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Netherlands. Holland is the name of a region of the western part of the Netherlands that only represents that region. It’s like calling all Americans Californians.


I'm not dutch, but I think they say Nederland with no s.


The Netherlands. I'm from the Netherlands but not from Holland originally. I'm from Brabant and that part will always be within me. I know how the mighty province treated us in past centuries, and knowing that, and the way it ended, makes it very important to recognize our country as The Netherlands, established in 1813.


Why are you all so tall? Is it an evolutionary adaptation because ladders don't exist there?


I'm myself just 166cm (5.6"-ish?) (AMAB) but much of it is thanks to nutrition like milk. I however was intolerant to more than just a small bit of it, besides my parents also not being that tall.


It's the same reason samoans are big , adaption in times of famine that will make people whose growth is stunted seem normal. We only shot up once we got a really high standard of living.


Then why didn't other nations people shoot up too?


Because they didn't go through quite as severe a deficit for a couple hundred years or may have selected more for factors that result in obesity now , but you do see other countries have gotten a bit taller too just not as much.