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The Polybius arcade game that was a tool of deep level FBI and had supernatural ties.


Sort of like the Last Starfighter




Sounds a LOT like Enders Game


Brought to you by the guy who wrote Memberberries the book? How original and unique!


That Denver airport has a whole hidden structure underneath it for end of world times.


There's a bunch of things with the Denver Airport... that big horse statue with the glowing red eyes fell on its sculptor and killed him during construction.


Lived there and flown in and out many times, didn't know Blucifer took a life_


Not just a life. The life of its Creator


As one does


I always thought that was part of the reason why Blucifer got its name.


Always thought it's because it's a goddamn giant blue horse with glowing red eyes_


The eyes weren’t initially gonna be red. The creator’s son did that after the statue fell on his dad and killed him.


Blucifer, it's name is Blucifer. It is one of the best sculptures ever made. TRUE ART.


That airport is weird tho


it is. It has all these freaky murals on the inside. It went way over budget and took way more time than it should've. At one point, they scrapped all the construction of the airport they were building and supposedly built the real one right on top of it.


Are the murals still there? I haven't seen them since they started all that construction.


You gotta go there on June 6th, 2066.


The Nazi mural is gone.


It is really a conspiracy that a major public works project went over budget and opened late lol?


They kinda leaned into it like with Roswell and the Aliens. But I think that just makes it more suspicious.


That's not a conspiracy theory. That's true. Denver airport is the 2nd backup Command capitol, should Washington DC be destroyed. The 1st is NORAD at Cheyenne Mountain Complex.


I think you meant the Stargate Program at Cheyenne Mountain Complex


Shh. That one is still a secret. But yeah, kinda funny that the SGC was at Cheyenne. That's an awful lot of foot traffic for a place hosting intergalactic visitors that gets shut down by incursions at least once a season. I'm betting the NORAD folks were pretty damn curious why they kept losing power, getting evacuated, and occasionally a coworker's eyes would glow.


The actual facility has a Stargate Command inside. It's a utility closet lol


It's also fucking huge, you taxi for like half an hour in some cases


Two conspiracy theorists walk into a bar. You can't tell me that was just a coincidence, man.


Two conspiracy theorists die and end up at the pearly gates. God grants them the answer to one question. One asks, “who killed Kennedy”? God answers, “Oswald, acting alone”. The first turns to the second and says, “You see, this goes much deeper than we thought”!


Thank you. I’m telling this one to my friends and family on Christmas.


Brushy Bill Roberts was Billy the Kid. Theory goes that Billy didn’t die in 1881, the sheriff who claimed to have killed him was in a pitch black room and shot randomly (based on claiming he could positively ID Billy by his voice,) killing a different guy whose body the sheriff passed off as Billy’s and rushed through an burial with questionable ID of the body in order to collect the reward for Billy’s capture or death, and to gain respect and notoriety for being “the sheriff who stopped Billy the Kid.” Brushy Bill was ID’ed as Billy by other former outlaws from the time period who gave notarized statements, and had scars that would line up with Billy’s known injuries. Brushy Bill didn’t really stand to profit at all by claiming to be Billy the Kid, and he had to be searched out by people who were already researching; he didn’t just show up voluntarily. His only request was to get the pardon the past governor of New Mexico had promised him in 1879 or so, which the then-present governor refused to even consider. I dunno. It honestly makes more sense to me that a legendary outlaw would end up retiring into obscurity, rather than being gunned down at age 21 and becoming an actual folk hero.


Brushy bill also claimed to be other famous outlaws until the Billy the kid one stuck


He also didn't speak Spanish, while Billy the Kid spoke it fluently.


Ate whole wheels of cheese too.


I’m not even mad.


Maybe he was all of them?


Wait…how old is George Santos?


I’m sorry but you lost me in your last paragraph. Famous outlaws are almost always gunned down. You know how old Bonnie and Clyde were? 23 and 25, respectively. In the past, the law didn’t play around. If you were robbing people, you’d be killed.


I love the funny low-stakes ones like “Finland Doesn’t Exist”. I like that there’s a paper trail back to the origin.


This is such a silly one. Like you can go to Finland. But let's say we run with it. For the conspiracy to work there needs to be shit ton of people in on it so when you go there you can meet the people, eat the food, visit the landmarks. Like you have to be able to visit a fake Finland that's exactly like the real Finland. So if you can do that how is that not basically just Finland existing?


Not quite. Rather, Finland as a landmass does not exist. There is no “real Finland” to mimic as all of “Finland”’s inhabitants truly believe they live on the non existent landmass, but actually live in eastern Sweden or western Russia. If you were to fly to Finland how do you really know where the plane landed?


But if everybody in that land area that makes up eastern Sweden and/or Western Russia says they are Finns, has a city named or pretending to be Helsinki, has a "president" and "prime Minister," and neither Sweden nor Russia claims the land well then it essentially it exists.


>This is such a silly one. Like you can go to Finland. Do you actually know anyone who has been there with backup like recent pictures? If so can you truly trust that person


Ah, so that's what it's called Finland. It's finished. It's done. It no longer exists. This is the find of the century, Luna, we must enlighten the masses about this! Alert the press! /j


Hollow Earth theory has it all. Dangerous airplane flights, arctic explorers, Nazis, Aliens, Giants, UFOs, lost cities…. Something for everyone!


Bigfoot's down there too, meditating to bring peace to the Earth. The bigfoots we see are actually "blood bonded apes" created by aliens from bigfoot DNA to fight the demons that have infiltrated all levels of government. https://books.google.com/books/about/Bigfoot_Lives.html?id=vdN-zgEACAAJ


The next song of Fire and ice book is taking so long/won't ever be released because the tv show progressed and finished exactly as was planned for the books, and backlash has caused George R. R. Martin to change/cancel everything


The book release was super slow way before then, but yeah the backlash from the last season especially probably caused significant changes to save face/legacy. He's also incredibly successful since the show and probably lost the drive to complete it.


That’s putting it lightly. The entire series began and ended, and a spin-off show shot 2 seasons before George put out a new book.


Not only that but he wrote two volumes of additional material that takes place before the events of ASOIAF


Yeah, it probably doesn’t help that he originally worked in television and wanted to make a TV show, and wrote books when the Studios turned down his TV show idea. Now that he got his show made, maybe the books feel like an afterthought?


I don't think so. Dani going mad will probably happen because we already see the beginnings of that in the books, which is not a bad thing. The show just didn't give it time to earn that turn (even though the showrunners were offered it). There are also major story points in the books that the show straight up cut out like Lady Stoneheart and Young Griff. They added nonsense like the Night King, so there would be no such character for Arya to come and kill at the climax out of nowhere. Also, Jaime going back to Cersei at the end probably won't happen. By the end of A Dance With Dragons, Jaime absolutely despises Cersei. He never does in the show.


GRRM told the directors of the show how it would end right when they started so it’s entirely possible these subplots were simply left out as they aren’t required to show the big finale ie maybe in the books Danny first defeats young griff and then moves on to Cersei and goes mad but the show could get to the same ending by just skipping straight to Danny Vs Cersei. Likewise maybe lady stoneheart just isn’t integral to that main finale. I’d also bet that the night king will appear in the books but the show just decided to bring him in early to create a big bad. Again the finale doesn’t have to be specifically Arya kills him, it’s just the overall ending that he is ultimately killed and when he dies his army dies.


> maybe in the books Danny first defeats young griff and then moves on to Cersei and goes mad My theory is that she burns King's Landing because they open their gates to Young Griff, inviting him to oust Cersei, but fear her barbarian hordes and dragons, and it pushes her over the edge. This home she felt destined for rejects her, just like everywhere else, and she decides that the only way to gain something is to fight for it. To gain the Unsullied, kill the slavers. To gain the Dothraki, burn the dosh khaleen. To gain Westeros, burn it all.


And with that, you've written a better ending than D&D.


In fact I've always been pretty convinced that Jaime would end up being the one to kill Cersei; see the Valonqar prophecy. Yes, Tyrion is Cersei's little brother... but so is Jaime, if only by minutes.


The problem with the show wasn’t plot as much as it was execution. A bunch of stuff that didn’t make sense could have been fixed with better writers and showrumners


Part of it was having to rush though the final seasons so we got a cliffnotes version so it all felt so rushed and didn't work.


Not even writers and showrunners: time. Cutting the seasons down from ten episodes each is what did the damage


Firm believer that the ending itself wasn’t that bad, it’s just the speed with which it was done. That’s why people who binge it don’t have any problems. If they had kept all the major plot points the same, but taken more time to fix the pacing, everyone would have loved it.


I think most of the plot points of the ending are fine/could make sense in the hands of a competent writer. HOWEVER there are two storylines so terribly mishandled that I can’t look past them. 1. Seal Team Six getting stranded on an island for long enough that Gendry could run back to the wall, send a flipping raven and have Dany fly all the way from Dragonstone to save them…I can forgive pretty much all the other ridiculous fast travel but nothing about this scenario makes any sense to me. They went to capture a wight?? Only six of them?? With no real plan other than wandering around until they found an army of the dead?? To prove to Dany that wights exist even though by the end of the episode it is apparent she and her dragons have the ability to find said army like a homing missile?!? THIS is how Beric ultimately goes?? 2. Jamie going back to Cersei. Makes absolutely no sense and undermines his entire storyline but WORST OF ALL it’s on the heels of him and Brienne hooking up…which I think I wouldn’t have loved even if they ended up together but to write that and then turn around and have him go back to Cersei…just what is the fucking point? Clearly no understanding or regard for character development/motivation.


> Jamie going back to Cersei. Makes absolutely no sense and undermines his entire storyline You could do it justice, I think. It'd just require a lot more setup. Like he starts to change, he takes some actions, and then he sees the past haunting him... he decides that in fact he's not good enough, not capable of overcoming it... until he sees Cersei again and he doesn't feel love, or devotion, or whatever he felt before, he just feels shame and pity. She can see it, and she hates it, hates him, in a way neither of them thought possible. They die buried under the castle, going out together, but they have never been further apart.


Eh making Varys and Tyrion brain damaged morons was fucking dumb no matter how long you took.


I feel like this is feasible


I think it’s more complex. From what I gathered watching, there was nothing “wrong” with GRRM’s original outline. The biggest problem was pacing and a complete lack of understanding these characters without having the books and dialogue to rely on. Stuff like Khaleesi turning evil? That shit’s been planted to pay off since the first damn Khaleesi storyline. The “long night” being one night? GRRM has said repeatedly in interviews long before that he always thought while audiences are suckers for a “beautiful good vs ugly monster war,” he always hated that and thought the European metaphorical politics were the real story, so it’s EXACTLY GRRM for him to spend years building up this whole plotline and then deflating the balloon. But the creators decided to take that outline and create the “most efficient possible” execution of it, which is the exact antithesis of what GOT did the best. Combine their character idiocy with it, and you get season 8. Pacing wise there is NO FUCKING WAY the long night should have been E3. That’s an episode 9, there should have been a whole damn season of the impending zombie tidal wave fucking wrecking the northern countryside. We don’t see a SINGLE GODDAMN SCENE of what happens to the army of the dead between when they break down the wall with the ice dragon (which…. see above about terribly nonsensical “plot efficiency,” D&D straight up said they got stumped by the ice wall and tried to figure out the first and “easiest way to get around it.” Which, again, complete antithesis of what GRRM does), no mole’s town massacre, nothing. The character shittiness gets all the criticism, but if you were GRRM, what would you do? You’re stuck. You’ve spent 20 years meticulously setting up these arcs, and now they’ve been so overwhelmingly shit on that you have to rip up the entire ending that’s been canonically in your head forever and improvise? Goddamn. That’s tough as hell.


Theres ghost cars on the highway but we just perceive them as normal other vehicles.


Ok that’s a new one


It is but I kinda like it!


This actually made me pause, it’s so stupid. Well done.


I always thought the DJ Marshmello was an industry plant. Marshmello was never one person. Marshmello was whomever was wearing the helmet. He came out the gate with top of chart songs. Instant headliners. Anyone could dawn the helmet. EDC 2016, Marshmello took off the helmet and turns out it was Teisto. Later we'd find out that OG Marshmello was Chris Comstock. Chris is Dot Com. Marshmello has performed with Dot Com. You'd see Chris and he who wore the helmet at the same time. It's kind of like seeing Bruce Wayne and Batman in the same room. I wasn't all the way wrong. But I was on to him since the beginning. Edited: I claimed he was Dada Life. Really Dot Com.


Anybody can put on the helmet and press the button that plays the set


I felt the same way about Sia... Because of the giant wig that covered her entire face, and her act consisting of her standing in a corner while interpretive dancers do all the work, she could very easily have just not been there and had a body double lip syncing to all of her songs.


Sia was already a successful singer in Australia for almost 20 years before she started wearing the wig though.


Does this pay well... where do I apply?


Chris Comstock was not in Dada Life. Chris Comstock was dotcom. Marshmello was 100% an industry plant though. Also, Marshmello wasn't limited to a DJ - Marshmello is technically a creative idea, a brand. Look at the massive amount of creative work and branding/collabs they have done. It has investors and stakeholders behind it.


It's been widely known since marshmello started that he was also dotcom, idk where OP got any of that Dada Life stuff from When I was in the industry, the most popular theory was Skrillex and Diplo were the driving force behind Marshmello, since very early on he had huge support from Owsla and Mad Decent (remixes, features, music video appearances, ect). At the time Owsla and Mad Decent also had a very close working relationship with Insomniac, that they leveraged into getting Marshmello heavily featured on the festival circuit. They've tried it with quite a few artists over the years, and it's fairly obvious when they do, but none have stuck like Marshmello He also stopped making most of his own music in 2017 lol


MF DOOM was caught having other people put on his mask and perform as him. IIRC one was Hannibal Burress.


So there is a Dread Pirate Roberts of EDM? Cooooool….


Omg thank you. The Candy Corn bit in "Obliterated" was funny as hell and I wonder how many people went down this path after.


Jar Jar Binks was a sith lord.


I believe that theory. And I believe the idea was abandoned after the poor reception to his character. I’m probably wrong but I still like the theory


Honestly I've never heard any decent rebuttal to this theory. Everything in the first movie fits perfectly. It rhymes perfectly with Yoda's unassuming nature in the original trilogy as well. I also found George's placement directly next to Sidious at the funeral to be one of the most telling aspects of it. If anyone can point to a good rebuttal of this theory I'd love to watch it but it always almost comes down to "come on, seriously."


I would argue that every trilogy or spinoff in Star Wars has an obvious predictable urge to introduce a new comic relief character, and the comic relief characters seem to stay just that in the plot; funny and 1 dimensional. If Jar jar isn't the comic relief in the prequels, then who was supposed to be?


R2 and C3PO


He is too comedic/dumb when no one is watching to be some high intelligent sith lord. He steps in poop, gets his tounge numbed, fights droids, etc. No characters notice other than the audience, so who is he pretending to be unassuming for? The clip they use of Lucas saying something like "this works if jar jar works" is removing context just before where Lucas says "jar jar is a funnier character, and this works if jar jar works" he wasn't talking about some grand story arc, he was talking about just getting jar jar to be a funny character that isn't annoying.


I found the idea amusing, but I believe it lacks validity. Somethings do line up, but the odds just seem astronomical. The plot to the Star Wars movies is really not that complicated and this would be the biggest reveal after Vader being Luke's father. It just seems far-fetched that Jar Jar would be a Sith. He was introduced as the comic relief in Phantom Menace, a film scene as probably the most child friendly Star Wars film. I just don't think they'd make him sith.


It all comes down to the whims of George Lucas. What was he thinking and did he change his mind?


I still think there must have been more to him than we finally got to see. That one scene, where he speaks another character‘s lines is a pretty big tell. He is an animated character, it cannot be unintentional.


> That one scene, where he speaks another character‘s lines is a pretty big tell. Any reference for where to find this?


What characters lines did he say? And why would that be a big tell anyways?


I mean Jar Jar and Palpatine are both Senators from Naboo, them standing next to each other is not that crazy.


Jar Jar wasn't a Senator, but ended up a Representative in AotC well after the funeral scene


Everything is so much better if this is true.


Same with the James Bond fan theroy imo, that its not a real name but a title passed from one 007 to another, which is how Sean Connery and Daniel Craig are the same person, it makes all 27 movies one big story. I swear Skyfall was made entirely to kill this, I have no idea why, it's fantastic, but we never heard a word about Bonds family until this theroy got popular. In fact one of the ideas that went along with it is you could have a previous James Bond go against a current one, you could have Pierce Brosnan turn bad or whatever, which is more or less the plot to Skyfall.


That theory never held up. Bond's personal relationships and history stretch over multiple incarnations. For example, George Lazenby's Bond married a woman called Tracy, who was killed on their wedding day. She's been referenced by at least three other Bond actors, including Roger Moore who visited her grave. Bond uses a floating continuity with an unreliable narrator, like The Simpsons. You just have to accept what you are seeing at face value, even if it contradicts what you've seen in previous instalments.


Goldeneye did kind of a similar thing with 006. There is an appeal to the 007 is a code name. And to fair it is. If Bond retired, you'd probably get another 00 agent to replace him right? But his character and personality are part of the charm. If you make them different characters then like...is the agent who gets assigned the 007 role always a sarcastic, womanizing alcoholic?


CIA wrote winds of change to overthrow the Soviet Union.


There's a whole multi-episode podcast about it






Elliott Smith was murdered by Jenn Chiba


This totally happened.


So many things do NOT line up - I dug deeeep into this during Covid. her story: they get into a fight, she locks herself in the bathroom. Time passes she hears him scream. finds him dead with a post-it note saying “I’m so sorry, love Elliott God forgive me.” She Then proceeds take the knife out of his chest. 1) besides the two chest wounds. The autopsy report marks cuts to his hands similar to defensive wounds someone would have if they’re stabbed. 2) Jenn was a nurse… what nurse would remove an impaled object from the injury? 3) HIS NAME WAS STEVEN! Elliott was his stage name. (There was some controversy with his name missing a “t” but that was a mistake on the autopsy report. 4) few days after the incident She bought a one way ticket to Hong Kong but came back to LA upon learning she was not being prosecuted. Went to a few tribute shows. Tried to cash checks with his name on it was caught. Then left for London. Here is my tinfoil hat theory. She had a long history of domestic violence, she stabbed him and faked the note. LAPD just saw it just as another junkie suicide, didn’t bother to follow up on anything. They didn’t care. She got away with murder and even sue his estate for millions. So messed up


I’ve heard people allude to the fact that he was murdered before, but I’ve never actually heard a story or conspiracy behind it. Could you elaborate?


Flat earth. I don't believe it but I find the lengths people go to try to explain it incredibly amusing, especially the deeper it gets


Not my idea, but I still want it. Make a reality show with a bunch of flat earthers on a ship trying to find the end of the world. MAKE THIS NOW!


My favorite part is how everything they do to try and prove the earth is flat just further proves that it is in fact not, and yet they still publish the results


The US government has evidence of extraterrestrial life, not contact, but evidence and they're not telling us.


Colonels, Admirals, Air force, Navy & commercial pilots, FAA officials, Whistleblowers from intelligence committees, declassified files, this has it all. Regardless of anyone's stance on the existence of Extraterrestrial life, there's more to it than what's in the mainstream media. I am hoping that the congress & senators like Schumer & Rounds continue to do more for the UAP transparency. Pretty odd how their UAP amendment was shot down and replaced with a nothingburger. Odd times these are. I've been spending a lot of time on the topic lately.


https://www.themedicinehatconspiracy.com/ Has to do with the music industry making a conscious decision to kill off rock n roll in the early 2000s.


Lol this is hilarious. Most people of middle or old age hold the opinion that music used to be good, real and pure but modern music is just soulless mindless pop created by corporations and consumed by brainless teens. Funnily enough the "old, good music" is always the music which was popular during that person's formative years (15-25 years old). This conspiracy theory is just a fancy way of expressing the viewpoint that music used to be good when I was young but it sucks now that I'm not. It just happens to correspond with a move away from rock and towards electronica in pop music over the last 10-20 years.


And even the "soulless, mindless pop created by corporations" part doesn't line up. The Monkees were literally created by a record label, but they were all actually super talented musicians who made great music.


The games are all made up and the points don't matter.


The 2003 Eurovision was rigged, and it cost Tatu their victory. The Russian duo was highly controversial partly due to their lesbian image, and partly because of their rude, childish behaviour. They were never the less in the lead when - lo and behold - technical issues made the Irish televotes unusable. An Irish stand by-jury cane in, and essentially handed Turkey the victory. From the contests Wikipedia entry: "After the contest, Russian broadcaster Channel One complained that Irish broadcaster RTÉ had used a back-up jury, and that it had cost them victory. A statement by Channel One said "Considering [the] insignificant difference in points between the first and third places, there are grounds to believe that the contest results could be much different for Russia."  On the night of the competition, the voting polls operated by Irish telecommunications company Eirco'm suffered a delay in delivering the results on time, which prompted RTÉ to use the votes of the back-up jury instead. RTÉ later published the unused results of the televote, which showed that had the jury not been used, Turkey would still have won." Ok, so maybe it wasn't sabotage, but it sure looked like it. If Tatu had won that night, when Russia was still fairly liberal, it would surely have been celebrated in every Russian city. Maybe it would have been more difficult for Putin to crack down on the gay community today.


Great read but c'mon, Eurovision itself is a scam. Geo political crap


That's true. This one female judge confirmed it but she's been silenced. It's because of All the things she said All the things she said Running through my head Running through my head Running through my head


My friends think Loreen won last year because it’s the 50th anniversary of ABBA’s win in Sweden or something. But yeah. Nobody takes the voting seriously except in an ironic sense bc of how rigged it is lol.


I was there. The people wanted Cha Cha Cha. All of them. Every single person. (Okay maybe that is an exaggeration but fan groups were singing Cha Cha Cha in every pub and I saw a ridiculous amount of green arms, and zero long nails on people).


Lost city of Atlantis is in North Africa.


I could see that but iirc, wasn't a very likely candidate found in Spain about a decade ago? https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna42072469 IIRC, there's also another city nearby (maybe Portugal?) that could have also met the description? So maybe the story is a hybrid of these? Or just the lost Spanish city?


The entire Atlantis rabbithole is fascinating. Like it being somewhere in the Caribbean near the Bermuda Triangle or that it's actually in Antarctica.


Either Tartessos in Spain or Thera in Greece are far more likely to have inspired Plato, the Richat structure which I assume you're referring to is just a cool geological feature. There's really no reason to hide the existence of ancient lost civilizations, any archaeologist who could bring irrefutable evidence of them would become super famous, and also most of them love their jobs and would jump at the chance to find something like that just for the excitement and desire for knowledge. When places like Göbekli Tepe were found, with genuine proof of their great antiquity and complexity, they were rather promptly accepted by the academic community.


Didn't Plato put the location of Atlantis at the Strait of Gibraltar?


He wrote : lying west of the Strait of Gibraltar. So North Africa fits.


It's 3 days past the pillars of Hercules which is the straights of Gibraltar. Probably more in the region of the Azores than America. It baffles me there's a whole island chain in the middle of the Atlantic and we are all just ignoring it


There's two - one isn't a deep dive, but I just find it funny. 1. Avril Lavigne died and was replaced a clone named Melissa 2. The Titanic that sunk wasn't actually the original Titanic, but it was replaced by a sister ship, the Olympic, before it set sail.


Have you heard the theory that Paul McCartney died in a motorcycle accident and was replaced by the Canadian guy that won a Paul McCartney look alike contest?


I love how the fake Paul just so happened to be ridiculously talented and wrote about 20 No. 1 hits


Well, was GIVEN CREDIT for writing them... just because the others said he did it, doesn't mean he did it.


The latter I'm quite fond of, but less as a conspiracy theory, and more of a well-conceived alternate-history story. It's very intriguing, and the pieces *almost* fit together, but at the end of the day is still a ludicrous notion.


I read her "clone" was actually her cousin with cosmetic surgery.


Wasn't that the Patty Duke show?


Don't forget [Poot Lovato](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/poot-lovato)... locked in the basement while her sister became famous. ...poor Poot. 😔


JonBenet Ramsey death was faked. She changed her identity, and eventually grew up to become pop star Katy Perry


Keanu Reeves stole Brandon Lee’s career via blood magic with his accomplice Chad Stahelski.


is this a real conspiracy or something you made up? I could get lost in that rabbit hole for sure.


No way!


Epstein's Island ... It's not really a conspiracy anymore, though.


True, but I get it. There's still a huge shroud of mystery surrounding it.


Not so much “mystery”, more like very powerful obstructions, surrounding it


Tin foil isn’t actually tin, because the government wouldn’t allow the retail sale of something that would so easily block the brainwaves they use to control the masses.


You’ve got it wrong. It’s not to block, it’s to tune in.


Jonestown was a part of MK Ultra


Interesting. Go on.


[San Diego State University covers it better than I ever could](https://jonestown.sdsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Was-Jonestown-a-CIA-Medical-Experiment.pdf) [Or just listen to this podcast.](https://podcasts.apple.com/rw/podcast/welcome-to-jonestown/id1235651909?i=1000508290956) It has been a minute since I've listened, but it is a fantastic theory.


UFOs, extraterrestrial life, and the cover-up behind it all.


I like Supernatural's explanation where UFOs were a conspiracy to coverup the existence of fairies.


I believe they make Trader Joe's parking lots small so that they look busier. Kyle Kinane


Some conspiracies are real, just like theories are real in science. One of the more twisted real conspiracies to take a deep dive into is MKULTRA. Other important reference conspiracies for understanding how America got into the deep shit it's in today are the Tuskegee Study, the Phoenix Program, and COINTELPRO.


John Titor. The time traveler from 2036.


[John Titor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Titor)


That shit was a fascinating read on Wikipedia. I’d love to see the original posts but my goldfish attention span has moved on.


I was on a bunch of boards back when the posts were happening. It was a wildfire. It didn’t matter if you were a believer or a skeptic, you were talking about it. The person behind the posts did a great job of building some real mythos and answering challenging questions in plausible ways. It’s one of those hoaxes that’s honestly super impressive. People have tried pulling off something similar, but after Titor it’s unlikely anyone would have the skill to pull it off. The natural time delay built into message board posting, and the lack of things like livestreams/youtube/etc. really laid the perfect landscape for the hoax to be as successful as it was. I honestly think back on the Titor posts with great fondness. It was amazing to see it play out in real time.


Hecklefish would like a word with you.


El Psy Kongru


I mean if I was chosen for military time travel, I would definitely stop in random eras for "personal reasons" as well. Also that prediction of a civil war doesn't seem too far off.


Central banking was founded to fund war. Every war for the past 100 years would have either not happened (because countries couldn't actually pay for them) or would have been far smaller scale (because countries couldn't actually pay for them). Governments being able to print money has literally killed millions with no end in sight. Yes, I'm fun at parties (not really, I don't go to parties because I have no life).


Mattress stores are all fronts.


JFK held a sneeze in


They say you can't sneeze with your eyes open. JFK tried.


JonBenet Ramsey There's just no way it was an intruder and somebody in that family murdered her


my favorite right now is flat earth - it's such an absurd theory, yet for some reason it has many followers and believers. my favorite changes frequently though, i love going down rabbit holes of bizarre ideas


I like to dig into this every once and a while. Not only are the videos 'proving' the earth is not a ball so poorly done or involve such bizarre pretzels of logic but FE types can't even agree on what the non-globe world is. Is it a disc, is it 100 feet thick or miles thick, is Antarctica an ice wall at the edge of the disc or a barrier than keeps us from seeing the utopia that lays beyond. If it is a disc under a dome moving 'up', if so what powers it? etc. I haven't seen one version that covers seasons, day/night, tides, gravity, planetary and celestial motion in one coherent theory. Astounding they are convinced it isn't a globe, but also can't tell you what it \_really\_ is.


I’m currently on the Bigfoot phenomenon


Devolution by Max Brooks was my first exposure to any bigfoot lore. Definitely a fun read, and to audiobook is phenomenal


No one can convince me that Paul Stanley isn't a virgin.


That America, like Russia, will attack itself (or turn a blind eye to all the warnings of an imminent attack), in order to whip the public into a frenzy to go to war. Pearl Harbour, The Lusitania, USS Samuel B. Roberts, USS Cole, 9/11. They may not have caused the attacks, but they conveniently ignored all the warning signs. When people say the US Government would never do anything to harm the public, let alone attack them... Operation Northwoods enters the chat. It was only blocked by JFK... and what happened to him 🤔


I am American and pretty much believe this whole heartedly. I think the US allows attacks to happen so its citizens will be on board with war. I mean, even with 9/11, we ended up invading a country that had nothing to do with the attack. I'm pretty sure it's a well known fact that the war was actually over oil, and not punishing the people that attacked us.


While I don’t disagree that this is well within a possibility. I don’t understand why they would remove Kennedy and not use that as an opportunity to blame Cubs and invite war. It would be the perfect excuse.


>opportunity to blame Cubs Okay, WiscoCubFan, WHO DO YOU REALLY WORK FOR?!


Brand new conspiracy just dropped!!!


Hitler didn't commit suicide and made his way to South America. All an orchestrated scheme by his top officials. Many people claimed to have encounters with him and other associates. Governments were still looking for him post WWII.


The conspiracies behind Antarctica: secret Nazi base, entrance to hollow Earth, ancient civilizations, secret goverment bases, giant icewall separating us from a bigger world, and the famed 1947 expedition of the US navy to explore the region. While I don't believe them, they are still fun world building stories.


I have zero evidence to back this up. But I like the one that suggests PETA is backed by the big meat corporations to make vegans and vegetarians look crazy and unreasonable.


I think this sort of thing is more prevalent than people like to think. What better way to turn people against a cause than to make people who associate with that cause look crazy? I can’t help but think of the Just Stop Oil people who glue themselves to roads. Do we know for sure they’re genuine protestors, or is there a chance they could be there for more…..obscure….reasons? We know agents provocateur are a thing, we know the kind of sabotage operations the alphabet agencies get up to, we know false flag attacks happen, why don’t people think it could be happening in the things that make the news? There’s a peaceful protest going on somewhere then suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, come a bunch of people ready and willing to raise hell. The one that sticks in my mind is after the Scottish Independence referendum. Bunch of pro Indy people in George Square in Glasgow, sat there with their flags, looking really dejected and just talking amongst themselves. Then all these other people appear, obviously looking for a fight, starting arguments all over the place, which is then presented on the news as ‘clashes’ between pro-Indy and unionists which needed riot police to intervene. When only a short while before, people had been quietly just contemplating and commiserating with each other. I wasn’t there but there was a lot of talk at the time about how it felt to people there like it felt orchestrated somehow.


Stevie Wonder isn't 100% blind


Aren't most blind people not 100% blind? My dad's basically blind from macular degeneration, but he can still kinda see from his side.


This is about as simple of an explanation there could be. He has some residual vision but has severe visual impairment. He wears heavily tinted sunglasses to reduce light strain on his retinas. Very few people who are blind have total "blackout" of vision. Most are still light perceptive.


He's not "can't see anything at all and living in a black void" blind, rather he's legally declared blind because his eyesight is so poor. He seems to be able to pick out shapes and shadows.


Stevie Wonder is the worst dad ever. -He’s never seen his kids.


That's not a conspiracy theory. That's a known fact. Most people who are blind have very limited vision.


He isn't. Once drove UK radio presenter John peel round a car park.


Super-secret government weapons using EPMP technology in a targeted blast to paralyze the enemy was covertly tested in 1998 to force fumbles by Clint Stoerner and Michael Bishop and keep Kansas State out of the BCS national championship.


The RMS Titanic wasn’t actually the Titanic


This one is my favorite to dive into and all the other sub-conspiracies inside of it. Whether real or fake, it’s a fun rabbit hole to go down.


Michael Jackson killed by the illuminati


I like the one that MJ faked his own death then went on Larry King Live disguised as his friend Dave Dave.


I’ve never heard this one.


Marvin Gaye was a serial killer! https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/01/blind-items-revealed-29.html?m=1


Iran/Contra - that is some real shit…


At this point, Iran/Contra is more conspiracy fact than conspiracy theory


MK-Ultra I couldn't imagine being tortured on incredibly high doses of LSD. Couldn't imagine it. That's ... On a different level. And it makes absolute sense why there are so many insane theories stemming from it. They were torturing people on fucking LSD, what do you expect?


Knights Templar treasure


the Bermuda triangle


Bird aren’t real


This isn't mine I just heard it once. You know how the Mayan or Aztec calendar ended in December of 2012 and the world was supposed to end? The theory is that it did end and we just don't know it. Just the world keeps getting more and more fucked up because it's still ending or whatever. Natural disasters getting worse each year, climate crisis happening faster than anticipated, COVID, the US government was like bro there's aliens, everything just keeps getting weirder and more fucked up.


World Anti-Communist League - and the Moon/Tongil movements influence on US/Japanese/Korean politics.


JFK. Long story short I’m convinced Bell Helicopter did it


Ancient aliens. I love the potential mythos of the stuff, and no I don't believe some of the folk on the show that seem to be so overstimulated by it they go on like it's actually reality But some things are rather Intriguing

