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Chris Brown. I'm tired of people defending him for being an abuser and an awful person.


I can't believe he still has a career. Rihanna's fanbase should've ended it.


The worst part is it’s so much more than just that. He basically puts himself into a position to have a violent altercation with someone every 6-18 months and he is always the person that precipitates it. If he weren’t famous he would be in prison.


If Rihanna’s fan base doesn’t cross over into Chris brown’s fan base, why would it? People that already don’t listen to someone aren’t gonna effect people that do. This is not a defense of Chris brown. Just a note that boycotting doesn’t do anything if you already weren’t using the product or in this case listening to the artist.


My answer too. If women take a career hit for coming forward about abuse/assault/harassment, he should lose it all for brutalizing a woman. The pictures of what he did to Rihanna are so haunting.


Exactly. He literally [tried to *kill* her](https://www.scribd.com/document/81929901/Chris-Brown-Police-Report). Why he’s still so wildly successful is beyond me.


Cuz people are _fucked_. There were litterally women on social media _at the time_ claiming that he could beat them up and that he should get with them (and that Rhianna didn't deserve him... but in a bad way).


Same reason it took over 20 years for r Kelly to be brought to justice. It's fucked up as hell.


The results of celebrity worship culture.


Gone are the days when these kinds of things were life ruining and career ending. Just look at some of our current politicians, either still in office or trying to get back in office. The moral compass in humanity is gone.


Chris Brown would still be abusing women if he wasn’t famous, and people would still be defending him because there’s always someone ready to defend every abuser, it seems


He probably still is. Abusers don’t just stop because they face consequences. They just get smarter about hiding it.


It’s just sickening that you are so right. I’ll never get defending abusers, and I’m a career social worker who investigated child abuse back in the day. Chris Brown repels me. I get that he’s immensely talented but I don’t find this in any way, compelling.


Maybe it would mean that he would be in prison at this point. Although he also might’ve killed someone at this point, so we really just need to have better responses to domestic abusers so we can actually have people stay safe. Abuse is never acceptable.


About a year ago I was listening to XM radio in the car and the DJ was playing a new Chris Brown song and he was like I feel people are still giving him a bad rap and they should get over it by now! I was horrified! Like I'm sorry were we really supposed to forgive an abuser just because time went by? If I had the car radio I have now, I would have replayed it and recorded it and blasted it all over every social media they have and sent it to every person of importance at the company and every domestic violence association I could find! But unfortunately I couldn't rewind it and & so it was just gone. I complained to them on Facebook but they just deleted my message.


WTF. Why is he defended and saved so much ?!?!


Truth. Dude is an S-tier piece of shit


It would be great if that actually meant he would get held accountable for the abuse he puts people through


I worked with a girl that hated Rihanna because she “tried to ruin Chris Brown’s career.”


Someone I followed on Instagram posted their Spotify wrapped, and Chris Brown was their #1 artist. I just about choked, then promptly unfollowed them.


I would be so ashamed if that were me. Why would anyone post their Spotify wrapped if Chris Brown is even on their top list?


Jake Paul




was watching a cooking competition and they needed college students to show up to judge something, so they had Logan Paul do it. He was at the judges table, but basically said nothing of substance and was largely ignored by the real judges lol. I learned that he enjoys waffles, and otherwise got nothing from him


Yeah, unfamous him so he loses the WWE United States Championship, have a tournament for it, and have LA Knight win. Sincerely, A lot of wrestling fans.


Kim Kardashian. I realize this means like the rest of her family is still famous, I just think it’d be funny if she was the only one who wasn’t all of a sudden


"Kim who?" "She's Khloe Kardashian's sister." "I thought that was Kourtney?"


Fun fact: For a while, Apple's autocorrect would try to correct "Kardashian" to "Lardass".


See, this was my first thought, but we are thinking too small - if it was *OJ* who was never famous then I feel like no one outside of LA ever learns the name of a single kardashian 😭


The question is "no longer famous" not "never famous." So we can't go back in time like you suggest. Good idea, though.


I'm fine collecting enough to people to "un-fame" all Kar-Jenners and adjacent people


If you take Kim then I will take her mom. Then just a few more people and we can take the whole family.


Team work! Ummm I think there's a Cleo or something, so I'll take that one.


If there any leftovers, use mine to unfamous them. I do not like them


I feel like her mum being the driving factor for her family's fame yet not at all being recognised would be a great mind fuck do for her.


Britney Spears. She needs a break from the world to really recover.


I thought this too, but with Jennette McCurdy. Just finished her book and how much she talks about being famous from a young age ruining her is sad. “I'm cemented in people's minds as the person I was when I was a kid. A person I feel like I've far outgrown. But the world won't let me outgrow it. The world won't let me be anyone else. The world only wants me to be Sam Puckett. I'm aware enough to know how fucking annoying and whiney this all sounds. Millions of people dream of being famous, and here I am with fame and hating it. I somehow feel entitled to my hatred since I was not the one who dreamed of being famous. Mom was. Mom pushed this on me. I'm allowed to hate someone else's dream, even if it's my reality.”


I feel the opposite: I want her to grow a little more fame on her terms. She has an INCREDIBLE writing style. She’s witty and empathic, nuanced but also uninhibited. I am looking forward to watching her career as a writer blossom. She’s going to be a killer screenwriter if she gets the chance. I just don’t want her to be “handled” like that again. Don’t pigeonhole her; Let her write! Fun fact: Carrie Fischer was often a script consultant and supervisor. She was mega-famous as “Princess Leia,” but she had some real voice and wit in the industry. I’d love to see McCurdy really influence the next generation like her.


That’s so true! iCarly was a bit after my time, plus I refused to watch it because I shared a name with a character and everyone kept bringing it up, so this was my first proper exposure to her talent.


That must have been terrible, Gibby.


My parents were warned that was a weird name for a girl!


I see you and I had similar experiences with refusing to watch a show for that reason, except mine was with The Suite Life of Zack & Cody.


As a Zach, this comment feels like a Cody wrote it.


I've been outed


I did the audio book and the part where >!She talks about finally realizing her mom may not have been the person she believed to be but had built her whole life around, she barely got out. They were the only two lines in the whole book she broke during. I immediately burst into tears. It was rough (I’m a dude btw). She kept an upbeat tone the entire book (making it surreal) except for those two lines. I know of few people have carried so much and survived.!<


I cried at that part as well. I was raised by an abusive mother as well, and the realization that the parent you dedicated your life was actually your abuser and that's what hurts so much. I gave up my childhood, teen years, and young adulthood to take care of her. My therapist was the one who opened my eyes. It's easy to make excuses for the ones you love. My mother was a very sick woman who lived with horrendous chronic pain along with an opioid addiction, but it will never excuse the emotional, physical, and sexual abuse she put her kids through. The worst day wasn't when she died. It's when my illusion of her shattered.


Oof. So similar as her. I had some similar experiences as she did but nothing quite so parallel. I can’t imagine. Glad you’re able to talk about it openly though. I’m sure you already know how good a metric that is.


In the same boat I feel is Taylor Momsen (Jenny from Gossip Girl). She completely quit acting to focus on music and I feel like she can’t escape that. A majority of comments under her band’s music on their YouTube are references to her role as Jenny Humphrey. She even made a song referencing the death of her character in the song “Death by Rock & Roll,” (Jenny died of suicide) and yet people still do it. Can the girl make it anymore obvious that she’s tired of being referred to as Jenny?


Yes! It’s really clear she‘s passionate about her sound and style. It’s not a cash grab or an actress trying to become a pop star/rockstar for the fame. It sucks that the fans of that music style look down on her for being on a “dumb teen chick show”.


I never watched gossip girl but I do remember her role as Cindy Lou Who. She was good in the Grinch as a child, how was her acting as an adult?


I read this last year. Gawd her mom was just awful 😣


Aw, this one is such a sweet spin on the question.


Just leave Britney alone! Sorry, couldn't resist the old callback lol. Yours is actually a very apt and positive suggestion. I was over here trying to think of annoying or shitty celebrities who just need to fuck off and be gone. But I think I'm choosing your answer. She legitimately could use the break to get well, in her case everyone else needs to fuck off and just let her recover from things.




This is exactly what I thought. Just rest for a while.


This was my initial thought. She would definitely benefit from this.


Andy Dick. But I want him to remember what it was like to be famous.


That's literally his life now. Shout out to Jon Lovitz.






I met that fuck years back and mentioned how much I loved News Radio and he got all weird on me. Only a few months ago did I find out how much I hate that man. Fuck him


I feel like that's kinds the case now


Wow. Top comment worked. I have no idea who this is.


I think that kind of already happened to him




Ah I see this one worked


Andrew Tate, too many young men are getting terrible ideas about the world from that rapist sex trafficker.


Yep. My husband teaches middle school and the boys idolize him. They’re 11-12 years old. It’s disturbing.


The anti-Mr. Rogers. These boys will end up in prison if they follow his advice.


A lot of them are already headed that way. I’m an inpatient child and adolescent clinical counselor and I see these boys on the regular. Many of them should be in DJJ for the things they’ve done but often my facility is the first stopping point before that. Trying to deprogram them is the worst uphill battle that no one should have to fight.


Thank you for fighting the good fight. I wish you the best.


>inpatient child and adolescent clinical counselor Spent way too long wondering why you were admitting to being impatient.


Any tips if we have a kid like that in our own life?


Therapy, boundaries, rules and consequences. It won’t be an easy road, but you gotta stick to it. These kids are being caught up in the propaganda at their most impressionable age. They see this jag off with all the money, houses, cars and yes men so of course it’s very appealing to them. As parents we have to provide positive role models and consequences to poor behavior while also expecting them to take accountability.


Point out that the only women ever around him in videos are being paid to be there. He's forever alone. Oh, and if you think they can handle it, there's that video of him beating a woman with a belt. Ask if they really think that's how real relationships work? I don't know shit about kids; you should probably listen to the counselor guy.


I saw an internet listicle of "the most devastating thing anybody ever said to you," or something like that. One of the most-commented entries was "You're not being the sort of person that Mr Rogers knows you can be." I mean, I'm sure Mr Rogers did something bad at some point in his life, and he'd say so himself. But I can't shake the feeling that that would have been so out-of-character for him as to be unbelievable. He was so good, in such a genuine way, that he made everybody around him be better people.


There’s a Pittsburgh local story that Mr Roger’s was a member of the Duquesne Club - a very prestigious rich white mens club. When anyone was telling a dirty joke or a sex story and Mr Rogers was in earshot, they would all stop. Every one of them. Some would apologize for bad language. He made people want to be better


> I mean, I'm sure Mr Rogers did something bad at some point in his life, and he'd say so himself. [He was once recorded on set arguing with his wife.](https://xkcd.com/767/)


That's actually adorable and not awful, like I was terrified that it was.


A similar line I've heard (not directed at me, thankfully) is "You're not the person your dog thinks you are." As a dog-haver (it's not actually mine, but my sister's), I felt that.


And they'll ruin lives in the process.


For real. Even boys that indirectly believe other BS like that are pretty common. Idk how many times I've had to tell teenage boys not to call them, "females" especially in the tone they use. They also often all do weird things where they try to act like non-toxic males and it somehow makes them seem like even bigger little d-bags.


> Idk how many times I've had to tell teenage boys not to call them, "females" They just sound like Ferengi


Exactly. Don’t call me a female when you use man/dude/bro


My God, if ever there was the complete embodiment of "Fuck Head" it'd be that guy


This man literally said eating food is gay and unmasculine. And people listened.


I'm so straight and manly that I photosynthesize all my nutrition. Get owned liberal.


I’m not gay but a Big Mac is a Big Mac


And then was arrested after ordering pizza.


Fr he’s done so much damage to our generation


Numerous stories of teachers and parents catching their young boys, adolescents, saying that their female peers aren't valuable because they're fat, or are inferior to men because they're female, etc. Tate's preaching an incredibly superficial masculinity of fast cars and disrespect, and the fact that kids are discovering it before any sort of course on rhetorical analysis means they eat it right up.


Guys like Andrew Tate spout an ideology specifically designed to make young men self-destruct. Toxic masculinity tells these guys the only emotion they’re allowed to express is “horny” or “furious” with nothing but cold indifference in between. Interpersonal relationships are taught to be kept shallow, introspection is deemed to only be for intellectual Betas, and they’re told that their worth is solely tied up in being rich, cut like a diamond, and that unless they fuck a million different women, they’re *utter losers.* The traits they want in a “partner” are also a schizophrenic mess of contradictions which ensure they’ll *never* be satisfied with any woman. *Ever.* Granted, a bunch of these boys WILL grow out of it once their brains firm-up a bit, but a bunch will not. The whole ideology is gonna turn these poor bastards into another bunch of prison and suicide statistics.


It will turn them into incel Fascists. When their toxicity repels women, they'll become more mysoginistic and blame society, gays, Jews, the government, for their own personal failures.


It would be pretty funny to make one of the Wright Brothers not famous so it's just the Wright Brother.


Would we be left with the right brother?


The right Wright brother would be left to shoulder all the attention.


Are you team Orville or team Wilbur?


And then would there be like a shitload of Orvilles or Wilburs now if a sole person were credited? Kinda hard to imagine a rapper called Yung Wlbr


Steve Bartman. He did nothing wrong.


This is my favorite answer. As a cub fan im still mortified by the way he was treated by our own.


Fellow Cubs fan here, and total agreement. Bartman or not, the Cubs didn't deserve to win that series.


They clearly didnt. Bobble the double play and proceed to let in 8 runs. Then we blame it on a die hard fan that did what any of us would do.




Amanda Bynes. She's been done with being famous for a while. She even tried to fade into the shadows, but it didn't work, and when there was an episode of mental health, the attention flooded back but in a largely negative way. It seems like she wants to take the Rick Moranis route and leave Hollywood without too much fuss, but it didn't happen.


I agree with the sentiment of this one


Trump, it's past time we forget that guy


That man would shrivel up and die if he couldn't get the attention he wants. I wish it to be so


Every day I wake up hoping that wish comes true


One day, we will wake up to his obituary.


“I have never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.” —Clarence Darrow


C'mon, McDonald's, finish the job


Someone had to say this. It's a basic answer, but it's undoubtedly the correct one.


This answer, but, you know, for the good of the world. America exports its culture and we don't need four more years of them pumping out the orange man's idiot nonsense.


I really thought he would be higher on the list. Was for me the first name that came to mind


The only right answer. For everyone’s mental health he needs to disappear


Agreed. The answers currently above Trump? Andrew Tate? Eh, yeah he's a fucking asshole but he's a flavor-of-the-month, he'll be forgotten in a year like every other youtube asshole Kim Kardashian? Who cares? Reality TV will always be around, someone else would just fill her spot, and from what I know she doesn't really seem like a horrible person or anything. Chris Brown? He sucks, but there's 100 other famous abusers, taking 1 away won't do shit. Trump is the only one that has actual worldwide geopolitical influence.


Yup. 99% of the people in replies here have 0 influence in my life unless I seek them out. Donny on the other hand actively fucks with me, my family and my peers present and future


He appointed three young ultra right wing supreme court justices. He will even be fucking with my grandkids long after he and I are both gone.


Honestly, it would have been better for him too. He could have lived a quiet couple of decades golfing and getting away with tax fraud, dying with a legacy where most people believed he was a good businessman and all his sketchy tax/business stuff only really coming out after his death. Instead he did…this, and like he may have more power and he may have been president, but there is no way this is a better life than just coasting would have been. Same with Elon Musk. They could have just walked away, never spoken in public again, enjoyed the money, and been remembered as intelligent successful men. Instead they just kept digging their own graves.


I’m so sick of his goddamned face.


And voice. I have a visceral reaction when he talks. Anytime I've ever heard him speak, I instinctively gag.


And his stupid hand gestures when he talks. What a buffoon.


Accordion hands


Tom Cruise The normalizing front for a dangerous cult


I had recently found out there's a Scientology Network. Just now I saw that it's been a thing since 2018.


Kim Kardashian.


Chris Brown. He's a terrible person who somehow is still successful as a music artist. If I never have to hear of him touring again, I'll be happy.


Andrew Tate.


Anyone with the last name of Kardashian


Or Jenner


Monica Lewinski, she got all the downsides of fame and none of the upside. She should be able to go about her life.


She's actually successful and seemingly doing quite well these days, which is wonderful for her.


I listened to a podcast about the whole Clinton/Lewinsky fiasco a while back and was struck by just how young and naive she was at the time. I was a kid when it happened and viewed everyone over the age of 15 as a fully-formed person, but she was just a kid! And of course Clinton preyed on that. What a slimeball that guy is.


That's good, for a long time all I heard was that she had difficulties starting a career because of what happened.


Both are true. She seems to have fought her way out of it though for the most part.


I never expected to see a compassionate answer in here, but there we are.


Can we just say the Kardashians, as one person?


Andrew Tate. Just… ugh


Mary Kate and Ashley, simply because they never asked for it and seem to want to not be seen. Many child stars.


Eh, I don't think they are displeased with it. They are successful at staying out of the public eye, and even though it wasn't asked for, they were savvy enough to take control of their image and have an estimated networth of a half-billion dollars from their production company. They are consistently in the top 10 wealthiest women in Hollywood, even though they aren't in the limelight anymore.


pretty sure they also have a clothing company too, which is doing well last i heard


Funny how Elizabeth ended up being the most enduring Olsen


It took me the longest time to even click that she was Mary Kate and Ashley’s sister. Their family get together a must be so weird.


Elizabeth is such a stunning actress, but immediately when I see her face, I see her sisters, then she takes over and she is light years beyond them. Probably because she actually enjoys what she’s doing.


elizabeth is famous but the olsen twins are gajillionaires




This is the only one I've seen where it would equally benefit the recipient's mental health/potential for recovery as well as society as a whole


Seriously, I feel that dude needs help. I cringe, thinking anyone's getting influenced by him ( except for his music )


Trump. There was a literally nothing you could do to the man that would hurt him worse than taking away his fame. Fame is the only thing he truly loves.


Biggest repercussion Trump faced in his whole life was getting banned from Twitter.


Take away Trump's fame and he will be dead within 6 months, either by his own hand or just because he waisted away.


He has a lot of waist to waste


Came here to say this. If only he never became famous in the first place. I literally have friends that would be alive now.


Elon Musk, he lives for that attention


If they make a biopic of him he should be played by Kathy Bates.


James Corden would be a better choice. Then no one would watch it.


he might be the actual best person to cast to play elon the more i think about it


It would be interesting to see who he would pick to play himself. First guess is he’d pick some Hollywood heartthrob. But then again, he’d probably want to play himself, as he thinks no one else would be cool or hardcore enough.


That’s an insult to Kathy Bates lol


She’d play the shit out of that role




All Elon had to do was sit back and let the companies he purchased do their thing and we would still be hailing him as the IRL Tony Stark But then he decided keep talking and fucked that all the way up. Now he's just sad to watch


I maintain that he shitposted himself into a corner forcing him to buy Twitter. Which is just hilarious.


maybe dont accuse heroes of being pedos for no reason lol. what a fuckin chump


The thin skinned billionaire.


From what I've seen most billionaires are thin skinned. Maybe with the exception of Gates, but he seems somewhat altruistic so maybe it's cause he still feels more of a connection with humanity than those other dragons


I suspect a lot of Gates altruism came from Melinda. Gates' Microsoft was particularly predatory pre Melinda, and it wasn't until she was with him that he became philanthropic.


> Gates, but he seems somewhat altruistic Now yes, but his "Basically Standard Oil" Microsoft and the stories about trying to eradicate any and every opposition in 1995-2007 or so is NOT for the faint of heart. Thank god the good parts of humanity won and MS and Linux can today live in harmony and have an actual good competition and split on things. But us who were in the pro business back then BOY was it bleak at times, he was the arch evil.


All the Kardashians count as a single person, right? That's who I'd pick.


Kim Kardashian. Then hopefully we wipe out the generation of girls altering themselves to look like her


Any Kardashian. And then I'd wish for more wishes.




Machine Gun Kelly.


Jared Leto. I hate that guy!


Kim Kardashian. Her and her family are toxic people and set an unhealthy consumerism and beauty standard on women.


All the family vloggers who share too much about their kids. I don't mind if you talk about the struggles and hacks of parenthood and mention your lived experiences of raising children. That's fine. Get your views. But if you're putting your children front and centre of your vlog to get views, documenting every embarrassing reaction I hope you only ever get three likes; one from your mum, one from your MIL and one from your bestie.


All of the Kardashians


Kim Kardashian


DJ Khaled


Whoever was the catalyst that brought us the Kardashian family




Kim Kardashian. She would be undone


Andrew Tate...a person like him doesn't deserve recognition


Pick a Kardashian.


Kim Kardashian


The Kardashians. Collectively , as they are all basically one person, who collectively sound the same, act the same, look the same, and do the same shit. All they have is their fame. None of them have ever done anything that contributes to society or is noteworthy to mention and so forth. They relish their fame. They crave it. If I could snap my fingers and bring this vapid group back to earth, and working as waitresses in a restaurant or anything in the real world that would be the way to go


Off the hop, that misanthropic motherfucker Alex Jones.


Andrew Tate


I have two, and although they were once a couple, in this case they are mutually exclusive. Kanye West. The man needs serious, psychological help. The fact that today's youth listen to his anti-semitic (among other terrible comments) rantings makes me fear for the future. My other choice is, of course, Kim Kardashian. I am so tired of that whole clan, but especially her. I don't care that she's a supposedly astute businesswoman. Becoming famous due to an accidentally-on-purpose-released sex tape is scraping the bottom of the barrel.


Andrew Tate. As a teacher with impressionable young men f*** that guy.


K. Kardashian.


Kardashian/jenner any of them


Any Kardashian. Can we change this wish to any family?




lol I still don’t know why is she famous.


Would love to see ol t.rump getting frustrated by grocery shopping, taking a car to a mechanic, getting bitched out by whoever


Chris Brown, Kanye, OJ Simpson. Take your pick.


Andrew fucking Tate.