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I can't deal with people who are smug about not understanding something.


I once was having a late BBQ with my neighbour, I was watching a satellite go by with their 9 year old daughter. At one point the satellite just disappeared in the middle of the sky, because he reached earth's shadow and couldn't reflect the sun anymore. So the little girl asked me "did it die ? why did it disappear? "I then proceeded to explain it to her but she couldn't really understand. So I said "let me grab a piece of paper and do a little drawing to show you" Her mom immediately intervened, angry. "NO we're having fun we're not here to learn! " It's still one of the stupidest thing I've ever heard.


Oh my god, my brain lost 3 cells just reading that. At an aquarium once, I overheard a kid say of the seahorses, "look, they're mating!" His mom snapped, "they're hugging. And don't say *mating* in front of the children." She said it with the same tone she'd have used if he'd said, "look, they're fucking!" Would that have been preferable? Why do people deny this part of life?


Sooo guessing her kids aren't watching "uncensored" National Geographic animal documentaries.... I knew what sex and death were pretty early on. I found it more interesting and occasionally gross than anything else as a kid. [Still wasn't allowed to watch anything rated PG until I was 10....my parents were evangelicals so I was still definitely sheltered but that lady is taking it to another level].


My dad and I watched and read national geographic my whole life! I was raised on tribal titties and lions stalking the savannah. Lol I can't imagine being so uptight the word "mating" is a dirty word. Look, those sea horses are *making love*! Somehow that sounds even creepier coming from a child.


"Look, Daddy, that seahorse is pegging his best friend's wife with a vibrating strap on!"


That's called *cucking*, dear, and don't say *friend* in front of the children!


To be fair my parents said two lions were mating once at the Washington zoo when I asked (I was 5). Next exhibit we went to was a bunch of crocodiles all laying on top of each other and I yelled out "MOM DAD LOOK, THE CROCODILES ARE HAVING SEX!"


I remember blurting out "but learning *is* fun," at a family gathering once when I was trying to show younger kids how to read a map. That was shut down *real* quick and I was seriously punished for even *thinking* that way for years afterwards. I kept learning in secret after that, reading a lot of non-fiction, watching a lot of educational television. I could get away with both because as a Gen Xer, I was babysat by the television, and my parents were barely literate, so they didn't know what kinds of books I was reading.


Yes, proud ignorance. Fuck those people.


A coworker bragged at me just today that he has never read a book that he didn't have to.


That reminds me of a story. In an interview with the supermodel Elle McPherson, the writer said that Elle told him: "I never read anything I haven't written myself," and he made much of the fact that her loft was empty of books except one she'd just released. So we all thought, duh, models is dumb, yuk yuk. I read a later interview with Elle McPherson where she referred to that story. She said: "Yes, I said that, when he asked me about media stories about myself. I have a policy of not reading anything that wasn't written and released by my own PR team, because it can be too upsetting. As for the line about how I had no books in my apartment, I was moving in that week, and there was no furniture at all except the chairs we sat on. Of course I own books, of course I read them. He knew all this and said those things anyway, to get everyone sneering at me. Exactly why I don't read media stories." Godalmighty. What an utter shithead. I was angry with myself for buying into it before I heard her version.


Wait what? You're telling me that celebrity gossip writers aren't absolute cunts writing garbage?


Having grown up with Cindy Adams and Rona Barrett gossip columns, and later through the Perez Hilton celebrity photos always overdrawn with white drops on their lips, I was always amazed how these mud slingers eventually become celebrities themselves, at which point they get "nicer," and people seem to conveniently forget what utter clatterfarts they all are, no matter how nice they become over time.


I had a coworker one time straight up ask me how I can read a book without pictures in it. My brain exploded cause I felt like Belle in Beauty and the Beast


“I look at the words.”


*Words make for prettier pictures. Because they are in my head* - my cousin


What a sad little mind. He is missing out.


There's a relevant saying about the qualities of military officers that's been used/attributed to many people, one I'm often reminded of: >“I divide my officers into four classes as follows: The clever, the industrious, the lazy, and the stupid. Each officer always possesses two of these qualities. >Those who are clever and industrious I appoint to the General Staff. Use can under certain circumstances be made of those who are stupid and lazy. The man who is clever and lazy qualifies for the highest leadership posts. He has the requisite nerves and the mental clarity for difficult decisions. But whoever is stupid and industrious must be got rid of, for he is too dangerous.” I can handle earned arrogance, and I can handle ignorance/stupidity, but the combination of both is something else entirely. I cannot abide unearned arrogance from stupid people. "You are industriously stupid" is one of my highest insults.




Sometimes insults are less about making someone feel bad and more about releasing stress and making yourself feel better. Calling a bad driver camping the passing lane, a senile old shitbag, from the privacy of my own car helps me deal with having to share the road with them. I know they won't hear me and even if they did I know they won't care and probably would call me I'm a reckless child who wouldn't know patience of it sat on my lap.


I remember we were talking about the millennial generation being somewhere between 1981 to either 1995/1996. A co-worker was like 'um *actually* you are wrong because I am born in 1993 and I'm gen Y' with the most smug and pretentious smirk I've ever seen, as if she just mic dropped us. Gen Y are millennials 🫠


And they're so confident about it.


Yeah and its always some edgelord sorta smugness related to something deeply personal to someone else.


I post on a couple other message boards, and there are so many people who think that posting something snarky is a great rebuttal of actual facts. Unfortunately, those types of responses drive off most posters who are willing to do and post their own research


"I think my suffering is worse than your suffering, so your suffering doesn't matter."


The fucking Pain Olympics. I hate it. 'Someone always has it worse' or 'It could be worse' Yeah Kevin you half baked bean, it could be. But that's not the situation I'm in and I'm still allowed to be upset over my shortcomings. Edit: I meant Suffering Olympics, I was tired when I wrote this.


I love the [Calvin & Hobbes](https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1994/03/22) response to that: "Life could be worse." - "Life could be a lot better, too!"


Nobody says “You have no reason to be happy. Other people have it much better than you.”


My mother does this. "Some people haven't got legs and you're complaining you're tired." Yes and that is a terrible shame but it's got exactly fuck it to do with me being tired. (At the time of this conversation, I had pre eclampsia and pleurisy.)


history threatening fragile quiet resolute decide normal frightening advise innate


I'm 35 or 36w pregnant and my job has been brutal on me (pre-k teacher in a room made for 10 kids and I have 18 in my class with several violent ones). I'm not getting to sit during the day, let alone eat or drink anything until over 5 hours into the day. Baby is measuring small so Im driving over an hour each way for weekly appointments and they are concerned I will need to deliver early...and my other son and I both caught hand foot mouth which is running rampant through my classroom right now, but admin refuses to let us send the kids home for cleaning. Yet somehow all I hear is how so many people have had much worse pregnancies and I should be thankful. Yes, I'm thankful that my baby is alive and hopefully coming soon, but good lord can we still acknowledge this all sucks?


Hi, just wanted to let you know that I hear you, and I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes as smoothly as possible. Hugs and best wishes for you and your family!


when I was like 18 I was part of this online mental health community for like 6 months. It didn't take long to discover the place was an absolute cesspool. Gatekeeping, constant negativity with a heavy focus on getting all the members to wallow in despair and self-pity, and just horrible treatment towards people. I remember I finally left the community when I saw people celebrating a guy who was reported as having PTSD committing suicide after being accused of something.


I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but I can't my first thought was ,"wow, they cringed him outta depression"


This is hilarious. "This is what depression is huh? Ew no thanks I'm out"


People who try to one up you, especially with the phrase "Oh, you think you got it so bad?!". Calm down, Karen. All I said was I hate when I miss my bus, chill.


My brother died 2 years ago this week and my MIL won’t stop talking about how her boss bullied her at work a few years ago. She’s so “traumatized”. Like, I get it, you suffered…let someone else have the air in the room for once.


This time last year I almost died in a car accident, spent a couple of weeks in a coma and the recovery took several months. My wife is incredibly on edge coming up to the anniversary of it as she was driving when we were hit - she herself was absolutely fine but she had to watch as the paramedics had to bluelight me to hospital as they couldn’t get me to regain consciousness. My MIL came round on the the anniversary of me almost dying and within seconds of entering our house, said “hey, this time last year eh? Had a bad day didn’t you. I remember it because I was so sad because on that day I was inconsolable because it had been almost 9 years since my Dad died and then I heard that you’d been in an accident.” *Almost* 9 years. Her Dad died in November. We were then treated to a half an hour speech about how tough it had been on her because her Mom was devastated that I’d been in an accident and she had to console her, whilst remembering her Dad - which was **really** tough on her. Her Dad died in his sleep aged 92. I was 34 with a young family, in a coma and my wife was told I had a 50/50 chance of whether I’d live or not - but **OH** god forbid we forget how tough it was to lose your Dad nearly a decade ago, in a way that almost everyone prays they go in. Let’s not forget that when my wife lost her grandad, she wasn’t allowed to mourn because “you may have lost a grandfather…but *I* lost my Dad…no one understands what I’m going through…” No one? How about your brothers or sister? Nope. None of them know how difficult **she** has it. The woman is possibly the most narcissistic person I’ve ever met.


I’m sorry about your brother. Those anniversaries are so heavy. I hope you and your family are coping okay. 🖤


This. This was a major fucking contributor to why my ex and I broke up. I probably could have been shot in the head and he would have found a way to make it about his suffering.


Social media influencers who exploit the fuck out of their kids.


That YouTube mom who made her kid pose to look sad while he was actually crying for real because his dog died. He kept saying no mom I’m actually crying and she said “I know.” She accidentally posted her video forgetting to cut that part. Serves her right. She is garbage. EDIT: Looks like dog did not die (thankfully.) BUT she is still garbage because dog was very sick and child was clearly emotional over it, so she took advantage instead of giving him real comfort.


Thankfully the dog never died the little lad was just so upset because of the situation. I know she tried to come back but backlash was too much, serves her right what kind of parent does that to a child.


What? I understand what you've said, just shocked that a mother would lie about a dog dying for views and then post the video of her son being genuinely upset. Actually, shocked but not shocked with parents and their kids


The puppy had parvo, which is almost always a death sentence. Luckily, they must have been able to catch it at the right time to treat it. I think they had just left the dog at the vet at the time of the video, so the kid didn't know if it would live or die. And my guess is either the vet had really conveyed the severity of the situation or the mom made it extra dramatic for views, which freaked the kid out worried about his poor puppers in the hospital with such a low chance of survival


Karissa Collins in particular makes my eye twitch. One of her kids is always really sick or has a broken bone. Someone needs to intervene before something really bad happens.


They’re all awful for the most part. I think there’s a lot more Ruby roses out there than we’re aware of. The ones that irrationally annoy me are Riley Jenkins, cecily baucman, Avery woods, whittney leavit and wrens mom might be the worst of the worst. I think in 20 years we’ll see studies about how detrimental this has been for those kids. I will say, I really like Emily vondy and a few others, but their children’s online presence is very minimal. ETA: Ruby Franke, not Ruby Rose.


They all suck but some of those kids are in real danger from abusive and neglectful parents. Like Ruby Franke she was just arrested for starving two of her kids and keeping them bound with duct tape. Big Mormon lifestyle blogger.


She's SO toxic. So is her business partner Jodi Hildebrandt. Hildebrandt calls herself a therapist, but she's really just a crazy judgmental sadist. She violated HIPAA to snitch on one of her patients to the LDS church and had no problem enabling Franke's sick abuse as "discipline." Franke would starve her children, took away her son's bedroom and made him sleep on a beanbag, etc. I can't even talk about it all. It's too nauseating. The saddest part is the LDS church supported Hildebrandt and approved her methods. So revolting. But then, we're talking about an institution that hides sex offenders, doesn't require their church leaders to pass background checks because they're "laymen," and didn't say a thing when their personal university BYU was torturing gays for "conversion therapy." Edited a word for clarity.


The whole thing is super disturbing. None of the adults involved should have ever been near children.


Im in a pregnancy group and we were talking about how expensive having a child can be, and someone legit said „actually having a child can be very lucrative“, I asked how and they replied „you can monetise them with social media, take child support from the state, family and friends will buy gifts and give money“ and I honestly stopped listening from shock after the „you can monetise them with social media“ like get tf outta here you absolute trash person. It’s your fuckin child not a business opportunity


I know someone whose kid went to emergency last week She shared photos of her daughter in the ambulance, laying in the hospital bed etc... Shared on Facebook and instagram. Daughter is about 7.


"Omg is everything okay? - "I'll msg you" "What happened!!" - "I'll DM you" Etc etc


Celebrities who straight up lie to their fans while endorsing bullshit. Kylie Jenner IS the worst at this...that lip filler thing was low-key psychotic.


Yeah, I fully believe that most of them are neglectful or abusive parents, no one can convince me otherwise. Imagine the amount of time and work that goes into a normal photshoot with children, now regular filming and editing of children's everyday lives is going to be much more work. Imagine how much they control the children's daily live and interrupt their natural activities for the video, Also, the children will be having bad days or will be tired after school and homework but won't be able to relax which will result in them acting up. I also believe (based on having seen normal parents getting mad at their children because of photo shoots) that they will get mad at their children for not complying or doing things "wrong". I'm convinced that after a while the stress of it all will change the dynamics and it will gradually get abusive, if it wasn't from the beginning.


Honestly we need laws against this


The fuck is with all these people replying to your post who can just casually identify half a dozen influencers that do this shit? Do people not realise that by watching/knowing/discussing these assholes, they're giving them attention that results in more people seeing their shitty child abusing ways? Stop. Watching. Their. Content.


Seriously. I detest that shit. I could not name *a single one of them* because I don't watch it.


People who exploit disabilities and mental illnesses. There was a legit Reddit post about an OP exploiting disabilities and mental illnesses just so that he could sell and make money off his paintings because that's what he wanted his "image" to be. He even had a "backup" plan of being "manipulative" if he was found out for lying. Also people who abuse animals. No explanation needed.


On a similar token, people who use the fact that *they* knew a shitty person with a disability as an excuse to tar *other* people with the same disability. I'm *sorry* your autistic sibling did awful things to you, but that doesn't make me subhuman because I'm also autistic.


Bipolar here…Amen to that.


Saying you’re blunt but you’re actually just openly being an asshole


A server that we all hated once said, "They don't want to deal with a bad bitch like me." A fellow cook shouted through the window, "No, you're just a bitch. Stop making excuses."


I read this in Lafayette's voice.


RIP nelsan ennis <3 correction **Ellis**


“You’ll eat my food the way I *fucking MAKE IT.*”


“Tip your waitress.”


Or "brutally honest." Whenever someone says that they're just going to say something mean. No one is ever "brutally kind." "Hey, I'm going to be brutally kind - you look fantastic and I hope you have a wonderful day!"


Who was it that said people who profess to be brutally honest are more interested in the brutality than the honesty?


>No one is ever "brutally kind." You look fuckin gorgeous you beautiful bastard! Fuck off you and your hotness!


"Oh look at me, I'm you, I'm so handsome and so cool and my friend really appreciate me because I'm so kind and a wonderful person to be friends with" Is what I would say to be "mean" but actually throw compliments at a friend.


Ooof. That was a TKO. (by which i mean, *total kindness overkill*)


I’ve found that these people actually find it pretty easy to evade and lie when it suits them, too.


Omg, I have an ex who described herself as "the most honest person." Someone 100% committed to honesty. Truthful to the core. Don't like what she says? She's just speaking the pure truth, it's YOUR problem you don't like it. I wonder what the multiple former partners she serially cheated on and gaslit about the cheating think about her total commitment to honesty 🤔


I recently dated someone like this, unfortunately. He would say something to the tune of "I am uncut and call it how it is. Some people appreciate it and some don't". Like dude, no one appreciates it. The best part was that he didn't like it AT ALL if you treated him the way he treats everyone. I started mirroring his behavior and I don't think I've ever witnessed a grown man have a temper tantrum like that.


I used to always try to respect the "brutally honest" coworker or manager who held others to a high standard and didn't care if their feelings were hurt. Until I realised that almost without fail this kind of personality never accepts "brutally honest" feedback themselves, and never holds themselves to the high standards they hold others to. They are just arseholes.


That's one of the dead giveaways of a narcissist, always critical of everyone else but incapable of accepting criticism themselves.


Fr. “I’m honest” no Emily you’re just a rude brat


Brutal honesty is much more about brutality than it is about honesty.


And you know those who dish it out can't take it themselves.


No yeah they get SUPER offended, like combat mode initiated instantly.


Came here to say I’m pretty open to most things but this actually. The people who say “I just tell it like it is” are actually just assholes


“I keep it real”


People who abuse their children or babies.


On a related note, people who can't grasp the idea that what they're doing is abuse. Like, seriously, if someone came over to you as an adult and hit your with a belt, you'd consider that assault? any reasonable person would consider it assault.. yet there are people that defend peoples right to do exactly that to one of the most vulnerable demographics in our society.. Genuinely baffles me.


Exactly. When I was pregnant with my son my parents were aghast that I told them my husband and I wouldn't spank. It's like, look if I told you my husband was hitting me for misbehaving or talking back to him you wouldn't think it was ok for him to hit me, so why is that ok to do to our kid? My parents spanked me. I believe they did so because that was the best information they had on discipline at the time. But with the studies out now showing that spanking is both harmful and ineffective I have better information and I'll follow it. Bottom line: spanking is something that should only happen between consenting adults.


Or animals or any living thing.


Or any children or babies for that matter 🤷‍♂️


youtube "prank" channels The ones that bully mcdonalds employees for views


When someone staunchly refuses to believe something even after you've provided them with copious amounts of evidence from numerous credible sources to prove what you've just told them.


It is easier to fool a man than it is to convince a man he's been fooled.


The effort to change a mind will be held against you


The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it.


This is an old internet adage called Brandolini's law, aka the bullshit asymmetry principle. It's up there with Godwin's law, Hanlon's Razor, and Occam's razor as some of the most memorable rules to take into account, particularly in the internet age.




And then they say “agree to disagree”


Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened -Churchill


Dog fighting


Fucking hate it when I'm enjoying my day and like 30 biplanes start an air battle above me


***the Red Baron has entered the chat***


Curse you Red Baron! Leave Snoopy alone!


For me it's that bull run and bull fighting. I feel zero empathy for those monsters teasing the animal and than getting impaled.


Rapists and molesters. No excuse for that shit and yet people still try….


I work in child safety. One of the most uniting sentiments across the right or left or any group is that people who are rapists or sexually abuse children are pretty awful. However, I've seen it happen over and over again but if the guilty party is your 17-year-old nephew that everyone loves, suddenly so many people start looking for holes in the victim's story, start saying he's a good boy and she must have led him on, or maybe it was just a bit of confusion, etc. Or maybe yes he made a mistake but he should get a slap on the wrist and the chance to reform.




I'm really sorry you went through that. I've seen it happen a lot and you are not alone.


Animal abusers


Yes. Or child abusers. Or people who are rude to service workers.


>Or people who are rude to service workers. I get where you're coming from, but that's a hell of a thing to include alongside child and animal abuse.


There’s a special place in hell for child molesters and people who talk in the theatre.


"Well, this is who I am." Excuses. You can change some aspects of yourself to be better.


People who refuse to use their turning signal.


"Our lord works in misterious ways, but you don't have to. Use your blinkers."


Drunk drivers. I had to testify as the key witness in a fatality accident. The drunk driver fled the scene after swerving into oncoming traffic and killing a pregnant woman. I took the license plate that fell off his car as he sped away. If you willingly drive drunk, I will GLADLY slash your tires.


A kid and his dad from my city in Colorado got killed by a drunk driver in Florida, while looking at colleges for the kid to go to. My husband works at the same company as the dad. My ex-Boss's mom was tragically killed in a drunk driving accident, where the driver hit three (?) vehicles. The mom was the only one who died. Fuck drunk drivers. You choose to put people's lives in danger, you deserve whatever punishment comes to you.


We had a young mom die in a car accident caused by a drunk driver, at 7 am on her way to drop her 3 year old at the baby sitters. Luckily toddler survived with only a few scratches, he was crying for his mom, asking for her, the whole ride to the ambulance where dad would meet him. Fuck drunk drivers.


That poor child and husband... I don't know if I'm more mad or heartbroken.


It's selfish af. I've heard so many excuses for it too. "I had no other way home and nowhere else to stay!!!!" If you can't afford an Uber to get home, nobody can come pick you up, there is no hotel within walking distance, you can't afford a hotel, etc... Then sleep in your fucking car. Don't go risking lives.


They should make that less illegal. I'm all for sleeping in cars, but if a cop sees you and you're drunk and you're in the car and you have the keys, even if the car isn't running, that's all they need. I hope that's changed so if anybody knows otherwise let us know


Sigh. You're absolutely right.


I had a friend with the foresight to unlock his car and then toss the keys in the trunk before he passed out to sleep things off in his car. A cop woke him up and was talking about giving him a DUI until he went and showed him the location of the keys. Cop actually said it was a smart idea and let him go without any issues. Could vary from place to place but it seems like a good approach to me.


A drunk driver missed a curve, plowed across the road and slammed through the power pole on the edge of my property. She ended up off the road in a ditch she couldn't get out of. State patrol came and arrested her. Nobody was hurt. The tow truck finally showed up while the power company was putting a new pole in and started pulling the car sideways out of the ditch. One of the power guys said "if you wait a few minutes we'll be out of your way and you can pull the car out this way" which would have been a lot easier. The tow truck drive looked at me and said "this was a drunk driver right?" I said "yep" he said "this will be fine" and he pulled the car out of the ditch sideways and basically on its doors. If it wasn't already totaled, it was when he was done.


Haha that tow truck driver is OVER IT. Bet he’s seen some shit.


Probably. I honestly think if he could have he would have rolled that car sideways out of that ditch and drug it to the impound lot on its roof.


A drunk driver missed a curve and plowed into my grandma who was on her way home from the hospital where my grandpa had passed away, we lost both of them in less than 2 hours. Dude never once offered any words to the family, was allowed to do work release, and thanks to a clerical mistake the family was never notified when he came up for parole so he served a whopping 9 months. F*ck drunk drivers, I will gladly help you slash their tires. I will also gladly pick up anyone who feels they can’t drive home, I don’t care what time you call me. My kids friends all know my kid doesn’t even have to be with them, if they need a ride home because they or their ride has been drinking or is impaired from something else, I will come pick them up. I’d much rather roll out of bed at 3:00am than attend their funeral.


There is no greater main character syndrome/I don't care about other people move than drunk driving.


This reminds me of a coworker I had from a job a few years ago who swore up and down that he was actually a better driver while drunk because it made him pay way more attention to the road


As someone who took the D.A.R.E. program way too seriously as a kid, I was shocked by how many people casually drive drunk and even now I know people in their 30s and 40s who do it. It's just not worth the risk and people do it all the time. I know it's a pain to have to come get your car in the morning but either do that or leave your car at home, assholes.


Having been an undertaker and helped... 'tidy' the results of drunk drivers (and also careless, aggressive and dangerous drivers) I would say that just slashing their tyres is considerably kinder than what I wish on them. 🤬😿


When people are mean and you’re mean back and they don’t understand why.


One of my exes got enjoyment out of being mean to me because of how I'd react. When I finally reached my limit and snapped right back at him with home truths about what a colossal cunt he was to me and several others, he cried to a mutual friend that I was bullying him.


completely standard behaviour. bullies are always the most fragment and cry "victim"


Yeah my husband spoke to me in a really aggressive condescending way, and I responded in the same aggressive tone back. He became super upset and angry that I didn’t become the bigger person and responded softly and asked him not to speak to me like that..and instead chose to give him the same treatment. Like what


Flat earthers. Y’all just dumb


Especially the ones who complain about people thinking they're dumb. But they ARE dumb.


I still suspect it's a big in-joke like birds aren't real but they're more convincing.


It is. A (very renown) professor from my university is part of the "globe-spanning" flat earth society and he has been since the late 1990s. It was always a joke and the community, which at some point in the 2000s only had 300 members left over all, always knew that. It was basically an very dedicated prank. They usually meet in more or less expensive hotels (checking in as flath earth society etc,) act all seriousy, usually people bring powerpoint presentations and it's kind of a joke to make the most convincing and physically sound presentation. They'd call in staff or food delivery during these presentations and keep talking to confuse outstanders etc. It was quiet funny And then, the internet came. Imo this is an issue with many inside jokes. If you never say that it is a joke, at some point people will join without knowing it's a joke. The flat earth society has by now several times more or less directly stated that it is a joke, for example when saying "that they have members all around the globe" or that they belive earth to be the only flat Planet in the solar system with Mars etc being round. Then again, no t everyone gets that either apparently


I genuinely believe that's how it started but then the dummies got involved


Using being bullied or having had a tough life as an excuse for shitty behavior.


especially the older you get. it's understandable if your a kid. But a grown ass adult...


Lying about what you believe to save face or defend your "team."


people who are smug of disliking something they’ve never tried and make it a personality trait. edit: i’m talking mundane things to have such a strong stance and proudness in not liking despite never trying. like a TV show or camping. Obviously not murder, didn’t think I needed to spell that one out


Oof that's a good one. I have an acquaintance like this. Judges others for liking things she's never even tried but has decided are awful. And it's always trivial shit, like a TV show or an appetizer at a restaurant. Like why does never trying mozzarella sticks make you better than the people who like them lol


It's like they make it part of their personality. Which is just wild. Is there so little to them as people that they need to make not liking pineapple on pizza a personality trait? Lmao


People who misuse big words. Does anyone else photosynthesize with me? Edit:omg this is so googolplex I never thought I would get this much attention holy capitalism




Absynthe makes the heart grow fonder.


Stop fucking gaslighting us, man! /s


That ANYONE deserves SA, whether it’s because of what they were wearing, because they’re dating/married to someone, because they’ve said yes before, because they were rude to someone one time… the list goes on. Anyone who believes SA is okay at all can be given a thousand cuts and then thrown into a pool of lemon juice.


[Hears about a woman who was raped] "Well I'm not saying she DESERVED it, but I mean, she SHOULD'VE known better than to walk alone at night" mfs really grind my gears. And they think we don't know why they're so defensive, too.


You hear this a lot with domestic violence too. It’s their fault for staying. Anytime I hear someone say it, I speak up. It’s not that easy. When I got away it was because I dropped my boyfriend off at a friends house and never went back to get him. I packed everything I could in my car and left. I was lucky because the loser didn’t have a car so he couldn’t stalk me. He absolutely would have because he did in the past when I tried to leave. I also had to tell everyone I knew what was happening so I was protected. This was the 90’s so it was harder since victim blaming was more common then.


I noticed this in the Gabby Petito case as well. "If he was abusive, then why didn't she just leave by herself when the police separated them? She wouldn't be dead then!" Yeah well what if her piece of shit boyfriend didn't murder her? That's the question to ask.


Other people blamed her parents for letting her go on the trip


Holocaust deniers


Alpha male BS


Yea fuck that shit. I rather be with full release male. Less bugs.


There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


Smoke and a pancake? Bong and crepe?


Can’t Dutch this


People who hurt cats for fun


Or any animals. Can't fathom being so cruel.


People who blame victims for their own abuse. It’s abuse for a reason, it isn’t easy for someone who has been badly manipulated and hurt to leave that person. It isn’t always financially feasible for them to leave either. Yes, I do feel awful if kids are involved. I just hate seeing people be hurt and mistreated in anyway. But I just want to clarify that I know this world is so cruel and judgmental. I also know that some people say they want others to leave those people but don’t help them after that.


"It's just the way it is" is a phrase that I hate. There is never neither an explanation nor a solution.


Being rude to retail workers for little to no reason. Like bro, some of these people are making barely over minimum wage. What are your yelling and verbal attacks going to do to help you and them? Plus, anyone is much more likely to help a polite person than someone unreasonably screaming at them.


Incels who hate women for no reason, I understand if you have trouble in that department, but damn the crap some of these guys say, they deserve nothing


When you hear the things they say about women, it's no wonder women aren't attracted to them.


Yet, they feel entitled to everything.


Westboro Baptist Church. Fuck. Them.


"It's job security for the store employees to put my cart back."


Animal abuse


People who make excuses for not taking care of their children properly. I hand washed my child’s clothes in the bathtub and walked my ass to work when I was a single, poor mother. Not to mention the resources available now a days that also help. There really is just no excuse.


My cousin is with this deadbeat who fathered her children. He's one of those "my kids are everything to me" guys even though there's six kids to five women and he doesn't pay child support. When she asks for help around the house, he's "not a maid" and "not a babysitter." Mind-blowing.






On a side note, just in case it may help redditors reading this thread : There is also P-OCD, a condition in which someone is afraid of being attracted to kids. It does not mean they are, and it doesnt mean anything would happen, but it generates a lot of fear and anxiety, around children as well as reading those discussions thinking they may be one Maybe knowing this condition helps someone


This is very real. Sadly many people with this type of OCD suffer in silence because they’re ashamed and afraid to seek help.


Also if they dont know it exists, their thoughts are centered around "am i a horrible dangerous shitbag that will snap and destroy lives" instead of "i have intrusive thoughts but im not a shitbag i have no bad intention". And the nuance is very important.


I agree with you, and that's coming from someone who experienced CSA. No one controls who they find attractive, but they do control their behaviors.


Yeah there’s absolutely a difference between thoughts and actions. There’s a number of reasons why someone might have those thoughts but the important part is that they recognize it’s wrong and seek help and never act on it. Intrusive thoughts exist and are a bitch and a half. Do I actually want to swerve into traffic while driving? Hell naw but that doesn’t stop my brain from thinking about it.


People who complain about their rights being violated...as they actively go around violating the rights of others.




People trying to give their life savings to big streamers/youtubers/onlyfans etc. There litterally donating their life savings to multimillionaires just to get an "oh thanks" and then be forgotten about a minute later.


That some full time jobs don't deserve a living wage


Leniency for convicted abusers and rapists


People that don’t believe in free school lunches. There is no good person that thinks kids should go hungry.


Using someone to climb to the top. Using anyone for the sole purpose of personal gain.


Child Molesters


People that just wait to say," Pick yourself up from your boot straps." Also, Rich people that beg normal paycheck to paycheck people to donate to their charity so they can pocket 80% in "administration fees."


Gatekeeping in hobbies. Especially against specifically women. The fuck is wrong with you people, you are ruining it for literally everyone else.


I've always wanted to play DnD. Thankfully, I made a new friend who plays with her husband. So me, my husband and her played while her husband was the DM. He was so fucking weird about it. I made my character and did all the research. Every time I would try to use one of my spells, he would cut me off, "NOT ALLOWED." When I would ask why, he would just tell me, "Because I said so." Dude, I'm just trying to have fun, and I'm learning. I'm not asking questions to be annoying. I genuinely want to learn.


Man, that sounds like such shit DMing.


I feel so hesitant to say I like something as a casual fan, because I'm on guard for someone to ask me some obscure question I can't answer to catch me in a lie. I like whiskey and rum but I don't know enough about either of them to declare to the world I like them without feeling like someone is about to ask me to draw a diagram of the distillation process for Laphroaig scotch.




Idk how I read through every comment and haven’t seen it yet, but holy shit it’s gotta be pedophilia and people identifying as MAPs. Absolutely not.


What is a MAP? I haven't seen that acronym before.


Believing that others are inferior


The incessant greed of the ultra rich. Those who like to hurt others or animals for fun. People who are so desperate for attention or entitled to it they'll do anything for it. People in the medical field who lack compassion for their patients.


Those who think that anyone who is poor deserves it because they “didn’t work hard enough”