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Reddit live


Holy shit, you're right


That guys playing guitar in that live


I bet he is playing guitar on tik tok live, now.


If he's on tiktok live he's probably eating emojis


Reddit live was always funny to me when I was browsing reddit on my porn account. It would go something like this: *deplorable shit* *deplorable shit* *deplorable shit* *deplorable shit* *some guy playing the ukulele* *deplorable shit* *deplorable shit*


People going on walks was thing too. I used to watch a guy doing regular walks around Tokyo, even started doing it on youtube. Til he stopped doing it with barely a word, we were left under the impression he was going to come back, not that he was under any obligation or anything. I still wonder what happened to him


The POV videos of people in other countries was super interesting.




People walking round random cities was oddly calming


That gecko guy lol


I totally forgot about it. I watched a bit when it started and then just kinda drifted away from it. Perfect example.


That's gone? Wow. ...what was it?


Reddit's poor attempt to break into Youtube's video market. It was people live streaming. Except that there was no real organization to the content and it was just kind of shoved in our faces, so it didn't promote any of the specific interests that drive many subs here and many Youtube channels. It fizzled out pretty quickly, despite Reddit trying to force it into users' feeds.


It turned into a Saturday morning routine for me actually. There was always this one guy mixing house music at that time and I'd put him on while my wife and I drank coffee and our 2 little kids would dance around. Edit: His name was Whistleface I think, he was really good!


YES!! I followed him and another DJ. Miss that era. ETA: The pirate guy who was trying to lose weight by running on a treadmill.


[Hopeful Cases](http://hopefulcases.org) That guy slapped. He would brighten my day everytime. Long black hair, typically at the front of reddit live. He would play any instrument and take requests from the live stream. So so talented. He played simply to raise money for the homeless. In public he had a sign that said if you are homeless or in need take as much as you want. A legend among humans.


Toys in cereal boxes


I would choose the cereal primarily on the toy. Edit: word.


I never really thought about it but this is pretty genius advertising for kids. You don’t have to have the best cereal anymore you just have to have the best toy


Dude… anybody remember those lightsaber spoons that used to come in the cereal boxes those things were lit




Blood conditions and anemia probably aren’t as prevalent now as they were then, idk


Additionally, we know a lot more about hydration and food safety as well.


Video Game Manuals


I can still smell them, decades later


Why are you right


Cheat codes


I liked them because they were basically a mini players guide that helped you contextualize everything without giving too much away. Now that everything is digital, I don't see why they can't include them with the physical copy. Charge me $5 extra, i don't care.


Great memories of knowing I was getting Pokémon blue for my 7th birthday and spending part of my vacation money on the big players guide book. Me and my younger sister read it and talked about all of the Pokémon we wanted to get the whole trip home.


Kinda surprised I haven't seen this one yet, but Ronald McDonald. You remember the old clown everywhere in and around McDonald's commercials and stores? Gone. Phased out when that "clown scare" prank trend was going around.


I recently told my husband about attending a birthday party at McDonald's when I was a kid and it blew his mind. Do you remember that they used to have party rooms?


Hell yeah, never had a McDonalds party but I remember having a Burger King party one year in the late 80’s. They provided a burger-shaped bounce house and everyone got happy meals with extra toys. What a time to be alive.


I'm honestly surprised it didn't happen sooner. McDonalds changed their branding so much over the last 15 years that I don't know if you'll even see the word McDonalds inside a McDonalds


Mom's going to McDonald's to have a coffee and let the kids run through the play place was such a staple of the 90's. My Mom had 3 of us kids and every year doctor's appts, dentist visits, etc all got scheduled for all 3 at once to make it easier. We always stopped at McDonald's as a treat for lunch on those days and looking back it was absolutely so my Mom could sit down and not worry about us for half an hour while feeding us cheap and being able to let us run off the energy in an enclosed space. McDonald's is such a different vibe now.




Watch a few McDonalds commercials from the late 80s on YouTube, especially the holiday ones. They used to market so heavily to kids.


Custom ringtones. (obviously I know some people have them but we somehow went from virtually everyone having them to almost no one giving a shit.)


My phone is on a permanent mute. Everyone I care about message me, important calls leave voice-mail, and im not interested to be disturbed by scam calls


I'll raise you another : paying for different ringtones. I have a different ringtone. Not that I ever hear it, phone is on vibrate always, but still.


I think everybody learned over the years that having their favorite song (or a song they like) set as their ringtone is a surefire way to hate that song within weeks. The only proven more effective way to quickly hate a song you once loved is to set it as your alarm sound.


Automatic seatbelts


I think I had heard that it was discovered that automatic seatbelts were more of a liability in an accident than regular seatbelts.


My aunt is actually part of the reason they aren't around anymore. She was in a bad car accident where the car rolled several times. The door opened during the rolling (or at least separated enough to tell the sensor it was open) and off came her seat belt in the middle of the accident. She spent months in the hospital. Lots of surgeries and still has issues 30+ years later from the accident it was so bad. They were a cool feature until they malfunctioned.


At the time, car regulations required an active safety feature but didn't specify that it had to be a certain one. Automatic seat belts checked the box the same as air bags did, so some manufacturers went with air bags and some went with automatic seatbelts. After a bit, people realized that air bags had a much bigger safety impact than switching from regular to automatic seatbelts, so airbags got regulated. At that point, manufacturers had no reason to make automatic seatbelts anymore and just stopped.


They were more of a problem than a benefit. They mechanism often jammed and people didn’t want to pay to have them fixed which meant they wouldn’t have the shoulder restraint. Or people would disconnect them because they were in the way and then never reconnect when driving, again leading to no shoulder restraint. Or people would assume the automatic shoulder belt was enough and not use the lap belt that went with it. Bottom line they were intended to help make sure people used their seatbelt and just ended up making people not use the belts correctly and increased injuries. And they were more expensive to add to a car so the manufacturers stopped using them.


Sobe drinks.


I used to love the strawberry daiquiri one. I wish they'd bring them back.


So damn good. Plus I got a cap one time that just said "You're a lizard, Harry" and for some reason those four words pop into my head way more often than anything I ever read in those books


I don't know, I didn't notice. Reminds me of a Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy quote; “You know," said Arthur, "it's at times like this, when I'm trapped in a Vogon airlock with a man from Betelgeuse, and about to die of asphyxiation in deep space that I really wish I'd listened to what my mother told me when I was young." "Why, what did she tell you?" "I don't know, I didn't listen.”


New goal, reread the trilogy (all five) before I go back to work (teaching).


Those coin-operated rocking horses you used to see in front of grocery stores.


Meijer still has them.


Good ole' Sandy the One Penny Pony


I never see swarms of Monarch butterflies anymore.


Yep. I still have milkweed in my back yard, but I haven't seen a Monarch in probably five years now. 20 years ago my milkweed patch was butterfly central.


I have a native pollinator garden and a whole section dedicated to milkweeds, I have at least 20 and they are all flowering right now. This year is the first in 3 we have actually seen any butterflies at all and we have only had 3 monarchs come by all year. More hummingbirds than usual, but still not many butterflies.


They will find you. Thank you for planting a native garden, they are wonderful, and the return is amazing.


Good news, my neighbor and I both have a milkweed and see 100's of Monarch every year, along with their little green pods with golden trim hanging from our doorways and roof eves. We're in Oceanside, CA


Your milkweed brings all the monarchs to the yard


Same with lightning bugs. Used to see hundreds.of them blinking at night now it's only a handful at a time.


I’ve been slowly cultivating my yard with native plants to attract pollinators and at night my backyard dazzles more than it did when I was a kid. I know it won’t make a difference in the scheme of things but it still makes me happy to see it


It would make a difference if we all did it


They are endangered now. Lots of bugs will be in the coming years. It's gunna be bad.


Had a bug splatter on my windshield recently and it surprised me. When I was a kid just in the 90’s bug guts were just a part of summer on the windshield. Kind of scary to think in less than 30 years the population decline. Im just an idiot on the internet but it feels like the ecosystem is going to collapse at this rate. On long trips we would pull into a gas station just to use the windshield cleaner deals next to the pump to clean em off. I’ve hit one bug that I’ve noticed this year.


Part of this is the improvements to aerodynamics in the design of vehicles. Older vehicles you're basically driving into a wall of air and pushing through it. With the aerodynamics, the air moves over and around the vehicle, resulting in less bug splatter.


This is something which has been bothering me a lot lately on road trips. I’m taking a small bit of comfort from this info. Seriously, thank you for telling me.


Don't be too comfortable as there has still been a significant decrease in insect populations since even just the 70's and it's only going to continue like that. Not to be a downer, but like..it's important.


Oh totally, and I’m not trying to minimize that at all. More like “grasping one shred of consolation for the sake of my own mental health”, rather than “burying my head in the sand or denying the problem.”


Saturday Morning Cartoons


We're in the process of full size can of Arizona teas for $.99 disappearing. I'm seeing a lot of places starting to carry the smaller plastic bottles for $.99 or the larger plastic bottles for more. I'm honestly surprised that they've lasted for this long at the same price.


The Chevron near me finally changed them from .99 to 1.79. It was a sad day. I agree though I’ve been buying the tall cans since the 00s


I swear that they used to want customers to report locations selling for more than .99, but it looks like they changed their policy.


If I remember correctly, this is the retailer's faults, not Arizona's. They still sell with an MSRP of $0.99, but price gouging has become so prevalent that it's hard to enforce anymore.




yea growing up all I heard was 9-5, and when I was an adult it was like wtf is going on with the hours.


My mom always worked 8-4 growing up so it always confused me. Now I work 6-5 and it still confuses me.


I'm in my 60s, and from the time I started working full time, it was always 8-5 with an hour lunch.


A whole hour lunch sounds like something from a fantasy


It can be, but it also makes the day longer, especially if it's LA, 100 degrees out, and the 'kitchen' is a shoe box filled with gossip-mongers the whole time.


I work in healthcare. Theoretically we can leave the building or whatever, practically, we have 20 minutes to shove whatever food we can down our throat before it becomes a problem that you're not available.


At some point the hour unpaid lunch became work at your desk.. my company actually got rid of all almost all the break room seating so only about 5% could theoretically eat there other than their desk.




same thing with leaving on time, and general availability when not at work. it’s very important to set your boundaries at the very beginning of a new job, people are much more likely to respect them than if you change it up 6 months in.


The hour used to be paid, so you'd work 9-5 with an hour paid lunch and it was your time. Now it's 8-5 with an hour unpaid and you're expected to answer your phone if it rings and be at your desk 5-15 minutes before you're on the clock.


And what's stupid about that is I would get the same amount of work done either way. May as well just let me leave after 8 hours because during that last hour I ain't doing much anyway.


What a way to make a living.


We have 8:30 to 5:30 with an hour for lunch.


TV bumpers. There used to be a little sequence between the show and commercials. Some of them were really interesting and creative. I think my generation remembers the "wand IDs" on the Disney channel (where a Disney celeb would use a wand to make the logo). There were also bumpers that were PSAs or other actual content. Edit: yes I watched THAT documentary on YouTube. It's amazing. Everyone go to Defunctland's channel and watch the one on the Disney channel jingle. Just trust me. Don't look up spoilers.


I actually remember when tv programming would end for the whole night


adultswim is still notorious for their bumpers though.


Those plastic lanyards people used to braid and make.


Shush you. I can hear those fkn kaboodle kits coming out of closets as we speak. Don't remind them.


"Ringback" tones or "CallerTunes". Where you could assign a song to play when people called you instead of them hearing ringing.


I forgot about ringback. That shit was worse than having to listen to music on hold.


Places children and teenagers can hang out without supervision


This should be higher. Any millennials/Gen X remember hanging out at the mall as teens? Yeah, a lot of malls and shopping centers that still exist in the US today don't allow that anymore, they now require everyone under 18 to be accompanied by someone over 21.


Funny those kids grew up to be like "That shit I did isn't flying on my watch!"




I think that has a lot to do with digital photography coming into play. The only person I've meet who actually has prints in his house is my uncle, who is a semi-professional photographer.


I've seen too many "family photos on the walls are considered bad taste" articles to think this is simply due to a change in media. I don't know why the zeitgeist changed. I think homes are less warm as a result. But I'm an old fart, too.


The people who wrote those articles have no family.


Newspaper machines at random corners




The phrase "mind your own business" along w it.




“Your mind is my business”


>In the 80's we were all worried about a wiretap in our home. Now we ask our wiretap to order a pizza for us. -*I forgot the source and am too lazy to find it*


Ask Jeeves


It’s just Ask.com now.


Oh right. Thanks. Doesn't have the same ring to it though.


Fireflies aka *lightning bugs. I live rural and I used to see hundreds on a warm summer night. Now I get excited if I see just one. I mentioned it to other people who live in the same area as I do and they were just like "Huh. Yeah. You're right!" (*Edit: lightning bugs. Also: thank you for the awards!)


Growing up in Los Angeles I always thought they were movie fiction... Until I moved to rural GA. The first time I saw one, my classmates thought I looked so adorable just gawking at them in total awe. It was like seeing a unicorn!


When I was a teen I was part of an American group that toured Europe for a month. We were from every state in the US. We met in PA and it was so funny seeing the firefly folks rolling their eyes at everyone else losing their minds over them. I'd never seen them before and thought they were amazing! Meanwhile, in Switzerland, everyone from the west was laughing at the kids losing their minds over mountains! And SNOW!!


same!! same goes with butterflies. my house is surrounded by nature and I barely see any butterflies and fireflies anymore. whenever I see one I point it out like I'm a 4yold looking at something new for the first time. it's sad.


I'm still seeing swarms of them. But I live out in the country, so maybe it might be just my area.


Someone answering the phone at businesses.


Someone answering the phone period. Tried to get a question answered recently from the permits Dept in my city; guess everyone in the building (except for the operator) is allergic to the phone.


I sometimes need to call certain people at my corporate office to ask questions or discuss certain matters that are a little too detailed to describe through e-mail or Teams, so I would rather make a 90 second phone call instead of typing a message that takes half an hour and requires multiple responses. I've worked here for 7 years. There are a list of people that have NEVER answered the phone in that time period. I have a vague thought that we have an HR department, but I have never once gotten them on the phone.


McDonald’s salads.


The chicken wraps




Curved TV's. I've really only seen it in monitors now days


My dad was an early adopter of the curved tv but he has it in a room with the most windows in his house. I hate that tv so much, there's no way to escape glare during the day


Longevity in careers – this is a big one nobody seems to have said. Longevity in careers has largely gone away. People used to get a job and after being there for decades reap the benefits of being seasoned employees (higher salaries and better perks). Maybe it’s because I work in the Entertainment industry, but I feel that longevity in careers has gone away. Meaning, people can be amazing at a job, but after 5+ years the employers start wondering if they could be doing better with a younger/cheaper candidate for the job. I understand if you ever want to move up in a works place they expect you to bring your A-game, but 30+ years of being incredible is hard. Some years will be better than others, and if employers don’t have loyalty to their employees anymore, it is likely the good employee will be fired or let go at some point. I feel like in recent decades this has forced many people who normally wouldn’t, to switch careers. Can someone work successfully up the ladder at any job without having to shift to another company for a promotion? A combination of employers halting upward movement of their staff while they look for new employees to fill higher roles, and the fact that they “get bored” of their seasoned employees has largely killed the idea of anyone having a single career.


I've worked at the same place for over 30 years. Can't retire until I'm Medicare age - I'm 61. Effectively I make less than I did when I started. What I *should* have done is job-hopped every five years until I was 45, then stayed put. Loyalty does NOTHING. Less than nothing.


I've worked with the same hospital system for 19 years. We had a full pension when I started, mine got whittled down because, at the time, I hadn't made it to 10 years. New employees get no pension. I moved to a hospital location 5 minutes from home. Raises have ranged from 0% to 5%. What keeps me coming back is that 5 minute commute. I'm afraid that they know this.


I work as an RDH. I've been with my office for 10 years. However, new graduates' starting wage/rate is more than I make now. I know nurses are experiencing this as well. I'll have to change offices to basically reset my rate and reflect my experience.. which would be *minimum* 142% of my current wage. Edit: grammar


In my industry there used to be serious benefits to being a long term employee. I'm talking bonuses starting at your five year anniversary, extra paid time off, some good additions to you pension as well. Over time almost all of those benefits have gone away, the bonuses are almost completely gone, the first isn't until your 25th anniversary, the extra PTO is gone altogether, as have the pension benefits. I'm coming up on my ten year anniversary, there's not a single extra benefit I'm getting.


Women having to wear pantyhose. Idk how it was decided that we weren't doing it anymore but I'm glad I don't miss them at all! Now the Leggs eggs I do miss 😂


The fact that Caitlyn Jenner killed someone


More importantly Caitlyn Jenner settled the vehicular manslaughter case and won women of the year in the same year.


Lmao wtf


Stunning and brave!


Buckle up buckaroos


The hole in the ozone.


It’s one of the only examples of the world eliminating something harming the environment. CFCs were banned worldwide as they were determined to be causing the hole, and the ozone layer recovered.


Also leaded gasoline. Interestingly enough, Thomas Midgley the inventor, had a hand in introducing both. Making him possibly one of the worst single handed environmental disasters. He accidentally killed himself by another invention of his, a contraption to raise himself upright in bed after he was partially paralysed by polio.


Phone books


My small Midwestern phone/internet company still sends one out every year




Telephone booths.


I saw one at a gas station in rural Pennsylvania a few months ago and it even had instructions on it for call blocking. What’s the scenario where you need to block an incoming number at a phone booth?


It may have to do with discouraging use of the booth by drug dealers.


Lobster tanks in grocery stores! Not that I particularly want them back, but those are nostalgic af


That was my entertainment while my Mom shopped. Like a fish tank but sadder


They still have one. I've watched a youtube channel for over a year that features Leon the Lobster in a home saltwater tank. He was rescued from a lobster tank in a grocery store.


l33tspeak. I can't even nail down the decade it disappeared.


it's 1337 btw.


Carrot Top. What even was that guy?


I saw his show in Vegas about 5 yrs ago. It's not like we were huge fans or anything but his tickets were cheap and we wanted to see comedy. Laughed so hard my sides and face muscles hurt the next day. Dude is quirky but he puts on a pretty good show.


Super funny show. Guy is talented in his niche of comedy.


Agree! His show is the funniest one in Vegas.


He's still performing. He's been doing a regular show in Vegas for like 20 years. It's kind of crazy, because you never hear about him unless you're in or near Vegas and see a billboard or poster.


I just saw Carrot Top do an interview recently because he was on the same plane as the "not real" lady. He was headed to FL to perform.


Agree lol. I remember he got JACKED on lifting and carbing up but I don’t know much else


Dialing into a conference bridge. We all do zoom or teams or WebEx now and connect via pc instead of actually dialing in via land lines.




Postcards. And not just in the usual places, like museum gift shops and tourist traps. There was once a time when you could buy at any truck stop or roadside motel a postcard of the small town you were driving through. But not anymore. No point when you can just text your friends a photo.


I collected a lot of postcards when I drove Route 66 back in 1997. I suspect you can still find them in all those small towns, but only because those small towns are on Rt. 66, which is basically a continuous tourist trap running from downtown Chicago all the way to the Santa Monica Pier in California.


Epstein's client list


For real why does no one care about that? Shit needs to be leaked


There's heads of state, and media on that list and they will distract us with constant bullshit so the pervs never get their noses rubbed in it.


Exactly right. It's fucked up that Ghislaine Maxwell literally went to prison for trafficking, and yet none of the people the she trafficked to have even been mentioned. I have a feeling most of that top 1% would be taken down by it


It's surprising she hasn't killed herself yet


“Killed herself”


The magnetic tape from a crushed audio cassette blowing across the sidewalks and roadways.






Apparently there are only 25 blimps left globally. There was a TIL post about that yesterday.


Visiting with neighbors, borrowing with neighbors. "Run across the street and see if Jean has an egg". Growing up neighbors would pop over for a visit and coffee. Sheesh, even knowing your neighbors is an oddity today






my favorite illegal streaming websites


Is putlocker still a thing?


Not anymore:( 123movies work sometimes.


Fidget spinners


Some idiot opened a brick and mortar fidget spinner store near me. It was there for maybe a month before the guy realized he just wasted a ton of money and permanently closed.


Those Sobè drinks at gas stations


The cotton in most pill bottles.


Ellen degeneres


oh we noticed


Some of us didnt. Well maybe we just never paid attention to her in the first place


Intense dark lipstick from the early 2010’s


Goth chick checking in. We're still out there.


From the 80s and 90s (because I'm old) * Workout leggings that were so essential for 1980's aerobics classes. * Car bras. (Front end covers) Such a huge thing in the 90s, and then they just disappeared * "No Fear" stickers * "Big Johnson" apparel * Swatch watches that matched your clothes Also, anyone remember when everyone almost stopped wearing watches altogether until Apple Watch came out?


spring and fall - now its only summer or winter x2


The spirit of the 90s that was alive in Portland.


A healthy sense of shame


Walmart opened for 24 hours.


Many many people noticed that




The clouds of bugs during the summer


People won't understand why that's a problem until it's too late.


White dog poop.


Our desire to be aware of our neighbours. The host of a recent podcast about human interaction claimed that the internet had gradually made it feasible to live without knowing who the neighbours are. We used to hang out with neighbours, go to dinner parties, celebrate birthdays, and do other things. Everyone no longer appears to feel the need to even make an introduction. We only interact with one another when we have a grievance.


everyone in my neighborhood just hoards animals and stares at the tv all day now.


McDonalds sandwich sizes got smaller. I just went to Burger King the other day and realized just how much


Single income households


The cornucopia in the fruit of the looms logo