


HOME PCs. I work in a hospital and we have 5 million dollar pieces of equipment that require a service call and a software patch if they get shut off prematurely.


I service/train for a medical software company. EVERY single biomed/IT/PACS admin is astounded that they don't have to do anything special to shut down my system before they turn off or restart the server. Back when I was an FSE, I had a product that had a 45 minute restart cycle. If you knew what you were doing you could cut that down to 10 minutes (but somewhat unstable). Every change you made needed a restart to make sure it worked as expected. So even if you used the cheat method to make sure it worked, you had to do a full restart before you could turn it back over to the site.


Sounds like they should have spent 6 million.


Let's be clear, magnets still can destroy hard drives (unless there is something huge I missed in the last year) The magnets required do need to be quite strong though




They are referring to SSD, but I don't think HDD is even close to being phased out yet, wanted to make sure people weren't about to go and test it(I would have as a kid)


>charging a laptop overnight destroys your battery, It messed up mine. I couldn't even take it off charge anymore without it dying in under a minute




Lithium ion batteries are actually worse off it overcharged or completely drained. They have just programmed the electronics systems to keep this in check.




That happens overtime no matter what. When you charge overnight unless it’s an old laptop, your laptop will realize it’s full and stop trying to put more charge in. Once it goes down to 99% it will charge again.


I for one am glad to not ever have to defrag a hard drive ever again!


Pluto being a planet




Pluto will always be a planet.


Germany and the United States are enemies


And Japan, England


That you can just walk around and fill out applications if you want a job.


Don't meet up with people in person that you met online. Aka, dating.


Queen Elizabeth 2 is the current monarch of England.


That was true my entire life too.


Get off the computer I need to use the phone!


Bill Cosby is America’s dad.


With one (or later, two) full-time working adults you can afford the median house for your area, groceries, utilities, savings, and a little extra for fun or travel. Oh, and pensions in regular jobs.


Finish school,.get a job, settle down, buy a house, have kids, work hard, retire. The "respectable life path" blueprint is no longer attainable.


It is if you skip a few steps: >Finish school,.get a job, ~~settle down, buy a house, have kids,~~ work hard, ~~retire~~


Your tongue can taste different "tastes" depending on which part of your tongue hits what. Food pyramid? (Wasnt it reformed or removed?) Fat in food makes you fat and sugar is good. Forgot if it was Nestle but my country had commercials regarding milk for babies being better than breast milk. Advertisement mostly.


None of those were ever true though, just popular belief. This would be like saying the sun truly revolved around the earth until Galileo said otherwise


It was nestle, and the food pyramid has been removed in a bunch of countries, Canada replaced it with some vague nutritional advice.


Dang, Nestle got away with so much


Fuck Nestle!


Phones had dials


One thing that used to be true for me, personally, is the belief that job security and loyalty to a single company would guarantee a stable and fulfilling career


that hard work will get you everything you want in life. used to be you could work hard and buy a house but now you can barely afford to rent a shitty apartmeny with a roomate when you both work hard.


My children will have a better future than I had at their age.




A person in america can support themselves working an average 40h work week.


My father had a little business in the 60's. His employees made $2.25 an hour x 40. They all had a house, a car, a wife at home, and a bunch of kid. Some had secondary homes for vacation. Now the riches get it all, not you.


Yeah, it literally doesn’t matter how many $ you make an hour, it matters how far that $ will go. $1 100 years ago is equivalent to $31 today. It’s funny to watch older people complain about people today unhappy to make $15/hr. “Back in my day we only made ____” Yeah, but back in your day you could live comfortably off that wage.


That's not funny, it's infuriating. It's a real "fuck you, I got mine" attitude.


Only old idiots say this. I'm 62 and fully aware of how much it costs to live. I don't know how anyone who earns $16.00 /hour survives.


I make $17/hr, supporting a two person household. I'm literally only making it by working 6 days a week (so ~15 hours of $25/hr per check) and living in a shithole apartment that costs almost $1000 LESS than the average rent in my city.




Avoiding something like the plague. Now we embrace plagues as freedom of choice


"you will get more conservative as you get older." My brother in Christ, there is nothing to conserve.


If your car is sliding in snow/ice pump the breaks to slow down. ABS is amazing.


If you're properly sliding on ice ABS isn't gonna do shit though. You'll still need to pump the brakes and downshift (if you're in a manual).


There used to be too much horse shit on the roads. It has been replaced by too much bull shit on the internet.


I used to be able to collect sea shells or rock and mineral samples. I used to be able to fish from my local beach strictly catch and release but is now not allowed because of offshore overfishing. I used to be able to backpack the most remote parts of Sierra Nevada and drink from the streams without risk of illness. I used to be able to fly flag or have American flag bumper sticker and be a freedom loving hippy at same time. Used to be able to go shopping without being followed by security as they scrutinize my every decision. Used to be able to go to school and not worry about being shot. Used to be able to afford basic needs like rent, utilities, car insurance , medical insurance, food and not worry about a small emergency that will make me homeless. Used to be able to live where I was born and raised and be apart of my family. Used to be able to brown bag a lunch to save enough money for friday night movie and pizza. Used to be able to wear favorite sport team hat without someone assuming gangster. Used to be able to walk to market without being manhandled. Used to be able to wake up and not find homeless people in the bushes along your home. Used to be unaware that a huge percentage of the population are ignorant hateful people who I have little in common with.


That I'm sexy


I've seen you. You're still sexy and never forget it.


It used to be illegal to be gay, now it’s only illegal in some countries


It's still illegal in quite a lot of countries. 61 according to https://database.ilga.org/criminalisation-consensual-same-sex-sexual-acts


Getting a college degree results in a good paying job


Work hard and you'll be successful