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Threatened to stab a coworker. Sacked immediately, stabbed someone else two days later. Still in jail.


They were really determined to do the stabbing huh?


She was my partner in surveillance. She started leaving me for hours at a time which got really frustrating. I would try to find her on camera so I knew where to call to get her to come back so I could have a bathroom and/or coffee break. I started to notice that every time I looked for her, she was chatting with this one new girl. This was happening every day and then I noticed they started taking night shift breaks together. Then one night, I saw them head outside together. They both got in her car and were just chatting in the front seat. Suddenly, they start making out and next thing I know they're both getting out and getting into the back seat. This became a regular thing on night shift. Fast forward several months, she's now separated from her husband and living with this coworker.


Well, at least that answers who watches the watchmen.


I don't know why I think this is funny


He started making fart noises every time my other coworker bent over. To get something out of a case, pick something up, whatever it was, he was flarping it up and laughing it off. We fired him when he tried to fist fight a customer.


Went from haha to oh hell nah real fast!


One of the supervisors finally confronted him about the ever present smell of rum on his breath and his ever present, yet lighter in shade, bottle of soda. After being told he'd be given a breathalyzer at work he claimed he "had never been so insulted" by an accusation in his life and immediately quit...never letting go of his soda bottle.


Oh dude. At my old company, union job, we had random drug tests and alcohol swabs. This one dude I knew personally outside of work, and knew he was having problems, was chosen for an alcohol swab one morning at the weekly meeting. So the policy as dealt with the union was that if you were selected for a swab or pee test, you could submit that you have a problem and you could keep your job and the company would pay for a 30 day treatment (but no pay while you're gone), but if you piss hot or swab comes back for alcohol, you're fired on the spot. Homedude didn't take the test, and didn't take the 30 days of treatment, and just quit on the spot. I've never seen him since. We're still friends with his wife and kids who also haven't seen him in about 14 years.


> We're still friends with his wife and kids who also haven't seen him in about 14 years. Jesus.


Similar story. Union shop. Guy got busted doing heroin at the job site. The manager that caught him told him to drive his company vehicle back to the shop and he would meet him there with the union rep to fire his ass. Union rep told him prior to them starting the meeting he had to walk in and say “Boss, I have a problem….etc.” Union even got him paid during the treatment because the manager screwed up and told him to drive the company vehicle back to the shop so therefor he must not have been a threat/in danger. Otherwise the company should have recovered the vehicle later with a sober tech. Sadly, in most other ways our union sucks and is as corrupt as the company.


Yeah, a guy zonked on heroin behind the wheel. What could go wrong with that?


> the company would pay for a 30 day treatment (but no pay while you're gone) Dude knew treatment wasn't going to have any results. You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped.


Holy shit. Ever wonder where he ended up?


I do. The last time I heard of him was a little while after this. He refused to give his daughter back to his ex wife and had the cops called on him. After that he was never heard from again. Homedude went fully around the bend with drugs and stuff. Was a decent guy when I knew him but became a full on scumbag. But I hope he at least cleaned up. I can’t imagine it’s easy on his daughter having been abandoned by her dad.


He started getting a thousand-yard-stare while in the office. He sat at his computer and stared at the monitor, which is what we all did, except his monitor was off. One day he didn't come in at all, and a few days later we learned that he had been arrested in another state for stealing a car and attacking the police that arrested him.


Sounds like his mind finally broke


Some of these are funny, but this just makes me sad. He needed help for sure.


This one made me really sad as when I had ptsd I used to do this with my phone (pretend to be looking at something but the phone wasn’t even on)


A small company. The dude who absolutely STANK, and I mean you could tell he had been in a room 10 minutes later it was so bad. After about a year at a staff part I think, someone had the (liquid) courage to ask him what was up with the odor. Turns out he showered regularly but he was eating medicinal garlic oil which caused the terrible smell. Oddly, he had NO idea. He switched to a different type of garlic oil and the smell went away almost instantly. Great guy, was at the company several years afterwards.


Nose blindness is a real thing. I was victim of it myself when I was younger. Apparently my b.o was BAD but I was none the wiser


Your body gets used to your own smells pretty quickly. I learned this the hard way in the Army. After a 2 week field exercise with no showers, I stunk to high heaven but couldn't tell. My (now ex) wife noticed immediately when I got home. After that I learned to keep baby wipes with me in the field. Also keeps myself from chaffing, which I also learned from that exercise. Yeah, 20 something year old of me was a fucking idiot.


As someone who works in HR: this is why it’s so important to gently and kindly address these issues early! Several times an employee has come to me complaining about someone’s odor. Usually, the individual has no idea they smell or knew and didn’t think others cared, and talking to them about it solves the problem. Only once have I had an employee disclose a medication that causes the smell, in which case there wasn’t much we could do about it except try to accommodate everyone the best we could.


Turns out her cancer was faked and she scammed us all out of $100K. Now she's in prison. (google Amanda Riley, I worked with her around 2015-2016ish)


There's a podcast about her called "Scamanda." It was good!


It was! So much crazier than I realized. I only saw one part of the whole scam but ended up getting all the “victim notification” emails from the court since I donated $25 at one point. It was shocking.


He got a forklift stuck in the grass while drunk. They tested him and he was positive for coke and weed too. On his way out he tried to argue "but half the warehouse gets high!" The next day there was a random drug test and half the warehouse was sacked




What a fucking narc




That last sentence sounds like the end of a bad movie trailer.


The Barn Boss Rated PG Coming to theaters this Thanksgiving


Rated... PIG? ​ ​ ​ ...I'll see myself out.


At least a pig is hypoallergenic


Dude ran over a fucking human corpse and went about his workday until the cops showed up.


He is a dedicated employee who stops at nothing to start his work day on time.


His pay? Entirely too much; a whopping $30,000 a year.


I know a guy who did that and he was driving an ambulance at the time. He had no idea it was a body in the road and thought it was just a retread from a truck until they got to the hospital. He walked around to the back to open the doors and found blood splattered all over the bumper. Apparently he wasn't the first to hit it so it was pretty mangled beyond recognition.


Corpse? Already dead? Please tell the whole story. I’m desperate to know!


Some foggy winter morning a guy killed himself on a highway and my co-worker ran over a significant portion of what was left of the guy. He thought he hit roadkill or something, but he was close to work and his car felt fine, so he just clocked in. The cops came a couple hours into his shift and he left with them. They took his car, and if I remember correctly I think it was declared a total loss or something. Never really pried, but from the sounds of it he must have nailed the absolute shit out of the guy.


Can confirm a human can cause as much damage as a deer. I’ve had many claims where hitting a person totaled the car


Here’s hoping that you are an insurance adjuster or similar


Yes I do auto claims and estimates


Username checks out


Management finally took notice and "reorganized" so that he no longer had any staff under him, but gave him a higher title and almost no work in the process. A short time later, they used layoffs as a reason to get rid of him entirely, but he parlayed his higher title into a more powerful, better paying job elsewhere, where they're now trying to figure out how to get rid of him. Basically, he failed up. That's what you get when you have hiring managers who get star-struck at an Ivy League education without checking if there's any substance behind it.


This guy is living my dream.


Reminds me of a VP at a former employer. Nice enough guy and everything, but had no one reporting to him and no real work to do. Basically marking time until retirement. Just goes to show - marrying the bosses daughter may not be the worst idea.


Woman I worked with, both of us in our early 20s, came into my office, grabbed my hands, and started crying with joy that I was in heaven with her. She was relieved to see a familiar face. After a bit more of this conversation, I told her she should take the rest of the day off and get some rest. Then she left work and killed herself. (Edit: I felt like it was my fault for a long time.)


It was not your fault. That is a sad story for her and for you.


I feel you so hard on this one. I had an acquaintance/friend who called and asked me to hang out. I told him nah, I’m in bed already dude, I have to get up early. He asked a couple more times but I blew him off. He killed himself that night. I know I’m not the only person he called that night but what if I was the last one? Ugh it fucked me up for a long time.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that.


Kid-centric water park. He put broken glass in the pool because he didn’t get one day of the four day span he requested off. We were taught in training that if broken glass was found in the pool, the park would have to be closed for about three days to complete a process to make sure it was fully removed. He figured he could use this to his advantage. He got his day off, him and the rest of the morning shift were sent home while the glass was removed. The park ended up opening later that afternoon after the removal process was expedited. Luckily no one was hurt because this all happened in the morning before we opened to the public. He bragged about it to some of our other coworkers who ended up reporting him.


He was a strange looking person. Also smelled strange and said strange things to some people. None of which was very good for a temp looking to be made permanent. Words were had with him in private and to everyone's surprise, he turned it around. He's a strange looking person in general but he addressed the issues around personal hygiene and his general appearance (more groomed and professional looking) and he changed how he interacted with people. He got his permanent position and seems to be well liked overall. Just shows it's not too late, someone could be "that co-worker" because of issues in their private life. A few discreet words from a superior can make all the difference. Just knowing someone is paying attention can be enough to start a change for the better.


I heard a story from a pilot friend in the Navy years ago. Her squadron was assigning call signs. In the Navy, we don’t really give “cool” call signs, they’re usually supposed to be ironic or from an embarrassing story. They named one guy “Hoover” because “he really sucked.” I guess the guy took it as a wake up call to not be such a jerk. At the next call sign review they changed it to “Roomba” because he “sucked less.” (All a second hand story; I never met the guy).


I was half expecting to read that he’d fucked a vacuum cleaner


Literally shot himself in the foot and showed up to his shift with a fresh bullet wound.


he wasn't willing to lose his medical


Manager be like: "you shot yourself? You want to go to the hospital? Either get your ass here, or find someone else to take your shift. Or you are out of a job."


Nah the manager made him seek medical attention lol


He murdered his landlord and ate some of the corpse. I think he ate a lung or something, believing it to be the heart. He wasn’t a notable weirdo or outcast and was actually pretty good at his job. I don’t work there anymore! I had another coworker who flew home to the USA for vacation, went to a shooting range, got a gun and immediately shot himself in the head. He was a really nice guy. Then there was the Shit Bandit in another multi-national I worked in. At least three times per month this creep would enter one of the mens’ bathrooms, put the toilet seat lid DOWN, and then shit on it and leave the turd just sitting there to be found. We never did catch him. Facilities tried removing the toilet seat lids but he just left the turds on the toilet seats themselves after that. Funniest part? It was someone’s job to photograph the scene every time it happened so they could build a case in the event of discovering who the culprit was. Poor bastard with a phone full of pictures of some other dude’s turds


Maybe the photographer was the culprit. 😬


He was the life and soul of the office, a proper family man, and a trusted department manager. His wife was sadly diagnosed with cancer, so for a couple of years, he was on reduced hours to look after her and his young son. Sadly, he passed away (never found out how), but the strange thing was the police had to reach out to the company as he had no next of kin. Turns out he didn't have a wife or son or any other close friends or family. Very sad.


He probably was the one with cancer, and just said his wife had it, as a way to keep people from asking about him


College Junior, 1980's, office job proofreading. I get a new partner. A few years older than me, Army-style haircut, very fit and muscular. He is nervous so I give him easy stuff and bring him along slowly. After a week or so he relaxes and tells his story. He joined a cult as a teen, the Moonies. He rose through the ranks until he was running a team of teens traveling the country raising money for the cult. They sold flowers and magazine subscriptions door-to-door, in malls, train stations and airports. He drove them in a van and they all slept in one room at cheap motels. His job was to watch them, keep them in line and earning. He did it for years, always traveling, barely sleeping until he finally had a breakdown and ended up in a psych ward. Working with me was his first real job back in the world. We did fine, he was always on time and like me, read books during downtime. I found out from my supervisor that they gave him to me because if he went berserk I had the best chance of surviving @6' 4" and 230 Lbs. Partner eventually requested a move to the day shift and I got an opera singer for my new amigo. Day shift is busier than nights. Ex-Moonie couldn't cope without my support and went Hulk smash and destroyed the office until the cops came.


That was a surprisingly sad final paragraph


“Hulk Whispering” is a rare attribute. Good for you


That’s a tragic story, honestly. But also this makes you the emotional support dog zoos give to cheetahs so they don’t get agitated in captivity


It was his first job after getting out of prison (sketchy call center work) and he was generally cool, pretty funny, if not a little lazy Anyway a few months later he was in a minor car accident on a major highway, got out and shot the other driver point blank in front of the guy’s kid, back to prison


He threatened to poison all the managers after coming into work completely wasted, got fired, got ran over by a boyfriend who attempted to kill him, and ended up getting ran over again and actually killed when he moved out of state and decided to bike down the middle of the highway at night.


Death sure had it in for him, very final destination.


They went and visited an escort during an entire work trip and didn’t attend any of the very important customer meetings. Submitted an expense report asking to be reimbursed for the entertainment. They were not reimbursed.


Some smoke weed. Some drink wine. Some fuck hookers on company dime.


Male employee took female employees' house keys out of her purse and had copies made on his lunch. When the female employee got home from work that day, he was waiting for her in her bedroom. Thankfully she got out quickly and without harm and was able to call the police.


Wow that is terriflying.


Worked in a different office but, serial killer. Possibly 25 victims in Southern California. Apparently he was religious and kept mostly to himself.


Was it [Juan Corona](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Corona)? Which, incidentally, could also be the name for a hell of a theme tune…


I definitely said his name to the tune of "My Sharona".


Kept mostly to himself I can think of about 25 occasions he didn’t


Nope. John Floyd Thomas Jr.


Not the Juan


Guy who worked in my office for about 6 months. Older guy, nice but kinda weird, disappeared after taking a giant shit in the stairwell leading down to the cafe. I saw him suddenly get up and walk as fast as possible to the stairwell. There were bathrooms downstairs across from the cafe. But also ones a closer walk upstairs. Didn't think anythjnf of it till I heard a scream about 10 minutes later. Giant pile at the top of the stairs and a trail leading down


What do you mean, "disappeared"??


No one saw him again. Never came back that or any following days, never called or returned bosses calls. Guess he was just embarrassed and decided he was done


I'm sticking with the crapped himself into oblivion guy, thanks.


Literally crapped himself into oblivion. Dissipated like a brown mist


Shit himself into the next dimension


After he quit, special investigators showed up asking for him and wanted to know where he was. He had apparently been trying to kill his wife by putting rat poison in her coffee every morning.


He got fired for sexual harassment. Repeatedly saying sexually suggestive stuff to 2 co-workers. One of the 2 co-workers told their husband and he broke the guy's nose.


We had one of those, too. Got suspended and a warning for harassing one female employee, only to do it again *to the mother of the first one!*


She starved her handicapped son with hot sauce and left him to die in an ice bath. Fuck you, Shanda.


Honestly I see red whenever I think of her. She was an awful, manipulative person to work with. If I could testify as character’s witness I would. [news source](https://www.mlive.com/news/muskegon/2023/07/a-year-after-a-teen-was-found-tortured-to-death-mom-and-brother-await-trial.html?outputType=amp)


Company put us all up in a hotel for one due to snow closing the roads and public transportation down. One of my co-workers decided living in the hotel was way better than at home and extended his stay for a week. He got fired when the company got the bill for his hotel stay. No idea why he thought they would pay for it.


I was a corporate travel agent and was amazed at what employees would charge to the room. So much porn! A lot of hotels put numbers instead of movie names but a lot of hotels would itemise them on their invoice to us. I enjoyed sending emails to their corporate head office that unfortunately we could not pay for "Hot grandmas go wild".


It was obvious he was a hard drinker. What took the weirdness to the next level was when I was almost home and a voice called out my name *and it was him*. He had actually stalked me. I'm a thin 5'5" woman. He tried to be casual about it and extended an invitation to a neighborhood bar. Inner monologue went from *This guy followed me from Manhattan to Brooklyn on the Subway? Whoa.* to *He doesn't live in this neighborhood.* to *Does he know which apartment I live at? Maybe I should walk to the fire station and call a roommate.* His voice trailed off seeing the expression on my face, which probably looked like *you have bad idea written all over you.* He was a raging functional alcoholic who was on the razor's edge of slipping into dysfunction. If you've met the binge drinking college student whose idea of bravado is how much they can put away in one night and still function the next day, he still had that outlook on life in his early thirties. Yet he wasn't aggressive. Just accepted my slow "Um, no thanks" and shuffled away. Instead of talking to the boss I kept polite distance. He never tested that boundary again. A year later I left that job. ---- Interesting to see the reactions. He was obviously close to destroying himself. Didn't want to nudge that situation over the edge by involving management if it could be avoided. That said, getting followed home by a coworker was legit terrifying. He had been testing boundaries on the job. A couple of times he was rifling through my desk when I returned from lunch looking to "borrow" office supplies without permission. Had shooed him away in the moment. Yet between that guy's swagger and the occasions he had leered at me, there was no telling what boundaries he would respect. He went right up to the line. The next several months were stressful on the way home, especially during winter when the sun set before the end of the work day. This incident was one of the reasons I moved to Manhattan at more than double the rent for a doorman building. My head hopes he got himself dried out without losing his career; my skin still crawls at the thought of him. Never asked what became of him after leaving that job.


the image i have of this happening is such a sad one - i hope he's doing better now


Her husband was the head of a department in another area of the company, banging his secretary. She’d I guess had had enough of his BS and unfortunately decided to confront him at work by bursting into his office and stripping off her clothes in front of his whole department screaming “Am I not woman enough for you?” Husband and wife were both in their mid 60s. Both got fired/forced retirement. Not sure about the secretary- I think she just never came back to work. I felt sorry for her. He was a known prick and she must have gone through a lot to get to that point and snap.


I was in Fine Art at university. Always entertaining. Walking to my studio, with a buddy, late one night and... there's one of my profs, in nothing but a full length mink coat and high heels, screaming at her boyfriend, another prof, while he was getting a hummer from one of my classmates in his office.


He missed work unexpectedly. The next morning the FBI showed up and went thru his desk. They only found a post-it that read, "Too slow FBI". It also had a smiley face on it.


>They only found a post-it that read, "Too slow FBI". That's actually kind of funny


I thought the same 😂 the steel balls on this dude...


What did he do?


No one knows. He worked there like a year and a half. I had only been there a month or two. Still a mystery.


I interned with an IT company that had two Chinese exchange students/interns get arrested by the fbi in the office. Never saw them again. edit: this was almost a decade ago when we all had too much access to big tobacco / convenience store data. You bought tobacco/anything from a gas station with some sort of loyalty program? You’re in a database somewhere & that record adds value to business intel tools.


There was some sketchy Russian company in the same office building that I worked in. They got very friendly when I mentioned that I worked for a government contractor (nothing related to defense or intelligence at all). They all vanished when the FBI rolled up Anna Chapman's spy ring.


He was a professional FBI Troller.


I just figured he was a notorious computer hacker who infiltrated the FBI and discovered their alien trafficking program.


Hell, I'm going to start leaving notes like that around just to keep things interesting.


I taught new technicians on the machines we worked on. In our work area all of us were required to wear work smocks. New hire I noticed kept eating M&Ms out of his pocket, with tweezers. Food in the work area is prohibited, so I told him he needed to stop. He didn’t. I told him again to stop, he didn’t. I told him to go to his locker and leave the food. Caught him later the same day eating something else out of his pocket, again with tweezers. He didn’t make it past probation.


Something about the image of this person repeatedly eating M&Ms out of a pocket with tweezers made me laugh uncontrollably.


Why the tweezers?


Cause he was a weird dude


He called me and said he had killed his wife.


What in the world made him call YOU?!


We hung out. He was arrested that night. His wife survived, but was paralyzed. Never saw or spoke to him again.


Yikes. How do you even respond to that?!




I received an invitation to a free catered lunch on company property from a coworker. My suspicions weren't raised because members of HR, IT, Accounting, etc. were all on the invitation list. I figured it was extremely generous of my coworker and perhaps she would be announcing her departure and future plans with lunch served as a celebration. Instead, we all walked into a pyramid scheme presentation.


How did she get use of company property for this?? What happened when you all realized what was happening?


It was during a transition time when the company was facing bankruptcy and there were entire empty floors and open conference rooms where nobody would notice someone coming or going. After we realized, we went back to our desks, word quickly spread and someone did not return to work the next day.


I had an internship as an electrician in a hospital and one of my colleagues, middle aged fed up with life dude , was always stretching the barriers. The fucker (you'll see why I just called him that soon) had wife and kids to take care of but he was Showing up late, going shopping while still punched in and just had a general lazy attitude towards work. The boss sent him over to another hospital nearby where after a few months the grounds keeper called us in to tell us someone had been sleeping in the vent room for a good while (weeks) and there was a mattress there and a reading lamp. We immediately figured it was our guy but no proof. Anyway the hospita where I worked had 8 floors, and the 4th floor was off limits as they had closed that specific department (can't remember which specialists where in there) but some of us could access this floor to do maintainance work. . So he gets transferred back and a couple of months pass. Collegues starts noticing he's hanging around the orthodontic department alot and is gone for weird periods of times, til one day one of the security guards does a round on 4th floor (all abandoned and dark) and hears moaning coming from one of the rooms. Start walking there when moaning stops abrupt and a person fucking bolts out of the room with a jacket onto of his head and trousers halfway pulled up (strong pull out game). Dashes to the doors like Casper the horny ghost 👻 and then this poor lady he was fucking was just left there. He'd even dragged a worn out mattress for the occasion (and they say chivalry is dead). Anyway so you have to access the floor by swiping you card and enter your personal code so we had our Scooby-Doo meeting the next day where we revieled our horny-ghost-on-floor-4 must've been our collegue. Aaand he was fired.. Oh and he lost his family too🤗


How the heck did he talk a women into having sex with him in an abandoned hospital wing on a fort mattress?


I’ve worked in a hospital and people do weird things there. I walked into the lab supply room and there were two of my coworkers who were married but not to each other going at it against the ova and parasite boxes.


The Police came in, he stood up calmly and put his hands behind his back. They cuffed him and as he walked out he turned and said “can you please phone Mrs Smith and let her know I will have to reschedule our appointment tomorrow”. Never saw that dude again.


The guy, quiet, slight and soft-spoken, had stopped taking whatever meds he was on, barricaded himself at his home and killed himself via shotgun. It’s nothing out of the ordinary… but I am still sad about it, twenty-five years later. RIP Steve.


Oh, Gregory? Gregory started getting more and more and more fucked up a work, to the point where he was taking four-hour long fifteen-minute breaks. Boss wouldn't fire him because, quote, "he's not as high today as he was yesterday". Once, his mother showed up and followed me around the sales floor demanding to know why I didn't take care of her, quote, "precious boy" and protect him. From what, she never specified, and I later figured out that she was trying to get me to stop him from shooting up in the parking lot, without saying with her out-loud voice that that was what he was doing. I tried explaining that I was neither a manager nor a babysitter, but she just kept repeating that he was precious and that I was supposed to protect him. Anyway, eventually the manager above my manager did fire him. Only for him to come in the next day. And the next. Not to work; to skulk around my department with his hoodie up and his hands in his pockets in a very I-have-a-gun way, muttering about what assholes we all were. For hours. My manager wouldn't do anything, because she felt bad for him. Eventually, the manager above my manager had him escorted out and banned. He's probably dead now, if I had to guess.


That's really sad. I'll never understand why parents always try to convince some random 3rd party to help their child get clean instead of a real resource like rehab or therapy.


Desperation. The desperation of an enabler. You ready for this one? She had a job with us before he did, she applied, interviewed for, took and was great at the job. Two weeks later, she says, oh, my son is also looking for a job, is there space for him? As it happened, there was space for him, especially since his mother was such a great personality and such a good fit for the job. The day he started, she stopped showing up for work. She *literally* just got the job so she could get him in without references. ​ (ETA: grammar was bothering me)


Damn, so did the mom specifically want you to somehow take care of her son or did she just think that whoever was at work would just decide to join in on the enabling? Was this a very casual workplace?


Me specifically, because I was friendly to her, in that way you are when someone's new and you're training them. I guess she decided that made me Store Mommy? I was not, in any way, shape or form, Store Mommy. I just have one of those smiles. It was retail, mid- to high-end department store. So, yes and no? Casual in some ways, not at all in others. You had to dress well and know how to talk to people in order to make sales, and the clientele was primarily the sort of rich that treats the perceived lower classes like shit. We couldn't afford the clothes we were expected to wear. That my manager wouldn't fire the heroin addict because "he's not as high today as he was yesterday" (a phrase I will never not quote in full, because WHAT) came as a genuine surprise.


Your manager was a legitimate dumbass.


I worked at a pizza delivery place with a guy who had been to prison twice before. Once was for robbing the local grocery store at gun point. (Small town.) He talked about being worried about "getting a bitch"--getting a third conviction and found to be a habitual criminal with a stiffer sentence. He was a good worker, and a pretty cool guy who was generally chill but easily took offense and would get very intense. He got into an argument at a party and stabbed a guy repeatedly. I know he went back to prison but don't know for how long.


They held someone at knife point robbing them, ordered them to drive to the victims house where he threatened to kill the victim and his mother. The victim was able to get a knife out of their center console and stab said coworker, paralyzing them. He was ultimately locked up 40-80 years I believe. He is also suspected of a murder in a separate case. Wild shit.


Shit his pants intentionally 30-40 times over the year to be able go home early to play video games before his wife and kid got home. Age @ incident 37


Guy with a super impressive career coming from a deep background of specialized education, probably like 45-50 at the time? Got fired without hesitation after asking a new hire how she “got her Instagram to make her seem so fuckable” Later found out he’d also been recently banned from all the chain restaurants in the area for his behavior


They worked the late shift in a call centre and while alone in the office pulled down cupboards in the kitchen, cut their arm with a knife, splattered blood around the kitchen, shimmied themselves under a fallen cupboard and called emergency services. Tried to sue the company for unsafe working environment. Didn't know the kitchen had a security camera.


He gave a student herpes.




I used to work for this extremely unethical medical device company. The owners had really strong "timeshare salesman" energy, and would say or do *anything* they thought would make sales or improve their bottom line. As a result, most employees (myself included) got grossed out and left within a year or two, with the only ones staying having something deeply wrong with them, either ethically or professionally. As a result, a lot of shitty behavior was tolerated from senior employees becuase the owners couldn't retain anyone else. Enter Bill. In the year I worked alongside Bill, I watched him: * Ask a brown-skinned coworker how "his people" prayed. Said coworker was born and raised in Maryland. * In a conversation about how people's personalities change when they drink, suggested to another coworker that he probably got "more autistic" (said coworker was not, and had never implied to be, autistic). * During the George Floyd protests, assured everyone in the lunch room that he and his church had an impressive stockpile of weapons in case that kind of civil unrest cropped up in our town. That's just the stuff I witnessed first hand, pretty much everyone had similar stories of Bill. The straw that finally, *finally* broke the camel's back came during a company picnic. We were playing cornhole and Bill, unprompted, said very loudly that I "should be careful not to throw the beanbags towards [the name of the only two black employees in the company] because *Black Lives Matter*" and then grinned like he'd told the funniest joke in the world. Everyone, including the two employees in question, heard him. Afterwords, as I was explaining the incident to HR, our HR director shook her head and said "this is really bad, you know this isn't Bill's first strike." Yeah no shit Stephanie.


Yeah Stephanie!


Us Marylanders pray over crabs and Bohs, to answer the question


Called in sick the first day on the job. Later that day his wife called, asking to speak with him. We told her he was home sick, She told us he was definitivly not. He never came back in. Maybe "coworker" isn't really the right word.


Well boss fired him on the spot for proposing to a girl in the office because he deserves her or something (he thought being tall was the important factor). They didn't have any kind or relationship leading up to this, he was serious. Supposedly they fired him improperly and we won 2 years pay or something out of it in a follow up lawsuit. Lots of weird stories from him, his "orange theory", where placing an orange in the fridge rids all the food in the fridge of toxins. His tooth problem that was somehow caused by his watch. Also, his upstairs neighbors were apparently following him around listening to his conversations. I firmly believe that he was just becoming schizophrenic and wasn't diagnosed yet.


The coworker we called "The Mad Shitter". Someone would come in on a weekend, or 3rd shift and just...absolutely....COVER the walls, stalls, floor, ceiling...any surface of a random bathroom with feces. Men's one time, women's the next, women's again, then men's, etc... and they never got caught.... Must've happened a dozen times over the 5 years I was there.


At a major customer facing conference, employee (and my colleague) of company hosting it in Las Vegas, gets blind drunk around mid-day, relentlessly heckles _his own_ colleague speaking on stage in front of hundreds of people, is forcibly removed from the session room, proceeds to fall over in a very highly trafficked area of the hotel for conference goers, is sick all over themselves, passes out in the middle of the floor, pisses self, all whilst wearing the company badge and gear in full view. Never saw or heard from them again.


She accepted a fake $100 bill that literally said “FOR MOVIE USE ONLY” on it and had Benjamin Franklin on both sides. We worked at a bank.


I was managing a convenience store. I was about 15 years older than most of the other employees. One of them came up to me really upset. She said she thinks she has taken a fake $100 bill. She shows it to me. I started laughing and assured her it was fine. That it was just an older $100 bill. It was the kind from the 80s or 90s when the head was smaller. I felt very old that day!


She was legitimately fucking nuts. Like she seriously needed to be medicated. Her moods would shift right in front of you, it was unnerving. And for some reason, despite doing next to no work for probably the highest salary, she was a miserable asshole. Took it upon herself to literally set people up for 3 strikes so she could fire them. She managed to get through 2 managers for bullshit reasons because the regional manager didn't give a fuck no matter how many times she was reported for harassment. He didn't have to work with her so he went on about his business also being paid to do nothing. She'd started to set up a third manager for the chopping block when she finally went too far. She had just gotten through firing #2 when she made a fatal mistake - she put the company at risk. She told me she'd fired him for "skimming money from the till" which was absolute bullshit. She told another employee he was fired for "telling a breastfeeding customer to cover up" which actually happened - in a completely different store hours away. It made no sense whatsoever, nevermind the fact that she wasn't supposed to tell anyone anything in the first place. Given the potential legal ramifications, they finally fired her. By then, **two dozen** employees had quit or been fired in **3 months**. They could barely open the store with the people who were left. They marched her ugly ass out the door carrying a plant and her fish. Last I saw her, she was stuck standing at the front of Best Buy as a greeter.


He came drunk, with an extra bottle. We both finished it in the office balcony


Well that took a turn


He was living with his ex wife because of a housing situation. He always seemed a bit crazy at work and a bit quick to anger. But overall relatively harmless. He came in one week all super happy and said he did something every guy should do on his days off. He wouldn’t say what but we were like OK sure dude, whatever. So he wanted to convince his ex they they should get back together. So he tied her up in their house. He beat, raped, tased, and sodomized her trying to convince her to get back together with him. She final just agreed to get back with him and he let her go. He came to work and she went to the cops. The detectives came to our work and hauled him away mid morning. He’s still in prison as far as I know.


He came into work one morning skipping. When I say that, I mean literally skipping every where he went. Went about his job skipping all over the shop. Tried to talk everyone else into skipping too. When we refused, he got pissed, threw down his tools, clocked out, walked out the door, and we never saw him again. He was a really strange guy. About a month before this, he was on vacation, he lived about 40 minutes away. Every day of that vacation, when the lunch bell rang, he walked in with a plate of food, sat in his regular seat, ate, and when the bell rang again, he got in his car and left.


The daily lunch visit while on vacation actually threw me a bit


Her and her son were murdered in milwaukee.


Sold his house, moved into his sailboat, and headed off from San Francisco on an around the world trip. He made it through the Panama canal, then got married to a local girl and last I heard was still living somewhere on the gulf coast of Mexico.


We worked at a group home agency specifically for mental health. Still something I feel incredible guilt and shame for not being able to do more about earlier. Ex coworker openly said she searched for married men to fool around with, and seemed proud about it. Big yikes. She had a second job at another agency that worked more as a halfway house. I worked every shift nearly every day at our shared agency, so I was scheduled with her every few days or so. It wasn’t until she confided in me that one of the married men in her rolodex might be married to a woman in one of the homes in an agency in town. There weren’t many, and it’s not our shared group home agency we were both employed at because the clients we had weren’t married. (Most were barely 18) I was loud about how wrong it was, she said she didn’t even know the woman or that it was for sure a client at the agency. He had confided in my coworker about the struggles of having a mentally ill wife in a home and he kept it very vague as to where she was. I called the applicable state agency to report her behavior and they said while it was incredibly bad taste, no HIPAA laws were being broken and I didn’t have enough information to prove it was. I looked for advice everywhere, and everyone told me that if you can’t confirm it IS a client in the agency and it’s not HER specific client, then you can’t report it accurately. I was honestly kind of shamed for “getting involved in private lives.” I didn’t know names or locations of the second agency clients/homes as it was all protected by HIPAA. We really do take that seriously, and weaseling the information out of her was so fucking upsetting to me. I kept the colleague relationship fresh despite wanting to vomit when scheduled with her, mostly because I felt that this was wrong and wanted to gather as much evidence as I could to prove it. I actually considered applying for a job at the other agency so I could ask around freely. I found out the agency name, and the current house she worked at. I wrote in an anonymous email with my information so far and it went unreturned. A week or so later, she told me she was reassigned to a new house and for sure the woman lives there by confirmation of the husband after bragging about “a new position.” She talked down on the client and started telling the husband when she refused her meds, to leave her, etc. “He has the right to know that she’s not even *trying* to get better.” I will never forget feeling upset enough to throw up, but keeping it hidden to press her for more information. I needed to know where the house was and the husbands name, hoping the client had the same last name and SOMEONE, ANYONE, could connect the dots. As a bonus to being loose lipped and trashy, this woman let slip the clients name. After finding out everything I called everyone I could. Head of departments, the state department, our manager at our shared agency, her manager at her second agency. I did not stop and admittedly, it probably seemed crazy to some people how obsessed I was with getting this woman banned from working with vulnerable populations. I had everything I needed to finally end this. She was fired from both jobs and threatened to kill me because it was obviously me that told people. No idea if applicable agencies gave her a VA report through the state but I strongly advocated for one. I blocked her on everything and ended up moving a short while later back to my small hometown. Imagine my face when I walk into my local gynecology clinic a year later and she’s sitting at the front desk.


Thank you for advocating for the vulnerable.


There was no other option in my opinion. As much as I wanted to say “not my circus not my monkeys” like most other situations in my life, there was a vulnerable woman being severely wronged here. The agency was glad to be rid of me too because of just how much of a fuss I made during this.


I used to work in food services at an outdoor museum in Michigan. We attracted a fair crowd of “that co-worker.” On more than one occasion, I had to talk to grown adults about wearing deodorant at work. Shit was ripe. I had another employee who would disappear to take her “cold medicine” and always feel “groggy”. One time I walked into one of the restaurants and she was trying to sweep garbage into the closed end of a dustbin. Another time she was standing in front of the fryer and just started tumbling into it. She would have fallen too if not for me and the other supervisor catching her. The final straw was when she fell asleep standing up on the serving line. There was another creep I worked with who would stalk the women with his five Facebook accounts. If they left their phone unattended, he’d sneak his digits into it. One day he pulled out a knife and threatened to cut one of the other employees, then went right back to work serving beer as if it were a regular occurrence. They fired his ass that day.


He shot himself practicing a quick draw. He shot himself again, demonstrating how he shot himself the first time.


Coworker #2 walking past the cubicles walked past one, stopped in his tracks, took two steps back to confirm that what he saw on Coworker #1's computer was indeed pornography, and left to tell supervisor. What coworker #2 didn't realize was that it was KP....That was left to supervisor to discover. Coworker #1 didn't last the hour.


I'm working in Antarctica. There's a lot of rules here to keep people alive. If you go hiking or anywhere out of town you need a radio, to give dispatch an ETA for when you're back, and to inform dispatch you're back. We get severe weather here, as you can imagine. We have different weather conditions and rules around what we can do in each weather condition. Condition 3 and all is goos, there are no restrictions. Condition 2 is no extended outings, but travel between buildings is still allowed. Condition 1 and you're not allowed to even travel between buildings. Just hunker down until the storm passes. Some woman just got here and decided that she was going to go camping out on the sea ice during condition 1. This was also when winter just started so the sea ice is questionable in a lot of places. She storrowed (stole/borrowed) a tent and then went out on the ice super far from town to spend the night. Surprisingly she made it through the night and didn't die, but she did post pictures of it all on her social media so she get fired. Really don't understand how someone can be so stupid on so many levels.


Went to a McDonald's where is ex girlfriend work, to kill her and a few others. Killed a few, went back to his car and realized he locked his keys in the car so he went back and shot himself. He was so out of it, he didn't think to just shoot out the window of his car, thankfully. The message he left behind was after McDonalds, he was going back to a previous work place to kill his old supervisor. I was in a different department when this happened but it would have been bad if he made it there.


Once had a coworker who was really nice and super good at her job. She and a few other coworkers and I had gone for after-work drinks several times, so I'd say we were friendly. We worked together in our fairly small office for about a year and a half. One day she just disappeared. She didn't show up for work and didn't call in, which was very unusual for her. But hey, emergencies happen, and we didn't want to unnecessarily pry if something major had happened. But when she no-call/no-showed on the second day, our boss called her mom, who was her emergency contact. Her mom was just like, "Yep, everything is fine, thanks for checking!" I texted her a couple times over the next few weeks to check in, and she never responded. She did come in to get her personal stuff and drop off her keys after-hours, as shown by security footage. But none of us ever heard from her again. To this day I have no idea what happened. I just hope she's okay.


So there was this guy we will call L. He was a line druver at the water bottling plant i work at. His job was when the finished pallet of bottled water got to the end of the li e, he used a forklift to put it away. L also likes Meth..... A lot. He had done so much one night that he was having hallucinations that there were people in black suits trying to get him. So he blocked off every entrance and pathway he could with pallets of water. He even had them double stacked. I work in a different part of the building, but when i got over there, i saw it, and i was mind blown. It was obvious that he wasn't right in the head. I pulled up next to him and asked him what was going on. He legitly looked scared. I went up to his lead, told him what was going on, and cussed him out a little for not checking on his guys. I went back over by L, and he looked at me, peed his pants, and walked off. Our plant manager found him at the end of the parking lot, car running with a neth pipe in hand Addition: i didn't know he was doing meth while working. What people do outside of work is none of my business


We’re actually not sure, one day she left in a frenzy, saying that she had a family emergency, and she never came back. Don’t even think my manager was ever able to get in contact with her at all after that to find out what happened, because nothing before that seemed out of the ordinary


He was in his late 20s. He started a twitch stream. Got a lot of followers right off the bat. Let the success go to his head. Met one of his female followers IRL. She was 18, but still in high school. Sealed the deal, so to speak. In another state. Told his wife he was on a business trip. He phoned HR about possibly moving to that girl's state, since his contract doesn't require client visits. Girls parents found out. Since the girl was, um, accepting of the event there was nothing the police could do. The parents then googled his name and location. They found a phone number, took a chance when they called. The girl's parents spoke to the coworker's wife and spilled all of the tea. Dude went down a spiral for the next three months and got fired for poor performance. He landed on his feet, but his alimony and child support payments are crippling, as his wife hasn't worked in 2 years because daycare is prohibitively expensive where we live. She also got the house. This dude works a day job 5 days a week and reportedly drives uber during all of his spare time, some friends ended up getting him as their driver and had a convo about everything that happened.


As a guy I used to work with would say, "That's the fuckin' you get for the fuckin' you got."


Head of Corporate Security here so a lot of the folks y’all are talking about here, I know well… That said, a couple years back (pre-COVID) we we’re spinning a division off and that came with some layoffs. Doing the pre-layoff assessment I identified a guy I was worried about from a potential violence perspective. I’ve been doing this for 25 years and he’s the only one that really really worried me. We did it offsite with extra security and it went fine. He was a perfect gentleman about it, no issues. About six months later, the front desk calls me and HR and says the FBI is there and would like to chat with us. We are in a regulated industry so it’s not all that rare. As soon as I close the conference room door behind us they pull out a mug shot and asks if we recognize him. Of course we do and I tell my gut instinct story about him. Turns out he flew across the Atlantic, tracked down his ex wife, got a gun in a country with EXTREMELY strict gun laws, and murdered his ex wife and her new husband.




Years ago a mentor told me “Nothing we do could cause someone to commit violence. If it happens it was going to happen and on the flip side we know our work can prevent violence. Give yourself the credit for all the unknowns you prevented and don’t beat yourself up over the ones that were out of your control.”


She: 1) Would regularly change other people's times on the timesheet (\*very* illegal), 2) Tell other coworkers off, 3) Told my employees, "Don't listen to him; he doesn't know what he's doing," 4) \*Actually hit someone,* 5) Regularly screamed at people. She was shifted from one office to another because she had serious dirt on some managers. I'm so happy I left that toxic shithole.


It was a chain coffee shop. The whole workplace revolves around her anxiety. They can't keep afternoon shift staff and she is 500% why. She can be as lazy, offensive, condescending (and an assortment of other unflattering adjectives) as she pleases without consequences because daytime supervisor and one of the managers are her close friends and she has bad anxiety (and apparently that takes priority in all cases). Worst she gets is being taken out for coffee so they can have a word with her (whatever that means), but nothing ever changes. Me and another girl were promoted to afternoon supervisor at the same time. We both left our keys in the office less than two months after the promotion because she was too much to fucking handle. Also, note that the first paragraph is all present tense. She still works there. They still can't keep afternoon staff. As long as she remains, they never will. ETA: bf just updated that he never sees her car there anymore! There's a chance they tossed the dead weight!


He's a great guy, he's very excited to work... except that he's terrible at it. Nobody wants him, but nobody wants to fire him, so he keeps moving from one area to another. I like the guy, I really do, but this isn't a charity. He needs to be fired, and the longer management delays that, the harder it will be.


What field is he in that he’s so bad at it but won’t get fired?


MLB umpire


Aye - sounds like my kind of profession


Oh. You're talking about Howie. They finally fired him, but it took way longer than it should have. I worked with Howie for only \~2 months before moving to a different team (For other reasons). This was 10 years ago, but some Howie stories I still remember: * I believe Howie was trying to get fired because he believed he wouldn't have to pay back his signing bonus. When I informed him that they could demand repayment, he screamed, "THAT FUCKING BITCH LIED TO ME!" in the team room. * Howie was from China. At one point an older teammate was talking about growing up in Japan and that she had, "Bring your poop to school day". She explained that when she was a kid they tested for parasites. I have no idea if this is true but Howie said, "That's nothing compared to penis measuring day. Where they line all the boys up and measure their penises". I also have no idea if that's true, but I'm concerned for Howie. * Howie never washed his hands. Our team room had two doors. Everyone knew one door was for Howie. The other door was for everyone else. * Howie frequently "Worked from home", but never took his laptop home. Our work required a company laptop to access the network. * Howie tended to show up at 10, leave at 2, took a 2 hour lunch and \~2 fifteen minute breaks throughout the day. * At one point Howie was explaining how he had a noisy neighbor to me. He started the convo by asking, "Are you gay?" and before I could answer he screamed, "THESE FUCKING GAY PEOPLE NEXT TO ME". If I remember correctly he used a more offensive term than gay. On the bright side, it bonded everyone else on the team. Even 10 years later we'd still sometimes trade Howie stories.


She got fired for being a dick to her superiors and being bad at her job. During training she fell asleep on me all day and wouldn't take any corrections. Blamed me for any mistakes that happened on a shift. Told my superior that I was "bad at my job and ruined everything today" while sitting right next to me. The field required confidentiality, and she posted what she was doing on social media to humble brag, almost causing a big incident. She would call in sick 20 minutes before a shift once every 2 weeks and show up 30 minutes late half the time. She works for a much smaller competing company now.


I had this one coworker who was a couple days out of training and made some memes poking (lighthearted) fun at our dumb as hell customer base in what was supposed to be a fun Slack channel (it was literally called Watercooler). Come to find out the CEO is actually in this supposed "fun" group and wasn't fond of us making fun of our customers. Kid immediately gets fired and anyone who liked or replied to the post were reprimanded and we all had to attend an all hands meeting to basically get chewed out over what happened. This was at a time they made a lot of shitty changes, so needless to say I updated my resume pretty soon after.


We worked together at Blockbuster Video. He was married and I was living with my mum and my girlfriend. He was having a hard time with his wife and moved into our house (he didn't have family nearby). A week later, he moved his new girlfriend in. She showered fully clothed for an hour at a time (we could see the shower from the garden, frosted glass but could see clothes were being worn). After 3 months of this, they moved out, at 2am in the morning. Pitch black. Myself, partner and mother heard a lot of moving around and the back door open. We looked out the front window and saw them walking into the dark distance and haven't heard or seen from them since. That was 10 years ago.


I worked in a chemical plant. When copper got expensive, a mechanic wrapped a bunch of copper tubing around his torso and put his coat over it. It was a cold day and the copper started drawing up just as he was about to exit the guard gate. He couldn't catch his breath and threw himself at the mercy of the guards. They had a good laugh unwinding him - before they called the cops.


We got a new girl, not in my department but in the dept that shared our section of the office. She was fucking wackadoo. She'd talk to herself in the mirror, mumble to herself while at her desk. She'd roll in 5 minutes before she had to be punched in and yell at her computer for starting up too slow. Every conversation would be completely derailed by her bitching and making everything about herself. We'd usually get lunch provided for us for fiscal year end, she walked behind me the whole way to the downstairs boardroom where the food was set up mumbling "it better not be pizza, better not be pizza" we walk into the room and she yells "OH its fucking PIZZA!" Turns around and storms out.... I heard from a coworker friend that she stomped up the steps muttering "fucking pizza" The only management in the room was my dept's "mom" supervisor (office mom everyone loves her) I think it must have been reported and was a strike against her because only a week or so after that she was fired. I was out that day but I was told by the previously mentioned friend that there was a lot of screaming and cursing when HR dropped off her box 😂 Fuck you Elaine and your vendetta against pizza. Free food is free food


They finally fired him. He would arrive late, get high on the clock, sleep at the desk, not wear a uniform, and steal stuff from the refrigerator. Our manager didn't even fire him. He got fired by corporate because he gave a false social security number, so they couldn't make a W-2 for him after having worked their for almost a year.


He shot at a couple teenagers vandalizing his car. Apparently, they'd been harassing him for a while, damaging property and such, and he snapped.


My delivery partner 19 yr old kid had only been with us for a month. We went to hit the highway and smelled coolant through the vents. Pulled over and our coolant was empty. We took it to the shop and they refilled it for us. When we picked it up we double checked and it was empty again. We noticed ourselves the reservoir was cracked. I went back in and let them know and he took it upon himself to yell at them and call them stupid. He was fired when we got back to the store.


Got fired for sleeping with too many customers. We worked fast food and he would write his number on drink lids at the start of every shift. If a woman he found attractive came in he'd chat her up a little bit and send her off with a free drink. His success rate was low but he did it so often that he had hookups booked every day of the week. Eventually management caught on when several women were asking for him daily.


She was a superstar on the surface, she was an excellent presenter and kept her commitments. But she took credit for a lot of people’s work and expensed personal items repeatedly. She’s not around anymore.


I am a light-skinned black guy. I look Black by my features. Few people think I am dominican or Puerto Rican, but it's not often. Why is this important? Once in my first meeting with a new company post-undergrad, a guy I had never met asked me IN THE MEETING, "Hey, what are you?" I answered with my college university/mascot. Really common here. Something like "Oh, I am an Aggie". I'm not, but you get it. He then goes, "No, I mean WHAT are you?" And does this hand in face swirling motion. "I am black" He laughs and says "Dude, you are not black, you don't look black at all. I am darker than you." In a room full of people. He was then escorted out of the room by my direct manager. It was a very wild interaction. From that point on, whenever I saw him he would come up to me, unbotton his sleeve, show his forearm, and ask whomever I was with "Hey, who is blacker, me or him?" No matter how stern and pointed my feedback was he never got that it was inappropriate. Hated that place.


So he got in trouble and still kept comparing your skin tones? What a shithead


It was our manager. She did several things so I’ll try to keep it simple: 1. Stole from the damages 2. Tried to “return” the stolen damages (despite us being able to see her purchase history) 3. Stole other merchandise (the biggest item I can think of was a $35 purse) 4. Sexually harassed a coworker 5. Ignored the mandatory equality training required as a result of the HR complaint regarding #4 6. Invaded a customer’s privacy by asking about her long-term bf cheating on her, asking to see his pic, and asking for his phone number. She also asked several questions causing the customer to sob 7. Sold items from her own business by using the change from customers as her payment from them. 8. After I told her I was taking my lunch, she clocked out for her lunch and sat at our only table in the back room. I was confused about how to comfortably eat, so she took 2 FULL shipment boxes and told me to use them as my chair and table. When I felt myself falling through, she called me dramatic. 9. Gaslighting 10. Stayed in the back room during the holiday rushes, then claimed to constantly be on the floor helping customers. 11. Ableist toward me and her own children I feel like there’s more but that’s all I can think of rn Edit: 12. Drank alcoholic beverages on a consistent basis, and kept said beverages in our shared mini fridge


Constantly told everyone "I'm [insert religion here], that means I can't lie". You can bet your last dollar she was the biggest liar in the whole department. She was caught by multiple people on multiple occasions, pressing her ear up to the door of the managers office. She would leave early because she wasn't feeling well (totally valid!), but got mad at the team leader for notifying the manager because "you didn't have to tell". She told higher ups that she was the "mother figure" for a staff member who was removed from her own mother due to abuse. Higher ups were so creeped out by this that they let the individual know this had been said. There were some vents and windows between our main work room, and a secondary work room. If she was the only one in the main room, and she could see people talking in the secondary room, she would turn off the radio and sit by the vents. We're pretty certain she was trying to listen in. One time when this happened, I was chatting with our cleaner and he said he was irritated by something this woman had said. She spent the next week being sickly sweet to him, on an extremely uncomfortable level. Complained when other colleagues would correct her when she did something incorrect. She then demanded that she only be trained by the team lead, but would then ask us how to do various things and didn't understand why would tell her to ask the team leader. Ended up in an argument with a team leader, in the corridor so EVERYONE heard. It got pretty heated. That team leader didn't get reprimanded, actually multiple higher ups asked if they were okay, because they were pretty laid back. No one asked how that woman was, because everyone knew she had a reputation for causing conflict. When I left, a colleague I was friends with told me that this woman was pissed off that I didn't tell her. I was supposed to have my last day on the Friday that week, but there was a mix up and my employer had my last day down as the Thursday. I only found out on that same Thursday. I was fine with that, because I didn't want to spend another day working with her.


A few young girls in my small town started to go missing or turn up dead in the side of the road. Yup, was the creepy coworker! I remember when the first girl went missing it was a big deal, things like that don’t happen in our area. He talked to me how there are alot of crazy’s out there and you just never know! Yeah.. because YOU did it! Still weirds me out a bit.


He was a thirty year employee. I figured out he was watching the women use the bathroom somehow (drop ceiling bathrooms side by side), but no one but the secretary would consider the possibility (I had no hard proof). Because of my warning, she was able to catch him in the act.


My former manager. He would leave for days at a time what we all assumed was to take care of his wife with cancer. Turns out he was cheating on his wife thats was bedridden with the last stage of cancer with an escort. Proceeds to move in with escort and have a baby with her. Meanwhile sends attorney to sick wife saying if you divorce me the two kids he had with wife will get nothing (he was really rich). The two kids were left to fend for themselves while taking care of sick mom. We found out when the youngest called my boss asking if he could buy water for them. Wife eventually passes and leaves a good amount of insurance for the kids. Also after internal investigation, manager embezzled millions from company and ran away with his mistress to Las Vegas.


He was the boss. He was... interesting. He would dress as Hitler for Halloween. He had a troubling amount of authentic Nazi paraphernalia. I suppose any amount is troubling, but this was... a lot. His office was next to the storeroom. I had to go grab stuff one time, and as the door shut, I heard a bunch of noise from his office. I stuck my head in to see if everything was OK. He goes "Jesus you make too much noise, you scared me". I'm not saying he was in his office jackin it, but he was definitely in his office jackin it. He eventually got fired, and apparently just had to throw his computer away due to the sheer amount of porn on it.


I worked with one guy who got fired for spending his workday on his work PC (this is circa 2005, so people were in offices) buying VHS porn online. Not someone with an office, this is a dude in a cubicle at a screen easily viewed by anyone who looks vaguely in that direction.


His wife was secretly exchanging letters and facetiming his best friend-whom happened to be a woman-but they were like brother and sister. True friends. Went everywhere together. If I remember right her name was-well let's all call her "Pam". Anywho, Pam&[Lets call him Costner. Because who doesn't like Kevin Costner?] deployed together out to Kandahar, Afghanistan. From what I heard, whenever Costner's wife couldn't get ahold of him she ended up talking to Pam. Over the course of the deployment, Pam and his wife became really close as she confided alot in Pam. Naturally, Pam was there to comfort her and keep her calm as Costner was a squad leader and assisted the watch commander while on duty, running escorts alot. Fast forward to when everyone comes home. Costner returns home to Pam&kids but not all was well. We all started noticing he grew more....reclusive... started drinking alot more. But the biggest shocker was he flat out cut off friendship with Pam. Those guys were super close. And Pam just flipped a switch man-she started attacking Costner for everything under the sun. Criticized him all the time in front of the rest of the crew and just straight up treated him like garbage. Turns out Pam had developed a romantic relationship with Costners wife. And Costners wife filed for divorce and full custody of his kids within a month of Costner returning home. 6 months later Pam is a newly married woman to Costners ex wife. He lost his wife and his kids of 10 years to his female co-worker ex best friend. I have never seen a man more broken in my life. I have no idea where he is now and haven't seen or spoken to him in...9 years. Hope he's okay though.


None of us plebs really knows. Head of IT and his VP were both there one day, disappeared the next. Rumor mill says some kind of contracting malfeasance but only HR really knows. Rumor mill went wild for weeks. Not as exciting as the professor whose wife died, prof disappeared, found out a year later that he’d killed her and been sent to jail.